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Data Management Tool

Supported Entities & Advanced
Template Packages
Internal Purposes Only:
DMT Supported Entities & Adv. Template Packages

Table of Contents
DMT Supported Entities .............................................................................................................................................1
Overview ..............................................................................................................................................................1
Prerequisites ...................................................................................................................................................1
Supported Entities ...............................................................................................................................................1
Advanced Template Packages ................................................................................................................................. 14

Title Placeholder
Subtitle Placeholder

DMT: Supported Entities & Advanced Template Packages Copyright © Epicor Software Corporation 2014
Internal Purposes Only:
DMT Supported Entities & Adv. Template Packages

DMT Supported Entities

Below describes the supported entities within Epicor ERP that DMT can work with, without additional


 Data Management Tool: or above

If you have a need for any imports that are not available, please contact your Epicor Customer Solutions Group to seek
additional assistance for these requirements.

Menu Entity Add Update Delete


Cost Adjustment Title Placeholder • - -

Quantity Adjustment Subtitle Placeholder • - -


Part • • •

Part Attachments • • •

Part Alternative • • •

Part Bin Info • • •

Part GLControl • • •

Part Lot • • •

Part Lang Desc • • •

Part Lot Attachment • • •

Part Plant • • •

Part UOM - • -

Part Revision • • •

Internal Purposes Only:
DMT Supported Entities & Adv. Template Packages

Part Warehouse • • •

Part Revision Attachment • • •

Part Rev Insp Plan • • •

Part Rev Insp Supplier • • •

Part Restriction • • •

Part Restriction Substance • • •

Part Country Of Origin • • •

Part Tax Exemption • • •

Part Combined • • -

Internal Part Cross Reference • • •

Global Part Link

Title Placeholder • • •

HS Commodity Subtitle Placeholder • • •


Product Group • • •

Part Class • • •

Serial Number • • •

Inventory Transfer • - -

UOM • • •

UOM Class • • •

Ship Via • • •


Warehouse • • •

Warehouse Bin • • •


Internal Purposes Only:
DMT Supported Entities & Adv. Template Packages

Operations • • •

Resource Groups • • •

Bill Of Operations • • •

Bill Of Materials • • •

CoParts • • •

Substance • • •

Substance Restriction Type • • •

Operation Standard • • •


Capability • • •

Title Placeholder
Additional Capabilities • • •

Capability Resources Subtitle Placeholder • • •


Supplier • • •

Supplier Attachment • • •

Supplier Bank • • •

Supplier Contact • • •

Supplier Price List • • •

Supplier Purchase Point • • •

Supplier GLControl • • •

Manufacturer • • •

Manufacturer Part • • •

Supplier Part • • •

Approved Supplier • • •

Internal Purposes Only:
DMT Supported Entities & Adv. Template Packages

Qualified Manufacturer • • •

Global Supplier Link • • •

Supplier Combined • • •


RFQ Head • • •

RFQ Line • • •

RFQ Quantity • • •

RFQ Supplier • • •

RFQ Combined • • •


Customer Attachment
Title Placeholder • • •

Customer Group Subtitle Placeholder • • •

Customer Group Prices List • • •

Customer Group Disc Price List • • •

Customer • • •

Customer Bank • • •

Customer Industry Class • • •

Customer Alt BillTo • • •

Customer Contact • • •

Customer ShipTo • • •

Ship To Contact • • •

Customer Manifest Bill • • •

ShipTo Manifest Bill • • •

Customer GLControl • • •

Internal Purposes Only:
DMT Supported Entities & Adv. Template Packages

Customer Part Cross Reference • • •

Global Customer Link • • •

CRM Call • • -

Customer Price List • • •

Ship To PriceList • • •

Customer DiscPrice List • • •

