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The Florida Bar Gillespie v. Google

651 East Jefferson Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399-2300

Joshua E. Doyle 850/561-5600

Executive Director www.FLORlOABARorg

April 22, 2024

Mr. Neil 1. Gillespie

2801 S.W. College Road
Suite #3
Ocala, FL 34474

Re: Damon Justin Whitaker; RFA No. 24-10794

Dear Mr. Gillespie:

Your Complaint regarding Mr. Damon Justin Whitaker, Esq., has been referred to me for review.
Your Complaint regards a dispute with Google, LLC., concerning your Blogger account.

The matters upon which your allegations are premised involve a civil dispute and present
questions of law. The Florida Bar is not the correct forum in which to have such legal issues
adjudicated and resolution of those issues must be left to the appropriate tribunal.

This determination does not preclude you however, from consulting a private attorney and/or
exercising any legal remedies which may be available to you. In the event the proper tribunal
enters a finding or order which supports your allegations concerning the attorney in this regard,
you may resubmit your complaint along with a copy of such findings or order for consideration.

In light of the foregoing, this file has been closed effective April 19, 2024. Pursuant to the Bar's
records retention schedule, the computer record and file of this matter will be disposed of one
year from the date of closure.


Christopher Stephen Wackes, Bar Counsel
Attorney Consumer Assistance Program
ACAP Hotline 866-352-0707

cc: Mr. Damon Justin Whitaker (with enclosure)

The Florida Bar
Inquiry/Complaint Form
PART ONE (See Page 1, PART ONE - Complainant Information.):
Your Name: Neil J. Gillespie
Organization: Justice Network
Address: 2801 SW College Rd, STE 3
City, State, Zip Code: Ocala, Florida 34474
Phone: 352-581-2600
ACAP Reference No.: none
Does this complaint pertain to a matter currently in litigation? Yes X No

PART TWO (See Page 1, PART TWO - Attorney Information.): d'Gf'C.,ssed- tc/e9Ph.-~di('~
Attorney's Name: Damon Justin Whitaker Florida Bar No. 923591
Address: 2342 Waterscape Trl
City. State, Zip Code: Snellville, GA 30078-7375
Phone: 404-572-6913

PART THREE (See Page 1, PART THREE - Facts/Allegations.): The specific thing or things I
am complaining about are: (attach additional sheet).

PART FOUR (See Page 1, .PART FOUR - Witnesses.): The witnesses in support of my
allegations are: (attach additional sheet).

PART FIVE (See Page 1, PART FIVE - Acknowledge Oath and Signature.):


Under penalties of perjury, I declare that the foregoing facts are true, correct and
Neil J. Gillespie

~gnatu.Pt"-~ -7
April 17,~024
*Having trouble? Download the form and open the document in Adobe Acrobat™.
The Florida Bar April 17,2024
Attn.: ACAP
651 East Jefferson Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2300

RE: Damon Justin Whitaker, Bar Number: 923591

This is a complaint against:

Damon Justin Whitaker, Bar Number: 923591

Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP
2342 Waterscape Trl
Snellville, GA 30078-7375
Office: 404-572-69 I3
Cell: 404-668-2469
Fax: 404-572-6999

I am the creator and owner of Justice Network in Ocala, Florida, engaged in advocacy,
education, news gathering & dissemination, and helping people tight injustice.

1have been a content creator for Google LLC on Blogger since 20 I2. Google hosts the blogs,
which are accessed through a subdomain 1 create content about justice matters,
civil rights, law, the courts and elections. My name, my photograph, and information about me
appears on my Google Blogger blogspot blogs. My blogspot blogs include:

Justice Network blog

Neil J. Gillespie for President 2020

Music and Video - Election 2020


On February 4, 2021 I was arrested, incarcerated, and held on no bond for 427 days until I was
released on my own recognizance (ROR) on April 7,2022.

Since my release from incarceration 1 have not been able to create content on Blogger because
Google has blocked my legitimate sign-in attempts to my Account

For the past 2 years I have contacted Google but not been able to sign-in to my account. Google
says it cannot sign me in because Google cannot be sure the account belongs to me.
RE: Damon Justin Whitaker, Bar Number: 923591

On February 1,2024 I filed a lawsuit for replevin in the Marion County Circuit Court, Fifth
Judicial Circuit, Florida, for possession of my Google Account and my
recovery phone number 352-615-3819. I am the Plaintiff pro se in case no. 2024-CA-0209
against Alphabet Inc., Google LLC, Verizon Communications Inc., Verizon Wireless Services
LLC, and Tracfone Wireless Inc.

Damon Justin Whitaker is a lawyer member of The Florida Bar, 10: 923591, with the firm Bryan
Cave Leighton Paisner. Mr. Whitaker represents Alphabet Inc. and Google LLC.

On February 28, 2024, Mr. Whitaker removed my Florida lawsuit to federal court, in the U.S.
District Court, Middle District of Florida, Ocala Division, case no. 5:24-cv-00101.

