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Content: John Silman, Ed Greenwood

Editor: John Silman
Proof reading: Lauren Reeves
Cover illustrator: Dean Spencer
Interior illustrators: Dean Spencer, Alan Subankulov, Paul
Rous, Erik Shoemaker,, Bob Greystein,, A. O. Lamplough, David Edwards, Anass
Enaji, Patvit, DraakeT, Gaëtan Guiné, Ian Chen, Paula
Garcia, Stu Harrington, Daniele Gay, Pengzhen Zang, Marc
Mons, Virginie Gill, Warmtail, Boris Kerney, Manuel Robles,
Marek Purzycki, Livio Ramendelli, Ashvejlou Arts, Fredrick
Map illustrator: Sean Schnell
Play testers: Robert James, Andy Jones, Joseph Glasbey,
James Loweth
Special thanks: Scott Bennie (rest in peace) for his incredible
Mulhorand source material, which served as a reference
and inspiration for taking Mulhorand into present times.
George Krashos & Ed Greenwood for their invaluable help
and input into book design and Forgotten Realms lore.
On the cover

“Blue Dragon” by Dean Spencer. This sensational artwork

depicts an elven warrior hanging from the back of an angry
blue dragon, having just dispatched its Imaskari rider. This
aerial battle takes place high above the desert wastes of post-
Spellplague Mulhorand. In the background, pyramids of the
ancient God-Kings can be seen rising from the sunbaked
desert, and the skeletal remains of one of the Dragon’s kin are
half-buried in the dunes below.

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon ampersand, Ravnica and all other Wizards of the Coast
product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries.

This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content
Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

All other original material in this work is copyright 2022 by John M Silman and published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

Artwork on cover and inner pages © Dean Spencer, used with permission. All rights reserved.

Artwork from various artists on inner pages © and used with permission. All rights reserved.

