The Silent Way Method

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Soufiane YAGOUBI & Khaled ED-DANI
CRMEF Traning Year 2024
Theory, approach, and
1. teaching methods

2. The Silent Way as a teaching


3. Features of the Silent Way


4. Teaching the four skills using

the Silent Way method

5. The Silent Way as a student-

centric approach
Challenges in implementing
6. the Silent Way

7. Adapting the Silent Way to

different learners’ profiles

8. Conclusion

9. Reflection task

10. Feedback and discussion

What is the difference
between theory, approach,
and method ?
Theory,approach, and method
Theory Approach method
Theory represents a Approach pertains to Method would delineate
set of ideas or the manner or strategy the specific, procedural
principles that explain employed to address a steps, such as a
certain phenomena or particular problem or particular technique for
aspect, it offers a lens situation, it would data collection or
or a framework to describe the practical analysis, employed
perceive a situation, steps or strategies one within the context of an
and it can be might take in light of approach.
foundational to multiple that theoretical
approaches. understanding.
What is a teaching method ?
What is a teaching method ?

The strategies or techniques that a teacher or tutor

uses to organize and apply a set of educational
concepts, within the curriculum, or activities, to
reach an objective.
Different types of teaching methods

GTM Direct method Audio lingual

the focus in this students learn it takes the view

method is on inductivly and that students
memorization through learn best
the silent way
and translation exposure to the through
from target target language processes that
language to the , it also prohbits involve imitation
source the use of and repetition.
language. native language.
The silent way method
The silent way method

The Silent Way method, developed by the

mathematician and educator Caleb Gattegno
in the early 1960s, it emerged as a critical
response to the dominant language teaching
methods of the time, which often relied on
rote memorization, grammar drills, and
teacher-centered instruction.
The silent way method

Definition : It centers on the notion that during the

teaching and learning process, students speak
more than the teacher. It necessitates that
students actively manage their language
acquisition and learn through discovering.
The silent way method: Criticism
Implementing the Silent Way effectively requires
extensive training and a shift in teaching mindset, which
can be challenging for some educators.
The silent way method: Criticism
Implementing the Silent Way effectively requires
extensive training and a shift in teaching mindset, which
can be challenging for some educators.
The method may not be suitable for all learning styles or
language proficiency levels.
The silent way method: Criticism
Implementing the Silent Way effectively requires
extensive training and a shift in teaching mindset, which
can be challenging for some educators.
The method may not be suitable for all learning styles or
language proficiency levels.

Students may find the lack of explicit guidance confusing

or frustrating at times.
features of the silent way method

Learning is Learning is Learning is

facilitated facilitated by facilitated
if the accompanying by problem
learner physical solving
discovers or objects involving the
creates material to
be learned
TEaching the four skills
using the silent way
Teaching receptive skills

Teaching Listening Teaching reading

Unfinished sentences : Teacher plays Sentence strips: Teacher cut the
an audio clip with the ending missing. sentences from a text into
Students predict what comes next separate strips. Students
based on the context.
arrange the strips in the correct
Cueing with silence: Teacher plays an
order based on their
audio clip, leaving pauses for
students to anticipate the next word understanding of grammar and
or phrase. sentence structure.
teaching productive skills

Teaching writing teaching speaking

Sentence starters: Teacher Mirror technique: Students
provides prompts with the first watch recordings of
few words of a sentence. themselves speaking and
Students use their knowledge of identify areas of improvement
grammar and vocabulary to in pronunciation, fluency, or
complete the sentence grammar.
the silent way as a
student-centric method
Student-centric approach

Students discover and construct knowledge by


Students have the freedom to explore concepts.

Teacher acts as a facilitator, providing guidance,

feedback, and support.
shifting the roles
(facilitating exploration vs
direct instructions )
shifting the roles

The silent way teacher-centric methods

T’s role is to facilitate student exploration and T presents information, explains concepts, and
discovery rather than deliver direct instruction. leads activities.

T provides learners with the tools, resources, and T maintains classroom discipline, and assesses
opportunities to explore concepts independently. students’ progress.

This shift in role from "sage on the stage" to "guide on Opportunities for students’ engagement and critical
the side" promotes deeper comprehension and thinking are limited.
retention of knowledge.
Challenges in implementing
the silent way method
Addressing the issues

Student engagement and motivation

Teacher comfort and training

Resource Availability
Strategies to overcome the issues
Provide clear objectives and expectations
Offer ongoing professional development
Encourage collaboration and peer learning
Use a variety of teaching aids and activities
Provide regular feedback and reflection
Celebrate successes and maintain positivity
Be flexible and adapt to student needs
emphasizing the adaptive
nature of the silent way
emphasizing the adaptive nature of
the silent way

Understanding individual needs

Customizing instruction

Differentiated instruction

Flexible groupings

Responsive feedback
Reflection task
Aa Oo



F th r
M th r
S st r
feedback & discussion
feedback & discussion
What are some potential
challenges or limitations of
implementing the Silent Way
method in different educational
contexts, and how can these be
addressed ?
feedback & discussion
How do you think technology could
be incorporated into Silent way
inspired activities to further
engage learners and support
language acquisition ?
feedback & discussion

Can assessment and evaluation

be integrated into the Silent Way
method to measure student
progress and achievement ?
Thank you !

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