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Thermal Properties
of Matter

A relationship for converting temperature on two scales, for

Temperature and Heat Å

Fahrenheit temperature t F and Celsius temperature t C is

Å Temperature is the property by virtue of which we predict the t F − 32 t C
hotness or coldness of a body relative to some other body. =
180 100
Å An object that has a higher temperature than another object
is said to be hotter. Ideal Gas Equation
Å Heat is the form of energy transferred between two (or more) V
Å As we know, pV = constant (Boyle’s law) and = constant
systems or a system and its surroundings by virtue of T
temperature difference. pV
(Charles’ law) for a given quantity of gas, then should
Å SI unit of heat is Joule (J), while SI unit of temperature is T
Kelvin [K] and degree Celsius (°C). also be constant. This relation is known as ideal gas law.
Å The devices which are used to measure the temperature are Å It can be written in a more general form that applies not just
termed as thermometers, while the science related to to given quantity of a single gas but to any quantity of a low
measurement of temperature is termed as thermometry. density gas and is known as ideal gas equation.
Many physical properties of materials change with pV
= µR or pV = µRT
temperature. Some of these properties are used as the basis T
for constructing thermometers. The commonly used where, p = pressure, T = temperature, V = volume,
property is variation of the volume of a liquid with µ = number of moles in the sample of gas and R is called
temperature. universal gas constant, i.e. R = 8. 31 J mol −1 K −1 .
Å The ice point and the steam point of water are two
convenient fixed points and are known as the freezing and Absolute Temperature
boiling points, respectively. Å Absolute temperature of an ideal gas corresponds to that
Ice Point and Steam Point of Different Scales temperature where the gas in nature has the least possible
molecular activity.
Ice point/Lower Steam point/Upper
Scale Unit Å Absolute zero temperature on Kelvin scale is 0°K. On Celsius
reference point reference point
scale, absolute temperature is − 273.15 °C.
Celsius 0 100 °C
Å The size of unit in Kelvin and Celsius temperature scales is
Fahrenheit 32 212 °F same, so the temperature on these scales are related by
Kelvin 273.15 373.15 K T = t C + 273.15
It is given by
Thermal Expansion S 1 ∆Q
Å The increase in the dimensions of a body due to the increase s= = ⋅
m m ∆T
in its temperature is called thermal expansion. The
expansions in a body are generally of three types Å Specific heat capacity of a substance depends on the
nature of the substance and its temperature. The SI unit
(i) The expansion in length ∆l of a body due to increase in
∆l of specific heat capacity is Jkg −1 K −1 .
temperature ∆T is called linear expansion, i.e. = α l ∆T.
l Å Molar specific heat capacity is the amount of heat
(ii) The expansion in area ∆A of a body due to increase in required to raise the temperature of unit mole gas by 1°C
∆A S 1 ∆Q
temperature is called area expansion, i.e. = 2α l ∆T. and given by c = = ⋅ , where µ = number of moles.
A µ µ ∆T
(iii) The expansion in volume ∆V of a body due to increase The SI unit of molar specific heat capacity is J mol −1 K −1 .
in temperature is called volume expansion, i.e. Molar specific heat capacity is of two types
= 3α l ∆T. (i) Molar specific heat at constant pressure is the
V amount of heat required to raise the temperature of
where, α l is known as the coefficient of linear expansion unit mole of gas by 1°C at constant pressure. It is
(or linear expansivity) and is characteristics of the material denoted by C p .
of the body. (ii) Molar specific heat at constant volume is the
Å Normally, metals expands more and have relatively high amount of heat required to raise the temperature of
values of α l . unit mole of gas by 1°C at constant volume. It is
∆V denoted by CV .
Å For fractional change in volume , of a substance for
V Å Water has the highest specific heat capacity as compared
temperature change ∆T, the coefficient of volume to other substances. For this reason, water is also used as
 ∆V  1 coolant in automobile radiators, as well as a heater in hot
expansion (or volume expansivity) is α V =   .
 V  ∆T water bags.
Å For ideal gas, α V =
Calorimetry and Change of State
Å Calorimetry means measurement of heat. A device in
At 0°C, α V = 3.7 × 10−3 K −1 , which is much larger than that
which heat measurement can be done is called
for solids and liquids. calorimeter.
Å Water exhibits an anomalous behaviour, it contracts on According to principle of calorimetry,
heating between 0°C and 4°C, so volume of water is Heat lost by hotter body = Heat gained by colder body
minimum at 4°C, i.e. density of water is maximum at 4°C. m1s1 ∆T = m2s2 ∆T
Å When a metal rod whose ends are fixed is heated, then where, m1 = mass of hot body,
compressive strain is produced in the rod. The stress set up in m2 = mass of cold body,
the rod due to increase of temperature is called thermal stress. s1 = specific heat of hot body
Thermal stress = Y = Yαl∆T and s2 = specific heat of cold body.
Å Matter normally exists in three states : solid, liquid and
where, Y = Young’s modulus, ∆T = change in temperature,
∆l = change in length and α = linear expansion coefficient of
Å A transition from one of these states to another is called
the material.
a change of state.
Specific Heat Capacity Å The change of state from solid to liquid is called melting
Å The change in temperature of a substance, when given and from liquid to solid is called fusion.
quantity of heat is absorbed or rejected by it, is characterised Å Both the solid and the liquid states of the substance
by a quantity called heat capacity of substance. It is given by co-exist in thermal equilibrium, during the change of
∆Q states from solid to liquid.
S= , where ∆Q is the amount of heat supplied to the
∆T Å The temperature at which the solid and the liquid states
substance to change its temperature from T to T + ∆T. of the substance is in thermal equilibrium with each
Å Every substance has a unique value for the amount of heat other is called its melting point.
absorbed or given off to change the temperature of unit Å The melting point of a substance at standard
mass of it by one unit. This quantity is referred to as the atmospheric pressure is called its normal melting point.
specific heat capacity of the substance.

Å The phenomenon in which ice melts when pressure is (iv) The temperature and pressure at which the fusion
increased and freezes again when pressure is removed is curve, the vaporisation curve and the sublimation
called regelation. curve meet and all the three phases of a substance
Å The change of state from liquid to vapour (or gas) is called co-exist is called the triple point of the substances.
vaporisation. (v) The triple point of water is represented by the
Å The temperature at which the liquid and the vapour states temperature 273.16K and pressure 611 . × 10−3 Pa.
of the substance co-exist is called its boiling point.
Å The boiling point of a substance at standard atmospheric Heat Transfer
pressure is called its normal boiling point. Å Heat is energy transfer from one system to another or from
Å The change from solid state to vapour state without one part of a system to another part, arising due to
passing through the liquid state is called sublimation and temperature difference.
the substance is said to sublime. Å Heat transfer takes place by three distinct modes, namely
conduction, convection and radiation.
Latent Heat
Å The amount of heat transferred per unit mass during the Conduction
change of state of a substance without any change in its Å It is the mechanism of transfer of heat between two
temperature is called latent heat of the substance for adjacent parts of a body because of their temperature
particular change. difference.
Q ∝ m ⇒ Q = mL Å The rate of flow of heat (or heat current) H is proportional
where, L = latent heat of the material. to the temperature difference ∆T and the area of
There are two types of latent heat of materials cross-section A and is inversely proportional to the length
(i) The latent heat for a solid-liquid state change is called L, i.e. H = K ⋅ A
the latent heat of fusion LF. For water, its value is L
3. 33 × 105 J kg −1 . where, K is called the thermal conductivity of the
(ii) The latent heat for a liquid-gas state change is called
the latent heat of vaporisation LV . For water, its value The SI unit of K is Js −1 mK −1 .
is 22 .6 × 105 J kg −1 . Convection
Å The temperature of a substance remains constant during Å The process of heat transmission in which the particles of
its state change (phase change). The phase diagram of the fluid (liquid or gas) move is called convection.
water is shown in the following figure Å If the heated material is forced to move by an agency like
p blower or pump, then the process of heat transfer is called
(atm) A forced convection.
Å On earth, a convection current sets up, with the air at the
equatorial surface rising and moving out towards the
218 C poles, descending and streaming in towards the equator.
This is called trade wind.
Å Conduction and convection require some material as a
transport medium..
0.006 O Vapour
B Radiation
–220 0.01 374 T (°C)
Å The mechanism in which heat is transferred from one
(i) The phase diagram divides the p-T plane into a solid place to another without any medium is called radiation.
region, the vapour region and the liquid region. Å The energy so transferred by electromagnetic waves is
(ii) The regions are seperated by the curve such as called radiant energy. It is the fastest mode of transfer of
sublimation curve (BO), fusion curve (AO) and heat.
vaporisation curve [CO]. Å The electromagnetic radiation emitted by a body by virtue
(iii) The points on sublimation curve BO represents states of its temperature, like radiation by a red hot iron or light
in which solid and vapour phases co-exist. Points on from a filament lamp is called thermal radiation.
the fusion curve AO represents states in which solid Å When thermal radiation falls on other bodies, it is partly
and liquid phases co-exist. Points on vaporisation reflected and partly absorbed. The amount of heat that a
curve CO represents states in which the liquid and body can absorb by radiation depends on the colour of the
vapour phases co-exist. body.

Å Black Body Radiation A black body is an object which Å A large portion of the thermal radiations of earth is absorbed
absorbs all the radiation falling on it. by greenhouse gases (CO 2 , CH4 , N 2O, CFxCl x and O 3 ). This
Å Wien’s displacement law states that “as temperature of heats up the atmosphere and gives more energy to earth,
black body T increases, the wavelength λ m corresponding to resulting in warmer surface.
maximum emission decreases” such that Å This increases the intensity of radiation from the surface.
λ m T = b (constant) This cycle is repeated until no radiation is available for
absorption. The net result is heating up of earth’s surface and
where, b is known as Wien’s constant and its value is
atmosphere. This is known as greenhouse effect.
2.89 × 10−3 m K.
Newton’s Law of Cooling
Stefan-Boltzmann Law Å According to this law, “rate of cooling of a body is directly
Å For a body, which is a perfect radiator, the energy emitted proportional to the temperature difference between the body
per unit time is given by H = AσT 4 and the surroundings provided that the temperature
where, σ = Stefan-Boltzmann constant and its value in SI difference is small.“
units is 5.67 × 10−8 Wm −2 K −4 , A is the surface area of body Mathematically, −
= k( T2 − T1 )
and T is the absolute temperature of the body. dt
Å For a body whose emissivity is e, then energy emitted per where, k is a positive constant depending upon the area and
unit time is given by H = Ae σ T 4 . nature of the surface of the body.
Here, e = 1 for perfect radiator.
Å If a body cools by radiation through a small temperature
difference from T1 to T2 in a short time t when the
Å A body at temperature T, with surroundings at temperature surrounding temperature is T0, then
Ts emits as well as receives energy. For a perfect radiator, the
dQ dT T − T2
net rate of loss of radiant energy is = ms 2 = k 1
dt dt t
H = σ A ( T 4 − Ts4 )
 T + T2 
=k 1 − T0
For a body with emissity e, the relation modifies to  2 
H = e σ A( T 4 − Ts4 )

Mastering NCERT

TOPIC 1 ~ Temperature and Heat

1 A glass of ice-cold water left on a table on a (c) the variation of the resistance of a wire with
hot summer day eventually warms up, whereas a cup temperature
of hot tea on the same table cools down because (d) All of the above
(a) its surrounding media are at different 3 The ice point and the steam point of water are
temperature two convenient fixed points and are known
(b) the direction of heat flow depends on the surrounding as the
temperature with respect to the body
(a) cooling point and heating point, respectively
(c) heating or cooling does not depend on
(b) heating point and cooling point, respectively
surrounding temperature
(c) freezing point and boiling point, respectively
(d) Both (a) and (b)
(d) boiling point and freezing point,respectively
2 The common physical property which is to
4 On a hilly region, water boils at 95° C. The
be used as the basis for constructing thermometer is
temperature expressed in Fahrenheit is
(a) the variation of the volume of a liquid with temperature
(a) 100°F (b) 20.3°F
(b) the variation of the pressure of a gas with temperature (c) 150°F (d) 203°F
5 The temperature at which centigrade and Fahrenheit 7 On centigrade or Celsius scale (° C), the temperature
scales give the same reading, is of a body increases by 30° C. The increase in
(a) − 40° (b) 40° temperature on Fahrenheit scale ( ° F) is
(c) − 30° (d) 30° (a) 50° (b) 40°
6 The graph of Fahrenheit temperature (F) versus (c) 30° (d) 54°
Celsius temperature (C) is shown below. The correct 8 A thermometer graduated according to a linear scale
relation between F and C which can be deduced from reads a value x 0 , when in contact with boiling water
graph, is and x 0 / 3, when in contact with ice. What is the
temperature of an object in ºC, if this thermometer in
the contact with the object reads x 0 / 2 ? JEE Main 2019
T2 (a) 35 (b) 60 (c) 40 (d) 25
9 Two absolute scales A and B have triple points of
water defined to be 400 A and 300 B. The relation
between T A and TB is (triple point of water is
0 TC 273.16 K temperature and 6.11×10 −3 atm pressure at
F − 32 TC F − T1 C which water co-exists in gas, liquid and solid states)
(a) = (b) = 4 4
T2 − T1 C T2 − T1 TC (a) TA = TB (b) TB = TA
3 7
F − 32 C C F − 32
(c) = (d) = 4
(c) TA = TB (d) TB = TA
T2 − T1 TC T1 − T2 TC 7

