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Subject: Business Strategy

Student's name:Vo Ngoc Thu Minh - 21DH485007

Le Minh Hien - 21DH480699

Tran Nguyen Thien Nhi - 21DH485099

Course code: 223142405301

Instructor: Doan Gia Au Du

HCMC, 08/2023
Chapter I. Introduction ....................................................................................... 3
Chapter II. Practical Strategies in Action ........................................................ 3
2.1. Vision, mission, and core values ............................................................. 3
2.1.1. Vision .................................................................................................. 3
2.1.2. Mission................................................................................................ 3
2.1.3. Core values ......................................................................................... 4
2.1.4. Evaluate .............................................................................................. 4
2.2. Currently-used strategies in practice .................................................... 5
2.2.2. Second Strategy: International Cooperation and Curriculum
Update ............................................................................................................. 5
2.2.3. Third Strategy: Sustainable Development and Social
Responsibility ................................................................................................... 5
2.3. Practical strategies evaluation ................................................................ 6
Chapter III. Strategy Planning and Formulation ............................................. 8
3.1. Environmental and organizational audits ............................................. 8
3.2. SWOT matrix and alternative strategies ............................................ 11
3.3. SPACE matrix and IE matrix .............................................................. 12
3.3.1. SPACE matrix ................................................................................. 12
3.3.2. IE matrix: ......................................................................................... 13
3.4. The matching stage of alternative strategies....................................... 14
3.5. Future strategies .................................................................................... 16
Chapter IV. Conclusion and recommendations.............................................. 17
Chapter I. Introduction
As one of the preeminent entities for information technology training in Vietnam, FPT
Polytechnic has piqued our interest, instilling within us a fervent desire to delve deeper
into the intricacies of this enterprise. The reasons for our selection of FPT Polytechnic are
manifold. In addition to being a top-tier institution, FPT Polytechnic exudes an aura of
prestige, serving as a beacon in the development of high-quality human resources for the
information technology industry. Furthermore, we are intrigued by FPT Polytechnic's
developmental strategies in this rapidly-evolving technological epoch. Last but not least,
FPT Polytechnic embodies our aspirations to augment the academic sphere and
contribute to the creation of a more advanced future for the information technology
industry in Vietnam. In this project, we shall focus on a comprehensive analysis and
evaluation of FPT Polytechnic's strategies, all while proposing novel perspectives that
may prove to be advantageous in the future roadmap of this enterprise. Concurrently, we
aspire to discover and inspire those who share a deep-seated interest in the growth of
education and information technology, much like FPT Polytechnic, in this digital age.

