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Alexandre Loyd beyond willpower, from stress to success in 40 days, the secret principle to

achieving success in life love and happiness. Do you perceive yourself as a happy, healthy and
successful person? Or do you feel like you're a plaything of fate thrust about by circumstances
you can't control. If you feel unhappy and aimless, these links are for you. They outline a
concept called the greatest principle, the assumption that everything that ails you stems from
some internal problem, even if your current struggles or with external matters, like physical or
financial difficulties, or a nasty divorce. And that's great news. In the end, it's entirely up to you
to control your internal state. These blinks, explain how to obtain this control, you'll learn how
to ease any pain or fear by rebalancing the energy in your body, as well as how to set goals that
can make you happier. By following this advice, you may well find yourself in a much better
situation. And as little as 40 days

blink number one, your ultimate goals should be based on an internal force, not on an external
one. What do you want more than anything else in the world? Take a moment and think it over
until you land on that one thing you desire most. given a chance to consider this question, it's
likely you came up with an answer. But is it the right one? Well, there's an easy way to know if
it's the wrong answer. Because gold is founded on things like money, achievement, or health,
also known as external circumstances, are always the incorrect choice. Even so 99% of the
answers people give to this question are based on external circumstances. But what's wrong
with wanting to strike it rich, win an Olympic medal or get in perfect shape? Absolutely
nothing. Except deep down. None of that describes why you got out of bed this morning, or
what will keep you motivated tomorrow. In other words, goals based on external circumstances
don't permeate everything you do. Instead, people choose such goals because they believe
myths, like the notion that money will make them happy. However, while things like material
wealth might bring you joy for a little while, being a millionaire is no guarantee of a happy,
peaceful and loving life. That's why strong goals for success are based on attaining a particular
inward state, like feeling calm or full of love. A goal like this will become part of everything you
do. And when you get up in the morning, it will be because of your goal. In fact, although you
might be unaware of it, this is a goal you've already set for yourself. It's why you brush your
teeth, why you eat, why you work, and why you hang out with your friends. Simply put, it
pervades every aspect of your life. So if there's a deeper goal already motivating you, why is it
so hard to identify what you most want from life? To find out, you don't need to travel back in
time to your childhood.

Blink number two, chasing after everything you want won't bring you real happiness. Imagine
it's a sweltering August day, you're five years old and want an ice cream. How do you
communicate your desire more or less without fail, kids apply a three step strategy. And if it
doesn't work, they use willpower to get what they want. The strategy unfolds like this. The
child wants something in this case ice cream. The child makes a plan to get it, for instance by
asking his mother. And finally, the child carries out the plan by going to his mom with his
request. But if the child doesn't get what he wants, he changes the second step to utilize his
willpower, persistently demanding ice cream until he gets it. When his mother denies him
history. He might plead, negotiate, and even offered to clean his room in exchange for what he
wants. This blueprint is a result of our pain pleasure programming, which implies that children
only want ice cream in the first place, because they innately seek pleasurable things and avoid
painful ones. Because of his urge for pleasure. The child forms and carries out plans to get
enjoyable things. The three step blueprint is born. However, while this might work just fine for
kids. Applying this blueprint as adults prevents us from achieving true happiness. Say you're a
married woman who meets a drop dead gorgeous man at a bar, you want nothing more than
to have a one night stand with him. The problem is, while you could come up with a plan to get
him into bed, carry it out and get what you want. Achieving your desire will only bring you
fleeting pleasure and a whole lot of trouble afterward. And not only that, but if your default
response is to chase after any potentially pleasurable experience, you'll always find a new
external goal to seek and will never experience the happiness that's waiting within you. So in
this way, your inner child can prevent you from becoming truly happy. Next up, you'll learn how
painful experiences can also affect the path to your ultimate goal.

