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Scientific methods and paradigm shifts

Methods & Tools

(two lessons)

Science and pseudo-science:


1. What is the main distinction Karl Popper made between science and pseudoscience,
and how did he arrive at this conclusion?
2. How did Karl Popper differentiate the scientific methods of Freud and Einstein, and
what insights did he gain from their approaches?
3. Explain Popper's view on the role of predictions in scientific theories, using
examples from Freud and Einstein.
4. According to Popper, why are irrefutable theories considered non-scientific? How
does he emphasize the importance of falsifiability in scientific inquiry?
5. Summarize the key takeaways from Karl Popper's philosophy regarding the nature of
science, pseudoscience, and knowledge.

Scientific methods:


1. What are the key components of the scientific method?

2. What significant role did telescopes play in Galileo Galilei's scientific endeavours?
3. What was Francis Bacon's vision for a new approach to science, and how did he
propose organizing scientific endeavours for the public good?
4. How did Descartes address the issue of certainty in knowledge, and what role did
systematic doubting play in his philosophy?
5. How do the contributions of Galileo, Bacon, and Descartes collectively form a
method or system for scientific inquiry?

Read sections 2 (“The Development of Science”) and section 3 (“The concept of paradigm”)
of the article “Thomas Kuhn” and:

1. From a real-life example (RLE), describe a paradigm shift in the Natural Sciences.
2. From the example you described, can you generalise how does the Natural Sciences
evolve over time? (What changed? Why did it change? Were there any disputes?
How were these disputes “solved”?)

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