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Assignment On
Championing Consumer Rights: A Deep Dive Into The Consumer
Association Of Bangladesh (CAB)

Prepared For
Associate Professor
Department Of Marketing
University Of Barishal

Prepared by
Group 09
2nd year, 1st semester
Session : 2021-2022

Course Title: Business And Society

Course Code: MKT- 214
Department Of Marketing
University Of Barishal


Group - 09


SERIAL NAME Roll Number Percentage Of


01 Moriom Sabia 22 MKT 068 14%

02 Mehrin Oishi 22 MKT 069 14%

03 Eamam Hosen 22 MKT 070 16%

04 Barsha Islam 22 MKT 071 14%

05 Shamim Shakh 22 MKT 072 14%

06 Sukanto Sarder 22 MKT 073 14%

07 Mst. Taha 22 MKT 075 14%

Table Of Contents

Introduction 01

A Historical Need: The Birth of CAB in 1978 1-2

The Core Mission: Empowering Consumers with a Multi-Pronged Approach 2-5

The Necessity of CAB in a Booming Bangladesh 05

Social Upliftment Through Quantifiable Consumer Empowerment 5-6

Conclusion 06

Championing Consumer Rights: A Deep Dive into the Consumers
Association of Bangladesh (CAB)


The vibrant tapestry of Bangladesh's marketplace, teeming with bustling vendors and a
dazzling array of products, can be a double-edged sword for consumers. While offering
immense choice, navigating it effectively can be a challenge. This is where the Consumers
Association of Bangladesh (CAB) steps in, acting as a champion for informed decision-making
and a guardian of consumer rights. Established in 1978, CAB has emerged as a vital institution
in Bangladesh's economic landscape, empowering individuals and fostering a healthy

This essay delves into the history, mission, and multifaceted approach of CAB. We will explore
how CAB empowers consumers through education and information, safeguards their interests
through market monitoring and complaint handling, and advocates for positive change through
impactful campaigns. By analysing the impact of CAB's work through data and quantifiable
outcomes, we will demonstrate its crucial role in Bangladesh's social and economic
development. Finally, we will conclude by highlighting the enduring significance of CAB in a
nation experiencing rapid economic growth and a burgeoning consumer base.

The bustling marketplace of Bangladesh, brimming with vibrant colours and energetic vendors,
can be a double-edged sword for consumers. While it offers a vast array of choices, navigating
it effectively can be a challenge. This is where the Consumers Association of Bangladesh
(CAB) steps in, acting as a guardian angel for the rights and interests of the nation's consumers.

A Historical Need: The Birth of CAB in 1978

According to the World Bank, over 80% of Bangladesh's

population falls under the low- and middle-income category.
Recognizing the vulnerability of this vast segment, CAB's
founders set out to bridge the knowledge gap. Their mission: to
empower consumers with the tools and information necessary to
navigate the complexities of the marketplace and make informed
Established in 1978, CAB's emergence coincided with a global rise in consumer awareness.

The Core Mission: Empowering Consumers with a Multi-Pronged Approach

CAB's primary objective is clear: to protect and promote the rights of Bangladeshi consumers.
They achieve this through a multifaceted approach, strategically utilizing data to amplify their

➢ Consumer Education and Information: CAB equips consumers with the knowledge
they need to make informed choices. This includes educating them about their rights
(established under Articles 15 and 18 of the Constitution
of Bangladesh), product quality standards, and safe
consumption practices. For instance, CAB can analyse past
consumer complaints (e.g., data from 2023 revealing that
52% were related to product quality) to identify areas
needing targeted education campaigns.

➢ Market Monitoring and Surveillance: CAB acts as a vigilant watchdog, keeping a

close eye on market trends, particularly regarding essential commodities and utilities.
This helps them identify potential price hikes or quality issues that could disadvantage
consumers. By analyzing price fluctuations of essential goods (e.g., a 20% increase in
cooking oil prices over the past year), CAB can advocate for government intervention
to ensure price stability.

Global Oil Condition Monitoring Market

Focus Areas (Monitoring)

1.Prices: CAB monitors the prices of essential commodities, including food items,
utilities, and medicines. This helps identify price hikes, particularly those that seem
artificial or unjustified.
2.Product Quality: CAB volunteers regularly check the quality of products available in
the market. This includes inspecting for adulteration, expired goods, or products not
meeting safety standards.
3.Fair Trade Practices: CAB monitors market activities for unfair trade practices like
misleading advertising, hidden charges, or the use of false weights and measures

Monitoring Methods

1.Volunteer Network: CAB has a dedicated network of volunteers who visit markets,
shops, and retail outlets to gather information on prices, product quality, and adherence
to fair trade practices.
2.Data Collection: CAB collects data from various sources, including government
agencies, market surveys, and consumer complaints. This data is then analyzed to
identify trends and potential areas of concern.
3.Media Monitoring: CAB monitors news reports and social media discussions to
identify consumer issues and potential market disruptions.

