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Q1. Choose the right determiner from the alternatives given in brackets and fill in the blanks.
a. He received _______ help from his teachers. (many/much/more)
b. I can depend on the____ friends I have. (few/a few/the few)

Q2.Identify the error and supply the correction for the following lines:
1. There is only little water left and there are many boys.
Options Error Correction
a) little a little
b) little the little
c) many few
d) many a few

Q3. Identify the errors in the given paragraph and supply the corrections.

(a)Once upon a time, there lived a king who was known for the judgement.
(b)One day two women came holding the baby, and both claimed they were his mothers.
(c)Both women were crying hard for the baby, and the king was finding it difficult to believe who was saying
a truth.

Paragraph Lines Error Correction

Q4. Choose a verb from (Box A) + an adverb from (Box B) to complete the sentences given below:
A come know sleep win
explain listen think work
B carefully clearly hard well
carefully easily quickly well

(a) I’m tired this morning. I didn’t ____________________ last night.

(b) You’re a much better tennis player than me. When we play, you always ___________

(c) _____before you answer the question.

(d) I’ve met Alice a few times but I don’t __________ her very ____________

Q5. Choose the write option for the sentences given below:

a) Most of the finalists of the cooking show cooks _________.(good/well)

b) The crowd became ____________(too/enough) violent in the rally.
Q6. Choose the correct degree for the sentences given below:

(a) Charles sang ____________ of everyone in the choir.

A. loudly B. more loudly C. most loudly

(b) The patient’s illness was ____________ painful.

A. unbelievably B. more unbelievably C. most unbelievably

(c) Of all the books on order, the ____________ ordered history texts arrived first.
A. most recently C. more recently B. recently D. recent

(d) Billy raced ____________ than I did.

A. fast B. faster C. more faster D. most fast

Q7. Identify the error in the statement given below:

a Electricity express the amount of charge flowing through a particular area in unit time.

Statement Error Correction


Q8. Choose the correct form of the verbs given below:

a. Construction __ in my building since last year.

b. It ______snowing for two days.
c. Nimish ____just returned from the academy after the football session.

A has been going is going on was going on goes

B is has been had been was

C has have is had

Q9. Complete each sentence with the present tense form of the verb given in the bracket.
a He _________ playing on the swings. (like)
b Don’t disturb her; she _________ (study).
c Anirudh _________ for a walk every morning. (go)
d. Jyoti and Rahul _________ for a while now. (talk)
e. Rohit is _________ his presentation right now. (give)

Q10. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb.

Harold Black's a famous pianist. He (a)________________(give) two or three concerts every week. He
(b)________________(travel) a lot and this week he's in New York. He (c)________________( stay) at an
expensive hotel. He's at his hotel now. He(d)________________( have) his breakfast in the dining−room. He
(e)_______________( drink) a cup of coffee and he (f)________________(read) a newspaper. Harold's always
very busy. He (g)________________( play) the piano regularly. He_(h)_______________(practise) for four
hours every day. He(i)________________( go) to bed late and he always (j)________________(get up) early.
But he sometimes(k)_______________( get) dressed too quickly, and this morning
he(l)________________(wear) one blue sock and one red one!

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