ShipTo DiscPrice List • • •

Customer UPS Email • • •

ShipTo UPS Email • • •

Managed Supplier • • •

Customer Combined
Title Placeholder • • •

UD Tables Subtitle Placeholder

UD01-UD40 • • •


Case • • •

Case Attachment • • •

Sales Order Combined • • •

Sales Order Header • • •

Sales Order Header Attachment • • •

Sales Order Detail • • •

Sales Order Detail Attachment • • •

Sales Order Release • • •

Sales Order Misc Charge • • •

Sales Order Line Misc Charge • • •

Internal Purposes Only:
DMT Supported Entities & Adv. Template Packages

Sales Order UPS • • •

Quote Header • • •

Quote Header Attachment • • •

Quote Header Misc Charge • • •

Quote Detail • • •

Quote Detail Attachment • • •

Quote Detail Misc Charge • • •

Quote Assembly • • •

Quote Material • • •

Quote Operation • • •

Title Placeholder • • •

Sales Region Subtitle Placeholder • • •

Topic • • •

Topic Children • • •

Demand Contracts Header • • •

Demand Contracts Detail • • •

Sales-Work Force

Work Force • • •

Work Force Authorized User • • •

Sales-Price List

Price List • • •

Price List Part • • •

Price List Group • • •


Internal Purposes Only:
DMT Supported Entities & Adv. Template Packages

RMA Head • • •

RMA Detail • • •

RMA Receipts • • •

RMA Credit • • •

RMA Disposition • • •


Sales Territory • • •

Sales Person • • •

Sales Boundary • • •


Title Placeholder • • •

Country Port Subtitle Placeholder • • •


Purchasing Terms • • •

Purchase Order Header • • •

Purchase Order Header Attachment • • •

Purchase Order Detail • • •

Purchase Order Detail Attachment • • •

Purchase Order Release • • •

Purchase Order Misc Charge • • •

Purchase Order Line Misc Charge • • •

PO Combined • • •


Buyer • • •

Internal Purposes Only:
DMT Supported Entities & Adv. Template Packages

Buyer Authorized User • • •


Equipment • • •

Equipment Plan • • •

Equipment Location • • •

Service-Field Service

FS Contract Header • • •

FS Contract Detail • • •

Service-Maintenance Job

Maintenance Job Header • • •

Title Placeholder
Maintenance Job Material • • •

Maintenance Job OperationSubtitle Placeholder • • •


MPS • • •

Quick Job Entry • • •

Serial Number Assignment • • •

Schedule Job • - •

Analysis Code • • •

Department • • •

Shift • • •

Production Calendar • • •

Indirect Labor Account • • •


Job Subcon Adjustment • - -

Internal Purposes Only:
DMT Supported Entities & Adv. Template Packages

Job Mtl Adjustment • - -

Job Labor Adjustment • - -

Production-Project Entities

Job • • •

Sales Order Line • • •

Sales Order Release • • •

Phase Quote • • •

Purchase Order • • •

Burden Sets • • •

Project Bill Schedule • • •

Title Placeholder
Project Subtitle Placeholder • • •

Project Attachment • • •

WBS Phase • • •

WBS Phase Operation • • •

Project Task • • •

Project Milestone • • •

Project Criteria • • •

Project EntityCLC • • •

Project Role • • •

Project Variant • • •

Project Combined • • •

Project Billing Schedule • • •

Project Measured Works • • •

Internal Purposes Only:
DMT Supported Entities & Adv. Template Packages


Employee • • •

Employee Role • • •

Employee Role Rate • • •

Employee Calendar • • •

Employee GLAccount • • •

Production-Quality Assurance

Specification • • •

Specification Revision • • •

Specification Attribute • • •

Inspection Plan
Title Placeholder • • •

Insp Plan Rev Subtitle Placeholder • • •

Inspection Attribute • • •


Job Header • • •

Job Prod • • •

Job Assembly • • •

Job Operation • • •

Job Material • • •

Job Part • • •

Job Complete/Closing - • -

Job Asmbl Attachment • • •

Job Head Attachment • • •

Job Mtl Attachment • • •

Internal Purposes Only:
DMT Supported Entities & Adv. Template Packages

Job Oper Attachment • • •


National Account Relation • - •

GL Control • • •

Account Budget • • •

Terms • • •

Tax Liability • • •

Tax Type • • •

Miscellaneous Charge Credit • • •

GL Book • • •

Electronic Interface
Title Placeholder • • •

Bank Branch Subtitle Placeholder • • •

Bank Account • • •

Chart Of Accounts • • •

COA Category • • •

