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UNITS 11-12 er ARAND ABULARY GBD Werte the Jo each person does, 1 fy planes lever the wot Fa 2 ite artes for aoeal newepapen ma 13 Tgrow vogtaies and keep cows sad igs Pua 4 serve customer ina shonin 5 Treparengoes and machines Tin 6 Tok ater people’ tet ma 7 Thalp when theresa Bre. 8 Leerve people meals ina restaurant Fm. 9 Telean the ours in anoffce Fina, 10 Ttateto people when they coment de oifce and soswe the phone Ym a, (WD) zeeaa the descriptions, What isthe word for each one? The fist letters given. 1 Wecanbake cake inthis 2 Weep ood and drink cold inthis 13 Weco the washing-upin tis 4 Wecan use this to esd inthe dark, 55 Weput our hende on this in be, 6 Weeat dinner siting sound it 17 Wesitandelaxon tis 8 Wecan i this wit watersnd stint 9. Weneep dishes cups and food a this 10 Weean putts on our be to keep warm, WD choose the correct word to fill each gap. ‘Tm the manager (2) unos pop group. Ltwel (@) _ wih them. 13852500 @)____Tve done for yeas. The main thing Ido isto make ue that hey have ()___ they nee 1work wih people (5) are great singers But ‘hey dont enoy taking on TV, 50 Talk for them, When (6) goes wrong, Ihave to ep. Ouce there wasn’ (7) to tat ater a concen SoT ad to cook inner {or ()_. all in day wort Act Be cto 2 A somewhere B everything C everywhere SAwnt — Bwnere — C which 4 A something BW everything C everywhere SAuho | Banat where 6 Aceveryhing B something C someone” 7 -A.acything DB everything C something 8 someone Baxyone —C everyone EON Kaaegggese HOOD NN IMHODDD HOOSASAAAAR AA e © ec Se oe fe e e eo eo ec Se « © oe e ce eo id S&S as => > WD compete tn sentences sng the correc ytev race = ofthe verbs inbrackets aor 1 Teewinmin yo : er yo mage 2 Kmiec os-——_thrarncee maTs 3 tors ‘ay thehewe vben ty toned 4 Sesion nha ie 5 Thee" ture neta wean in ¢ Teron (a wie sheng tee wera. ‘The workers ___(not tell) that the factory was closed. 1 Breyone far) he pee uss ni certo the et 9 Calms (cen) tales tena won 10 Banoo. (Ge mre yt open a er 11 ftw he ok wie ving ta ce rae 12 Mest deta vebuy_—— mk nae BW complete tne biog post about Domentco's home with one word in each g4P- {woh aumattonn()__ out ont Neen, Wobne alagoheus aa | (ean eta ater. tr abuso veh ny bot iat Yous cli ane My pars nc Nap. iy dea a mag Igwoup @)___tetovn tofun gp oto ca yo best Hees My ‘ert cat hast betes ean. 80. na wh et ass jars as EXAM JSqiLLS Ske os ee) ‘Tick the statements that are true for you. Review the skllsin the unit you: Lean. Cy entity incorrect answer options in multiple-choice activities Ci take notes when Tlisten Bi tax aout jobs people do Dy ase indefinite ana relative pronouns Gy pian my arsicle before 1 start writing By understand words wit opposte meanings Deneck ny ansirers: agree and disagree in a discussion [Bi senity words that stow the order of events [Ei waite a stony with diferent paragraphs vv 5 VOGCUEGIGOOVVVUDUDUDUDEUUUUEULELEUULL need more help. ‘Univpage vnitin pit ‘ait 1 pts Unit 11 p120 ‘unit 11 plat Unit 11 piZ2 ‘Unit 12 p24 ‘Unit 12 p12 ‘vale 12 p130 ‘nit 12pi3t ‘unit 12 p32 {nPart 1 ofthe exam, you will ead the short texts (eg. short emails, text messages, web messages igs and notices) and dacde what typeof xt the are and where young se them This wil hep ‘you understnd the mebing Read the et andthe thes mile chace answers, Bor Cnet teach one Unerine the important words er pases inthe texts ha aesrilr to the das n the answers. Then cnpare ‘the option with the text before cheosing sn answer, GBD Read tne texts and the questions. For each question, choose the correct answer, a Bitte, ae Meedientdand Cojcomerccona ‘Doyea hve Mikes hans nombre tn ming tis bitsy lento Bt | rouinseta bing! ‘A Becky should tel Anna se can go to the shops. 1B eck has to tell Anna if she can meet her at ‘Why as Jamie sent this email? ‘esata, Becky needs to el Anna what time she can meet her ‘A Jamie wants Tom to tell him what to bing, 1 Tom should give Jamie «phone number Jamies asking Tom to come toa pent with hi, Latest books for teenagers 50% off children’s toys @ I you're coming on the museum trip, you must pay Emma £10 before Friday. coates oe 0 veer ae ‘what the notice eing custrses? ‘A You can pay Emma the mosey on Fridey ‘A Acwide variety of boos fora ages are now 1B You have to goon the school rip othe museum, nsale es (€ Younced opay Emma the money before the end _B There is count onthe types of tings ettne eee tilren play with Some things cost es tn he teenager tes =z aeparment, BO katie, fp go shapping this morning could you ph tore ‘me ng some milk? Let me know the cast ~ " usw norte a (77 bc tered er (TUSK ET aeFoRE cLosiNé ThE De0R.) ‘A Youneed to wat unt the door is closed before using te baton, Dan would like Katie to should pash the bu {i pee eung et 3 Youshould psh the button bore losing 1B retum the money he lent her (© You should add washing powder then cose decide when they wil go shopping ‘the door. InPart2 you wilenhe een queionsadurrine ny ky words or pases Thee the teeters uty tundentand the grr rearing sn ange Noe ane sto thatresnfr nearing oe andro’ words th queso aman helpyou wot out the meaning oso or pres sagquodlestaloahetg reek eae Remeber thinklogaly when te aon stinmedaty dese er ample theo ch erent tema anaes okt wods ithe oppose mening tetas sybase person prefers workin outdoors? the ext might cantante: ‘because beng neo nature'Itcan often be helpful to Sometimes these wil gv you te correct answer Fr example, twas ight ouside | sarkoutside HHOMHAADAGQADAAAIAIAG eocennneend anncecnnennne® OVVOVVIVOVOVUVUDUUUUU EEUU UU GUE UU GUGEUDUELELE on se o (WD) Read the articte. Por each question, choose the correct answer, texy Kate Aria Ko ee Rois 8 aA 8B Co ae Bee. Aye Be 8 a errs hee BPS 41 Who knows what ob she wants todo when she's an ad? 2. Who ays she doos ess housework than one of her parents da? ‘3 Whose family has help from someone who's notin te family? 