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Regional Implementation Team for RPRH

Unified Work and Financial Plan for year 2023

of LGU/ Office/ Agency: _____________

Timeline (Quarter) Budget

Program/ Activities/ Coverage of Bureau/ Division/
Indicators Remarks
Projects Source Allocation Project Office to report
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
KRA 1. Maternal & Neonatal Health
A. Policies Issued
National and Local Policies Issued on Maternal & N/A
Neonatal Health
B. Demand Generation
Gathering of WRAs for maternal & Neonatal care Conduct house to house 81,600.00 for
campaign visitation by the BNS and services
X X X X MHO and BLGU BNS and BHWs RHU/MHO Implemented
BHWs for dialogue rendered from
Regular schedule of
Prenatal Check up at
Pregnancy Tracking and Birth plan X X X X MHO and BLGU Volunteerism Women in the RHU/MHO Conducted
Health Center once a
Private/ CSO/ People's Org engagement on NONE
maternal & Neonatel Health
C. Capacity Building
Bemonc Training N/A
ICD 10 Training N/A
D. Commodities Procured/ Delivered
No stock out of Maternal & Newborn Emergency Refers to TIDH or RHU
Sullplies (MgSO4, IVF, Oxytocin, Dexamethazone,

E. Service Delivery
Hospitals Providing C-section Refers to TIDH
Birthing Facility w/ MCP Accreditation Refers to TIDH
Province w/ Functional (w/ MOA) referral Refers to TIDH
mechanism including provision of transport for
mothers & newborn
Private birthing homes licensed and accredited None
F. Governance Mechanism
Conduct of maternal death reveiew N/A
MISP for Sexual and Reproductive Health N/A
integrated in the Local Disaster Risk Reduction and
Mangement Plan
G. Budget and Financing Secured
Deliveries reimbursed by philhealth Refers to TIDH
H. Others

KRA 2. Family Planning

A. Policies Issued
National and Local Policies on universal access to NONE
B. Demand Generation
Mechanism for Tracking or mapping of unmet need Proper information
for FP dessimination of BHWs
x x x x MNAO and BNS Volunteerism Couples LGU and RHU Dessiminated
and BNS to our
concerned constituents
Identification of WRAs with Unmet need for FP Conduct Survey by
designated BHW in their x x x x MNAO and BNS Volunteerism Couples LGU and RHU Conducted
C. Capacity Building
Training on FP CBT 1 conducted by the LGU
Traning on FPCBT 2 Conducted by the LGU
Hospital provision of BTL-MLLA N/A
D. Commodities Procured/ Delivered
Regular Submission of consumption report by N/A
public and private providers

E. Service Delivery
Provision of Post-Partum FP Services N/A
Provision of FP Services though out-reach missions N/A
F. Governance Mechanism
Province w/ funcitional SDN on FP Services (w/ N/A
referral mechanism & client served)
Data Quality Checking of FP data Conduct Regular MNAO assisted
Monitoring of BNS/BHW by the BNS and Volunteerism Couples LGU/RHU As scheduled
x x x x BHWs
G. Budget & Finacing Securd
Submited claims for FP Service provision Refers to RHU
Submitted claims reimbursed/paid by Philhealth Refers to TIDH
G. Others

KRA 3. Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health

A. Policies Issued
National and Local Policies on ASRH N/A
B. Demand Generation
IEC Activities on ASRH Conducted by LGUs Campaign and
Orientation to both X BLGU 7,000.00 Willing couples MNAO/DSWD/RHU For implementation
parents and child and teens Child
Adolescent Reached by IEC activities on ASRH Posting of IEC Materials
for Reproductive Health
Awarenes and
distribution of
Reproductive Health
items (contraceptives)
and fliers (POPCOM) for
early pregnancy
C. Capacity Building
Service Providers trainned on AJA Provide IEC Materials for
Service Providers trainned on Healthy Young Ones Information
Schools Guidance Counsellors trained on ASRH Dissemination and Selected
Conduct Family Couples with
Development Session in teens child
Schools w/ Peer educators trained on ASRH collaboration with DEPED
LGUs w/ non-school based peer educators trained
D. Commodities Procured/ Delivered

E. Service Delivery
Provision of ASRH Sercices (iron supplement, HPV N/A
immunization, counselling
Provision of adolescent friendly health facility N/A
based on Doh standards
F. Governance Mechanism
Provinces with functional SDN for ASRH N/A
information and Services

G. Others


A. Policies Issued
National and local policies issued on STI/ HIV & N/A
AIDS services
B. Demand Generation
Presence of HIV/AIDS education in the workplace N/A
Conduct of Vulnerability assessment N/A
C. Capacity Building
HIV Testing Service Facility w/ Staff trained on HIV Provide IEC Materials for Community/Con
Barangay Fund 3,000.00 MHO/RHU/TIDH For implementation
Testing and Counselling HIV Awareness X stituents
Presence of SDN for HIV N/A
Hospitals with trained and functioning HIV/AIDS N/A
Core Teams
D. Commodities Procured/ Delivered
Treatment hubs and satellite treatment hubs w/ N/A
stock out of ARV
Social hygein clinincs w. stock out of HIV Test kits N/A
Social hygein clinincs w. stock out of condoms N/A
Social hygein clinincs w. stock out of lubricants N/A
Social hygein clinincs w. stock out of STI drugs N/A
E. Service Delivery
Facilities provide HIV Testing per City N/A
Number of Satellite treatment hubs N/A
Number of Young Key Affected Population tested NONE
and know their status
F. Governance Mechanism
G. Budget/Financing Secured
HIV related investment increased NONE
PLHIV on ART in treatment hubs enrolled in NONE
H. Others

KRA 5. Gender based Violence

A. Policies Issued
National and local policies that address VAW/GBV E.O Order for VAWC and Women and Monitoring and giving
issued or amended Implementation of RA X X X X Volunteerism Volunteerism Children victims proper action for VAWC
9262 of violence Victims
LGUs w/ GAD Code
B. Demand Generation
Conducted IEC/ awareness campaign on VAW/ Provide IEC Materials for
Women and
GBV VAW and conduct regular VAWC
X Barangay Fund 3,000.00 Children victims For implementation
VAWC Meeting in the Officer/DSWD/PNP
of violence

C. Capacity Building
Service Providers trained on 4Rs (recognizing,
recording, reporting and referring) of VAWC

D. Commodities Procured/ Delivered

E. Service Delivery
LGUs w/ functional crisis intervention centers/ The VAW Victims
temporary shelters/ halfway houses/ centers for immediately refers to Done by the VAWC
x x x x Volunteerism Volunteerism VAW Victims DSWD
VAW/ GBV victim-survivors DSWD/PNP Officer

LGUs w/ established Women and Child Protection Formulation of BCPC Plan Formulated/Accomplishe
BCPC Volunteerism VAW Victims DSWD
Program (w/ dedicated coordinator, plan, budget and Program X d
& providers
Province w/ trained onw/
hospitals 4Rs)
functional Women and Refers to Concerned
Child Protection Unit (w/ coordinator, MDT trained Agencies
F. Governance plan, budget
LGUs w/ functional LCAT-VAWC Appointment of VAW 42,000.00
Desk Officer in the x x x x BLGU annual VAWC Officer BLGU/DSWD Implemented
Barangay honorarium
Schools w/ child protection committees Coordination with School
x x x x DEPED Pupils/Students DEPED Coordinated
Principals and Faculties
G. Others

Prepared by: Approved by:


Barangay Secretary Punong Barangay

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