Blink number three, ourselves record every experience we have and paint old memories can
physically harm them. Lots of people have stiff backs and experienced chest pains. But would
you ever have imagined that the source of such ailments lies in your cellular memory? It's true,
your brain isn't the only place that memories are stored the cells throughout your body record
experiences, and if they are painful, the cells can become unhealthy. This was the conclusion
reached in a 2004 study conducted at the Southwestern University Medical Center in Texas. In
this experiment, as well as others, scientists found that experiences can indeed reprogram
human cells by changing chemical markers, tags that are attached to genes and tell cells which
genes to use. Furthermore, the researchers concluded that both physical illnesses like cancer
and mental ones like depression can be the result of bad cellular memories. This discovery can
even explain why lots of organ recipients show new personality traits immediately after
receiving an organ from a donor. cells seem to remember what we experienced as pleasurable
and retain this information when transferred to another body. For instance, in 1988, Claire
Sylvia had a heart and lung transplant at the Yale New Haven Hospital. Silvia, a dancer and
choreographer, had always been serious about having a nutritious diet. But suddenly, all she
wanted to eat was Kentucky Fried Chicken. She also began preferring the colors blue and green
over colors with a reddish hue, which she had once adored. Following some investigation,
Sylvia found out that her organ donor had shared all these desires. Her experience, as well as
the comparable ones of dozens of other organ recipients are a result of cellular memory. We
now know that your cells don't forget the painful parts of your past, but what can be done
about it? In fact, there's a simple tool to heal these wounds, and you'll learn all about it in the
next Blink.

Blink number four, heal your energy to do away with pain and suffering. Have you ever heard
of energy medicine? It is, among other tools, a powerful way to overcome physical symptoms
and emotional problems by applying energy to different parts of the body. Does it sound like
quackery? Well, it's not. Your body consists of energy. And if some of it goes bad, it needs to be
replaced. If you don't believe it, just look to Albert Einstein. In 1905, he discovered that
everything in the universe is energy, including the cells in our bodies. When this energy is
positive, the body is healthy. However, if you suffer from a positive energy deficit, or bad
energy enters the mix, you'll suffer and be in pain. Thankfully, you can heal or deprogram
yourself from such afflictions by infusing your body cells with positive energy using the energy
medicine tool. First, you'll need to determine what's bothering you. Maybe you're anxious
about a work, presentation, feel depressed or have a persistent headache. Once you figure out
what the issue is, relax, close your eyes and say a short prayer that expresses your desire to be
rid of the problem or pain. For instance, you might say I wish that whatever is making me
depressed will heal so that I can be a better partner to my husband. Next, take the heart
position by placing your hands stacked onto each other on top of your heart. Once there, make
small circular motions, changing directions every 10 to 15 seconds. Continue this process for
one to three minutes. Once you've done that, take the forehead position by placing your hands
stacked in the same manner just above your eyebrows. Again, make small circular motions for
up to three minutes with a shift in direction every 10 to 15 seconds. Finally, take the crown
position by placing your hands on top of your head and making the same circular motions. By
repeating these three positions a couple of times a day, you should notice diminishing

Blink number five. While your desire should align with your success goal, they're not the same
thing. At times, just living your life can feel like navigating a dense jungle. How can you tell if
you're on the right path to reaching your ultimate goal for success? First off, you need to know
what your desire looks like. After all, to reach your ultimate goal, your desires need to be in line
with it. Simply put, if your desire doesn't match your goal, you're on the wrong track. For
instance, say your ultimate goal is internal peace. If one of your desires is to get a graduate
degree, and doing so would make your life much more stressful than pursuing it would prevent
you from attaining your ultimate goal. In other words, success goals are never based on
external circumstances. Rather, they're always related to things you can achieve right at this
moment. In fact, part of the definition of a success goal is that attaining it is entirely within
your control. And for you to take control over your goals they need to have traits the desires
don't always have.

Here's how the two differ. Well desires can be based on external forces Success goals must
correspond to an inner state. After all, you're never in total control of external circumstances.
And consequently, ultimate success goals are an internal state, like living with love, truth or
happiness. Another difference is that what you desire always lies in the future. For instance,
you might want to go on a vacation to a secluded beach, but aren't there yet. On the other
hand, your ultimate success goal is something you can attain right now. In other words, while
you have no control over whether you'll feel happy two years from now, it's completely within
your control to feel happy in this moment. So let go of the external desires that you have no
control over and begin attaining your goal right now, in the present.