4 Who tikes the plan her family has? '5 Who likes to know where her thing ae? {6 Who dinks she should do more housework? 7 Who doesn tke helping inthe kitchen? Helpingin the house tay vate Z Aiea ap th jos thavetour rake my bo ) athome, bit ‘omer so aris my Tne eous thee so roomever day ‘comers When cawyess butaclener ryemumas ‘ae does atotet rage. she etposanda the otar bs COR esowash ne ‘fren pen Inte now dehes tay herromandlockatr | doeseachyebaveyweects2go0d | Myparenspayhertocean re hersiereverydy thnk washthe | iden becauett does ge boi Tas | house fm id :0myroom dost get Aishesoncee weekend sometimes! | wek mfkying he Hang recm sol | mes enjoy pug he bockson helpcookdinne wich enjoy iwert | reed can metal te bookase | mybookcaseand my clotesin he areatschealsointheevennas|ey | anainerV every day My avoue}ob | warobe because then know whee {re Maybe nthesurmerholdays, | Whlpingtcookanne good | evenings. Wy ees vores ‘when tmrotso bu. \wiltvetine | becausetwanttobe achetwnen | heling ith neceoking Because fm wou Times ot godt askey bee tha Decne macbook v Jn Part3 ofthe exam you will ead a longer text such asa magazine or newspaper article Under the arte ae five multple-choce question with three options (AB rC).The order ofthe questions {ellos the order ofthe tox unless there afl labal question. Fist skimthe txt to gta general idea ofthe Topi Read he fue questions carefully and undtine any key words or pvases without reading the options (8 (rC). Next read the text in dealt try and answer the question in your own words before checking which ‘ption sim o you ides, You should ako ead the other twe options and decde why they ce wrong. there SFr owo options that you think might be comet think about hw they are diferent and Fone ofthem doesn inser the question fll huh read the magarne arte, What the man en of teat? World champion snowboarder Chic Kins an 8 yard santos ho erin Celts, USA She as ay wo tee ud elas at be} Gonos and se bee be youroest parson win gol inthe wens ‘Eioetton at be Wire OympesnPongsang 208 She was to young ke pan ine Sor gues Soh. but se was as god as sme Opi gl wines. He pres Jorgand Fassett Kvn bt Cle Rneian. Hr st tuck har snoring when she vs Tae attes sp wast en en dong bt sh sen beara vey god tit, Scan ew de reece amp ar hes taken pt cape soe sho assy cH. te speaks rae Eola boson ee lvd wth aut a Swirad owoeswihen she = ‘past prima sho, Hor parent searin the snl eat an ek hr navboacng [eftarce. Chie wel cv nt USA oh rhe noted eet ard als ferric Shoot changes hr ela er hha cur Forconpetcs. By Aimoe Hughes, eT | (WEB Renate arte agin andthe questions For eath question, choos he correct answer 1 ity does Atmee say that it as spell hat Chloe Kimwon 4 Why ca Choe speak more than one the Winter Ovaries? se ‘A Reva her thin od medal ‘A Because se ive na itferent 2 tas the iat tie she won gol ed ‘country € She was the youngest il to win god medal B Because her parents taught her 2 Inthe third sentence Aimee ays € Deca he Prets poher'o 7 canederesen aerate 15 Wt does Aimee say that Choe is 2B Chloe was the same level ae oer Olympic gold ws MPat does Ame ay © Chive was neta good ae ater mpc golé winners oe 3 How aid Choe fe about snowboarding? tie haloes A Soe had wanted her da to take er when she was four anette eae 2 She dn ike tun se wa i yoos od. nd for nt interesting aie She stared to lke twhen t became eater, € Jastfor having unusual hai In Par Mfthe ayo ileada shores wh gap You chose te carer wad fom tre eps A Boe) Tern foci vcaulny en ct oma Fest eae ear guy ogee een he ta teeters gps naar choos exons pono Sinko ther wns hen yan omptedale pipe ete tc panache tees, (WB 2eeaa the artice. Six words have been removed from the text. For each question, choose the correct answer. Afamous stone circle ‘Stonehenge san ancient stone ile the south of England andthe most rou tone chen Eup ‘Many peepe em sound the worse (1) Inviting Stonehenge and overalls peop vk "teach ase A ° ‘Noone ely 2) __why Stone Agepeooe bit Stonehenge ove Tarthousndyess age tmsyhave 2A thinks Bknows © G_‘aleves beens) of dock hich people used tl the ongestand senet yr of he yet Ape B st © gaup Mary istrans agree that tone Age pple pobeblyused macinest0(8) thesis # Atv Brave © Gmove Stonehenge Thisisbeeaue smn ofthe tenes (frome, viientabowt simone) «SA came entered Gwent isoiarsthin act took about 31 millon manPous todas thestone cee we can(@)— toy © A watch Book © seo (WEB Read the article. For each question, write the correct answer Write ONE word for each gap. InParts oftheeram, @ETIESD you wil oda short text with b.gops. en nas younger wast Jet Masterchet isa You need to write one word in each gap ‘TVcootng competion 1) rine towels, “This part ofthe exam focuses on ‘en as on te shows (2i_—— were 200 chien who ‘grammar and sping, Fist ead the txt ‘rented to bein the competion bit ony 30 chisten ‘ulcty for general meaning Then readit sox vascref the lucky chien and was abe tobe satamrareere Ca | | actin gates Reccmeccramenee, || Remmncnatyrmenitaaiae carerccsearete ||| Stein ace ns Rosier || B™ruiktaeeteenerat, erence | | ach RA ARMAMAAHKOHHOHHHHHHOHOHHOHHHONAHHHHHHDHHNNVHHBADH | InPar yu wile statin (ED tesa tne exam ts and write notes THe Sdn ehasnoeoran onal 25 words