Writing Part 3

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The structure of events that makes up a good story

1. Exposition
Begin the story by narrating any conflict, character and setting of the place

2. Rising Action
Events before the climax, a build-up of the main character and other minor characters (if any),
in which the protagonist attempts to solve the problem, but fails.

3. Climax
The turning point, the point of the greatest suspense or action, something unexpected.

4. Falling Action
Action or event that occur after the climax

5. Resolution
The ending in which the conflicts or problems are solved.

[It is hard to follow the above as we have limited words and time to complete a lengthy story]

My Technique
1. Write with your five senses [sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste]

2. Words and choice of phrases of different themes must be learnt and


3. The story must be simple, easy to read and if possible, there must be a twist.
Write something unexpected to keep the reader until the end of the story.

4. Just read my stories in all my modules, no shortcuts!

REMEMBER ! Practise and write narrative essays of not more than 300 words
[KSSM format : 200 - 250 words]. You only have 35 - 40 minutes to write!
Content Page
Begin your story with “Helping the Covid patients in the hospital was never easy…..”
Begin your story with “ An accident has occurred involving two trains on the LRT line…”
Write a story about a bus breakdown

Part 3
Write an answer to one of the question 3 - 5 in this part. Write your answer in 200 -
250 words in an appropriate style on this question paper. Put the question number
in the box at the top of the answer space.

Question 5
Your teacher has asked you to write a story.

Helping the Covid patients in the hospital was never easy, but for Priscilla Leong,
her motivation for her life’s work as a frontliner had never been taken a beating
despite the increasing number of cases.

“If I can save tens of lives, I will go to heaven one day.” For two consecutive years
since the outbreak, she experienced all kinds of suffering, not physically, but
mentally. Seeing people entering and leaving the ICU after they succumbed to death
by the deadly virus was heartbreaking and sobering.

( words)

Part 3
Write an answer to one of the question 3 - 5 in this part. Write your answer in 200 -
250 words in an appropriate style on this question paper. Put the question number
in the box at the top of the answer space.

Question 5
Your teacher has asked you to write a story.

Begin your story with “Helping the Covid patients in the hospital was never easy,……”

Your story must include:

 A nurse
 Success in the end

Write your story.

Helping the Covid patients in the hospital was never easy, but for Priscilla Leong,
her motivation for her life’s work as a frontliner had never been taken a beating
despite the increasing number of cases.

“If I can save tens of lives, I will go to heaven one day.” For two consecutive years
since the outbreak, she experienced all kinds of suffering, not physically, but
mentally. Seeing people entering and leaving the ICU after they succumbed to death
by the deadly virus was heartbreaking and sobering.

Truly, her perseverance kept saving more lives than she ever knew. In fact, she lost
count of how many she actually helped and saved. Every patient who was discharged
kept her spirits burning to rescue someone else, despite her weakened body over the
long period of working hours. One day, she collapsed.

Now, she is home-quarantined for suspected Covid-19 and she is awaiting her swab
test result. No matter what, she says to herself, “I am not going to be beaten by the
virus and she is going to do what she is supposed to do, which is to save life”. Even
though she is a nurse, her roles in the hospital are all common things. However, the
secret of success for her is to do the common things uncommonly well, which is to
care for her patients.

(231 words)

Part 3
Write an answer to one of the question 3 - 5 in this part. Write your answer in 200 -
250 words in an appropriate style on this question paper. Put the question number
in the box at the top of the answer space.

Question 5
Your teacher has asked you to write a story.

A Train Mishap.
Begin your story with “An accident has occurred involving two trains on the LRT line…”

Your story must include:

 A description of your ride
 Your situation after the mishap

Write your story.

An accident has occurred involving two trains on the LRT line. Believe it or not, I
was there. I took the train from KLCC to Gombak after meeting a friend. It was
around 8.30 p.m, May 24, when the mishap happened.