TOPIC 2~ Ideal Gas Equation and Absolute

10 When the pressure is held constant, the volume of a 14 The absolute minimum temperature for an ideal gas,
quantity of the gas is related to the temperature as inferred by extrapolating the straight line to the
V / T = constant. This relationship is known as temperature axis as shown in the given graph, is
(a) Boyle’s law (b) Dalton partial pressure law called as
(c) Charles’ law (d) ideal gas equation
11 Measurements on real gases deviate from the values Gas A
predicted by the ideal gas law at
Gas B
(a) high temperature (b) low temperature
Gas C
(c) room temperature (d) All of these
12 With a constant-volume gas thermometer,
temperature is read in terms of –273.15°C 0°C Temperature
(a) volume (b) pressure (c) heat (d) density
13 An ideal gas is contained in a cylinder at pressure (a) Kelvin temperature
p1 and temperature T1 . The initial moles of the gas (b) Celsius temperature
is n1 . The gas leaks from the cylinder and attains a (c) low temperature
final pressure p2 and temperature T2 . The new moles (d) absolute zero
of the gas present in the cylinder is 15 The absolute zero temperature in Fahrenheit scale is
p2T1 nT p (a) − 273° F (b) − 32° F (c) − 460° F (d) − 132° F
(a) (b) 1 2 2
p1 n1T2 T1 p1 16 The correct value of 0°C on Kelvin scale will be
n1T1 p2 (a) 273.15 K (b) 273.00 K
(c) (d) Data insufficient
T2 p1 (c) 273.05 K (d) 273.63 K
TOPIC 3~ Thermal Expansion
17 A fully inflated balloon shrinks when it is put into 23 How much should the temperature of a brass rod be
cold water, because increased so as to increase its length by 1%? (Given,
(a) water causes lesser pressure from outside on the α for brass is 0.00002°C −1 ). JIPMER 2018
balloon (a) 300°C (b) 400°C
(b) water causes a pull on balloon which presses it (c) 500° C (d) 550° C
(c) air inside the balloon contracts due to cooling
24 Two rods, one of aluminium and the other made of
(d) rubber of balloon expands on cooling and compresses
air inside
steel, having initial length l1 and l2 are connected
together to form a single rod of length l1 + l2 .
18 A bimetallic strip consists of metals X and Y . It is The coefficients of linear expansion for aluminium
mounted rigidly at the base as shown in figure. The and steel are α a and α s , respectively. If the length of
metal X has a higher coefficient of expansion each rod increases by the same amount when their
compared to that of metal Y . When bimetallic strip is temperatures are raised by t° C, then find the ratio of
placed in a cold bath, then l1 with l1 + l2 .
αs αa
(a) (b)
αa αs
αs αa
(c) (d)
αa + αs αa + αs
25 Coefficient of volumetric expansion α V is not a
(a) it will bend towards the right constant. It depends on temperature. Variation of α V
(b) it will bend towards the left with temperature T for metals is JEE Main 2016
(c) it will not bend but shrink αV αV
(d) it will neither bend nor shrink
19 A bar of iron is 10 cm at 20°C. At 19°C, it will be (a) (b)
(α of iron = 11 × 10− 6 °C −1 ) T T
(a) 11 × 10− 6 cm, longer (b) 11 × 10− 5 cm, shorter
αV αV
(c) 11 × 10− 6 cm, shorter (d) 11 × 10− 5 cm, longer
20 A surveyor’s 30 m steel tape is correct at a (c) (d)
temperature of 20° C. The distance between the two T T
points, as measured by this tape on a day when the
temperature is 35° C, is 26 m . The true distance 26 The coefficient of volume expansion of glycerine is
between the points is [α l (steel) = 1.2 × 10 −5 / ° C] 49 × 10 −5 ° C −1 . What is the fractional change in
(a) 25.9952 m (b) 26.0046 m(c) 27.995 m (d) 24.0046 m density for a 30° C rise in temperature? JIPMER 2018
(a) 0.0155 (b) 0.0145
21 Two rods A and B of identical dimensions are at (c) 0.0255 (d) 0.0355
temperature 30ºC. If A is heated upto 180ºC and B
upto T º C, then new lengths are the same. If the ratio 27 The value of coefficient of volume expansion of
of the coefficients of linear expansion of A and B is glycerin is 5 × 10 −4 K −1 . The fractional change in the
4 : 3, then the value of T is JEE Main 2019 density of glycerin for a rise of 40° C in its
(a) 230ºC (b) 270ºC (c) 200ºC (d) 250ºC temperature is CBSE AIPMT 2015
22 A copper rod of 88 cm and an aluminium rod of (a) 0.015 (b) 0.020
(c) 0.025 (d) 0.010
unknown length have their increase in length,
independent of increase in temperature. The length of 28 For an ideal gas, coefficient of volume expansion is
aluminium rod is NEET (National) 2019 given by
(a) 113.9 cm (b) 88 cm nR∆T ∆T R∆T 1
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(c) 68 cm (d) 6.8 cm p T T T
29 When temperature of water is raised from 0°C to 4°C, it 32 A brass wire 1.8 m long at 27°C is held taut with little
(a) expands tension between two rigid supports. If the wire is cooled
(b) contracts to a temperature of − 39° C, what is the tension developed
(c) expands upto 2° C and then contracts upto 4° C in the wire, if its diameter is 2.0 mm? Coefficient of
(d) contracts upto 2° C and then expands upto 4° C linear expansion of brass = 2.0 × 10 −5 ° C −1
30 Which of the following graph shows the variation of and Young’s modulus of brass = 0.91 × 1011 Nm −2 .
volume of water with increase in temperature? (a) 3.77 × 102 N (b) 5.3 × 102 N
(c) 2.5 × 102 N (d) 4.3 × 102 N

33 Two rods of different materials having coefficients of
(a) (b)
thermal expansion α 1 and α 2 and Young’s modulii Y1
0 0
and Y 2 , respectively are fixed between two rigid
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 walls. The rods are heated, such that they undergo the
Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C) same increase in temperature. There is no bending of
rods. If α 1 / α 2 = 2/ 3 and stresses developed in the two

rods are equal, then Y1 / Y 2 is

(c) (d)
(a) 3/2 (b) 1
0 0
(c) 2/3 (d) 1 / 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 34 A wire 3 m in length and 1 mm in diameter at 30°C is
Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C)
kept in a low temperature − 170° C and is stretched by
31 Temperature of atmosphere in Kashmir falls below hanging a weight of 10 kg at one end, so the change
− 10° C in winter. Due to this water, animal and plant in length of the wire is (Y = 2 × 1011 Nm −2 ,
life of Dal-lake
g = 10 ms −2 and α = 1.2 × 10 −5 ° C −1 )
(a) is destroyed in winters
(b) frozen in winter and regenerated in summers (a) −5.2 mm (b) − 2.5 mm
(c) survives as only top layer of lake in frozen (c) − 52 mm (d) − 25 mm
(d) None of the above

TOPIC 4 ~ Specific Heat Capacity, Calorimetry

and Change of State
35 Amount of heat required to warm an object depends 38 Which of the substances A, B and C has the lowest heat
on capacity? If heat is supplied to all of them at equal rates,
(a) mass of object the temperature versus time graph is shown below.
(b) temperature change
Temperature ( T )

(c) nature of substance A

(d) All of the above B

36 Water is used as a coolant because of C

(a) low specific heat capacity
(b) high specific heat capacity
(c) warms up quickly Time (t )
(d) None of the above (a) A
37 Time taken to heat water upto a temperature of 40° C (b) B
(from room temperature) is t1 and time taken to heat (c) C
mustard oil (of same mass and at room temperature) (d) All have equal specific heat
upto a temperature of 40° C is t 2 , then (given mustard 39 A normal diet furnishes 200 kcal to a 60 kg person in
oil has smaller heat capacity) a day. If this energy was used to heat the person with
(a) t1 = t 2 no losses to the surroundings, how much would the
(b) t1 > t 2 person’s temperature increases? The specific heat of
(c) t 2 > t1 the human body is 0.83 calg −1 °C −1 .
(d) t1 and t 2 both are less than 10 min (a) 8.2°C (b) 4.01°C (c) 6.0°C (d) 5.03°C
Temperature (°C)
40 Certain amount of heat is given to 100 g of copper to

increase its temperature by 21° K. If the same amount
of heat is given to 50 g water, then the rise in its
(c) (d) 100
temperature is (specific heat capacity of copper
= 400 Jkg −1 K −1 and that of water = 4200 Jkg −1 K −1 )
0 Time 0 tm Time (min)
(a) 4°C (b) 5.25°C (c) 8°C (d) 6°C
41 A certain substance has a mass of 50 g for 1 mole. 46 If a wire is pressed over a slab of ice as shown, then
When 300 J of heat is added to 25 g of sample of this
material, its temperature rises from 25°C to 45°C.
Calculate specific heat capacity and molar heat
capacity of the sample.
(a) 600 Jkg −1 ° C −1 , 45 Jmol −1 ° C −1
(b) 450 Jkg −1 ° C −1 , 30 Jmol −1 ° C −1
(c) 600 Jkg −1 ° C −1 , 30 Jmol −1 ° C −1 (a) it cuts the slab into 2 parts and pass to other side after
−1 −1 −1 −1 some time
(d) 700 Jkg ° C , 80 Jmol °C (b) it passes through the ice slab and the slab does not
42 Two similar bodies of equal masses are heated to split
temperatures θ 1 and θ 2 (θ 1 > θ 2 ) and are mixed (c) it remains over the slab (as initially placed)
together. If temperature of mixture is θ, then (d) ice slab melts completely
θ1 + θ 2 47 At atmospheric pressure, water boils at 100°C. If
(a) θ =
2 pressure is reduced, then
θ + θ2 (a) it still boils at same temperature
(b) θ is never equal to 1
2 (b) it now boils at a lower temperature
θ1 + θ 2 (c) it now boils at a higher temperature
(c) θ is conditionally equal to
2 (d) it does not boil at all
θ1 + θ 2 48 A liquid boils when its vapour pressure is equal to
(d) θ >
2 (a) 6.0 cm of Hg column
43 A metal block is made from a mixture of 2.4 kg of (b) atmospheric pressure
aluminium, 1.6 kg of brass and 0.8 kg of copper. The (c) double of atmospheric pressure
amount of heat required to raise the temperature of (d) 1000 Pa or more
this block from 20°C to 80°C is (specific heats of 49 Cooking is difficult on hills because
aluminium, brass and copper are 0.216, 0.0917 and (a) atmospheric pressure is higher
0.0931 calkg −1 °C −1 , respectively) (b) atmospheric pressure is lower
(a) 96.2 cal (b) 44.4 cal (c) 86.2 cal (d) 62.8 cal (c) boiling point of water is reduced
44 The temperature of equal masses of three different (d) Both (b) and (c)
liquids A, B and C are 12°C, 19°C and 28°C, 50 For the phase diagram of water given in figure, curves
respectively. The temperature when A and B are OA, AB and AC are respectively JEE Main 2018
mixed is 16°C and when B and C are mixed is 23°C. p B
The temperature when A and C are mixed, is (atm)
(a) 18.2°C (b) 22°C Liquid C
(c) 20.2°C (d) 25.2°C Solid
45 A block of ice at 0° C is slowly heated and converted A Vapour
into steam at 100°C. Which of these curves represent
the phenomenon qualitatively? O

(a) sublimation curve, vaporisation curve and fusion



(b) sublimation curve, fusion curve and vaporisation
(a) (b) curve
(c) fusion curve, vaporisation curve and sublimation curve
0 Time 0 Time (d) fusion curve, sublimation curve and vaporisation
51 When water boils or freezes, its state changes but its It is given 420 J of heat, so that the ice starts melting.
temperature Finally, when the ice-water mixture is in equilibrium, it
(a) increases is found that 1 g of ice has melted. Assuming there is
(b) decreases no other heat exchange in the process, then find the
(c) does not change value of m.
(d) sometimes increase and sometimes deceases (a) 8 g (b) 2 g (c) 4 g (d) 6 g
52 The latent heat of vaporisation of a substance is 55 0.15 kg of ice at 0°C is mixed with 0.30 kg of water at
always 50°C in a container. The resulting temperature is 6.7°C.
(a) greater than its latent heat of fusion Heat of fusion of ice is (given, specific heat of water is
(b) greater than its latent heat of sublimation 4186 Jkg −1 K −1 )
(c) equals to its latent heat of sublimation (a) 3.34 × 105 Jkg −1 (b) 3.34 × 104 Jkg −1
(d) less than its latent heat of fusion −1
(c) 3.34 × 10 Jkg
(d) 3.34 × 106 Jkg −1
53 Steam burns are more serious in comparison to
those caused from boiling water because 56 Calculate the heat required to convert 3 kg of ice at
(a) steam at 100°C carries same heat as that of water at –12°C kept in a calorimeter to steam at 100°C at
100°C atmospheric pressure. Given specific heat capacity of
(b) steam is more reactive ice is 2100 Jkg −1 K −1 , specific heat capacity of water
(c) steam has less surface tension, so it burns surface is 4186 Jkg −1 K −1 , latent heat of fusion of ice is
more rapidly
(d) steam at 100°C carries more heat than water at 100°C 3.35 × 10 5 Jkg −1 and latent heat of steam is
54 A piece of ice (heat capacity = 2100 Jkg −1 ° C −1 and 2.256 × 10 6 Jkg −1 .
(a) 8 × 104 J (b) 9.1 × 106 J
latent heat = 3.36 × 10 5 Jkg −1 ) of mass m grams is
(c) 4 × 103 J (d) 7 × 106 J
at − 5° C at atmospheric pressure.

TOPIC 5 ~ Heat Transfer

57 The rate of heat flow (or heat current) in a bar is 60 The two ends of a metal rod are maintained at
proportional to temperatures 100° C and 110°C. The rate of heat flow
(a) temperature difference in the rod is found to be 4 Js −1 . If the ends are
(b) area of cross-section maintained at temperatures 200° C and 210° C, the rate
(c) inversely to length of bar of heat flow will be CBSE AIPMT 2015
(d) All of the above (a) 44.0 Js −1 (b) 16.8 Js −1
58 Cooking pots have copper coating at the bottom. This (c) 8.0 Js −1 (d) 4.0 Js −1
is because 61 Heat is flowing steadily from A to B. Temperature T
(a) copper is a good conductor of heat at P, at distance x from A is such that
(b) copper is a good conductor of electricity A P B
(c) copper promotes the distribution of heat over the x
bottom of a pot
(a) T decreases linearly with x
(d) Both (a) and (c) (b) T increases linearly with x
59 Calculate the rate of loss of heat through a glass (c) T decreases exponentially with x
window of area 1000 cm 2 and thickness 0.4 cm, (d) T increases with x as T ∝x 2
when temperature inside is 37°C and outside is −5°C. 62 Water is boiled in a rectangular steel tank of thickness
Coefficient of thermal conductivity of glass is 2 cm by a constant temperature furnace. Due to
2.2 × 10 −3 cal s −1cm −1 K −1 . vaporisation, water level falls at a steady rate of 1 cm
(a) 450 cal s −1 (b) 231 cal s −1
in 9 min. Calculate the temperature of the furnace.
(c) 439 cal s −1 (d) 650 cal s −1
Given, K for steel = 0.2 cals −1 m −1 ° C −1 .
(a) 150°C (b) 110°C (c) 130°C (d) 200°C
63 A deep rectangular pond of surface area A, containing The effective thermal conductivity of the system is
water (density = ρ, specific heat capacity = s), is JEE Main 2017
located in a region where the outside air temperature K1 + 3K 2 K1K 2 3K1 + K 2
is a steady at − 26°C. The thickness of the frozen ice (a) K 1 + K 2 (b) (c) (d)
4 K1 + K 2 4
layer in this pond, at a certain instant is x.
Taking the thermal conductivity of ice as K and its 69 Three rods made of the same material and having the
specific latent heat of fusion as L, the rate of increase same cross-section have been joined as shown in the
of the thickness of ice layer, at this instant would be figure. Each rod is of the same length. The left and
given by NEET (Odisha) 2019
right ends are kept at 0°C and 90°C, respectively. The
temperature of the junction of the three rods will be
(a) 26K/ρ r(L−4s) (b) 26K/ρx2 − L
(c) 26K/ρxL (d) 26K/ρr( L + 4s)
64 One rod of length 2 m and thermal conductivity
50 units is attached to another rod of length 1 m and
thermal conductivity 100 units. Temperature of free
ends are 70° C and 50°C respectively, then 90°C
temperature of junction point will be JIPMER 2019 (a) 45° C (b) 90° C (c) 30° C (d) 60° C
(a) 60°C (b) 54°C (c) 64°C (d) 68°C 70 The equatorial and polar regions of the earth receive
65 Three bars of equal lengths and equal area of unequal solar heat. The convection current arising is
cross-sections are connected in series. Their thermal called
conductivities are in the ratio of 2 : 4 : 3. If the open (a) land breeze (b) sea breeze
ends of the first and the last bars are at temperature (c) trade wind (d) tornado
200°C and 18°C, respectively in the steady state, 71 The amount of heat that a body can absorb by radiation
then calculate the temperatures of both the junctions. (a) depend on both colour and temperature of body
(a) 116°C, 74°C (b) 120°C, 180°C (b) depends on colour of body only
(c) 125°C, 50°C (d) 130°C, 40°C (c) depends on temperature of body only
66 Two rods A and B of different materials are welded (d) depends on density of body
together as shown in figure and their thermal 72 The bottom of utensils for cooking food are
conductivities are K1 and K 2 . The thermal blackened to
conductivity of the composite rod will be NEET 2017 (a) absorb minimum heat from fire
A K1 (b) absorb maximum heat from fire
(c) emit radiations
T1 T2
(d) reflect heat to surroundings
73 The plots of intensity of radiation versus wavelength
d of three black bodies at temperature T1 , T2 and T3 are
K1 + K 2 3( K 1 + K 2 ) shown. Then,
(a) (b)
2 2 I T3
(c) K 1 + K 2 (d) 2( K 1 + K 2 )
67 Two rods of same length and material transfer a given
amount of heat in 12 s, when they are joined end to T1
end (i.e. in series). But when they are joined in
parallel, they will transfer same heat under same λ
temperature difference across their ends in
(a) 24 s (b) 3 s (c) 38 s (d) 1.5 s (a) T3 > T2 > T1 (b) T1 > T2 > T3
(c) T2 > T3 > T1 (d) T1 > T3 > T2
68 A solid cylinder of radius R , made of a material of
thermal conductivity K1 is surrounded by a hollow 74 A black body is at a temperature of 5760 K. The energy
cylinder of inner radius R and outer radius 2R made of of radiation emitted by the body at wavelength 250 nm
material of thermal conductivity K 2 . The two ends of isU 1 , at wavelength 500 nm isU 2 and that at 1000 nm
the combined system are maintained at two different isU 3 and Wien’s constant, b = 288
. × 10 6 nm-K. Which
temperatures. There is no loss of heat across the of the following is correct? NEET 2016
cylindrical surface and the system is in steady state. (a) U 3 = 0 (b) U1 > U 2 (c) U 2 > U1 (d) U1 = 0
. × 10 −7 m corresponds to a
75 The wavelength λ m = 55 77 On observing light from three different stars P , Q and
temperature of the sun of 5500 K. If the furnace has R, it was found that intensity of violet colour is
wavelength λ m equal to11 × 10 −7 m, then temperature maximum in the spectrum of P, the intensity of green
of furnace is colour is maximum in the spectrum of R and the
(a) 5000 K (b) 1750 K (c) 3750 K (d) 2750 K intensity of red colour is maximum in the spectrum of
Q. If TP , TQ and TR are the respective absolute
76 The intensity of radiation emitted by the sun has its temperature of P , Q and R, then it can be concluded
maximum value at a wavelength of 510 nm and that from the above observations that CBSE AIPMT 2015
emitted by the north star has the maximum value at
(a) TP > TQ > TR
wavelength of 350 nm. If these stars behave like
(b) TP > TR > TQ
black bodies, then the ratio of surface temperature of
the sun and north star is (c) TP < TR < TQ
(a) 1.46 (b) 0.69 (c) 1.21 (d) 0.83 (d) TP < TQ < TR

