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Learning Outcomes Topic/ Lesson Methodologies/ Resources Assessment
1-3  Construct a timeline on 1. Ancient numeration,  Lecture/ Forum  Journal  Quizzes
Weeks the ancient numeration Egyptian mathematics,  Small grroup  Visual aid  Recitation
system. Babylonian mathematics. discussion  Assignme
 Recognize the work of 2. The earliest Greek  Group sharing nt
Plato and Aristotle, their mathematics, the time of
lives, and contribution. Plato, Aristotle, the
 Appreciate the solution monochord and mathemate
to the three famous of Thales and Pythagoras.
problem. 3. Math as a problem driven
activity –three famous prob’s
special curves in Greek
4-7  Recognise the important 1. Euclid’s element,  Lecture/Forum  Journal  Quiz
Weeks contributions of Euclid, 2. Measuring the Earth and  Small group  Internet  Recitation
his life and the elements. cosmos in ancient Greece discussion  Visual aid  Unit test
 Determine how the 3. The mathematics of Greek  Group sharing
mathematicians measure mapmaking
the Earth and cosmos in 4. Greek astronomy and
ancient times. Ptolemy’s Almagest
 Make a geographical
map using the three map
 Appreciate the
knowledge of Ptolemy
in the field of
9-10  Recognize the 1. The genius of Archimedes’  Lecture/Forum  Journal  Quiz
Weeks importatnt contribution Method of the Mechanical  Small group  Internet  Recitation
of Archimedes. Theorems discussion  Visual aid  Asiignmen
 Understant the origin of 2. Projections in Greek  Group sharing t
conic sections and the mathematics, Conic sections
evolution of sundials. and sundials; Astronomy
before Ptolemy
11-12  Learn to appreciate the 1. Diophantus and his Lecture/Forum Journal Quiz
Weeks work of Diophantus and Arithmetic, Pappus and Greek Small group discussion Internet Recitation
Pappus and their analysis. Group sharing Visual aid Assignment
contribution. 2. Al-Kwarizmi’s Algebra and
 Recognize the birth of Hindu reckoning.
Algebra in the East.

12-13  Appreciate the effects of 1. Introduction to medieval  Lecture/Forum  Journal  Quiz
Weeks medieval chinese Chinese mathematics, the  Small group  Internet  Recitation
mathematics in the mathematics of surveying discussion  Visual aid  Unit test
present time. and astronomy, intermediate  Group sharing
 Recognized the analysis, solving polynomial
important contribution equations.
of the Islam and Indian 2. Mathematics in medieval
mathematics, and the Islam, introduction to the
Hindu-Arabic place mathematics of Medieval
value system. India, Indian trigonometry
the Hindu-Arabic place value
14-15 Learn some of the 1. Logarithms and the invention  Lecture/Forum  Journal  Quiz
Weeks details on the invention of slide rule.  Small group  Internet  Recitation
of slide rule, 2. Perspective, geography and discussion  Visual aid  Unit test
 Appreciate the works of navigation, astronomy and  Group sharing
Jhon Napier’s trigonometry.
logarithms 3. Mathematics at the time of
 Recognize the lifee and Descartes. Descartes and his
important contributions La Geometrie.
of Decartes.
16-17 
Recognize the life and 1. The life of Newton and  Lecture/Forum  Journal  Quiz
important contribution Newton’s contribution in  Small group  Internet  Recitation
Weeks of Newton to mathematics. discussion  Visual aid  Assignme
mathematics. 2. The life of Leibniz and  Group sharing nt
 Recognize the life of Leibniz contributions and
Leibniz and Leibniz calculus controversies.
contribution, and
calculus controversy.
Course Requirements: Class Policies:

1. Quizzes  Punctuslity: A student shouldcome on time. He/she will

be marked late if he/she enters the class 5 minutes after
 There will be a short quiz at the beginning of each class the indicated time. And will be marked absent if he/ she
based on the agreed readings or after the discussion. enter 15 minutes after the indicated time.
2. Class Participation
 Behavior or conduct: A student who misbehaves inside
 Students are expected to participate during class the classroom will be reported to the prefect of the
discussions or submit assigned tasks as the case may discipline.
require it.
 Use of gadgets: Gadgets such as cellphones and tablets
3. Portfolio should be turned off while sesion is going on.

 Compilation of problem Set.  Wear prescribed uniform: Studetn should wear the
complete uniform.
4. Exams
 Cheating and plagiarism: Any student caught cheating
 4 major exams (Prelim, Midterm, Semi-Final, Finals)
shall be given immediate disciplinary action.
5. Attendance
 Missed performance, work or exam: Any student who
 4 absences (automatic failure according to CHED rules, missed any of these should consult the concerned
15 mins late (1 tardy), 3 tardies equals to one absence nstructor immediately for immediate compliance.
and 45 minutes late is considered absent.)


Major Examination 40 points

Performance Tasks 20 points
Written works 40 points
Total 100 points


David M Burton, The History of Mathematics: An Introduction 4th ed

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