Teaching-Guide-Catchup Friday - G4 April 05

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I. General Overview
Catch-up National Grade Level: 4
Subject: Reading
Quarterly Reading Sub-theme:
Theme: Intervention
Time: Date: April 05, 2024
II. Session Outline
Session Title: Story (English): Moon Fright

Story (Filipino): Si Kiko

Session Objectives: At the end of the session, learners will be able to:
a) decode unfamiliar words using phonics and context clues.
b) demonstrate comprehension of the story by retelling the
main events and identifying characters.
c) make predictions and inferences about the story.
d) build vocabulary by learning new words related to the
Key Concepts:  Phonics: Decoding words by understanding the relationship
between letters and sounds.
 Context Clues: Using surrounding words and sentences to
determine the meaning of unfamiliar words.
 Comprehension: Understanding the main ideas and details
of the story.
 Prediction: Making educated guesses about what will
happen next in the story.
 Inference: Drawing conclusions based on information in the
 Vocabulary: Knowledge and understanding of words.
III. Teaching Strategies
Components Duration Activities and Procedures

1. Brainstorming: Write "Moon" and "Night" on the

board. Ask students what they think of when
they hear these words. Discuss their ideas and
connect them to the story title "Moon Fright and
Pre-reading Si Kiko".
30 mis
Activities 2. Vocabulary Preview: Introduce 3-5 new
vocabulary words from the story (e.g., fright,
glimpse, whispered). Use pictures, gestures, or
synonyms to explain their meaning.
3. Phonemic Awareness Review: Briefly review
basic phonics skills relevant to the story, such
as short vowels or consonant blends.
During Reading 120 mins Activities:

 Shared Reading: Begin by reading the first few

sentences aloud with expression. Then, have
students take turns reading a sentence or
paragraph each.
 Decoding Strategies: When students encounter
an unfamiliar word, ask them to sound it out
using phonics skills. Then, encourage them to
look for context clues in the surrounding
sentences to confirm the meaning.
 Prediction: Pause at stopping points and ask

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students to predict what might happen next

based on the clues they have read.
 Comprehension Checks: Throughout the story,
ask questions to ensure understanding. These
can be factual (Who is Si Kiko?) or inferential
(Why do you think Si Kiko felt scared?).


 Short story: Moon Fright and Si Kiko (printed or

 Character pictures (Si Kiko, Moon)
 Graphic organizer (Main Idea and Details chart)
 Sentence strips with scrambled story sequence
 Construction paper
 Crayons/Markers

1. Story Retelling: Have students retell the story

in their own words, focusing on the main
events and characters.
2. Character Analysis: Discuss the characters
and their actions. Ask students to describe Si
Post-reading Kiko's feelings and how they changed
30 mins throughout the story.
3. Vocabulary Review: Review the new
vocabulary words introduced before reading.
Have students use them in sentences related to
the story.
4. Art Activity: Students can draw a picture of
their favorite scene from the story or illustrate
how Si Kiko might have been feeling during
different parts of the story.

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I. General Overview
Catch-up Subject: National Reading Program Grade Level: 4
Quarterly Theme: Reading Enhancement Sub-theme:
Time: Date: April 05, 2024
II. Session Outline
Session Title: “A Bridge for Silay”
Session Objectives: At the end of the session, learners will be able to:
a) Recognize and read familiar sight words.
b) Decode simple words using phonics skills.
c) Follow the storyline of a short story.
d) Participate in discussions and share their thoughts about the story.
Key Concepts:  Comprehension: understanding the meaning of what is read.
 Characters: the people or animals in a story.
 Plot: the sequence of events in a story.
 Main idea: the central message of a story.
 Reflection: thinking carefully about something.
III. Teaching Strategies
Components Duration Activities and Procedures

1. Introduce the Activity: Briefly introduce the activity

by explaining that students will be reading a short story
called "A Bridge for Silay" and then engaging in
activities to improve their reading comprehension.
2. Activate Prior Knowledge: Discuss with students what
they already know about bridges. Have them

Preparation and
10 mins
Setting In

brainstorm and share ideas about the purpose of

bridges, different types of bridges, and any challenges
associated with bridges.