TOPIC 6 ~ Stefan-Boltzmann Law and Newton’s

Law of Cooling
78 If the radius of a star is R and it acts as a black body, 84 Three very large plates of same area are kept parallel
what would be the temperature of the star, in which and close to each other. They are considered as ideal
rate of energy production is Q? (σ is Stefan’s black surfaces and have very high thermal
constant) conductivity. The first and third plate is maintained at
1/ 2 temperature 2T and 3T, respectively. The temperature
Q  Q 
(a) (b)  2  of the middle (second) plate under steady state
4 πR 2σ  4 πR σ 
1/ 4
condition is
 Q 
1/ 4
 4 πR 2Q  1/ 4 1/ 4
(c)  2 
(d)    65  97
(a)   (b)  
 4 πR σ   σ 
 2  4
79 The temperature of two bodies A and B are 727° C and  97
1/ 4

327° C respectively, the ratio H A : H B of the rates of (c)   T (d) ( 97 )1 / 4 T

 2
heat radiated by them is
(a) 727 : 327 (b) 5 : 3 (c) 25 : 9 (d) 625 : 81 85 The power radiated by a black body is P and it
80 Calculate radiation power for sphere whose radiates maximum energy at wavelength λ 0 . If the
temperature is 227°C, radius is 2 m and emissivity temperature of the black body is now changed, so
is 0.8. AIIMS 2019 that it radiates maximum energy at wavelength λ 0 ,
(a) 142.5 kW (b) 1500 W 4
(c) 1255 W (d) 1575 W the power radiated by it becomes nP. The value of n
81 At what temperature will the filament of 100 W lamp is NEET 2018
operate, if it is supposed to be perfectly black body of 256 4 3 81
(a) (b) (c) (d)
area 1. 0 cm 2 ? 81 3 4 256
(a) 3449 K (b) 2049 K (c) 3000 K (d) 3010 K 86 If temperature of sun = 6000 K, radius of sun
82 A spherical black body with a radius of 12 cm = 7. 2 × 10 5 km, radius of earth = 6000 km and
radiates 450 W power at 500 K. If the radius were distance between earth and sun = 15 × 10 7 km. Find
halved and the temperature doubled, the power intensity of light on earth. AIIMS 2019
radiated in watt would be NEET 2017
(a) 19. 2 × 1016 (b) 12.2 × 1016
(a) 225 (b) 450 (c) 1000 (d) 1800
(c) 18.3 × 1016 (d) 9.2 × 1016
83 Due to the change in main voltage, the temperature of
an electric bulb rises from 3000 K to 4000 K. What is 87 Which of the following is not a greenhouse gas?
the percentage rise in electric power consumed? (a) CO2 (b) CH4
(a) 216 (b) 100 (c) 150 (d) 178 (c) O3 (d) H2 O
88 Hot water or milk, when left on a table begins to cool 93 A body cools in 7 min from 60°C to 40°C, then what
gradually, because will be its temperature after the next 7 min? The
(a) temperature of surroundings is higher temperature of the surroundings is 10°C.
(b) everything cools down with time irrespective of the (a) 40°C (b) 30°C
temperature of the surroundings (c) 15°C (d) 28°C
(c) temperature of surroundings is lesser 94 A cup of tea cools from 81°C to 79°C in 1 min. The
(d) None of the above ambient temperature is 30°C. What time is needed for
89 The rate of loss of heat depends on cooling of same cup of tea in same ambience from
(a) the sum of temperature of the body and its surroundings 61°C to 59°C ?
(b) the difference in temperature of the body and its (a) 1 min 40 s (b) 1 min 6 s
surroundings (c) 1 min 22 s (d) 4 min 3 s
(c) the product of temperature of the body and its
surroundings 95 An object kept in a large room having air temperature
(d) the ratio of temperature of the body and its of 25°C takes 12 min to cool from 80°C to 70°C.
surroundings The time taken to cool for the same object from 70°C
dQ to 60°C would be nearly NEET (Odisha) 2019
90 In equation − = k (T2 − T1 ), where k is a positive
dt (a) 10 min (b) 12 min
constant which depends upon (c) 20 min (d) 15 min
(a) the area of exposed surface 96 A liquid in a beaker has temperature θ( t ) at time t and
(b) the nature of the surface of the body θ 0 is temperature of surroundings, then according to
(c) Both (a) and (b) Newton’s law of cooling, the correct graph between
(d) Neither (a) nor (b) log e (θ − θ 0 ) and t is JEE Main 2018
91 Suppose a body of mass m and specific heat capacity
loge (θ – θ0)

loge (θ – θ0)
s is at temperature T2 . Let T1 be the temperature of the
surroundings. If the temperature falls by a small
(a) (b)
amount dT2 in time dt, then the amount of heat lost is
(a) dQ = − 4 ms dT2 (b) dQ = 2 ms dT2
(c) dQ = ms dT2 (d) dQ = − 2 ms dT2 0 t t

92 Certain quantity of water cools from 70° C to 60° C in

loge (θ – θ0)

loge (θ – θ0)
the first 5 min and to 54° C in the next 5 min. The
temperature of the surroundings is CBSE AIPMT 2014 (c) (d)
(a) 45°C (b) 20°C
(c) 42°C (d) 10°C
0 t 0 t


I. Assertion and Reason 97 Assertion A hotter body has more heat content than
■ Direction (Q. Nos. 97-111) In the following a colder body.
questions, a statement of Assertion is followed by a Reason Temperature is the measure of degree of
corresponding statement of Reason. Of the following hotness of a body.
statements, choose the correct one. 98 Assertion When heat transfer takes place between
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and Reason a system and surroundings, the total heat content
is the correct explanation of Assertion.
of system or surroundings separately remains
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are correct but Reason
is not the correct explanation of Assertion.
(c) Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect. Reason Heat is a form of energy which follows the
(d) Assertion is incorrect but Reason is correct. principle of conservation of energy.
99 Assertion Houses made of concrete roofs get very 109 Assertion The radiation from the sun’s surface varies
hot during summer days. as the fourth power of its absolute temperature.
Reason Thermal conductivity of concrete is much Reason Sun is not a black body.
smaller than that of metal. 110 Assertion For higher temperatures, the peak emission
100 Assertion When temperature difference across the wavelength of a black body shifts to lower
two sides of a wall is increased, its thermal wavelengths.
conductivity increases. Reason Peak emission wavelength of a black body is
proportional to the four power of temperature.
Reason Thermal conductivity depends on the nature
of material of the wall. 111 Assertion The rate of loss of heat of a body at 300 K
is R. At 900 K, the rate of loss becomes 81 R.
101 Assertion If equal amount of heat is added to equal
masses of different substances, the resulting change Reason This is as per Newton’s law of cooling.
in temperature is also equal.
Reason Every substance requires a unique value of II. Statement Based Questions
heat to change its temperature per unit mass, per 112 A body A is at a temperature T A and a body B is at a
degree centigrade (or per kelvin). temperature TB such that T A > TB . Bodies A and B are
102 Assertion Water kept in an open vessel will quickly connected. Which of the following statements is
evaporate on the surface of the moon. correct related to two bodies?
I. Body A is hotter than body B.
Reason The temperature at the surface of the
moon is much higher than boiling point of water. II. Heat flows from A to B.
III. Heat flows from B to A.
103 Assertion When a rod is heated freely, it expands (a) Both I and II (b) Only I
and thermal strain set up in rod due to heating. (c) Both II and III (d) Both I and III
Reason Strain is a change in length per unit original 113 During vaporisation,
I. the change of state from liquid to vapour state occurs.
104 Assertion Desert regions are hotter in day and II. the temperature remains constant.
colder at night. III. both liquid and vapour states co-exist in equilibrium.
Reason Desert sand is dry. IV. specific heat of substance increases.
105 Assertion NH 3 is liquified more easily than CO 2 . Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct?
(a) I, II and IV (b) II, III and IV
Reason Critical temperature of NH 3 is more than (c) I, III and IV (d) I, II, III and IV
CO 2 . AIIMS 2019
114 I. Gases are poor thermal conductors.
106 Assertion The triple point of water is a standard II. Liquids have conductivities intermediate between
fixed point in modern thermometry. solids and gases.
Reason Melting point of ice and the boiling point of III. Heat conduction can take place from cold body to hotter
water changes due to change in atmospheric body.
pressure. Which of the following statement (s) is/are correct?
107 Assertion A black body at higher temperature T (a) Only I (b) Only II
radiates energy U . When temperature falls to (c) Only III (d) Both I and II
one-third, the radiated energy will be U /81. 115 I. Convection is a mode of heat transfer by actual motion
of matter.
Reason U ∝ T .
2 4
II. Convection is possible only in gases.
108 Assertion The SI unit of Stefan’s constant is III. Convection can be natural or forced.
Wm − 2 K − 4 . Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct?
Reason This follows from Stefan’s law, E = σT 4 (a) Only I (b) Both I and III
E (c) Only II (d) I, II and III
∴ σ=
116 I. Thermos bottle consists of a double-walled glass 121 A bimetallic strip is formed out of two identical strips,
vessel with inner and outer walls coated with silver. one of copper and other of brass. The coefficients of
II. In flask, space between the walls is evacuated to reduce linear expansion of the two metals are α c and α b . On
conduction and convection losses. heating, the temperature of the strip goes up by ∆T
III. Thermos bottle is useful for preventing hot contents and the strip bends to form an arc of radius of
(like milk) from getting cold or to store cold content curvature R. Then, which of the following statement
(like ice). is correct about the radius of curvature?
Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct? (a) It is proportional to ∆T.
(a) Only I (b) Only II (b) It is inversely proportional to ∆T.
(c) Both I and II (d) I, II and III (c) It is proportional to | α b − α c |.
117 I. Conduction of heat takes places in solids and liquids (d) It is inversely proportional to | α b + α c |.
like mercury and molten metals. 122 A uniform metallic circular disc of mass M and radius
II. In radiation, energy directly flows from heat source to R, mounted on frictionless bearings, is rotating (with
the given body at a speed of 3 × 108 ms −1 . angular frequency ω) about an axis passing through
III. Convection of heat takes place in liquids only. its centre and perpendicular to its plane. The
Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct? temperature of the disc is then increased by ∆t. If α is
(a) Only I (b) Both II and III
the coefficient of linear expansion of the metal, then
which of the following statement is correct?
(c) Only III (d) Both I and II
(a) The moment of inertia increases by MR 2α∆t .
118 I. It is the phenomenon which keeps the earth’s surface (b) The moment of inertia remains unchanged.
cool at night. (c) The angular frequency increases by 2αω ∆t.
II. The wavelength of thermal radiation lies in infrared (d) The angular frequency decreases by αω ∆t.
123 The coefficient of volume expansion of a liquid is
III. A large portion of thermal radiation is absorbed by
greenhouse gases likeCO 2 , CH 4 , N 2O, CFCs andO 3 , 49 × 10 −5 K −1 . When temperature is raised by
which heats up the atmosphere and give more energy to 30° C, then which of the following statement is
earth, resulting in warmer surface. correct?
Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct (a) Its density decreases.
regarding with greenhouse effect? (b) Its density increases.
(a) Both I and II (b) Both II and III (c) Its fractional decrease in density is 2.5 × 10−2 .
(c) Both III and I (d) I, II and III (d) Its fractional increase in density is 2.5 × 10−2 .
119 Gulab jamuns (assumed to be spherical) are to be 124 Refer to the plot of temperature versus time (figure)
heated in an oven. They are available in two sizes, showing the changes in the state, if ice on heating
one twice bigger (in radius) than the other. Pizzas (not to scale). Which of the following statement is
(assumed to be discs) are also to be heated in oven. correct?
They are also in two sizes, one twice bigger (in
radius) than the other. All four are put together to be
heated to oven temperature. Choose the correct
statement from the following.
Temperature (°C)

(a) Both size gulab jamuns will get heated in the same time. 100
(b) Smaller gulab jamuns are heated before bigger ones.
(c) Bigger pizzas are heated before smaller ones.
(d) Bigger pizzas are heated before smaller gulab jamuns . A B
O tm Time (min)
120 Which one of the following statement is correct for
dependance of the coefficient of linear expansion of a
(a) The region AB represents ice and water in thermal
metal rod? equilibrium.
(a) The original length of the rod. (b) At B water starts boiling.
(b) The change in temperature of the rod. (c) At C all the water gets converted into steam.
(c) The specific heat of the metal. (d) C to D represents water and steam in equilibrium below
(d) The nature of the metal. boiling point.
125 The graph shows the variation of temperature T of 127 Match the Column I (physical quantity) with
one kilogram of a material with the heat H supplied to Column II (temperature) as per the anomalous
it. At point O, the substance is in the solid state. From behaviour of water and select the correct answer from
the graph, which of the following statement is the codes given below.
correct? Column I Column II
T A. Density maximum 1. 4°C
C(H3, T2) γ B. Volume increases 2. 27°C to 10°C

