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RISE UP:Innovative Solution in Sustaining Business and Business Education Amidst
the Pandemic Disruption
March 25,2022
Resource Speaker:Ms. Luzviminda L. Apuya

Today’s journal the speaker talks about the clear understanding of the
organizational context.The speaker discussed about the digital age,that we must
continue and trust the advantage of technologies.Overall the speaker focuses on duties
and responsibilities of Human Resource Manager that comprises the Recruitment and
selection,Performance Management,Compensation and benefits,Training and

II.New Learnings
In here I learned that HR needs to manage it right task to achieved the
organization vision and goal.As HRDM students we must have our own vision to
know the path we want.I’ve learned also that we must be knowledgeable
enough,responsible and aware.We need to understand the problem and think outside
the box.She also taught us that we must turn challenges into a opportunities.We’re all
faced with challenges throughout our lives.The way we face those challenges will
dictate our behavior and our outcomes.A positive mindset gives you the ability to look
different ways to handle situations.As future Human Resource Manager,I realized that
the duties and responsibilities of HR are not simple.It requires to put extra effort and
if possible,do it with your strength.
III.Theory VS Parctice Matrix
Establishing a vision in life can gives you direction to move.We need to
carefully read and examine on what we are applying.This webinar and the topics that
has been discussed is a big helped in our subject for us to know what we gonna do in
our near future.

This documents contains pictures in which we will see the topics that has been
discussed by the speaker.We will also see here the theme of our webinar.

“To the person who does not know where he wants to go there is no favorable wind.”

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