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2001: Establishment of the Canadian

Nursing Informatics Association (CNIA to
HISTORY represent NI interests at the national level.

1. Late 18th to 19th Century: Industrial 11. 2006: Launch of The Canadian Journal of
Revolution begins in Britain, introducing 0Nursing Informatics to disseminate Canadian
machines and advancements in transportation research in the field.
and communication.
12. 2009: University of Victoria offers the first
2. Mid-19th Century: Charles Babbage develops graduate double degree program in NI.
a rudimentary computer, laying the groundwork
13. 2012: Canadian Association of Schools of
for future technological advancements.
Nursing (CASN) releases Nursing Informatics
3. 1950s: Information Revolution begins, Entry-to-Practice Competencies for Registered
marked by the development of computer Nurses.
systems like Hospital Information Systems (HIS)
14. 2015-2019: CNA Strategic Plan emphasizes
for administrative purposes.
the importance of ICT in nursing education and
4. 1960s: Studies analyze the applicability of practice.
computers in nursing practice, with nurses
15. Present: Ongoing efforts to integrate NI
starting to use electronic tools for patient
competencies into nursing curricula and adapt
education to technological advancements
5. 1970s: HIS used for physician order entries continue.
and results reporting, while computer
applications in nursing begin to appear in
Canada’s nursing informatics helps to promote
6. 1980s: Introduction of cellular phones and
the health of the people, families and
personal computers, marking increased
communities by the integration of nursing care
integration of technology into healthcare.
and the management of information and
7. Mid-1990s: Development of the Internet communication technologies. Application of
facilitates access to information and nursing informatics in Canada was actively
communication, revolutionizing healthcare. initiated by certain organizations present in the
8. 2000s: Digitalization of information becomes
widespread, with electronic records, mobile • CNA (Canada Nurses Association)-
communications, and telehealth becoming spearheaded the Nursing Informatics Project
standard in nursing practice. which appoint one nurse for each participating
organization to develop and plan to
9. 1980s-1990s: Emergence of Nursing
Informatics (NI) in Canada, with nurses involved (1) develop a national consensus on definition,
in designing and implementing HIS. competencies, and educational strategies and
priorities in nursing informatics development,
(2) identify curriculum implications strategies practice. In fact, in some parts of the nation, the
for both basic and continuing nursing crucial coordination function that nurses play in
education, telehomecare is developing quite quickly

(3) Determine priorities for implementing . • Ontario Telemedicine Network (OTN)

national nursing informatics education
strategies. Moreover, application of nursing is one of the largest and most comprehensive
informatics in Canada was actively initiated by telemedicine networks in the world. It provides
certain organizations present in the country. a range of telemedicine services, including
video conferencing, remote monitoring, and
INTEGRATING INFORMATICS IN THE virtual visits, to patients and healthcare
providers across Ontario. OTN facilitates
consultations with specialists, mental health
• Canada Health Infoway Inc.,- It was professionals, and other healthcare providers,
committed in October of 2000 by the federal enhancing access to care, especially in rural and
government to support the development of a underserved areas.
pan-Canadian health information system to
• Alberta Virtual Health in Alberta
achieve EHR. Hence, the programs and
improvements in Canada are by province. For • Programme Québécois de Télésanté in
instance, The Alberta NetCare was created in Quebec
Alberta in 2003 by the government of Alberta.
• Many hospitals and health systems in Canada
For example: have implemented telemedicine platforms to
provide virtual care to their patients.
• Alberta Netcare is an Electronic Health
Record that provides access to demographic • These platforms offer a range of services,
data, dispensed drugs, known allergies, including virtual visits, remote monitoring, and
laboratory test results, diagnostic imaging, tele consultations with specialists, enabling
immunization and other medical reports. patients to receive care without visiting a
healthcare facility (Hunting et al, 2015).
• The delivery of health services in Canada has
become heavily reliant on information • The integration of Nursing Informatics in
management and related technologies due to Canada’s Healthcare Delivery System plays an
the acceleration of federal and provincial important role as it drives innovation to better
investments in ICT. patient care, patient safety, enhancing
communication and collaboration, supporting
TELEMEDICINE AND evidence-based practice, and increasing

