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Good afternoon.

I am delighted to meet with you today and thank you for taking the time to
speak with me.

About me:
As you know from my application, I have over 25 years of global experience in sales,
business development, sales methodologies and sales enablement and driving revenue
growth through impactful training programmes. I have always been passionate about
collaborating with other functions to empower sales teams to achieve (ACHIV) their goals.

In my most recent role at LexisNexis, I have led training initiatives that directly improved
performance through the development of tailored resources and storytelling techniques.
Through this work, I have refined my skills in assessing the needs of diverse multinational
groups and setting them up for success. One thing that sets me apart is my fluency in four
languages, which has allowed me to improve engagement with audiences around the world.

When I heard about the Sales Enablement Coordinator opening on the Fusion 360 team, I
feel excited about the opportunity to bring my extensive experience to the Autodesk
organisation. I have a strong interest in revenue enablement specifically in the creative and
technology space. Basically, I believe my proven success in driving sales enablement results
makes me the ideal person to collaborate with all functions and multicultural teams to
support their goals at Autodesk.

Walk me through your experience designing, managing or coordinating sales

training programs in your past roles
I have over 25 years of global experience designing, managing, and spearheading sales
and bussiness development,marketing and enablement programs that directly fuel sales
team performance.

Most recently at LexisNexis, I managed the sales training curriculum for IP solutions
across the US, Europe and Asia. This entailed assessing regional and role-specific needs
to pinpoint skills gaps. For instance, I uncovered that the European team struggled to
convey our competitive differentiation. To addess this, I designed an activation workshop
focused specifically on elevating value messaging.

I then developed interactive modules leveraging compelling storytelling techniques

coupled with value selling frameworks for the workshops. These were a hit across
account executives globally with 90% indicating it tangibly (TANYIBLI) helped strengthen
(ESTRENGTEN) their pitches.

This program directly contributed towards LexisNexis’ 22% increase in analytics solution
growth in 2023 driven by sales proficiency. My manager Ben Hann, Head of Global
Enablement, also highlighted this in my anual review the business impact of the sales
training programs I created at LexisNexis in terms revenue and performance
I also have other examples of sales training programme results from previous roles over
the past 25 years: at Elsevier, Xinhua News Agency and Thomson Reuters to mention a
few. The overall theme has been tailor-made programmes based on needs analysis,
supported by useful content with concrete alignment of business metrics. I am happy to
provide more details. Please share any follow-up questions about my experience.

Why Autodesk at Fusion 360?

I am deeply motivated to bring my sales enablement expertise to the Autodesk Fusion

360 team:

First Will be because Fusion 360 is defining the future of design and engineering

They are leading the market of 3D tools platforms for product innovation, it represents
the cutting edge of digital design technology. I'm inspired by their vision to empower
teams with collaborative cloud-based tools. Being able to help propel their sales
enablement goals that will allow me to make an impact thought the sales team on the
future of design.

A second one is that Autodesk’s values on creativity, innovation and community align
closely with my own.

Autodesk's culture code ENFASAIZING creative freedom, insight-driven innovation and

caring community resonates strongly with me both professionally and personally.
Embedding (EMBEDDING) those values through enablement will let me connect
meaningful (MENINGFUL) work with meaningful (MENINGFUL) values.

And the last one will be that The cross-functional nature of the role allows me to apply
the diversity of my skills.

As the enablement coordinator role requires partnering across sales, marketing, product
management and executive teams, it fits beautifully with my far-reaching skillset - from
content creation …to data analysis and project management. It will enable me to
incorporate the full breadth of my multifunctional capabilities.

In summary, the chance (CHANS) to shape the commercial success of pioneering

products at a purpose-drive company makes this opportunity a perfect fit with my
values, passion and diverse expertise. I cannot wait to enable Autodesk sales success
leveraging creativity to drive positive change globally.


1. Leveraging Enablement Platforms & Tech

Implementing dedicated enablement technology platforms like Seismic, Highspot,
Paperflite or Bloomfire. These consolidate enablement content, allow greater
personalization for sellers, streamline content management, and provide enablement

2. Aligning Sales & Customer Messaging

Tightly aligning sales messaging and value propositions with buyer persona needs …and
the end-to-end customer journey. This “outside-in” approach ensures customers’
perspectives shape every asset and interaction.

3. Ongoing Digital/Microlearning
Shifting from one-off trainings to continual reinforcement and digital delivery formats.
Well-timed, bite-sized content nuggets better fit seller needs and work environments
through microlearning apps, videos etc.

Other Notable Trends:

- Increased focus on core sales competencies, skills coaching
- Expansion into services/partner enablement beyond sellers
- Regional localization of enablement

However, platform consolidation, seller-customer storyline alignment, and digitized

ongoing reinforcement are emerging as the most impactful recent enablement

How would you identify the top enablement needs of a global sales force like
Autodesk? What kinds of gaps would you look for?

To identify top enablement needs for Autodesk's global sales force, I would thoroughly
analyze skills gaps through ride-alongs, surveys, and manager interviews to pinpoint
regional challenges. For instance, if deal cycles are longer in Europe, I would look into
content gaps on conveying competitive differentiation or product demo capabilities
needed to showcase value faster to customers. The keys are ground level observation,
broad qualitative feedback gathering, and metrics analysis to surface the severest pain
points limiting global sales success currently.

