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Vanitas Still-life with a Portrait of a Young Painter by David Bailly (1651)

A. Moral message of a painting

1. What is the moral message of the story behind this painting? (10 points)

 David Bailly, a young painter, produced this masterpiece in 1651. If you look
at the artwork more deeply, there is a moral lesson for everyone; it is more
than just art. As far as objects go, there are jewels, clocks, flowers, bubbles,
a book, and a skull. These objects teach us that everything is merely
ephemeral, such as a clock that is running, flowers that are withering,
bubbles that will burst, wisdom that will dissipate, a skull where people will
pass away, and wealth that will also be empty. These things remind us that
nothing stays forever. Life is too short; therefore, while you still have the
chance to live in this beautiful world, learn to appreciate every second,
minute, and hour of it. Never waste time; instead, treasure each and every
moment you are given here in order to live a life that is important and that
you have lived happily.

B. The Artist's Choice of Subject

Think of something that means a lot to you? Use it to create an artwork. You may
copy from a subject of your choice or you can create your own. If you use a model or
a subject, identify it first whether it’s a landscape, still life, myths etc. then include its
description. As you create your art, use a medium of your choice. Choose from the



list of medium that shows different colors such as paint, watercolor, pastel and many
more. Below your art piece, write a caption. Explain what is it about. Why you
choose to do it? Why it means a lot to you? Prepare the photos of your artwork in
your document for submission. Include your signature and the date in your
artwork as a proof for authenticity. (30 points)


 As it is inanimate and never moves, a book is a still life, which I chose to depict
since it is still meaningful, especially to me. I chose books to draw because they
improve my understanding, and as I continue to live in this world, I will seek
lifelong learning because it is something that is very essential to me. Having
knowledge and wisdom is what I need in order to achieve my goals in life as I
move forward. Also, reading books opens up a whole new world of knowledge,
fantasy, and creativity for us, which is exactly what occurred to me. Reading
books can also help you learn everything there is to know about anything. You
are motivated by this to live a happier and better life.

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