Chapter II. Practical Strategies in Action

2.1. Vision, mission, and core values
2.1.1. Vision
With an overarching vision and an ambition that transcends the confines of traditional
education, FPT Polytechnic is ardently striving to establish itself as a preeminent and
internationally-standardized educational institution that will effectively cater to the ever-
evolving needs of society while taking full advantage of the efficacious outcomes of
advanced training technologies. Since its inception, this esteemed college has been
relentlessly pursuing this objective, incessantly expanding and refining its educational
network not only within the confines of Vietnam but also across the globe, while
concurrently fostering an enabling and modern educational environment that advocates
innovation in Vietnam and Southeast Asia. FPT Polytechnic is firmly committed to
becoming one of the pioneering training schools in the vast expanse of IT, which is
manifestly evident in its specialized training programs that are constantly updated in
consonance with global trends and geared towards meeting the exigencies of the labor
market. The university's topmost prerogative is to ensure that its students are equipped
with the requisite knowledge and skills that are indispensable for thriving in the ever-
evolving realm of technology. Therefore, FPT Polytechnic is constantly forging
partnerships with international organizations to keep its curriculum updated and enriched.
Given the increasingly globalized nature of information, FPT Polytechnic is leaving no
stone unturned to stay ahead of the curve and carve out a distinct niche for itself in the
domains of education and information technology.
2.1.2. Mission
The main and ultimate goal of FPT Polytechnic is to educate and prepare a large number
of individuals with a global competitive edge that will greatly contribute to and rely on
the national knowledge workforce. Our institution aims to establish a scholarly and
intellectually stimulating environment that not only fosters but also nurtures the
comprehensive and all-encompassing development of students by promoting
multidimensional awareness, including physical and mental well-being. This holistic
approach goes beyond academics and includes soft skills, critical thinking, and
teamwork, all of which are essential components and key ingredients of a comprehensive,
diverse, and inclusive education. FPT Polytechnic values creating meaningful and
practical learning opportunities for students. This is accomplished by granting access to a
wide variety of research work, conduct files, and real-world projects that allow students
to apply knowledge gained in the classroom to real-world problems, thereby building
essential skills necessary for future success. The ultimate goal is to cultivate high-quality
human resources that meet the demands of the labor market and drive the growth of the
country's economy, which is a vital objective in today's fast-paced world.
2.1.3. Core values
As a distinguished institution of education that is highly esteemed by experts, FPT
Polytechnic has always endeavored to uphold and exhibit its fundamental and
indispensable principles. The institution's core value centers on enhancing the standard of
education and training while adhering to ISO standards. The quality of education is
continuously improved to align with contemporary advancements in technology. The
second core value of FPT Polytechnic is its unwavering commitment to guiding its
students toward their chosen path. Prior to selecting their major, students are taught using
the same methodology and curriculum during their first term. This approach forms the
bedrock for further studies and provides a comprehensive understanding of various
disciplines, thereby enabling students to make an informed decision about their desired
career path. By combining these values, FPT Polytechnic creates a distinct educational
environment that fosters practicality and healthiness, enabling students to emerge as
future pioneers and leaders. The establishment is devoted to consistently enhancing the
caliber of educational services, promoting original and pragmatic pedagogical
approaches, and endeavoring to furnish learners with prospects for triumph in their
professions. This is not only the school's mission and core values, but also its
responsibility in educating future generations.
2.1.4. Evaluate
With great enthusiasm, FPT Polytechnic is continuously dedicated to training a group of
talented young individuals in the rapidly growing field of information technology.
Motivated by an unwavering determination to establish a global education system that
places the education quality of the information technology industry as a top priority, FPT
Polytechnic is ready to adopt a more rigorous approach to improving the quality of
education. At the same time, the institution will remain attuned to the latest trends and
emerging technologies, with the ultimate goal of elevating the standard of pedagogy. FPT
Polytechnic is driven by a noble mission, one that carries an inherent sense of
responsibility to the community and society at large, particularly to students. Thus, the
institution is committed to imparting its students with expert knowledge that is relevant to
their chosen field, while also instilling in them an essential sense of societal obligation
that is critical for progress. The fruits of this endeavor have yielded tangible results thus
far, as evidenced by the number of graduates who have secured lucrative jobs and made
positive contributions to the nation's advancement. Throughout its establishment and
development, the university has remained steadfast in implementing core values and
achieving significant milestones. The transparency and unwavering adherence of civil
servants to these core values have created a sense of trust among students, who have
relied on them from generation to generation. As a result, FPT Polytechnic has succeeded
in creating a healthy and effective learning environment, which not only embodies the
institution's mission but also promotes the cultivation of appropriate core values, thereby
providing a conducive atmosphere for growth and progress. Given the aforementioned
facts, it is undeniable that FPT Polytechnic has positioned itself as a leading institution
that is truly committed to producing a consistent supply of skilled professionals,
particularly in the field of technology, to meet the demands of the future.
2.2. Currently-used strategies in practice
2.2.1. Strategy One: Digital Transformation and Online Learning

Digital transformation strategy through the establishment of an eLearning learning

system that should become the online learning platform of FPT Polytechnic to give
students flexibility in learning, especially in the digital age and the circumstances of the
world. recent Covid pandemic. Thanks to the recent online training, students can study
anywhere, at any location, opening up a learning opportunity for all students from all
over the country. Digital transformation online learning brings teaching knowledge into
online form in a comprehensive way without losing the practicality like in face-to-face

