Mr. Boczar's Freshman/Sophomore Physics Class 1st and 5th Periods Classroom Rules and Regulations

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Boczars Freshman/Sophomore Physics Class 1st and 5th Periods Classroom Rules and Regulations

Welcome to Mr. Boczars Physics class! This handout outlines classroom expectations, rules, and daily procedures that you will be required to follow in order to make this class a safe and fun learning environment Use this sheet as a guideline throughout the year, and I guarantee the learning process will be enjoyable for you and your classmates!

Classroom Rules
When Mr. Boczar or a classmate is speaking, listen attentively. Raise your hand when you want to speak when Mr. Boczar is teaching a lesson Respect all classroom and lab equipment. If something breaks, report it to Mr. Boczar immediately! Ask to use the washroom, and take the Hall Pass with you. Come to class on time and be in your seat when the bell rings. All in-class and out-of-class assignments should be your own work, even if it is a group assignment. Follow all classroom procedures (see section below) Finally, follow THE GOLDEN RULE- treat others how you want to be treated.

Daily Procedures and Expectations

Come to class on time. If you are late, you are expected to get a late pass from a teacher or administrator, otherwise you will be marked tardy. 3 UNEXCUSED TARDIES = DETENTION Pick up folders from the back of the classroom. You are expected to take out all graded assignments, and insert all due assignments that will be graded and returned in the folder. Once the bell rings, you should be working on the warm-up problem. Every class, there will be a warm-up problem or physics riddle on the board or projector that you will be given about two or three minutes to solve individually. Follow directions. Depending on daily activity, follow directions given by Mr. Boczar.

Place class folders into crate at the end of class, located in the back of the classroom. The end of class is not when the bell rings, but when Mr. Boczar dismisses you. Turn in all work on time. See below for details. WORK HARD This is probably the most important expectation I will have of you. I can reassure you that if you put forth the effort, you will be successful in this class, and it will make learning that much more enjoyable!

Why follow these rules and procedures?

It will enhance your learning experience. If you pay attention in class and do what is asked of you, you will learn a lot more and get more out of class. It will enhance your classmates learning experience. Doing what is expected of you will avoid unnecessary distractions that may affect your peers learning. It will build your character. In college and the real-world, you will always have expectations and rules to follow so lets start now! There will be a pizza party at the end of the semester if nobody gets a detention for tardiness. Thats right, if nobody is late more than 3 times throughout the semester, Mr. Boczar will throw a pizza party before finals!

Consequences of not following rules and procedures...

Detentions and/or Write-Ups Besides being tardy three times, Mr. Boczar has the right to give out any detentions or write-up a student if they are a distraction or a safety hazard to the learning environment. Three tardies by ANY student = No pizza party. Self explanatory. Be on time and your classmates will love you. Turn in all assignments on time. One day late = 20 % deduction Two days late = 50% deduction > two days late = No credit *This is also outlined in the syllabus under Grading* WHEN ITS ALL SAID AND DONE, FOLLOW THE RULES AND PROCEDURES AND WE WILL GET ALONG.

Reflection One expectation that I will really hold the students accountable for is coming to class on time and prepared. I will make sure to enforce this rule, and not play favorites. Meaning, I will not let some students slide past this rule. The expectation is very important for the students to learn because everyday in the real world, they will be expected to arrive on time and be prepared, whether its to a class in college, or a meeting at work. I will reward them if they do a good job of this by throwing a pizza party at the end of the semester. This is positive reinforcement that will motivate them to show up to class on time, in case they dont really care about getting a detention. As far as modeling an expectation or daily procedure, I can have my own folder or binder in the back of the classroom and pick that up before every class, just like the students are expected to do. When they see the teacher picking up their folder everyday before class starts, they should be able to get into a habit of this so its not a distraction once class starts. My folder obviously wont consist of answer keys or student work because that would be way too accessible to students, but maybe extra copies of assignments or class work that they will be doing that day or the past couple days. The easiest part of this assignment was thinking of rules and expectations. This was easy because I have my philosophies on how the classroom should be run, and having been in school for the past sixteen years, I have been exposed to a variety of rules and expectations of about fifty different teachers. There were definitely some rules I thought were dumb but there were also many that I thought are important and I plan to implement into my own classroom. The hardest (or at least somewhat harder) part of this assignment was the reinforcement and consequences. As a student, it was harder to realize the reinforcements or consequences

teachers used in their classrooms. The consequences they did use were usually pretty standarddetentions, time outs (in elementary), write-ups, etc. As for reinforcements, other than candy, food, or recess, I couldnt think of much that my former teachers used. I was thinking more along the lines of long-term positive reinforcement like learning and becoming well-rounded human beings, which in reality, should be the ultimate goal of every teacher in a students schooling career.

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