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May 2024

1 Introduction
article amsmath, amssymb, graphics, setspace
Tetrad adapted to observer in circular geodesic motion
The Lagrangian of the motion is
Lag = −f [r[τ ]]t′ [τ ]2 + h[r[τ 1 ′ 2 2 ′ 2 2 2 ′
]] r [τ ] + r[τ ] θ [τ ] + r[τ ] Sin[θ[τ ]] ϕ [τ ] + 1;

We can use the energy and angular momento of the orbital motion to simplify
the above equation

D[Lag,ϕ′ [τ ]]
hn o i
sol = Solve D[Lag,t 2
[τ ]]
== −En, 2 == Ln , {t ′
[τ ], ϕ′
[τ ]} [[1]]
n 2
LnCsc[θ[τ ]]
t′ [τ ] → f [r[τ ]] , ϕ′ [τ ] →
r[τ ]2
The radial equation is

Collect [f [r[τ ]]Lag/.sol,  {r [τ ]}]
f [r[τ ]]r ′ [τ ]2

En2 Ln2 Csc[θ[τ ]]2
h[r[τ ]] + f [r[τ ]] 1 − f [r[τ ]] + r[τ ]2 + r[τ ]2 θ′ [τ ]2
 = Solve [%==0, r′ [τ ]] [[1]]
√ √ 
′ h[r[τ ]] −Ln2 Csc[θ[τ ]]2 f [r[τ ]]+En2 r[τ ]2 −f [r[τ ]]r[τ ]2 −f [r[τ ]]r[τ ]4 θ ′ [τ ]2
r [τ ] → − √
f [r[τ ]]r[τ ]
Where we have the effective potential
D[Lag, θ′ [τ ]]
2r[τ ]2 θ′ [τ ]
D[Lag, θ[τ ]]//Simplif y
r[τ ]2 Sin[2θ[τ ]]ϕ′ [τ ]2
D[D[Lag, θ′ [τ ]], τ ] − D[Lag, θ[τ ]]/.sol//Simplif y
]]Csc[θ[τ ]]2
− 2Ln Cot[θ[τ r[τ ]2  + 4r[τ ]r′ [τ ]θ′ [τ ] + 2r[τ ]2 θ′′ [τ ]

V ef f = f [r[τ ]] 1 − fEn [r[τ ]] + r[τ ]2 ;
We can find the energy and angular momentum for circular orbit through
Solve[{V ef f , D[V ef f , r[τ ]]} == 0/.r[τ ] → R, {En,  Ln}]
 √ √  √ √  
2f [R] R3/2 f ′ [R] 2f [R] R3/2 f ′ [R]
En → − √ , Ln → − √ , En → √ , Ln → − √ , En → −
2f [R]−Rf ′ [R] 2f [R]−Rf ′ [R] 2f [R]−Rf ′ [R] 2f [R]−Rf ′ [R]
 √ √  n
R3/2 f ′ [R]
En → √ 2f [R] ′ , Ln → √ ′
/. f → 1 − 2 M
# & , h → 1 − 2 M
# & //Simplif y
2f [R]−Rf [R] 2f [R]−Rf [R]

 p M 3/2 
−2M +R 2R
En → √ , Ln → √R 3M
1− 3M
R R 1− R
 √ √ 
2f [R] R3/2 f ′ [R]
sner = En → √ ′
, Ln → √ ′
2f [R]−Rf [R] 2f [R]−Rf [R]
These are quantities that can be used later on. The four velocity related to
a particle in circular orbit at a fixed radius
uu = {t′ [τ ], r′ [τ ], 0, ϕ′ [τ ]}/.sol/.sr/.r[τ ]−¿r/.θ[τ ]−¿π/2
 √ √ 2 2 
En h[r] En r −Ln2 f [r]−r 2 f [r]−r 4 f [r]θ ′ [τ ]2 Ln
f [r] , −
√ , 0, r2
r f [r]
hn oi
g = DiagonalM atrix −f [r], h[r] , r2 , r2 Sin[θ]2 ;
Sum[g[[i, j]]uu[[i]]uu[[j]], {i, 1, 4}, {j, 1, 4}]/.θ′ [τ ] → 0/.θ → π/2//Simplif y
When we replace the above and use the quantity of the circular geodesics,
we have the normalization
We pick the vectors being
Clear[a0, a10, a20, a33, a10, a11, a12, a20, a21, a22, a30, a33]
e0 = q uu;
2 Ln2 Sin[θ]2
1+ Ln2 −
r r2