2.2.2. Second Strategy: International Cooperation and Curriculum Update

FPT Polytechnic has established valuable alliances with esteemed and renowned
institutions across the globe, including Deakin University in Australia and Coventry
University in the United Kingdom. This collaboration has enabled FPT Polytechnic to
consistently comprehend and stay abreast of the latest and most advanced pedagogical
techniques worldwide, thereby facilitating optimal absorption of information by students
and their education through diverse approaches. This approach is deemed as the most
efficient and contemporary form of instruction. Moreover, this exclusive partnership has
furnished students with a unique opportunity to engage and learn from a variety of
cultural contexts, consequently enhancing and broadening their scope of knowledge and
understanding of the world at large.

2.2.3. Third Strategy: Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility

With an overarching vision and an ambition that goes beyond the confines of
traditional education, FPT Polytechnic sets its sights on becoming a leading and
internationally standardized education system that is fully equipped to meet the
ever-changing needs of society. To this end, the institution leverages the results of
advanced training technologies. Over the years, this esteemed college has been
steadfast in its pursuit of this lofty goal, continually expanding and improving its
educational network not only in Vietnam but also across the globe, while fostering
a favorable environment for modern education and promoting innovation in
Vietnam and Southeast Asia. It is FPT Polytechnic's unwavering commitment to
being a trailblazer in the field of information technology that is evidenced in its
special training programs, which are always updated to reflect global trends and
the demands of the labor market. The university's topmost priority is to ensure that
its students are equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in the
ever-evolving world of technology. In this vein, FPT Polytechnic is constantly
forging relationships with its partners and international organizations to keep the
curriculum current and enhanced. Given the increasingly globalized nature of
information, FPT Polytechnic is resolutely focused on staying ahead of the curve
and carving out a distinct niche for itself in the domains of education and
information technology.
2.3. Practical strategies evaluation
2.3.1. Review Digital Transformation and Online Learning Strategy

Success:FPT Polytechnic has demonstrated an exceptional capacity to persevere in the

face of adverse circumstances presented by the ongoing global pandemic, which has had
far-reaching implications on all facets of worldwide trends. The institution has adeptly
responded to the exigencies of this situation by swiftly adapting to online learning,
thereby preserving its commitment to upholding the highest educational standards while
concurrently placing a premium on the safety and well-being of its student body.

Benefits:The eLearning system, being an exceedingly innovative and sophisticated tool,

provides students with an incredible opportunity to access education in an extremely
flexible manner. This system has been designed in such a way that it does not impose any
restrictions on students whatsoever, whether it be related to time or space. Moreover, this
contemporary system plays a vital role in expanding the institution's reach by attracting a
significantly larger number of students from all corners of the country. Additionally, even
in the aftermath of the pandemic, this highly advanced education system can still be
utilized for various forms of distance learning to cater to students who require it but are
unable to afford it.

Cons: Maintaining and preserving international cooperation relationships is a

significantly demanding and resource-intensive task that requires the allocation of a
substantial amount of resources, including human capital, time, and financial resources.
Additionally, the continuous and ongoing revision of the curriculum and the necessity to
stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in the field can create stress and pressure for
both educators and students alike, as they are expected to frequently acquire new
knowledge and skills.