or epg te cll Remember to check your Tmulcaeuly ‘more You wil be told to give tree Paces of information in your message. Remember to ink bout what type of text you are wing, who yousre ‘wring for ad if yeu ned to use 3 forms or Informal style. its3 good idea to write notes before wring you final answer You should also check that Yyouhavewiten at last 25 words Try net towrite 3 fot more than 25 words because you might make ‘more mistakes. Yeu are mosting your Eglah tnd, Ale. or Smnortomeoron. Wite an erat Ao. Inyour era + ask wnat tne you shoud meet 1 tot Anat ype of ood you want teat ‘Aer yuhave wtten your txt check that you have Inctded ll the necessary information and that your spline, punctuation and grammar ae corect You mmaylose marks for any nave spalling, sof you rent sure how to spall a word think ferent ‘Word or pas that means the same. ‘Write 25 words or more inPan7 ofthe eam youwillookattvee pcwesandthen witeashorstoyabourwrats SITES shown nthe picts ft isimpartant to ook careful at what's happering in each picture. There willbe one event ineach picture and you nee to inlade each one In our story es important to plan what you are gong tort fist You can ite 8 rough draft before wring your fel answer. You wil need to write 35 words of ‘more You should ty and inchade diferent tenssin your story and mae the ode of events ler with king totds. After you have written your story check that you have wren the ight number of words andfor any paling, punctuation or grammar mistakes, GB Look at the pictures and read the exam task. Write notes and then waite your story ‘Remember to check your work when you have finished. Look athe tes pltues. Wie te story chown in te pctes, Wie 95 words moo. 5 What's the weather going tobe like tomorrow? InPart ofthe cram, youshouilook ‘ef at what the pte are showing ne tink about what words you night hae Tink about what erent Inthe pictures and what wrds or pvases you might est abouteachona For cme youmieht has words ‘ese ferent places tng or ees. Then 3d ‘the questions and underinethemportan woes, Use the {istIstering tte forte speci infrmaton and then the secnd meta checkyour anaes GBD Gis ror cacn question, choose the correct picture 1 [T {tn Part2 of the exam, you will need to compete ante with pectic Information fora monologue, such 5 prices, times dates ortlephone numbers Fs read thectetseewhatype timation ‘eed listen fr Then ston for spec ‘formation an ral stan again to check ‘your answer ot campletethe gaps you have ised, Spell words comecty/ when they a Speltout by the speaker. important towne ‘ny one wordinesch gap. (Wy 24 Listen toa tenenr tng he ‘dents abot a tp toe hear Fovench questa write the corect {Shower inthe gaps Write one word or tuber er adetor ete, SCHOOL TRIPTOTHEATRE avy Dey ott: Play sans Name ofthe lay Name one mace: Cost ck v InPart3ofthe exam, you will stent 2 informal conversation Between two Speakers and then choose the correct answer fiom thee options (A Bot Read the ‘Questions and options ad think about the ‘content ofthe convesation This partfthe test includes questions about speci deal, ‘opinions and feelings ofthe speakers. Fist, ‘steno ty end understand the gist ofthe ‘conversation and think bout the best option foreach question Then isten again for specie information and then checkallyour answers carefully, OOOHOHOHHAAAIAADINHMO MOND Jae mm ma neeeeergner?e | WB) 5355 vou witt hear Matt talking to his friend Joanna about going to a concert. For each crises Goon cient, 1 palms png Becca i 4a anon re pig he A Tmant ut, mat 3 evr and ae ee C imana er Bea 2 TeDilley oa Zameen 5 wat ks 3 ceva se win ok puter, Satin aye se {oot mus wi toe deen fxm 3 inated ina ese ch 2 eam feeuthedee 2 een pends tine tengo indo ae © Rbtband they sae = 3 thinks shot ike the concert. thinks sounds Ike the ural kindof music she Histen InPart4of the exam, you wilhear five shortmoncloguesordalogues eachwithacontet GEIS setter teling you what the conversation about, a question and twee options (8 or ©, Look at exch option find undetine the key words ist stn and focus onthe words You have underlined before careful choosing your answer Remember that sometimes an answer may contain some ofthe right infrmation, but you should ‘only choose fits exactly the same meaning os hat you het In ths part ofthe eam, you arelstening for ‘themain ides 20its2 good ide olsen to the whole monologue cr dlalogue before choosing Your answer, (GE fh 225sisten tothe question and then choose the corect answer ot ou wi hea abo taking is 1 You wil hear two ffends talking bout hele day ‘What aid mey 20 Ges fiend abost shopping, Why did he A They went shopping Day the Pann? 'B They played sport. ‘A Head tobuyapresnt fora 1B He wanted the same Tshirt 2s his end ¢ Heneeded i forhis spors team, 15 You wil beara father talking to his (© They wont fors meal 2 Youwilear teacher talking toa stadent. What does she want him to 40? ‘A Complete his homework again. B Listen inchass Aaughtec Why se uBheDey? ¢ Tatktohis fiends ‘A She made the Boor airy. 2B She was ate returning home, ‘You will hear a man talking about fecling il, What should he do? ‘A érink more water B suayinbed (€ wear warm clothes TnParsefthe oar, youvilien toa onger conversation between two people who (¢ Sho forgot to buy something, (W227 Listen to Fiona taking about what she did on her holiday last week. ‘Which place did she goto on each day? Ion eachother arden match sts Tereis2n ampeto help yeu 0 monday [Z] Athebeach Fast stent ty and understand the gist ofthe 1 mesy Bere Conerston rd choose the est tion or ech a ueston Listen aga