D(H4, T2) C. Volume decreases 3. 4°C to 0°C

A(H1, T1) β
B(H2, T1)
(a) 1 3 2 (b) 1 2 3
(c) 1 4 3 (d) 1 4 2
O Time H
128 Match the Column I (mixture) with Column II
(a) T2 is the melting point of the solid.
(temperature) and select the correct answer from the codes
(b) AB represents the change of state from solid to liquid.
given below.
(c) ( H 2 + H1 ) represents the latent heat of fusion of the
substance. Three liquids A, B and C having same specific heat
(d) ( H 3 − H1 ) represents the total latent heat of and masses m, 2m and 3m at temperatures 20°C, 40°C
vaporisation of the liquid. and 60°C, respectively. Temperature of the mixture
III. Matching Type Column I Column II
126 If 10g of oxygen are subjected to a pressure of 3 atm A. A and B are mixed 1. 33.3°C
at a temperature of 10°C. Heating at a constant B. A and C are mixed 2. 52°C
pressure, the gas is expanded to 10L. C. B and C are mixed 3. 50°C
With reference to the given situation, match the D. A , B and C all three are mixed 4. None
Column I (physical quantity) with Column II (value)
and select the correct answer from the codes given
(a) 1 3 2 4 (b) 1 2 3 4
below. (c) 1 4 2 3 (d) 1 3 4 2
(R = 0.0821 atm-litre K −1 mol −1 )
Column I Column II 129 Match the Column I (quantity) with Column II
A. The volume of the gas before 1. 4.13
(dimension) and select the correct answer from the
expansion (in litres) codes given below.
B. The temperature of the gas after 2. 1.0 Column I Column II
expansion (in kelvin) A. Thermal resistance 1. [MT −3 K −4 ]
C. The density of gas before expansion 3. 2.42
B. Stefan’s constant 2. [M−1L−2T 3 K ]
(in gL −1)
C. Wien’s constant 3. [ML2T −3 ]
D. The density of gas after expansion 4. 1169.4
(in gL −1) D. Heat current 4. [LK]

(a) 3 4 2 1 (a) 1 2 3 4
(b) 4 3 1 2 (b) 1 4 3 2
(c) 3 4 1 2 (c) 2 1 4 3
(d) 4 2 3 1 (d) 2 1 3 4
NCERT & NCERT Exemplar

NCERT 134 A cubical thermocole ice box of side 30 cm has a

130 Two ideal gas thermometers A and B use oxygen and thickness 5 cm. If 4 kg of ice is put in the box, the
hydrogen, respectively. The following observations are amount of ice remaining after 6 h is (the outside
made temperature is 45° C, the coefficient of thermal
conductivity of thermocole is 0.01 Js −1 m −1 K −1 and
Pressure Pressure
latent heat of fusion of ice is 335 × 10 3 Jkg −1 )
thermometer A thermometer B
(a) 3.7 kg (b) 3.9 kg (c) 4.7 kg (d) 4.9 kg
Triple point of water 1.25 × 105 Pa 0.2 × 105 Pa
135 Two absolute scales A and B have freezing points of
Normal melting point 1.797 × 105 Pa 0.287 × 105 Pa
of sulphur water defined to be 200A and 350B. What is the
relation between T A and TB ?
The absolute temperature of normal melting point of 2
(a) TA = TB
sulphur as read by thermometer A is 7
(a) 292.60 K (b) 392.69 K (c) 362.00 K (d) 491.98 K 4
(b) TA = TB
131 A steel tape 1 m long is correctly calibrated for a 7
temperature of 27.0°C. The length of steel rod 5
(c) TA = TB
measured by this tape is found to be 63.0 cm on a hot 7
day, when the temperature is 45.0°C. What is the 6
(d) TA = TB
actual length of the steel rod on that day? Coefficient 7
of linear expansion of steel is 1.20 × 10 −5 K −1 . 136 The electrical resistance (in ohms) of a certain
(a) 63 cm thermometer varies with temperature according to the
(b) more than 63 cm but less than 64 cm approximate law is R = R 0 [1 + α (T − T0 )],
(c) less than 63 cm where α = constant.
(d) 62 cm
The resistance is 101.6 Ω at the triple point of water
132 A large steel wheel is to be fitted on a shaft of the 273.16 K and 165.5 Ω at the normal melting point of
same material. At 27°C, the outer diameter of the lead (600.5 K). The temperature when the resistance
shaft is 8.70 cm and the diameter of the central hole is 123.4 Ω,is
in the wheel is 8.69 cm. (a) 358.4 K (b) 384.8 K
The shaft is cooled using dry ice. At what temperature (c) 278.8 K (d) 111.67 K
of the shaft does the wheel slip on the shaft? Assume
137 A 10 kW drilling machine is used to drill a bore in an
the coefficient of linear expansion of the steel to be
aluminium block of mass 8.0 kg. Block is worked on
constant over the required temperature range.
by machine for 2.5 min to drill a hole and 50% of
α steel = 1.20 × 10 −5 K −1 power is used up in heating the aluminium block.
(a) 0°C (b) – 50°C (c) – 70°C (d) – 20°C Specific heat of aluminium is 0.91 Jg −1 K −1 . Rise in
133 A brass wire 1.8 m long at 27°C is held taut with temperature of block due to drilling will be
negligible tension between two rigid supports. (a) 100°C (b) 103°K (c) 103°C (d) 50°C
Diameter of the wire is 2 mm, its coefficient of linear
138 A copper block of mass 2.5 kg is heated in a furnace
expansion, α brass = 2 × 10 −5 ° C −1 and its Young’s
to a temperature of 500°C and then placed on a large
modulus, Y brass = 0.91 × 1011 Nm −2 . If the wire is ice block. Specific heat of copper is 0.39 Jg −1 K −1 and
cooled to a temperature −39° C, then tension heat of fusion of water is 335 Jg −1 . Maximum amount
developed in the wire is
of ice that can be melted is
(a) 2.7 × 102 N (b) 3.7 × 102 N
(a) 1 kg (b) 1.5 kg
(c) 4.7 × 102 N (d) 5.7 × 102 N (c) 2 kg (d) 2.5 kg
139 In an experiment on the specific heat of a metal, a 144 A uniform metallic rod rotates about its perpendicular
0.20 kg block of the metal at 150°C is dropped in a bisector with constant angular speed. If it is heated
copper calorimeter (of water equivalent 0.025 kg) uniformly to raise its temperature slightly, then
containing150 cm 3 of water at 27°C. The final (a) its speed of rotation increases
temperature is 40°C. The specific heat of the metal is (b) its speed of rotation decreases
(a) 1 Jg −1 K −1 (b) 1.5 Jg −1 K −1 (c) its speed of rotation remains same
(d) its speed increases because its moment of inertia
(c) 0.43 Jg −1 K −1 (d) 0.8 Jg −1 K −1 increases
140 A brass boiler has a base area 0.15 m 2 and thickness 145 The graph between two temperature scales A and B is
−1 shown in figure between upper fixed point and lower
1.0 cm. It boils water at the rate of 6.0 kg min when
placed on a gas stove. Estimate the temperature of the fixed point. There are 150 equal division on scale A
part of the flame in contact with the boiler. Thermal and 100 on scale B. The relationship for conversion
conductivity of brass is 109 J/s-m-K and heat of between the two scales is given by
vaporisation of water is 2256 × 10 3 J kg −1 . 180
(a) 205°C (b) 268°C

Temperature (°A)
(c) 238°C (d) 280°C ∆tA = 150°
141 A body cools from 80°C to 50°C in 5 min. Calculate
the time it takes to cool from 60°C to 30°C, if the
temperature of the surroundings is 20°C.
(a) 7 min (b) 9 min ∆tB = 100°
(c) 16 min (d) 20 min O Temperature (°B) 100
142 p - T phase diagram for CO 2 gas is given. Which of t A − 180 t B t A − 30 t B
these are correct according to p - T graph? (a) = (b) =
100 150 150 100
t B − 180 t A t B − 40 t A
B (c) = (d) =
atm 150 100 100 180
Solid Liquid Vapour
73.0 C
146 An aluminium sphere is dipped into water. Which of
the following is true?
(a) Buoyancy will be less in water at 0°C than that in water
5.11 O at 4°C.
A –78.5 –56.6 20 31.1
T(°C) (b) Buoyancy will be more in water at 0°C than that in
water at 4°C.
(c) Buoyancy in water at 0°C will be same as that in water
I. CO2 at 1 atm and − 60° C is compressed isothermally,
at 4°C.
it is eventually converted to liquid form.
(d) Buoyancy may be more or less in water at 4 o C
II. When CO2 at 4 atm is cooled from room temperature at depending on the radius of the sphere.
constant pressure, it is condensed to solid without
passing through liquid phase. 147 As the temperature is increased, the period of a
III. CO2 at 10 atm and − 65° C is heated, it turns to liquid
(a) increases as its effective length increases even though
then into vapour.
its centre of mass still remains at the centre of the bob
IV. CO2 is compressed at 70°C isothermally, it becomes (b) decreases as its effective length increases even though
liquid and then solid. its centre of mass still remains at the centre of the bob
(a) Both I and II (b) Both II and III (c) increases as its effective length increases due to shifting
(c) Both III and IV (d) I, II, III and IV to centre of mass below the centre of the bob
(d) decreases as its effective length remains same but the
NCERT Exemplar centre of mass shifts above the centre of the bob

143 A bimetallic strip is made of aluminium and steel 148 Heat is associated with
(a) kinetic energy of random motion of molecules
(α Al > α steel ). On heating, the strip will
(b) kinetic energy of orderly motion of molecules
(a) remain straight
(c) total kinetic energy of random and orderly motion of
(b) get twisted
(c) bend with aluminium on concave side
(d) kinetic energy of random motion in some cases and
(d) bend with steel on concave side kinetic energy of orderly motion in other
312 Master The NCERT > PHYSICS (Vol-I )

149 The radius of a metal sphere at room temperature T is R 151 Find out the increase in moment of inertia I of a
and the coefficient of linear expansion of the metal is uniform rod (coefficient of linear expansion α) about
α. The sphere heated a little by a temperature ∆T, so its perpendicular bisector when its temperature is
that its new temperature is T + ∆T . The increase in slightly increased by ∆T.
the volume of the sphere is approximately (a) 2I α∆T (b) 4I α∆T
(a) 2π Rα ∆T (b) π R 2α ∆T (c) 6I α∆T (d) 3IαT
(c) 4 π R 3α ∆T / 3 (d) 4 π R 3α ∆T 152 Calculate the stress developed inside a tooth cavity
filled with copper when hot tea at temperature of
150 100 g of water is supercooled to −10° C. At this point,
57° C is drunk. You can take body (tooth) temperature
due to some disturbance mechanised or otherwise
. × 10 −5 / ° C and bulk modulus for
to be 37° C, α = 17
some of it suddenly freezes to ice. What will be the
temperature of the resultant mixture and how much copper is 140 × 10 9 Nm −2 .
mass would freeze? (a) 5 × 104 Nm−2
(sw = 1cal / g ° C and Lw(Fusion) = 80 cal/g) (b) 3 × 102 Nm−2
(a) 0°C, 12.5 g (b) 20° C, 50 g (c) 1428
. × 108 Nm−2
(c) 30° C, 30 g (d) 50° C, 10 g (d) 3.46 × 105 Nm−2

>Mastering NCERT with MCQs
1 (d) 2 (a) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5 (a) 6 (b) 7 (d) 8 (d) 9 (a) 10 (c)
11 (b) 12 (b) 13 (c) 14 (d) 15 (c) 16 (a) 17 (c) 18 (b) 19 (b) 20 (a)
21 (a) 22 (c) 23 (c) 24 (c) 25 (c) 26 (b) 27 (b) 28 (d) 29 (b) 30 (b)
31 (c) 32 (a) 33 (a) 34 (a) 35 (d) 36 (b) 37 (b) 38 (c) 39 (b) 40 (a)
41 (c) 42 (c) 43 (b) 44 (c) 45 (d) 46 (b) 47 (b) 48 (b) 49 (d) 50 (b)
51 (c) 52 (a) 53 (d) 54 (a) 55 (a) 56 (b) 57 (d) 58 (d) 59 (b) 60 (d)
61 (a) 62 (b) 63 (c) 64 (b) 65 (a) 66 (a) 67 (b) 68 (b) 69 (d) 70 (c)
71 (a) 72 (b) 73 (d) 74 (c) 75 (d) 76 (b) 77 (b) 78 (c) 79 (d) 80 (a)
81 (b) 82 (d) 83 (a) 84 (c) 85 (a) 86 (a) 87 (d) 88 (c) 89 (b) 90 (c)
91 (c) 92 (a) 93 (d) 94 (a) 95 (d) 96 (a)

>Special Types Questions

97 (d) 98 (d) 99 (b) 100 (d) 101 (d) 102 (c) 103 (d) 104 (a) 105 (a) 106 (a)
107 (c) 108 (c) 109 (c) 110 (c) 111 (c) 112 (a) 113 (d) 114 (d) 115 (b) 116 (d)
117 (d) 118 (b) 119 (b) 120 (d) 121 (b) 122 (a) 123 (a) 124 (a) 125 (b) 126 (c)
127 (a) 128 (a) 129 (c)

>NCERT & NCERT Exemplar MCQs

130 (b) 131 (b) 132 (c) 133 (b) 134 (a) 135 (b) 136 (b) 137 (b) 138 (b) 139 (c)
140 (c) 141 (b) 142 (b) 143 (d) 144 (b) 145 (b) 146 (a) 147 (a) 148 (a) 149 (d)
150 (a) 151 (a) 152 (c)
Hints & Explanations
1 (d) When the temperature of a body and its surrounding From Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get
medium are different, then heat transfer takes place T2 − T1 F − T1 F − T1 C
= ⇒ =
between them. TC C T2 − T1 TC
The direction of heat flow depends on the surrounding This is the required relation between F and C. Hence,
temperature with respect to that of body. option (b) is correct.
In given case, the ice-cold water having lower
7 (d) Let initial temperature in Fahrenheit and Celsius
temperature than the surrounding, when left on a table
scales be F1 and C1 , respectively and the final
on a hot summer day takes heat from surrounding and
temperature be F2 and C 2 , respectively.
warms up, whereas a cup of tea having higher
F − 32 C F − 32 C1
temperature than surrounding cools down by releasing From relation, = or 1 = …(i)
heat to surrounding. 180 100 180 100
F2 − 32 C 2
Thus, both the statements given in options (a) and (b) or = …(ii)
are correct. 180 100
4 (d) It is given that on a hilly region, water boils at 95° C. Subtracting Eq. (i) from Eq. (ii), we get
F2 − 32 − F1 − 32 C 2 − C1
∴ Temperature in centigrade, C = 95° C. =
So, the temperature in Fahrenheit can be calculated, 180 100
F − 32 F2 − F1 C 2 − C1
By using relation =
, we get =
180 100 180 100
F − 32 95 Given, C 2 − C1 = 30 ° C
= (Q C = 95° C ) 180
9 5 ⇒ F2 − F1 = × 30° C = 54 ° F
⇒ F − 32 = 9 × 19
∴The increase in temperature on Fahrenheit scale is 54°.
⇒ F − 32 = 171
⇒ F = 171 + 32 = 203° F 8 (d) By principle of thermometry for any liner
5 (a) Using relation, temperature scale,
F − 32 C T − TLFP
= …(i) = a (constant)
180 100 TUFP − TLFP
If F = C = x, then substituting value in Eq. (i), we get where,
x − 32 x x x − 32 T = temperature measured
⇒ = ⇒ =
180 100 5 9 TLFP = temperature of melting ice or lower fixed point.
⇒ 9x = 5x − 160 ⇒ 160 = − 4 x TUFP = temperature of boling water or upper fixed point.
∴ x = − 40° If, T = temperature of given object.
This is the required temperature at which centigrade and Then we have,
Fahrenheit scale give same reading. x0 xo

T − 0° C
6 (b) The relationship for conversion between two scales, = 2 3
can be shown by diagram for a straight line as 100° C − 0° C x − x0
F 3
T2 T 1
(C, F) (T2−T1) or = or T = 25° C
100 4
Hints & Explanations