2.3.2. Review of International Cooperation Strategy and Update Curriculum

Success: The FPT Polytechnic, which has garnered high appreciation, has made
noteworthy advancements in fulfilling its obligations towards enhancing students'
cognizance regarding environmental protection. The establishment has aspired to foster
manifold opportunities for students by means of talkshow workshops and events, all of
which are intended to function as catalysts to stimulate volunteer endeavors for
preserving a sustainable work environment. The ultimate objective of these endeavors is
to inculcate awareness about environmental protection within a considerable number of
students. It is noteworthy that these commendable activities have elicited a positive
response from both on-campus and off-campus students.
Benefits:the students, who are the future of our society, are bestowed with an
extraordinary and priceless prospect to actively participate and involve themselves in an
all-inclusive and extensive international learning curriculum, which not only provides
them with an opportunity to exchange their thoughts and ideas but also allows them to
immerse themselves in diverse and distinctive cultures, thereby enabling them to
broaden and enhance their overall understanding of the world, which is indeed an
indispensable asset in today's globalized world. Additionally, it is a matter of great
privilege and honor for the school to be able to adroitly and quickly assimilate and
incorporate the most up-to-date and contemporary trends and knowledge from its partner
schools, which further solidifies its reputation as a leading educational institution.

Cons:The task of maintaining and preserving international cooperation relationships is a

highly demanding and resource-intensive endeavor that necessitates the allocation of a
substantial amount of resources, such as human capital, time, and financial resources.
Furthermore, the constant and ongoing revision of the curriculum and the need to stay up-
to-date with the latest advancements in the field can be a source of stress and pressure for
both educators and students alike, as they are required to consistently acquire new
knowledge and skills.

2.3.3. Assessment of Sustainable Development Strategy and Social


Success:Recently launched, FPT Polytechnic is an esteemed educational institution that

has made noteworthy strides in fulfilling its obligations towards guaranteeing ecological
survival and sustainable progress. The institution has set its sights on creating numerous
opportunities for architects to be established, all of which will serve as a catalyst for
encouraging volunteering efforts aimed at maintaining a sustainable working
environment. The ultimate objective of this endeavor is to involve a vast number of
students in the pursuit of ecological existence and sustainable development. It is worth
noting that these laudable activities have received a favorable response from both on-
campus and off-campus students alike.

Benefits:P articipation in volunteer activities is an excellent way for students to enhance

their socializing skills and work collaboratively with others. Moreover, such activities
enable students to develop a sense of social responsibility and a better comprehension of
environmental pneumonia issues. As a result, students are empowered to play an
indispensable role in preserving the environment and achieving sustainable development.

Cons:Engagement in activities that transpire on land is known to have a plethora of

benefits that extend not only to the learners, but also to the society at large. Nevertheless,
it would be remiss to ignore the fact that these activities necessitate tardiness as well as a
substantial investment of human resources, thus warranting a prudent evaluation in order
to strike a harmonious equilibrium.
Chapter III. Strategy Planning and Formulation
3.1. Environmental and organizational audits
FPT Polytechnic College offers three current international joint training systems:
• BTEC FPT College UK: British Standard College Career Program Melbourne
• Polytechnic: Students who become students of Melbourne Polytechnic Vietnam will
be trained with the Australian standard program
• High School FPT Polytechnic (FPT Community College): a career training program
for junior high school graduates who want to learn a trade right from the start.
Key External Factors Weight Rating Score
1. The demand for engineering is increasing in
Vietnam, the market needs human resources with
technical skills 0,09 4 0,36
2. There are many relationships with industry partners
that bring many job opportunities for students 0,09 4 0,36
3. Many international partnerships, opening up
exchange programs and global promotion 0,09 3 0,27
4. Expanding online courses to help FPT reach a wide
range of audiences 0,07 2 0,14
5. Continuing education and development that meets
the needs of professionals and enhances the skills of
professionals 0,06 1 0,06
6. Social responsibility and sustainability principles,
preparing students to adapt to the times 0,05 2 0,1
7. There are many similar training programs 0,1 4 0,4
8. Economic recession and changes in government
policy 0,09 3 0,27
9. Technological advancements require training
programs to be constantly updated 0,08 3 0,24
10. Changes in government regulation or policy for the
education industry 0,05 1 0,05
11. Unstable job market 0,09 4 0,36
12. Increasing competition in e-learning methods 0,05 1 0,05
Total 1 2,66
➔ With 2,66 FPT Polytechnic High School takes advantage of external factors
and above average