 Copies of the short story "A Bridge for Silay" for each
student (with appropriate font size and spacing)
 Chart paper or whiteboard
 Markers or pens
 Sticky notes (optional)
Dedicated Reading 15 mins Activities:
1. Silent Reading: Distribute copies of "A Bridge for Silay"
to each student. Explain that they will have time to
read the story silently. Encourage them to take their
time and reread any parts they find confusing.
2. Vocabulary Check (optional): Before silent reading,
identify a few key vocabulary words from the story that

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students might find challenging. Pre-teach these words

or have students look them up in a dictionary.


1. Individual Reflection: After students have finished

reading, provide them with time to reflect on the story.
Distribute sticky notes (optional) or have them use their
notebooks to answer the following questions:
20 mins o Who are the main characters in the story?
through Reflection
o What was the main problem Silay faced?
and Sharing
o How did the characters work together to solve
the problem?
o What was the main idea of the story?
o What did you like most about the story?


1. Summarize Key Points: Briefly summarize the key

points of the story as a class to solidify student
Wrap Up 15 mins understanding.
2. Exit Ticket: As an exit ticket, students can write a
short summary of the story in their own words or
illustrate a scene that they found particularly

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I. General Overview
Catch-up Grade Level: 4
Values Education
Quarterly National and Global Awareness Sub-theme: Gratitude
Theme: (refer to Enclosure No. 3 of DM 001, (refer to Enclosure
s. 2024, Quarter 3) No. 3 of DM 001, s.
2024, Quarter 3)
Time: Date:
April 05, 2024
II. Session Details
Session Title: The Gratitude Jar
Session At the end of the session, learners will be able to:
Objective/s: a) define gratitude.
b) identify things they are grateful for in their lives.
c) explain why they are grateful for these things.
d) participate in activities that promote a sense of gratitude.
Key Concepts:  Gratitude: An appreciation for what one receives, whether tangible or
 Reflection: Thinking carefully about something.

III. Facilitation Strategies

Components Duration Activities and Procedures


1. Warm-up: Begin by asking students to share

something good that happened to them recently.
2. Introducing Gratitude: Explain that today, we will
be talking about gratitude. Ask students if they
know what gratitude means. Write their answers
on the board and use them to guide a discussion.
3. Video Clip: Give Thanks - Janella Salvador (Lyrics)

Introduction 5 minutes

 Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?
 Briefly discuss the message of the song and how it
connects to gratitude.

 Whiteboard/Chart paper
 Markers/Pens
 Construction paper (cut into various shapes)
 Glue sticks/Scissors
 Pencils/Crayons
Reflective 15 minutes Activity:
Activities 1. Silent Reflection: Ask students to close their eyes
and take a few deep breaths. Tell them to think

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about the things in their lives that they are grateful

for. This can include people, places, things,
experiences, or even good health.
2. Individual Brainstorming: Once students have
had time to reflect, provide them with construction
paper and ask them to create a “Gratitude List.”
Students can write down or draw pictures of the
things they are grateful for.


1. “Gratitude Jar” Activity: Divide students into

Structured small groups. Provide each group with a jar and
Values 15 minutes construction paper cut into small squares. Ask
Activitles students to write down something they are grateful
for on each piece of paper. Encourage them to be
specific! Then, have each group place their papers
in the jar to create a class “Gratitude Jar.”


Group Sharing 1. Group Sharing: Have each group share their

10 minutes “Gratitude Jar” with the class. Students can take
and Reflection
turns reading their entries or explaining their


Feedback and 1. “Gratitude Wall” Display students’ individual

Reinforcement 10 minutes “Gratitude Lists” on a designated bulletin board or
wall in the classroom to create a “Gratitude Wall.”
This serves as a constant reminder of the things
they are grateful for.

