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Secretario de Educación y Director de la Unidad de Integración Educativa de

Nuevo León
Ing. José Antonio González Treviño

Subsecretaria de Educación Básica

Profra. Ramona Idalia Reyes Cantú

Directora de Educación Secundaria

Profra. Myrna Bertha Triana Contreras

Jefa del Departamento Técnico de Educación Secundaria

Dra. Anastacia Rivas Olivo

Academia de Inglés II

Dra. Bertha Alicia Guerrero Sáenz

Mtra. Diana Sanjuanita Villarreal Guajardo
Lic. Marina Escamilla Martínez
Profra. Esther Nohemí Medellín Guerrero
Profr. Eleonardo Martínez Lizcano

D. R. © Secretaría de Educación de Nuevo León

Nueva Jersey 4038, Fraccionamiento Industrial Lincoln
Monterrey, Nuevo León, México
Agosto 2013

Dear Teacher,

This workbook is exciting material that will help the students practice English. It is
focus on the National English Program of Basic Education. Here you will find activities and
tasks to motivate your students focus on the social practices of the language and to
different teaching environments. This workbook is a collection of activities created by the
English Department and some of them were found in the internet, at the end of the
workbook you can find the reference.

In the workbook, you will find:

 An index.

 Five units for the grade.

 Interesting topics to help you develop the English class.

 Sociocultural activities that the students can relate to their own experience, and
cultural information.

 Rubrics for each unit.

 Exams for each unit.

We at the English Department sincerely believe that the workbook will help you in the
teaching process in a positive way.

Dear students,

This workbook is specially made for you, so you can use, learn, create and have fun
with it. It is another proactive tool to acquire English as a Second language.

But remember that to learn any language, you must read, write, listen, and speak it.
You also have to invest time, effort and attention, as well as take risks when using the

We sincerely hope you have a wonderful time and year!

The English Department


Unit I (Product A)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 9

Achievements…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 10

Catalogs word map…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 11

Vocabulary……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12

Comparatives and superlatives………………………………………………………………………………………. 14

Unit I (Product B)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 17

Achievements…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 18

Comics lesson…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 19

Create a comic strip………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 21

Elements of a narrative…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 22

Recognizing fantasy story……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 23

Writing the story events in order……………………………………………………………………………………. 24

Vocabulary……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 25

A writing activity (Fantasy).…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 26

Making inference……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 27

Comic story organizer……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 28

Questions like Enlace Exam...…………………………………………………………………………………………. 29

Rubric……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 32

Unit II (Product A)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 33

Achievements…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 34

Environmental emergency research………………………………………………………………………………. 35

Natural disasters…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 36

Natural disasters work sheet………………………………………………………………………………………….. 43

Ways to prevent pollution………………………………………………………………………………………………. 45

Let´s talk about climate change………………………………………………………………………………………. 46

Unit II (Product B)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 49

Achievements…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 50

Cinema (Movie genres)…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 51

Key (Films genre vocabulary)………………………………………………………………………………………….. 53

Smurfs talk……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 54

Writing a story………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 55

A writing plan………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 56

Questions like Enlace Exam...…………………………………………………………………………………………. 57

Rubric……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 59

Unit III (Product A)………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 60

Achievements…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 61

Body parts song………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 62

Rules for Hangman game………………………………………………………………………………………………… 63

Hangman example………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 64

Hangman word game……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 66

Super teens Hangman…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 67

Unit III (Product B)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 68

Achievements…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 69

Simple machines vocabulary…………………………………………………………………………………………… 70

Word search (Simple machines).………………………..………………………………………………………….. 72

Simple machines reading completion……………………………………………………………………………… 73

Speaking time………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 74

Design a compound machine………………………………………………………………………………………….. 75

Crossword (Simple machines)…………………………………………………………………………………………. 76

Simple machines function and benefits………………………………………………………………………….. 77

Research about simple machines……………………………………………………………………………………. 78

Reading comprehension worksheet (Simple machines).................................................... . 80

Project (How a machine works)………………………………………………………………………………………. 81

Vocabulary quiz……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 83

Questions like Enlace Exam...…………………………………………………………………………………………. 86

Rubric……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 89

Unit IV (Product A)………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 90

Achievements…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 91

Play snakes and ladders (Adverbs of time)….………………………………………………………………….. 92

Sentences connectors…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 94

The aspects of autobiography…………………………………………………………………………………………. 95

Write biographies……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 98

Reading comprehension (Justin Bieber biography)………………………………………………………… . 100

Write your biography………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 105

Unit IV (Product B)…………………………………………………………………………………………..……………… 106

Achievements…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 107

Comparing and contrast schools (Mexico and USA schools)…………………………………………… 108

Comparing Halloween and the Day of the Dead……………………………………………………………… 109

Significance of altar items……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 112

Write legends………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 113

Chart to describe cultural aspects (Mexico and USE)……….……………………………………………… 114

Compare and contrast Independence Day (Mexico and USA)………………………………………… 115

Reading comprehension (The Declaration of Independence)..……………………………………….. 116

A Venn diagram……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 117

Questions like Enlace Exam...………………………………………………………………………………………….. 120

Rubric……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 124

Unit V (Product A)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 125

Achievements…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 126

Before the round table……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 127

Topics for round table……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 128

Management tips……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 129

Read the story and write the topic………………………………………………………………………………….. 130

Bullying……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 131

Bullying an epidemic in the U. K………………………………………………………………………………………. 133

Bullying survey………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 133

Check list on cyber bullying……………………………………………………………………………………………… 135

Reading comprehension (Bullying)………………………………………………………………………………….. 136

What do you think about bullying? (Speaking activity)………………………………………………...... 137

Bullying solutions (Group discussion)…………………………….……………………………………………….. 138

Unit V (Product B)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 139

Achievements…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 140

Giving instructions sequence………………………………………………………………………………………….. 141

Everyday activities…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 142

Activities vocabulary match…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 143

Word search (Daily routines)……..…………………………………………………………………………………… 144

Adverbs of manner………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 145

Circle the adverbs of manner………………………………………………………………………………………….. 146

Providing instructions……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 147

Cameron the relay machine (Reading)………….................................................................... 148

Instructions for making the snack “Stripy Tigers”……………………………………………………………. 149

Group discussion scoring table………………………………………………………………………………………… 150

Questions like Enlace Exam...…………………………………………………………………………………………. 151

Rubric……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 154

Unit I

Second Grade

Social Practice of the Language

Understand and express information related to goods and services.

Familiar and community

Specific Competency
Offer and understand suggestions in order to buy or sell a product.

Product A
Good catalogue.


 Anticipates the general meaning and main ideas by

listening to familiar expressions.
 Identifies main ideas in oral exchanges.
 Searches for confirmation in an oral exchange.
 Produces expressions to argue or object.
 Adjusts tone, rhythm, and intonation in producing oral

I. Brainstorm. What catalogs have you seen or read? Have you ordered something
from a catalog?

II. What information do catalogs have to include? Complete the word map.


III. Read the following dialog and underline the size, cross out the color and circle
what they are looking for.
Clerk: Can I help you?
Customer: Yes, I´m looking for a blouse?
Clerk: What size would you like?
Customer: Medium, please.
Clerk: And what color would you prefer?
Customer: Do you have a dark blue.
Clerk: Yes we do. Let me get it for you.
I´m sorry we don´t have that size available at this store, would you like me to order

IV. Draw what the customer is looking for?

V. Write the following words in the correct category.

Categorize the following vocabulary

blue 9 red shoes green cap 12 short

skirt pink 2 jeans jacke can Wil would

t l

sweate mediu larg Cerulea blue smal 7

r m e n l


VI. Circle the words you find in this runitalltogether paragraph.


VII. Write the correct word on the line.

____________________________ _______________________

____________________________ _______________________

___________________________ _________________________

___________________________ ______________________

____________________________ ____________________

_____________________________ _____________________

__________________________ _____________________

___________________________ ________________________

VIII. Write 5 sentences using the vocabulary seen in exercise 6.





IX. Survey 10 of your classmates asking them: what their favorite color is, what their
favorite piece of clothing. Then make a graph and socialize your findings.

X. In teams of 4, compose a song to sell garments to use as an advertisement in a

radio program.

XI. Read about the comparatives and superlatives of adjectives. Ask your teacher if
you have more questions about them.

Comparatives are used to compare two things. You can use

sentences with “than”, or you can use a conjunction like “but”.

 Jiro is taller than Yukio.
 Yukio is tall, but Jiro is taller.

Superlatives are used to compare more than two things.

Superlative sentences usually use “the”, because there is only
one superlative.
 Masami is the tallest in the class.
 Yukio is tall, and Jiro is taller, but Masami is the tallest.

Taken from:

XII. Write the comparative of the following adjectives.

cheap ___________________ expensive ___________________________

modern __________________ big _________________________________

small ____________________ pretty _______________________________

blue _____________________ nice _________________________________

beautiful __________________ new _________________________________

old ______________________ tall__________________________________

short _____________________ ugly _________________________________

white ____________________ hot __________________________________

cold ______________________ dark __________________________________

XIII. Look at the pictures and write sentences comparing them.

Cambden Nora Alice Tracy

a) ______________________________________________________________________________

b) ______________________________________________________________________________

c) ______________________________________________________________________________

d) ______________________________________________________________________________

XIV. Now write 5 sentences about your friends or family using the comparatives.
a) ______________________________________________________________________________

b) ______________________________________________________________________________


d) _____________________________________________________________________________

e) _____________________________________________________________________________

XV. Draw a line between the picture and the correct word.

1. elephant

2. Cheetah

3. chimpanzee

4. tiger

5. blue whale

6. giraffe

XVI. Complete the paragraph with the right superlative.

Of the animal kingdom there are some species that are quite unique. The cheetah is the
______________ mammal in the world with speeds up to 120 km / hour. The elephant is
the ______________ land mammal in the world. The chimpanzee is one of the
___________ creatures. The giraffe is the _____________ animal, but the blue whale is
the ___________ mammal in the Earth.

Unit I

Second Grade

Social Practice of the Language

Read and understand different types of literary texts from English-
speaking. countries

Literary and Ludic.

Specific Competency
Read fantasy literature and describe characters.

Product: B
Comic Strip.


 Uses strategies to support the understanding of

 Anticipates the general meaning and main ideas from
details. Distinguishes explicit from implicit
 Formulates and answers questions to distinguish and
verify specific information.
 Describes characteristics and abilities.

Comics Lesson
Melissa Fennell

SKILLS: Reading, Listening, Speaking

TIME: Class Period

MATERIALS: Sentence Unscramble Worksheet, Comics with dialogue erased


 To increase student interest

 To encourage students to use English creatively
 To practice writing


Introduction / Warm up (10 minutes)

Ask SS “Which comic characters do you like the most?”
It can be any character. If you know the character, you can make a comment about it
(conversation). If you don’t, then you can ask the student to teach it to you.

Activity one: Sentence Unscramble (7 minutes)

Show SS a comic with the text in the speech bubbles erased. Put the comic strip below in
the wrong order. SS sort out the order of the sentences. Then, they fill in the speech

Activity two: Make your own comic (20-30 minutes)

SS choose from a selection of different comics (or JTE/ALT could offer only one comic)
and fill in the (empty) speech bubbles with their own conversation.

Activity three: Presentation (10 minutes)

In groups, SS exchange comics and read them

Sample exercises

First of all, it is important not to throw away the comic sections of newspapers (especially
for colored comics) so that one will have an abundance of comic strips to use in class for a
variety of activities, such as those described below.

Activity 1

The teacher cuts apart the individual panels of a comic strip and puts them in an envelope.
The students (either individually or in groups) then are asked to arrange the pieces into the
proper sequence to tell the story, either in written form or as a speaking exercise.

For more advanced learners, the task can be made more difficult by giving a different
panel to each student in a group and asking students to describe to the rest of the group
what is on their panels. The students should not show their pictures to each other until
they have figured out the correct order for the panels.

Activity 2

In a variation of the first exercise, the teacher removes the speech or thought bubbles of
the comic strips, hands out copies of both the comic strip and the text of the bubbles to the
students. The students' task is to figure out the proper order of the speech or thoughts.

Activity 3

The teacher hands out a comic strip from which the last panel is cut out. Students are
asked to continue the story and come up with an ending. Similar to the first activity, this
can be a writing or speaking exercise and can be organized as either an individual or a
group activity, depending on the needs of the students. (Naturally, the first exercise could
be continued with this exercise as well; however, this way is more challenging than having
to continue a story that already has a conclusion).

A follow-up for this exercise could be that the students act out their stories in class. After
acting out a story, they could continue it as a role-play activity.

Role-plays are useful for providing the teacher with feedback on how well the students
learnt the new language (grammar, vocabulary, etc.). Besides, this activity reduces
Teacher Talking Time and facilitates the speech of the students. It is generally true that
people are less inhibited to talk when they have a personality "to hide behind," so when
they play a role, they tend to forget about the surrounding circumstances (i.e., the
classroom or the presence of the teacher).

Activity 4

Another interesting (and slightly more complex) exercise is to organize students into
groups and give them a written story with missing information. First the groups should
discuss what might be missing from the text. Then the teacher gives them a comic strip
version of the text. They must fill in the blanks in the written story by describing what they
see in the pictures. After that, they are asked to think of speech and/or thought bubbles for
the comic strip. Naturally, as a follow-up activity, they can act it out and continue the story
as a role-play.

