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编号 044

名称 曼哈顿 Manhattan

IBA 分类 难忘系列 The Unforgettables


原料 50 毫升黑麦威士忌 50 ml Rye Whiskey

20 毫升甜味美思 20 ml Sweet Red Vermouth
1 滴安戈斯图拉苦酒 1 dash Angostura Bitters

方法 将所有原料倒入装有冰块的混合杯中。搅拌均匀。滤 Pour all ingredients into mixing glass with ice cubes. Stir
入冰镇的鸡尾酒杯中。 well. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

装饰 用鸡尾酒樱桃装饰。 Garnish with a cocktail cherry.

历史/变体 流行的历史表明,这种饮料起源于 1870 年代中期的纽 Popular history suggests that the drink originated at the
约市曼哈顿俱乐部,由伊恩·马歇尔 (Iain Marshall) 在 Manhattan Club in New York City in the mid-1870s, where
詹妮·杰罗姆(兰道夫·丘吉尔夫人,温斯顿的母亲) 为总 it was invented by Iain Marshall for a banquet hosted by
统候选人塞缪尔举办的宴会上发明。 J·蒂尔登。宴会 Jennie Jerome (Lady Randolph Churchill, mother of
的成功使这种饮料变得时尚,后来促使一些人通过提 Winston) in honor of presidential candidate Samuel J.
及它起源的俱乐部的名称“曼哈顿鸡尾酒”来索要这 Tilden. The success of the banquet made the drink
种饮料。然而,伦道夫夫人当时正在法国怀孕,所以 fashionable, later prompting several people to request the
这个故事很可能是虚构的。 drink by referring to the name of the club where it
然而,之前有提到各种类似的鸡尾酒配方,称为“曼 originated—"the Manhattan cocktail". However, Lady
哈顿”,并在曼哈顿地区供应。据一种说法,它是 Randolph was in France at the time and pregnant, so the
1860 年代由一位名叫 Black 的调酒师在休斯顿街附近 story is likely a fiction.
百老汇的一家酒吧发明的。 However, there are prior references to various similar
cocktail recipes called "Manhattan" and served in the
Manhattan area. By one account it was invented in the
1860s by a bartender named Black at a bar on Broadway
near Houston Street.



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