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Henderin, Michelle Stephanie V.


"A Thousand Cuts" is an insightful and poignant documentary that offers a glimpse
into the state of press freedom in the Philippines. The film centers around the
tireless efforts of journalist Maria Ressa to uphold the truth despite facing numerous
challenges. The documentary provides a gripping portrayal of Ressa's battle against
the Duterte administration's crackdown on dissent and independent journalism.

One of the most striking aspects of the documentary is its portrayal of the power
dynamics between the government and the media. The film highlights the
manipulation of social media, the weaponization of law, and the intimidation tactics
employed by those in power to silence dissenting voices. As someone who values
principles of democracy and freedom of speech, witnessing these abuses of power is
both alarming and disheartening.

Maria Ressa is an inspiring figure who emerges as fearless and resilient in the face of
adversity. Despite being subjected to harassment, intimidation, and legal
persecution, she remains steadfast in her commitment to truth-telling and holding
those in power accountable. Her courage and determination serve as an inspiration
not only to journalists but to anyone fighting for justice and democracy in the face of

Watching "A Thousand Cuts" prompts us to reflect on the broader implications of

the issues it raises. The erosion of press freedom in the Philippines is not an isolated
incident but part of a global trend of authoritarianism and attacks on the free press.
The documentary serves as a reminder of the vital role journalists play in
safeguarding democracy and holding power to account. It also underscores the
importance of supporting independent media outlets and standing up against
attempts to undermine freedom of speech and expression.

Furthermore, the film encourages us to consider our role in shaping the future of
journalism and democracy. In an age of misinformation and social media
manipulation, we must be vigilant consumers of news and information, questioning
sources and narratives, and advocating for transparency and accountability. We
cannot afford to be passive bystanders in the face of threats to press freedom and

In conclusion, "A Thousand Cuts" is a powerful and timely documentary that sheds
light on the challenges facing journalists and democracy in the Philippines. Maria
Ressa's story reminds us of the importance of speaking truth to power and
defending the fundamental principles of a free and independent press. It is a call to
action for all who believe in the value of democracy and the power of journalism to
hold those in power accountable.

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