The variations of these kinds of activities are almost endless. They can be combined with
other activities, or used as supplementary material.

Create a Comic Strip
I often use comic strips for students to retell a story. There are many ways to do this. First
I have students fold paper in half like a hotdog and then fold it two more times like a
letter. This creates six boxes. I always have students write at least one to two students
per box. Then they can draw pictures with the characters having think bubbles or talking

Describe what
Describe what happens in the happens in the Describe what happens in
beginning of the story. beginning of the the middle of the story.
Describe what
Describe what happens in the Describe what happens in
happens in the end
middle of the story. the end of the story.
of the story.

Title and author and comic strip

Characters Setting
creator (student name)
Reflection on the story or have
Problem Solution students critique and give their

Another type of comic strip is similar. Have students fold a piece of paper like an
accordion 2-3 times. This is good practice using sequencing words when retelling a story.
Have students complete the following in each box.

Write about what happens first in the story.

Write about what happens next.

Write about what happens then in the story.

Write about how the story ends.

Draw a Favorite Picture
I have given students a story map to retell the story. I have used the maps from the book
Catching Kids Up. They are very simple but provide good practice for students. When
students finish the story map they can draw a picture of their favorite part of the story. I
pull out the watercolor paints or pastels and let them go. Sometimes just the novelty of a
new medium motivates kids!!!

Elements of a Narrative

Plot: the sequence of events that take place in a story.

Setting: the time and place in which the events of a story take place.

Characterization: the methods used to present the personality of a character in a


Direct--the author describes the character. Example--She was a large woman

with a large purse.
Indirect--the reader judges what the character is like based on what they say or
do, or what other characters say about them. Example--We believe the narrator
of "The Tell-Tale Heart" is crazy because he talks nervously and frequently
repeats himself.

Atmosphere: the general mood or feeling established in a piece of literature.

Atmosphere is created through word choice and pacing.

Word Choice--the author uses words that make the reader feel a certain way. A
spooky atmosphere is created in "The Tell-Tale Heart" through the use of words
like "hideous," "marrow," "chilled," and "nervous."
Pacing--the author controls the speed at which we read through sentence length,
punctuation, repetition of words and other techniques.

Point of View: who is narrating the story (2 main types: First Person, Third
First person: the narrator uses "I" to tell the action, and is involved in the story.
Third person: the story is told from a perspective outside the story. The
characters are referred to by name, or as he, she or they.

Conflict: the central problem that drives the action of a story.

Internal: The conflict happens in a character's mind. A character with a guilty

conscience is an example of internal conflict.
External: The conflict happens between characters, or between a character and
some outside force, like nature. Sherlock Holmes pursuing a criminal is an
example of external conflict.

Recognizing fantasy story
I.-Read the story, as you read, use the checklist below to make notes about the
realistic and fantastic details you find. Then use the chart below to analyze your

What´s the main idea? _____________________________________________________

What´s the plot? __________________________________________________________

What´s the setting? ________________________________________________________


What´s the atmosphere?____________________________________________________

Point of view? ____________________________________________________________

What´s the conflict? _______________________________________________________

Question? Yes No Look back at details Confirm

(Fantasy or
realistic story)

Are some of the places unlike Write details about the

places in the real world? places in the story.

Do unusual events occur? Write details about

events in the story.

Do some characters have traits or Write details about

abilities that real people don´t characters in the story.

II. List three fantastic details that you could add to the story.


III. Write a paragraph with series of sequence events. Think about the time when you
or friend you know found something that was lost. And describe orally the story´s
events in order. List in time sequence the steps used to find the object.

Beginning (Introduction)


Middle (Body)

End (Resolution)

IV. Write the brief descriptions for the characters and the events.


V. Detect words and expressions used to describe physical features of characters,

and describe physical characteristics, abilities, and actions to discover characters.

Abilities and Physical

Character actions characteristics
curious Expressions
bossy Fat
gentle Oh! Thin
loving No way! Plump
wild Wow! Chubby
messy Bravo! Tall
neat Help! Short
joyful Zaz! Body parts
smart Boom! Medium high
calm Yippee! Blond hair
mean By the way.. Brown hair
rude Finally Black hair
polite Later on White hair
quiet As soon as possible Short
honest Long
brave Big
funny Small
sad Eyes
giving Nose
caring Mouth
selfish Ears
friendly Head
shy Legs
proud Arms
busy Colors
lazy Curly hair
responsible Wavy hair
helpful Straight hair

VI. Put sentences into paragraphs.

VII. Use the verbs in past perfect.

 Choose topical comics and cartoons to use as a base for introducing a class
discussion on current news of the day/week

VIII. Write a short realistic description of something you did. Then rewrite the
description so that it becomes in fantasy.


















IX. Making inferences (reading between lines).
Determine the episode/s to be included in the comic strip.
Main idea from details.
Think about the title, the illustrations, and what you have read so far.

This story takes place ____________________________________________.

The main character of the story is _______________________________ who


The problem in the story is when __________________________________.

The problem is solved when _______________________________________.

Tell what you think will happen next or what you will learn.



Achievements  Identifies main ideas in oral exchanges.

I. Read the dialog below and answer the questions.

Salesman: May I help you?

Client: Yes, how much is this I-pad?
Salesman: It´s 829 dollars.
Client: It´s too expensive.
Salesman: Yes, but it´s the best I-pad nowadays.
Client: Oh, really? What´s so good about it?
Salesman: First of all, the brand is Apple, you are getting your money´s worth, this
one has the retina display, it is finger print resistant, with 264 pixels per inch it
has the chip dual-core A6X with quad-core graphics, it weighs 652g and it has WI-
FI + 3G. And finally is has 64 GB. What more could you ask?
Client: Hmm… I´m not sure…
Salesman: If you buy it this month you´ll have a 15% rebate or if you rather pay
with credit card there is a 12 month no interest.
Client: Ok, I´ll buy it.

1. Where are the people? 2. What is the client going to buy?

a) In a museum a) A computer
b) In a school b) A cell phone
c) In a store c) An I-pod
d) In a zoo d) An I-pad

3. Is the client sure about his 4. What information does the salesman
purchase? give in favor of the I-pad?

a) Yes, he is. a) The price

b) No, he isn´t. b) The main characteristics
c) Yes, they are. c) He doesn´t give information.
d) No, they aren´t. d) He shows him another product.

Achievements:  Describes characteristics and abilities.
 Anticipates the general meaning and main ideas from

II. Read the text about a super hero and then fill out the chart.
Aquaman - Orin, the born King of Atlantis. Aquaman
has gone through many incarnations though most know
him as either a crew cut blonde in an orange and green
tunic or a wild-haired bearded one-armed warrior. Orin
has great strength as one would expect of someone who
can withstand the pressures of the deep. He also has
the telepathic ability to communicate with all underwater
sea life. He considers himself the ruler of the 70% of
planet Earth that is covered by water.

5.Abilities 6. Physical characteristics

5. Aquaman´s abilities are: 6. Aquaman´s physical characteristics

a) blonde wearing an orange and green a) blonde wearing an orange and green
tunic. tunic.
b) great strength, and telepathic b) great strength, and telepathic
c) ruler of the Earth c) ruler of the Earth
d) king of Atlantis d) king of Atlantis

I. Look at the book cover and answer the questions below.

7. Who´s the author? 8. Who drew the illustrations?

a) Seymour Simon a) Seymour Simon

b) Barbara and Ed Emberley b) Barbara and Ed Emberley
c) My mom´s c) My mom´s
d) The student d) The student

9. What would be another title for this 10. Who is the intended audience for
front cover? this book?

a) Apple computers and IOS a) The flying robot

b) How to work with my computer b) Children
c) How to let live the computer c) Teenagers
d) How to draw in the computer d) The mouse and the turtle

Good catalogue and a comic strip.


Grammar There are not There are two or There are some
grammatical three grammatical more than four
mistakes on the good mistakes on the grammatical
catalogue/comic good catalogue mistakes on the
strip. comic strip. good catalogue
comic strip.
(40 points )
( 30 points) (25 points)
Labels All items of Many items of Labels are too small
importance are importance are to view or no
clearly labeled with a clearly labeled with important items
label that can be read labels that can be were labeled.
from at least 3 ft. read from at least 3
away. ft. away.

(20 points) (10 points ) (5 points)

The catalogue The whole products There are some There are few
illustrated it´s are illustrated on the products illustrated products illustrated
products. good catalogue/ on the good on the good
comic strip. catalogue/ comic catalogue/ comic
strip. strip.
(20 points)
(10 points ) (5 points)
Show the oral The whole team Two members Just one student
presentation. members showed showed the good showed the good
Team their good catalogue/ catalogue/ comic catalogue/ comic
presentation. comic strip. strip. strip.
Topic of the
(20 points) (10 points ) (5 points)
Subject Well researched Some subject Subject knowledge
knowledge. subject knowledge is knowledge is clear. is not clear, the
evident throughout. Some information is whole information is
The whole confusing, confused.
information is clear, incoherent or
appropriate and flawed.
(40 points ) ( 30 points) (25 points)

Unit II

Second Grade

Social Practice of the Language

Understand and write instructions.

Academic and Educational.

Specific Competency
Understand and write instructions to face an environmental

Product: A
Instruction manual to face an environmental emergency.

 Clarifies the meaning of unknown terms in order
to broaden and refine vocabulary.
 Understands and points out the order of
components, useful information and main ideas
of an emergency manual.
 Writes and classifies sentences in order to
create sequences of instructions.
 Removes, add and/or changes information to
edit an instruction manual.

I. Investigate what is an environmental emergency, and
what kind of environmental emergencies they know.

An environmental emergency is a sudden onset disaster or accident resulting

from natural, technological or human-induced factors, or a combination of these,
that cause or threaten to cause severe environmental damage as well as loss of
human lives and property. This term is coming into increasingly common usage as
the link between disasters and the environment becomes better understood. It
relates to the interface between disasters, human life and health, and the

In general, environmental emergencies distinguish between three scenarios: (1)

classic environmental emergency (also referred to as technological or industrial
accidents); (2) sudden on-set natural disaster with major negative impacts on
human life and welfare and on the environment; and (3) complex emergencies with
major environmental impacts (more commonly known as conflict or war).

Classic environmental emergencies

Environmental emergencies in the narrow sense are technological or industrial

accidents and usually involve some type of hazardous material and can occur at
any location where these materials are produced, used or transported. Common
locations include pesticide storage sites, hospitals, railway marshalling yards, and
numerous different industrial manufacturing sites.

While radiological and biological emergencies are typically excluded as they

require a different specialized response, large forest and wild land fires are
generally included in this definition as they are often ‘human-induced’ and can
create serious humanitarian suffering, as was clearly the case in the haze covering
south east Asia in 1997 and 1998.

Natural disasters

Large sudden-onset natural disasters, such as floods, hurricanes, earthquakes and

volcano eruptions can have big negative impacts on human health and the environment.
Examples of how secondary impacts have caused further death and suffering are: Floods
causing landslides, earthquakes resulting in fires in refineries, volcano eruptions leading to
petrol stations explosions, gas exploration works resulting in mud volcanoes and typhoons
sinking ferries containing large quantities of hazardous pesticides.

Complex emergencies

In situations of complex emergencies, such as in Somalia, Darfur (Sudan) and Iraq,

the break-down of authority, looting, and attacks on strategic industrial installations
can all cause environmental emergencies. For example, the bombing of the fuel
storage tanks of a power station in Lebanon, led to a spill in the Mediterranean of
15,000 tones of heavy fuel oil.

Natural disasters

 Tornadoes  Snow squalls

 Blizzards  Extreme cold
 Hurricanes  Extreme heat
 Cyclones  Weather bombs
 Monsoons  Wind chill
 Earthquakes  Humid
 Forest fires  Avalanches
 Floods  And many more


 Tornadoes can occur in the periods between

June and October.
 The classification system of Tornadoes is called
the Fujita Scale and can range from 1 (mildest) -
5 (severe).
 Differ from hurricanes in the fact that strongest
pressure of the storm is inside, where in
hurricanes is outside.
 Tornadoes are convergent meaning they come
together in a funnel.
 Tornadoes happen in tornado alley usually in the
mid- east, where warm tropical air near the
surface is met with cool air at top.
 Green brown in color.
 Sound like a train when the tornado occurs.…/twister_small.jpg
A major snowstorm
Characterized by the following: Usually have the following:
- High wind speed - 2 strong parts with an eye in the
- Duration of 4 hours or more center.
- 20 +cm. of snow - Usually only occur in the Atlantic,
- Blowing snow and Caribbean
- Low visibility - Are arranged along a mesoscale
event - Usually can be from small to very
~hasting/IMAGES/blizz96.gif heavy.

Cyclones Monsoons

These normally have the following: Usually you will find:

- In the Pacific area, they do not occur in - In Asian and Eastern parts of Africa.
the Caribbean or Atlantic - Usually the climate is a very long period
- They are usually counterclockwise in of dry weather found by a short period
the Southern Hemisphere and the of very wet weather.
storms up in Northern Hemisphere are - People can be killed during monsoons.
clockwise. monsoon.html

Snow Squalls

Snow Squalls are:

- Brief but powerful snowstorms that can
occur from the lakes in the northern mid-
west and the central Canada around the
great lakes.
- Can follow same qualities as blizzards.

