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Pros and cons of using social media for business

Hotsulyak Sofia FTM 2-16

Good morning, my name is Sofia, and today we will
talk about the topic "Pros and cons of using social
networks for business". This presentation will
consist of 4 parts. In each slide, we will consider
this topic in detail. After the presentation, you can
ask your questions, let's get started

And the first thing we will talk about is the advantages of using social networks for business:

Social media is a great way to get people interested in what you're selling and to find new

Businesses can talk to their customers by leaving comments or sending private messages. This
makes customers happier and helps businesses serve them better.
Social media helps businesses make their brand, create a special style, talk to their fans, and
show off their brand

A lot of social media sites have tools that break down data. This helps businesses make their
marketing strategies better

Teaming up with popular social media personalities or people who support your brand can
make more people know about your brand and trust it

In the second point, we will consider the disadvantages of using social networks for business:

Changes in how social media works can change who sees a business's
posts. This means businesses might need to pay to reach more people.

Bad comments or reviews can quickly spread on social media

and hurt a brand's image
Making your business visible and engaged on social media takes a
lot of work and time. You need to create posts, talk to people who
follow you, and see how well your efforts are paying off.
Social media has a lot of other businesses trying to get attention too, which can make it hard for
yours to be noticed.

Information that a business shares on social media might become hard to manage, especially if
people leave negative comments or if there are difficult situations.

Knowing these good and bad things will help businesses use social media well for what they
want to do
Third, we'll talk about tips for getting started with social media for business:

What do you want from social media? Do you want more people to know about your brand? Do
you want customers to like your brand more? Or do you want to sell more? Once you know what
you want, you can pick the right social media sites and make the right posts

Not all social networks are the same. It is important to choose platforms where your target
audience is. For example, if you want to reach a young audience, you should use platforms like
Instagram and TikTok
It's important to keep an eye on your outcomes so you can see what's going well and what's not.
This will help you change your plan and make things better

Social media works both ways. Don't just post and leave. Answer comments and messages, ask
questions, and join discussions
Your posts need to be interesting, informative, and helpful to the people you're trying to reach.
That way, they'll be more likely to pay attention and want to see more of what you have to say
To the fourth point, I refer to the trends of the social network for business in the year two
thousand and twenty-four, then we will briefly consider these points

Short videos like TikTok and Reels are becoming more and more popular.

Utilize information to make content and ads that fit your customers' interests and needs.

Collaborate with influencers who are influential to your target audience.

More and more people are turning to social media to get help from businesses.
So, let's sum up: social media can really help your business if you use it
smartly. Do your homework, make good stuff to share, and talk with
your followers. That way, you can make social media work for your
business and help it grow.
Social media is like a tool. Just like any tool, it can be helpful or harmful.
It's important to use social media smartly and carefully to reach your
business goals.
Thank you for your attention and now you can ask your questions

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