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SESSION 2024-2025

Choose the correct answer:

1. The Constitution of India was ratified by the Constituent Assembly on ______________ of
a) 15th Aug b) 25th Nov c) 26th Nov d) 26th Jan
2. ________________ means rule by king or queen.
a) monarchy b) democracy c) dictatorship d) None of these
3. The ____________has provided for an independent and powerful judiciary for defending the rights
of the common people.
a) Parliament b) President c) Indian Constitution d) Cabinet
4. _______________ was a firm believer of non-violence.
a) Bhagat Singh b) Rajguru c) Sukhdev d) Mahatma Gandhi
5. The set of rules and regulations according to which a country is governed is given in the_______.
a) Preamble b) Constitution c) Parliament d) None of these

Fill in the blanks:

6. The ______________ implies that no one is above the law.
7. The May 2008 the monarchy was abolished and _______ was declared as a federal democratic
8. The ____________ is an introduction to the Constitution.
9. India is a _________________ republic.
10. If a law is enacted against the principles of Constitution, the __________ has the right to declare
it null and void.
11. The ________ help to ensure that laws are not broken by the public.

12. Choose the incorrect statement about our Constitution:

a) It expresses the self determination of the citizens.
b) The Indian Judiciary is overpowered by the Executive and the Legislature.
c) It provides a legal framework for democracy.
d) It is the ultimate source of power to citizens of a country.

13. Choose the correct statement:

a) The Indian Constitution defines the power of the Indian Legislature.
b) Before independence all Indians were treated equally.
c) The issue of dowry does not affect the Indian society.
d) The rules and laws in the constitution are created irrespective of the needs of the people.
14. Assertion (A): The Judiciary can declare a law null and void if enacted against the principles of
the constitution.
Reason (R) : The Indian Constitution has provided for an independent and powerful judiciary
that is responsible for defending the rights of common man.
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is true but R is false.
d) A is false but R is true.
State whether the statements given below are true or false:
15. The constitution of India banned sati and made provision for the remarriage of widow.
16. The money, goods, or property that a woman brings to her husband or his family in marriage
Is known as loan.
17. Peaceful marches, non-cooperation, violent protests, strikes, etc are few examples of
expressing dissent .
18. The interests of the minorities are protected by the Constitution of India.
19. Match the following:
1. The Dowry Prohibition Act 1961 i. 1995
2. The Disabilities Act ii. 1985
3. The Bonded Labour System Act iii. 1961
4. The Silent Valley National Park iv. 1976
a)1-(i); 2-(iv); 3- (ii); 4- (iii) b) 1-(i); 2-(iv); 3- (iii); 4- (ii)
c)1-(iv); 2-(i); 3- (ii); 4- (iii) d) 1-(iii); 2-(i); 3- (iv); 4- (ii)

20. Identify the name of the act which is formed NOT against the harmful customs and practices
of our country.
i. Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993.
ii. The Child Protection Act, 1986.
iii. The Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act 1976.
iv. Dowry Prohibition Act 1961
21. Complete the given table:
Matter of Protest The Salt Law The Construction of Dam

Area Dandi ?

a) Punjab b) Goa c) Kerala d) Odisha

22.Read the passage and answer the following questions given below.
Wherever there are laws, there is bound to be dissent or opposition to it. For example, if a law goes
against the interests of a group of people, then that group will protest to express its dissatisfaction.
Expressing dissent can take various forms. If a law is enacted against the principles of the constitution,
then the judiciary has the right to declare it null and void. The judiciary also has the power to punish
all breakers of the law.
i) Wherever there are laws, there is bound to be ______________________.
ii) The Government is forced to _________ or ____________the laws due to protests.
State whether the statements given below are true or false:
ii) The Indian Constitution does not allow citizens of India to express dissatisfaction against the
iii) Dissent can be expressed through various forms. Mention any two forms.
Ans. ________________________________________________________________________.

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