specication and tomentag ) B ac eata thencheckyou answers Tee are three opton: ou amity O Bee dotnet checkifat these cone ¢simiry Cl ewmeinn femmeinnr that jstheaing one ofthe optonsinthe | ne eee Hitecnema {econd column doesnt mean isa corect answer. ‘Toprepare for Part , Phase 1 ofthe exam practise asking and answering questions about» CLEATS) yourself. Ty to avoid answering with only Yes/No or single word answers. In Phase 2 ofthe exam, when the ‘examiner sk, Time about. gue reasons for your ophions or give examples. Tha focus inthis part ofthe exam is on typical everyday questions. Remember that's okay to ask the examiner to repeat the question. (GBD © woten part 1 of the video and tick the questions you heat. Then watch the video again, ‘and make notes on Eva and Marie's answers. Compare your answers with a partner. Do you lke fast foo? ‘Tellme something about what you keto eat at tne weekend. oyou like to eat in restaurants? ‘What do you do on Saturday evening? What do you do on Friday night? ‘Teme something about what you Gia lst weekend: ‘What's your name? Gy ‘What's your favourite type of food? Qa Where doyoutine? (J Dogeutte asa?’ q Wee oyosgpattheweeken? Wha yo ave reeks ‘hatte do you start scna? TD tismoennge g ‘What tine do you gt pon Sunday Woatdoyou ua eatfrkint? — ‘morning? a ‘What do you usually eat fordinner? — [] ‘Who you spend tine with at Woendoyoug cat et theweckend? | O tremtest g Gg aq g a a (WD Workin pairs and ask and answer the questions, © ‘Tell me something about the food you eat on ‘In Part 2, Phase 1 ofthe exam, special cecasions dsc fve pictures with your partner for up to2 nips wa ta Sa wes yee ca, ‘inaes Te pcre cou show tps abet Tee someting tte hanes younvetoda_| $e schon fe mecs rrport Se ee: ‘picture with your partner and say why you like a Dre's Rene toepand tht our Borner sys and toaster questions Phase Bot the am the oan ek ou {womore question about hee you Sica thou pie Seties oul bese sbout our pees stra good Ident pace preter oconparing ene tas tect Ge aon our prarences WE Looks te pictures showing diferent paces to vist Do you Ike ese diferent places? ‘Wiothy not) Complete the fre colton ofthe tae wth ote of our ideas fC Ceeeeceeceeennn.- Ceeceece ab be reed eed al o000¢ EEEEE 9 290 ae wart You Hare [tm] QED in pic, ask and answer the questions a fiom Beers 8. mn GD Rena tn sentences below describing preerenets and choose the correct i Toten, 1 peter oobal than to tenis ectase ee ‘it's more exciting. ‘ont 2 He preter go gol shopping han 2 play / playing chess. 3 They ke priming the bes besuse WZ) © water the rst part of Part 2 of the video ss so relaxing. and complete the table for Marie and Pea © waten the second part of Part 2 GW Reena te text botow and compete the gape of te video again and complete the ‘with words or phrases fom the box. statements bene Tecnane [me too [ogee with bat | in iy | comtade | Toes T fun | prefers vate gg ote dem) Ite 1 Bvt paces inthe ly beens srchig ns oth yom a Py ‘other Maries... (2). 1). ts funny and tke a Dale ree Oe i ae. Mee ee iT ore Eva. Museu ara rnesing fr me 4 Tn thinks concer is more reuse Seed em wey Cong Sabine scat Maresh 1) __ you. ihe on 4 Mare olngto a conceit its mma ik eying poomasie (GB tn pairs, ask and answer the GD ead your answers in Exercae 5 and then ele To tome rire bone ty ifthe words or phrases are aarecing (A), ees flving reasons (X), giving opinions (0) oF giving contrasting information (C). Is itbetter to visi places in the cty oF places in te countryside? In pairs, discuss the pictures from Exercise 3, 2 Which s more fun, visitng a museum or ‘your notes from the first column ofthe sing tothe park? table to help you. Remember to use words and 2 Do you prefer doing activites inside or outside? phrase + lve reasons + lve contrasting information, + give opinions. + show whether you agree or dsagree with your pariner HD © watch tne second part of Part 2 of the video. ‘Complete the examiner's questions with a place from the first box and an adjective from the ‘second box: 4 Which is more exiting, climbing & ‘mountain or gong to an outdoor concer? jantains | pave | cinema | museum 2 Doyou think limbing__is r ‘5 think visiting » 4 Doyou ese GRAMMAR REFERENCE ‘hey 90th gons tao he aes + Hoeven atch norte atder 1 tbe verb ens na comenant toy canes {ostewe sty" aor ‘Common regular verbs 1 Height have habit hes + Bets Fam youre re hehe USEto kano nao ings w dose, an82 ‘ng at ore asa oie a Adverbs of frequency ‘Wes severa of regen ost how en set pens ever sondines tn antalya FORM: Aart a ency vu ca bee ie aot pe ei on Sat. ‘aceon sapien 1 hart ctrquncy ome ater when ted as etsy oy Ati Auge Tamneve ner ee. Sencine in ao cme atte begs cen es Time expressions oo ‘we tine earenos to how whee we ins: renee or ae lemperatves USksiopeiniruiontor ode orto make seen ‘po your ek Wri yw nan ‘Dyener tpt edont nave ose ene (ee win oye {econ use ne wits peat be matte Please ult Bet pean wecanato use never an aay wipers ‘vey teen yee chr seu e VIYVIVIVOVVVVVVOVULLVVVOVOYE ve feTeTRT#Ta le le e151) & = GRAMMAR REFERENCE | Unit 1 | Pos: j Possessives Litwe use possessive ‘s in an answer, we don't have ‘ torepeat the noun: ‘ [Ome oe staat per ‘Whose bike is this? It's Jan's bike. / It's Jan's, SER 8 pig seney on Pears compile. ‘Whose phones his? 1€smy brother's phone./ ' 1 sometimes ride my frien’ be 1s my brother's | : ‘Aas to regula pura nouns: | (hilren’s toy are expensive here Prepositions of time and place ‘Are these men’s shoes? FORM: Prepostons of tie o place go before nouns ' ‘Ada “to plural nouns endingin-s or