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I. General Overview
Catch-up Subject: Health Education Grade Level: 4
Quarterly Theme: Drug Educatioln Sub-theme: Say NO to gateway
(refer to Enclosure No. 3 of DM drugs
001, s. 2024, Quarter 3) (refer to Enclosure
No. 3 of DM 001, s.
2024, Quarter 3)
Time: Date: April 05, 2024
II. Session Details
Session Title: Say NO to Gateway Drugs
Session At the end of the session, learners will be able to:
Objective/s: 1. define gateway drugs and understand their potential risks.
2. identify strategies to resist peer pressure related to drugs.
3. develop communication skills to say no to drugs confidently.
Key Concepts:  Gateway drugs: Substances that can lead to the use of harder drugs.
 Peer pressure: Influence from friends or peers to engage in certain
 Refusal skills: Strategies to politely and firmly decline unwanted

III. Facilitation Strategies

Components Duration Activities and Procedures

Dynamic Stimulator (5 minutes)

1. Two Truths and a Lie: Prepare three statements about

drugs, two true and one false (e.g., "Chocolate is a gateway
drug," "Nicotine is found in cigarettes," "Marijuana helps
you relax"). Students guess the false statement, sparking a
discussion about drug types and effects.

Current Health News Sharing (5 minutes):

Introduction and
10 minutes
1. Teacher Preparation: Find a recent age-appropriate
news story about the dangers of gateway drugs.
2. Briefly share the news story and ask students what
they found surprising or interesting.

 Chart paper
 Markers
 Playdough or construction paper (to create medicine

Health Sessions (30 minutes):

30 minutes
Exploration Session 1: Gateway Drugs

 Video: What is a GATEWAY DRUG?

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 Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?
 Discussion: Ask students:
o What did you learn about gateway drugs from
the video?
o Can you name some examples of gateway
drugs? (Cigarettes, alcohol, marijuana)
o Why might someone start using gateway drugs?
(Curiosity, peer pressure)

Session 2: Saying NO! (15 minutes):

 Role-playing: Divide students into pairs. One student

offers a drug (pretend), while the other practices refusal
skills. Encourage them to use phrases like "No,
thanks," "I'm not interested," or "I'd rather [healthy
 Discussion: Debrief the role-playing. What worked
well? What could be improved?

Reflection and Sharing (10 minutes):


1. Ask students to write a short reflection:

Valuing 10 minutes
 Imagine a friend offers you a gateway drug. How would
you respond?
2. Students can share their reflections with the class or write
them in a journal.

1. Briefly reiterate the dangers of gateway drugs and the

Wrap Up 5 minutes importance of saying no.
2. Remind students of healthy alternatives to drugs, like
spending time with friends, playing sports, or pursuing

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I. General Overview
Catch-up Subject: Peace Education Grade Level: 4
Quarterly Theme: National and Global Awareness Sub-theme: Peace Concepts
(refer to Enclosure No. 3 of DM (Positive and Negative
001, s. 2024, Quarter 3) Peace)
(refer to Enclosure
No. 3 of DM 001, s.
2024, Quarter 3)
Time: Date: April 05, 2024
II. Session Details
Session Title: Peace Education: Understanding Negative and Positive Peace
Session At the end of the session, learners will be able to:
Objective/s: 1. define negative peace and positive peace.
2. identify examples of negative and positive peace in their world.
3. explain the importance of working towards both negative and positive
Key Concepts:  Negative peace: Absence of war and violence.
 Positive peace: Presence of justice, equality, and cooperation.
 Conflict: Disagreement between people.

III. Facilitation Strategies

Components Duration Activities and Procedures


1. Begin by asking students what peace means to them.

2. Briefly explain that peace is more than just the absence
of war.
Introduction and Materials:
10 minutes
 Chart paper
 Markers
 Pictures or drawings depicting various situations (war,
negotiation, playground fight, community garden)
1. Icebreaker Activity (10 minutes):
 Play a short cooperative game, like “Simon Says Peace
Concept Edition” where students have to follow instructions that
31 minutes
Exploration promote peace (e.g., Simon Says share your crayons).

2. Multimedia Exploration (8 minutes): Video Time!

 Show the short video: What does PEACE mean to

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 Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?

 Discussion: Ask students, "What did you see in the

video that made you feel peaceful?"

3. Small Group Discussion (8 minutes):

 Divide students into small groups.
 Present pictures or drawings depicting various
situations (war, negotiation, playground fight,
community garden).
 Instruct students to discuss:
i. Which picture shows negative peace?
ii. Which pictures show positive peace?
iii. Why?