Outcomes of Market Monitoring

1.Exposure of Unfair Practices: By identifying price hikes, adulterated products, or

misleading advertising, CAB brings these issues to light. This can prompt corrective
actions from businesses or intervention by regulatory bodies.
2.Consumer Alerts: When CAB discovers problematic practices, they issue warnings
and alerts to consumers, empowering them to make informed choices and avoid
potential pitfalls.
3.Advocacy for Change: Based on market monitoring findings, CAB lobbies
policymakers to strengthen consumer protection laws and regulations.
➢ Complaint Handling: Consumers facing unfair practices or product deficiencies can
seek CAB's assistance. CAB acts as a mediator, helping resolve disputes and ensuring
consumers receive fair treatment. By analyzing complaint data (e.g., identifying a
surge in complaints against a specific mobile network provider), CAB can prioritize
their advocacy efforts on behalf of the most affected consumers.

The complaint handling process empowers consumers by providing them with a

platform to voice their concerns and seek redressal. This promotes a sense of agency
and discourages them from tolerating unfair practices.

➢ Advocacy and Campaigns: CAB actively campaigns for consumer rights and raises
awareness about critical issues like food safety and ethical drug promotion. This not
only empowers individuals but also pushes for positive changes in the market
landscape. By analyzing the impact of past campaigns (e.g., a campaign leading to a
15% reduction in misleading advertising complaints), CAB can refine their
strategies for future initiatives, ensuring their advocacy efforts are data-driven and yield
measurable results.

Examples of Successful CAB Advocacy Campaigns

A. Campaign for Food Safety: Recognizing the dangers of adulterated food, CAB
launched a national campaign raising awareness about food safety issues and
advocating for stricter regulations on food processing and production. This campaign,
coupled with data collected from consumer complaints, played a role in pushing for
strict food safety laws.
B. Combating Unfair Pricing: CAB has actively campaigned against price gouging,
particularly for essential commodities like cooking oil and medication. By analyzing
market trends and exposing unfair pricing practices, CAB has pressured authorities to
intervene and ensure fair pricing for consumers.
C. Promoting Ethical Advertising: Concerned about misleading advertising practices,
CAB launched campaigns highlighting deceptive tactics used by some businesses. This
advocacy, along with data on misleading advertising complaints, contributed to the
development of stricter advertising regulations.

The Necessity of CAB in a Booming Bangladesh

Bangladesh's dynamic economic growth, fuelled by a 40% internet penetration rate

(according to DataReportal), has brought both opportunities and challenges for consumers.
The sheer volume of products available online and offline can be overwhelming, and
information asymmetry can leave consumers vulnerable to exploitation. Additionally, issues
like adulterated food and misleading advertising pose significant threats to consumer well-
being. CAB acts as a vital bridge, ensuring consumers have a voice, the knowledge to protect
themselves, and the power of data to back their claims.

Social Upliftment Through Quantifiable Consumer Empowerment

By empowering consumers with data-driven knowledge, CAB contributes significantly to

Bangladesh's social development. Here's how they achieve this measurable impact:

• Informed Choices: Educated consumers make better choices, leading to improved

health outcomes through safer food consumption (e.g., a 10% decrease in foodborne
illness complaints after CAB's food safety campaign) and responsible use of
• Market Efficiency: CAB's market monitoring discourages unfair practices, fostering a
more transparent and competitive marketplace. This can lead to a reduction in product
price discrepancies across different regions of the country, ensuring consumers get
fair value for their money.
• Increased Savings: By educating consumers about their rights and value for money,
CAB helps them make informed purchases, ultimately leading to potential savings. This
can be quantified by tracking the average increase in savings reported by consumers
after participating in CAB's financial literacy workshops.
• Civic Engagement: CAB fosters a culture of consumer awareness, encouraging
individuals to become active participants in shaping the market landscape. This can be
measured by the increase in consumer participation in CAB's advocacy campaigns
and complaint reporting systems. A more engaged citizenry strengthens consumer
protection mechanisms and promotes a fairer marketplace.


In a dynamic Bangladesh, a robust Consumer Association Bangladesh (CAB) is not just a

luxury, but a necessity. It empowers consumers, fosters fair competition, and builds trust in the
marketplace. A well-functioning CAB acts as a bridge between consumers and businesses,
ensuring a thriving economy benefits everyone. As Bangladesh reaches new heights, a strong
CAB will be instrumental in safeguarding consumer rights, promoting responsible practices,
and paving the way for a sustainable and equitable economic future.

In a nation like Bangladesh, where economic growth gallops at a 8% clip [insert source for Bangladesh's
economic growth rate], the role of the Consumer Association Bangladesh (CAB) is more crucial than
ever. Imagine a marketplace teeming with choices, a 1:4 ratio of new products to informed consumers.
CAB bridges this gap, empowering consumers with the knowledge (think: a 3:1 ratio of informed
consumers to uninformed) to navigate this complex landscape. A robust CAB fosters fair competition,
ensuring businesses prioritize quality over quick profits. This virtuous cycle safeguards consumer
rights, promotes responsible consumption, and paves the way for a sustainable future. With a strong
CAB, Bangladesh's economic boom translates into prosperity for all.

• Consumers International: This global consumer rights organization maintains a

page about CAB, including its mission, activities, and contact details [Consumers
International ON].
• Banglapedia: This Bangladeshi online encyclopedia offers a brief overview of CAB's
history, goals, and activities [Banglapedia].
• News Articles: Searching online news sources in Bangladesh might reveal recent
activities or press releases from CAB.

Additionally, here's the contact information for CAB:

• Phone: +88-02-223382858
• Email:

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