On March 13,2024 1tried to sign-in to my Google Account using the

email address and the correct password. In response Google sent me a
critical security alert email on March 13,2024 at 09:17:40 AM EDT. Google said it blocked my
sign-in attempt. Google said "Someone just used your password to try to sign in to your account.
Google blocked them, but you should check what happened." Below is an image from the
Google critical security alert email

attempt was blocked

Someone just used your password to try to sign in to your account.

Google blocked them, but you should check what happened.

• :
.. '_'(
o ' ,',I,
;)' •• /;/, ... r-A 1_i...>' J . J'

You received this email to let you know about important changes to your
Google Account and services.
© 2024 Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043,

On March 19,2024 at 3:59 PM EDT I forwarded the Google critical security alert email 1got on
March 13,2024 to Mr. Whitaker and co-counsel Ezequiel Romero, Esq., Florida Bar 10:

RE: Damon Justin Whitaker, Bar Number: 923591

107216, of Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP; and Google's New York co-counsel Avishai Don,
Esq., and Benjamin Margo, Esq. of the firm Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati; and Brett B.
Goodman, Esq. of the Goodman Law Firm, San Diego, CA, for Verizon and Tracfone. A paper
copy of my email to Mr. Whitaker and co-counsel is attached to my enclosed affidavit and states:

Damon J. Whitaker
Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP
One Atlantic Center 14th Floor
1201 W. Peachtree St., N.W.
Atlanta, GA 30309-3471

RE: Google Critical security alert, Sign-in attempt was blocked

Dear Mr. Whitaker,

Forwarded below is a Google "Critical security alert" email to that

I received Wednesday, March 13,2024 at 9:17 AM.

In the email Googlewrote: ..Sign-inattemptwasblocked....

"Someone just used your password to try to sign in to your account. Google blocked
them, but you should check what happened."

I am the person who used my password to sign into my Google account, and I am the person whom Google blocked from trying to sign in
to my Google account. Thank you.

NEIL 1. GILLESPIE, Plaintiffpro se
280 I S W College Rd., STE 3
Ocala, FL 34474
Tel: 352-239-9037 (wireless)
Tel: 352-581-2600 (land line)
Email: (Florida Portal E-Service)]

Mr. Whitaker and co-counsel now have personal knowledge that I own my Google Account, and that GoogJe is wrongly detaining my Google Account.

Mr. Whitaker and Mr. Romero, as members of The Florida Bar, have an ethical duty of candor
toward the tribunal, and fairness toward an opposing party and counsel, and must adhere to
professionalism standards of The Florida Bar, and The Rules Regulating The Florida Bar.

On March 26, 2024 the federal court ordered the case back to Marion County, Florida.

RE: Damon Justin Whitaker, Bar Number: 923591

As of the date and time of this Florida Bar complaint, the Marion County Clerk has not
remanded the case as ordered by the federal court, that I know about.

On April 6, 2024 I emailed MarkMonitor, Inc., the ICANN Registrar for the domain name under the Domain Name System (DNS), for my domain ownership documents for
my Google Blogger blogspot blogs. As of today I have not received my domain or subdomain
ownership documents from MarkMonitor Inc., Google LLC or Btogger, or Mr. Whitaker.

On April 10,2024, Mr. Whitaker, Mr. Romero, and Mr. Don, submitted a filing in the Marion
County, Florida case no. 2024-CA-0209, in opposition to my Amended Opposed Motion for
Writ of Replevin Against Google, or an Order to Show Cause, that I filed in the federal court
case no. 5:24-cv-00 101 (DOC 15) on March 21,2024.

I believe the filing by Mr. Whitaker and Mr. Romero on April 10,2024 violates the
professionalism standards of The Florida Bar, and The Rules Regulating The Florida Bar.
Mr. Don is not a member of The Florida Bar.

On April 10,2024 I gave notice in the Marion County, Florida case no. 2024-CA-0209 of
voluntary dismissal without prejudice pursuant to Rule 1.420(a)( I).

On April 17, 2024 the Court entered Order of Dismissal without prejudice.

Violation of Rule 4-3.3 - CANDOR TOWARD THE TRIBUNAL


• Mr. Whitaker has personal knowledge that I own my Google Account
Mr. Whitaker has violated 4-3.3(a) False Evidence; Duty to Disclose
(1) make a false statement of fact or law to a tribunal or fail to correct a false statement of
material fact or law previously made to the tribunal by the lawyer;
(2) fail to disclose a material fact to a tribunal when disclosure is necessary to avoid assisting a
criminal or fraudulent act by the client;

• Mr. Whitaker knows his client Alphabet Inc. and Google LLC engage, is engaging, or has
engaged in criminal or fraudulent conduct related to the proceeding.
Mr. Whitaker has violated 4-3.3(b) Criminal or Fraudulent Conduct. A lawyer who represents a
client in an adjudicative proceeding and who knows that a person intends to engage, is engaging,
or has engaged in criminal or fraudulent conduct related to the proceeding shall take reasonable
remedial measures, including, if necessary, disclosure to the tribunal.

