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The 5S method, which takes its name from the first letter of each of the five
operations, is a Japanese management technique derived from the Toyota
Production System (TPS). It is based on 5 simple principles:

1. Seiri : sort means eliminating anything that is unnecessary for the equipment to
work properly.
2. Seiton : straightening is the best way of eliminating pointless searching and
having all the material necessary for functional production according to the principle:
“a place for everything and everything in its place.”
3. Seiso : shining means keeping everything so clean that it shines.
In a clean environment, any leak or other abnormality can be detected faster.
Working in a clean environment improves motivation and safety. This is a
prerequisite for quality maintenance.
4. Seiketsu : standardizing means respecting the previous 3S.
The 3S are actions to take; so that cleanliness and elimination of the causes of
untidiness become the norm, it is essential to write them down as ordinary rules, as
Seiketsu helps to overcome the natural tendency to slovenliness and a return to old
5. Shitsuke : sustain after a period of 3 to 6 months (depending on the size and
complexity of the workshop), the time has come to evaluate the situation by means
of an in-depth audit. The audit is based on a very precise questionnaire, which
assesses the previous 4S, and which leads, if successful – to the site being certified.

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