pronouns ' "This is my parents car. {27 pn in sumer /on the flor tn her garden i Thove are girs cates USE:to tellus when something happens or where USE: to show possession (who something belongs to/ Something or someone ' wiomsscnchng nnn When do you ride our bike? Ire it atthe weekend ' Jack has a football. If Jack’ fotal, Where's Kin? She's inthe house, ‘The book belongs fo Ele, Is e's book ’ Guha ea eee eee i saniseoas US both at harping th omen cone Presents cocipege — Miesgnsnaastoe Saban ocaanbag a te 160 forinformation about the formand ebrnPuons of ices ' Stefonmeaine [ina [Wing , Present continuous 3 | mstving ory cunt rvs ti ec, | , ron [epee Seog a | | tte ii , Bes ese ____ Spelling patterns for the prasent continuous ’ eae: 1+ We add -ing to the bare infinitive of most verbs: start ~+ starting eae: ‘+ Ifthe verb ends in -e, we take away the -e before adding -ing: ’ Helshent iss playing. ‘make + making ' Taig oe + Henn ew ange it i eg arid , emi net playing. + the verb has one orto sylables and ends ina vowel ESSER Si eemeaaatae ae q Hetthet net /ertpheyig stop + stopping, begin ~ beginning, travel ~ travelling { Te eensowremm —| ener ne = ev arson eile eit ea ith tay ne ; cee eS nat ‘* verbs about thinking, eg, know, believe, understand ' “ W Iunderstand this book. ioe ea ental |X mantrantg i ik ae + yaa te et ev te he Ue eri ‘Yes hessheit is. X Pm loving that film. aoe ‘+ verbs connected with possession, eg, belong to, have, own, possess Tey ee oe Ihave shoes tice that X rm having shoes like that. Sammars OS {ie can we contrac fem hye nt simple a Eetesoty rm theyre sete) Present simple resent continous ‘Areyou reading st? ‘hep tne present rans See eres Senimce Te psn ops abe ot rate "aay wath choot a hi we goa yk GRAMMAR REFERENCE | Unit2 | UsLtotaeabst fre pn sadarangement: ‘Theyre treellag andin nero ere wacing nw fr Mam ot working wet ween Fm menting Je ee ray toon mer {canoe he rsa pot sat ‘eto shane aang abet cs {we anual ae the preston ta abut singe hatte eat peeay POU eee ‘te play e Reseed We sully wwe aine dey atin pesct Teno serat 090m, Footsuos watnces tbat uct se SG ne eee a Pastsimple,regul ‘ote we tie exresons withthe pt sige FORM ei at nen 207 te 1 winrar ne roma ing ocr {es tt wenn it Der st nigh ‘hi mori ck ‘nn Seedy o Mona np on haar at eght abe aan gh Wh. words ‘EepactaniSmmchingtawntaersonetace” FORME oop an Inte er eet ia] otreseer eta so sta many gonsions Wh wore ae sete [2 | gher ontedher sonia ama (ornate gnons tio Se Didgoctne abate Tae. 5 [soy heed pa Where? a Oxy Enk ‘Selling patterns forthe past simple of a whe and whos can be flloneé yan: ‘regular verbs nat mas a ou Which bag your? Whose + Weatd-edtotbebaretninieofmont ste: «Phone i? ‘wont worked strated 1 tre ver onde in-e we ada tne What o ou wont ea? love toned Which cas be esd ner are fw ose awe + Hiner ye an ein vives Yuh nyo per eprocoe? ee ee on, Rgenwieruyneinwiate + wrtors that endin eonsonan swe change Howold yer bo Hw fst she ret ‘honing re eyed = ow can aso be fwd by mac 08 man Ho many ines hve you ped igor? “ow mach hes ou won? VELLLLLULLLE “a VuUvVVVY vovUVVY VuVVVY vous canetit 3 Hi EIEIGEHE af eels 2 oe RE ata ae FORM: WeutieheRerThe didnot di come ested. ! Both regular and iregular verbs fllow the same patter inthe past simple for negatives questions 8nd answers, However irregular verbs a9 not follow zee forthe postin fom othe ps spl ‘et past simple postive form of ‘aregular verbs, GRAMMAR REFERENCE | Unit 4 | Pastcontinuo. Past continuous FORM: washere + vet ¢ing Postive ils was eating, Youre/tey wer eating. Negative Verse war not wasnt eating ‘ouPe/They ware not were eng. eshekshert was. a Vela wast ‘es youhrltbey were Na joutwerthey weer USE:to talk sbout 1 something that was happening lover pried of tie at a speci time inthe past. 2 Dekground information or description ina stony 3 fap ation in progress inthe past when another thing ‘happened (possibly interrupting ito topping) 4 two ‘tcuons in progrest at the same Uma and a temporary ‘stuation inte past [ip et och teachers plying ere |e [games [| Hooked out ofthe window: Ran was falling heli. Hewes watching Ven hisphonerara Wen rived atywas reading ond lle was seping nas using iphone because oul indie [5 | ‘Some common irregular verbs be wostwere buy > bought owe > chose do + aid rink > drank get got ao, have + had meet > met teach taught think = chought ‘See te irregular verb reference, page 15, for fill, Ustof regular verbs used inthe AZ Student's Book. ne the past continuous isnot used to talk about ‘repeated action in the past Y rehecked my emails ten times yesterday. % was checking my emails ten times yesterday. Linking words USE: we use linking word (nd because, Dt oF when) tolink phrases clses and sentences, ‘We use ond ink phrases and causes: ‘She swims inde mamnings and she goes jogging Inthe cvenings We use secause fora reason ‘We waled because was a sunny day ‘We use but to lnk wo diferent ideas Tika apples bt hate oranges. ‘We use orto link alternatives Would you tke hot or cold drink? ‘We use when to link ases with tes Tied schol when Iwas eight {We can use becouse and when st the Dagnning an in the middle ofa sentence went to bed becouse Iwas feeling tired. ‘Because Iwas fetng tired I went fo bed ——— | Gage a cee ee Past simple ‘See Grammar reference Unit 3, pages 152 and 153 for ‘infomation about the form and use ofthe past simple Past continuous ‘See Grammar reference Uni 4, page 153 for information shout he form and wef the past cantiuous. ‘itis possible to have verbs in both the past simple ‘andthe past continuous the sme sentence