I was taking it from the first stop, KLCC, hence, I found a seat at a corner. I put on
my IPod and closed my eyes due to tiredness. I was cladding over my huge haversack
in front of my chest as my pillow. In order not to embarrassed myself if I ever dozed
off to other person’s shoulder, I gripped the steel pole with one hand and another
arm around it.

( words)

Part 3
Write an answer to one of the question 3 - 5 in this part. Write your answer in 200 -
250 words in an appropriate style on this question paper. Put the question number
in the box at the top of the answer space.

Question 5
Your teacher has asked you to write a story.

A Train Mishap.
Begin your story with “An accident has occurred involving two trains on the LRT line…”

Your story must include:

 A description of your ride
 Your situation after the mishap

Write your story.

An accident has occurred involving two trains on the LRT line. Believe it or not, I
was there. I took the train from KLCC to Gombak after meeting a friend. It was
around 8.30 p.m, May 24, when the mishap happened.

I was taking it from the first stop, KLCC, hence, I found a seat at a corner. I put on
my IPod and closed my eyes due to tiredness. I was cladding over my huge haversack
in front of my chest as my pillow. In order not to embarrassed myself if I ever dozed
off to other person’s shoulder, I gripped the steel pole with one hand and another
arm around it.

“Bang!” and I felt tens of people came tumbling down onto me. I opened my eyes and
the windows were shattered into pieces. Everyone was screaming and crying. An old
lady landed on my feet and lights were flickering. There were sparks of fire
everywhere along the roof and I could smell scent of smoke from outside. I thought
it was an explosion and I was numbed to see blood everywhere. People were
excruciating in pain and all those who were standing initially, were lying on the

I reach out my phone and called my parent. I did not know how to describe the
situation except muttering the word “ Ah Ma..Explosion!” I checked my body to see
if I had any injury, only to find there were a few cuts on my face. Other than that, I
was fine. I was safe from my haversack and the seat where I was sitting.

I was helped out by a security team and brought to the hospital. I prayed for the 47
passengers who were seriously injured on a quick recovery. It was a traumatised
and harrowing experience.

(306 words)

Part 3
Write an answer to one of the question 3 - 5 in this part. Write your answer in 200 -
250 words in an appropriate style on this question paper. Put the question number
in the box at the top of the answer space.

Question 5
Your teacher has asked you to write a story.

A Bus Breakdown

The bus had just moved off from a bus stop and was increasing its speed as it moved
along a quiet narrow road. There were quite a few passengers on the bus. Most of
those who were standing were packed at the back.

( words)


A Bus Breakdown

Your story must include:

 A description of the incident
 What happened to the passengers?

Write your story.

The bus had just moved off from a bus stop and was increasing its speed as it moved
along a quiet narrow road. There were quite a few passengers on the bus. Most of
those who were standing were packed at the back.

Suddenly, the bus jerked to a stop. The impact caused a few passengers to lose their
balance and an elderly man who was dozing at his seat fell sideway on the floor.
Initially, there were shouts as irate passengers yelled at the driver for being a bad
driver. The bus halted and a few impatient passengers pounded on the doors and
demanded to be let off. Others grumbled under their breath and looked impatiently
at their watches.

The driver opened the doors and hopped out to help the elderly to alight. He shouted
at the shoving passengers to calm down. The driver led the passengers to a grass
patch while simultaneously calling for help. Some passengers stood there with their
arms folded, staring ahead with blank looks on their faces. Many were on their
mobile phones calling for help. Several teenagers squatted on the grass and used
twigs to poke aimlessly at the ground.

The driver assured those who were pacing back and forth that he had already made
alternative transport arrangements and another bus would be coming along shortly
to take them to the nearest bus station. However, it was almost half an hour later
before another bus rambled down the road. The remaining passengers piled into the
bus. The driver drove off at a leisurely pace undeterred by the grouchy looks on the
passengers’ faces.

(271 words)

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