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Title of the Activity/Lesson: Valuing Multilingual Learners and Their Contributions

Age Group: 1st Grade (7 Years Old)

Brief Description of the activity/lesson: Write two-three sentences to summarize what will happen during this
lesson (similar to a movie teaser, or an abstract of an article). This description can also help readers understand
how this activity fits into a unit or project.

Students will engage with their classmates and have a conversation. During this conversation, the students will
determine key things that make them unique. Students will compare and contrast using a Vein Diagram to
pinpoint the ways that we are similar and different to our peers. Students will begin to gather knowledge of
different language and cultural values and practices throughout their conversations.

Developmental Focus (What developmental domains or skills will this lesson address? Are you working to help
children achieve a particular milestone?) Am I focused on helping children learn and grow in a particular domain
set in the NYS Early Learning Standards?)

I am focused on helping children learn about language development through writing and engaging in dialogue
with their classmates. Children will learn key lessons in social studies as well when it comes to learning about the
different things that different parents do which open the door to various occupations and possible community
member recognition through narratives.

Objective(s) (What will children know, or demonstrate as a result of this learning experience? Choose one or
two objectives to focus on)

Children will demonstrate their ability to compare and contrast different elements of a person’s personal

Connection to Standards/Learning Guidelines (Be sure to specify which set of standards you are working with
to construct your learning activity)
We will be using a set of standards that expand on children’s language development and acquisition. Children
will learn new vocabulary and practice their writing skills.
Relevance/Rationale (Why are the objectives of this lesson important with regard to supporting the
development, growth and learning of infants and toddlers?)
The relevance that this lesson has to child development is that it is working on children’s language
development from various levels, they are communicating in speech and also in writing about the things that
they learned and observed from their classmates. I believe that developing this inquisitive spirit in the
students will foster a sense of agency in the classroom.

Instructional Context (Is this activity a whole group learning experience, or an activity designed for an
individual, or small group?)
This activity Is primarily between two students so the whole class will be separated into groups of 2; and if
there is an uneven group, 1 group of 3.
Time Needed / 45 minutes
Procedure (step by step) (will the children be participating in the activity in a whole group, small group, or
individually? How will you get children’s attention? What will happen during the lesson? what will children
do? What will you do?) The children will be prompted to converse with their partner until time is up for them
to begin writing what they have learned about the activity, once they each create their own personal Venn
Diagram about each other, they will share their findings with each other (through their perspective) and then
they will present to the entire group what they learned about each other.

Resources/Materials Needed / Paper, pencils

Room modifications (what changes, if any, will you need to make to the physical environment to enrich this
experience?) All students should be in the middle of the classroom at the beginning of the activity with their
partner in an environment that’s full of a community that is engaging with one another.

Plan for differentiated instruction/Instructional modifications (How will you support the individual needs of
children?) / Give them more time if they need, allow them to use assisted technology, provide devices that
might facilitate better communication, be open to suggestions from them

Method of assessing children’s growth and learning (What methods will you employ to document, or provide
evidence of children’s growth and learning? Specify the assessment tools that will be used to provide you with
evidence of children’s learning, or that objectives have been met) I will be taking notes with pen and paper or on
my laptop
Follow-up/Extension Activities (How can I provide an opportunity to remediate, reinforce, or expand on
students’ learning today in class?) I can have them bring in an object from home that represents a cultural
artifact for them.

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