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Respuestas ejemplos examen oral:

Had you ever had an accreditation exam before?

Yes, I've had several accreditation exams in the past, mainly for my professional
certifications in project management.

Had you studied before for an oral English exam?

Yes, I studied extensively for an oral English exam last year as part of my language
proficiency assessment.

What kind of stories had you generally enjoyed?

I generally enjoy science fiction and historical novels because they allow me to explore
different worlds and times.

Had you ever told a story to a friend? What was the story about?
Yes, I recently told a friend the story of my trip to Japan. It was about the cultural
differences I experienced and the amazing places I visited.

What were you going to do yesterday?

I was going to attend a workshop on digital marketing, but it was postponed due to the
presenter being ill.

Were you going to have a party this week?

No, I wasn’t planning to have a party this week. I have a lot of work to catch up on.

Was it supposed to rain today?

Yes, the weather forecast said it was supposed to rain today, but it turned out to be sunny

Were you supposed to have this exam yesterday?

No, the exam was always scheduled for today. There was no change in the schedule.
Had you ever heard about a company apologizing for a mistake they made?
Yes, I heard about a well-known airline that publicly apologized after a significant delay in
their flights due to technical issues.

Had you ever received an apology from a friend?

Yes, a friend once apologized to me for missing my birthday party. She was caught up with
a family emergency.

Where is an animal shelter located in your city?

There’s an animal shelter located on the west side of the city, near the community college.

What is an animal shelter designed for?

An animal shelter is designed to provide a safe haven for homeless and abandoned
animals, where they can be cared for until they are adopted.

Was any charity program founded in your community?

Yes, a charity program focused on feeding the homeless was founded in our community
two years ago.

What was its work focused on?

Its work was focused on providing daily meals and emergency shelter to homeless
individuals in the area.

Do you agree that money should be given to charities not individuals?

I believe it depends on the situation. Charities can effectively distribute resources on a
large scale, but sometimes direct assistance to individuals is necessary for immediate

Must an act of kindness be met with gratitude?

While gratitude is always appreciated, I think an act of kindness shouldn't necessarily be
done with the expectation of receiving thanks.
Where should taxes be spent in our city?
Taxes should be spent on improving public transportation, education, and healthcare
services in our city.

Should food be provided by local authorities for everybody who needs it?
Yes, I believe that providing food is a basic necessity and local authorities should ensure
that no one in the community goes hungry.

Should young people be involved in community projects?

Absolutely, involving young people in community projects not only helps them develop
important skills but also fosters a sense of responsibility and community spirit.

What community project might be started in your city?

A community gardening project might be started in our city to promote sustainable living
and provide fresh produce to residents.

Can public art be taken as a community project? Why?

Yes, public art can definitely be considered a community project because it involves local
artists and reflects the community's values and identity. It enhances public spaces and
encourages community engagement.

What did your friend tell you, before you came into the classroom?
My friend told me to stay calm and confident during the oral exam, reminding me that I had
prepared well.

What instructions for the oral exam did your teacher tell you?
The teacher instructed us to clearly articulate our answers, keep calm, and think about the
questions asked.

What have your teachers recommended you about the use of the cellphone in
Our teachers have strongly recommended that we keep our cellphones turned off or on
silent mode to avoid distractions during class.
What are your friends going to ask you after you finish this oral exam?
They could ask about the questions and my performance.

What information did you ask your teacher about the oral accreditation?
I asked my teacher about the criteria for evaluation and any specific areas I should focus
on for the oral accreditation.

If you chose any job in the world, which one would it be? Why?
I would choose to be a wildlife conservationist because I want to contribute to preserving
endangered species.

Would you consider doing a job you loved, if you weren't paid well? Why or why
Yes, I would consider it because enjoying what I do every day is more important to me
than a high salary.

What would you do with your free time if you didn't have to work?
I would travel more, explore new hobbies, and spend more time with my family and

What would be one thing you wish for your family?

I wish for my family to always be healthy and happy.

What are two wishes you have for your life?

I wish to achieve personal and professional growth and to make a positive impact on the

What wishes do your parents have for you?

My parents wish for me to be successful in my career and good health.

What do you wish you had done differently?

I wish I had started learning to speak two languages earlier in my life, as now it would be
beneficial both personally and professionally.

Talk about 3 things that you are not supposed to do at school:

We are not supposed to use our phones in class, leave school grounds during school
hours without permission, or plagiarize or cheat on assignments.

Talk about 3 things that are permitted to do in a hospital:

In a hospital, it's permitted to visit patients during specified hours, use hand sanitizer
before and after entering wards, and access certain patient information if you are next of

What was the strictest rule that you have ever heard?
The strictest rule I've heard of was at a school where students were not allowed to bring
any personal electronic devices, not even for educational purposes.

Mention one obligation that you had to follow, when you were in high school:
One obligation was to wear a uniform every day to ensure a level of conformity and focus
on studies rather than fashion.

What permissions did you have at home, when you were a teenager?
I was allowed to manage my own study hours as long as I maintained good grades, and I
had permission to go out with friends on weekends within a curfew.

Talk about two prohibitions that have changed in the last 10 years:
One major change has been the shift in many schools from banning the use of
smartphones to integrating them into the learning process. Another change has been the
legal status of cannabis in various states and countries, moving from prohibition to
regulated use.
1. Task #1: Talk about a time when you meet a person by chance. (Use past perfect,
was/were going to, was/were supposed to).

Last year I was walking in the park when I ran into an old friend from school. He hadn't seen her in
years. We would catch up over coffee several times before, but something would always come up.
We couldn't see each other again.

2. Task #2: Talk about a community project, that you think might be implemented in your
city. (Use present and past passive, passive with modals)

A community project that could be implemented in my city is the distribution of food and clothing
to people in need. The plan is being reviewed by city officials and support is being sought from
local businesses and residents. It is hoped that this initiative will provide much-needed assistance
to those facing hardship in our community.

3. Task #3: Look at the conversation between Emily and Mr. Williams and report the
questions and the information. (Use reported statements and reported questions).

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