The ‘at continuous tals abou what was happening when “nother shorter ation happened, We use the pst simple forthe shorter action that happened {wes stenting to music ny room when Bum, walked in GRAMMAR REFERENCE | Unit 5 | Quant ‘Countable and uncountable nouns Countable nouns canbe counted and have a singular and plural form. eg. one Book. thre books ome chi Fie dildrn. ‘Uncountable nouns are cen deat (eg nformation ‘materials (eg. water wood) er groups of similar things (uraitre, igang mong, et}. After uncountable ‘ouns we use a Verbin tha singular even ie are taking about more than one obec: Alle rite was od. Ther ggage fhe. {rotate about one part something that we usually zeferto asa group of tlngs we can use words like Dice, ce ose, ete We usualy use of te these ‘word and we can use pra verbs wit hese words ‘where appropriate: Are two pleces of cake enough? ‘There are to slices of meat ton the plat. 1 some nouns are both countable and uncountable eg ‘Uncountsble: The glass inte window sroken ‘Countable: Pat he lasses of ice onthe table (lasses = things to rink fom) ‘Uncoustable: [need more paper 0 wrt on. ‘countable: Dad reads the papers every morning. (papers = newspaper) ‘Uncountabe: ove chocolate! Countable: Lets ty Mum some chocolates. (Chocolates small sweets ina bows) Quantifiers use: ch many ‘ie use mich with uncountable nouns in questions and negatives © Gammrctmne ‘tn stories or descriptions we use the past continuous to desribe the stuation orto give background {information and we use the past simple fo talk about vents and actions {Tewas raining outside so we stayed in and played ‘game. Lin questions, we can use the past continuous to ask boat what was happening before an action or event, fndive ean ase the past simple to ask about what ‘happened after an action or event ‘What were you doing when it started o snow? We were walking in he woods. ‘What did you do when it tared snow? We went home. Oe eee ow much woter do you drink every day? He doesnt wont much cake ‘We use many with countable nouns in questions and egatves iow many books have you go? ‘There werent many people athe party, ‘Teo much and Too many have a negative meaning We soe hamto mean more han ta ight amount ‘There are too many peopl here. Let's go somewtere ‘queer somelany ‘reuse some when we dont now or dont want say the exact numberof something okink ome people are coming, (Ldatt aoe brow many) ‘We use some in positive sentences and in questions ‘whem we thik the answer Wil e os Dayou wont some milo drink? ‘We use ay before countable and uncountable nouns in negative sentences to mean aero amount: ‘Tere ont anytime cal hr now. ‘rere aren't ay free apps that ke, We use any in queens when we dont know ifthe snswer wil Dees or mo: oyouneed any hls? ‘No means the same as nat any: ‘Tere ist any money in my bag. ‘here's no money nm Dg. afeu/atotes ‘A few means a amall umber of We we tin postive ‘entences with countable nouns: ough afew Phir. ‘We use few in sentences wih negative meaning: ‘Tere re few shops open today. | CeeP PPP OOO Hoe eeeaeeeenanaanaaanan.~.__- AAS ULL UL ULL LLbbbbvuvver~ Botha tot of and ots of mean a large number or quantity. ‘We use both phrases with countable and uncountable Lats of /A tot of peope play computer games every day. CUIUEG saan real he Lee oid +-erolder | +-estoldest eps [mea acs mals ae fee RE ‘Son ice. (ae age oe" |e ee So ea ee eS feist (> [seer [Sez cate ex |i eee aoe fae Se Tie [Bie F(a mee te ce io j= S a cor Eber = le esl (ES een ‘Ait mean a small munber or quantity. We use itn ‘ositive sentences with uncountable nouns: 1 tea tle soup ond fl better ‘We we ite in sentences with a negative meaning: ‘There's ite point in phoning him. He never answers. USE: we use the comparative form of adjectives + than compare two peopl. things et: ‘This game is never than the thers. ‘wense the the superative fom of adjectives to ‘compare more than two people things etc: ‘This is he most neresting website ever! We don't atways use than with comparatives when we sre comparing something whichis ebvious ‘This is my older sister. (x older than me) [nthe winer,the wear i usually worse (= worse than ‘tether tines) ‘we dont always use he with superlatives We replace ‘he with aposesive adjective ‘Tis is my best sor 0 fr we can use even and much with comparatives to make ‘hem stronger My designs good bu Sata’ signs even/much eter! FORM: Daveshas + he past participle ofthe main verb = a Nie hn / pled a = aaa whey hevent beveled. Set hes ates played etal [veins Hevea et ped tl Hat nfo payed otal? {rye past pats of regular verbs end in-e ‘See the rgaar vrs referees page 175, for he pat partite of iregular vers ve dont use contacted forms (edhe sheet) In putin thor avers “lave ou Tved ere ng? re. there Xyestve, Ustio tak sbout 1 past actions when tha tine they ‘bapened isnt imports kaw, 21 ak aut ‘experiences 3 wih ee. questions ang oat : ‘Senmcny ono nd artnet earns ORNS {aikabost experiences that have not happened up to new parece Rover [Tieton eae eh Teflon eens. Have you ever seen one of Wiese? re neve etn ie be comes OD SIU 1) 4 OS Present perfect simple a {n ne past we usualy know wen te scuon happened, eC wa renner 2 to give details or explanations, and 3 for a situation in USE:wese the present perfect simple: totaikabout he pas whlch has now finshed ‘finished action inthe past hat i tl inked tthe To resent, 2to report informaten or new, and 3 for 3 bought er toh cto we ‘Station which has gone on up tothe present “| HBouphta new phene atthe shopping cartes mek (Horas Bouphthernan ik BB We sche yo 2 | rebouphtanewprore 31 | We've ined hero our yar We use the past simple: 1 otalk about finished actions GRAMMAR REFERENCE | Unit 7 | go: FORM: Shortanewers Rao es going to + bare infinitive tam Posive Yes youwetay are am/m going ty. a jouwerthay arent Tey eerre going too Yes hashes. santa Hehe es geh topler. sah negate we use gong fo to 1talk about future plans and 2 Tem’ ot going to ply topredict something because of what see or know now. You ierhe araPrenot gong to Shei noe/ at gla to 1 tere geing ro vist gondparens nen month hat areyougoing to date nelend? —. 