Forest Fires
Earthquakes Forest Fires can be:
- Made by humans being very
Earthquakes are:
inattentive to the situation around
- Shaking and trembling
- Caused along the fault lines
- Can be made naturally from
- Two types: can be a sub-duction,
nature or pests like the “pine
or one that glides.
- A Richter scale is used to
- Can be made by weather, i.e.:
determine magnitude from 0.0 -9.
wind and lightning

These basically occur when
Floods can be caused by:
- Weather storms there are warmer temperatures
- Backed up sewage or storm drains at the top of a hill followed by
from leaves and other products. cooler temperatures down lower
- Negligence of humans. followed by unstable snow
http://miami-geology- packs.

Natural disasters caused by humans

 Oil spills  Fires

 Land slides from logging  Building collapses

 Chemical spills  Clear cutting

 Contamination of the drinking water  Deforestation

 Global warming Natural


What are natural disasters?

Natural Disasters are events that can change the entire shape of the earth and kill many
people depending on where, when and how they present. They are completely normal
because is a reaction of the planet, of nature indeed. But sometimes the human being
produces these natural disasters by polluting the planet and not taking care of the nature.

II. Write the name of the Natural Disaster according to the picture, and write it with a
coloured pencil.

________________ ________________

________________ ________________

________________ ________________

III. According to the definition recognize the natural disaster and write it

a) The earth dries because of the lack of rain ____________________

b) After an Earthquake the Sea goes out of its edge _______________

c) Because of a heat wave, the forest burns down ________________

d) The snow goes down the mountain and destroys everything.


e) When it rains for a long period and water accumulates devastating a

town or city.

f) The earth shakes hardly and produces cracks and sometimes


IV. Create your own definition for Tornado, landslide, Volcano Eruption and Sand



Volcano Eruption:

Sand storm:


V. Write the correct word next to the picture.

avalanche earthquake hurricane flood tsunami volcanic eruption






VI. Try to write adjectives, nouns, verbs, etc. that can be related to the disasters.

1. avalanche: snow,
2. earthquake: shake,
3. hurricane: wind,
4. flood: water,
5. tsunami: sea,
6. volcanic eruption: mountain,

VII. Look at the sentences and underline the word than can be the name of a natural

1. Two skiers were killed in the avalanche.

2. Their house was destroyed in the previous earthquake.
3. If a volcanic eruption occurs, the mountain explodes and sends fire and smoke.
4. The tsunami that destroyed everything on the coast happened in Indonesia in
5. Most of the buildings were under flood water after the heavy rain.
6. The hurricane was so strong that it even uprooted trees.

VIII. Match the definitions with the words.

1. flood a. a storm that has very strong winds

2. earthquake b. the large mass of snow that falls down the mountain side

3. hurricane c. a very large amount of water that covers an area

4. tsunami d. a sudden shaking of earth’s surface

5. volcanic eruption e. a very large wave caused by earthquake

6. avalanche f. explosion of the mountain

IX. What are these natural disasters? Write next to the pictures.

4 9




X. Match the natural disasters in the previous exercise with the definitions. Write
their numbers next to the texts.

a lot of water covers the land Snow slides down a mountain

strong winds travelling in spiral.

a sudden bright light in the sky.

huge ocean wave destroying the beach. uncontrollable fire mainly in


a storm with very strong winds. rocks and ground slide down.

a long time when there is not Bursting, suddenly with a very

enough rain. loud noise.

a sudden strong shaking of the Earth.

XI. Complete the sentences with the suitable word.

1. We couldn’t ski, because there was an _____________________ on the mountain.

2. If there is a bad ______________ in a town the people have to travel by boat!

3. People in this country build very strong houses, because they sometimes have

4. When there is an __________________, hot lava comes down the volcano.

5. You mustn’t stand under a tree when there is _______________________.

6. A ___________________ brings very strong winds and a lot of rain.

7. There was a loud _____________________ in a car park yesterday and everyone ran
into the buildings.

1. Throw trash in the proper places.
2. Reuse bags and containers.

3. Choose paper over plastic for your


4. Eat organic food.

5. Don’t buy products in aerosol spray


6. Reduce, reuse and recycle

7. Use non-toxic cleaning materials.

8. Use energy-saving light bulbs.

9. Plant more trees and vegetation.

10. Keep the volume of your T.V., music


11. Avoid burning trash

12. Don’t smoke.

13. Buy biodegradable products.

14. Try using natural fertilizers and


Let’s talk about CLIMATE

XIII. Read the conversation cards and talk about them

What is climate change? Is it the same as Do you believe in climate change? Some people claim climate change is just
global warming? Think about it and part of a natural cycle and that it is not
explain in your words to the class. If so, why do you think it is happening? man-made. What do you think?
Discuss in group.

What dangers are threatening our lives Should we be worried about climate Do you think climate change can be
and our planet? Discuss in group & make change? Explain. stopped?
a list.
Are you worried? What should be done?

Scientists predict that the ice caps will ‘Cutting carbon emissions’ is an often Do you use environmentally-friendly
melt. What affect could this have on life used phrase. products?
on Earth?
What does it mean and how can it be Have you ‘gone green’?
Give examples.

What’s a carbon footprint? Have you changed your lifestyle to save Do you or your family drive an “eco car”?
our planet and prevent climate change?
How big is yours? Why or why not?
What have you done?
How can it be reduced? Give examples of such cars.

Are governments doing enough to combat The world is addicted to oil. Are there any What do you know about the Kyoto
climate change? Name some measures alternatives to oil? Protocol?
that have been so far.
Make a list of energy sources and their What happened in 2009 in Copenhagen?
effect on nature.

Could climate change destroy life on Coal is still a widely used source of Should poor developing countries be
Earth? Discuss a best-case and a worst- energy worldwide. Is it more or less asked to make similar efforts as wealthy,
case scenario. polluting than oil? industrialized countries? Give your view.

Is there a future for coal?


XIV. Match pictures and text 1


coal mine

control panel for heater or A/C

dam - hydroelectric power plant

heavy industry

incandescent light bulb

nuclear power plant

petrol station or gas station

recycling could save the world

solar panel 4

wind turbine

5 6 7 8


Useful links & resources

 (nice and informative site for kids)
 47
 Al Gore’s movie “An Inconvenient Truth” is great to introduce and discuss this topic.
What is it? What is it like?





Unit II

Second Grade

Social Practice of the Language

Interpret and express information published in diverse media.

Familiar and Community.

Specific competency
Write dialogues and interventions for a silent short film

Product B
Script for the dubbling of a silent short film.


 Anticipates the general meaning and main ideas

from previous knowledge and non-verbal
 Writes expressions to produce oral exchanges.
 Exemplifies main ideas in an oral exchange.
 Rephrases expressions produced during an oral

I. How many different kinds of movie genres can you write in English?


II. Match the pictures & the genres :

Comedy_______ Sci-Fi________ Adventure______

Horror film_____ Love story_____ War film________

Historical ______ Cartoon ______ Western ________

III. Answer the following questions:

1) What’s your favourite genre? Why?


2) a genre you love : ______________________________

3) a genre you really hate : _________________________

4) a genre you never watch : ________________________

5) Whose your favourite actor / actress? And why?


6) How often do you go to the cinema?

IV. Read the following definitions and find the genre:

1. They usually include high energy, big-budget physical stunts and chases, possibly with
rescues, battles, fights, escapes, destructive crises (floods, explosions, natural disasters,
fires, etc.), non-stop motion and spectacular rhythm and pacing.


2. They are usually exciting stories, with new experiences or exotic locales, very similar to
or often paired with the action film genre. They can include searches or expeditions for lost
continents, "jungle" and "desert" epics, treasure hunts, disaster films, or searches for the


3. They are developed around the sinister actions of criminals, particularly bankrobbers,
who operate outside the law, stealing and murdering their way through life.


4. They take a historical or imagined event, mythic, legendary, or heroic figure.


5. They are designed to frighten and to invoke our hidden worst fears, often in a terrifying,
shocking finale, while captivating and entertaining us at the same time.


6. They are often quasi-scientific, visionary and imaginative - complete with heroes, aliens,
distant planets, impossible quests, improbable settings, fantastic places, great dark and
shadowy villains, futuristic technology, unknown and unknowable forces, and extraordinary


7. They are often paired with other genres, such as action, adventure, drama, romance,
comedy (black), suspense, and even epics and westerns, and they often take a
denunciatory approach toward warfare. They include stories of military operations, and


8. They are one of the oldest, most enduring genres with very recognizable plots,
elements, and characters: six-guns, horses, dusty towns and trails, cowboys, Indians, etc.


1. Action films

2. Adventure films

3. Crime or detective films

4. Historical films or Epics

5. Horror films

6. Sci-fi films

7. War films

8. Westerns

Info adapted from &

Cliparts from + 220 000 Cliparts MicroApplication ( CD rom)

V. Match the pictures with the correct expression.

1. I´m in love.

2. I don’t want to play anymore.

3. I´m so happy.

4. This pillow is so soft.

5. Buuuu… I´m so sad.

6. Exercising is fun.

7. Mmmm… ice cream is my


8. I love to play with my teddy


9. What´s your name?

10. My perfume smells nice.

11. I like to bake cakes.

12. I don’t want to talk to you!

13. Building blocks. Wow!

14. This flower is for you!

Writing a Story

VI. Study the following pictures and write a composition in about 150 words. You
may use the writing plan at the back to help you. You need to begin your story with
the following sentence:

‘Something strange and unbelievable happened on me last weekend.’

A Writing Plan

Picture 1
-Where were you and your friend?
-Why did you go there with your friend?
-What was your friend’s name?
-What happened?
Picture 2
-What did you and your friend see?
-Why did you go inside?
-What happened?
-What did you and your friend feel?
Picture 3
-Who was the old man?
-What did you see inside the big house?
-What happened?
-What did you and your friend feel?
Picture 4
-Was there anyone inside the house?
-What happened then?
-What did you ask the old man?
-What did you and your friend feel?
Picture 5
-What did you and your friend do then?
-Did you hear any strange noise?
-Did anything ‘strange’ or ‘unbelievable’
Picture 6
-What happened then?
-What did you see/find?
-What did you and you friend do
at the end?
-What did you and your friend feel?



Achievement:  Removes, add and /or changes information to edit an

instruction manual.

I. Read the text and then answer the two questions below.

An environmental emergency is a sudden onset disaster or accident resulting

from natural, technological or human-induced factors, or a combination of
these, that cause or threaten to cause severe environmental damage as well
as loss of human lives and property. This term is coming into increasingly common usage as the
link between disasters and the environment becomes better understood. It relates to the interface
between disasters, human life and health, and the environment.

In general, environmental emergencies distinguish between three scenarios: (1) classic

environmental emergency (also referred to as technological or industrial accidents); (2) sudden on-
set natural disaster with major negative impacts on human life and welfare and on the
environment; and (3) complex emergencies with major environmental impacts (more commonly
known as conflict or war).

Environmental emergencies in the narrow sense are technological or industrial accidents and
usually involve some type of hazardous material and can occur at any location where these
materials are produced, used or transported. Common locations include pesticide storage sites,
hospitals, railway marshalling yards, and numerous different industrial manufacturing sites.

1. From paragraph 1, what information 2. Read the 3rd. third paragraph, what
can be eliminated? subtitle would you put?

a) An environmental emergency is a a) Classic environmental emergencies

sudden onset disaster or accident resulting b) Natural disasters
from natural, technological or human- c) Complex emergencies
induced factors, or a combination of these. d) Tornado emergencies
b) This term is coming into increasingly
common usage.
c) It relates to the interface between
disasters, human life and health, and the
d) An environmental emergency can cause
or threaten to cause severe environmental
damage as well as loss of human lives and

Achievement:  Anticipates the general meaning and main ideas from
previous knowledge and non-verbal language.

II. Look at the movie posters and then answer the questions below.

3. What genre does the movie “Die 4. Who are the main characters in the
Hard” belongs to? movie “The Notebook”?
a) Comedy a) John McClanne and twelve terrorists
b) Horror b) Ted, the teddy bear, and a friend
c) Action c) A girl and a boy
d) Love d) Cyborgs and aliens

5. What is the main purpose of 6. Horror movies should be…

comedy? a) Romantic
a) To make people laugh b) Scary
b) To make people cry c) Hilarious
c) To make people sob d) Informative
d) To make people get angry

7. Of the three movie posters, which

one is a comedy?
a) “Die Hard”
b) “The Notebook”
c) “Ted”
d) Neither one of them.

An instructor manual to face an environment emergency and a script for the dubbing of a
silent movie.


Grammar There are not There are two or There are
grammatical mistakes on three grammatical some more
the products. mistakes on the than four
products. grammatical
mistakes on
the products.
(40 points ) ( 30 points) (25 points)
Labels All items of importance are Many items of Labels are too
clearly labeled with a label importance are clearly small to view
that can be read from at labeled with labels or no important
least 3 ft. away. that can be read from items were
at least 3 ft. away. labeled.

(20 points) (10 points ) (5 points)

The design of the The whole products are There are some There are few
products. designed on the products. products designed on products
the products. designed on
the products.
(20 points) (10 points ) (5 points)
Show the oral The whole members of the Two or three Just one
presentation. team work showed the oral members of the team student of the
Team work. presentation, the names of work names of the
Topic of the the team work , the topic of Showed the oral team work
product. the product. presentation, showed the
Members The whole members the names of the oral
interacting with interacted with the product. team work, presentation,
the product. the topic of the the team
product and names,
Interacted with the the topic of the
product. product and
Interacted with
the product.