4. Group Presentation (5 minutes):

 Each group presents their discussion and chosen
examples to the class.
 Encourage other students to ask questions and share
their thoughts.

Class Reflection (2 minutes):

Valuing 2 minutes 1. As a class, discuss the importance of both negative and

positive peace.
2. How can we work towards achieving them in our world?
3. How can we create positive peace in our classroom?
Conclusion (2 minutes):

1. Briefly summarize the key concepts of negative and

positive peace.
2. Reiterate the importance of working towards a peaceful
Evaluation 2 minutes

Homework Assignment (Optional):

1. Students can create a drawing or write a short story

that depicts their vision of a peaceful world.

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I. General Overview
Catch-up Subject: Homeroom Guidance Grade Level: 4
Quarterly Theme: Nasusuri ang mga Sub-theme:
pangangailangan ng pamilya,
komunidad at kahalagahan ng
pagtutulungan ng buong
Time: Date: April 05, 2024
II. Session Outline
Session Title: Mga Pangunahing Pangangailangan ng Pamilya at Komunidad
Session Objectives: 1. Identify the needs of the family and community(HGIPS-IVa-1)
2. Explain the advantage of helping one’s community(HGIPS-IVa-2)
Natutukoy ang mga pangangailangan ng pamilya at pamayanan
Naipapaliwanag ang kapakinabangang dulot ng pagtulong sa komunidad
Key Concepts:  Nasusuri ang mga pangangailangan ng pamilya, komunidad at
kahalagahan ng pagtutulungan ng buong pamayanan

III. Teaching Strategies

Components Duration Activities and Procedures
Panimula 10 mins Sa nakaraang linggo ay napag-aralan mo na ang
tungkol sa iba’t ibang uri ng problemang kinakaharap ng ating
bansa. May mga mungkahing pamamaraan kung paano ka
makakatulong sa mga kinakaharap na problema ng ating
pamilya, pamayanan, at ng buong bansa. Bilang isang mag-
aaral, may kakayahan ka na makiisa sa layunin upang
masolusyunan, mabawasan o di kaya maalis ng tuluyan ang
mga kinakaharap na problema upang maibalik na sa dating
maayos, tahimik at maunlad na pamayanan.
Sa araling ito ay iyong matututunan ang kadahilanan
ng pagiging masayang pamilya sa isang komunidad. Tatalakayin
din dito ang magiging bunga ng pagtutulungan ng bawat isa sa
Kaya bilang mag-aaral ikaw ay inaasahang:
1. Naiisa -isa ang mga pangunahing pangangailangan ng
pamilya at komunidad.
2. Nasusuri ang kahalagahan ng pagtutulungan sa
3. Napahahalagahan ang pagbubuklod ng pamilya at ng
4. Pansinin ang bawat larawan sa ibaba. Ano ang masasabi

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mo dito? Ano ang kaugnayan ng mga larawan sa bawat

isa? Bakit kaya mahalaga ito?