T1 θ 9 (a) As per the question, the triple point of water is

273.16 K on Kelvin scale, 400 A on scale A and 300 B
0 C
Tc on scale B, so
. K = 400 A = 300 B
(C−0) 27316
. 27316
⇒ A= K and B = K
The slope of graph is given by 400 300
T − T1 T2 − T1 If TA and TB be the triple points of water, then
tan θ = 2 = …(i)
TC − 0 TC 27316
. 27316
Similarly, for any arbitrary point (C , F ), it is given by 400 300
F − T1 F − T1 TA 400 4
tan θ = = …(ii) ⇒ = ⇒ TA = TB
C−0 C TB 300 3
12 (b) Using ideal gas equation, holding the volume of a gas Using the relation,
constant, it gives p ∝T . Thus, with a constant volume gas Measured length = Correct length × (1 + α l T)
thermometer, temperature is read in terms of pressure. where, α l = coefficient of linear expansion
13 (c) According to ideal gas equation, . × 10−5 / ° C for steel (given)
= 12
pV = nRT …(i) ⇒ . × 10−5 × 15 )
26 = l (1 + 12
where, R = gas constant.
Since, moles are changing but volume is constant. l= = 25.9952 m
Eq. (i) can be written as
p R Thus, the true distance between the points is 25.9952 m.
= = constant
nT V 21 (a) Let initial length of identical rods is l0 Thermal
p1 p nT p expansion in length of rod due to heating is given by the
⇒ = 2 ⇒ n2 = 1 1 2 relation
n1T1 n2T2 T2 p1
∆l = l0 α ( ∆T ) = l0 α (T2 − T1 )
where, p1 , p2 are the initial and final pressure of gas
and T1 and T2 are initial and final temperature of gas. Here, α is coefficient of linear expansion.
So, change in length of rods are
15 (c) Absolute temperature is the zero point on Kelvin
scale, i.e. 0 K which corresponds to − 27315
. ° C, i.e. ∆l1 = l0 α 1 (180 − 30 )
t c = 27315
. ° C or − 273° C. ∆l2 = l0α 2 (T − 30 )
The relation between Celsius and Fahrenheit scale is Because new lengths are same, so change in lengths of
t F − 32 tC both rods are equal.
180 100 i.e. ∆l1 = ∆l2
9 9 ⇒ l0 α1 (180 − 30 ) = l0 α 2 (T − 30 )
⇒ t F = tC + 32 = ( − 273 ) + 32
5 5 α1 (T − 30 )
or =

~ − 460° F α2 150
17 (c) A change in temperature of a body causes a change Given, α1 : α 2 = 4 : 3
in dimensions. So, due to this reason, air inside the T − 30 4 4
∴ = ⇒ T − 30 = × 150 = 200
balloon contracts due to cooling and therefore, a fully 150 3 3
inflated balloon walls shrink, when it is put into cold or T = 200 + 30 = 230°C
22 (c) Due to change in temperature, the thermal strain
18 (b) The metal X has a higher coefficient of expansion produced in a rod of length L is given by
compared to that of metal Y , so on placing bimetallic ∆L
= α ∆T ⇒ ∆L = L α ∆T
strip in a cold bath, X will shrink more than Y . Hence, L
the strip will bend towards the left. where, L = original length of rod and α = coefficient of
19 (b) Given, L1 = 10 cm, L2 = ? linear expansion of solid rod.
As the change in length ( ∆L ) of the given two rods of
θ1 = 20° C, θ 2 = 19° C copper and aluminium are independent of temperature
and α = 11 × 10−6 ° C−1 . change, i.e. ∆T is same for both copper and aluminium.
According to linear expansion, we get ⇒ LCuα Cu = LAl α Al … (i)
L = L 0 (1 + α∆θ ) Here, α Cu = 17 . × 10−5 K −1 , α Al = 2.2 × 10−5 K −1
L1 1 + α ( ∆θ1 ) and LCu = 88 cm
L 2 1 + α ( ∆θ 2 ) Substituting the given values in Eq. (i), we get
10 1+ 11× 10−6 × 20 L α . × 10−5 ~
88 × 17
Hints & Explanations

= LAl = Cu Cu = − 68 cm
L 2 1 + 11 × 10−6 × 19 α Al 2.2 × 10−5
∆L 1
⇒ L2 = 9.99989 cm 23 (c) Here, ∆T = ?, = , α = 0.00002 ° C−1
L 100
Shortness in length = 10 − 9.99989 = 0.00011
As, ∆L = αL∆T
= 11 × 10−5 cm ∆L ∆L 1
∴ α ∆T = or ∆T = =
20 (a) Initial temperature at which steel tape is corrected L Lα 100 × 0.00002
= 20° C. Temperature when the distance between the 105
∆T = = 500°C
two points is 26 m = 35° C. 2 × 102
Let T be the rise in temperature from correct value, then So, 500° C of temperature of a brass rod should be
T = 35° C − 20° C = 15° C increased, so as to increase its length by 1%.
24 (c) Given, change in length of rod of aluminium So, for an ideal gas, coefficient of volume expansion is
= change in length of rod of steel, i.e. ∆l1 = ∆l2 given by .
or l1α a t = l2α s t T
l1 α s l1 αs 30 (b) Water contracts when it is heated from 0°C to 4°C.
∴ = or = …(i)
l2 α a l1 + l2 α a + α s Thus, its density increases and volume decreases.
Density of water is maximum at 4°C and hence, volume
So, Eq. (i) shows, if the length of each rod increases, by is minimum. When the water is further heated, it
same amount when their temperatures we raised by t ° C, expands and volume thus increases.
then the ratio of their length = . So, the graph given in option (b) shows the correct
αa + αs
variation of volume of water.
where, α a and α s are coefficients of linear expansion
for aluminium and steel. 31 (c) Ice formed floats over surface, it exerts pressure
over and below the water which causes lowering of
Thus, option (c) is correct. freezing point and ice layer on top also acts like an
25 (c) αV is a characteristic of the substance but is not insulator. So, bottom of lake remains in liquid state due
strictly a constant. It depends in general on temperature to above reason. Hence, the animal and plant life of
as shown in figure (c). It is seen that αV becomes Dal-lake survives as only top layer of lake in frozen.
constant only at a higher temperature. Hence, option (c) ∆l
32 (a) Thermal strain in the wire, = α ∆T
is correct. l
26 (b) Given, αV = 49 × 19−5 ° C−1 The corresponding stress is, Y × strain = Yα ∆T
∆T = 30° C The tension F developed in the wire is
V ′ = V + ∆V = V (1 + αV ∆T ) F = Stress × Cross-sectional area
∴ V ′ = V (1 + 49 × 10−5 × 30 ) = 1.0147 V = Yα∆T × A = YAα∆T
m m m Here, A = πr = 3.14 (1.0 × 10−3 m)2 = 3.14 × 10−6 m2

Q ρ= and ρ′ = = = 0.9855 ρ ∆T = 27° − ( −39° ) = 66° C

V V ′ 1.0147V and
Hence, fractional change in density ∴ F = (0.91 × 1011 Nm−2 ) (3.14 × 10−6 m2 )
ρ − ρ′ ρ − 0.9855 ρ (2.0 × 10−5 ° C−1 ) (66° C)
= = = 0.0145
ρ ρ = 377 N = 3.77 × 102 N
27 (b) Given, the value of coefficient of volume expansion α 3
of glycerin is 5 × 10−4 K −1 . 33 (a) Given, 2 =
α1 2
As mass, m = ρV ⇒ ρ = Thermal stress = Yα ∆T
where, Y is Young’s modulus, α is the coefficient of
∆ρ ∆V ∆V
∴ =− = −αV ∆T (Q = αV ∆ T ) linear expansion and ∆T is the change in temperature.
ρ V V Both the rods are heated, for equal stresses,
⇒ = −5 × 10−4 × 40 = −0.020 ∴ Y1α1 ∆T1 = Y2 α 2 ∆T2
Y α 3
∆ρ Since, ∆T1 = ∆T2 ⇒ 1 = 2 =
or = 0.020 Y 2 α1 2
Thus, the required fractional change in density of 34 (a) Given, L = 3 m, d = 1mm ⇒ r = × 10−3 m
glycerin is 0.020.
and m = 10 kg
28 (d) For an ideal gas, the coefficient of volume
Hints & Explanations

The contraction in the length of the wire due to change

expansion at constant pressure can be found from the in temperature is given as
ideal gas equation, pV = µRT …(i)
∆L1 = αL∆T = 1.2 × 10−5 × 3 × ( −170 − 30 )
At constant pressure, p∆V = µR ∆T …(ii)
Divide Eq. (ii) by Eq. (i), we get = − 7.2 × 10−3 m
∆V ∆T 1 
= . ×  × 10−3  ≈ 0.75 × 10−6 m2
A = 314
V T 2 
Also, = αV ∆ T The expansion in the length of wire due to stretching
V force is given as
1 FL mgL
i.e. αV = , for ideal gas ∆L2 = =
(10 × 10) × 3 Q 2 × 105
= ⇒ ∆T = =
(0.75 × 10−6 ) (2 × 1011 ) ms 60 × 103 × 0.83
= 2 × 10−3 m = 4.01° C
Resultant change in length, So, the person’s temperature increases by 4.01° C. So,
option (b) is correct.
∆L1 + ∆L2 = − 7.2 × 10−3 + 2 × 10−3
40 (a) The amount of heat supplied is given by the relation,
= − 5.2 × 10−3
Q = ms∆T
∆L= − 5.2 mm
Given, m = 100 g = 0.1 kg, s = 400 Jkg −1 K −1
Negative sign shows a contraction in the length of the
wire. As the change in temperature on any scale is equal, so
36 (b) Water has the highest specific heat capacity as ∆T = 21° C = 21° K
compared to the other substances. For this reason, water Thus, Q = 0.1 × 400 × 21 = 840 J
is used as a coolant in automobile radiators as well as a Hence, 840 = 0.05 × 4200 × ∆T
heater in hot water bags. ⇒ ∆T = 4 ° K = 4 ° C
Owing to its high specific heat capacity, the water Therefore, the rise in the temperature of water is 4° C.
warms up much slowly than the other liquids.
∆Q 41 (c) Total heat supplied to sample, ∆Q = 300J and rise
37 (b) The heat capacity of a substance is S = . in temperature , ∆T = T2 − T1
The heat capacity of mustard oil is less than that of = 45° C − 25° C = 20° C
water for same mass. So, same temperature rise ∆Q 300
Heat capacity of substance = = = 15 J° C−1
( ∆T = 40° C ), the quantity of heat (∆Q) would be less ∆T 20
than that is required by the same amount of water. As mass of sample, m = 25 g = 0.025 kg
Hence, the time taken by water ( t1 ) to heat upto 40°C 1 ∆Q 1
will be higher than that of mustard oil (t 2 ), i.e. t1 > t 2 . Specific heat capacity, s = ⋅ = × 15
m ∆T 0.025
38 (c) Substances having more heat capacity take longer
= 600 Jkg −1 ° C−1
time to get heated to a higher temperature and longer
time to get cooled. As the substance has a mass of 50 g /mol, hence number
of moles in 25 g sample,
i.e. µ= = 0.5 mol
A 50
1 ∆Q 1
Molar heat capacity, C = ⋅ = × 15
C µ ∆T 0.5
= 30 Jmol −1 C−1
tA tB tC Among the given options, option (c) is correct.
If we draw a line parallel to the time axis, then it cuts 42 (c) By principle of calorimetry method, we know heat
the given graphs at three different points, i.e. lost by hot body = heat gained by cold body
A , B and C . Corresponding points on the time axis show ∴ m1 s1 (θ1 − θ ) = m2 s2 (θ − θ 2 )
tC > t B > t A …(i) m1 s1θ1 − m1 s1θ = m2 s2θ − m2 s2θ 2
∆Q ⇒ m1 s1θ1 + m2 s2θ 2 = ( m1 s1 + m2 s2 ) θ
Heat capacity, S =
∆t m s θ + m2 s2θ 2
⇒ θ= 1 1 1
Hints & Explanations

As ∆Q is same, so S ∝
…(ii) m1 s1 + m2 s2
∆t As it is given that, masses and specific heat capacity of
So, from relation (i) and (ii), we can say that both bodies are equal.
∴ SC < S B < S A So, when m1 = m2 and s1 = s2 , then
Hence, substance C has lowest heat capacity. θ + θ2
θ= 1
39 (b) Given, m = 60 kg = 60 × 103 g, s = 0.83 cal g −1 ° C−1 2
Q = 200 kcal = 2 × 105 cal θ1 + θ 2
Hence, θ = , under the condition m1 = m2
Amount of heat required for a person,
and s1 = s2 .
Q Q = ms∆T
43 (b) Given, m1 = 2.4 kg, m2 = 16
. kg, m3 = 0.8 kg 46 (b) The wire passes through the ice slab. This happens
s1 = 0. 216 cal kg −1 ° C−1 , s2 = 0.0917 cal kg −1 ° C−1 , due to the fact that just below the wire, ice melts to
water at lower temperature due to increase in pressure.
s3 = 0.0931 cal kg −1 ° C−1
When the wire has passed the slab, water above the wire
and ∆T = T2 − T1 = ( 80 − 20 )° C = 60° C freezes again due to the low temperature of ice. Thus,
Q = m1 s1 ∆θ + m2 s2 ∆θ + m3 s3 ∆T the slab does not split. This phenomenon of freezing is
= (2.4 × 0.216 + 1.6 × 0.0917 + 0.8 × 0.0931) (60) called regelation.
= 44.376 cal ≈ 44.4 cal 47 (b) When pressure is increased, boiling point is
44 (c) By applying calorimetry method, we get elevated, i.e. at higher pressure, water boils at
temperature greater than 100°C. Similarly, at reduced
Heat gain = Heat lost
pressure, water boils at a lower temperature.
When liquids A and B are mixed, then
sA 3 49 (d) The cooking is difficult on hills, because at high
s A (16 − 12 ) = sB (19 − 16 ) ⇒ = altitudes, atmospheric pressure is lower. This reduces the
sB 4
boiling point of water as compared to that at sea level.
and when liquids B and C are mixed, then
sB ( 23 − 19 ) = sC ( 28 − 23 ) When boiling point reduces, lesser heat is transmitted to
the raw food, so it takes more time to cook it.
sB 5
⇒ = Hence, options (b) and (c) are correct.
sC 4
s A s A sB 3 5 15 50 (b) The point on the sublimation curve OA represents
⇒ = × = × = …(i) states in which the solid and vapour phases co-exist.
sC sB sC 4 4 16
Points on the fusion curve AB represents states in which
If θ is the temperature when A and C are mixed, then solid and liquid phase co-exist.
s A (θ − 12 ) = sC ( 28 − θ ) Points on the vaporisation curve AC represents states in
s A 28 − θ
⇒ = …(ii) which the liquid and vapour phases co-exist.
sC θ − 12 Therefore, in the given graph, the curves OA, AB and
On solving Eqs. (i) and (ii), we have AC are respectively sublimation curve, fusion curve and
28 − θ 15 vaporisation curve.
θ − 12 16 52 (a) As more energy is required for enormous
⇒ 448 − 16θ = 15θ − 180 expansion, so latent heat of vaporisation of a substance
is always greater than latent heat of fusion.
∴ θ = 20.2° C
So, when liquids A and B are mixed, then the 53 (d) For water, the latent heat of fusion and vaporisation
temperature is 20.2° C. are LF = 3.33 × 105 J kg −1 and LV = 22.6 × 105 J kg −1
45 (d) A plot of temperature versus time showing the , respectively, i.e. 3.33 × 105 J of heat is needed to melt
changes in the state of ice on heating (not to scale), is 1 kg of ice at 0°C and 22.6 × 105 J of heat is needed to
given below convert 1 kg of water to steam at 100°C.
D So, steam at 100°C carries 22.6 × 105 Jkg −1 more heat
Temperature (°C)