Key Internal Factors Weight Rating Score
1. Have a solid relationship with 180 international
partners 0,15 4 0,6
2. Quality teaching staff 0,1 4 0,4
3. Mining cooperation with 40 other countries 0,09 3 0,27
4. 3-star quality rating by QS 0,05 3 0,15
5. Flexible and diverse curriculum with 3 international
training systems 0,09 3 0,27
6. Graduates have jobs up to 97.7% 0,12 4 0,48
7. Tuition fees are quite average compared to the
common ground from 9.9 million to 12.4 million
VND 0,15 2 0,3
8. The curriculum is not suitable for the majority of
Vietnamese students 0,06 0,06 1 0,06
9. Lack of breakthrough in training 0.05 0,05 1 0,05
10. The training period is short, students do not really
grasp the knowledge 0,06 0,06 1 0,06
11. Limited facilities 0.08 0,08 2 0,16
Total 1 2,8
➔ With 2.8 enterprises having above-average competitiveness compared to
other education enterprises
3.2. SWOT matrix and alternative strategies
Strengths Weaknesses
1. Limited courses, narrower program
1. Close association and cooperation with than some other educational
leading enterprises in the industry institutions
2. A school's budget may limit its
2. Experienced and knowledgeable ability to invest in additional
teaching staff resources or to expand facilities.
3. FPT Polytechnic is a relatively new
school, which may lead to limited
recognition or reputation compared to
3. Modern infrastructure older institutions.
4. Practice-oriented curriculum 4. Limited facilities on campus
5. There is a less diverse student body
5. Strong and active alumni network, and faculty, resulting in limited
providing mentoring, networking, and exposure to different cultures and
career opportunities for current students. perspectives.
6. FPT Polytechnic provides various
support services to ensure students' 6. Research opportunities or limited
academic and personal success. funding
Opportunities Threats
1. The demand for personnel with 1. Other colleges and universities
technical skills is increasing offer similar programs
2. Economic uncertainties, recession,
2. International Partnership or changes in government policy
3. Technological advances, requiring
3. Potential Online Education continuous curriculum updates
4. Strengthen relationships with industry 4. Changing regulatory environment
partners to secure more job and may challenge FPT Polytechnic's
internship opportunities operations and future development.
5. Continuing education and career 5. Unstable job market, continuous
development layoffs
6. Social responsibility and sustainability,
possibly with a focus on integrating 6. Increasing competition in the
social responsibility and sustainability online learning space could threaten
principles into the school curriculum and traditional classroom-based
SWOT operations educational models.
SO Strategies WO Strategies
1. Leverage strong relationships with 1. Raise financial aid resources to
businesses to establish more ensure that education quality
internships and jobs for students. orientation is not limited.
2. Build more international
2. Invest in new facilities to enhance
cooperation models to expand
infrastructure and enhance student
learning and research opportunities
learning experiences.
for students.
3. Develop an internationalization
3. Develop flexible training programs
program to promote international
to meet the diverse needs of
Alternative experience and collaboration
students and businesses.
strategies opportunities for students.
ST Strategies WT Strategies
1. Build linkages with businesses to 1. Strengthen training programs to
ensure training practices remain meet business requirements and help
relevant to industry requirements in students find jobs in an unstable job
a rapidly changing environment. market.
2. Invest in improving the quality of
2. Enhance online interoperability to
education and teaching online to
survive in the increasingly
compete in the increasingly
competitive online education
competitive online education
3.3. SPACE matrix and IE matrix
3.3.1. SPACE matrix
Internal Strategic Position External Strategic Position
Return On Investment +4 Technological Changes -2
Liquidity +3 Rate of inflation -2
Working Capital +5 Barriers To Market Into Entry -3
Cash Flow +4 Competitive Pressure -3
Leverage +5 Easy Exit From The Market - 4
Earning Per Share +3 Risk Involved In Business -3

Competitive Position (CP) Industry Position (IP)

Financial Position (FP) Stability Position (SP)

Market Share +5 Growth Potential -1
Customer Loyalty +2 Profit Potential -1
Capacity Utilization +2 Financial Stability -2
Technological Know-How +2 Extend leveraged -2
Product Quality +2 Easy of entry into the market -4
Control Suppliers And Distributors +1 Resource utilization -5



FPT Polytechnic has gained financial strength in a competitive price in Vietnam and
FPT Polytechnic has a number of competitive advantages.


