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M.M- 50

I. Answer the following questions. (2x10=20)

1. Define generosity.
2. What did the lady give to Gandhiji?
3. What do you learn from the story, ‘Poor Yet Generous’?
4. What do you do to show gratitude?
5. What makes a football team win a match?
6. Who were the friends of the sparrow?
7. Who pecked the elephant’s eyes?
8. When and where was Mother Teresa born?
9. In your own words, describe the vision that Mother Teresa had?
10. Though the nightingale was set free, what did it keep doing?
II. Fill in the blanks: (1x10=10)
1. Freedom is very ……. for everyone.
2. The emperor was ……. and kind.
3. The elephant began to ……… in pain.
4. The elephant wanted to have……….. .
5. India got independence on ……….. .
6. Be thankful to your…….. as they lead you towards success .
7. Gandhiji …….. up the coin and kept it in his pouch.
8. We must not …….. to thank all those who help us.
9. We all learn valuable lesson from our………. .
10.Gratitude turns ………. into positive.
III. Say ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ (1x10=10)
1) All of us learn from our mistakes.
2) The parrot was very unfriendly and selfish.
3) Unity gives power and strength.
4) Freedom struggle was very hard.
5) Fan was a dull and a lazy boy.
6) Fan’s step brothers loved him.
7) There are five players in a football team.
8) In prayers, Mother Teresa stood on her knees.
9) Mother Teresa served the poorest of the poor.
10) Mother Teresa had a small heart.
IV. Find out the meaning of the following words: (1x5=5)

1. Trap
2. Entangled
3. Apologized
4. Astonished
5. Scratched

V. Who said these wards: (1x5=5)

1) “we make living by what we get, but we make a life buy what we give.”
2) “I must see him.”
3) “Yet you aren’t trusting me for a copper coin.”
4) “This copper coin is much more than those thousand of rupees.”
5) “We cannot let a child of God die like an animal in the gutter.”
M.M- 50

I. Answers

Q1.Ans - Generosity means doing and giving something more than usual or expected.
Q2.Ans - The lady gave a copper coins to Gandhiji.
Q3.Ans - We learn from this story that we should not be stingy or a miser with our money or
things. we should learn to share whatever little we have.
Q4.Ans - To show gratitude we thank all those who help us.
Q5.Ans - When the players play together with cooperation and the whole team make a joint
effort towards the goal then only a football team can win the match.
Q6.Ans - The sparrow had three friends they were a woodpecker, a bird and a frog.
Q7.Ans - The woodpecker pecked the elephant’s eyes.
Q8.Ans - Mother Teresa was born on 26th August,1910 at Yugoslavia.
Q9.Ans -Mother Teresa’s inner self heard the divine voice” I want you to serve me among
the poorest of the poor.
Q10-.Ans -Though the nightingale was set free, every morning, it came to the emperor’s
palace and sang a melodious song for him.
II. Fill in the blanks:-
1. Precious
2. Gentle
3. Scream
4. Fun
5. 15th August 1947
6. Failures
7. walked
8. forget
9. Mistakes
III. Say Yes or No:
1. Yes
2. No
3. Yes
4. Yes
5. No
6. No
7. No
8. Yes
9. Yes


1. Catch an animal
2. Twisted together
3. Say sorry together
4. surprised
5. Marked on the surface of something


1) Winston Churchill
2) Old lady
3) Jamnalal
4) Gandhiji
5) Mother Teresa

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