(40 points ) ( 30 points) (25 points)

Subject Well researched subject Some subject Subject
knowledge. knowledge is evident knowledge is clear. knowledge is
throughout. The whole Some information is not clear, the
information is clear, confusing, incoherent whole
appropriate and correct. or flawed. information is

(40 points ) ( 30 points) (25 points)

Unit III

Second Grade

Social practice of the language

Participate in language games to work with specific linguistic aspects.

Literary and ludic.

Specific competency
Participate in language games in order to identify sentence rhythm,
stress, and intonation.

Product A
Hangman game.


 Identifies the stress of specific sentence parts.

 Reads and writes sentences to practice rhythm,
intonation, and stress.
 Contrasts the stress of words, both on their own
and within sentences.

I. Read the song the students identify the body parts, acting out
and sing it.
As a warm up sing the song “Head and shoulders knees and toes”.

Head, shoulders, knees and toes,

Knees and toes.

Head, shoulders, knees and toes,

Knees and toes.

And eyes, and ears, and mouth,

And nose.

Head, shoulders, knees and toes,

Knees and toes.

And eyes, and ears, and mouth,

And nose.

Head, shoulders, knees and toes,

Knees and toes.

You will be continuing with the others body parts.

(Repeat, getting faster each time).

Place both hands on parts of body as they are mentioned. On second time speed
up, and get faster with each verse. .

Hangman game

Rules For Hangman Word Game


Hangman is a popular word guessing game where the player attempts to build a
missing word by guessing one letter at a time. After a certain number of incorrect
guesses, the game ends and the player loses. The game also ends if the player
correctly identifies all the letters of the missing word.

Hangman is a classic paper and pencil game.

NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 2 (or more). 1 must be the executioner, and 1 or more

letter guessers.

WHAT'S NEEDED TO PLAY? A pencil and some paper are needed to play the

SET UP: Either prints out some pre-prepared hangman pages or draw a simple
gallows and write out the alphabet above or below the gallows.

HOW TO PLAY: Choose one person to be the executioner. That person will think
of a word or short phrase and mark out blanks (short lines) for each letter of each
word. Separate words with a slash, a fairly wide gap, or place words on separate
lines. Then another player will guess a letter. If that letter is in the word(s) then
write the letter in everywhere it would appear, and cross out that letter in the
alphabet. If the letter isn't in the word then add a body part to the gallows (head,
body, left arm, right arm, left leg, right leg). The player will continue guessing letters
until they can either solve the word (or phrase) or all six body parts are on the

TO WIN: The executioner wins if the full body is hanging from the gallows. The
guesser(s) wins if they guess the word before the person is hung.


Here is an example of a hangman game in progress. The phrase is Happy Birthday, so 5

blank spaces were marked out for Happy, and below that, 8 blank space were marked out
for birthday. Three correct guesses were made: A, R and T. Three incorrect guesses
made: S, E, and M. Three body parts were added for the 3 incorrect guesses.

II. Choose a word write a line for each letter of the word in the box below. If a letter is
guessed correctly, write on the line, If a letter is guessed wrong, draw a body part.


1. The lesson usually ________ at 9:00 a.m.

___ ____ ___ ____ ____ ____ .

2.-They are not watching TV. They are ________ their homework.

___ ____ ___ ____ ____.

3. Tom is ________ to music.

___ ____ ___ ____ ____ ____ ___ ____ ___ .

4. My mother is singing and _________ tea.

___ ____ ___ ____ ____ ____.

5. She ________ English every morning.

___ ____ ___ ____ ____ ____ ____.

6. My mother is singing and _________ tea.

___ ____ ___ ____ ____.

7. The lesson usually ________ at 9:00 a.m.

___ ____ ___ ____ ____.

Hangman word game.

III.-Think a word, under above of the hangman games, write a number of dashes( ___)
that equal the number of letters in the word ( for example, if your word is house you would
write ___ ___ ___ ___ ___). Your opponent then tries to guess your words by guessing
letters. If your opponent guesses a letter correctly, fill in the corresponding dash with the
letter, if your opponent guesses wrong; add a body part of your hangman, starting with a
head. Usually the student guessing the word, gets 6 chances (head, body, two legs two
arms). As they guess letters, use the alphabet under each game to cross them off, if the
opponent guesses the word before the hangman is completed, they win and get the next turn.

Paper Games for Kids from

IV. Write sentences to participate in language games.

• Suggest and complete sentences.

• Break up sentences to observe the difference in word stress when words are isolated
and when they are in a sentence.

V. Dictate sentences.
• Read sentences aloud to practice rhythm, stress, and intonation.
• Identify stress of pronouns and/or contractions in the students´ sentences.

Super teens Hangman
VI. To save a man from hanging, you must discover the sentence by guessing the
 Determine number of teams, players, and turns of participation.
 Establish rules for the Hangman game using sentences.
 Propose and select, secretly within each team, a list of sentences with
different rhythms, intonation, stress, and with/without contractions.
 Write the sentences.
 Revise that sentences comply with grammar, spelling, and punctuation
 Play Hangman.
 Read the sentences aloud at the end of each round to practice their rhythm,
stress, and intonation.

guesses: guesses:

Sentence: Sentence:

guesses: guesses:

Sentence: Sentence:

VII. Play the hangman game on line and print it out as homework.

Web site to play the hangman game on line.

Unit III

Second grade

Social practice of the language

Read and rewrite informative texts from a particular field.

Academic and educational.

Specific competency
Rewrite information to explain how a machine or device works.

Product B
Poster about the operation of a machine or device.


 Selects and paraphrases sentences.

 Organizes and links main ideas and the
information explaining them, in a diagram.
 Rewrites sentences in order to give explanations.

1. Practice the next vocabulary on your notebooks and draw the action.
Simple Machines
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force Exerting pressure or influence over object or substance.

friction The act of a surface or an object rubbing against each other.

fulcrum The support on which a lever turns or is helped in moving or lifting something.

inclined plane A plank or plane surface put at an angle to a horizontal surface.

lever A bar which rests on a fulcrum.

load Amount of work a machine is expected to perform.

machine Any device that applies or changes the direction of power force, or motion.

axle Bar on which a wheel turns.

power Strength or force that can be exerted on other bodies.

pull To move, usually with force or effort.

A wheel that has a groove in the rim where a rope can run and change the
direction of the pull.

push To move something away by pressing against it.

screw Cylinder with a ridge winding around it. It's a simple machine.

spring Something that produces action, a moving force.

tool An instrument of work.

torque A force that causes rotation.

wedge To force an opening.

wheel A round frame that turns on a pin or shaft in its middle.

work An effort in doing or making something.

Simple Machines: Word Scramble

II. Unscramble the words below:

1. relev________________ 9. orwk________________

2. eswcr________________ 10. rpweo______________

3. innelicd_______________ 11. tionfric_____________

4. ylplue________________ 12. macenih____________

5. eewdg_______________ 13. ullp________________

6. exal_________________ 14. phsu_______________

7. rocfe________________ 15. loot________________

8. leehw________________

III.-Directions: All words are positioned left to right.

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Simple Machines

IV. Read and complete the next reading.

Work Bank
pitch mounted built to left

while stick Wrights three acxurate

Wright aerospace first and accoplishment

To say simply that the ____________ Brothers invented the airplane

doesn't begin to describe their many ____________. Nor is it
especially ____________. The first fixed-wing aircraft -- a kite
____________ on a ____________ - was conceived ____________
flown. almost a century before Orville and Wilbur made their
____________ flights. The ____________ were first to design and
build a flying craft that could be controlled ____________ in the air.
Every successful aircraft ever ____________ since, beginning with the
1902 Wright glider, has had controls to roll the wings right or
____________ ____________ the nose up or down, and yaw the nose
from side to side. These ____________ controls -- roll, pitch, and yaw -
- let a pilot navigate an airplane in all three dimensions, making it
possible to fly from place ___________ place. The entire
____________ business, the largest industry in the world, depends on
this simple but brilliant idea.

V. Talk in pairs about machines, products and appliances.

1. 2.

3. 4.



VI. Label the products above with their names and then write sentences about them
using the adjectives below:

long-lasting, fragile ,easy-to-use, convenient, comfortable, reliable, cool,

inexpensive, up-to-date, out-of-date, useful, efficient, fast

Example: My refrigerator is long-lasting. I’ve had it for 10 years.


VII. Design a Compound Machine.

1. Design a machine that uses all six

simple machines. Your machine should
do something useful, like wash a pet
snail or scratch your back.

After you were finish your compound 2. Draw, color, and label a diagram of
your machine.
machine by teams complete the next
checklist. 3. Label each simple machine.
Accompany your diagram with written
2(bad) 3( Good) 4(Very good) 5 explanation of what your machine does
(Excellent) and how each simple machine works in
1. All six simple machines are included in your
compound machine.
4. Prepare a presentation for the class.
1 2 3 4 5 Display your diagram on poster board
2. Each simple machine is used correctly. and explain what your machine does
1 2 3 4 5 and how each simple machine works to,
make your compound machine function.
3. Each simple machine is labeled on diagram.
1 2 3 4 5

4. VII. Do the
Paragraph crossword
explains what yourpuzzle.
machine does.
1 2 3 4 5

5. Paragraph discusses how each simple machine

works in your machine.
1 2 3 4 5

VIII. Write the functions of machine and benefits to mankind.

If Simple Machines Weren't Around...

Simple Machines

Function of Machine Benefits To Mankind

Inclined Plane






Which simple machine has had the greatest impact on mankind? Explain in detail.




IX. Directions: Research the topic indicated to the right and answer the questions
below based on that topic.

Do The Research!
Simple Machines

Topic: Simple Machines


1. What is a simple


2. Why do we use simple


3. Name six simple






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XI. Directions: As a group, you have 20 minutes to write a brief story using the
words or variations of the words below.

lever pulley power

screw wedge spring
inclined plane force machine
tool friction torque











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XII. Read the text and Identify purpose and intended audience.

Write the main ideas.


Answer the questions to confirm understanding.

Reading Comprehension Worksheet

Simple Machines

Tom prepared to show off his latest creation for his local science fair. His robot
was intelligent, but not mobile. Sammy his robot, could not walk up steps or
move his arms up and down.

Tom used a series of pulleys to help Sammy's arms move. When a single
pulley was pulled by Tom, Sammy's arms would be raised. Tom found this to
be difficult to use. Tom added weights to the opposite end of the pulleys. When
Tom pushed a switch, Sammy would raise his arms. The only problem with
this was that his arms would stay up after the switch was pushed.

Tom built Sammy what he called "Power Shoes." When Sammy had his Power
Shoes on, a lever would continuously rotate and allow him to climb over
surfaces up to one foot in height.

1. Who is Sammy?


2. What are Sammy's limitation?


3. What do Power Shoes help

Sammy do?

4. What types of simple machines

does Sammy use in order to be
mobile? ___________________________________________

XIII. What's so simple about these SIMPLE MACHINES?

Problem: What are the names and different functions of the six most common
simple machines?

Hypothesis: _________________________________________________.

Materials: The class will supply the materials for this one!
Part A:

1. You should have been told by your teacher to bring in a broken appliance or
toy. Ask your teacher to get the classes collection out for you.
2. Using the back of this sheet you will put the name of the material under
which simple machine(s) it has in its design. Remember these compound
machines which can be made up of many different types of simple
machines. One material could be listed as being composed of more than
one type, sometimes all six, simple machines.
3. You will get a day or two to make sure you examine every material brought
into class. A Lab write-up is due just for part A one-week after part A is

Part B:

For the next part of the Lab you will have five days. You must with one
partner design a model, using three or more of the simple machines

1. This part will count for a test grade you must produce seven materials
to communicate your product. Two drawings of your model with all the
simple machine parts labeled. B) A List of the materials you would use to
build your machine. C) A Cost analysis of how much each part would cost
and of how much the total machine will cost you to make. Also an estimated
retail price of how much you would sell this to the public for. D) You must
make an advertisement (brochure, magazine-like ad poster) that promotes
your product. E) You must also due a customer analysis. This tells you who
would most likely buy your product and where they live. F) You must also
calculate how many of these you would have to sell to make one million
dollars ($1,000,000).

2. Don’t waste times get to work, there is plenty to do.


Lever Wheel & Axle Pulley Inclined Plane Screw Wedge

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XIV. Write information to explain how a machine or a device works.

Make a poster of how does a machine Works.

First, choose a machine or device.

Then, select information from various sources.
Write explanations about its operation.
Add illustrations to the explanations.
Edit the explanations and write a clean copy on a poster.
Final, ask for permission to display the posters in different places of the school.

Simple Machines Vocabulary Quiz Worksheet

XV. Directions: Match the vocabulary words on the left with the definitions on the

1. friction Bar on which a wheel turns.

2. inclined plane Exerting pressure or influence over object or substance.

The support on which a lever turns or is helped in moving or

3. force
lifting something.

4. axle The act of a surface or an object rubbing against each other.

5. power Strength or force that can be exerted on other bodies.

6. fulcrum A plank or plane surface put at an angle to a horizontal surface.

7. load To move, usually with force or effort.

8. pulley A bar which rests on a fulcrum.

A wheel that has a groove in the rim where a rope can run and
9. pull
change the direction of the pull.

10. lever To move something away by pressing against it.