4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0

3.4. The matching stage of alternative strategies
3.4.1. Protect key strategies:
International Cooperation: Strengthening international cooperation is an
important strategy to enhance FPT Polytechnic's reputation and prestige and attract
international students and lecturers. Cooperation with international universities,
research institutions and businesses helps to exchange knowledge, skills and
cultures, thereby creating a rich and multicultural learning environment.
Explanation: International cooperation helps FPT Polytechnic become a global
learning and research center where students have the opportunity to interact and
learn from people from many countries. This creates an innovative and diverse
learning environment, helping students develop communication skills and work in
an international environment, thereby enhancing competitiveness in the global
labor market.
Curriculum Updates : Changing and updating training programs is an important
strategy to ensure FPT Polytechnic's courses always reflect new technology trends
and market needs. Constant updating helps to train students according to
international standards and meet the requirements of future work.
Explanation: The update of the training program helps FPT Polytechnic meet the
changing needs of information technology and other technical industries. This
gives students access to the latest knowledge and skills, thereby improving their
competitiveness and readiness to meet future job challenges.
FPT eLearning Online Education System: Developing and implementing FPT
eLearning online education system is one of the main strategies to help FPT
Polytechnic provide flexible and modern training programs for students.
Explanation: FPT eLearning system helps meet the flexible learning needs of
students, especially international students and those with limited learning
conditions. Through the application of information technology and online learning
solutions, FPT Polytechnic enhances access to knowledge and develops important
skills for work in a digital environment.
Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility Initiatives: FPT
Polytechnic is committed to promoting sustainable and socially responsible
development through a wide range of activities and programs, such as
scholarships, social projects, and the creation of a sustainable learning and
working environment.
Explanation: FPT Polytechnic's commitment to sustainable development and
social responsibility helps FPT Polytechnic create a co-working and learning
environment where students are encouraged to participate and contribute to the
community. Scholarship programs and social projects help enhance FPT
Polytechnic's reputation in terms of social contribution and attract attention from
partners and the community
Summary: Key strategies such as International cooperation and curriculum
update, along with the implementation of FPT eLearning online education system
and sustainable development and social responsibility programs, help FPT
Polytechnic grow strongly and promote prosperity and sustainability in the future.
These strategies harmonize meeting market needs and sustainable development,
while ensuring an advanced and multicultural learning and working environment
for students.
3.4.2. Competitive advantages of FPT Polytechnic:
• Reputation and prestige: FPT Polytechnic is a part of the leading technology
corporation FPT, with prestige and prestige in the field of information technology
in Vietnam and Southeast Asia. This reputation helps FPT Polytechnic attract
talented students and reliable capital investors to pour capital into FPT's education.
• Diversified training programs: FPT Polytechnic offers a variety of training
programs in the field of information technology and engineering, in addition to
communication-related professions, including English-language programs. This
diversity helps students and students choose the right program for their needs and
career goals.
• Professional learning environment: FPT Polytechnic invests in modern facilities
and good learning support, creating a professional and effective learning
environment for students to complete projects. Smart classrooms, advanced
laboratories and modern information technology systems help students master
knowledge and support essential soft skills.
• Cooperation with businesses: FPT Polytechnic has close relationships with
businesses and research institutions, ensuring training programs are tailored to the
needs of employers. This partnership helps students access real-world projects and
hone their technology skills, thereby enhancing their interoperability with real-
world work after graduation.
3.4.3. How FPT Polytechnic has changed in a new direction:
• Renovating training programs: FPT Polytechnic is constantly researching and
updating training programs to meet market needs and new technology trends. The
institution focuses on delivering high-quality courses that ensure stable outputs
and are designed based on real-world projects to help students apply their