Tell me about a time you had to quickly create an enablement asset of resource.
What was it for and how you approach it?

"A great example is when I recently created a stakeholder asset on environmental social
governance (ESG) and 17 - 169 targets SDG´s goals IP reporting for executive-level client
pitches. When several major corporations announced commitments to sustainability
goals, I saw an urgent need to showcase LexisNexis IP solutions’ value.

I rapidly compiled a list of the top 50 patent owners across tech, pharma and
manufacturing with significant IP portfolios. By thoroughly analyzing their annual
reports, IP holdings data, and CSR, ESG, SDG reports, I built a sharp perspective on their
sustainability impacts.

Armed with these insights, I crafted a crisp executive briefing deck revealing current IP
reporting gaps around SDG reporting impacts and highlighting the reputational risks of
“greenwashing” claims not supported by (VERIFIABL) verifiable IP assets data. I included
compelling charts on the breakdown of IP portfolios driving progress across 5-6 key UN
SDGs. By quantifying current versus required sustainable innovation assets, I positioned
our IP analytics solutions as enabling credible, validated ESG/sustainability reporting.

This asset immediately resonated with leadership and is now being leveraged globally
across regions. It exemplifies my knack for timely, strategic content development
addressing emergent customer imperatives."

My strengths:

Results-driven: Consistently exceeded my objetives and goals that boosted revenue.

Relationship-focused: Leverage communication skills to build partnerships.

Strategic: Created effective GTM plans and sales messages.

Motivated: Passionate about sales, also sales enablement and training.

Fast-learning: Rapidly masters new technologies and processes.

Analytical: Expertise researching markets, examining data, identifying opportunities.

Weaknesses or areas to grow

Helpful - My desire to assist others is sometimes perceived as over-committing. But

I've learned to balance being supportive and available with managing priorities.

Eager - Coming into new roles, my enthusiasm to deliver quickly can overlook
important nuances. However this vigor consistently fuels strong long-term results.

Detailed - While thoroughness is crucial for me in preparing oboarding/training

materials, I now right-size analyses to key solutions.

5. Why I left my former company

"I enjoyed my time as a Global Sales Enablement Consultant for LexisNexis, working
remotely to train and upskill sales teams across functions and regions on solutions
on intellectual property. It was extremely rewarding to help unify messaging and
improve product positioning. However, as that was a contract role, my tenure came
to its planned conclusion once I successfully completed development of several
sales enablement initiatives to support business priorities last November. With the
major goals of that short-term contract achieved, I felt it was the right time to seek
my next opportunity leveraging my background.
Solve problem with a team member sample:

Situation: After 5 months finalizing a deal with Merck Latin America, legal complications in
contracting with Germany emerged. The European account manager assigned with little
Latin America exposure resisted inheriting the account.

Task: With the customer relationship at risk over internal disputes disrupting delivery, I had
to quickly resolve the account manager's objections to preserve the opportunity without
negatively impacting user experience.

Action: Emphasizing (ENFASAIZING) shared customer-centric goals, I worked closely with the
manager to address concerns around fluency, training, and commission to realign resources.
I brokered (brow·kerd )a compromise distributing responsibilities and economics to
facilitate proper localization.

Result: My collaborative diplomacy enabled progress where the manager previously refused
participation. Through relationship building and fast compromise, we upheld efficient
onboarding, retained commission split, and reinforced customer service, saving the
innovative global contract.

Here is a 3 key point response on managing stress:

1. Maintain balance through self-care habits like regular exercise and reflective breaks.

2. Address high-pressure situations analytically by prioritizing key objectives and granular

action steps.

3. By providing structured direction focused only on the most urgent and important tasks.

The key points focus on:

1- Personal resilience
2- Analytical prioritization
3. To do lists

Why Autodesk should hire me?

Autodesk should hire me because I have the proven sales enablement expertise to
directly empower your customer-facing teams to drive growth. Over 25+ years, I have
honed the ability to:

- Pinpoint and address skills gaps with strategic enablement programs tailored to
audience and needs. For example, at LexisNexis I uncovered and filled a value messaging
deficiency, leading to 22% analytics solution growth in 2023.
- Equip global and culturally diverse teams for success via customized learning
approaches and quadrilingual fluency in English, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese

- Boost sales results by creating immersive training using interactive modules,

storytelling, and role playing to drive proficiency

- Track enablement ROI through metrics aligned to revenue targets, sales conversions,
and customer retention

Most importantly, I share Autodesk's mission of using creativity and innovation to

empower people to make a better world. My values-driven personal ethos and passion
for propelling adoption of paradigm-shifting technologies makes me a organic culture

With global large-scale enablement experience across regions and functions, combined
with resonating values, I can ignite your customer teams to reach incredible new heights
advancing humanity through Autodesk's trailblazing solutions.


1. Could you speak more about your internal mobility and career growth opportunities
for sales enablement professionals? I’d love to understand what progression tends to
look like at Autodesk once in role.

2. How receptive are cross-functional partners like sales leadership, marketing, product
teams to collaborating with enablement? Where have you seen the greatest synergy in

3. As I seek to immerse myself within Autodesk’s culture and values focused on

leveraging creativity for good, what are some key ways the culture manifests day to day?


- As I progress through the final stages of the interview process, could you please
provide details regarding the compensation package for this position? I would
appreciate understanding the base salary range and any applicable commissions or

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