11. screw Amount of work a machine is expected to perform.

12. push Something that produces action, a moving force.

Any device that applies or changes the direction of power force,
13. tool
or motion.

14. spring Cylinder with a ridge winding around it. It's a simple machine.

15. machine An instrument of work.

16. wedge A round frame that turns on a pin or shaft in its middle.

17. wheel A force that causes rotation.

18. torque To force an opening.

19. work An effort in doing or making something.

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Topic How did I

Not good Good Excellent
 do? 
I collected some
Researching and I collected a lot of
I did not collect any information, but
collecting information good information
information related only a small portion
for my part of the
to the topic. of it was useful for
the topic.

Sharing information I did not share any I shared a little bit of I shared lots of
information with my information with my useful information
group. group. with my team.

Participating in the I participated less

I did not participate I participated in all
tasks than half the time on
in any of the tasks or the tasks and
any tasks or
assignments. assignments.

Completing my tasks I did not complete I completed fewer I completed all of

any of the tasks than half the tasks the tasks assigned to
assigned to me. assigned to me. me.

I listened to other
group members’
I did not listen to
Listening to other I did not listen to ideas and
other group
members of the group other members of suggestions, and
members’ ideas or
the group; I did then decided if it
suggestions very
things my own way. would help the
project to follow

Co-operating with my I argued with my I discussed things

I sometimes argued
team group members and with other group
with other group
tried to get them to members without
do things my way. arguing.

Having things go my
Making fair decisions In my group, I only Our group made
way is the only way
worked with my fair decisions as
a group should
friend. much as we could.


Achievement:  Identifies the stress of specific sentence parts.

I. Label the games.

1________ 2 __________ 3_______________ 4___________

1. This game is_____________. 2. This game is_____________.

a) a crossword a) a crossword
b) scrabble b) scrabble
c) Mario bros. c) Mario bros.
d) a Word search d) a Word search

3. This game is_____________. 4. This game is _____________.

a) a crossword a) a crossword
b) scrabble b) scrabble
c) Mario bros. c) Mario bros.
d) a Word search d) a Word search

II. Answer.

5. Which of the sentences and questions below have a rising ↑ intonation?

w) Can I help you?
x) Sit down, please.
y) How many sisters do you have?
z) There´s a spider in the classroom.
a) “w” and “x”
b) “x” and “y”
c) “w” and “y”
d) “y” and “z”

Achievements:  Selects and paraphrases sentences.
 Organizes and links main ideas and the information
explaining them in a diagram.

III. Read the text and answer the questions.

Mixer Blender Toaster Coffee maker

This electric appliance has three parts: a pitcher, a blade and a base. The pitcher
is made of glass or plastic and its function is to hold the food that is to be crushed,
cut or chopped.

The base holds the motor that makes the appliance work and it has buttons that
indicate the type of process and speed you want to use.

The blade is the most important, delicate and dangerous part in this appliance. It
is usually formed by two or four very sharp and small knives that cut, chop and
even liquefy food depending on the speed settings. You must always be careful
when handling the blade in this appliance because you can cut yourself. And don´t
forget to always put the pitcher on the base before starting the process to keep the
food in the appliance.

6. What´s the name of the appliance 7. How do you know the appliance is
described? electrical?
a) Mixer a) Because it´s very sharp.
b) Blender b) Because it says it is an electrical
c) Toaster .appliance
d) Coffee maker c) Because it has three parts.
d) Because the pitcher is made of glass.

IV. Complete the flow chart about: a blender

Put the base on

Secure the pitcher
a flat surface
into place.

Lid Put small quantities of

food inside the pitcher.

base Plug in the blender

8. _________

Press the “start”

button to start the

Unplug the blender

Press the 9.” ______ “ button
when the mix you need is

8. ________________. 9. ________.
a) Put on the lid on the pitcher a) Start
b) Press the “stop” button b) Stop
c) Add the food you like c) Cord
d) Mix the food d) Plug

Hangman game and a poster of how a machine works.


Grammar There are not grammatical There are two or three There are
mistakes on the hangman grammatical mistakes some more
game/ the poster of how does a on the hangman than four
machine works. game/ the poster of grammatical
how does a machine mistakes on
works. the hangman
game/ the
poster of how
does a
(40 points ) ( 30 points) (25 points)
Labels All items of importance are Many items of Labels are too
clearly labeled with a label that importance are clearly small to view
can be read from at least 3 ft. labeled with labels or no important
away. that can be read from items were
at least 3 ft. away. labeled.

(20 points) (10 points ) (5 points)

The design The whole products are There are some There are few
of the designed on the products. products designed on products
products. the products. designed on
the products.

(20 points) (10 points ) (5 points)

Show the The whole members of the Two or three Just one
oral team work members of the team student of the
presentation. showed the oral presentation, work team work
Team work. the team names, Showed the oral showed the
Topic of the the topic of the product. presentation, oral
product. The whole members interacted the team names, presentation,
Members with the product. the topic of the the team
interacting product and names,
with the Interacted with the the topic of the
product. product. product and
Interacted with
(40 points ) ( 30 points) the product.
(25 points)
Subject Well researched subject Some subject Subject
knowledge. knowledge is evident knowledge is clear. knowledge is
throughout. The whole Some information is not clear, the
information is clear, appropriate confusing, incoherent whole
and correct. or flawed. information is
(40 points ) ( 30 points) (25 points)

Unit lV

Second grade

Social practice of the language

Understand and produce oral exchanges related to leisure situations.

Familiar and community.

Specific competency
Share personal experiences in a conversation.

Product A
Autobiographical anecdote.


 Seeks confirmation.
 Enunciates personal experiences spontaneously.
 Organizes sentences in am sequence.
 Adapts verbal and nonverbal patterns of behavior for
a specific audience.
 Anticipates the general meaning and main ideas to
keep a conversation going.
 Uses direct and indirect speech to share personal

I. Play Snakes & ladders.

It´s a classic students´ board game. It is played between 2 or more players on a playing
board with numbered grid squares. On certain squares on the grid are drawn a number of
"ladders" connecting two squares together, and a number of "snakes" or "chutes" also
connecting squares together. The size of the grid (most commonly 8×8, 10×10 or 12×12)
varies from board to board, as does the exact arrangement of the chutes and the ladders:
both of these may affect the duration of game play.

II .Read the sentences examples and Identify the verbs in past tense.

 Yesterday I was at the video games.

 Last week I was at the Mall.
 Four weeks ago they were in France.
 Last night I went to the movie.
 Three years ago my brother was studying English.
 Two days ago you were at the concert.

III. Make sentences using was and were, also use adverbs of time.




IV. Read the information below.

Sentence connectors are used to link ideas from one sentence to the next and to
give paragraphs coherence. Sentence connectors perform different functions and
are placed at the beginning of a sentence. They are used to introduce, order,
contrast, sequence ideas, theory, data etc. The following table lists useful

Logical / sequential order Order of importance

 Firstly, secondly, thirdly etc  Most / more importantly

 Next, last, finally  Most significantly
 In addition  Above all
 Furthermore  Primarily
 Also  It is essential / essentially
 At present / presently

Contrast Result

 However  As a result
 On the other hand  As a consequence
 On the contrary  Therefore
 By (in) comparison  Thus
 In contrast  Consequently
 Hence

Comparison Reason

 Similarily  The cause of

 Likewise  The reason for
 Also

Write the connectors in some sentences .

d) ___________________________________________________________________
e) ___________________________________________________________________
f) ___________________________________________________________________

V. Read the aspects of Autobiography

Autobiography is the type of writing in which authors tell

about events in their own lives.

Characters are well developed in detail and are true-to-life.

They are revealed by what people in a story do, think, and
say; what other say about them; and how others interact with

Characterization is the author’s development of characters. It is the way in

which a writer reveals a character’s personality. The writer may do this by
telling us what the character says, thinks, or feels; by telling us what other
characters think or feel about the character; or by telling us directly what the
character is like.

Setting is described vividly.

Details are interesting. Writers of autobiographies use

objective and subjective details and anecdotes to tell their life

Anecdotes are short, often humorous, stories that enliven

writing and illustrate a point.

Chronological order is the order in which real-life events

occur and the order in which most writers of autobiographies
tell their stories. Often events are arranged from childhood to

Point of View is the perspective from which an autobiography is written. Since

autobiographies are written by their subjects, they are told from the first-person point
of view and use the pronouns I, me, and mine. Readers experience events through
the writer's eye-- knowing only what they think and feel about any given experience.

An autobiography is told from the writer’s perspective, or point of view. The first-person
point of view reflects only the writer’s thoughts, feelings, opinions, and biases. The third-
person point of view can be used to reflect the opinions, feelings, thoughts, and biases of
multiple characters.

Third-person limited point of view is limited to the experience and consciousness of single
character. Third-person omniscient point of view is told by an all-knowing narrator who
understands and can reveal the thoughts and feeling of all characters.

Author's Purpose is the author's reason for writing. Authors of autobiographies

often want to make sense of events in their lives and to communicate an important
personal statement about life. They may also want to give credit to people who
influence them. Controversial individuals often write autobiographies to explain or
justify their actions.

Humor – Autobiographies often use short, humorous anecdotes (stories) to

enliven the story and illustrate a point. Some humor is verbal (jokes or play on
words), some physical (slapstick humor), and some require readers to use their
imagination. There are some standard criterion a for creating humor:
 One criterion is to use material that is outrageous.
 Another is to focus on the unexpected. Some authors take advantage of
the fact that their readers enjoy situations in which the authors make fun
of things that the readers themselves find annoying, such as homework.

Irony is an expression of the opposite of what is expected or the opposite of what is

meant. Example: “Shut up and listen to me,” he roared. …. This particular kind of irony
is humorous because it casts light on a person’s foibles (minor flaws; weaknesses) in a
gently teasing way. There are three types of Irony:
 Verbal Irony: is when someone says the opposite of what they mean.
 Situation Irony: is when what happens is very different from what is expected.
 Dramatic Irony: is when the reader knows something that one or more
characters don’t know.

Descriptive details create a picture with words that appeal to
one or more of the five senses – sight, sound, touch, taste, or
• Sight: the writer gives a clear picture of what he looks like and how he moved.
• Touch: the simile comparing Alec to the sunrise suggests tremendous emotional
• Sound: there is a sound of respect in his voice.

Prefix is a word part added at the beginning of a word.

• It changes the meaning of the word to which it is added. Example: unwound and
impatient. “Un” and “im” are both prefixes meaning “not.” Unwound means “to
reverse the process of winding up” and impatient means “not patient.” Other
prefixes that mean “not” are in-, non-, and mis-.

Drawing Conclusion

• – Strategic readers draw conclusions when they take small pieces of information
about the characters or events and use them to make a broad statement.

1.-Write in your notebook What you think about an specific topic using

2. Look up for a character you would like to know about and write his or her
biography using connectors.

3. Look at, and, and then write five exercises about tag questions.

Use the following information to write the biography.

Date of birth:
Historical Context:
Family Facts:
Proffesion: _________________________ Facts of Life: ________________________
Awards received:
Other Interesting facts:
Date of death:

Date of birth:
Historical Context:
Family Facts:
Proffesion: __________________________ Facts of Life: ______________________
Awards received:
Other Interesting facts:
Date of death:

Instructions: Read the information related to the subject of reflection and then
answer the following questions:

• What is a biography?

• What elements have


Vl. Write some sentences to share personal experiences.

All about me

• Who you are in life – Based on facts and research!

• What life means to you – Your feelings, both past and present.
• What your outlook on the future is – Usually based on one event.






a). Organize sentences into a sequence.

Before During After

VII- Read the Justin Bieber Biographies. (Circle the verbs in past tense, and
underline the connectors).

Reading Comprehension
Text From:
Picture From:

Justin Bieber Biography

An old soul is the last thing you would expect to find

inside Justin Bieber. But all it takes is one listen to
the 15 year-old soul-singing phenomenon to realize
that he is light years ahead of his manufactured pop
peers. After posting dozens of homemade videos on
YouTube in 2007, where the multi-talented Bieber
put his impeccable spin on songs from artists like
Usher, Ne-Yo and Stevie Wonder, Justin racked up
over 10,000,000 views purely from word of mouth.
“I started singing about three years ago,” says the
Canadian native who grew up an only child in
Stratford, Ontario.

“I entered a local singing competition called Stratford Idol. The other people

in the competition had been taking singing lessons and had vocal coaches. I
wasn’t taking it too seriously at the time, I would just sing around the house. I was
only 12 and I got second place.”
In an effort to share his victory with his loved ones, Justin began posting his
performance footage online. “I put my singing videos from the competition on
YouTube so that my friends and family could watch them,” he says. “But it turned
out that other people liked them and they started subscribing to them. That’s how
my manager found me. He saw me on YouTube and contacted my family and now
I’m signed!”
Seven months after Justin started posting his videos online, former So So Def
executive Scooter Braun flew the then 13-year old singer to Atlanta, GA to meet
with his elite colleagues. As if Justin’s natural singing talent wasn’t enough to
impress Scooter’s inner circle, Braun knew Bieber was also a self-taught musician
who plays the drums, guitar, piano and trumpet.