2 [hese reorhe goat tink he going to core 1 Ani gsingto py? inet gogto wa eee? Are yourwete going tol? i! sheAhettgeing topo? nen we nave already made an arrangement with 1 someone ese we can also use the present continuous Tm playing tenis with Nina thi evening. ‘ GRAMMAR REFERENCE |-Ui ‘See Grammar reference Unit7, above for information USE: we use wll 1 when we decide todo something at about the form and use of gong fo. that moment 20 Say what we think or guess what ell happen, and 3 to make offers or requests: i i i ‘ FORM: 1 eee IB rata i a Sa ere smanecrtoca asa Goyoutint crayon tects pae Yq ikthey ‘ ae etree a Negative Will you help me with my homework? 4 View She RTT wnt wana I Pet yew ck tyes iy. ‘ ! Sometimes wil and gong ae both comect. ‘ ounaty trys Dahan te mpeas Do you think the teacher will give us any homework? 4 Raseaars esos “homework?” 1 1 ‘ ®@ aaa : ‘ 1 Tone {ee and hae change forme rope Y sence 0. X sreneet ngs Vitkestope Xiheetoge ee edt eet oo neni with he ae Wedov nen fish ur hanevert eight Ween fh or homevort eng te dt ue cana an inte ese Be abe U rastets beable torn a meraton 2X rate te canon amarston USE:to tae abet ay possi an btanton Ability ~ canveoukd "otak abot sity nthe present we se cn am can speak be anguges. Lind can vin. pe oat wc to tae stout bit the tse ‘Wetue wil bale. Necesty -needeedt Soaring sis wena ound po bday ese youve ge neem ounce sot sean! Tgmedrt omer bh Fon cnt ‘Obiigation ~haveto/must ‘When aching near ns he nave tori a hele 20 emi iy datas go workon Sancta When meting cen we ohne edit hae 99 salon Sunday iy ier doce hare wer form 9a | echen me het tak about tig at Someone se apr accsy. Were toto whom or ahr comer Be ruta abot tenon nae pact we saws aa Y tied ot xsl yet I mas to schon yr. ‘Toalkabea hcg tate ceensl recs de becuse te people sy ser brea be Fee hinge ston bees sa wearers? ema De ats coon inthe gestion orm We way seohave _Doyou have to war sel frm? Mota nom frend su aowedby__ Teatro gay eer ee rite abe to speck Spoish welina fe yar’ tine. Possibility = mayrmnight ‘Tosay tat someting possi to oe ot ane Lean speak Sponish well fon yearns, ‘otal sbou genera aby in the past we use coud: Andre cou ply pia when he was he ‘Som could read when he was or ye cont se cont for speci abit in the ps. ‘Wesce was/were abet: Tes able to fish my homework oe hour lastnight X teould fish my hamevor none hour lasik ‘rl posly happen er sot happen we se maymighe {may need mel 9 fish ng homer. might note the corectanswer Pmt sare Teaser ‘ar open Ceca Pou I ie oe con watt Ev hs perso ow oo Ba] ip sey re vt pteatibehVWe/Tey eu ot abet love a pnt roa eee me rr a = ee $v hut pion ne ps we oa we ‘oat en ee ces Yaa’ owed ey ips when et ia morn nee som ‘We tse use should when we want to ask for and ea Eee (eae pe don plese? ‘Shoat bey hie? (cutee gest Yo soe te at teeta Prohibition - mutt TERETE eee artis ah sbet some ats oot sowed we reyone sour how wi, ou mas oy yur homer Yeushouért ly vie gone ie ch eure our phonr cle Permision can Zero conditional, Um ar tote te meng tne Fonte vrorinton haataaanee a Ltehebennnan daar Deraton sary Seioes Seonanarcete rome ss epee wee ing acete bette hoe Terausaneny moweraeney Mav baignyorearsion eran oihanrm tectpoc ‘you heve anche what you do? USE:to tk tos posse eretstons now rin ihe Wat do yo oY yu heee head? ‘ste and rer ef ne cease Stolk sbot thins thar aay or mmaty Wie Mr doen work we ply nme bord paeeaee docs Os nee wot Sa suny ectay yn ey iepri, YE ew mr on lets te he tpt als ayer, VUVUVUVIVVUVIVUVUVUUUULULLULLUULUS Se VOVVIVIIY’ i at J l bila eae) Secnd endo Seeger t ites ease naa wont com Ss ee Saaeene ee a = Pe ahoppplf ld pa ee PRE coma 9 (enna type rhe poe SS tata nweceree imnchien eeeteinieaey Sema mermaereee ‘guntheratwe doe a umysarecinin treat eens ct _yresescmt Peep pte plas on ont wan = ial Lamm Tecan mente = x Sa a = =a Ene care =e = ——— oo ; = Lae eee permeate, 5 = ton ES ‘Eu nt alwet we = ‘hag argeomeremts cate wih Gay |e sed vhen omen pene 3: es re Ss peoeaeenten ear = fee Soke anne = hee sh eet prec ig i Descartes ‘Stas ae forsnd ant pe te aren {th ahout etme ecg te [ebeenaneerforeoh ar ar edicr are ye rte occ so) wud bobLL uu ‘Verb + nitive ing eco rain ob oa > > 2 > 2 eae des cep omonoe| an AaN ile boobvboy GRnruec eam e ‘USE: to tate about people places cr things without sping exacly who oe what hey are, ‘We use pronouns ending in -bdy o one for peopl, ‘Pronouns ending in thing for things and pronouns ‘ending in where for paces: ihn there is someone in the garden. (We ont iow wo itis) Tike everything about hs house, (Qe bedrooms the itchen the garden the view et) {Is there anywhere youl ket 90? (his could be any pace) Everyone wants fo go the ports, ‘Tellme when something happens. ‘When we want to talk about al ofthe people places cor things without saying exacly what hey are we se lheryone,everpahere or everyting Everyone now likes this TV programme. {looked everywhere for my keys, bu ca’ find them. Bverything he sid to meis true tates ee “When we