Foreword by Ed Greenwood .............................................. 3 Chapter 4 Deserts of Mulhorand .................................... 65
Desert Hazards .......................................................................65
Introduction ....................................................................... 5
Dehydration ...................................................................... 65
About this book ........................................................................ 5
Sandstorms ....................................................................... 66
Chapter 1 History of Mulhorand ....................................... 6 Mirages .............................................................................. 66
Imaskar ..................................................................................... 6 Quicksand ......................................................................... 66
The Death of an Empire.......................................................... 8 Whirlwinds ....................................................................... 66
Mulhorand is Born .................................................................. 9 Supernatural Hazards ...........................................................67
The Orcgate War ..................................................................... 10 Dead-Magic Zone ............................................................ 67
The Great Decline ................................................................... 11 Flaywind ............................................................................ 67
The Second Empire ........................................................... 11 Glass Plain ........................................................................ 67
The Rise of Thay ................................................................ 11 Planar Tear ....................................................................... 67
The Time of Troubles ............................................................ 12 Wild Magic Storm ............................................................ 68
Pharaoh Horustep III ....................................................... 12 Wild Magic Zone .............................................................. 68
The Third Empire .............................................................. 12 Desert Travel.......................................................................... 69
The Spellplague ...................................................................... 13 Navigation ........................................................................ 69
High Imaskar ........................................................................... 14 Desert Encounters ................................................................. 70
The Second Sundering ........................................................... 15
Chapter 5 Characters of Mulhorand .............................. 72
Horuskhet I ........................................................................ 15
Mulhorandi Characters ......................................................... 72
Nezram, the World Walker.............................................. 15
Naming Convention ......................................................... 72
Mulhorand Reborn .................................................................16
Mulhorandi Backgrounds..................................................... 73
Timeline of Events .......................................................... 17 Desert Nomad ................................................................... 73
Chapter 2 People of Mulhorand ...................................... 20 Divine Ancestry ................................................................. 73
Brave New World ................................................................... 20 Mulhorologist ................................................................... 75
Divine Rule ........................................................................ 20 Nezramite ......................................................................... 76
Government ....................................................................... 21 Class Archetypes .................................................................... 77
Justice .................................................................................. 21 Desert Domain .................................................................. 77
Religion ............................................................................... 21 Oath of the Glorious Servitor ........................................ 78
The Afterlife ....................................................................... 21 Tomb Raider ..................................................................... 79
Culture & Traditions ............................................................. 22 Spells ....................................................................................... 80
Art ....................................................................................... 22 Magic Items ............................................................................ 82
Education........................................................................... 22 Chapter 6 Creatures of Mulhorand ................................ 85
Entertainment .................................................................. 23 Common Playable Races ....................................................... 85
Contests & Tournaments ................................................ 23 Known Monsters ................................................................... 86
Food & Drink ..................................................................... 23 Apep ......................................................................................... 88
Festivals ............................................................................. 24 Adventure Hook: The Summoning .............................. 88
Language ........................................................................... 25 Ashen Husk ............................................................................ 89
Fashion .............................................................................. 25 Desert Hag .............................................................................. 90
Architecture ...................................................................... 25 Dune Worm ............................................................................. 91
Technology........................................................................ 25 Dust Elemental (Skriaxit)..................................................... 93
Rebuilding a Nation .............................................................. 26 Fang of Set .............................................................................. 94
Food Production ............................................................... 26 Fang of Set: Isseth ................................................................ 94
Foreign Relations & Trade ............................................. 26 Isseth’s Lair ...................................................................... 94
Imports & Exports ........................................................... 26 Gemstone Golem ....................................................................95
Churches of Mulhorand ....................................................... 27 Giant Scarab Beetle ................................................................97
Other Factions ........................................................................ 33 Imaskari Colossus ................................................................. 98
Prominent Characters .......................................................... 34 Adventure Hook: Walking Doom.................................. 99
Chapter 3 Places of Mulhorand....................................... 37 Jackalweres ........................................................................... 100
Geography of Mulhorand ..................................................... 37 Lamia Noble ...........................................................................101
Map of Mulhorand................................................................. 38 Sand Dragon .......................................................................... 102
Cities ........................................................................................ 39 A Sand Dragon’s Lair ..................................................... 103
Skyclave ............................................................................. 39 Sphinxes ................................................................................ 105
Gheldaneth ........................................................................ 43 Hieracosphinx ................................................................. 105
Mishtan .............................................................................. 45 Criosphinx ....................................................................... 105
Neldorild ............................................................................ 46 Swarm of Scarabs ................................................................. 106
Sultim ................................................................................. 47 Werecrocodiles ..................................................................... 107
Towns & Settlements ............................................................ 50 Usebek .............................................................................. 108
Ruined Settlements ............................................................... 55
Skuld ................................................................................... 57
Dungeons ................................................................................ 58
Places of Interest ................................................................... 62

ell met, gentle reader! Ye are viewing a tome And where roofs drain elsewhere across Faerûn, to carry