B than water at 100°C. This is why burns from steam are

usually more serious than those from boiling water.
54 (a) Heat required for melting of 1g of ice,
A Q = mL = × 3.36 × 105 = 336 J
O tm Time (min) 1000
Heat used for raising temperature of m gram ice from
Hints & Explanations

In graph, the transition from O to A represents the − 5° C to 0°C,

conversion of solid (or ice) at 0°C to liquid (or water) at ∆Q = 420 − 336 = 84 J
0°C. So, temperature remains constant with time for
But ∆Q = ms∆T
change of state.
⇒ 84 = m × 2100 × 5
In transition from A and B, the water at 0°C is heated to
water at 100°C, so temperature increases with time as m = 0.008 kg = 8 g
shown. Since, there is no other exchange of heat in the process,
In transition from B to C, the water at 100°C is therefore the required value of m is 8g.
converted to steam at 100°C, so temperature remains 55 (a) Given, mass of ice, mi = 015
. kg
constant with time for change of state. Temperature of ice, θ i = 0° C
In transistion from C to D, the temperature of steam at Mass of water, mw = 0.30 kg
100°C increases with time.
Temperature of water, θ w = 50°C 60 (d) The two ends of a rod are maintained at
Final temperature of mixture, θ f = 6.7° C temperatures 100° C and 110° C.
Specific heat of water, sw = 4186 Jkg −1 K −1 Given, ∆T1 = 110° C − 100° C = 10° C
Heat lost by water = mi sw (θ i − θ F )w dQ1
= 4 Js −1
= (0.30 kg) (4186 J kg −1 K −1 ) (50.0 ° C − 6.7 ° C) dt

= 54376.14 J ∆T2 = 210 − 200 = 10° C

Heat required to melt ice = mi LF = (0.15 kg) LF =?
Heat required to raise temperature of ice water to final dt
temperature = mi sw (θ F − θ i )F As the rate of heat flow is directly proportional to the
= (0.15 kg) (4186 J kg −1 K −1 ) (6.7 ° C − 0° C) temperature difference and the temperature difference in
both cases is same, i.e. 10° C. So, the same rate of heat
= 4206.93 J will flow in the second case.
According to the principle of calorimetry, dQ2
Heat lost = Heat gained Hence, = 4 Js −1
54376.14 J = (0.15 kg) L F + 4206.93 J So, if the ends of the rod are maintained at temperatures
LF = 3.34 × 105 Jkg −1 200°C and 210°C, then the rate of heat flow will remain
same, i.e. 4Js −1 .
56 (b) Mass of the ice, m = 3 kg
Specific heat capacity of ice, si = 2100 Jkg −1 K −1 61 (a) As, heat is flowing from A to B, so
−1 −1 T
Specific heat capacity of water, sw = 4186 J kg K Th A P B Tl
Latent heat of fusion of ice, si = 3. 35 × 10 Jkg
5 x
Latent heat of steam, L s = 2. 256 × 106 Jkg −1 l

Now, Q = heat required to convert 3 kg of ice at −12°C where, Th = higher temperature

to steam at 100°C. and Tl = lower temperature.
Q1 = Heat required to convert ice at −12°C to ice at 0° C ∆ Q KA (Th − Tl ) KA (Th − T )
Heat current, H = = =
= msi ∆T1 = 3 × 2100 × [ 0 − ( −12 )]° C = 75600J ∆t l x
Q2 = Heat required to melt ice at 0°C to water at 0°C. x  Th − Tl 
⇒ (Th − Tl ) = Th − T ⇒ T = Th −  x
= m Li = 3 × ( 3.35 × 105 Jkg −1 K −1 ) = 1005000J l  l 
Q3 = Heat required to convert water at 0° C to water at Hence, T decreases linearly with x from Th to Tl .
100°C. 62 (b) Suppose area of the bottom of the tank = A cm2
= msw ∆T2 = (3 kg)(4186 J kg −1 K −1 ) × (100° C)
Volume of water that vaporises in 9 min (or 540 s)
Q3 = 1255800 J = ( A × 1) cm3
Q4 = Heat required to convert water at 100°C to steam at
Mass of water that vaporises in 540 s
= A cm3 × 1 g cm−3 = A g
= mLs
= 3 × ( 2. 256 × 106 Jkg −1 K −1 ) = 6768000 J ∴ Q = mL = A × 540 cal
KA (T1 − T2 )
So, Q = Q1 + Q2 + Q3 + Q4 But Q= ×t
= 75600 J + 1005000 J + 1255800 J + 6768000 J
Qx A × 540 × 2
= 91
. × 106 J or T1 − T2 = = = 10
KAt 0.2 × A × 540
Hints & Explanations

59 (b) Given, A = 1000 cm , x = 0.4 cm

Total temperature of the furnace, i.e.
T1 − T2 = 37 − ( −5 ) = 42° C T1 = T2 + 10 = 100 + 10 = 110° C
K = 2.2 × 10−3 cal s −1 cm−1 K −1
63 (c) If area of cross-section of a surface is not uniform or
Q KA (T1 − T2 )
Rate of loss of heat = H = = if the steady state condition is not reached, then the heat
t x flow equation can be applied to a thin layer of material
2.2 × 10−3 cal s −1cm−1 K −1 × 1000 cm2 × 42° C perpendicular to the direction of heat flow.
0.4 cm In this case, the thickness of a frozen layer in the pond
= 231cal s at a certain instant is x.
So, the rate of heat flow by conduction for growth of ice 66 (a) In parallel arrangement of n rods,
is given by Equivalent thermal conductivity is given by
dQ KA (θ 0 − θ1 )
= …(i) K A + K 2 A2 + K + K n An
dt x K eq = 1 1
A1 + A2 + K + An
where, dQ = ρAdxL, θ 0 = 0 and θ1 = − θ
Given, θ 0 = 0° C and θ1 = − 26° C If rods are of same area, then
The rate of increase of thickness can be calculated from K + K2 + K + Kn
K eq = 1
Eq. (i), we get n
dQ KA (θ 0 − θ1 ) ∴ Equivalent thermal conductivity of the system of two
= K + K2
dt x rods, K eq = 1
ρAdxL KA (θ 0 − θ1 ) 2
⇒ =
dt x 67 (b) When two rods of same length are joined in
dx KA (θ 0 − θ1 ) K [ 0 − ( −26 )] 26K parallel,
⇒ = = =
dt ρAxL ρxL ρxL ∆Q ( ∆x )
the time required for heat transfer is ∆t =
64 (b) Let θ be the junction temperature, then given KA ( ∆T )
situation is shown in the following figure Two rods of same length, which are joined in series,
K1=50 units K2=100 units when connect in parallel combination, the area of heat
q1=70ºC q2=50ºC
conduction becomes twice, i.e. A → 2 times and length
2m 1m becomes half, i.e. ∆x → times as shown in figure.
q 2
The rate of heat current due to conduction in both rod A ⇒
will be same, i.e. H1 = H 2 A
∆x ∆x
A∆θ1 A∆θ 2 2∆x ∆x
⇒ K1 = K2
l1 l2 In series In parallel
∆θ1 ∆θ 2
K1 = K2 ∆t1 ∆x1 A
l1 l2 ∴ = × 2
∆t 2 A1 ∆x2
( 70 − θ ) (θ − 50 )
50 = 100 ∆x1 A
2 1 = × 2
5θ = 270 ∆x2 A1
⇒ θ = 54 ° C = 2× 2= 4
65 (a) Suppose θ1 and θ 2 be the temperatures of junctions ⇒
1 1
∆t 2 = ∆t1 = × 12 = 3 s
B and C, respectively. 4 4
A B C D 68 (b) It is given that solid cylinder of radius R (made of a
material of thermal conductivity K 1 is surrounded by a
θ1 θ2 hollow cylinder of inner radius R and other radius 2R
200°C 18°C
2K 4K 3K
(made of material of thermal conductivity K 2 ).
x x x Rate of flow of heat in the combined system = Rate of
flow of heat through cross-section of inner cylinder
In the steady state, the rate of flow of heat through each +Rate of flow of heat through cross-section of outer
bar will be same. cylinder
Q 2K × A ( 200 − θ1 ) 4 K × A (θ1 − θ 2 )
= = KA (θ1 − θ 2 ) K 1 A 1 (θ1 − θ 2 ) K 2 A 2 (θ1 − θ 2 )
Hints & Explanations

t x x ⇒ = +
l l l
3 K × A (θ 2 − 18 )
= ⇒ KA = K 1 A 1 + K 2 A 2
2 ( 200 − θ 1 ) = 4 (θ 1 − θ 2 ) = 3 (θ 2 − 18 ) ⇒ Kπ ( 2R )2 = K 1 ( πR 2 ) + K 2 π [( 2R )2 − R 2 ]
200 − θ 1 = 2θ 1 − 2θ 2 ⇒ πR 2 ( K × 4 ) = πR 2 ( K 1 + 3 K 2 )
and 4 θ1 − 4 θ 2 = 3θ 2 − 54 K1 + 3K 2
⇒ 3θ1 − 2θ 2 = 200 and 4 θ1 − 7θ 2 = −54 ∴ K =
Solving the given expressions for θ1 and θ 2 , we get
So, the effective thermal conductivity of the system is
⇒ θ 2 = 74 ° C K1 + 3K 2
and θ1 = 116 ° C 4
69 (d) Let the temperature of junction be θ, then Using the relation given by Eq. (i), we get
H = H1 + H 2 ( λ m )s T f ( λ m )s
= or T f = Ts ×
KA (θ − 0 ) KA ( 90°−θ ) KA ( 90°−θ ) (λ m ) f Ts (λ m ) f
⇒ = +
L L L ( 5.5 × 10−7 m )
= 5500 K × = 2750 K
90°C (11 × 10−7 m )
76 (b) It is given that, the intensity of radiation emitted by
0°C sun has its maximum value at ( λ m )s = 510 nm and that
emitted by north star has maximum value at
( λ m )F = 350 nm
From Wien’s displacement law,
or θ = 90° − θ + 90° − θ ⇒ λ mT = constant
or θ = 180° − 2θ ⇒ λ m1T1 = λ m2T2
3θ = 180° or θ = 60° C T1 λ m2
or or = …(i)
T2 λ m1
72 (b) Black bodies absorb and emit radiant energy better
than bodies of lighter colours. The bottoms of the Given, λ m1 = 510 nm,
utensils for cooking food are blackened, so that they and λ m2 = 350 nm
absorb maximum heat from the fire and give it to the
Putting these values in Eq. (i), we get
vegetables to be cooked.
T1 350
1 =
73 (d) According to Wien’s law, λ m ∝ T2 510
T1 35
and from the figure, ( λ m )1 < ( λ m )3 < ( λ m )2 ⇒ = = 0.69
T2 51
I T3 So, this is the required ratio of surface temperature of
T2 the sun and north star.
77 (b) We know from Wien’s displacement law,
T1 λ mT = constant
So, T∝
λ λm
As, λr >λg > λv
Therefore, T1 > T3 > T2 So, Tr < Tg < Tv
74 (c) Given, temperature, T1 = 5760 K Given, P → v max , Q → rmax , R → g max
Since, it is given that energy of radiation emitted by the Hence, TQ < TR < TP
body at wavelength 250 nm isU1 , at wavelength 500 nm
isU 2 and that at 1000 nm isU 3 . i.e. TP > TR > TQ
According to Wien’s law, we get 78 (c) According to Stefan’s law, Q = σeAT 4
λ mT = b
For black body, e = 1
where, b = Wien’s constant = 2.88 × 106 nm-K 1/ 4
 Q 
⇒ λm =
b ⇒ T= 2 
T σ ( 4 πR )
Hints & Explanations

2.88 × 106 nm -K 79 (d) Given, T A = 727° C and TB = 327° C

or λm =
5760 K
As we know, Q ∝ T 4
⇒ λ m = 500 nm
Q λ m = wavelength corresponding to maximum energy, Q A H A  273 + 727 625
soU 2 > U1 . ⇒ = =  =
QB H B  273 + 327 81
75 (d) According to Wien’s displacement law,
80 (a) Given, temperature of sphere, T = 227° C
λ mT = b or λ m ∝ …(i) = 273 + 227 = 500 K
where, b is Wien’s constant, whose value is Radius, r = 2 m
2.9 × 10−3 mK. Emissivity, e = 0.8
∴ Radiation power of sphere = Radiated energy per second ⇒ ( 3T )4 − (T ′ )4 = (T ′ )4 − ( 2T )4
= σAeT 4 1/ 4
 97  97
−8 ⇒ T ′ 4 =   T 4 or T ′ =   T
= 5.67 × 10 × 4 π × 2 × 0.8 × ( 500 )
2 4
 2  2
= 142430.4 W = 142.4 kW ≈ 142.5 kW 1
−5 −2 −1 −4 85 (a) According to Wien’s law, λ max ∝
81 (b) σ = 5.67 × 10 erg cm s K T
Power of lamp = 100 W = 100 Js −1 i.e. λ maxT = constant
∴ Rate of emission of energy, where, λ max is the maximum wavelength of the
E = 100 × 107 erg s −1 (Q1J = 107 erg) radiation emitted at temperature T.
T λ (max 2)
Area, A = 1 cm2 , temperature, T = ? ∴ λ (max 1)T1 = λ (max 2)T2 or 1 = …(i)
T2 λ (max 1)
According to Stefan-Boltzmann law, we get
E = σT 4 × A Given, λ (max 1) = λ 0 and λ (max 2) = λ 0
E 100 × 107 100 × 1012
∴ T4 = = = Substituting the above values in Eq. (i), we get
σA 5.67 × 10−5 × 1 5.67 3
1/ 4 T1 3 T 3
 100  = 4 = or 1 = …(ii)
⇒ T=  × 10 = 2.049 × 10
3 3
T2 λ0 4 T2 4
 5.67
= 2049 K As we know that, from Stefan’s law, the power radiated
by a body at temperature T is given as
82 (d) Radiated power of a black body, P = σAT 4

P = σAeT 4
where, A = surface area of the body,
T = temperature of the body i.e. P ∝T4
and σ = Stefan’s constant. (Q the quantity σ Ae is constant for a body)
When radius of the sphere is halved, new area, 4
P1 T14  T1 
A ⇒ = = 
A′ = P2 T24  T2 
From Eq. (ii), we get
 A 16
∴ Power radiated, P ′ = σ   ( 2T )4 = ⋅ (σAT 4 ) P1  3
 4 4 =  =
P2  4  256
= 4P = 4 × 450
= 1800 W Given, P1 = P and P2 = nP
P1 P 81 256
83 (a) Electric power consumed in first case, ⇒ = = or n =
P1 = σT14 = σ ( 3000 )4 …(i) P2 nP 256 81
Electric power consumed in second case, 86 (a) Given, temperature of sun, Ts = 6000 K
P2 = σT24 = σ ( 4000 )4 …(ii) Radius of sun, Rs = 7.2 × 105 km = 7.2 × 108 m
On dividing Eq. (ii) by Eq. (i), we get
Radius of earth, Re = 6000 km = 6000 × 103 m
P2 ( 4000 )4 256
= = Distance between earth and sun, d = 15 × 107 km
P1 ( 3000 )4 81
As we know, percentage rise in power = 15 × 1010 m
P − P1  256 − 81 Intensity of light on the earth,
= 2 × 100 =   × 100
Hints & Explanations