These low-cost methods of diagnosing, INTEGRATING HEALTH

treating, and monitoring disease remotely have INFORMATICS IN NURSING
let Canadians remain in their homes and
communities while also advancing nursing SCHOOL IN CANADA
The Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing nurses and nursing students. This project uses
was provided funding by Canada Health Infoway an electronic nursing method to enable their
in order to support the establishment of a vision. In order to promote the goals and
nursing education culture in Canada that values objectives of Canadian Nurses Association and
the incorporation of nursing informatics into Canada Health Infoway, they have
professional practice and curricula. While it is implemented a project called Canadian Health
expected that nursing students will be Outcomes for better information and care ( C-
proficient in these areas, all students may HOBIC). It has provided support for the
usually access ICT support through universities application of standardized patient assessments
and colleges (e.g., school libraries, IT Help and associated records. These evaluations make
Services desks, school-run ICTs workshops, etc. it possible to compare patient outcomes over
time and provide nurses with feedback
Nursing student is exposed to using features of
regarding patient outcomes. There are four
personal computers, hand held devices, tablets, main concepts related to the project -
workstations, modems, Bluetooth-enabled functional status (e.g., continence), symptoms
devices, keyboarding, use of peripheral devices (e.g., pain, nausea, fatigue, dyspnea), safety
including printers, USB flash drives, CD-ROMs, (e.g., falls, pressure ulcers), therapeutic self-
uploading and downloading data, Online
care (e.g., readiness for discharge). As a result,
Collaborative Learning, smart phones, mouse these concepts are items that nurses and
and touch- pad interchangeably, etc. necessary nursing students will routinely assess in
for the foundation of their skills as an healthcare settings. This standardized system
integration of patient care. allows for the relevant and security of
Moreover, they are use to enable electronic databases like EHR, CDSS, and CPOE’s in
communication such as creating email, send, preparation for entry into the Health
respond, attach and receive attachments, Information System
familiarizing with the use of multimedia Generally, the application of Nursing
presentations (e.g., videos, podcasts, blogs, Informatics in nurses and Nursing students in
YouTube, etc.), Uses word processing,
Canada has a broad level of transformation and
spreadsheets and presentation graphics (e.g., high technology. This provides initiation of an
document, spread- sheet, slideshow creation, extremely standardized data into their
etc.). Navigates primary operating systems (e.g., electronic health records and other health
Windows to manage files, determine active information systems which enhanced the
printers, access installed applications, create
standard and safety of patient care in Canada.
and delete files, etc.), Uses technology for self- Nurses can make better informed judgments
directed learning and is familiar with social and offer more individualized care by having
networking applications (e.g.,Twitter, Facebook, instant access to patient data, including medical
LinkedIn, etc.).
histories, prescriptions, and test results, via
The Canadian Nurses Portal Project, also electronic health records (EHRs) and other
known as NurseOne, was developed by leaders health information systems. This has improved
in nursing informatics in Canada as a national patient outcomes and decreased the possibility
nursing informatics plan that would help all of mistakes being made when providing care.
SYSTEMS IN CANADA a toolkit to support faculty delivering the
essential content.
1. NurseONE (