e1 = {a10, a11, 0, 0};

e2 = {0, 0, 1/r, 0};
e3 = {a30, a31, 0, a33};
Notice that we choose the third vector in the theta direction and the e1 e2
to be ortogonal to e3. Normalization leads to
etdu = {e0, e1, e2, e3};
etdd = T able[Sum[etdu[[i, α]]g[[α, j]], {α, 1, 4}], {i, 1, 4}, {j, 1, 4}]//Simplif y;
 √ 2 2  n
En r −f [r](Ln2 +r 2 +r 4 θ ′ [τ ]2 )
Enr LnrSin[θ]2 a11
− √ 2 2 2 2
, − √ √ √ 2 2 2 2
, 0, √ 2 2 2 2
, −a10f [r], h[r] , 0, 0 , {0, 0,
Ln +r −Ln Sin[θ] f [r] h[r] Ln +r −Ln Sin[θ] Ln +r −Ln Sin[θ]

The equation below should be the Minkowski metric

test = T able[Sum[etdu[[i, α]]etdd[[j, α]], {α, 1, 4}], {i, 1, 4}, {j, 1, 4}]/. {θ′ [τ ]− ¿0//Simplif y//M atrixF orm
 √ √ √
−a11 En2 r 2 −(Ln2 +r 2 )f [r]−a10Enr f [r] h[r]
−1 √ √ √ 2 2 0
f [r] h[r] Ln +r −Ln2 Sin[θ]2

 √ 2 2 2 2
√ √
−a11 En r −(Ln +r )f [r]−a10Enr f [r] h[r] 2
√ √ √ 2 2 −a102 f [r] + a11 0

 f [r] h[r] Ln +r −Ln2 Sin[θ]2 h[r]
 0 0 1
 −a31√En2 r2 −(Ln2 +r2 )f [r]+r√f [r]√h[r](−a30En+a33LnSin[θ]2 )

√ √ √ 2 2 2 2
−a10a30f [r] + a11a31
h[r] 0
f [r] h[r] Ln +r −Ln Sin[θ]

So we solve forthe coefficients

$Assumptions = f [r] < En2 , r > 0
f [r] < En2

,r > 0
√ √ √ √ √ √
−a11 En2 r 2 −(Ln2 +r 2 )f [r]−a10Enr f [r] h[r] −a31 En2 r 2 −(Ln2 +r 2 )f [r]+r f [r] h[r](−a30En+a
tes = Solve √ √ √ 2 2 2 2
== 0, √ √ √ 2 2 2 2
f [r] h[r] Ln +r −Ln Sin[θ] f [r] h[r] Ln +r −Ln Sin[θ]
{a10, a30, a31}][[1]]

 √  √ √
a11 En2 r 2 −Ln2 f [r]−r 2 f [r] a33EnLnr 2 Sin[θ]2 a33En2 Lnr 3 En2 r 2 −Ln2 f [r]−r 2 f [r] h[r]Sin
a10 → − √ √ , a30 → (Ln2 +r 2 )f [r]
, a31 → − √
Enr f [r] h[r] (Ln2 +r 2 ) f [r]
hn 2
o i
tes2 = Solve −a102 f [r] + a11 2
h[r] ==1, −a30 f [r] + h[r] + a332 r2 Sin[θ]2 == 1 /.tes, {a11, a33} [[2]]
 √ √ 
Enr h[r] 2 +r 2 Csc[θ]
a11 → − √ √ , a33 → √ i Ln 2 2
Ln2 +r 2 f [r] 2 r −Ln −r +Ln Sin[θ]2
And define the rule below to be applied
tesf = Join[tes, tes2];
Note that the above choices contemplate the case of radial falls when Ln=0,
etdu//.tesf /. {θ′ [τ√]− ¿0, Ln → 0//Simplif y//M atrixF orm
 
En (En2 −f [r])h[r]
− √ 0 0
 √ f [r] √ f [r] 
 En2 −f [r] En h[r]

f [r] − √ 0 0 

 f [r] 

 0 0 0  r
0 0 0 Csc[θ]
Or to the case when h[r]=f[r] cf.
 /. {θ′ [τ ]− ¿0, h → (f [#]&)//F ullSimplif
√ y//M atrixF orm 
En2 r 2 −(Ln2 +r 2 )f [r]
√ 2 Enr −√ 0 √ Ln
 f [r]
√ Ln +r 2 −Ln2 Sin[θ]2 Ln2 +r 2 −Ln2 Sin[θ]2 r Ln2 +r 2 −Ln2 Sin[θ]2 
 
