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Tutorial sheet: information system

Exercise 1: the information system of a school

To register in a high school, a student must submit a registration file that will be studied. After that
he/she receives a mail to confirm and validate his/her registration.
In early September, an assembly of the school council, chaired by the principal determines the dates
that limit in time each of the three terms of the beginning school year. Those dates are mentioned in the
rules and regulations of the school.
The principal schedules the dates of class councils for each term according to the dates mentioned
above. Teachers must have filled the end of term progress record (report cards) three days before the
class council takes place. Teachers must have also established absences records and forwarded them to
the admission service that makes reports for the principal.
Your parents (if you are minor) are informed of your results through your report card which is sent to
them. When you choose your future threat of study, it must be confirmed by your parents.
1. Determines in the school, the elements that are part of:
a) The piloting system
b) The information system
c) The operating system
2. Identify the external actors to the organisation of the school
3. Complete the following diagram (systemic analysis of the school), by looking for the flow of
information between the sub-systems of the school mentioned in question 1

p. 1
Exercise 2: complete the following figures with cardinalities and types of associations

Customer Product
, ,
Order Type:


Employee Service
, ,
Appointed Type:

Person Car
, ,
Possess Type:

Town Country
, ,
Capital Type:

Exercise 3: case study Ahola

The personnel of the company are brought to frequently travel in the whole world. The management of
these business trip is currently realized using a spreadsheet. Facing the growth of the number of trips,
the chief information officer wants to make migrate this application in an environment of the type
relational DBMS.
A first analysis led to the entity-association diagram presented here below:

p. 2
Management rules:
▪ AHOLA is divided into 5 departments: marketing, design, information system, finance and
▪ Each employee is attached to only one department and it can travel only in one of both classes
suggested by the airline companies (economic or business).It can also only remain in a certain
category of hotel (2 *, 3 *, 4 *).
▪ A travel concerns only one person.
Work to do: complete the entity-association diagram above with the missing cardinalities.

p. 3
Exercise 4: transform the following CMD in relational model (relational schema)

Article Type Article

TypeCode 1,n Of Type 1,1 ArticleCode

TypeName ArticleName

Of Type

ProviderName ReceiptNum

Child School

ChildSC 1,1 Go to 1,n SchoolCode

ChildName SchoolName


1,n PostalCode
CName 1,n

p. 4
Product Type Representative
1,n Sells 1,1
ProductCode Code
ProductName Name
1,1 Responsible of 0,1



Expenses note
Num 1,n Contains 1,n
Type Num
Amount Total

p. 5
Plane Company

Num 1,1 Belongs 1,n Name


Works for

Flight 3,n 1,n
In charge of Personnel
Day Name
DepartureTime Function
ArrivalTime 0,n reserved 1,n
FreeSeats Reservation date
1,1 1,1 Name

Takes off Lands

1,n 1,n

Airport Town

Name 1,1 Of Type 1,1 Name

p. 6
Exercise 5: transform the following relational schema in conceptual models of data

Catalogue (Cat_Code, Cat_Title)

Speak_To (#Cat_Code, # Grp_Code)
Category (Grp_Code, Grp_Label_)
Customer (Cus_Num, Cus_Name, Cus_FirstName, Cus_Adress, # Grp_Code)

Customer (Cus_Num, Cus_Name, Cus_FirstName, Cus_Adress, #Rep_Num)

Representative (Rep_Num, Rep_Name, Salary)
Order (Order_Num, Date, #Cus_Num)
Product (Pdt_Ref, Pdt_Name, UP)
Concerns (#Pdt_Ref, #Order_Num)

Exercise 6: modelling a process

The town of Bamenda (City council) has put in place this year, a transport system by bus adapted to the
needs of old people and invalid people: HandyBus. Those buses are completely equipped for people
with reduced mobility. More than 13,500 ways (or tickets) have been recorded this year representing
more than 130,000 km.
This system links the different quarters of the town. It is a transport system in which the itineraries are
elaborated according to the users’ needs. The transport system is defined by zones. Each bus stop is
created following a user’s request (door-to-door) belonging to a transport zone. Schedules of passage
are calculated according to users’ reservations and the time required to complete the circuit.
To reserve, it is simple, the user just needs choose his/her seat on the previous day by calling a toll-free
number. Thus, HandyBus take in charge the user at his/her home, at the indicated time and drop him/her
at his/her chosen place according to the circuit.
The transportation fees are very moderate and make it possible for everybody to access the service (one
ticket: 135 FCFA, a book of 10 tickets: 1000 FCFA).
This service is very appreciated by the population, that’s why it is planned for next year, to put in place
a second HandyBus to meet the users’ needs particularly important on market days. It has even
happened to face serious difficulties to establish the circuit because it was impossible to do it: the driver
had to be in two different quarters to pick users at the same time.
1. Define the information system of HandyBus: precise its components, functions and objectives.
2. List the actors (internal and external) of the reservation process
3. What is the trigger event of that process?
4. Describe some tasks that are automatically realized in the first activity of that process.
5. What are the activities carried out by the council?
6. What is the nature of the second trigger event realized by the council?
7. What is the repetition frequency of the activities? Draw a conclusion about the nature of the
8. Who are the beneficiaries of the planning of circuits?
9. At what moment is it established that the circuits of the next day are not possible? Which
modification of the process can be done to solve that problem?
10. What can be the benefit for the council and the user of an online reservation? Can this last one
suppress the first one (toll-free number)?

p. 7
Exercise 7: technical school
The principal of a technical secondary school wants to establish a database of the teaching activities of
his/her school. The management rules are as follows:
▪ The school is divided in 2 sections: industrial and commercial
▪ Each section has many specialties.
▪ Some specialties start only in the second cycles, some end in the first cycle, and some are
present in both first and second cycle.
▪ The classes are therefore divided according to the specialty and the level
▪ Subjects are also taught according to classes and specialties. The coefficients of those subjects
also vary according to the level of the class, the specialty and the section. E.g.: English is taught
in all classes but with different coefficients.
▪ Each subject has a weekly time allocation depending on the class, the level, and the specialty
of the class.
▪ Subjects are grouped in three categories: general education, professional education, and
complementary subjects.
▪ Teachers teach different subjects according to their specialty of training.
▪ Each student is registered in one and only one class
The principal wants in particular in database able to produce for each class , the subjects taught, their
coefficients and the teachers teaching those subjects. For a particular subject, he wants to know all the
classes in which it is taught, the teachers and the different coefficients.
Work to do:
1. Establish the CMD.
2. Establish the LMD.
3. Establish the relational schema.

p. 8

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