Blink. Number six, confront your worries systematically, and build your confidence by assessing
them and applying the energy medicine tool. Imagine your desires to launch your own
business, but you've got no clue how to do so. When you're hit with this realization, negative
thoughts might fill your head leading you to believe that you don't have enough time, we'll
never be able to raise enough money and are too incompetent to make your dream a reality.
You might even think that failure might make you look like an idiot and be paralyzed by this
possibility. So how can you overcome these fears? Begin by writing them down and writing
them from zero to 10. zero being the one you're least worried about, and 10, the one you fear
the most. So if you're really worried about money, you might give it a seven. Well time, which
you're less concerned about might get a three. By listing your fears. In this way, you'll notice
the small changes that occur over time. Then list your desires and assess how confident you
are in your ability to achieve them. In this case, zero corresponds to no measure of confidence
whatsoever, and attend to absolute certainty. Now that you've got your fears and desires down
on paper, you can tackle your worries while boosting your confidence. A great way to do so is
with the energy medicine tool described earlier. Applying the energy medicine tool when
negative thoughts occupy your mind will allow your unconscious to gradually reduce the worry,
making it easily replaced by feelings of love and peace. To achieve this result, you might have
to use the tool over and over. But if you persist, your worries will vanish. So be sure to stick
with it until your negative thoughts are a thing of the past. That is until you rate them as zeros
on a 10 point scale. Similarly, you should apply the energy medicine tool are another
deprogramming tool to thoughts about a specific desire until you rank your competence and
achieving it as seven or higher. Blink number seven. By monitoring your attitudes for a few
weeks, you can put your worries in the past and make a habit of competent thinking. Now that
you've done the important and difficult work necessary to get rid of your negative thoughts
and boost your positive ones, you'll want to make sure all this effort isn't undone. But how by
repeating the steps you just took, rating both your worries and positive beliefs every day for 40
days. Seeing this period of internal focus through is key to preventing negative thoughts from
coming back or positive ones from diminishing. If during this period, you find yourself worrying
about a decline in positive thinking or an increase in negative thinking, take a step back and
reactivate your deprogramming tools, like the energy medicine tool until your ratings returned
to healthy levels. By maintaining this practice for 40 days, you'll likely find yourself worryfree
and confident. And if you don't, don't sweat it, it just means it'll take a few more rounds. So if
you experience setbacks during your 40 day push, don't think you need to restart. instead
simply freeze time, that is stopped counting the days until your levels of worry and confidence
come back in line. After the 40 days or whenever it is that your confidence is restored, you'll be
able to wake up every morning not only worry free, but with a powerful belief that you'll reach
you're successful. Once you've made it this far, negative thoughts will only creep back because
of a failure to completely deprogram yourself. If this happens, just do another round of 40 days
and keep repeating the process until your thoughts stay positive. It's easy to make this
commitment when you remember that you're on a journey, the reward of which is nothing less
than lifelong love, peace and joy. You've just heard the blinks to beyond willpower by
Alexander Lloyd. The key message in this book is that fulfilling desires external to yourself will
never truly satisfy you. But attaining your ultimate success goal will to do so. You need only
focus on what's really important. Love, peace and happiness. Here's some advice you can take
action on. Uncover your ultimate success goal. With a little help from a genie. It's easy to
choose a goal that's all wrong. After all while becoming a millionaire sounds pretty good. Most
people know that external goals like becoming super rich won't make them happy in the long
run. To figure out your ultimate success goal. Try this simple trick Blow Your Mind and imagine
a genie like the one from the story of Aladdin, complete with his magic lamp and ready to fulfill
your single greatest wish. The only catch is that you've got just 10 seconds to decide what that
wish is before he disappears forever. Forcing yourself to choose and just 10 seconds will focus
your mind on what's most important to you right now. Last thing, we'd love to hear what you
think about our content, just drop an email to with beyond willpower
as the subject line and share your thoughts

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