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EDU10003 Assignment 4 Template

Theme: Hands on learning

Resource: Sensory bin
Age Group/ Year Level: Kindergarten
Curriculum link/s: Learning outcome 4.4: Children resource their own learning through
(copy and paste, with connecting with people, place, technologies and natural and processed
citation) Material. EYLF (Department of Education Employment and Workplace
Relations for the Council of Australian Governments [DET], 2019)

Activity Explanation (approx. 200 words)

All the resources needed for this sensory play activity is a storage container, rice bag and chart board with
numbers written from 2-10 .dividing them in a group of 2.
Grab a deck of cards and pulled out the numbers 2-10 ,TWO sets of 2-10 deck of cards hidden in the storage
container and poured a bag of rice in the storage container. Providing all the children to effectively engage
in the activity to participate and let them find the deck card and place them on the chart board. This sensory
play provides the opportunity to play with numbers, counting and recognizing it, Some children might start
counting the rice, allowing the child to explore and interact with the items and peers and explore the natural
and processed material with fun playing.
kindergarten needs to foster mathematics intentionally (Grüssing and Peter-Koop Citation2008) and children
need to be provided with learning opportunities which meet their diverse educational needs
(Gasteiger Citation2015).as with other subject areas, the quality of teaching is crucial but also highly
variable (McCray and Chen Citation2012).

Justification (approx. 200 words)

Children resource their own learning through connecting with people, place and processed material. Sensory
bin with maths hunt it is a great opportunity let the children work with bigger numbers together with
counting and learning in a fun play-based way.
Play-based maths hunt sensory learning improve skills via scaffolding such as fine motor and language
development, engaging sensory exploration literacy and numeracy , critical thinking, problem-solving, learn
about nature and work on to encourage the senses, with this sensory play children able to effectively
interact with their peers with the numerical conversation such as some children would say “I got number 2 ,
‘’I got number 5 and also it’s a good opportunity for children to sense the material as rice “children would
say “This rice feel so rough “ This is rice is white colour” My dad loves eating rice” likewise children are
actively engaging in wider conversation.
According to Piaget, children need learning environments, curriculum, materials, and lessons which provide
opportunities for hands-on exploration, and authentic interactions with the actual world. early learning needs
to be based on play, even though the understanding of play itself varies (Gasteiger 2015).
piaget believed that children’s pretend play helped children solidify new schemata they were developing
cognitively. This plays, then, reflected changes in their conceptions or thoughts. However, children also
learn as they pretend and experiment. Their play does not simply represent what they have learned (Berk,

Theme: Using ICT in Maths

Resource: Internet
Age Group/ Year Level: Kindergarten 4 year
Curriculum Link/s: Learning outcome 5.5
(copy and paste, with Children use information and communication technologies to access
citation) information, investigate ideas and represent their thinking
Activity Explanation (approx. 200 words)
All the children in the class will be sitting on a mat, with the help of an overhead projector shines a light on
a white board and it will encourages exploration with light and shadow, colour and transparency.
Then all the shape will be displayed on the whiteboard via projector, students will be observed individually
by the educator of the concepts and then students will be moving and matching the shapes that were named
by the educator, some students might then draw any shapes been asked or educator might ask them to draw
a circle around the green square.’ Children then can also project the shapes onto paper to draw and colour
them. After this some real life images will be displayed on the whiteboard that can be associated with the
Justification (approx. 200 words)
Technology provides powerful teaching tools that can be used to develop understanding as well as to
facilitate practice. As with any teaching tool, technology is not inherently valuable; rather it is a tool that can
enhance students’ learning if used effectively. (Siemon et al. Teaching Mathematics: Foundations to Middle
Years , 2011) Overhead projectors are very good sources of inspiration for problem solving and reasoning.
using a projector and the whiteboard for aliened activity can transform them in a big screen, and items can
be enlarged, them to provide new perspectives and experiences. Whiteboard provides replicas of concrete
materials referred to as and these can be used in an interactive way with a group of children on a large
screen ‘virtual manipulative’,. Images of patterns, shapes allow children to touch, move, compare and
interact to support active learning via virtual manipulative. According to this activity it allow children to
improve for self-guided instruction, exploration, problem solving and manipulation of mathematics objects
and also children are becoming a good communicators because they are involving and interacting with peers
about the capability of the individual with teachers such as like “look I can draw a circle” I named the shape
and match the picture” or some children would say “I know the traffic sign is a shape of Triangle”. ),
Clements and Sarama (The Role of Technology in Early Childhood Learning. 2002) describe computers as
being a rich source of learning that incorporates innovative ways to enhance early childhood mathematics.

Theme: Learning Environment

Learning Space: classroom
Age Group/ Year Level: Kinder 4 year
Curriculum Link/s: Learning outcome 1:1Children feel safe, secure, and supported
(copy and paste, with citation)

Activity Explanation (approx. 200 words)

Creating a fun safe secure and supportive activity, which is baking a cupcake. (upon checking the allergic
tolerance of the individual)
Firstly, the instruction will be given to all the children saying that we going to have fun with baking cake
and all the children ask to be seated around the table opening a wide range of discussion about “have you
ever made a cake. Have you ever helped your sibling /mum to make a cake , and then a question will be
asked what are the ingredients need to make a cake and all the ingredients will be leaving it on the middle of
the table upon everyone’s answer. Then the first ingredients whatever they say will pick it up and show
everyone and then providing the children to measure with the scale and will be showing the spoons for
what is teaspoon and tablespoon, children will be using those spoons to measure it for baking powder and
everyone will be getting a turn for breaking the eggs , mixing it spraying on the round pan . children will
be counting how many children are in this group?, how many piece of cake they needed ? children will be
getting the opportunity to pour the mixture on the cake pan and will be sharing how many hours the cake
needs to be taken and the time will be taking by everyone .

Justification (approx. 200 words)

According to the activity above children working and interacting together a rotation system works well so
that all children have a chance . It is important for educator participate to be available to provide support
for mixing pouring and etc, talk about what Is happening. This activity is can encourage children to make
connections between measurements, batch fractions, counting ,setting the correct temperature on your oven,
dividing batter equally among baking cupcake holder, estimating how many cupcakes a batter or dough will
make , identifying shapes, such as round cupcake holder ,pattern sequences or symmetry when decorate for
bakes. And also this activity is proving a opportunity for the things that measure in units and grams or cups
they could able to find the difference of each.
Piaget's theories children need learning environments, curriculum, materials, and lessons which provide
opportunities for hands-on exploration, and authentic interactions with the actual world.
According to the article of current state of the mathematics education system in the United States stated
that the students engaged in food-based science activities provided them with the context in which to apply
mathematical concepts to an everyday experience (Author manuscript; available in PMC 2016 Jan
1.Published in final edited form as:Sch Sci Math. 2015 Jan; 115(1): 14–21.Published online 2015 Jan
5. doi: 10.1111/ssm.12097).


 Piaget's theories
 Modules
 Wikipedia
 Maths hunt with children

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