Currency • • •


Asset • • •

Asset Register Detail • • •

Asset Addition • • •

Asset Disposal • • •

Financial-Open Load

AP Open Load • • •

AR Open Load • • •

Internal Purposes Only:
DMT Supported Entities & Adv. Template Packages


Account Segment Values • • •

GL Account • • •


GL Journal Group • • •

GL Journal Header • • •

GL Journal Detail • • •

GL Journal Combined • - •


Exchange Rate Group • • •

Exchange Rate
Title Placeholder • • •

Financials-Bank Adjustment Subtitle Placeholder

Bank Group • • •

Bank Adjustment • • •

Bank Tax • • •


Payroll Employees • • •

Payroll Emp Rate • • •

Payroll Emp Tax • • •

Payroll Emp Deductions • • •


Memo • • •

Person Contact • • •

Person Contact Global Link • - •

Internal Purposes Only:
DMT Supported Entities & Adv. Template Packages

Reason Code • • •

Task List • • •

User • • •

User Codes • • •

Ext File Ref • • •

Data Tag • • •


Menu • • •

Menu Security • • •

Title Placeholder
Subtitle Placeholder

Internal Purposes Only:
DMT Supported Entities & Adv. Template Packages

Advanced Template Packages – Supported

Additional Advanced Template Packages (ATP) may be purchased to provide data validation prior to
loading data. Packages include documentation for each template covering required fields, default
values, and dependencies.

Advanced Supported Entities

Category Entity
Inventory-Warehouse Warehouse
Inventory-Warehouse Warehouse Bin
Inventory Product Group
Inventory Part Class
Inventory-Part Part
Inventory-Part Part Attachments
Inventory-Part Part Bin Info
Title Placeholder Part GLControl
Part Lot
Inventory-Part Part Plant
Subtitle Placeholder
Part Revision
Inventory-Part Part Warehouse
Inventory-Part Part Revision Attachment
Inventory-Adjustments Cost Adjustment
Inventory-Adjustments Quantity Adjustment
Engineering Bill Of Operations
Engineering Bill Of Materials
Suppliers Supplier
Suppliers Supplier Bank
Suppliers Supplier Contact
Suppliers Supplier Price List
Suppliers Supplier Purchase Point
Suppliers Supplier GLControl
Suppliers Manufacturer Part
Suppliers Supplier Part
Suppliers Qualified Manufacturer
Customers Customer
Customers Customer Bank
Customers Customer Contact
Customers Customer ShipTo
Customers Ship To Contact
Customers Customer GLControl
Customers Customer Price List

Internal Purposes Only:
DMT Supported Entities & Adv. Template Packages

Customers Ship To PriceList

Customers Customer Part Cross Reference
Sales Quote Header
Sales Quote Detail
Sales Sales Order Header
Sales Sales Order Detail
Sales Sales Order Release
Purchasing Purchase Order Header
Purchasing Purchase Order Detail
Purchasing Purchase Order Release
Production - Job Job Header
Production - Job Job Prod
Production - Job Job Assembly
Production - Job Job Material
Production - Job Job Operation
Production - Job Job Complete/Closing
Financials-COA Account Segment Values
Financials-COA GL Account
Financials - Open Load
Financials - Open Load
Title Placeholder
AP Open Load
AR Open Load
Subtitle Placeholder
GL Journal Group
GL Journal Header
Financials-Journals GL Journal Detail

Title Placeholder
Subtitle Placeholder

Corporate Office Latin America and Caribbean Europe, Middle East and Africa Asia Australia and New Zealand
804 Las Cimas Parkway Blvd. Antonio L. Rodriguez #1882 Int. 104 No. 1 The Arena 238A Thomson Road #23-06 Suite 2 Level 8,
Austin, TX 78746 Plaza Central, Col. Santa María Downshire Way Novena Square Tower A 100 Pacific Highway
USA Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, CP 64650 Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 1PU Singapore 307684 North Sydney, NSW 2060
Toll Free: +1.888.448.2636 Mexico United Kingdom Singapore Australia
Direct: +1.512.328.2300 Phone: +52.81.1551.7100 Phone: +44.1344.468468 Phone: +65.6333.8121 Phone: +61.2.9927.6200
Fax: +1.512.278.5590 Fax: +52.81.1551.7117 Fax: +44.1344.468010 Fax: +65.6333.8131 Fax: +61.2.9927.6298

DMT: Supported Entities & Advanced Template Packages Copyright © Epicor Software Corporation 2014

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