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d20 Monster
Monster is a generic term for all manner of (Avian) Small blood thirsty leathery (Undead) Haunting
1 Acidic Slime winged creatures. translucent apparition.
animals, creatures and monstrosities.
2 Basilisk
Attributes: LVL 1 | HLT 10 | INS 0 | DEF 15 | DR 0 | Attributes: LVL 5 | HLT 20
ZOMBIE 1 3 Bats
SKL N/A | APP 1 | Combat: Bite (d4) | INS 5 | DEF 14 | DR 0 |
(Undead) Shambling humanoid flesh eaters. 2 4 Demon
Blindsight: Act without light using other senses. SKL d4 | APP d4 | Combat:
Attributes: LVL 1 | HLT 3 | INS 1 | DEF 6 | 5 Dragon Necrotic Touch (d8)
6 Gelatinous Mass Flight (Fast): Can fly two zones as part of its move.
DR 0 | SKL N/A | APP d20 | Combat: Bite (d4) 3 Swarm: Treat as one entity. Weapons do 1 point of Dark Vision: Can see in the dark.
Diseased Bite (I): d4, Fortitude save or
7 Ghost
damage unless it exploits a weakness. Fear (I): Targets struck with fear and impaired.
impaired. 4 8 Ghoul
Weakness (Fire): Avoids fire. Flight: Can fly as part of its move action.
9 Giant Rat
1. Name: Name of the creature. 10 Giant Spider Immunity: Immune to physical weapon attacks.
2. Type: The creatures type is shown in 11 Goblin DEMON Possession (I): Can possess and control target.
brackets followed by a brief description. 12 Kobold (Infernal) Large winged demon. Incorporeal: May move through solid objects.
3. Attributes: Defined as follows: 13 Ogre Attributes: LVL 7 | HLT 50 | INS 7 Undead: Does not require sustenance or oxygen
3A Level (LVL): An indication of the monsters 14 Orc | DEF 15 | DR 2 | SKL d8 | APP 1 | and immune to mind control, poison and disease.
threat from level 1 (low) to 10 (high). 15 Skeleton Combat: 3x Claws (d8)
3B: Health (HLT): A score representing the
monsters threshold for physical injury before
16 Troll Dark Vision: Can see in the dark. GHOUL
17 Werewolf Flight (Fast): Can fly two zones as part of its move. (Undead) Flesh eating
death at zero.
18 Wight Immunity (Fire): Unaffected by fire. humanoid creatures.
3C: Inspiration (INS): Ability usage limit 19 Wraith Mind Control (I): Make a Will 15 check or target
score, abilities depleted when this reaches zero. Attributes: LVL 3 | HLT 12 |
20 Zombie does their bidding. Target can try to resist each turn. INS 3 | DEF 13 | DR 0 |
3D: Defence (DEF): A target number required
Shape Change (I): Transforms shape, similar size. SKL d4 | APP d6 | Combat:
to hit the monster in combat.
3E: Damage Resistance (DR): A score which ACIDIC SLIME Claws (d4)
reduces damage taken when injured. Starts at 0. (Ooze) Sentient creeping slime. DRAGON Dark Vision: Can see in the dark.
3F: Skill (SKL): A bonus die ranging from 0 Attributes: LVL 2 | HLT 10 | (Draconic) Immense winged Paralysis (I): Target impaired, then incapacitated.
through d4, d6, d8, d10, d12 to d20 maximum INS 0 | DEF 10 | DR 0 | reptilian creature.
which is added to monsters checks. SKL d4 | APP 1 | Combat: Attributes: LVL 10 | HLT GIANT RAT
3G: Number Appearing (APP): The number Acid (d6) 150 | INS 10 | DEF 18 | DR 3 (Animal) Giant scavenging
of individual monsters which are present. | SKL d20 | APP 1 | Combat: rodent.
Amorphous: Can amend and
3H: Combat: A summary of the monsters alter its form. 2x Claws (d20) Attributes: LVL 2 | HLT 5 |
method of attack. Aura of Fear: Targets struck with fear and impaired.
Climb: May climb surfaces INS 1 | DEF 10 | DR 0 |
4. Abilities: Special feats a monster can Dark Vision: Can see in the dark. SKL d4 | APP d12 | Combat: Bite (d4)
perform. Those marked (I) require an
inspiration point to use. Others are permanent Immunity: Immune to physical weapon attacks. Fiery Breath (d20) (I) : Fiery breath attack. Dark Vision: Can see in the dark.
in effect abilities. Ooze: Attaches to victim, must kill before release. Flight: Can fly two zones as part of its move action. Diseased Bite (d4) (I): Fortitude 10 save or
Slow: Slow moving creature. Tail Swipe (d20, area) (I): Attack creatures behind it. impaired.
Planned Encounters: The referee decides BASILISK GELATINOUS MASS GIANT SPIDER
which monsters may appear based on the (Reptilian) Mutated (Ooze) Large ooze form, (Arachnid) Giant arachnid.
theme, narrative or environment. reptilian monstrosity. absorbs all it touches. Attributes: LVL 4 | HLT 15 |
Random Encounters: Roll d20 on the Monster Attributes: LVL 6 | Attributes: LVL 3 | HLT 15 | INS 4 | DEF 12 | DR 0 | SKL d8
Encounter Table to determine what is HLT 30 | INS 10 | DEF INS 3 | DEF 12 | DR 0 | | APP d4 | Combat: Bite (d6)
encountered. 14 | DR 2 | SKL d12 | SKL d6 | APP 1 | Combat: Climb: May climb surfaces.
Running Monsters: Encounters are not always APP 1 | Combat: 2x Claws/Fangs (d10) Acid (d8). Dark Vision: Can see in the dark.
adversarial. Monsters may have their own Petrifying Gaze (I): Target impaired, then Paralysis (I): Target impaired, then incapacitated.
Amorphous: Can amend and alter its form.
motives and needs. incapacitated. Senses: Can sense the presence of any opponents.
Engulf (d8) (I): Swallows opponents. Acid damage.
Poisonous Bite (d10) (I): Fortitude 15 or impaired. Web (I): Fortitude save or impaired.
Immunity: Immune to physical weapon attacks.

