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Tóm tắt lại đoạn mà mình nghe được bằng 50-70 từ.
4 đoạn văn theo file nghe ạ!
• Planned as usual tonight is Friday night down at
Sam’s disco tonight‘s going to be a bit special not because
it’s your last weekend but because Sam is 30 today and
he’ll be having a big party down there from 830 this
evening Sam Cô will be the place to be and is half prize
before 1030 now for those of you who are interested in
football we’ve arranged a football match against the
students of Henry’s college. We usually hold the match on
the beach but this time it’ll be in South Park if you’re a
footballer go there at 2 o’clock tomorrow it’s opposite the
new sports center and it isn’t difficult to find Afterwards,
we thought we all get together both colleges we tried to
book the local pizza restaurant but unfortunately they
couldn’t take more than about 12 people instead we’ve
decided to have a beach party. Will meet back at the
college and set off together at about 5 o’clock, we’ve
managed to persuade a couple of guitarists from the local
pub to come and entertain it.
• I’ve always wanted to go to New Zealand so
when I saw an advertisement asking for people to work in a
forest near Auckland, I applied I was accepted and flew out
to New Zealand in January at the airport. I met other people
going to work in the forest and a bus came to collect us and
take us there. Eventually there’s going to be a really big
tourist center where we were. I thought I’d be staying in a
wooden hut, but in fact, I was in a tent which I shared with
four other boys to American and two Japanese it was
summer so I was a bit disappointed that the weather was
rather wet and windy but at least you could have hot
showers in the evening. There was also a professional cook
and every evening he made us great meals that’s important
when he working outside all day we always worked as a
team so progress was fast. Our main job was creating a path
in the forest to make access easier they’ll need it when the
tourist center opens to groups in another year or two.

• If you want to study an interesting subject this

summer and improve your English at the same time hybrid
College is offering three very good courses as is always the
case each course last four weeks there is an English
literature course which will deal with 20th century writers
and poets there is also a course about 18 century artists
which includes guided tour of the best galleries and finally
a course in modern architecture with visits to some of the
cities, most famous buildings All the courses begin on 14
June and the last day of classes is 12 July classes are from 9
to 330 leaving you plenty of time for other activities in the
Long Sự evenings. Fridays are also free for you to have a
break because there are lessons on Saturdays and Sundays
• If you’re a student who wants to keep active over
the summer vacation, you’ll be interested in this the student
running club meets every week and is open to students
from any college in the town come to the football stadium
every Friday between May 18 and August 30 if you’d like
to take part Registration for the club couldn’t be easier if
you remember last summer you’ll receive a registration
form in an email if this is your first time, you can register in
person on meeting days, but make sure you’re there by 5:30
PM at the latest five dollar payment will allow you to run in
all the Friday races through the summer and you’ll get a
sports bag with the club name on it if you just want to turn
up for one race, the cost is only one dollar.
Task 1: Construct your own example of each of the following (3
• an NP consisting of a determiner, an adjective,
and a noun…………………..
• an NP consisting of a determiner, a noun, and a
• a sentence consisting of an NP subject, a
transitive verb, an NP object, and an
• a VP consisting of an intransitive verb and a
prepositional phrase…………...
• a VP consisting of a sentenial complement verb,
its complement sentence, and two VP
• an expression of category N that consists of two
adjective and a noun………


*Answer these questions.
1. Have you ever been very sick? When?

2. What did you do to get well?

3. How long did it take you to get well?

4. What are some ways to prevent an


Write a SUMMARY of about 150-180

words for the text.

Malaria is a serious health problem. It is a leading cause of
death in many countries. It occurs mostly in tropical and
subtropical parts of the world, including parts of Africa, Asia,
South America, Central America, and the Middle East. The
place most intensely affected by malaria is Africa south of the
Sahara Desert. About 6o% of the world's malaria cases and
8o% of malaria deaths occur there. Even though the causes of
malaria in this region are well understood, international health
agencies are finding that controlling it is still an enormous and
difficult task.
2 Because malaria is passed from mosquitoes to people and
from people to mosqultoes, we can think of the disease as a
cycle. The malaria cycle begins with tiny parasites that reside
in the bodies of Anopheles mosquitoes. These deadly parasites
cause malaria. When a female mosquito bites a human, the
mosquito draws off blood. It also leaves malaria parasites in
the human's skin. These parasites quickly multiply inside the
human and cause the individual to feel sick.
3 If a mosquito bites a human who is sick with malaria,
parasites from the human enter
the body of the mosquito. When that mosquito bites another
human, it will leave parasites in the other human's skin. In the
malaria cycle, humans get parasites from mosquitoes and they
also give parasites to mosquitoes.
Becoming infected with malaria is a medical einergency. The
first symptoms of malaria are fever, chills, sweating, intense
headache, and muscle pains. Nausea and vomiting often
accoinpany these symptoms. Immediate medical treatment
must be a priority for people who are infected. They must take
medicines that will kill the parasites. If medical treatment is
started soon enough, sick individuals can be cured. If they do
not, malaria can cause serious illness or even death.
Breaking the malaria cycle in Africa Malaria in tropical
Africa could be controlled in two ways. First, it could be
controlled by killing the parasites that cause the illness. If
every infected person quickly took malaria medicine, most
would be well in a few days. Mosquitoes could not get malaria
parasites from healthy individuals, so malaria would not
spread. Unfortunately, many people live in far-away villages
without access to quick medical care. Another problem is that
the ability of quinine (the primary medicine used against
malaria) to kill parasites has declined over time. There is hope,
however, for a new drug combination, called ACT. It is being
used successfully to treat people who have malaria.
Malaria could also be controlled by stopping the mosqultoes.
One way would be to get rid of the pools of water where they
lay their eggs. Also, insecticide could be sprayed in wet areas
and around buildings to kill mosquitoes. Finally, people could
be told to sleep under bed nets to present mosquitoes from
biting them at night. Bed nets sprayed with insecticide would
both stop and kill mosquitoes.
7 It is very difficult, however, to implement these plans. People
in this region are poor - and made poorer by malaria because
they may be too weak to work. They cannot afford to pay for
medical care or to buy bed nets. If they are not educated, the
people may be unwilling to cooperate with government efforts
to help them. Their old beliefs about illness may conflict with
modern attempts to cure or prevent malaria.
There are other problems, too. Health ministries do not have
the money to build clinlcs or hire trained medical practitioners.
They do not have the money to buy insecticide and pay a labor
force to spray regularly. And the frequent rainfall would make
it impossible to get rid of pools of water where mosquitoes lay
Helping African nations control malaria is now a top priority
of many relief organlzations. The World Health Organization
and Doctors Without Borders are just two of many
organizations offering help-and hope-to the people of sub-
Saharan Africa.

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