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August 19th, 2023 Miss Ana Hermosilla

Test Nº1
Name: ________________________ Score: ____/ 48 Mark: __________

I. Complete with HAS or HAVE (10 pts)

a) She ___________ glasses.

b) I ___________ a ponytail.
c) He __________ moustache.
d) You __________ long hair.
e) She __________ freckless.

II. Write the correct action (05 pts)

Jump – Fly – Walk – Run - Swim

III. Answer with “Yes, I can” or “No, I can’t” (05 pts)

a) Can you swim? ___________________

b) Can you read? ____________________
c) Can you ride a horse? _________________
d) Can you fly? ___________________
e) Can you draw? ________________
August 19th, 2023 Miss Ana Hermosilla

IV. Complete with the articles “A” or “AN” (12 pts)

V. SPEAKING (16 pts)

a) Hello: _________
b) How are you?: _______
c) What’s your name?: _______
d) Nice to meet you: ________
e) Where do you live?:________
f) What’s your favorite food? _________
g) Do you like broccoli? _________
h) Goodbye! : _________

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