Heroes of
(Humanoid) Sneaky (Undead) Animated skeletal (Undead) Ghastly undead
small malicious warriors. humanoid.
humanoids. Attributes: LVL 2 | HLT 10 | INS Attributes: LVL 4 | HLT 15

Attributes: LVL 1 | HLT 10| DEF 10 | DR 2 | SKL d4| APP | INS 4 | DEF 14 | DR 0 |
5 | INS 0 | DEF 11 | DR d6 | Combat: Weapon (d6) SKL d6 | APP d4 | Combat:
0| SKL N/A | APP Dark Vision: Can see in the 2x Claws (d6)
d12 | Combat: Basic Weapon (d4) dark. Immunity: Immunity to A classic fantasy adventure game
Dark Vision: Can see in the dark. Fearless: Ignores morale checks. physical weapon attacks. Bookmark Edition
Weakness: Disadvantage on actions in sunlight. Undead: Does not require sustenance or oxygen and Life Drain (d6) (I): Attack at advantage. On a hit Version 1 - May 24
immune to mind control, drains d6 health and d6 experience points.
KOBOLD poison and disease. Undead: Does not require sustenance or oxygen and
(Humanoid) Small immune to mind control, poison and disease.
vicious reptilian TROLL
creatures. (Humanoid) Hulking WRAITH
Attributes: LVL 1 | HLT lumbering humanoid (Undead) Haunting ghostly
3 | INS 0 | DEF 8 | DR 0 | creature. spectre.
SKL N/A | APP d20 | Attributes: LVL 5 | HLT Attributes: LVL 5 | HLT 30
Combat: Bite (d4, DIS.) 30 | INS 5 | DEF 13 | DR | INS 10 | DEF 15 | DR 0 |
Dark Vision: Can see in the dark. 0 | SKL d10 | APP d4 | SKL d8 | APP 1 | Combat:
Combat: Fist (d10), Necrotic Touch (d8)
Rocks (f8) Flight: Can fly as part of its
(Humanoid) Mutation (I): Mutation grants extra ability. move action.
Hulking humanoid Regeneration (I): Can regenerate d20 health. Immunity: Immune to
monstrosity. Reform: Dead Troll reforms in d6 days unless killed physical weapon attacks.
Attributes: LVL 4 | by fire, acid or magic. Incorporeal: May move through solid objects.
HLT 30 | INS 3 | Life Drain (d6) (I): Attack at advantage. On a hit
DEF 13 | DR 1 |
SKL d10 | APP d4 |
WEREWOLF drains d6 health and d6 experience points. Hero does
(Beast) Ferocious not lose levels but will need to re-earn points.
Combat: Weapon humanoid wolf beast. Raise Dead (I): Raise and command a dead creature.
(d10), Thrown Rocks (d8)
Attributes: LVL 1 | HLT Weakness: Act at disadvantage when in sunlight.
Power Attack (I): Attack/damage rolls at 3 | INS 1 | DEF 6 | DR 0 |
Senses: Can sense the presence of any opponents.
SKL N/A | APP d20 |
Combat: Bite (d4)
(Undead) Shambling
Diseased Bite (I): d4, humanoid flesh eaters.
ORC Fortitude save or
Attributes: LVL 1 | HLT 3 |
(Humanoid) impaired.
INS 1 | DEF 6 | DR 0 |
Ferocious Immunity: Immune to physical weapon attacks. SKL N/A | APP d20 |
humanoid Leap Attack (I): Leap objects, attacks with advantage. Combat: Bite (d4)
Sprint (I): Can move 3 zones as move only action. Diseased Bite (I): d4,
Attributes: LVL 3 |
Shape Change (I): Changes from human/wolf form. Fortitude save or impaired.
HLT 12 | INS 3 |
DEF 12 | DR 1 | SKL d6 | APP d8 | Combat: DESIGN: The Nameless Designer
Primitive Weapon (d6). ART: Midjourney AI
Power Attack (I): Attack/damage rolls at

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