En2 r 2 −(Ln2 +r 2 )f [r]
√ − √ Enr 0 0
 
 
 Ln2 +r 2 f [r] 2 Ln +r 2 

 0 √ 0 r √ 0 

 iEnLnrSin[θ] iLn En2 r 2 −(Ln2 +r 2 )f [r]Sin[θ] i Ln2 +r 2 Csc[θ]

√ √ −√ √ 0 √
Ln2 +r 2 f [r] −Ln2 −r 2 +Ln2 Sin[θ]2 Ln2 +r 2 −Ln2 −r 2 +Ln2 Sin[θ]2 r −Ln2 −r 2 +Ln2 Sin[θ]2

We can now proceed to compute the tidal tensor in this frame

dim = 4;
x = {t, r, θ, ϕ};
gu = Inverse[g];
Γc=Table Sum 12 gu[[m, l]](D[g[[l, i]], x[[j]]] + D[g[[l, j]], x[[i]]] − D[g[[j, i]], x[[l]]]), {l, 1, dim} , {i, 1, dim}, {j, 1,

(∗hereisthedef initionof Riemanntensor∗)

Ruddd = T able[D[Γc[[i,m,b]],x[[j]]]-D[Γc[[i,j,b]],x[[m]]]+Sum[Γc[[i,m,β]]Γc[[β, j, b]]−
Γc[[i,j,β]]Γc[[β, m, b]], {β, 1, dim}], {b, 1, dim}, {i, 1, dim}, {j, 1, dim}, {m, 1, dim}];

Rdddd = T able[Sum[g[[l, b]]Ruddd[[l, i, j, m]], {l, 1, dim}], {b, 1, dim}, {i, 1, dim}, {j, 1, dim}, {m, 1, dim}];

Ktdd = T able[Sum[Ruddd[[α1,α2,α3,α4]]etdd[[i,α1]]etdu[[1,α2]]etdu[[1,α3]]etdu[[j,α4]],{α1,1,dim}, {α2,1,dim}

Simplif y;
min = DiagonalM atrix[{−1, 1, 1, 1}];
Ktud = T able[Sum[min[[α, i]]Ktdd[[α, j]], {α, 1, dim}], {i, 1, dim}, {j, 1, dim}]//Simplif y;

At the equatorial plane, we have, considering circular orbits

Simplif y [Ktud//.tesf /.θ′ [τ ] → 0/.θ → π/2] /.sner//Simplif y//M atrixF orm

 
0 0 0 0
′ 2 ′′
h[r]f [r] −2f [r]h[r]f [r]
 0 0 0
 
4f [r]2 −2rf [r]f ′ [r] 

f [r]
 
 0 0 0 
 r(−2f [r]+rf ′ [r]) 
h[r]f ′ [r]
0 0 0 − 2rf [r]
Computing for the case h=f at the equatorial plane, we have
Ktud//.tesf /.{h−¿(f [#]&)}/.θ′ [τ ] → 0/.θ → π/2//F ullSimplif y//M atrixF orm
 
0 0 0 0
 Ln2 f ′ [r]−r (Ln2 +r 2 )f ′′ [r] 
 0 2r 3 0 0 
2Ln2 (−1+f [r])−r (Ln2 +r 2 )f ′ [r]
 
 0 0 0
 
2r 4 ′

f [r]
0 0 0 − 2r
Which agrees with Eq. (13)-(15), as demon-
strated below
2 2
eq13 = −f2 [r] 1 + Ln r 2 + f ′ [r] Ln
2r 3 ;
Ln2 f ′ [r]−r (Ln2 +r 2 )f ′′ [r]
2r 3 − eq13//Simplif y
0 ′
Ln2 Ln2
eq14 = − f2r[r] 1 + r 2 + f [r]−1
r2 r2 ;
2Ln2 (−1+f [r])−r (Ln2 +r 2 )f ′ [r]
2r 4 − eq14//Simplif y
The case for Schwarzschil spacetime in circular equatorial motion gives

 = Simplif  y [Ktud//.tesf /.{h− ¿(f [#]&)}/.θ [τ ] → 0/.θ → π/2/.sner/.f →
1 − 2M# & //Simplif y//M atrixF orm
 
0 0 0 0
 0 M (−3M +2r) 0 0 
 r 3 (−3M +r) 
 0 0 0
 
(3M −r)r 2 
0 0 0 −Mr3

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