• NurseOne was developed by Canadian Nurses

Association (CNA) as a contemporary online • The competencies were created using
platform designed to help CNA members consensus-based, iterative process, involving
remain updated, reliable, skilled, and key stakeholders from across Canada.
• The toolkit provides strategies and methods
• it provides access to reputable, current (e.g., relevant content, examples of integration
electronic resources needed for patient care within existing courses, down loadable slide
and lifelong learning. Such resources are e- presentations) to support faculty with the
books, online courses, specialized libraries, assimilation of informatics content into
databases, curated lists of websites, and undergraduate curricula (CASN, 2013) • The
webinars national development of entry level nursing
informatics competencies has been a key step
• C-HOBIC (Canadian Health Outcomes for to ensuring that this occurs. In conjunction with
better information and care). Support for nursing faculty members’ use of the supporting
applying standardized patient assessments and resource toolkit, there is an expectation that
related records has been provided by it. These
these competencies will have an impact on
assessments enable nurses to receive feedback nursing curricula across Canada.
on patient outcomes and compare patient
outcomes across time. The initiative is centered COMPARATIVE STUDIES
around four primary concepts: therapeutic self-
care (e.g., readiness for discharge), safety (e.g., • The Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) -
falls, pressure ulcers), symptoms (e.g., pain, stated that registered nurses and other
nausea, fatigue, breathlessness), and functional stakeholders in healthcare delivery require
status (e.g., continence). Therefore, in information on nursing practice and its
healthcare settings, nurses and nursing relationship to client outcomes (CNA, 2006).
students will often examine these ideas. The
relevant and secure storage of databases such • The creation of a coordinated system to
as EHR, CDSS, and CPOE's in advance of their collect, store, and retrieve nursing data in
integration into the Health Information method Canada is essential for health human resource
is made possible by this standardized method. planning, and to expand knowledge and
research on determinants of quality nursing
2. Entry to Practice Informatics Competencies care.
for Nurses.
• Across Canada, it has been an instrumental to
• In 2011, the Canadian Association of Schools advancing and supporting nurses’ involvement
of Nursing (CASN) secured funding from in health informatics. To effectively achieve this
Canada Health Infoway to develop entry-to- vision IT is being supported by a variety of
practice nursing informatics competencies and initiatives:
1. CNA and its provincial and territorial 1. affect the focus of nursing with the
affiliates, integration of information and communication
technologies into nursing service delivery
2. Academy of Canadian Executive Nurses
systems continue to exist.
2. initiated within a Caring viewpoint, was
3. Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing addressed and illuminated
3. the better understanding of the contributions
4. Canadian Nursing Informatics Association of Nursing Informatics on Philippine Nursing
from a historical perspective and declaring its
5. and other nursing informatics interest groups implications for Philippine Nursing Practice.
across Canada. (Faustorilla, J. F. 2020).

• Their collective efforts have included: Canadian nurses utilize information from
various sources to enhance practice and
(a) active dissemination of relevant improve care quality and safety. Additionally,
information, having accessible data on practice outcomes
enables the profession to showcase nurses'
(b) provision of opportunities for informatics
indispensable contributions.
Information and communication technology
(c) development of entry to practice
1. Canada has made significant investments
(d) promotion and deployment of nursing data
across all healthcare sectors, including acute
standards, and
care, long-term care, primary care, public
(e) development of a national nursing report. health, and community-based nursing.

• Nursing informatics - remains an emerging 2. Canadian healthcare environments still rely

field in the Philippines. on a mix of electronic and paper records for
information management.
• Bachelor of Science in Nursing - it was a
critical content in their Curriculum, Policies, and 3. Electronic Health Record (EHR) remains a
Standards in 2008. work in progress for numerous settings.
Consequently, there's a lack of standardization
• Philippine Nursing - influenced and evidently in nurses' documentation of care plans,
made various of interpretations and interventions, and outcomes, including the
adaptations. absence of standardized data capture methods
and clinical terminology that can be easily
• Nursing Informatics in PH
coded for use in information systems.
Allan Benito (2024) technology (ICT) into nursing practice
in Canada:
 to be effective within the local
healthcare system a community- 1. Canada's healthcare principles,
focused approach to utilizing which prioritize universality and
information, communication, and accessibility, underscore the
technology in nursing practice importance of utilizing ICT to
needs to be tailored. ensure fair healthcare provision.
 there is a lack of certification and 2. Demographic changes, including
credentialing programs at the post- an aging population and rising
graduate level, compounded by a rates of chronic illnesses,
scarcity of local nursing informatics necessitate the implementation
experts. of ICT solutions such as
 this emerging field is yet to be fully telemedicine and telehomecare
embraced and acknowledged within to support nursing practice.
the nursing community as a 3. The shifting healthcare
specialized area. landscape, particularly the
emphasis on primary care and
Philippine Nursing Informatics Association the expanded responsibilities of
(PNIA) efforts are ongoing to address these nurse practitioners, underscores
challenges. This includes: the crucial role of nursing in
utilizing ICT to enhance patient
 The development of training, care.
certification, and credentialing
programs. Key organizations and initiatives play a
 PNIA is also forging partnerships crucial role in facilitating the integration of
with both local and international information and communication
nursing and health informatics technology (ICT) into nursing practice:
organizations. These initiatives are
aligned with PNIA's CORE X strategic  Canadian Institute for Health
platform, focusing on Competency, Information (CIHI),
Organization, Recognition,  Canada Health Infoway,
Experience, and Expertise. Canadian Nurses Association
 Additionally, there is a concerted (CNA),
push to advocate for the adoption of  Canadian Nursing Informatics
health information standards across Association (CNIA)
the Philippines and to ensure the
presence of nursing informatics they ensured that nursing perspectives are
specialists in every hospital considered in healthcare information
nationwide. management strategies and the
development of electronic health records
Several factors drive the incorporation (EHRs). Programs like NurseONE and Entry
of information and communication to Practice Informatics Competencies for
Nurses aim to provide nurses with the
necessary skills and tools to effectively efficiency, and cost-effectiveness of
utilize ICT for patient care and decision- healthcare.

