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Na aula de hoje você terá a oportunidade de praticar sua habilidade de scanning. Para responder as
perguntas utilize o texto da aula anterior What Does a Theoretical Physicist Do?

What Does a Theoretical Physicist Do?

Theoretical physicists have a fascinating job that combines observation with mathematics in order to
create complex formulas that describe the workings of the universe around us. Among the most
famous theoretical physicists are Albert Einstein, Sir Isaac Newton and Stephen Hawking.
Theoretical physicists often work for universities, corporations or scientific-focused organizations.
A theoretical physicist uses calculus-based formulas to propose explanations for the many mysteries
of the natural world. A physicist might, for example, use formulas to describe the existence of dark
matter in the universe, or why time slows as an object approaches the speed of light. These theories
often work hand-in-hand with experimental physics, helping explain what is discovered
experimentally. Theoretical physicists many have an easier time pursuing their interests because their
funding needs are significantly less than what an experimental physicist needs to perform an
Theoretical physicists usually start out with a bachelor's degree in physics. Many take classes in
theoretical physics along with foundation-building classes in math and generic physics. Students then
go on to obtain master's and doctorate degrees in physics. In Einstein's time, theoretical physicists
could study many different branches of physics. Today, because physics is much more complex,
theoretical physicists need to specialize in one particular branch, such as elemental physics, quantum
physics or astrophysics. Physicists might pursue a postdoctoral fellowship that gives them a deeper
understanding of their specialization after obtaining their PhD.
A theoretical physicist might work for a scientific organization such as CERN (the European
Organization for Nuclear Research), where the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is located. Here,
theoretical physicists use formulas to predict what elementary particles an experimental physicist
might discover while using the LHC. They also seek to understand exactly how these elementary
particles work. Theoretical physicists might also work for universities, teaching their specialized
knowledge to students while also seeking publication in peer-reviewed journals.
A theoretical physicist has a wide range of specializations to choose from. She might study elementary
particles like the Higgs boson discovered by the LHC. Or he might focus on extra dimensions or
string theory. He might focus on quantum physics and theories such as the often-cited Schrodinger's
cat thought experiment. A theoretical physicist might focus on space-time theory and the changes that
occur as objects approach the speed of light.

1. Por que, segundo o autor, o trabalho dos físicos teóricos é interessante?



2. De que forma e para que a matemática é usada por físicos teóricos?



3. Qual é geralmente o percurso acadêmico do físico teórico?



Profª. Milenna BRUN - DLA


4. Qual a diferença do estudo da física na época e Einstein e agora?



5. Quais são alguns das especializações da Física citadas no texto?



6. Onde está localizado o LHC? E o que fazem os físicos que trabalhm lá?

7. Quais das seguintes afirmações são verdadeiras, de acordo com o texto?

a) ( ) Einstein studied many branches of Physics.

b) ( ) Hawkins often works for universities.
c) ( ) A fellowship is a good way to study a certain topic thoroughly.
d) ( ) Physics graduates look for journals to publish their work.
e) ( ) It is easier to be a theoretical physicist than an applied one.
8. Relacione estas palavras com o seu significado.
a. Among ( ) amplo
b. Matter ( ) entre
c. Wide ( ) específica
d. Journal ( ) matéria
e. Range ( ) buscar
f. Particular ( ) variação, espectro
g. Pursue ( ) ramo
h. Peer ( ) fundação
i. Funding ( ) grau
j. Branch ( ) financiamento
k. Foundation ( ) par
l. Degree ( ) periódico

Profª. Milenna BRUN - DLA


Na aula de hoje você terá a oportunidade de praticar sua habilidade de scanning. Para responder as
perguntas utilize o texto da aula anterior What do Medical Physicists Do?

What do Medical Physicists Do?