“Right when we flew into Atlanta, Scooter drove us to the studio and Usher was
there in the parking lot,” remembers Bieber. “That was my first time ever being out
of Canada so I went up to him and was like, ‘Hey Usher, I love your songs, do you
want me to sing you one?’ He was like, ‘No little buddy, just come inside, it’s cold

All it took was a short time online for Usher to realize he was in the company of a
future superstar. “A week later Usher flew me back to Atlanta,” says Bieber. “I sang
for him and his people and he really wanted to sign me then and there but I still had a
meeting with Justin Timberlake who also wanted to sign me. It turned out Usher’s deal
was way better. He had L.A. Reid backing him up and Scooter had a lot of really good
connections in Atlanta. I always tease Usher now and remind him how he blew me off
the first time we met.”
In October of 2008, Justin Bieber officially signed to Island Records. His debut
album, My World is an intimate look into the mind of a budding young renaissance
man. With production from star hit men like The Dream and Tricky Stewart who
produced “Umbrella” for Rihanna and Beyonce’s smash, “Single Ladies (Put A Ring
On It),” Justin has everything he needs to achieve pop supremacy.
His first single, “One Time” produced by Tricky, is about one of Justin’s favorite
topics, puppy love. Usher joins Justin on “First Dance” where the two share versus on
a song that Bieber describes as, “A slow groovy song that people can dance to.” On
the Midi-Mafia produced “Down to Earth” Justin digs deep to talk about growing up.
“Bigger” finds the teenaged singer maturing at a steady rate, while motivating his
listeners to strive for their goals.
“I’m looking forward to influencing others in a positive way,” says Justin. “My
message is you can do anything if you just put your mind to it. I grew up below the
poverty line; I didn’t have as much as other people did. I think it made me stronger as
a person it built my character. Now I have a 4.0 grade point average and I want to go
to college and just become a better person.”

A virtually untapped well of natural artistic talent, Justin Bieber is primed to be a

solid force in music for many years to come. “I think older people can appreciate my
music because I really show my heart when I sing, and it’s not corny,” he says. “I think
I can grow as an artist and my fans will grow with me.” And just think, he’s just
getting started.

Justin Bieber Biography

By: Have Fun Teaching

VIII. Use the information of Justin Bieber Biography, and answer the questions
below. -

IX. Read the next activities and write your Autobiography.

Select some personal experiences.

Write sentences to express the personal experiences.
Check that sentences are understood when said and heard.
Organize sentences into a text to put together the autobiographical
Practice the enunciation of autobiographical anecdotes.
Establish turns of participation.
Have a conversation about autobiographical anecdotes.
Order your information.
Use linking words and formal vocabulary.
Use correct formal language, complete sentences, no slang, no contractions
or exclamations.
History of a lifetime – Must cover entire life.
Most important facts and events of someone’s life.
Contains anecdotes, memories, trips and cherished moments.
Is about another person.
Make connections to books or works they read by.
Connect books they read by connecting it to another book (text-to-text).
Connect to something in their own life (text to self).
Autobiographical writing.
Captures certain highlights or meaningful moments in one’s past.
Contemplation of the meaning of that event at the time of the writing of the
Much more emotional and connects the writer to someone or something that
had and impact on their life.


Unit lV

Second grade

Social practice of the language

Understand and express differences and similarities between cultural
aspects from Mexico and English-speaking countries.

Literary and ludic.

Specific competency
Read short literary essays in order to compare cultural aspects from
English-speaking countries and Mexico.

Product B

Comparative chart


 Distinguishes between examples and

explanations from main ideas.
 Formulates and answers questions about literary
 Compares information using antonyms.
 Writes sentences to describe cultural aspects.

I. Write the differences between USA Schools and Mexican schools.

Comparing and contrast schools.

Schools in Mexico
Schools is USA
___________________________ ______________________
___________________________ ______________________
___________________________ ______________________


II. Write the similarities from Mexican schools and USA school.



You will be learning about the Day of the Dead and comparing it to Halloween.
• Take vocabulary cards given by your teacher. As you hear the words in the lesson,
you hold them up.

III. Compare the Halloween in USA and The Day of dead in México.


_ _______________ 109
Read the text and summarize what you have learned about The Day of the

In small groups, list what makes Halloween distinct for each category. Then, write anything
you knows about the Day of the Dead.


El Día de los Muertos began as a pre-Columbian celebration and

was greatly influenced by the Spanish.

• It is a ritual honoring the dead and has been practiced for nearly
3,000 years by pre-Hispanic groups such as the ancient Maya, Aztec,
and Toltec.
• These groups occupied Mexico, Guatemala, and Belize.
• When the Spaniards arrived, they tried to convert the Aztecs to
Catholicism, which meant they had to destroy this ritual, but the
Aztecs refused to let this sacred ritual die.
• In pre-Hispanic times, el Día de los Muertos was celebrated in
August. When the Spanish could not destroy the holiday, they moved
it to November 1st (All Saints Day) and November 2nd (All Souls Day)
to make the ritual more Christian.
• Today it is celebrated more in smaller towns than in the cities.
This tradition is slowly fading. (Do you think the same thing is
happening with holidays and traditions in the U.S.?)
• Families go to the cemetery and decorate the graves with flowers.
• They build ofrendas in the homes with gifts for the deceased.

IV. Write two legends one from México and the one from USA.

___________________________________ ____________________________________
___________________________________ ____________________________________
___________________________________ ____________________________________
___________________________________ ____________________________________
___________________________________ ____________________________________
___________________________________ ____________________________________
___________________________________ ____________________________________
___________________________________ ____________________________________
___________________________________ ____________________________________
___________________________________ ____________________________________
___________________________________ ____________________________________
___________________________________ ____________________________________
___________________________________ ____________________________________
___________________________________ ____________________________________
___________________________________ ____________________________________
___________________________________ ____________________________________
___________________________________ ____________________________________
___________________________________ ____________________________________
V. Complete the chart write sentences to describe cultural

Compare México USA Paste a picture

about the topics.







VI.- Compare and contrast Independence day in México and independence
day in USA.


Ringing of bells play an important part in many patriotic celebrations. Using the colors of
the Mexican flag (red, white, green) or the American flag (red, white, blue), string jingle
bells on yarn to make necklaces. (Save for culminating celebration to ring and say “Grito
de Dolores” as the festivities begin.) At the primary level, this activity may be included at a
student-directed learning center.
Research the patriotic celebrations of other countries and record results on a Venn
Diagram, comparing the celebrations with festivities in Mexico or the U.S. These Venn
Diagrams can be saved and used in a broader unit that looks at the traditions and cultures
of other countries.

VII. Read the next paragraph, circle the main idea, and answer the question below.

Schools in Mexico

Schools in Mexico

A Venn diagram helps you compare two things.

VIII. Compare Mexico’s climate to that of Canada. In the outer circles, write things
about them that are different. In the center circle, write things that are alike.
Then summarize the differences and similarities on the lines below.

IX. Read the next questions and answer with stories about your family.

Mexican Family Traditions.

1. Where was our family from originally?


2. When grandmother or grandfather was my age, where did they live and what
was it like there?____________________________________________________

3. When you were my age, where did you live and what was it like There?

4. Did our family ever move? From where to where, and when?

5. What places and traditions are important to our family?


American family traditions


My traditions

One thing I liked about my country tradition is

Another thing I liked about my country tradition is

One thing Iike about ___________________ traditions is




Achievements:  Enunciates personal experiences spontaneously.
 Uses direct and indirect speech to share personal

I. Put the pictures in the correct sequence according to the paragraph below.

Saturday & Sunday

Hello. This is Sophie. I´m Canadian and I live in Vancouver. My parents used to
go sailing by themselves every weekend. I was too young to go with them. The
first time they took me along, it was very windy and the boat went very fast. I got
all wet, but I was too busy puling ropes to care about that. It was such an exciting

1. The correct sequence of pictures is:

a) 5, 2, 3, 1 and 4
b) 5, 3, 2, 4,and 1
c) 2, 1, 4, 5 and 3
d) 2, 3, 5, 4, and 1

II. Read the texts and then decide which one is a joke and which one is an

1. Why is 6 afraid of 7? 2. We were very nervous, because we

Because 7 8 9 really wanted to win, so we decided to
start with a song that was very popular
at the time. Then I realized everyone
was looking at me and I just froze. I
couldn´t sing nobody made a sound.

3. I´m Tom. I can tell you about the first 4. A man came up to the front desk of
time I flew on a plane, when I was 10. I an airline company and asked:
used to go to my uncle´s house a lot. “How long does it take to get to
He had a small plane and one day he Madrid?”
took me with him. It was a great The clerk replied: ”Just a minute”
experience although the plane moved a The man said: “Thank you”
lot and I felt a bit dizzy. It was an
unforgettable experience.

2. Which are jokes? 3. Which are anecdotes?

a) 1 and 2 a) 1 and 2
b) 3 and 4 b) 3 and 4
c) 2 and 3 c) 2 and 3
d) 1 and 4 d) 1 and 4


Achievements:  Write sentences to describe cultural aspects.
 Distinguishes between examples and explanation from
main ideas.
III. Read the following essay and then answer the questions below.


“I was fortunate enough to be chosen for a student exchange to Mexico. I spent three
months living with a real Mexican family and attending a local high school. It has been
one of the most rewarding experiences in my life.

In this essay I will compare and contrast some aspects of school in Mexico and Australia.
There are many similarities in school life between Mexico and Australia. In –Australia
most students wear school uniforms and Mexican students also wear it. Both school days
are divided into classes marked by the bell. One major difference however, is that in
Australia the kids are the ones who change classrooms, while in Mexico the students stay
in the same room and the teachers change. During the breaks, Mexican girls get together
and chat and boys play sport, just in the same way girls and boys do in Australia.

However, the choice of sports is different. In Australia we play Aussie Rules football in the
winter and cricket in the summer. In contrast, in Mexico they play soccer all year round.

The most difficult difference for me to get used to was the timetable. In Mexico we started
school at 7 am I had a really hard time with that as it was very different from the 9:00 am
start time in Australia! Nevertheless classes finished earlier than at home so we were
finished by 1:00 pm. In Australia I´m at school until 3:00 pm.

I made the mistake of thinking my teacher was relaxed like Mr. Fitzgerald, my teacher at
home. On the contrary, Mexican teachers are strict. In Mexico we get a lot of homework,
while in Australia we only get a little bit.

In conclusion, I experienced many similarities and differences in school life between

Mexico and Australia. As an exchange student, adapting to the differences is the fun part
of the experience.” From the book “All Ready!”

4. What would be a title for the text 5. What are the main cultural aspects
you´ve read? the essay speaks about?
a) Contrasts between Mexico and a) School in Mexico and Australia
Australia b) Free time in Mexico and Australia
b) Boys and girls c) Timetables
c) What Australians and Mexicans play d) Subjects
d) Mexican and Australian teachers

6. Of the underlined words, which are 7. Of the underlined words, which are
comparing words? contrasting words?
a) Nevertheless, while, also a) Both, also
b) However, while, b) However, while, in contrast
c) In contrast, both c) In the same way, also
d) In the same way, also d) As, both

IV. Complete the comparison chart about school life in Australia and Mexico
according to the essay: Contrasts between Mexico and Australia.


Australia Mexico
Kids change classrooms 35.
School starts at 9:00 36.
33. Teachers strict
34. Lots of homework

8. _______________________. 9. __________________________.
a) Teachers are relaxed a) Not too much homework
b) Teachers are lazy b) Too much homework
c) Teachers are very competent c) A lot of homework
d) Teachers are quiet d) Not to easy homework

10.________________________. 11. ___________________________.

a) Kids don´t move from classroom to a) School starts late in the morning
classrooms b) School starts early morning
b) Teachers don´t change classrooms c) School finishes late in the afternoon
c) Kids change classrooms d) School finishes at 7 am
d) They only have one teacher per room


Autobiography anecdote and a comparative chart.


Grammar There are not There are two or There are some
grammatical three more than four
mistakes on the grammatical grammatical
autobiography mistakes on the mistakes on the
anecdote/ A autobiography autobiography
comparative chart. anecdote/ A anecdote/ A
comparative comparative
chart. chart.

(40 points ) ( 30 points) (25 points)

Labels All items of Many items of Labels are too
importance are importance are small to view or
clearly labeled with a clearly labeled no important
label that can be with labels that items were
read from at least 3 can be read labeled.
ft. away. from at least 3
ft. away.
(20 points) (10 points ) (5 points)
Show the oral The whole members Two or three Just one student
presentation. of the team work members of the of the team work
Team work. showed the oral team work showed the oral
Topic of the presentation, Showed the presentation,
product. the team names, oral the team names,
Members the topic of the presentation, the topic of the
interacting with product. the team product and
the product. The whole members names, Interacted with
interacted with the the topic of the the product.
product. product and
Interacted with
the product.

(40 points ) ( 30 points) (25 points)

Subject Well researched Some subject Subject
knowledge. subject knowledge is knowledge is knowledge is not
evident throughout. clear. Some clear, the whole
The whole information is information is
information is clear, confusing, confused.
appropriate and incoherent or
correct. flawed.

(40 points ) ( 30 points) (25 points)


Unit V

Second grade

Social practice of the language

Produce texts to participate in academic events.

Academic and educational.

Specific competency

Write points of view to participate in a round table.

Product A
Round Table.


 Uses various strategies to point out information.

 Selects and organizes information to write
sentences with personal opinions.
 Writes paragraphs that express individual points
of view.
 Solves doubts and offers feedback to edit points
of view.

Before the round table

What Is It?
Round Table and Round Robin are cooperative learning strategies in which students take
turns contributing answers in a group. Round table is usually completed in written form;
round robin in oral form.