• Mr. Whitaker has personal knowledge that I own my Google Account
Mr. Whitaker has violated Rule 4-3.4(a) unlawfully obstruct another party's access to evidence
or otherwise unlawfully alter, destroy, or conceal a document or other material that the lawyer
knows or reasonably should know is relevant to a pending or a reasonably foreseeable
proceeding; nor counselor assist another person to do any such act;

RE: Damon Justi.n Whitaker, Bar Number: 923591

Mr. Whitaker knows, or should know, that in addition to the above, since May 2023 I paid
Google through a Workspace Account, a Google Branded Account Nei12024, see attached.
Ultimately I left Google Workspace when it refused to assist me with my Google Account Google did not provide a domain ownership document for

Mr. Whitaker also knows the U.S. Department of Justice is suing Google:

U.S. and Plaintiff States v. Google LLC [2020]

The Government alleges that Google LLC has illegally monopolized certain markets for search
services and search advertising in violation of Section 2 of the Sherman Act, 15 U.S.C.

U.S. and Plaintiff States v. Google LLC [2023]

United States v. Google LLC is a separate federal antitrust case brought by the Department of
Justice against Google LLC on January 24, 2023. The suit accuses Google of illegally
monopolizing the advertising technology (adtech) market in violation of sections I and 2 of the
Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890. The suit is separate from an ongoing DOJ antitrust case launched
in 2020 accusing Google of illegally monopolizing the search engine market.

Mr. Whitaker also knows I have Fourth Amendment privacy claims against his client, claims
under the CAN-SPAM ACT 2003, and other claims.

/ am not the only content creator who has used S/ogger. The Southern District of Florida blog
was started in 2005 by David Oscar Markus, who is a criminal trial and appellate lawyer in
Miami, Florida. (copy attached). Another blog is The Justice Building
blog by "Rumpole" (copy attached).

Mr. Markus, myself, and "Rumpole" all use the "Simple theme. Powered by Blogger" subdomain blogs. The Government alleged Google deploys opaque rules that
benefit itself and harm content creators. There may be millions of similar content creators with subdomain blogs who do not have ownership documents from GoogJe/Blogger.

I believe the U.S. Department of Justice should also review this matter, and am providing the
DOJ a copy of this complaint.

GERARD MENE United States Department of Justice

Assistant U.S. Attorney Antitrust Division
Jamieson Avenue 450 Fifth StreetNW, Suite 7100
Alexandria, VA 22046 Washington, DC 20530
Telephone: (703) 299-3777 Telephone: (202) 307-0077
Facsimile: (703) 299-3983 Fax: (202) 616-8544
Email: Email: Julia.Tarver. Wood@usdoj.goY

RE: Damon Justin Whitaker, Bar Number: 923591

I also create content at Justice Network <htlps://> on IONOS, headquartered in

Montabaur, Germany, a Internet service provider known for web hosting, domain and cloud
computing products. The company is part of the United Internet Group. IONOS Inc. in the
United States is at 2 Logan Square, 100 N 18th St., Suite 400, Philadelphia, PA 19'103.

In contrast, Google is not a legitimate Internet service provider. Google is an advertising scam
that falsely portrays itself in various ways to fool the public. Through unjust enrichment, Google
has purchased companies like Blogger and YouTube, and harmed consumers with it pol.icies.

Attached is my domain ownership document for, so you can see what one looks like.
The attached email from IONOS customer service states in part: "A domain document ownership
is a document that serves as proof of your ownership of a domain. It can be presented to
organizations or institutions to demonstrate that you are the rightful owner of the domain.
Importantly, this ownership extends to any subdomains created under the main domain name
because only the domain owner has the authority to create subdomains."

Please see attached my affidavit of ownership for my Google Account that cites to Mr. Whitaker,
my affidavit of a settlement otler, and my affidavit on Google's violation of my privacy.

Under penalties of perjury, I declare that the foregoing facts are true, correct and
complete. Thank you.


Justice Network
2801 SW College Rd., STE 3
Ocala, FL 34474
Phone: 352-581-2600
(Florida Portal E-Service)

Enclosed: Florida Bar Complaint Form

Affidavit of Neil J. Gillespie, Ownership of Google Account
Affidavit of Neil 1. Gillespie, otfer to settle lawsuit with Google
Affidavit of Neil 1. Gillespie, Google's violation of privacy
Google Branded Account Neil2024
Google domain name invoice for
Southern District of Florida Blog,
Justice Building Blog,
Domain Ownership Document -
Email - IONOS Customer Service

Justice Network blog

Justice Network blog

Lobbyists Bearing Gifts 2016 Election 2016 Election is Over Dissolve TFB 2016 Neil Gillespie for President