P1  81  I=
Total energy emitted by sun 2
× ( π Re )
 175 4 πd 2
=  × 100 = 216% 2 2
σ (Ts4 ⋅ 4 π Rs2 × π Re ) σ Ts4 Rs × π Re
 81  = =
4 πd 2
d 2
84 (c) It is given that the first and third plate is maintained −
at temperature 2T and 3T, respectively. 5.67 × 10 × ( 6000 ) × ( 7.2 × 108 )2 × 314
8 4
. 
 × ( 6000 × 103 )2 
If T ′ be the temperature of second plate, then under = 
steady state, (15 × 1010 )2
Rate of energy received = Rate of energy emitted = 19.2 × 1016
σA ( 3T )4 − σA (T ′ )4 = σA (T ′ )4 − σA ( 2T )4 This is the required intensity of light on earth.
87 (d) Greenhouse gases are CO2 , CH4 , N2 O, CFx Cl x and 94 (a) Given, in first case, T1 = 81° C, T2 = 79° C,
O 3 . Thus, H 2O is not a greenhouse gas. T0 = 30° C and t = 1min.
88 (c) Hot water or milk, when left on a table begins to As fall in temperature in accordance with Newton’s law
cool gradually because temperature of surroundings is of cooling expression is
lesser and it loses the heat to the surroundings. dQ
− = K (T − T0 ), we can write
89 (b) According to Newton’s law of cooling, the rate of dt
loss of heat is directly proportional to the difference in  T1 − T2   T1 + T2 
⇒   = −K  − T0 
temperature of the body and its surroundings.  t   2 
92 (a) Let the temperature of the surroundings be t ° C. 81 − 79  81 + 79 
⇒ = −K  − 30
According to Newton’s law of cooling, 1 min  2 
− = K (T2 − T1 ) ⇒
= − K × 50 …(i)
dt 1 min
( 70 − 60 ) and in second case, T1′ = 61° C, T2′ = 59° C. If time of
For first case = K ( 65° C − t ° C )
5 min cooling be t ′, then
(65° C is average of 70° C and 60° C) 61 − 59  61 + 59 
=−K  − 30
10 t′  2 
= K ( 65° C − t ° C ) …(i)
5 min 2
or = − K × 30 …(ii)
( 60 − 54 ) t′
For second case = K ( 57° C − t ° C ) On dividing Eq. (i) by Eq. (ii), we get
5 min
50 5
(57° C is average of 60° C and 54° C) t′ = min = min = 1 min 40 s
30 3
= K ( 57° C − t ° C ) …(ii) 95 (d) From Newton’s law of cooling, the time taken t by a
5 min
body to cool from T1 to T2 when placed in a medium of
On dividing Eq. (i) by Eq. (ii), we get
temperature T0 can be calculated from relation
10 ( 65 − t )
6 ( 57 − t ) T1 − T2  T + T2 
− = K 1 − T0 
t  2 
So, t = 45° C
93 (d) In first case T1 = 60° C, T2 = 40° C When the object cool from 80°C to 70°C in 12 min,
then from Newton’s law of cooling,
T0 = 10° C, t = 7 min = 420 s
80 − 70  80 + 70 
According to Newton’s law of cooling, we get − = K − 25 [QT0 = 25° C]
12  2 
T − T2  T + T2 
ms 1 =k 1 − T0  5
t  2  − = K 50 …(i)
( 60 − 40 )  60 + 40  Similarly, when object cool from 70°C to 60°C, we get
ms =k − 10
420  2  70 − 60  70 + 60 
− = K − 25
20 t  2 
ms × = k × 40 …(i)
420 10
− = K 40 …(ii)
In second case T1 = 40° C, T2 = ?, T0 = 10° C t
and t = 7 min = 420 s Dividing Eq. (i) by Eq. (ii), we get
40 − T2  40 + T2 5 t 50
Hints & Explanations

 × =
ms × =k − T0  …(ii)
420  2  6 10 40
On dividing Eq. (ii) by Eq. (i), we get ⇒ t = × 12 = 15 min
20 40
= 96 (a) According to Newton’s law of cooling, rate of fall in
40 − T2 40 + T2 − 10
temperature is proportional to the difference in
2 temperature of the body with surroundings, i.e.
20 + − 10 = 80 − 2T2 dθ
2 − = k (θ − θ 0 )
On solving, we get T2 = 28° C

⇒ ∫ θ − θ0 = ∫ − k dt 102 (c) As there is no atmosphere on the moon,
so water kept in an open vessel quickly evaporates or
⇒ ln (θ − θ 0 ) = − kt + C boils, due to reduced pressure, which causes reduction
which is a straight line with negative slope. in boiling point.
Thus, the graph given in option (a) is correct. Therefore, Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect.

97 (d) Temperature is the measure of degree of hotness of a 103 (d) In freely heated rod, there is no thermal stress and
body. no thermal strain, there is thermal expansion only.
It is not true that a hotter body has more heat content than When a rod (whose ends are fixed) is heated, thermal
a colder body. expansion of rod is prevented but this in turn,
develops a compressive strain due to external forces
Therefore, Assertion is incorrect but Reason is correct.
provided by the rigid support at the ends.
98 (d) When heat transfer takes place between a system and The thermal stress, so set up is given by
surroundings, the total heat energy, i.e. the heat energy of
∆F  ∆l 
the system and surrounding remains same or is conserved. Stress = =Y 
A  l
Using an example, we can find it as
Initially, where, Y is the Young’s modulus of the rod.
⇒ Heat transfer ∆ l lα l ∆ T
Also, thermal strain = = = α l ∆T
l l
TA TB which means that strain is a change in length per unit
original length.
Therefore, Assertion is incorrect but Reason is correct.
2J 1J
Total heat content of A and B = 3J 104 (a) In desert, sand is dry and so, it gains heat quickly
and also loses it quickly.
Due to this desert, regions are hotter in day and colder
TA TB at night.
Therefore, Assertion and Reason are correct and
Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
(2– x)J (1+ x)J
105 (a) A gas can be liquified by applying pressure only
Total heat content = ( 2 − x ) + (1 + x ) = 3 J when it is cooled below the critical temperature.
⇒ Total heat ( A + B ) initial = Total heat ( A + B ) final Critical temperature of NH3 is more than CO2 , i.e.
This is in accordance with the principle of conservation of TNH 3 = 405 K
But heat content of system A has decreased, i.e. total heat and TCO 2 = 304.1 K.
content of system or surroundings separately does not Hence, NH3 is liquified more easily than CO 2 .
remain same. Therefore, Assertion and Reason are correct and
Therefore, Assertion is incorrect but Reason is correct. Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
99 (b) Houses made of concrete roofs get very hot during 106 (a) In modern thermometry, the triple point of water is
summer days, because thermal conductivity of concrete taken as a standard fixed point because its value does
(though much smaller than that of a metal) is still not not change under any condition.
small enough.
Melting point of ice and the boiling point of water
Therefore, Assertion and Reason are correct but Reason changes due to change in atmospheric pressure. Due to
is not the correct explanation of Assertion. this factor, callibration of a thermometer is affected.
Hints & Explanations

100 (d) Thermal conductivity of the wall depends only on Therefore, Assertion and Reason are correct and
nature of material of the wall and not on temperature Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
difference across its two sides.
107 (c) According to Stefan’s law of radiation, U ∝ T 4
Therefore, Assertion is incorrect but Reason is correct. 4
U1  T1 
101 (d) If equal amount of heat is added to equal masses of ⇒ = 
different substances, then the resulting temperature U 2  T2 
changes will not be the same. 4
U1  T   T
It implies that every substance has a unique value for the ⇒ =  Q T2 = 
U 2  T / 3  3
amount of heat absorbed or rejected to change the
temperature of unit mass of it by one unit. U1  3 U  81
or =   or 1 =  
Therefore, Assertion is incorrect but Reason is correct. U 2  1 U2  1 
U1 U As heat increases, then specific heat of substance
or U2 = ⇒ U2 = (QU1 = U )
81 81 increases.
Thus, when temperature falls to one-third, the radiated So, all statements are correct.
energy will be U/81. 114 (d) Statements I and II are correct but III is incorrect
Therefore, Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect. and it can be corrected as,
108 (c) According to Stefan’s law, i.e. E ∝ T 4 , where E is
Heat conduction takes place from hot body to cold
rate of emission of energy in the form of heat.
115 (b) Statements I and III are correct but II is incorrect
E = σAT 4 and it can be corrected as,
where, σ = Stefan’s constant. Convection is possible only in fluids.
⇒ σ= = Wm−2 K −4 116 (d) A Dewar flask or thermos bottle is a device to
AT 4 minimise heat transfer between the content of the bottle
Therefore, Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect. and outside. It consist of a double walled glass vessel
with the inner and outer walls coated with silver.
109 (c) At a high temperature of 6000 K, the sun acts like a
Radiation from the inner wall is reflected back into the
black body emitting complete radiation.
contents of the bottle. The outer wall similarly reflects
It follows from Stefan’s law that E ∝ T 4 , i.e. the back any incoming radiation. The space between the
radiation from the sun’s surface varies as the fourth walls is evacuated to reduce conduction and convection
power of its absolute temperature. losses and the flask is supported on an insulator like cork.
Therefore, Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect. The device is, therefore useful for preventing hot
110 (c) According to Wien’s law, the peak emission contents (like milk) from getting cold or alternatively to
wavelength of a body is inversely proportional to its store cold contents (like ice).
absolute temperature. So, all statements are correct.
λ mT = constant 117 (d) Statements I and II are correct but III is incorrect
constant and it can be corrected as
⇒ λm =
T Convection of heat takes place in fluids, i.e. liquids as
Higher T implies lower λ m . well as gases.
Therefore, Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect. 118 (b) Greenhouse effect is the phenomenon which keeps
111 (c) Stefan’s law is applied here not the Newton’s law of the earth’s surface warm at night.
cooling. The radiation from the sun heats up the earth. Due to its
According to Stefan’s law, lower temperature, a large portion of thermal radiation
4 4 is absorbed by greenhouse gases like CO2 , CH4 , N2 O,
E2  T2   900 E2
=  =  = 81 ⇒ = 81 CFCs, O 3 , etc
E1  T1   300 R
and re-radiates it mostly in the infrared region.
Therefore, E2 = 81 R
So, statements II and III are correct but I is incorrect.
Therefore, Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect.
119 (b) In the question, it is given that all four gulab jamuns
112 (a) If T A > TB , i.e. body A is hotter than body B, and pizzas are put together to be heated to oven
then heat flows from A to B, i.e. from body at a higher temperature. So, between these four, the one with least
temperature to body at a lower temperature till the surface area will be heated first because of less heat
temperature of both the bodies becomes same. radiation. Smaller gulab jamuns are having least surface
So, statements I and II are correct but III is incorrect. area, hence they will be heated first.
Similarly, smaller pizzas are heated before bigger ones
113 (d) The change of state from liquid to vapour (for gas)
because they have small surface areas.
Hints & Explanations

is called vaporisation.
Thus, the statement given in option (b) is correct, rest
It is observed that when liquid is heated, the are incorrect.
temperature remains constant until the entire amount of
the liquid is converted into vapour. 120 (d) The coefficient of linear expansion, α depends only
i.e. both the liquid and vapour states of the substance on the nature of material because it is the characteristic
co-exist in thermal equilibrium, during the change of property of the metal rod.
state from liquid to vapour. Thus, the statement given in option (d) is correct, rest
1 ∆Q are incorrect.
Specific heat, s = ⇒ s ∝ ∆Q
m ∆T
121 (b) Let L0 be the initial length of each strip before 124 (a) During the process AB, temperature of the system is
heating. 0° C. Hence, it represents phase change that is
Brass strip
transformation of ice into water while temperature
remains 0° C.
BC represents rise in temperature of water from 0° C to
100° C, i.e. water starts boiling at C.
Copper strip Now, water starts converting into steam which is
d represented by CD. Hence, C to D represents water and
steam in thermal equilibrium at boiling point.
R Thus, the statement given in option (a) is correct, rest
are incorrect.
125 (b) Since in the region AB, temperature is constant,
Length after heating will be
therefore at this temperature, phase of the material
Lb = L0 (1 + α b ∆T ) = ( R + d )θ … (i) changes from solid to liquid and ( H 2 − H1 ) heat will be
[Q length of an arc = radius × angle] absorbed by the material. This heat is known as the heat
Lc = L0 (1 + α c ∆T ) = Rθ … (ii) of melting of the solid.
Dividing Eq. (i) by Eq. (ii), we get Similarly in the region CD, temperature is constant
therefore at this temperature, phase of the material
R + d 1 + α b ∆T d
⇒ = ⇒ 1 + = 1 + (α b − α c ) ∆T changes from liquid to gas and ( H 4 − H 3 ) heat will be
R 1 + α c ∆T R absorbed by the material. This heat as known as the heat
d of vaporisation of the liquid.
⇒ R=
(α b − α c ) ∆T Thus, the statement given in option (b) is correct, rest
are incorrect.
1 1
⇒ R∝ and R ∝ 126 (c) Initial condition,
∆T (α b − α c )
Given, m = 10 g
i.e. R is inversely proportional to ∆T and (α b − α c ).
M 10
Thus, the statement given in option (b) is correct, rest ⇒ Number of moles, n = =
M 0 32
are incorrect.
1 ⇒ p1 = 3 atm
122 (a) Moment of inertia of circular disc, I = MR 2 T1 = 10° C = 10 + 273 = 283 K
∆I 2∆R A. Let volume of the gas before expansion = V1
∴ = = 2 × α ∆t From ideal gas equation,
1 p1V1 = nRT1
∴ ∆I = ( 2α ∆t ) MR 2 = MR 2α ∆t nRT1 10 × 0.0821 × 283
2 ⇒ V1 = = = 2.42 L
As angular momentum remains constant, p1 32 × 3
∴ Iω = constant B. At constant pressure, applying Charles’ law,
∴ I ∆ ω + ω∆ I = 0 V1 V2
= …(i)
∆I T1 T2
⇒ ∆ω = − ω × = − ω ( 2 α ∆t )
I Given, V2 = 10 L, T2 = ?
Thus, the statement given in option (a) is correct, rest Using Eq. (i), we get
are incorrect. V   10 
T2 =  2  × T1 =   × 283 K
123 (a) Variation of density with temperature is given by  V1   2.42
ρ = 1169.4 K
ρ′ =
1 + αV ∆ θ Mass
C. Density before expansion, d1 =
where, ρ = density at given temperature V1
and ρ′ = density at unknown temperature. 10
So, its density decreases with temperature. = = 4.13 gL−1
Fractional decrease is Mass 10
D. Density after expansion, d 2 = = = 1gL −1
ρ′ − ρ  1 
= − 1 = 1.5 × 10−2 V2 10
ρ  1 + 49 × 10−5 × 30  Hence, A → 3, B → 4, C → 1 and D → 2.
Thus, the statement given in option (a) is correct, rest
are incorrect.
128 (a) pA
or TA = × Ttr
A. When A and B having same specific heat and p tr
masses m & 2m are mixed together, we get 1.797 × 105
( m ) ( s ) (θ − 20° ) = ( 2m ) ( s ) ( 40° − θ ) = × 273.15
1.25 × 105
⇒ θ − 20° = 80°−2θ
100° = 392.69 K
⇒ θ= = 33.3° C
3 131 (b) Given, length of steel tape at 27.0°C ( L0 ) = 1 m
B. When liquids A and C are mixed together , we get = 100 cm
( m ) ( s ) (θ − 20° ) = ( 3m ) ( s ) ( 60° − θ ) Increase in temperature, ∆T = 45° C − 27° C = 18° C
⇒ θ − 20° = 180°−3θ Coefficient of linear expansion of steel,
⇒ θ = 50° C α = 1.20 × 10−5 K −1
C. When liquids B and C are mixed together, we get Length of steel tape at 45.0°C, L = L0 (1 + α∆T )
( 2 m ) ( s ) (θ − 40° ) = ( 3 m ) ( s ) ( 60° − θ )
= 100[1 + 1.20 × 10−5 × 18]
⇒ 2θ − 80 = 180 − 3θ
⇒ θ = 52° C = 100[1000216
. ] = 100.0216 cm
D. When A , B and C are mixed, we get Length of 1 m mark of steel tape at 45°C
( m ) ( s ) (θ − 20° ) + ( 2m ) ( s ) (θ − 40° ) 100.0216
= cm
= ( 3m ) ( s ) ( 60° − θ ) 100
or θ = 46.67° C ∴ Length of 63 cm rod measured by this tape at 45°C
Hence, A → 1, B → 3, C → 2 and D → 4. 100.0216
= × 63 = 63.0136 cm
129 (c)
L So, actual length of the steel rod on that day is more
A. Thermal resistance = than 63 cm but less that 64 cm.
[ L] 132 (c) Given, coefficient of linear expansion of steel,
Dimensions =
 ML2 T−2 L  α = 1.20 × 10−5 K −1
 × 2  L2
Outer diameter, l1 = 8.70 cm
 T L K
Inner diameter, l2 = 8.69 cm
[ L]
= = [M −1 L−2 T3 K] T1 = 27 + 273 = 300 K, T2 = ?
[MLT−3 K −1 ] L2
Change in length due to cooling,
B. Stefan-Boltzmann law, l2 = l1 [1 + α (T2 − T1 )]
Heat radiated per unit time by body
. × 10−5 (T2 − 300 )]
8.69 = 8.70 [1 + 120
= = eσAT 4
∆t or . × 10−5 (T2 − 300 )
8.69 = 8.70 + 8.70 × 120
∆Q / ∆t . × 10−5 (T2 − 300 )
8.69 − 8.70 = 8.70 × 120
⇒ σ=
eAT 4 −0.01
e = emissivity (dimensionless constant) or T2 − 300 =
. × 10−5
8.70 × 120
Dimensions of σ (Stefan-Boltzmann constant)
T2 − 300 = − 95.78 K
[ML2 T−2 ]
= = [MT−3 K −4 ] or T2 = ( 300 − 95.78 ) K = 204.22 K
[TL2 K 4 ]
or T2 = ( 204.22 − 273 )°C
C. From Wien’s displacement law, λ mT = constant = − 68.78°C ≈ − 70°C
Here, ‘constant’ is called Wien’s constant, its value
133 (b) Given, length of wire, l1 = 18
Hints & Explanations

