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1. Yani : My stomach hurts. I can’t stand it.

Riri : Let me take you to the clinic.

2. Andi : Don’t forget the basketball match this afternoon, Faisal.

Doni : Okay. See you at the basketball court at 3 pm.

3. Teacher: Today we are going to have a listening test. So, see you at the language lab in
10 minutes.
Students: Okay, Ma’am.

4. Sarah : I need to meet Miss Susan. I haven’t submitted my assignment.

Mirna : I think you can meet her at the teacher’s office. I saw her get into the room and
put the students’ assignments on her desk just now.

5. Anggi : I like our classroom. It is quite big and spacious. It fits 25 students. We also have
a comfortable reading corner with a carpet and beanbags in it.
Anto : That’s why we have to maintain the cleanliness of it.

6. Tina : I think I left my lunchbox at home. I don’t have my lunch with me.
Putri : Let’s have lunch at the cafeteria with me.

7. Student: Excuse me, Sir. Are we going to do a science experiment tomorrow?

Teacher: Yes, that’s right. Don’t forget to bring your laboratory coat, and see you at the
science lab tomorrow.

8. Marcel : Excuse me, Ma’am, I think I still need more references to finish writing my
Teacher : Of course. You can go to our library and find lots of them there.

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