Wednesday, January 20, 2021 Justice Network blog

Neil Gillespie
USSC Rule 23 Stay Inauguration of Joe Biden and Pamala Harris
To contact me,
STATES USSC Rule 23 Stay To Justice Thomas The Justice Network is engaged in
advocacy, education, news gathering
To stay the inauguration of Joe Biden and Pamala & dissemination, and helping people
Harris as president and vice president pending a fight injustice. This blog is part of my
decision in Gillespie v. Federal Election therapy as a survivor of legal injustice.
Commission, et al.
In 2010 I started the Justice Network
MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE, RULE 17, with the domain name,
PROCEDURE IN AN ORIGINAL ACTION chosen in the spirit of YouTube, the
video-sharing site that empowered
1. Today I am submitting a motion for leave to file ordinary people to produce and share
under Rule 17, Procedure in an Original Action, video, and changed the world.
under Article III, Controversies to which the
United States shall be a Party, in Neil J. Gillespie v. Through my old website I met folks
Federal Election Commission (FEC) and the from around the country. Some of
Respondents in my FEC Complaint Of Election Fraud In The 2020 Presidential Election their stories are profiled there. Many
Fraud. believe that America’s justice system
is broken.
2. Enclosed is my Federal Election Commission (FEC) Complaint Of Election Fraud
In The 2020 Presidential Election of December 14, 2020, and Appendix A, FSC16-2031. The Justice Network website address
is now, and
3. On December 18, 2020 Shana M. Broussard, Sean J. Cooksey and Allen Dickerson NoSueorg.blogspot here. This reflects
were sworn in as members of the Federal Election Commission, returning a quorum to a sad truth for many Americans that
the agency charged with administering and enforcing federal campaign finance law. the justice system is broken, just a
parody of justice.
4. The FEC responded January 6, 2021, Exhibit 1 and stated:
Reform American courts or avoid
This acknowledges receipt of your letters to the Federal Election Commission on them. Your life, health and wealth is at
December 14th and December 17th, 2020. risk. But don’t just take my word, read
what the experts say in stories posted
The Federal Election Commission (the "Commission") is an independent regulatory here.
agency charged with administering and enforcing the Federal Election Campaign Act of
1971, as amended, and Chapters 95 and 96 of Title 26, United States Code. The This blog is a free public service. See
Commission has jurisdiction over the financing of campaigns for federal office -- the my disclaimer at the end of the
U.S. House, Senate, and President. blogroll.
View my complete profile
After careful review of your correspondence, we have determined that your letter does
not state any acts that appear to constitute a violation under our jurisdiction.
Justice Network - Facebook

5. Given the nature of my complaint, I take the FEC response as a right to sue letter.
Follow @Justice_Network
6. My complaint argues that under the separation of powers doctrine, Joe Biden and

1 of 24 4/17/2024, 3:24 PM
Google Account

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1 of 1 4/13/2024, 9:50 PM
Google LLC
1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy

Invoice Mountain View, CA 94043

United States
Invoice number: 4735110624 Federal Tax ID: 77-0493581

Bill to
Neil Gillespie
Justice Network
2801 SW College Road
Suite 3
Ocala, FL 34474
United States

Details Google Workspace

Invoice number 4735110624
Invoice date May 31, 2023 Total in USD $12.00
Billing ID 9128-7886-2943
Domain name
Summary for May 29, 2023

Subtotal in USD $12.00

Tax (0%) $0.00
Total in USD $12.00

You will be automatically charged for any amount due.

Page 1 of 2
Invoice Invoice number: 4735110624

Subscription Description Interval Quantity Amount($)

Domain Registration New commitment May 29 1 12.00

Subtotal in USD $12.00

Tax (0%) $0.00

Total in USD $12.00

Need help understanding the charges on your invoice? Click here for detailed explanations

Page 2 of 2
Southern District of Florida Blog

The SDFLA Blog is dedicated to providing news and notes regarding federal practice in the Southern District
of Florida. The New Times calls the blog "the definitive source on South Florida's federal court system." All
tips on court happenings are welcome and will remain anonymous. Please email David Markus at

Wednesday, April 17, 2024 The Southern District of Florida blog

was started in 2005 by David Oscar
Rest in Peace, Senator Graham Markus, who is a criminal trial and
appellate lawyer in Miami, Florida. He
By John R. Byrne frequently practices in federal courts
around the country, including his
Senator Bob Graham passed away yesterday. He was a great leader for Florida and our hometown, the Southern District of
country during his years as a state representative, state senator, Governor of Florida, and, Florida and the 11th Circuit Court of
most recently, as a United States Senator from 1986 to 2005. Appeals. He is a former law clerk to
then-Chief Judge of the District,
During his nearly 20 years in the Senate, the Harvard Law graduate helped select Edward B. Davis.
numerous district and circuit court federal judges, many of whom are still serving today.
For David's resume, click here.
Graham was well-respected on both sides of the political aisle, reflected by key positions
he held, including as chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee in the aftermath of For other information about him and
the 2001 terrorist attacks. And he was a true Floridian, born and raised in Coral Gables his law firm Markus/Moss, click here
and attending the University of Florida as an undergraduate. to view his office website

The Herald covers his incredible life and career here. If you hit a paywall, here is the AP
Contributors The Southern
write up.
District of
David Florida Judges
Rest in peace, Senator Graham. Oscar
• Markus

Posted by John R. Byrne at 7:30 AM 3 comments: John R.