Medical physicists are concerned with three areas of activity: clinical service and
consultation, research and development, and teaching. On the average their time is distributed equally
among these three areas.
Many medical physicists are heavily involved with responsibilities in areas of diagnosis and
treatment, often with specific patients. These activities take the form of consultations with physician
colleagues. In radiation oncology departments, one important example is the planning of radiation
treatments for cancer patients, using either external radiation beams or internal radioactive sources.
An indispensable service is the accurate measurement of the radiation output from radiation sources
employed in cancer therapy. In the specialty of nuclear medicine, physicists collaborate with
physicians in procedures utilizing radionuclides for delineating internal organs and determining
important physiological variables, such as metabolic rates and blood flow. Other important services
are rendered through investigation of equipment performance, organization of quality control in
imaging systems, design of radiation installations, and control of radiation hazards.
Medical physicists play a vital and often leading role on the medical research team. Their activities
cover wide frontiers, including such key areas as cancer, heart disease, and mental illness. In cancer,
they work primarily on issues involving radiation, such as the basic mechanisms of biological change
after irradiation, the application of new high-energy machines to patient treatment, and the
development of new techniques for precise measurement of radiation. Significant computer
developments continue in the area of dose calculation for patient treatment and video display of this
treatment information. Particle irradiation is an area of active research with promising biological
advantages over traditional photon treatment. In heart disease, physicists work on the measurement
of blood flow and oxygenation. In mental illness, they work on the recording, correlation, and
interpretation of bioelectric potentials.
Medical physicists are also concerned with research of general medical significance, including the
applications of digital computers in medicine and applications of information theory to diagnostic
problems; processing, storing, and retrieving medical images; measuring the amount of radioactivity
in the human body and foodstuffs; and studying the anatomical and temporal distribution of
radioactive substances in the body.
Medical physicists are also involved in the development of new instrumentation and technology for
use in diagnostic radiology. These include the use of magnetic and electro-optical storage devices for
the manipulation of x-ray images, quantitative analysis of both static and dynamic images using
digital computer techniques, radiation methods for the analysis of tissue characteristics and
composition, and the exciting new areas of computerized tomography and magnetic resonance
imaging for displaying detailed cross-sectional images of the anatomy. Medical physicists are also
engaged in research and development on imaging procedures utilizing infrared and ultrasound
Often medical physicists have faculty appointments at universities and colleges, where they help train
future medical physicists, resident physicians, medical students, and technologists who operate the
various types of equipment used to perform diagnosis and treatment. They also conduct courses in
medical physics and aspects of biophysics and radiobiology for a variety of graduate and
undergraduate students.
9. Como o físico médico trabalha com médicos?

Profª. Milenna BRUN - DLA

10. Explique o trabalho do físico médico na área de oncologia.



11. Cite duas medidas fisiológicas determinadas por procedimentos da física médica:

12. Identifique 3 áreas fundamentais da pesquisa atual da física médica?


13. Que tratamento será substituído pela irradição da partícula?



14. Quais são dois relativamente recentes ramos da tecnologia na física médica?

15. Quais das seguintes afirmações são verdadeiras, de acordo com o texto?

a) ( ) Medical physicists are research leaders.

b) ( ) Dose calculation is an area that needs to be developed.
c) ( ) Medical physicists teach biophysics to doctors.
d) ( ) Medical physicists are responsible for measuring the radioactivity amount in cancer patients.
e) ( ) Medical physicists might work with doctors but not with patients.
f) ( ) Medical physicists try to develop new diagnostic techniques.
16. Relacione estas palavras com o seu significado.
a) To concern ( ) exata
b) Average ( ) feixe
c) Beam ( ) armazenar
d) Source ( ) risco
e) Rate ( ) fluxo
f) Flow ( ) taxa
g) Hazard ( ) preocupar, interessar
h) Precise ( ) média
i) To retrieve ( ) empenhar
j) To store ( ) nomear
k) To engage ( ) recuperar
l) To appoint ( ) fonte

Profª. Milenna BRUN - DLA

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