According to the study of Claro, P. J.,

Estuar, M. R. J., Villamor, D. A., Bautista,  In Education the Philippines
M. C., Pulmano, C., & Sugon, Q. (2024, describes having nursing informatics
January 3) as part of the curriculum, policies
and standards and its influence in
 In the Philippines, the utilization of the Nursing community and system.
Electronic Medical Records (EMR) in In Canada on the other hand it
primary healthcare facilities discussed the presence of
reportedly increased by 2015, and specialized programs and
by 2020, there was an expansion in organizations as well as the
the coverage of public health integration of the principles to
facilities with EMRs. nursing education across the
 Despite the presence of EMR country to achieve their goals
systems in these facilities, some
areas still relied on paper-based
methods for encoding patient data.
 An examination of EMR usage logs  In terms of practice, the Philippines
from selected Rural Health Units explores the roles of nurses in
(RHUs) in the country, conducted informatics, and highlights the
one to two years post-EMR scarcity of certified nursing
implementation, revealed that EMR informatics experts. It also discussed
adoption was still at a basic level. how important systems that support
 Users primarily utilized features informatics are and utilization of
related to editing health records, informatics tools in clinical practice.
while more advanced features were In Canada, they have made
utilized by only a few users. significant investments in
 EMR usage logs track information Information and Communication
about the system, user, or record Technology (ICT) across all
involved in each feature, as well as healthcare systems emphasizing
the actions performed at different how they integrate informatics into
levels of detail. Originally intended their roles and practice and how
for monitoring record access, it they utilize informatics to improve
became evident that mining usage patient care outcomes.
logs could provide valuable insights
into direct EMR usage, including the
duration and patterns of use across
features, and offer a comprehensive  Despite being advanced, some
understanding of clinical workflows. Canadian healthcare facilities still
 This understanding has implications use paper documentation, while the
for enhancing the quality, safety, Philippines is still adopting
Electronic Health Records (EHRs) interest, lead to burnout,
across their healthcare systems. dissatisfaction, and turnover, create
Overall, the role of informatics in role ambiguity, conflict, and
both countries are significant to help resistance.
with patient care


 It helps nurses access accurate

patient information
 It helps to prevent errors,
duplication, and waste Helps in
saving time and resources while
avoiding harmful events
 Enhance communication and
collaboration among healthcare
professionals, patients, and families,
building trust and teamwork.
 It can support professional
development and lifelong learning
for nurses
 Can empower nurses and patients,
promoting patient-centred care,
shared decision-making, and self-


 Requires adequate training and

education Can be costly and complex
 Demanding technical support and
maintenance that may result in
system failures
 Can have ethical and legal issues
that can involve privacy and
 Increase workload and stress
 Changing the role and identity of
nurses which can challenge the
values, beliefs, and culture of
 All of these potential issues can be
time-consuming, unreliable,
inconsistent, insufficient, raise
ethical dilemmas and conflicts of

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