Ang pamilya ang pinakamaliit na bahagi ng

komunidad. Ang malusog, payapa at masayang pamilya ay
dulot ng pagkakaroon ng sapat na pangangailangan. Ang
bawat kasapi ng komunidad ay may pamilyang kinabibilangan.
Ang mga pangunahing pangangailangan ng pamilya ay ang
mga sumusunod: pagkain, damit at tirahan. Hindi lang ang
pangunahing pangangailangan ang dapat tugunan sa isang
pamilya, kasama dito ang kagandang asal. May iba’t ibang
relihiyon sa komunidad na nagsisilbing gabay ng mga tao sa
matiwasay at maunlad na pamumuhay. Ang edukasyon ang
nalikha ng iba’t ibang propesyon na makatutulong sa pag-
unlad ng komunidad. Ang pagkakaroon ng marangal na
hanapbuhay ng magulang ay kailangan para may pangtustos
sa mga pangangailangan ng pamilya.
Mainam manirahan sa payapa at tahimik na
kapaligiran dahil nagdudulot ito ng maayos na samahan at
pagkakaisa. Kung nagkakaisa ang mga tao sa mga programa
ng komunidad, magiging matagumpay ito at lahat ay pantay-
pantay na makikinabang dito. Kailangan din ng paglilibangan
upang mapalawak ang kaalamang sosyal, emosyonal, ispiritwal
at pisikal ng bawat kasapi ng komunidad. Magkatulong ang
pamahalaang lokal sa pangunguna ng tapat at responsableng
pinuno at iba pang kabahagi ng komunidad sa pagtugon ng
pangangailangang ito. Ang pinuno ang siyang nangunguna sa
Pagpapaunlad 20 mins pagpapatupad ng mga programa, gawain at batas.
Pinangangasiwaan din niya nang maayos ang mga pasilidad,
kalsada at serbisyong tungkol sa kalusugan, kapayapaan,
hanapbuhay at iba pang kailangan ng mga mamamayang
kanyang nasasakupan.
Kung walang pagmamahal at pagkakaisa ang bawat pamilya
ay hindi magkakaroon ng maunlad at payapang pamayanan
dahil kung ano ang nakikita sa loob ng pamilya ay ganoon din
tiyak ang mangyayari sa lipunan.
Ang pagtutulungan ang nagbubuklod sa mga tao sa
komunidad. Nagiging daan ito tungo sa pagkakaisa. Ito rin ay
lubhang mahalaga sa panahon ng kagipitan at kalamidad.
Dapat nauunawaan ng bawat kasapi ng komunidad ang
kahalagahan nito.
Ito ang ilan sa mga halimbawa ng mahalagang gawain
na nagpapakita ng pagtutulungan sa isang
1. Clean up drives
2. Pagkakaroon ng waste segregation programs
3. Pagbabalot ng mga relief goods
4. Feeding programs
5. Pagkakaroon ng mga libreng seminars para sa mamamayan
6. Pagtuturo sa mga kabataan hindi nag-aaral
7. Pagbibigay ng p`agkakakitaan sa mga mamamayan

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Gawain sa Pagkatuto Bilang 1: Ayusin ang mga ginulong titik

upang makabuo ng mga salitang tumutukoy sa mga
pangangailangan ng pamilya. Isulat sa papel ang iyong sagot.
1. NIGAPAK – _________________________________________
2. RATIHAN – _________________________________________
3. SADEKUYON – _______________________________________
4. MATID – __________________________________________
5. HABUYAPHAN - _____________________________________

Gawain sa Pagkatuto Bilang 2: Isulat sa patlang ang

tinutukoy na pangangailangan ng pamilya at komunidad.
Isulat ang sagot sa iyong sagutang papel.
_________________1. Ito ay nagsisilbing gabay ng mga tao sa
matiwasay na pamumuhay.
_________________2. Siya ang nangunguna sa pagpapatupad ng
programa, gawain at batas sa isang komunidad.
_________________3. Ito ang nalikha ng iba’t ibang propesyon na
makakatulong sa pag-unlad ng komunidad.
_________________4. Nakakatulong ito sa pagpapalawak ng
kaalamang sosyal, emosyonal, ispiritwal at pisikal na
Pakikipagpalihan 20 mins katangian ng bawat kasapi ng komunidad.
_________________5. Ito ay nagbubuklod sa mga tao sa
komunidad tungo sa pagkakaisa.

Gawain sa Pagkatuto Bilang 3: Hanapin sa hanay B ang mga

pangngailanagn ng pamilya na isinasaad ng mga larawan sa
hanay A. Isulat ang titik ng tamang sagot sa iyong sagutang

*Ang mga pangunahing pangangailangan ng pamilya ay

pagkain,damit, tirahan,gamot at hanapbuhay. Ang pagtugon
sa pangangailangan ng pamilya ay nagdudulot ng kasiyahan
sa bawat kasapi nito.
Paglalapat 15 mins
*Mahalaga ang pagtutulungan ng mga tao upang mapabilis
ang pag-unlad ng isang komunidad dahil ang
pakikipagtulungan ay isang paraan upang maipakita ang
pagkakaisa ng bawat tao para sa kapakanan ng komunidad.
Ipabatid ang iyong personal na pagtatasa sa kard ayon sa lebel

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ng iyong performans.

Prepared By:

Juan A. Dela Cruz


Recommending Approval: Approved:

Juana A. Dela Cruz Juancho A. Dela Cruz

Master Teacher/Head Teacher School Head

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