. m
is 2.9 × 10−3 m-K and dimensions [LK].
∆ Q KA (Th − Tl ) Initial temperature, T1 = 27°C
D. Heat current, H = = Final temperature, T2 = − 39°C
∆t L
Dimensions of H is [ ML2 T−3 ]. Diameter of wire, d = 2 mm = 2 × 10−3 m
Hence, A → 2, B → 1, C → 4 and D → 3. Coefficient of linear expansion, α = 2 × 10−5 K −1
130 (b) For pressure thermometer A, let melting point of Young’s modulus, Y = 0. 91 × 1011 Pa
sulphur as read by it be TA .
T T Thermal stress   = Yα∆T
Then, A = tr , where Ttr = triple point of water  A
pA p tr
and p tr = pressure of thermometer A at Ttr . ∴ Tension developed in wire,
 πd 2  136 (b) Given, R0 = 101.6 Ω at temperature T0 = 273.16 K,
F = YA α ∆T = Y   α ∆T
 4  R1 = 165.5 Ω at a temperature T1 = 600.5 K and at a
−3 2 temperature T2 , resistance R2 = 123.4 Ω
0. 91 × 10 × 314
. × ( 2 × 10 )
× 2 × 10−5 × ( −39 − 27 ) Using the relation R = R0 [1 + α (T − T0 )] , we have
= R1 = R0 [1 + α (T1 − T0 )] …(i)
= 0. 91 × 314
. × ( −66 ) × 2 and R2 = R0 [1 + α (T2 − T0 )] …(ii)
On solving and dividing Eqs. (i) by (ii), we get
= − 377 N = − 3.77 × 102 N
R2 − R0 (T2 − T0 )
−~ 3.7 × 102 N ∴ =
R1 − R0 (T1 − T0 )
134 (a) Given, each side of cubical ice box, a = 30 cm  R − R0 
∴ T2 = T0 +  2  × (T1 − T0 )
Area of 6 faces of box = 6 × ( 30 × 30 ) cm 2
 R1 − R0 
A = 5400 × 10−4 m 2  123.4 − 101.6
= 273.16 +   (600.5 − 273.16)
−2  165.5 − 101.6
Thickness of the box, d = 5 cm = 5 × 10 m
Mass of ice, m = 4 kg = 273.16 + × 327.34
Time, t = 6 h = 6 × 60 × 60 s 63.9
Outside temperature, θ1 = 45° C = 273 + 45 = 318 K = 273.16 + 111.67
Inside temperature, θ 2 = 0° C (for ice) = 384.83 K = 384.8 K
= 273 + 0 = 273 K 137 (b) Given, power = 10 kW= 104 W, mass m = 8.0 kg
Difference in temperature, ∆θ = θ1 − θ 2 = 8 × 103 g, time t = 2.5 min= 2.5 × 60 = 150 s
= ( 318 − 273 ) K = 45 K and specific heat, s = 0.91Jg −1 ° K −1
Latent heat of fusion of water, L = 335 × 103 Jkg −1 Total energy = Power × Time = 104 × 150 = 15 × 105 J
Coefficient of thermal conductivity, As, 50% of energy is lost.
K = 0.01 Js −1 m −1 K −1 Hence, thermal energy available,
Let the mass of the ice melted be m′ kg. ∆Q = × 15 × 105 = 7.5 × 105 J
Heat supplied by the surroundings 2
As, ∆Q = ms∆T
= Heat taken by ice in melting
KA∆θt ∆Q 7.5 × 105
Q= = m′ L ⇒ ∆T = = = 103 ° K
d ms 8 × 103 × 0.91
KA∆θt 138 (b) Given, mass of copper block, m = 2.5 kg = 2500 g,
or m′ =
Ld fall in temperature, ∆T = 500 − 0 = 500° C, specific
0.01 × 5400 × 10−4 × 45 × 6 × 60 × 60 heat of copper, s = 0.39 Jg −1 ° C−1 and latent heat of
= fusion of water, L = 335 Jg −1 .
335 × 103 × 5 × 10−2
= 0.313 kg Let m gram of ice melts, then
∴ Mass remained in the box unmelted = m − m′ heat gained by ice
= heat lost by the copper
= 4 − 0.313
m′ L = ms∆T
= 3.687 kg −~ 3.7 kg
ms∆T 2500 × 0.39 × 500
350 TB m′ = = = 1455.22
135 (b) From the figure, tan θ = = L 335
200 TA
Hints & Explanations

TB = 145
. kg −
~ 1.5 kg
350 139 (c) Given, mass of metal block, m1 = 0.20 kg
Temperature of block, T1 = 150° C
Water equivalent of calorimeter, W = 0.025 kg
O 200
TA Volume of water,V = 150 cm3 = 150 × 10−6 m3
200 Hence, mass of water, m2 = V × ρ
⇒ TA = TB = 150 × 10−6 × 103 kg
4 = 015
. kg
⇒ TA = TB
Initial temperature of water and calorimeter, T2 = 27° C 60 + 30
T= = 45° C
and final temperature of mixture T = 40° C. 2
From principle of calorimetry, 60 − 30
ms × = K ( 45 − 20 ) …(ii)
Heat lost by metal block = Heat gained by water and t
calorimeter On dividing Eq. (i) by Eq. (ii), we get
∴ m1 s ( T1 − T ) = ( m2 + W ) ⋅ sw (T − T2 ) 30 t 45
× =
We know that, specific heat of water, 300 30 25
sw = 4186 J kg −1 ° C−1 45
⇒ t = × 300
∴ 0.20 × s × (150 − 40) = (0.15 + 0.025) 25
× 4186 × (40 − 27) = 540 s = 9 min
0.175 × 4186 × 13 7 13 p
⇒ s= = × × 418.6 142 (b)
0.20 × 110 8 11 73.0
Solid Liquid

= 433 J kg K = 0.43 Jg −1 K −1
−1 −1
140 (c) Given, base area of boiler, A = 0.15 m2 5.11
−2 1.00
Thickness, d = 1.0 cm = 1 × 10 m I IV
T (°C)
Rate of water boils A –78.5 –56.6 20 31.1 70°C
= 6.0 kg min −1 = kgs −1 = 0.1 kgs −1 From graph it is clear that when CO 2 at 1 atm and
60 − 60°C is compressed isothermally, then it is converted
Thermal conductivity of brass, K = 109 J/s -m-K into solid state directly without changing liquid state.
Latent heat of vaporisation of water, When CO2 at 4 atm pressure and room temperature
L = 2256 × 103 Jkg −1 (say, 27°C) is in vapour phase. This point (4 atm, 27°C)
lies below the vaporisation curve OC and to the right of
Let θ1 be the temperature of the part of the boiler in the triple point O. Therefore, when CO2 is cooled at this
contact with the stove.
point at constant pressure, the point moves perpendicular
Rate of heat energy supplied to the pressure axis and enters the solid phase region.
= Rate of heat energy utilised in vaporisation
Hence, the CO2 vapour condenses directly to solid
KA∆θ KA (θ1 − θ 2 )
= mL ⇒ = mL phase without going through the liquid phase.
d d
When CO 2 is at 10 atm and − 65°C, it is in solid state.
109 × 0.15 (θ 1 − 100 )
⇒ = 0.1 × 2256 × 103 When CO 2 is heated from − 65°C, then it reaches into
1 × 10−2 liquid phase and then after vapour phase as shown in the
⇒ 1635 (θ1 − 100 ) = 2256 × 102 figure.
225600 When CO 2 is compressed at 70°C isothermally, then it
∴ θ1 = + 100 = 137.98 + 100 cannot liquify because for liquification of CO 2 first it is
= 237.98° C ≈ 238° C cooled below critical temperature.
So, statements II and III are correct, but I and IV are
141 (b) According to Newton’s law of cooling, when the
temperature difference is not large, the rate of loss of
heat is proportional to the temperature difference 143 (d) As the coefficient of linear expansion of aluminium
between the body and the surroundings. is greater than that of steel, i.e. α Al > α steel , so
T − T2 aluminium will expand more. Due to this, it should have
ms 1 = K (T − T0 ) larger radius of curvature.
T + T2 Hence, aluminium will bend on convex side and steel
Hints & Explanations

where, T = 1 = average of the initial and final will bend on concave side.
temperature of the body and T0 is the temperature of the Aluminium
Given, T1 = 80° C, T2 = 50° C, T0 = 20° C
t = 5 min = 300 s
T + T2 80 + 50
T= 1 = = 65° C Steel
2 2 q
 80 − 50
ms   = K ( 65 − 20 ) …(i) O
 300  So on heating, the strip will bend steel on concave side.
If the body takes t second to cool from 60°C to 30°C, then
144 (b) As the rod is heated, it expands. As, no external We know that, time period of pendulum,
torque is acting on the system, so angular momentum L
should be conserved. T = 2π
⇒ T∝ L
As the temperature is increased, the length of the
Rod pendulum increases.
L = Angular momentum The centre of mass of the system still remains at the
centre of the bob.
= Iω = constant ⇒ I1 ω1 = I 2ω 2
148 (a) We know that as temperature increases on heating
Due to expansion of the rod, I 2 > I1 ,
any substance, vibration of molecules about their mean
ω 2 I1
⇒ = < 1 ⇒ ω 2 < ω1 position increases, hence kinetic energy is associated
ω1 I 2 with random motion of molecules increases, which
So, angular velocity (speed of rotation) decreases. means that heat is associated with the kinetic energy of
random motion of molecules.
145 (b) It is clear from the graph that lowest point for scale
A is 30° and lowest point for scale B is 0°. Highest point 149 (d) Let the radius of the sphere is R. As the temperature
for the scale A is 180° and for scale B is 100°. Hence, increases radius of the sphere increases as shown in
correct relation is figure.
t A − (LFP) A t B − (LFP) B
(UFP) A − (LFP) A (UFP) B − (LFP) B
where, LFP = Lower Fixed Point
and UFP = Upper Fixed Point.
(+A) B (+B)
180 dV

∆tA = 150° 4
Temperature (°A)

Original volume, V = πR 3
90° – θ 3
Coefficient of linear expansion = α
O ∴ Coefficient of volume expansion = 3α
∆tB = 100° 1 dV
∴ = 3α
O 100 V dT
Temperature (°B)

t A − 30 t −0 t − 30 t B ⇒ dV = 3Vαdt −~ 4 πR 3α∆T
⇒ = B ⇒ A = = Increase in the volume
180 − 30 100 − 0 150 100
150 (a) Given, mass of water, m = 100 g
146 (a) Let volume of the sphere be V and ρ be its density,
then we can write buoyant force, F = V ρ g Change in temperature,
(g = acceleration due to gravity) ∆T = 0 − ( −10 ) = 10° C
⇒ F ∝ρ Specific heat of water,
sw = 1cal/g° C
(Q V and g are almost constants)
F4 °C ρ4 °C Latent heat of fusion of water,
⇒ = >1 (Q ρ4 °C > ρ0 °C ) Lw = 80 cal/g
F0 °C ρ0 °C
Hints & Explanations

Heat required to bring water from −10° C to 0° C.

⇒ F4 °C > F0 °C
Q = msw ∆ T = 100 × 1 × 10
Hence, buoyancy will be less in water at 0°C than that
in water at 4°C. = 1000 cal
As it is water to ice conversion, heat will be released.
147 (a) A pendulum of length L is shown as
∴ Q = ml
Q 1000
or m= = = 12.5 g
l 80
As small mass of ice is formed, therefore the
temperature of the mixture will remain 0° C because
water cannot remain at −10° C with 0° C ice.
151 (a) Let the mass and length of a uniform rod be M and l, Ml ⋅ ∆l  Ml 2  ∆l
∆I = I ′ − I = = 2×  
respectively. Moment of inertia of the rod about its 6  12  l
Ml 2
perpendicular bisector, I = . ∆I = 2I α ∆T [using Eq. (i)]
Increase in length of the rod when temperature is 152 (c) Given, decrease in temperature,
increased by ∆T is given by ∆T = 57° C − 37° C = 20° C
∆l = lα∆T …(i) . × 10−5 / ° C
Coefficient of linear expansion, α l = 17
∴ New moment of inertia of the rod, Bulk modulus for copper, B = 140 × 109 Nm−2
I′ = ( l + ∆l )2 ∴ Coefficient of cubical expansion,
αV = 3α = 5.1 × 10 −5 / ° C
M 2
= ( l + ∆l 2 + 2l∆l ) Let initial volume of the cavity be V and its volume
12 increases by ∆V due to increase in temperature.
As change in length ∆l is very small, therefore ∴ ∆V = αV V∆T
neglecting ( ∆l )2 , we get ∆V
⇒ = αV ∆ T …(i)
M 2 V
I′ = ( l + 2l∆l )
12 Thermal stress produced = B × volumetric strain
Ml 2 Ml∆l ∆V
I′ = + =B× = B × αV ∆ T
12 6 V
Ml∆l . × 10−5 × 20 )
= 140 × 109 × ( 51
6 = 1.428 × 108 Nm −2
∴ Increase in moment of inertia,

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