• Byrne • Cecilia
Tuesday, April 16, 2024 Blog Roll • K. Michael
Should Trump be excused from his state trial… Rumpole's Blog
• Donald
-------------------- Middlebrooks
… so that he can attend his son's high school graduation and the U.S. Supreme Court
argument in his case? ------ • William
Despite your views of Trump, isn't this a no-brainer? Why is the judge giving him a hard Above the Law • Jose Martinez
time on these things? • Kathleen
Althouse Williams
Meantime, Trump apparently fell asleep during trial. But we don't have cameras to see it.
Just ridiculous. • Darrin Gayles
How Appealing
• Beth Bloom
We've all seen judges and jurors nod off during trials. The Supreme Court has said that
• Robin
it's not ineffective for a lawyer to fall asleep during trial... what about a defendant? JAABlog
In other news, it looks like the Supreme Court is going to reverse another conviction • Roy Altman
because of prosecutorial overreach. I enjoyed this exchange with Lisa Blatt: SCOTUSblog •
• Rudy Ruiz
But Justice Sonia Sotomayor pointed out that the statute applies to rewards only "in
Sentencing Blog • Rodney Smith
connection with any business, transaction, or series of transactions of such
organization, government, or agency involving anything of value of $5,000 or more," she • Raag Singhal
said. • Aileen

1 of 7 4/17/2024, 3:11 PM

More Create Blog Sign In

When you see something that is not right, not fair, find a way to get in the way
and cause trouble. Congressman John Lewis

Cushing Left Anterior Descending Artery Award.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024 Follow @justicebuilding


Team Bloch here. Racking up
THE CAPTAIN REPORTS: endorsements…


So sorry Judge Faber is retiring.
Today, as promised, we bring you the County Court races. Big lo…

W Clermont
Rooting for Christopher

There are a total of 19 County Court Groups up for election in 2024. With 11 days to go, W Clermont
we currently have three judges who are retiring. Group 4, where Incumbent Judge Robin Rooting for Bonita Jones
Faber is retiring, has drawn only one candidate. Group 12, where Incumbent Judge
Steve Leifman is retiring, that Group has also drawn only one candidate. In Group 29, Anonymous
where Incumbent Judge Myriam Lehr is retiring, that Group has drawn three candidates @7:11 There will definitely be
including one who is a former Judge who was defeated in the last election. some last…

widget by MS Design
There is one Incumbent Judge, recently appointed Judge Christopher Green, who has
drawn one opponent in Group 31.
Total Pageviews
The other 15 groups have Incumbent judges currently facing no opposition.


Group 04 (Judge Robin Faber retiring)
Southern District of Florida Blog
Michelle Marie Urbistondo Rest in Peace, Senator Graham -
By John R. Byrne Senator Bob
Raised $54,150 Loan $100,500 Graham passed away yesterday. He
was a great leader for Florida and
Ms. Urbistondo has been a member of The Florida Bar for 12 years. She is a solo our country during his years as a
state representative, st...
practitioner who practices in the areas of civil litigation, focusing on real estate 7 hours ago
transactions, and marital and family law matters.
Broward Blog
ELECTION TIME - Election time
is here. Filing fees, and the always
fun financial disclosures, are due
Group 12 (Judge Steve Leifman retiring) by April 26th. So far, Brenda
Forman has two announced
Mariano Ariel Corcilli challengers, w...
20 hours ago
Raised $43,801 Loan $120,000

Mr. Corcilli has been a member of The Florida Bar for 14 years. He is a member of the Subscribe To Justice Building Blog
Military & Veteran Affairs Committee. He devotes a substantial amount of time to our
vets. He formerly served in the U.S. Marines attaining the rank of Sergeant. He runs his
own law firm where he concentrates on criminal defense and personal injury cases. He All Comments

1 of 10 4/17/2024, 3:15 PM
IONOS Customer Service

From: IONOS Support (

Date: Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:41 AM EDT

Dear Neil Gillespie,

Thank you for contacting IONOS.

I wanted to provide some clarification regarding domain document ownership, SSL certificates, and
subdomains to ensure you have a clear understanding of these important aspects of your online presence.

Firstly, it's important to distinguish between domain document ownership and SSL certificates. A domain
document ownership is a document that serves as proof of your ownership of a domain. It can be
presented to organizations or institutions to demonstrate that you are the rightful owner of the domain.
Importantly, this ownership extends to any subdomains created under the main domain name because only
the domain owner has the authority to create subdomains.

On the other hand, an SSL certificate is a type of certificate that enables websites to use HTTPS, providing
a more secure connection compared to HTTP. When visitors access your website and see that it is secured
with an SSL certificate, it instills trust as they can verify the security of your website.

Additionally, let's discuss subdomains. A subdomain is a piece of additional information added to the
beginning of a website's domain name. For example, in the address "," "www" is the
subdomain that precedes the main domain. Subdomains help organize and structure the information on
your website. While URLs like "
activist/" may seem complex, they are still part of the same subdomain (""), with the
additional parts simply forming a pathway to specific content on your website.