that has long been needed, for Mulhorand is water away from buildings or their cellars and prevent
not a new land, nor a small one or flooding, in Mulhorand water is channeled into shaded
insignificant to trade across Faerûn—and rock rawda (“traps”), cisterns to store collected water
yet has been neglected in the writings of for “rough washing.”
scribes both lofty and learned and everyday and Where space and resources permit, ye will see stones
practical, for lo these past too many centuries. arranged in channels to form shallow pans, where
This book lays bare lore that even high priests have sunlight and copper are used to purify water, which is
struggled to learn, or have discounted, words about what then filtered through charcoal or sand, and after these,
Ao himself hath done that have hitherto been temple cloth, to yield water as clear as possible. Then it is often
secrets. It tells truth about the plans of mighty rulers boiled, ‘ere being left to cool and then siphoned, using
who are but names even to most the large hollow reeds that
scholars—and when ye know the grow on the banks of all
whys of someone’s deeds, ye can the rivers that drain the
more clearly see what they may do Menesankh, into
in future. earthen vessels, both
In short, this is the guide lidded jugs and ewers for
to Mulhorand that has long carrying and pouring,
been needed, an essential and buried jugs kept
book in understanding what nigh shaded gardens
is to many but a land of hot for daily watering.
sands and pyramids where Which brings me to
slaves once toiled, one of another trick ye should
the traditional foes of look for: buried jugs
sinister Thay. For used for other purposes,
keeping the Red like storing nuts, grains,
Wizards at bay alone or other cached food
many people should give when harvested or for
fervent thanks, but emergency eating. Not to
Mulhorand is more than mention for keys, or
that: it is a cradle of written messages, or
much culture and coins, or small tokens
innovation, from left to pass on a
perfumes and meaning to someone
seasoned cooking who comes looking in
oils to textile dye recipes that jug. When I say
and processes of gilding ‘buried jugs,’ I mean
woods and stone. In short, set into the ground
much of what crafters all and entirely hidden,
across Toril take for with loose stones
granted originated in over the lid, and
Mulhorand (even if it was sometimes a double
part of the Imaskari lid: the first being a
Empire at the time). Elminster Aumar by Alan Subankalov mere cap, over a
Based on the original art by Clyde Caldwell
Ye are in good hands second that’s a tray
when reading the trapping a scorpion or
words set down in these poisonous spider or even a small viper, so
pages, by a scholar who that someone who doesn’t know of this defender
sees Mulhorand more clearly and dispassionately than and just comes across the jug by luck or accident, will
most, so I will augment his work with a few small take harm—but someone who knows will use a stick or
touches of relevant lore hitherto overlooked or even left-handy stones to access the buried jug safely.
secret, or so every day that it tends to get passed over in So that’s one little household or everyday thing to
written histories in favor of battles and emperors and watch out for. Here’s one to listen for: folk of Mulhorand
grand workings of magic, soaring dragons, and strife have an antipathy to their foes and neighbors the
among gods. Ye know: the Big Stuff. Well hearken, then, Thayans, and Thayans often casually hum or whistle
to some of the Little Stuff: tunes—so Mulhorandi do not. Rather, they chant,
In rocky places, ye will notice “walls” around sometimes chanting monophonic tunes, but they never
dwellings that are not walls at all, but mere foundations: hum or whistle. To a Mulhorandi, a whistle is a danger
unbroken rings of sharp stones that surround a building. alert, or a means of insult. However, Mulhorandi do
These serve not just to mark boundaries, but to keep share the habit of drinking tea with Thayans, elkammat,
snakes at bay, as they don’t like to slither over sharp a brown, nutty brewed drink sipped hot after dark but
stones that bake by day. Flat or tilted flattish stones cold by day, that’s made from water boiled with the
backing these up are often used to bake flatbreads in the fibrous husks of groundnuts (in Mulhorand, the kamma
sun or dry out wet washing. nut and the larger, rarer, more bitter ulkaumma nut).

I could write much more of the everyday, for coins hidden in Jhalhoran down the years, though some
Mulhorandi is an old land and culture is piled up deep in say Klondor holds more.
it like fur winter blankets in a Sossrim hut, but I’ve been And then there’s the tale of the farming family, who
given to understand that many readers crave adventure, dwells somewhere along the River of Spears, who are
and tales of magic, and the like, so let me oblige ye with weredragons but keep this so well hidden that only when
just a few tidbits. they face death will they transform to fight or flee. I
If ye hear of the Seeking Shadow, know that it is a happen to know who they are and will never betray
nigh-silent, flying gray smoke-like entity with ruby-red them.
eyes, that dwells in clefts in the Dragonsword I will add that there’s a map of great value hidden in
Mountains, and drifts west out of them by night to hunt. the Ruins of Skuld, and a buried ship near Delgora that
Sometimes it settles on the living and drains them holds more magic than many a proud ruler can
utterly of blood and fluids, biting with many needle- command.
fanged mouths, but more often it merely nips and Yet enough of such odds and ends, for the entire grand
“leaves its mark,” biting only enough to taste blood. sweep of Mulhorand the Magnificent, Cradle of Might,
Many have unwittingly fed it, awakening with a vivid, awaits ye in these pages—so read on!
strange dream—for the creature always leaves a mind-
image unfamiliar and intriguing. There are Mulhorandi And until next we meet; yours in the service of Mystra,
who betimes sleep naked on rooftops in hopes of being