How Do You Use It?

The teacher poses a question or a task that has many possible answers such as listing the
items the settlers needed to make the trip West or all possible pairs of numbers that total a
given number. In round table there is usually one piece of paper and one pen for each
group. One student makes a contribution and then passes the paper and pen to the student
seated to the left. The pen and paper literally go around the table. The teacher should
monitor the groups to determine that they have adequate time to generate answers. Once
the groups have completed the task, each group shares its collective responses with the
whole class.
Round robin is an oral counterpart of round table. Students simply take turns stating answers
or ideas, without recording them. Round robin can be used with children too young to write
or when participation is the goal of the activity.


Roundtable structures can be used to brainstorm ideas and to generate a large number of
responses to a single question or a group of questions.

 Faculty poses question.

 One piece of paper and pen per group.
 First student writes one response, and says it out loud.
 First student passes paper to the left, second student writes response, etc.
 Continues around group until time elapses.
 Students may say "pass" at any time.
 Group stops when time is called.

The key here is the question or the problem you've asked the students to consider. It has to be one
that has the potential for a number of different "right" answers. Relate the question to the course unit,
but keep it simple so every student can have some input.

Once time is called, determine what you want to have the students do with the lists...they may want to
discuss the multitude of answers or solutions or they may want to share the lists with the entire class.

1. Teacher poses a problem with many possible answers such as “How can we show respect in
our classroom?”
2. Students make a list on one piece of paper, each writing one of the possible answers and
then pass the paper to the next person. The paper literally goes round the table..

 Bill Aims To Limit Cell Phone Use rivers

1. Select the Civic and Ethical topic. A question with multiple possible answers, a
topic for writing, or a task with many steps or solutions. (The teacher can agree
with the students and choose another topic).

1. Responsibility
2. Democracy

 Ask the students for more topics and continue the list.

2. The class is divided into teams (The number of teams is up to the teacher)
the teams take a topic.
3. Investigate and read about the topic.

Steps for the Strategy

1. Choose a project, a question with multiple possible answers, a topic for writing,
or a task with many steps or solutions.
4. One sheet of paper and one pencil is passed around the group. Each student
writes an answer or part of the topic, taking about the same amount of time.
3. Students coach one another when a partner has difficulty.
4. Students provide appropriate praise or constructive criticism when necessary.

Management Tips
1. Use only one sheet of paper and pencil per group.
2. Provide questions with multiple answers.
3. Set a standard amount of time for each person to share.
4. Display the amount to time in some way (wall clock, Teach Timer, etc.)
5. A sheet defining the responsibilities of each partner may be helpful when first using this
strategy with students.
6. Model good coaching for the students, including the difference between coaching and
giving the answer, including constructive feedback.
7. Use heterogeneous groups created by the teacher.


This is a Co-operative learning. You pass a sheet of paper around the table
taking it in turns to write a sentence. Listen to your teacher instructions when the
teacher gives the signal, gives the paper and pen to the student on his/her left. The
paper and pen literally go around the table, thus the name: Roundtable.

You need to write 5 sentences describing bullying and the types. You will work
as a group, taking it in turns to write a sentence. However the whole group must
agree on each sentence before you can write it down.

1. _____________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________________________

I. Read the story and write the topic.

David woke up and frowned. He didn't want to go to school today. He knew that today would be a bad day, just
like every other day. David came down the steps for breakfast and sat down at the table. "Hey," his older
brother growled, "that's where I'm sitting!" and he pushed David out of the chair. "You better learn to stay off
my chair.“

David walked to the bus stop. All of the students in the neighborhood waited together, including some big
fifth-graders who always picked on him. "Hey, you," called one of them. "Where did you get that stupid hat?"
He grabbed the hat off David's head. "Look at this piece of trash," he called to his friends, and he threw David's
hat into the trash can.

David finally made it to class. As he sat down at his desk, he saw one of the girls in his class point at him and
whisper something to her friend. Her friend laughed and told the girl next to her. She laughed too and ran to
tell another girl. David felt his face getting red as he sat down and stared at his desk.

For lunch, David usually ate with his friend, Tran, but today Tran was absent. David walked over to a table with
an empty chair and started to sit down. "You can't sit here," a boy at the table said. "This seat is saved." David
walked to another table but the boys there said, "We don't want you here. Go away." David ended up eating
by himself.

At recess that afternoon nobody asked David to play, so David stood watching the others. Suddenly, one girl
ran up and called David a name. Other boys and girls nearby started teasing David too. David was so upset that
he just wanted to disappear.

II. After reading the text answer the following questions.

1. Give a topic to the text


2. What is the main idea?


3. Answer the Following Questions. Write the answers in your notebook.

What are some of the feelings you have What do you have, that bullies want
when you are bullied by someone? List 6. so badly? List at least 6 things.
Why are Bullies-Bullies?
a. _________________
b. _________________ a. _________________
c. _________________ b. _________________
d. _________________ c. _________________
e. _________________ d. _________________
f. _________________ e. _________________
f. _________________

III. Define bullying.

1. What do you think is happening here?

2. What makes you think so?

3. How do you think the boy to the right feels?


4. What should the boy to the right say in this


5. What would you do or say if you were the

only observer of this situation?

6. How could this situation be resolved?

The 4 major types of bullies are as follows.

Write a description of each one of the 4 kinds of bullying.

Type of Bully Description

Physical Bully

Verbal Bully

Relational Bully

Cyber Bully

Types of bullying write some examples.

Physical Bully Verbal Bully Relational Bully Cyber Bully

Read the following behaviors and decide which ones are bullying and which ones are not.
Check the ones that are bullying behaviors.

 Making fun of somebody's look.  Teasing someone about the clothes he or

she wears.
 Chasing away younger kids when
they want to play on the swings.  Telling someone that the hat he's wearing
doesn't look good on him.
 Accidentally bumping into
someone in the hallway.  A group of kids won't let you sit with them at
lunch even though there's room.
 Calling people names because of
the color of their skin.  Telling someone that he or she is not being
 Making the other kids play the
game your way.  Joking with people by "putting them down".

Listen and fill in the spaces.

Bullying an epidemic in the U.K.

Bullying in British schools has _________ epidemic levels. Last week, England’s
Commissioner for Children said nearly every child was _________ by the problem.
Education ministers are keen to reverse the worrying trend, especially as today is the start
of Anti-Bullying Week. Politicians are thinking about _________ the parents of bullies up to
$1,700. Schools minister Jacqui Smith said: “This will send a strong message to parents
that schools will not _________ a failure to take responsibility for bullying.” Other
proposals give teachers the right to restrain students “through _________ force” where

Ms. Smith said: “Bullying should never be tolerated in our schools, no matter what its
_________.” She added that: “Children must know what is right and what is wrong.” She
said children must know what will _________ if they cross the line. She spoke after many
_________ cases of violence in schools. Twelve-year-old bullies have slashed their
_________ with knives and used iron bars to beat students unconscious. One child was
told she would be “dead meat” if she returned to school. It _________ many of Britain’s
schoolchildren are more interested in tormenting and _________ other students than

VOCABULARY: Circle any words you do not understand. In groups, pool unknown
words and use dictionaries to find their meanings.

IV. Bullying Survey.

Survey 5 people to see if they have been bullied and put a brief description of the type of bullying in
the box. For example if the bullying was social, print the type—spreading rumors, excluding...


Student 1

Student 2

Student 3

Student 4

Student 5

After completing the bullying survey, respond to the following questions:

1. How many individuals took the survey? _________________________________

2. How many males?_____________ How many females?____________________

3. Did anyone respond that has never been bullied? ______________________

4. What was the most frequent type of bullying? __________________________

5. Provide your opinion as to why this type of bullying the most:



6. What type of bullying occurred the least? ______________________________

7. Why do you think this type of bullying doesn’t happen as often as the

others? __________________________________________________________________


8. In your opinion, what can be done to eliminate the bullying?



Listening activity for the teacher.

Bullying an epidemic in the U.K.

Bullying in British schools has reached epidemic levels. Last week, England’s Commissioner for
Children said nearly every child was affected by the problem. Education ministers are keen to reverse the
worrying trend, especially as today is the start of Anti-Bullying Week. Politicians are thinking about fining the
parents of bullies up to $1,700. Schools minister Jacqui Smith said: “This will send a strong message to
parents that schools will not tolerate a failure to take responsibility for bullying.” Other proposals give
teachers the right to restrain students “through reasonable force” where necessary.

Ms. Smith said: “Bullying should never be tolerated in our schools, no matter what its motivation.” She
added that: “Children must know what is right and what is wrong.” She said children must know what will
happen if they cross the line. She spoke after many recent cases of violence in schools. Twelve-year-old
bullies have slashed their victims with knives and used iron bars to beat students unconscious. One child was
told she would be “dead meat” if she returned to school. It appears many of Britain’s schoolchildren are
more interested in tormenting and injuring other students than learning.

Read the behavioral statements and check under “yes” or “no” to indicate whether
or not you engaged in the behavior. If you answer “Yes” to any of the statements,
answer the questions listed below the table. Be truthful!

Behavior Yes No

Have you sent through a computer or cell phone a text message about
an embarrassing secret about someone?

Have you sent or posted a gross image/picture of someone online or by

cell phone camera?

Have you used profanity or angry language with someone through a

cell phone or computer?

Have you bombarded someone with hurtful and mean emails, text
messages, etc.?

Have you used a cell phone or computer to spread malicious gossip,

rumors, and lies?

Have you sent mean and ugly emails?

Have you used cell phones or computers to play cruel jokes on


Have you used cell phones or computers to threaten anyone, making

them fear their safety?

Have you used a computer to pretend you are someone you are not in
order to get a student in trouble?

If you answered “Yes” to any of the above questions, answer the following

Do you understand you are being hurtful, you are disobeying the Golden Rule, you
may be doing something against the law, and you are making our school less
peaceful and unsafe? Yes _____ No ____

Do you agree to stop cyber bullying: (check one) Yes _____ No ____


Reading comprehension
Bryan doesn't like going to school anymore. He is tired of being bullied.
Some of the bigger boys at school are mean to him. They push him to the
ground. They hide his books. They call him names. They are bullies
When things get really bad, Bryan tells his mom he is sick. “You should stay
home and rest,” Mom says. “You'll feel better tomorrow.” Then Bryan gets
to stay home.

He reads books. He watches television. He eats what he wants. He is not

scared. “You should tell someone you are getting bullied at school,” says
Bryan’s best friend, Link.

But Bryan is scared. He doesn't want to tell an adult.

“That will make things worse, Link,” says Bryan. “You don’t go to my school.
You have no idea how mean these guys can be.” “You can’t keep missing
school,” says Link. “Your grades will fall. You will be in trouble at home. And
besides, you don't want to be in the seventh grade forever, do you?"

Bryan thinks Link is probably right. He will tell his mom about the bullies
today when she gets home from work. He will see what happens.

Underline the correct answer.

 Why doesn't Bryan like going to school anymore?

A. his best friend does not go there
B. the work is hard
C. the kids are mean
D. he wants to read books at home

 How might Bryan feel when the kids at school are mean to him?
A. Angry
B. Smart
C. Strong
D. scared

 What do the mean kids do to Bryan?

A. they call him names.
B. they push him to the ground
C. they steal his money
D. they hide his bookbag

 What does it mean to be bullied?

A. not to have friends at school
B. to have a lot of work
C. to have people say and do mean things to you
D. no to like school

What do you think about bullying?
Write your opinión.

Circle where you have been bullied.

You can choose more than one or draw your own picture.

school bus out shopping


Draw your own


park stadium

How were you bullied?

make fun of me by phone or called me hurt my body draw your own

text names picture.

What did you do?

Stay away from Cry Speak to Hit the bully Draw your
where I was bullied someone own picture.

Who did you bullied?

Did you tell someone you were bullied?

BULLYING SOLUTIONS: Do you agree with these solutions to stopping bullying in
schools? Discuss the pros and cons of each with your partner(s).


All classrooms should have
web cameras so parents can
monitor their children.
Children who often
misbehave should be told to
leave the school forever.
Parents of bullied children
can sue the bully’s parents.
Teachers should receive
better training to understand
bullies and stop them.
Parents of bullies should be
named and shamed in local
Parents must pay a fine for
all incidents of their child’s
Well-behaved children can
suggest punishments for
badly behaved children.
Teachers who cannot control
their classrooms should be
Bullies should be put in
special children’s prisons.

What do you think?

Unit V

Second grade

Social practice of the language

Interpret and express everyday life instructions.

Familiar and community.

Specific competency
Understand and give instructions to perform everyday life activities.

Product B
Poster with instructions to perform an everyday activity.


• Adjusts volume, intonation, and tone to emphasize or alter

• Understands and requests instructions to perform an activity.
• Writes sequences of enunciation to give instructions.
• Uses linguistic resources to ensure the understanding of
• Produces instructions spontaneously.

Giving Instructions Sequence
Do you know how to give instructions in English?
How to make a cup of tea?
How to search for a topic on index?
How to make a call on your mobile? Or listen to your favorite music?

There are two parts to give instructions: the sequences and the actions.

Asking for Instructions

How do you (do this)? How do I . . . ?
What is the best way to . . . ? How do I go about it?
What do you suggest? How do you suggest I proceed?
What is the first step?

