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Computer Studies Department

Polangui, Albay




1. What is Task abstraction? Give example.

2. What is Data abstraction? Give example.

3. Why is data abstraction important?

4. What are the 3 levels of data abstraction?

5. What is Task abstraction in data Visualization?

6. What is Data Set?

7. What are the different types of Data Sets?

8. How do you create data sets?

9. How do you analyze data sets?


1. Task abstraction in data visualization refers to simplifying and summarizing the user's analytical goals or tasks
to make them more manageable. It involves defining the specific questions or objectives that the visualization
aims to address. For example, if you're working with a dataset of sales data, a task abstraction could be to
"compare monthly sales trends over the past year" or "identify the top-selling products by region."

2. Is about understanding your data it involves simplifying and reducing the complexity of the underlying data to
make it suitable for visualization. It often involves selecting specific attributes or variables of interest and
aggregating or transforming the data to create a more manageable dataset. For instance, if you have a large
dataset containing customer information, data abstraction might involve selecting only the columns related to
customer demographics and purchase history.

3. Data abstraction is important for several reasons:

 It helps reduce information overload by focusing on relevant data.

 It simplifies complex datasets, making them easier to understand.
 It enables efficient data visualization by selecting the right attributes.
 It supports better decision-making by highlighting key insights.
4. The three levels of data abstraction are:

 Conceptual Level: This level defines the high-level data structure and relationships, often using entity-
relationship diagrams or data models.
 Logical Level: At this level, data is organized into tables, defining attributes and their data types.
 Physical Level: This level deals with the actual storage and access mechanisms for data, including
indexing and optimization.

5. Task abstraction in data visualization involves defining the specific analytical tasks or questions that a
visualization aims to address. It helps designers and users focus on the purpose of the visualization and ensures
that it provides meaningful insights. For example, a task abstraction for a bar chart could be to "compare the
sales performance of different product categories."

6. A data set is a collection of data that is organized and structured in a specific way. It typically consists of rows
(observations or records) and columns (variables or attributes) where each row represents an individual data
point, and each column represents a specific piece of information related to those data points. Data sets are
used for analysis, reporting, and visualization.

7. Data sets can be categorized into various types based on their characteristics:

 Tables
 Networks & trees
 Fields
 Geometry
 Clusters, Sets, Lists

Structured Data Sets: These have a well-defined schema and are often organized in tables or databases.

Unstructured Data Sets: These lack a predefined structure and can include text, images, audio, or video data.

Time Series Data Sets: These track data points over time, such as stock prices or weather measurements.

Spatial Data Sets: These contain geographical information and are used in applications like maps and GIS.

Big Data Sets: Extremely large data sets that require specialized processing and storage.

8. Data sets can be created through various means, including:

 Data collection from surveys, sensors, or databases.

 Data generation using simulation or modeling.
 Data extraction from existing sources.
 Data acquisition from external datasets or APIs

9. Analyzing data sets involves several steps:

Data Cleaning: Removing errors, missing values, and inconsistencies.

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA): Exploring data visually and statistically to understand its characteristics.

Data Transformation: Aggregating, filtering, or transforming data for specific analyses.

Statistical Analysis: Applying statistical techniques to uncover patterns, relationships, and insights.
Data Visualization: Creating visual representations of data to communicate findings effectively.

Machine Learning: Applying algorithms to make predictions or classifications based on the data.

Interpreting Results: Drawing conclusions and making decisions based on the analysis.


College of Information & Computer Science, UMass Amherst. (n.d.). Data Visualization

OpenAI. (2021). ChatGPT by OpenAI [Information on Data Visualization]. Retrieved from

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