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- Khi xin nghỉ, đi trễ thì note stt (54), thay vì mssv

- Khi nào cô tìm tên bằng mắt thường thì điền ordinal number
- Khi nào cô xài hàm lum la thì điền index
- Oxford Handbook of Commercial Correspondence, 2nd edition
- Midterm & Final:
+ Gap filling (2đ 10 gaps)
+ Translating (3đ)
+ Letter writing (5đ)
- Bonus: a letter submitted = mark of 10, forget = 0, turn in late = 8
- Không viết thư theo structure paragraph, viết theo đầu ý 1 2 3 4…
10 – 30 – 60
- Midterm: (Test * 3 + Submission score 1 + Submission score 2 + … + Submission score n +
Bonus + Minus) / (3 + n + 2)

- Max 40 minutes
- Use number instead of bullet


- Enquiries: question about the features of the product
- Transportation: departure date, arrival date and features of the product
- Enquiries:
I. Introduction
II. Layouts (sai layout trừ 1/5):
- Block style -> only 1 empty line between 2 continuous paragraphs (double-
spaced) -> should choose because it’s easy
- Semi-block style -> address of the sender and complimentary close căn right
- Indentation style -> remember 1st line
III. Parts of the letter
1. Letter head
2. References (letter code) -> advised, faster trade of letter
3. Date -> write in full, no abbreviation, must have a comma after the
4. Inside address
5. Attention line -> advised
6. Salutation -> must have
7. Subject line -> advised, the receiver know the aim and the purpose of the
8. Letter body -> must have
9. Complimentary close -> must have, YourS faithfully/sincerely -> thiếu S
thì mất 1/5
10.For -> on behalf of
12.Typed signature
14.Enclosure -> must have, skip thì mất 1/5 -> please find enclosed/attached
file, add enclosure below the signature
15.Copies to be circulated

Can be omitted: 1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 15

Ltd after a UK company’s name means limited liabilities -> False, because
Ltd stands for limited, and limited liabilities is implicated
In writing date, you can write 6 February 2006 -> False
Tip: in business letter, you should use simple writing style, not academic
one, not IELTS writing style, use simple terms, format and style for easier
communication -> direct and polite

Real life: formal tone and complicated to gain điểm

IV.Business language style

1. Rules of good writing
- Study the recipient’s interests
- Write clearly and to the point
- Be courteous and considerate
Prefer -> Refer
- Adopt a tone suited to the occasion
- Write naturally and sincerely
- Avoid wordiness

First stage of business transaction:

- The buyer: enquiries
- The seller: offers
Last stage of business transaction: Replies to a certain feedback (Complaints &
I. Introduction of inquiry
- Purpose: acts as the first step to continue communication
- Between consumer and producer, employer and employees
- Communication ends once the writer receives that initial answer
II. Useful structure
- Opening:
1. Telling the supplier how you obtained your potential supplier’s name -> a
middle name who the seller knows, you can increase your fame and
+ We were given your name by…
+ You were recommended to us by…
+ We were advised by…
+ The “organization” told us that you were looking for…
+ We have learned your name and address by the introduction of the
Japanese Embassy, who has advised us that you are the sole exporter of
2. Introducing to your supplier what sort of firm you are
+ We are a co-operative wholesale society based in Zurich.
+ Our company is a subsidiary of Universal Business Machines and we
specialize in ...
+ We are one of the main producers of industrial chemicals in Germany,
and we are interested in ...
- Body:
3. Indicating the state of the market (of the buyer) -> deep understanding of
the products of the buyer, better attitude, long-term business partners,
better deal
4. Asking for information/specification -> most important
5. Suggesting terms, method of payment, discounts
6. Expectation, hope
- Closing:
7. Hoping for an early offer/quotation/reply
Why new company should introduce themselves? Favorable terms: discounts,
freeship, extended payment, warranty
 Tip: Instead of giving general order or demand, be detailed and specific by
listing at least 10 expectations for the products
2 ways to express verbs:
- Direct: considering the terms and conditions offered
- Indirect (Collocation):
+ V + N + prep + N
+ Prep + N: in consideration of the terms and conditions offered

I. Kinds of offer
- Free offer: promise to sell the goods on the stated terms and conditions
- Firm offer: promise to sell the goods on the stated terms and conditions
within a specified period of time (duration of validity)
Made to one buyer, when the seller promises to sell the goods
+ price: at a stated price
+ time: usually within a stated period of time
- During the period of time, if the buyer accepts, the seller cannot withdraw.
- Terms and Conditions: discount, quantity, guarantee, delivery…
- Differences between the two
We are pleased to offer (firm until 15 Oct, 20…) on the terms and conditions
as follows
Doubling writing technique: emphasize by using 2 synonyms in a sentence.

Firm offers usually contain some words:

- For acceptance within … days
- We would like to offer firm until …
- The present offer remains open for it within … days
- This offer is valid and effective until …
1. Commodities (how the seller knows the buyer trước commodities)
- Goods/name of goods/description
+ Scientific name
+ Producers
+ Product code
Ví dụ: long white rice, grade A, origin Vietnam, crop 2011
2. Quality/Specification
Enclose catalogues which include:
- Image
- Standard
- Trademark
- Description
With the letter
- Sale as sample
The products are offered as per sample sent to you./to be sent to you.
- Sale by standard
Our company’s products are offered in confirmity with Vietnamese export
- Sale by document
In confirmity with seller’s technical drawing, signed by both parties attached
herein, being an integral part of the present offer.
As per enclosed catalogue No 234/TL.
- Sale as seen/ Sale as is (có sao bán vậy/bán như hiện trạng) -> quyền lợi lớn
nhất cho người bán là no damages, no compensation when worst
consequences, thông thường giá sẽ rất rẻ
The goods will be supplied on the basis of “sale as is” inspected and approved by
the buyer.
- Sale as description (for agricultural products)
3. Quantity
Indicate the right system of quantity to avoid misunderstanding:
- Units
- Pieces
- Sets
Tolerance & Franchising:
- Tolerance: dung sai
- Franchising: tỉ lệ hao hụt
Be careful about net weight and gross weight
- Net weight: the weight of the product alone, discounting the weight of the
container or packaging -> the buyer care more
- Gross weight: the total weight of a product and its packaging -> to calculate
the shipping cost
4. Price
- State clearly that your prices are net prices or gross prices
- Let your customer know that your prices are stable or not
- Quote prices in your customer’s currency and allow for exchange
Ex: USD20/ unit, FOB Saigon port, to Incoterms 2010, including packing
and 300 empty bags
5. Packaging
Packing vs. Packaging
Describe the way goods are packed sucha as kind of packing, quality of
Is it included in the price?
Will it change the weight of goods?
The goods are required to be packed/wrapped…
In export customary cartons: bao bì theo tập quán xuất khẩu -> for domestic
In customary export cartons: bao bì xuất khẩu theo tập quán -> for exporting
goods, international trade
In seaworthy wooden case: bao bì thích hợp với việc đi biển

Hàng hóa phải được bọc trong giấy không thấm nước, được gia cố ở 2 đầu
để tránh hao mòn do ma sát.:
The goods are to be packed in waterproof paper, reinforced at the 2 ends to
avoid wearing due to friction.
6. Delivery shipment
- Do not promise a delivery date that you cannot meet
- Describe: How the goods is delivered
In one lot in July
In two shipments
7. Payment
Payment is made in USD by a transferable confirmed irrevocable LC to be
opened through/via ACB bank 15 days prior to (the) shipment valid for 45
days to the account of the DEF bank in our favour for the total value of the
goods to be shipped.

The shipment: trước chuyến hàng

Shipment: trước lúc giao hàng

Kind of currency per unit/of total quantity

Suggest some diferent methods of payment: letter of credit or bill of
- Payment: in P.S of G.B by an … shipped
- Payment: 100% of LC to be opened at Moscow Narodny Bank, London to
the account of the bank of Foreign Trade of Vietnam, in favor of the Seller
by T.T reimbursement
 Có thể bỏ T.T reimbursement vì đã có LC ở trên
- We normally effect (=make) payment by letter of credit
8. Technical document
- It is more important if you offer technical products
- Technical documents: two copies of users manual to be supplied with each
unit of goods
9. Warranty/guaranty
- Warranty involving in 3 persons (manufacture, buyer, seller)
- Guaranty (involing in 2 persons)
10.Others (expectation)
- Comments on the terms and conditions
Our goods are good in quality, attractive in design and competitive in price
(có thể đưa lên số 2)
- Promises
If your order is , I will give you a special discount
- Introduction of other items

An order is usually written when a company when a company purchases or buys or
orders goods or services from another party
- Answer the Offer
- A customer writes the information of a product or service they wish to order
- No discount
- Confirm for validity

1. Commodity
2. Quality/specification
3. Quantity
4. Price
5. Payment
6. Delivery
- On an exact date
- In a certain period of time (… weeks from the date of this order)
- Delivery deadlines are regulated under a certain condition (within 30 days
after L/C issued date)
- Method of delivery (will be shipped/sent/dispacted)
7. Packing and Marking
- This sind up
- Center of gravity
- Fragile
- Do not use hand hook
- Keep away from sunlight
- Keep away from water
- Do not pile
- Đồ sành sứ: Crockery
- Thùng hàng: Crate
- Gia cố thùng hàng: reinforce the barrel
- Hoop the barrels with
- Pack the goods
- Wrap the packages
- Mark the packages
- Number the boxes/packages
Chapter 2
British Chamber of Commerce: phòng thương mại Anh Quốc
The United States Embassy: Tòa đại sứ Hoa Kỳ
concerning…: về vấn đề
demonstrated/displayed: được trưng bày
(do sth) according to our knowledge: người mà chúng tôi biết là đã (làm gì đó)
specifics/particulars: thông tin chi tiết
brisk demand = active demand: sôi động
There is no market here for articles of…/ Customers are not in favor of…: Thị
trường tại đây không chuộng…
Sell very well/ sell like hot cake: bán rất chạy
Colourful/fancy: sặc sỡ
In high demand: bán rất chạy
Sales/Turnovers are moderate: Tiêu thụ cầm chừng
Prospectuses = brochure
Quote prices CIF (địa danh) = Báo giá CIF (địa danh)
Regular transactions/purchases = thương vụ thường xuyên
Chapter 3
Room rates = room price (room rates are used more commonly)
Alternative = Substitute = Replacement
Are subject to change = có thể thay đổi
Chapter 4
Specified = stipulated = stated = regulated
Visionary = far-sighted
Tractor = máy kéo
Produces = agricultural products
Bran: gạo cám
Broken rice: gạo tấm
Humidity: độ ẩm tối đa
Moisture: thủy phần
Foreign matters/Impurities: tạp chất
Other colour grains: hạt khác màu
Defective / Immature / Imperfect: hư, non, teo tóp, hàng có lỗi
Lot = shipment
You can count on our comprehensive cooperation = Quý ngài có thể tin tưởng vào
sự hợp tác toàn diện của chúng ta
Giao hàng 1 chuyến = delivery in one lot
Chapter 4
(Fancy) rush mat = chiếu cói (hoa)
Assorted: hỗn hợp

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