knowledge on the job.
• Towards internationalization: FPT Polytechnic is focusing on expanding the
international market by developing English-taught programs and attracting
international students. This provides cultural diversity and an international
experience for students, while also providing opportunities to study and research
with international friends.
• Strengthening business cooperation: FPT Polytechnic is promoting cooperation
with businesses to develop high-quality training programs based on real projects.
This partnership helps students develop practical skills and enhance their ability to
adapt to a high-intensity work environment after graduation.
• Renovation of facilities and learning technology: FPT Polytechnic invests in
modern facilities and information technology systems to create an advanced and
convenient learning environment for students. This improves the quality of
education and supports students in the learning process.
• Promote marketing and promotion: FPT Polytechnic promotes marketing and
promotion activities to raise brand awareness and attract potential customers. The
wide promotion of training programs and achievements helps FPT Polytechnic
attract the attention of students and students.
In short, FPT Polytechnic has made strategic changes to meet market demands, improve
the diversity and quality of training programs, and expand cooperation for sustainable
development and prosperity
3.5. Future strategies
• Expansion and development of teaching staff and training programs:
Strengthening quality and diverse teaching staff, along with improving training
programs based on market needs and new technology trends. This will help attract
more students and students, and improve the quality of education and learning
capacity of the students.
• Promote technology research and development: Investing in technology research
and development will help FPT Polytechnic stand firm against changes in the
information technology industry and maintain its pioneering position in providing
advanced technology solutions.
• Expand cooperation with businesses: Build and expand a network of partners and
cooperate with businesses to provide training programs tailored to the needs and
requirements of the labor market. Good relations with businesses can also create
internship and employment opportunities for students after graduation.
• Increased access to international markets: Promote the attraction of international
students and students by offering programs in English and building a multinational
learning system. The expansion of international markets will help increase sales
and attract quality students and students from many countries.
• Renovating facilities and learning technology: Upgrading facilities and technology
infrastructure to create a modern and convenient learning environment for
students. This could include investing in smart classrooms, advanced laboratories
and state-of-the-art IT systems.
• Orient students and students into high-quality and in-demand fields: Build high-
quality and attractive training programs in areas that are thriving and in high
demand in the labor market.
• Promote promotion and marketing: Promote promotional and marketing activities
to improve brand awareness and attract potential learning audiences.
• Enhance academic advising and student support: Improve academic advising and
student support to ensure student satisfaction and success throughout their studies.
Chapter IV. Conclusion and recommendations
In summary, FPT Polytechnic has implemented several key strategies to
enhance its reputation, attract international students and meet market demand.
The organization prioritizes international cooperation, curriculum updates, online
education system development, and sustainable development initiatives. These
strategies ensure that FPT Polytechnic remains dynamic and competitive in the
ever-changing global landscape. The competitive advantage of FPT Polytechnic
lies in its strong reputation and reputation, the variety of training programs, the
professional learning environment and the close cooperation with businesses.
These advantages contribute to the production of graduates who are well
prepared for the job market and highly sought after by employers. As FPT
Polytechnic moves forward, it will continue to focus on innovating training
programs to meet market needs, internationalization efforts, strengthening
business cooperation, facilities and improving technological advancement,
effective marketing and promotion. In addition, the institution plans to expand and
develop its teaching staff, promote research and technology development, and
increase its access to international markets. By following these future strategies,
FPT Polytechnic aims to further improve the quality of education, attract a
diverse student population, and continue its successful track record in producing
qualified graduates. skilled and employed. Overall, FPT Polytechnic is strategic
analysis highlights its commitment to adaptability, innovation and sustainable
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