Regarding SSL certificates for subdomains, IONOS provides one SSL certificate per contract. Your current
SSL certificate covers the main domain "" and its subdomain created with "www." Any additional
subdomains created will require separate SSL certificates, which IONOS offers starting at $25 per year per
certificate. This means you can obtain SSL certificates for subdomains like "" or
"" to ensure their security.

If you still need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone at 1-484-254-5555 (US),
1-844-296-2059 (Canada), +1 (816) 621-4796 (International), or simply reply to this email.

Thank you for your attention, and we appreciate your business.


Ainoa Santiago
IONOS Customer Service

Contact | Facebook | X
Ownership of Google Account

) SS.:

BEFORE ME, this day personally appeared NEIL J. GILLESPIE, who upon oath deposes
upon personal knowledge and states:

I. I am over the age of eighteen and competent to testify as to the facts and matters set
forth below. I make this affidavit upon personal knowledge unless otherwise expressly stated.

2. I am the creator and owner of Justice Network in Ocala, Florida, engaged in advocacy,
education, news gathering & dissemination, and helping people fight injustice.

3. I have been a content creator for Google LLC on Blogger since 2012. Google hosts the
blogs, which are accessed through a subdomain of I create content about justice
matters, civil rights, law, the courts and elections. My name, my photograph, and information
about me appears on my Google Slogger blogspot blogs. My blogspot blogs include:

Justice Network blog


Neil J. Gillespie for President 2020


Music and Video - Election 2020


4. On February 4, 2021 I was arrested, incarcerated, and held on no bond for 427 days until
I was released on my own recognizance (ROR) on April 7, 2022.

5. Since my release from incarceration I have not been able to create content on Slogger
because Google has blocked my legitimate sign-in attempts to my Account

6. For the past 2 years I have contacted Google but not been able to sign-in to my account.
Google says it cannot sign me in because Google cannot be sure the account belongs to me.

7. On February 1,2024 I filed a lawsuit for replevin in the Marion County Circuit Court,
Fifth Judicial Circuit, Florida, for possession of my Google Account and
my recovery phone number 352-615-3819. I am the Plaintiff pro se in case no. 2024-CA-0209
against Alphabet Inc., Google LLC, Verizon Communications Inc., Verizon Wireless Services
LLC, and Tracfone Wireless Inc.
Ownership of Google Account

8. Damon Justin Whitaker is a lawyer member of The Florida Bar, 10: 923591, with the
firm Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner. Mr. Whitaker represents Alphabet Inc. and Google LLC.

9. On February 28, 2024, Mr. Whitaker removed my Florida lawsuit to federal court, in the
U.S. District Court, Middle District of Florida, Ocala Division, case no. 5:24-cv-00I 0 I.

10. On March 13,2024 I tried to sign-in to my Google Account using

the email address and the correct password. In response Google sent me a
critical security alert email on March 13,2024 at 09: 17:40 AM EDT. Google said it blocked my
sign-in attempt. Google said "Someone just used your password to try to sign in to your account.
Google blocked them, but you should check what happened." Below is an image from the
Google critical security alert email

attempt was blocked

Someone just used your password to try to sign in to your account.

Google blocked them, but you should check what happened.

• - •.
• • • • ::::
'. I

You received this email to let you know about important changes to your
Google Account and services.
© 2024 Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043.

II. On March 19,2024 at 3:59 PM EDT I forwarded the Google critical security alert email I
got on March 13, 2024 to Mr. Whitaker and co-counsel Ezequiel Romero, Esq., Florida Bar 10:
107216, of Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP; and Google's New York co-counsel Avishai Don,
Esq., and Benjamin Margo, Esq. of the firm Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati; and Brett B.
Goodman, Esq. of the Goodman Law Firm, San Diego, CA, for Verizon and Tracfone. A paper
copy of my email to Mr. Whitaker and co-counsel is attached to this affidavit and states:

Ownership of Google Account

Damon J. Whitaker
Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP
One Atlantic Center 14th Floor
1201 W. Peachtree St., N.W.
Atlanta, GA 30309-3471

RE: Google Critical security alert, Sign-in attempt was blocked

Dear Mr. Whitaker,

Forwarded below is a Google "Critical security alert" email to that

1 received Wednesday, March 13, 2024 at 9: 17 AM.

In the email Googlewrote: ..Sign-inattemptwasblocked....

"Someone just lIsed your password to try to sign in to your account. Google blocked
them, but you should check what happened."

I am the person who used my password to sign into my Google account, and I am the person whom Google blocked from trying to sign in
to my Google account. Thank you.

NEIL J. GILLESPIE, Plaintiff pro se
2801 SW College Rd., STE 3
Ocala, FL 34474
Tel: 352-239-9037 (wireless)
Tel: 352-581-2600 (land line)
Email: (Florida Portal E-Service)]

12. Mr. Whitaker and co-counsel now have personal knowledge that I own my Google
Account, and that Google is wrongly detaining my Google Account.

13. Mr. Whitaker and Mr. Romero, as members of The Florida Bar, have an ethical duty of
candor toward the tribunal, and fairness toward an opposing party and counsel, and must adhere
to professionalism standards of The Florida Bar, and The Rules Regulating The Florida Bar.