want o talk about a person place or thing that we dont know or that isnt important we use someone, somewhere of something: Someone phoned sorler but they did't leave a message lefty bicycle somewhere near here. {Tm sure Ihave forgotten something important ‘Wee don't usuelly use someone, somewhere oF something in negative sentences: Y Thave’t got anything in my bag. X haven't got something in my bag. {In questions and negative sentences we use anyone, ‘anything ana onjwhere: Did anyone vist while Iwas atthe shops? I there anything we need to do before we go on holiday? Wedd’ go anywhere atthe weekend. Wo can also use anyone, enything and anywhere in postive sentences: Yu can have anything you'd kein the shop. ‘We can ge anywhere you want on holiday. ! We can add possessve’s to Indefinite pronouns: ‘We found somebody’ phone in the park Is this anybody's bog? ‘We use who to talk about people (and sometimes animals) FORM: [rsnoun [usa ample hoor that [forpeople | Heste manholes next doce ‘hater [ferhings | ok lracompany that ‘ake sts computers Dea wasn factory which mote car thin e's the boy who broke my phone! ‘We use which to talk about things (and sometimes animals) 1s this the book which the teacher was talking about yesterday? Wie use that for people ora USE: we use relative clauses to say exactly who ot ‘hat we ae talking about |r Ackmann isthe man who checks the money, (ittels us exact who Mfr Acmann i), ‘This isthe card that opens the office door (tells us what te car does) 2s and things: 1s she the gir that you were telling me about? re can use tht instead of who or which, hint he's the boy that broke my phone? [his the book that the teacher was talking about esterday? UIs ces Ae FORM: be + past participle [Reena STE EEOC am/m tought Eglsh every doy. ounWertheyarere taught Eglsh ey doy USE: we use the present simple passive when: 1 we don't ow who does the action, 2tsnt important who oes the action, and 3 when everyone knows who docs the action: Hehe tsstought ngsh vey oy. eS ET am/mnat tought Egle 65. [Bennison We drt now wobrcetie eS | |S tensa ne Ip Svc estes ue erent aren taught Egle ay Hehe not isn taught English eer dy [questions i | Metettomztce ore grown nRarania Weare Interested inte person who grows tem) nebular pamedonceayeor (sn mporant who TULLLLLELvuveee LLL n r Ee a v (wie und VoVEVLLLDY bal ba ba tat © B/ i bi bu Bi LoELLULY We ‘Ar taught ghey dy? _| pis he btng) | | Weare pvr paneer do one ons he fest gresushomavon Are urneey tephra end? ncesersed ey cy fom 2-2pmintereavant hee tepitegih em? (Went heaters lich shortanowes Yevlom Naan ot. Yes a aoe erent aren Yes her Na ashes nti eM Gtat 2) FORM: was/were + past partie armas made Sp Wi deritow wich people made The dogs weer enor tight he peson we dnt taethe dgferswakisretnootat) Were estado gen atest estado (Welnow te regen tah ‘Vymnen we want to say who or what does the action, we can used: ‘The gardens ooked after by my ater inners usuly exoked by my grondmother USE we use the past suple passive when: te dont ‘know who di he seen 2 i't Important who did, ‘he acon, ands when everyone knows who did the ‘We use ty when itis impertant to say who or what did the ation: ‘We were piven this ptr bya cal ortst. ‘This book was writen by Roald Deh {We aways pty before the person or thing that ld ae acion’ They were sent this postcard bythe ends in Brit 1 they were sent by this postcard ther ens in Braz {We act use ty when we dont know who did the eton ore importa ‘is fridge was made b people ine factory in Germary. ‘heights were tare on by someone Before we rived Gemmertee OD (itd te i ering Sand Specie are cece ceo sae nigga ca Wiig ona Spence “oe Word amaton seo yoni eet ‘ete peeve neti a ue ‘atc fon ctr at agparin oor Phra werb ae mae of yore cme ‘Stange noe bse mene enor on ‘ovale oiaps ths eset “Thoseoethe mn paso hs verb: “pe he verb stant fasan ob) Boeing anem eect erase Tip oup esi pl poet i ‘Went jet to pono pron et Spanner uroepaneoce Tipe ero nv oes not haven _Beciandyou cannot panie te wo parot 1 spr wet yarn ees shen boaters ‘Depend and spite tesy ita my crue et ara, Pree ee ‘pe sthe we ante hsb at rucannatsepoin tbe to parse Reva Coyotes ger ect hem ney? eanyu tot ny ater ay? ‘Tieht at rrn yu wne Sees Ry shageneere atest ~ = > 2 > > > > 5) > > 3 > > 2 > 5 2 > > 2 2 2 2 > 2 2 2 2 2 > 2 2 2 > 2 > 2 2 2 2) Tle lee lately theh heel 7 ahh Ur ac UNI, 2 Word Example sentence [mimes | Mayes pssiencnapesenent ay canton [onewvananvanrmanamnepiag | [Satta [Wravanin orion etree einai) [leer peato eer ao rr sapeacneer | wnssiya atari ampsm ree eit [ricco — Lerman eames cnn [epemhouse(ry | sometimes gota the opera hose wither se main [einen ear ieee = syste gong ose sayat he thee? adi en oT feet —[srontanrn tina = aes ecw [igamermscewonses | [conver [pamper ae [rear agerae Sener Sent ggenaions toporemae | [emo [berets aa secur Bayou wat go wih your Heron Sarr? “ Leese lean trent Peas ize tomewhen frag t0 Yu. me [atmaneirentaranines| | ottg— [momen ae atieeeeoceeeciet | [ape [rarer amare fa [wasyayomees ronm [reer ose) | men ereanar ee eae erence pate [erat petra iewigne | Retindpretberg-onve pcs om eon | sepwbeicenornimenmaven | {oan — anger epemavanvacnne Sasa emrece homme eee: (DD player We watch tlmscr ne computes vo we don se cur Seinen merry hi por a Freee | ttre Ronee — wer | alacant a onan by fea ir gant Yaga, | erasioeatontia [ oa = Teaatee [repegivegantamd et saree [scission ‘ease Yee | Beabentonwran bes Shag |Sompensr oma census | one cooene Set eee corati | orn Tionteome oe ie

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