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Global Politics - Paper 2 Essay Planning

123 GPOL
Thesis and Signposting:

Globalization harms, rather than benefits, the poor of the Global South. Discuss.
Yes, as globalisation in its current form is a system of oppression as opposed to one of development; it only benefits
the rich of the Global South and allows Global North countries to exploit the weakness of the South in such a way that
harms the population of these countries

Claim and Reasoning 1: Counter-Claim and Reasoning 2: Claim or Counter and Reasoning 3:
Globalisation allows economic Globalisation has created institutions While economic globalisation has
exploitation, as statistically the Global designed to benefit states of the occurred, the other, arguably most
South’s economies benefit from Global South so that they may positive aspects of globalisation in
globalisation, but the average person develop and improve the livelihoods terms of political and cultural
sees little improvement in their lives of their inhabitants globalisation simply do not take place

Key Concepts and Levels of Analysis 1 Key Concepts and Levels of Analysis 2 Key Concepts and Levels of Analysis 3
HDI, GDP, exploitation, Global North NGOs, Gini coefficient Authoritarianism, failed states

Evidence 1a: Evidence 2a: Evidence 3a:

Shell in Nigeria The IMF is an international financial China has fully integrated into the
The energy company Shell has a agency that is part of the UN which is neoliberal economic system
monopoly on oil extraction in parts of a major lender of money to Global dominated by Global North countries,
Nigeria; the areas surrounding their South states, providing them with and has closed the gap between itself
plants have been extensively economic benefits and also and these countries economically.
damaged by pollution and some sponsoring efforts to improve their However, China is an increasingly
locals have had to move. They also institutions so there is more authoritarian state, opposing the
exploit local labour so they can pay economic participation and real general suggestion that economic
minimal wages and follow loose growth that will benefit the poor development improves education,
safety standards living standards, etc. and therefore
the demand for democracy and the
expansion of freedoms (the poor
would be the most positively affected
by these changes)
Evidence 1b: Evidence 2b: Evidence 3b:
Belt and Road Initiative The International Red Cross/Crescent Many Global South nations,
The B&RI is a global infrastructure Movement is a global movement of particularly in the MENA region, have
project initiated by China with the various Red Cross/Crescent seen a rise in anti-Western
stated goal of economically benefiting organisations which work to provide movements in response to perceived
both China and recipient countries. humanitarian aid to people suffering increased cultural influence of Global
However, China and Chinese from issues of health, starvation, etc. North countries, particularly the
corporations receive substantial in areas affected by economic United States. Ideas of secularism,
influences in these countries due to underdevelopment, war, natural women’s rights, LGBT rights, etc. are
their reliance on them for disasters, etc., which end up seen as threats to these societies and
infrastructure and also is often disproportionately affecting the poor leads to conflict between those living
granted control over vital resources of the Global South due to the in more developed and economically
prevalence of these issues there prosperous areas vs those living in
Global Politics - Paper 2 Essay Planning
impoverished areas who often lack
education, different perspectives etc.
This can escalate to violence in such
cases as Syria and the Arab Spring,
and this mostly impacts the poor
Supporting Academic Theory 1 and Supporting Academic Theory 2 and Supporting Academic Theory 3 and
Link: Link: Link:
Dependency theory, neoliberalism Washington Consensus, Social liberalism, democratisation,
humanitarianism human rights


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