13. On March 26, 2024 the federal court ordered the case back to Marion County, Florida.

14. As of the date and time of this affidavit, the Marion County Clerk has not remanded the
case as ordered by the federal court, that I know about.

Ownership of Google Account

15. On April 6,2024 I emai led MarkMonitor, Inc., the ICANN Registrar for the domain
name under the Domain Name System (ONS), for my domain ownership
documents for my Google Blogger blogspot blogs. As of today I have not received my domain or
subdomain ownership documents from MarkMonitor Inc., Google LLC or Blogger.

16. On April 10,2024, Mr. Whitaker, Mr. Romero, and Mr. Don, submitted a tiling in the
Marion County, Florida case no. 2024-CA-0209, in opposition to my amended motion for writ of
replevin against Google, or an order to show cause, that I filed in the federal court case no. 5:24­
cv-OO 10 I (DOC 15) on March 21, 2024.

17. I believe the filing by Mr. Whitaker and Mr. Romero on April 10,2024 violates the
professionalism standards of The Florida Bar, and The Rules Regulating The Florida Bar.
Mr. Don is not a member of The Florida Bar.

]8. On April 10,2024 I gave notice in the Marion County, Florida case no. 2024-CA-0209 of
voluntary dismissal without prejudice pursuant to Rule 1.420(a)(I).


