Tiếng Anh thư kí văn phòng

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Unit1:Basic Factors in Business

Initiate(begin new products and ideas):Khởi đầu

Labor(What workers provide):
Entrepreneur(person who directs the business):nhà doanh nghiệp
Venture(A business activity):Dự án
Capital(money which búy machines and tools):
Bankrupt(Describles a company with not enough money and too many debts):vỡ nợ
Debt(something which must be paid):
Unit2:Legal Forms of Organization
Comply with(follow)
Sole proprietorship(one-owner business):chủ sở hữu
Assets(Thing of value to a business):của cải
Inventory(goods):hàng hóa
Close up shop(Go out of business): Người Kinh Doanh
Is entitled(Is allowed by law):được quyền
Bears responsibility for(takes blame or credit for):
Personal property( things he owns beside his business):tài sản cá nhân
Unit4:Factory Layout
Obsolete(Old fashioned):
Assignment(Duty):Trách Nhiệm
Layout(Plan for placement of machines and workers):
Alienation(An attitude of not caring about the product):
Uniform(exactly equal):
Interchangeable(are able to substituted for another part):
Retool(change and adjust continuous production equipment):
Duplication(doubling of production,equipment,and workers):
Morale(how workers feel about their work):
Second shift(a group of workers who starts at 4 pm):
Unit cost(production expenses divided by the number of items produced)
Adapted(changed to be used for another purpose)
Inventory(raw material and unsold products in storage)
Stock exchange(place to buy and sell shares of corporations)
Market forces(supply and demand)
Supply(amount available for sale)
Emphasize(consider most important)
Unit 6:Promotion
Demand curve(price-demand relationship expressed as a graph)
Elastic(able to change undercertain conditions)
Constant(unresponsive to increasing prices)
Offset(compensate for)
Sales volume(rate of sales)
Non personal(mass)
Mass audience(quantity of items available for sale)
Suited(be appropriate)
Demographic(accroding to population)
Geographic(accroding location)
Time utility(usefulness at a certain time)
Unit 7:Distribution
Bring to market(deliver to the customer)
Ultimate consumer(person who buys something for his own use)
Take possession of(to hold and have physical control over)
Take title to(to become the legal owner)
Commission(fee paid for making sale)
Widely distributed(available for sale at many locations)
Place utility(increased value due to location)
Personal selling(explaining the features of a product to potential customer)
On display(able to be seen)
Overhead(costs other than costs of the product,such as rent,electricity,management)
High volume(large amounts of merchandise being bought and sold quickly)
Franchise or license(legal permission to operate certain businesses)
Parent company(large company which owns smaller companies)
Franchisor(company that grants a franchise)
Vertically integrated(owning the retail outlet, the distributor and may be even the
Bureaucracy(a large chain of authority and management)
Unit 8:International Business
Division of labor(labor specialization)
Floating rate(money value not dermined by gold or a fixed standard)
Subsidy(money given to cover losses and assist nonprofit enterprises)
Protectionism(trade restrictions to benefit domestic producers)
Dumping(below cost foreign sale )
Tariff(Duty or tax)
Ad valorem tax(tariff based on value)
Specific tax(unit or item tax)
Currency(eg..,the dollar in the US, the yen in Japan)
Legal tender(circulating money)
Balance of trade deficit(excess of imports over exports)
Subsidiary(Branch company)
Multinational(A company with a worldwide management and production philosophy)
Parent company( company which owns a subsidiary)
Marker forces(supply and demand)
CIF(cost plus insurance plus freight)

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