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BAO // BMA123 (10075) April 30, 2024

Assignment – Writing 2

❖ Write specific examples including local settings and local academic settings.

❖ Write in bislishlog(Bisaya-English-Tagalog) in a conversational manner.

❖ Write in no less than 5 sentences each question.

DO NOT USE CHAT GPT(Automatic ZERO) to write.


1. What do you think is the difference between writing stories before and
writing stories today?

— Back then, when it comes to writing stories in my own understanding, it

focuses on the attention of the audience. What genre could give away for the
people to do a quick grab by the moment they land their eyes whenever they
pass by a bookshelf. They’d write as long as it goes for the sake of the
audience’s needs. But for today’s stories, it can still be applicable, but now with
technology going around, not only there’s an unlimited amount of imagination but
also ideas to inspire from the internet.

And of course, people continue to write stories for the audience’s

attention/needs– but this time, it comes with a twist of wanting to connect it to a
true tale, or to help readers feel represented or belonged within the story. The
genres and themes have expanded to better twists which makes the story itself
very interesting for the audience to peak in their interest. Stories can generate
from basic learnings, to personal experiences to relate to, to fun and entertaining
ones and even complicated ones. It’s not all about the genre at this point,
because even I, as an artist/writer, I find comfort in making stories that I can
somehow relate myself into. (especially Dreamer’s Masks, Dream World and
Wandering Dreams hihihi<33)

2. How has technology changed the way we write stories from ideas to
— Stories today can be easily published into the net, where young writers have
their experience to give a chance to publish their very first fanfiction to a site
where everyone can search up and read, such as Wattpad or Ao3. Genres or
themes could be an oc x canon or a ship, or maybe an alternate universe or an
originality, it can depend. (i can remember the cringe days ew) and compared to
back then, not everyone has the privilege or rights to post a story especially with
how we used to be more on the traditional side.

If there’s a lack of ideas, these writers could search up the internet and find
inspiration, whether it was from a different story or another set of media;
pictures/drawings, videos and more to help them expand their ideas whenever
they start typing their tale. For me, whenever I have any issue of coming up with
an idea for my story’s plot, I listen to music and it helps me imagine with the beat
depending on it. Because of the new generation, people are given the chance to
publish whatever they want to write, even if it’s a story with bad grammar, they
are still given the opportunity to start their journey and learn to improve from their

3. What are your thoughts on AI(artificial intelligence) being used to write


— AI is still on the questionable spectrum for me. As an artist myself, it can harm
the opportunities of the real artists (yes, even authors can be affected) of getting
a job, especially if companies prefer to depend on AI to make these contents so
that they could avoid any form of payment, yada yada. But to me, I am not
completely against using AI- because I believe that some people are using it as
an item which is wrong. For me, you can use AI as another tool to help you with
grammar, inspire ideas or use it as a reference when it comes to making a story.
You can ask for a prompt, but don’t entirely use it, the exact same words and
such- rather, mix it with your imagination and it can create a better story than an
AI generated itself.

Technology is a great opportunity especially towards our generation today,

compared to how much we depend on it nowadays… But we shouldn’t let our
talents go to waste, just because the AI can make something in a few minutes
does not mean the talents that you have is a waste- your brain is also a machine,
it may not generate any idea or item fast, but you are still able to function and
work with it. Therefore, we must keep up with the ideas flowing in, help one
another and continue to create whatever you can.

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