The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me, this J~~ day of April, 2024,
by Neil J. Gillespie, who is personally known to me, or who has produced EL.DL G4'2.1l.:>~\) ::;£'o1Qu
as identification and states that he is the person who made this affidavit and that its contents are
truthful to the best of his kn0't~I:I!la~l~i~~~~~;;=~=~
~~~~ Notary PUblic-State of Florida
~;. ;g Commission # HH 413639 ~jythu JvH-(Lrv+U1!
SEAL II ~:'Jo"
,,,,,,11. ~" My Commission Expires
June 22. 2027 NOTARY PUBLIC

My Commission Expires: j UV\P, 1--7/( Lot-{

Fw: Critical security alert

Neil J. Gillespie (;;;;;;
Tuesday, March 19, 2024 at 03:59 PM EDT

Damon J. Whitaker
Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP
One Atlantic Center] 4th Floor
1201 W. Peachtree St., N. W.
Atlanta, GA 30309-3471

RE: Google Critical security alert. Sign-in attelnpt was blocked

Dear Mr. Whitaker,

Fonvarded below is a Google "Critical security alert" email to

nci 19i llespieCwlnti .net that I received Wednesday, March 13, 2024 at
9:17 AM.

In the elnail Google wrote: "Sign-in attcmpt was blocked"

"" "Someone just used your password to try to
sign in to your account. Cioogle blocked theIn, but yOLl should check
what happened."

I aln the person who lIsed my password to sign into 111y Google
account, and I am the person \\ hom Google
blocked froln trying to sign in to Iny Google account. Thank you.

NEIL J. GILLESPIE, Plaintitfpro se
2801 SW College Rd., STE 3
Ocala. FL 34474
Tel: 352-239-9037 (wireless)
Tcl; 352-581-2600 (land line)
Elnail: (Florida Portal E-Service)]
Enlai I: Nei 14J ustice((J)yahoo.coll1

••••• Forwarded Message •.•••

From: Google <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 13,2024 at 09:17:40 AM EDT
Subject: Critical security alert

Sign attempt was blocked

Someone just used your password to try to sign in to your account.

Google blocked them, but you should check what happened.

., 101

: . .. 1

,., ",J!'. ',:.~

You received this email to let you know about important changes to your
Google Account and services.
© 2024 Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043,
Offer to settle lawsuit with Google

) SS.:

BEFORE ME, this day personally appeared NEIL J. GILLESPIE, who upon oath deposes
upon personal knowledge and states:

1. I am over the age of eighteen and competent to testify as to the facts and matters set
forth below. I make this affidavit upon personal knowledge unless otherwise expressly stated.

2. On February 29, 2024 I received a phone call in my office at 4:00 PM at 352-581-2600

from attorney Damon J. Whitaker, of Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP. Mr. Whitaker called me
as co-counsel for ALPHABET INC, and GOOGLE LLC, in my replevin lawsuit to recover my
Google account, case no. 5:24-cv-0010l, USDC, MDFL, Ocala Div.,
removed from the Marion County Florida Circuit Court, case no. 2024-CA-0209.

3. I told Mr. Whitaker we could settle this case if Google would allow me to login to my
account using the correct email address and correct password. Mr. Whitaker declined my offer.

4. Mr. Whitaker said Google has security protocols in place that they follow and Google
cannot confirm that I own my Google Account because I no longer have
the phone number (352-615-3819) associated with my account.

5. Mr. Whitaker acknowledged my written con'espondence with Google to resolve this

issue. Google did not respond to my written correspondence.

6. Mr. Whitaker asked me in had contacted Google customer service. I responded that
Google does not have customer service.

7. Mr. Whitaker asked if I went through the process to indicate that I don't have the phone
anymore. I responded that I did so. Also, see the Complaint for Replevin, pages 13-16 and
exhibits 15-20; and see my Verified Motion for Writ of Replevin, filed in the Florida court on
February 8,2024, exhibits 1-4, and the Affidavit of Neil J. Gillespie May 12,2022 about my
phone number (352-615-3819) associated with my Google Account

8. I asked Mr. Whitaker to provide me a contact for customer service. He responded, there
are processes in place to keep things updated and to then get access through the security
Offer to settle lawsuit with Google

9. I responded there is no customer service to call, and the security protocol, as stated in my
Complaint for Replevin, is ultimately a "rabbit hole" of futile suggestions. Complaint, page 16:

The only option Google provides is a link, "More tips to recover your account". In regard
to the Plaintiffs Google Account, the link is ultimately a "rabbit
hole" of futile suggestions.

10. I reiterated Google does not have customer service, that a number of YouTube users have
grievances with Google, and its time someone took a stand, that Google is like an omnipresent
government, a world government, with a compete disregard for people. I reminded Mr. Whitaker
of an advertisement suggesting Google will be watching you as an omnipresent government. See
the DuckDuckGo "Watching You" TV advertisement, with their version of "Every Breath You
Take" by The Police": "Every search you make, every click you take, every move you make,
every step you take, I'll be watching you".

II. I also expressed to Mr. Whitaker that Google is unreasonable for its refusal to give me
access to my Google Account with a valid email address and valid password, requiring a lawsuit
that may last years, and that I am prepared to do so: It's David against Goliath, I told him.

12. Mr. Whitaker said he would pass my comments on to his contacts for a response.


~~E~ --­

The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me, this \'v-t dar of March, 2024,
by Neil J. Gillespie, who is personally known to me, or who has produced fL ',(XC'Jtr) utto'>t
as identification and states that he is the person who made this af Ida 't and that its contents are
truthful to the best of his knOWledge· LEANNE ILER

My Commission Expires:

V \
s ->; ~

I()Q 12 o"-. ~
-" ~
Notary Public
State of Florida
expires 1/9/2028

n J)

lnJ nne Ilrc-­

Print Name of Notary Public

Unwanted sign in requests from Google

) SS.:

BEFORE ME, this day personally appeared NEIL J. GILLESPIE, who upon oath deposes
upon personal knowledge and states:

1. I am over the age of eighteen and competent to testify as to the facts and matters set
forth below. I make this affidavit upon personal knowledge unless otherwise expressly stated.

2. My current desktop computer has a Windows operating system by Microsoft

Corporation. I do not "sync" my computers or wireless devices.

3. On March 12,2024, I removed Google Chrome, a web browser developed by Google,

from my computer. Before I removed Google Chrome, I deleted my browsing history, and other
saved settings, including my bookmarks, my saved passwords, and my saved payment methods.

4. On March 12,2024 I made Mozilla Firefox the default browser on my desktop computer.
I manually reinstalled on Firefox my bookmarks, passwords and address autofill.

5. I selected "DuckDuckGo" as my default search engine on the Firefox browser. I

deselected "Google" and "" as alternative search engines. I did not install any of the
5,008 available search engine extensions found in Firefox Search Tools.

6. While using the Firefox browser, I am logged in to my Firefox account.

7. I do not log in to a Google Account unless required to use a Google product.

8. I continue to receive unwanted sign in requests from Google while not signed in to a
Google Account after removing Google Chrome and Google Search from my computer,

9. On March 25,2024, a Google sign in pop-up request appeared on my computer screen

when I began signing in to my X (formerly Twitter) account. The Google message said:

Sign in with Google

Use your Google Account to sign into
No more passwords to remember. Signing in is fast, simple and secure.
Unwanted sign in requests from Google

10. Below is an image I made of the Google pop-up request I got on March 25,2024 when I
began to sign in to my X (formerly Twitter) account on my desktop computer.

x l··.~ ~tllll (ium:Jc h\,;lnull hi

Sign in to X


• 5-<!n" "on A.pI<


'~I~:I' pJUflJIlt

11. I have been getting similar Google pop-up requests on my other online accounts even
after removing Google Chrome and Google Search, and not signed in to a Google Account.

12. Since removing Google Chrome and Google Search from my desktop computer, it
appears Google still tracks every search I make, every click I take, every move I make, every
step I take, while I am not signed in to a Google Account.


The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me, this ;)IoTlJ day of March, 2024,
by Neil 1. Gillespie, who is personally known to me, or who has produced ~LDL q4-2..1 <.o?:loSbOC/CjO
as identification and states that he is the person who made this affidavitand that its contents are
truthful to the best of his knowledge.


~~~e:NotarY Publlc-STdle of Florida
LXtl.t1 )-lC CCIL.UL(
SEAL ~. ;E Commission # H H 413639 NOTARY PUBLIC
~''i' 'iI:~ My Commission Expires
'I,,?:;,,:;,,' June 22. 2077
We crf{, ~ er f\-l CCohV1 e I (
My Commission Expires: 0 lc - 2--1- - 2- D2 I Print Name of Notary Public

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