Giving Instructions Sequencing

Before you begin, (you should . . .)
First, (you) . . .
The first thing you do is . . . .
Then, (you) . . .
I would start by . . .
Next, (you) . . .
The best place to begin is . . .
Lastly, (you) . .
To begin with,

Starting out
After that, The last step is . . .
The next step is to . . . The last thing you do is . . .
The next thing you do is . . . In the end,
Once you've done that, then . . . When you've finished,
When you've completed all the
When you finish that, then . . . steps,


Everyday activities

Hi, My name is Susan. I am ten years old. I am Portuguese and I live with my mother, my father and
my brother in Lisbon.

The day starts about 7 o´clock, when dad and mom get up. We usually have breakfast at 8
o´clock. I like to eat cereal with milk and a toast.

After breakfast my brother and I brush our teeth. We all leave the house by 8.30. Dad goes to
work. He is a doctor. Mum, my brother and I walk to school then my mother catches the bus to her
work place. She is a shop assistant.

I always have lunch at school.

My mom picks me up from school at 18.30. Sometimes we go to the shops and if we are lucky we
play with our friends in the park before we do our homework.

Decide whether the following sentences are T (true) or F (false) .

1. The text is about a ten- year old girl.

2. She lives in a flat in north-west Scotland.

3. Susan gets up at 7 o´clock.

4. All the family has the breakfast together.

5. School finishes at a quarter past five.

6. She likes fish and salad.

7. At weekends she goes to the ballet.

Answer the following questions

in your notebook

Who is Susan? How many connectors do you

Who does she live with? remember? Write them down here.
What time does she get up? __________________
What does she have for breakfast? __________________
How does she go to school?
What does she do after school? __________________
What time does the family have __________________
When does she do ballet? Underline all the connectors you can
Is her father a teacher? find in the text.
What does she do at weekends?

Match the activities and the pictures. Then find them in the word


















What do you do every day that needs instructions to be
Brainstorm as a group to generate a list of daily activities where you provide

Circle the adverb of manner.

James, a golfer, was playing a round golf the other day when he
accidentally hit his ball into a hole off the golfing greens. James made an
accidental shot. Unexpectedly, an angry gopher appeared. The gopher angrily
pushed the ball out of its hole. The gopher complained loudly. The gopher made a
loud complaint. The ball hit him hard–hardly on the head. James could hardly
believe that a gopher was making its home on the golf course. Normally, James
has good eyesight. However, he didn't see well this time because his ball did land
anywhere near the golf green.
In any language, a person must give and follow directions whether it is in a cab,
when explaining a process, or giving instructions

In English, the imperative form is the command form of a sentence.

The imperative is most often used when giving directions or giving
instructions. “Do your homework. Study for the test. Pay attention in
class.” All these are imperative sentences. Forming the imperative is
very simple. Verb conjugations follow the normal pattern, but the
subject of the sentence (you) is dropped. “You do your homework”
becomes “do your homework.” For negative sentences, do not is
added too before the verb. “Do not sleep in class.

British English: cab American English: _______________

Read the following sequence to watch a video. Can you put them in the correct
sequence? Enter the numbers 1 through 7 in the fields provided.

Sequencing - Watching a Video (7 Steps)

_____ Sit down and watch the video.

_____ Push the "play" button.
_____ Select a video at home or at a store
_____ Rewind the video when it is over.
_____ Take the video out of its case.
_____ Return the video to the store or put it away
_____ Pop the video into the Blue- ray.

As whole class. Write the instructions to wash your hands. Draw images. Add at
least one adverb of manner.

Don´t forget to wash your hands

Brainstrorm ideas of some daily activities where instructions can be given. Write
some places where this can happen; school, home, street, park, and some verbs
Use the chart below.



Who might provide

this instructions?

What verbs they might


Choose one daily activity and write the instructions to perform this activity.

Make a poster with these instructions.

Understanding Story Sequence

In the story below, pay particular attention to the order of events within
the passage.
There are many signal words that can indicate the order of events.
Read the following entry and then order the events at the bottom of
sheet with the numbers 1-6; based on sequence of events that took

Cameron the Relay Machine

Cameron was a star swimmer at Eldred Middle School. He had been

swimming competitively since he was five years old. He was to swim in
three events and one relay at the meet on Tuesday.

As always, Cameron had his signature bowl of spaghetti and meatballs

before preparing for the meet. He also always has a Rice Krispies bar
immediately following his warm up routine.

When he prepares for a meet, the first thing that he does is stretch his
muscles and warm-up by running in place, immediately after stretching.
Then, he does ten push-ups followed by a run-up and down the middle
school bleachers.

Cameron swam well. He placed first twice and got a third place in the
500 meter butterfly stroke. He truly dominated the relay getting his
team a two lap lead by the time he got out of the water.

Place the events in order (1 being first) by using 1-7:

____ Cameron ate a Rice Krispies bar.
____ Cameron ran-up and down the bleachers.
____ He did push-ups.
____ Cameron won his first swimming event.
____ Cameron ate meatballs and spaghetti.
____ He stretched his muscles.


“Stripy Tigers”

Here are Carrie’s instructions for making the snack called “Stripy Tigers”.
For each
stage of the process choose the correct linking word or expression from the
options below.

1. ______________ cut as many slices of bread as you need - white bread is best.
Not too thin or it will end up soggy.
2. ______________ grill some rashers of bacon.
3. ______________ the bacon is grilling; break 2 eggs in to a bowl.
4. ______________ add about 142 milliliters of milk and beat the milk and the eggs
5. ______________ dip the bread in to the bowl of eggs and milk and leave for a
seconds to soak up the mixture.
6. ______________ heat some oil in a frying pan
7. ______________ take the bread out of the bowl and put it in to the frying pan
8. ______________ golden brown on both sides take it out of the frying pan. Eat
while it's hot, topped with the rashers of bacon. If you don't like bacon, try
spreading on some jam or tomato ketchup!
1: At firstly / To begin with 5: Then / After

2: Then / Before 6: After you’ve done this / After do this

3: While / At same as 7: When the oil is hot / While the oil is hot

4: Next / Following 8: Once the bread is / Finally

oints Description
4 In order to receive a 4-point score during the discussion, the student must:
Demonstrate an understanding of ethic topic.
make at least two relevant statements.
Respond appropriately at all times.
Ask at least two questions relating to the topic being discussed.
3 In order to receive a 3-point score during the discussion, the student must:

 demonstrate an understanding of ethic topic.

 achieve the performance standard on two of the remaining three elements.
2 In order to receive a 2-point score during the discussion, the student must:
achieve the performance standard on two of the four elements.
1 In order to receive a 1-point score during the discussion, the student must:
achieve the standard on one of the four elements.
0 In order to receive a 0-point score, the student discussion will show no evidence of
any of the elements associated with the standard.

Group Discussion Scoring Table

Question Discussed: ___________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________________
Discussion Time: minutes ________________________________________
Teacher: _____________________________________________________
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. _________________________________________________
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Student used Core Democratic Values
Student made a statement about the issue that
was accurate and relevant.
Student asked questions that were on the
subject being discussed.
Responded Appropriately
Invited the contributions of others.
Acknowledged statements of other students in
the discussion.
Tactfully challenged the accuracy, logic,
relevance, or clarity of statements made by
Summarized points of agreement and
Responded Inappropriately
Made irrelevant/distracting statements.
Monopolized the discussion.
Engaged in personal attacks.
Rating for “Responded Appropriately”
Final Score



Achievements: Uses various strategies to point out information.

I. Look at the pictures and predict the topic of the reading.

1. The topic is:

a) Friends and students

b) Why do bullies act that way?
c) Throwing away notebooks.
d) Gossip and flooding

II. Read the article and identify the topic of each paragraph.

“Bullies usually pick on someone because there is something different about the
victim, e.g. they may be physically different, wear different clothes or like different
There are several reasons why bullies pick on people:
 Some bullies are looking for attention, and they think bullying is a way to
be popular.
 Other bullies are insecure. They want to feel important, and when they pick
on someone else, it makes them feel powerful.
 Some bullies come from families where everyone is angry and shouts all
the time, and they think it is a normal way to act.
 Some bullies pick on their victims for no reason at all.

The good news is that bullies can learn to change their behavior:
 Teachers can help bullies understand that their behavior benefits nobody.
 Other kids can set an example by treating everyone fairly and with respect.
 Schools can stop bullying by suspending or expelling bullies.”
Taken from the book: Yes, we can!

2. The topic of the first paragraph is: 3. The topic of the second paragraph is:
a) What a bully is. a) Attention and time
b) Someone different b) Why bullies do that
c) Favorite clothes and music c) Families and anger
d) Victims d) Teachers and schools

III. Read the following human rights articles from the United Nations and answer
questions 40 and 41

Art. 1 All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and
rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and
should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Art. 2 Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set

forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as
race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion,
national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the
political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or
territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent,
trust, non-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.

Art. 3 Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of


Art. 4 No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery

and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.

4. A nine-year old boy is working in a 5. The abbreviation Art. Stands for?

factory without any pay nor rights to a) Art
social security. He doesn´t see his mom b) Human rights
or father, he is living in the factory. c) Assessment right time
According to the human rights from the d) Article
United Nations, which right is being
denied to the nine-year old boy?
a) Art. 1
b) Art. 2
c) Art. 3
d) Art. 4

Achievements : Understand and request instruction to perform an activity.

IV. Look at the pictures and then choose a sentence that best describes the



6. For picture A, the correct sentence is: 7. For pictures E, the correct sentence
a) Time to take a shower. is:
b) Time to go to school. a) Time to take a shower.
c) Mom prepares breakfast. b) Time to go to school.
d) The alarm clock rings. c) Mom prepares breakfast.
d) The alarm clock rings.
8. For picture C, the sentence is:
a) Go back to your house.
b) Brush your teeth.
c) Wake up.
d) Have breakfast.

V. Now predict what other instructions come after each picture.

9. For picture A the instruction that 10. For picture B, the following instruction
comes after is: is:
a) Get up. a) Get dressed and comb your hair.
b) Sit down and watch TV. b) Go out and protest.
c) Go to school. c) Evacuate immediately.
d) Do homework and play. d) Do homework and play.

11. For picture C, the following

instruction is:
a) Go back and sleep.
b) Take a class.
c) Don´t forget to play Candy Crush.
d) Don´t forget to floss.

Write points of view about a Civic or Ethical topic to participate in a round table.
Spelling Spelling is correct Some problems with Many problems 20
conventions. most of the time spelling. with spelling.
Write simple Can write ____ Can write ____ Can write ____ 16
sentences to simple sentences simple sentence has simple sentence
write giving opinion. problems to give an doesn’t give
personal opinion. opinion.
Write Write opinions Write opinions using Write opinions 12
opinions using some some synonyms with using synonyms
using synonyms. mistakes. often with
synonyms. mistakes
Write Complex Complex sentences There are no 12
complex sentences are are used but there Complex
sentences used correctly few errors in the use sentences
based on with appropriate of dependent and
personal dependent and independent
opinions independent clauses.
Write a It has a topic Missing one of the I do not have a 12
paragraph sentence. following: it has a topic sentence
that It has details. It topic sentence. It and a conclusion.
expresses has a conclusion. has details. It has It´s missing
points of It is writing on conclusion. It is details.
view. topic and writing on topic and
expresses a point expresses a point of
of view. view.

Use this rubric to assess yourself.

Yes No

Learning Outcomes
Self assessment
Use various strategies to point out information.
Selects and organizes information to write
sentences with personal opinions
Writes paragraphs that express individual points of view.
Solves doubts and offers feedback to edit points of view.

Poster rubric.


Grammar There are no There are 2 or 3 There are more than
grammatical grammatical 3 grammatical
mistakes on the mistakes on the mistakes.
poster. poster.
40 ‘points 30 ‘points 25 ‘points
Labels All items of Many items of Labels are too small
importance are importance are to view or no
clearly labeled with clearly labeled with important Items were
A label that can be labels that can be labeled.
read from at least read from at least 3
3 ft. away. ft. away.
20 ‘points 10 ‘points 5 ‘points
Visual Very colorful, neat, Requires more Significantly lacking in
appeal Detailed, inviting, color, Neatness, color, detail,
professional, & &/or details. neatness, &/or
eye-catching. professionalism.

20 ‘points 10 ‘points 5 ‘points

Subject Well researched; Some subject Subject knowledge is
Knowledge subject knowledge knowledge is Not evident.
is evident evident. Some Information is
throughout. All Information is confusing, incorrect,
Information is confusing, incorrect or flawed.
clear, Appropriate or flawed.
& correct.
40 ‘points 30 ‘points 25 ‘points

Recursos Didácticos para el Fortalecimiento de la Educación Secundaria
Cuaderno de Actividades para el Fortalecimiento de los Aprendizajes
Alineados al Plan y Programas de Estudio 2011
Articulación de la Educación Básica
D.R. © Secretaria de Educación de Nuevo León
Control: DES/DT-I2-001-13
Coordinación: Dra. Anastacia Rivas Olivo
Portada: Martín Alfonso Frías Martínez
Se imprimió en el Departamento Técnico de Educación Secundaria
Av. San Bernabé No. 100, Col. Nueva Morelos, Monterrey, Nuevo León
El tiraje fue de 500 ejemplares
MATERIAL DIDÁCTICO/Prohibida su venta
Todas las imágenes están protegidas por las leyes de derecho de autor y fueron utilizadas en este cuaderno con fines educativos.


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