Elminster of Shadowdale
found and bitten by the Shadow so as to receive an
image, for they desire to be guided in future decisions by
what they so see. There are some who believe the
Shadow is mighty, or that there are many Shadows and
one of them is truly a leviathan, for no less than an adult
blue dragon once crashed down dead on the Taranoth,
utterly drained of blood and covered with bites that
pierced its very scales—a victim of the Seeking Shadow?
And if ye hear of the Lost Eyes of Tassala, be aware
that these are gems, sapphires the size of a big man’s
hand, that have black occlusions at their hearts that look
like the pupils of eyes, and they are “lost” because they
were stolen in Jhalhoran not long ago, but hidden
somewhere by the thief ‘ere he was captured and
tortured to death to reveal their whereabouts, but did
not, even when magic was used upon his corpse…so they
must be hidden there yet. And they are but the most
talked-of treasure of several sizeable caches of gems and

INTRODUCTION Chapter 5 includes a multitude of new player options
for creating characters from Mulhorand or similar
setting, including new backgrounds, subclasses, magic
“Mulhorand is a land of rebirth. Its terrible past has seen it items and a selection of spells unique to this book.
Chapter 6 showcases an expansive list of new
ravaged by war, its once green and fertile landscape reduced
monsters that have made Mulhorand their home,
to a desert wasteland by sorcery beyond comprehension. providing Dungeon Masters with a host of options for
Yet, despite these terrible hardships, the land and her building encounters in this unforgiving land, or that can
be used with any similar setting.
people always return; unbowed and unbroken. The scars of
Imaskar, the Spellplague and the Second Sundering will DATES AND NAMING
never heal, but the people of Mulhorand, and their gods, Throughout this book, whenever dates with specific
refuse to be vanquished. We can all learn from their years are mentioned, these will generally be formatted in
accordance with the Dalereckoning (DR). This will keep
perseverance, as well as their refusal to be encapsulated by
this book consistent with other works as the most
the echoes of their past.” common dating format used in the Forgotten Realms.
Mulhorand does have its own calendar (abbreviated to
—Nezram, the World Walker, Unique Mageries MC) commenced when the God Re and his followers
finished construction of the former capital city of Skuld
e welcome traveler, for your path has brought in -2134 DR (two thousand one hundred and thirty-four

B you to Mulhorand, a place unlike anywhere else

in Faerûn. Encompassing the far eastern shores
of the Inner Sea, it is a realm of great mystery
and beauty, buried beneath a turbulent and tragic past.
The scars of history are all too visible across its desert
years before the start of the Dalereckoning calendar).
This calendar is rarely used, generally only in ancient
texts found within Mulhorand and so is not used when
describing dates in this book.
For naming, the standard roll of years, as described by
landscape, but it refuses to disappear into the wastes and Alaundo of Candlekeep, will be adhered to, unless
be forgotten. otherwise specified. The current year in Mulhorand is
For adventurers, it is a land of extraordinary the Year of the Tyrant’s Pawn, 1495 DR.
opportunity. Ancient cities now lie in ruins, their
treasures and secrets guarded by terrifying creatures. ABBREVIATIONS
Vast constructs of bygone Empires are scattered across
This book assumes that readers have access to, or are at
the land, many still unexplored. Pyramids rise out of the
least familiar with, the Dungeons & Dragons core
desert like sun-blasted teeth, marking the location of
rulebooks, including the Player’s Handbook (PHB),
long-forgotten tombs beneath the sands.
Dungeon Master’s Guide (DMG) and Monster Manual
There is fortune and glory to be had here in
(MM). For any other books that are mentioned, these
Mulhorand, for those with the courage and skills to
will be referenced in full.
survive its many perils…


In this book you will find all you need as a Dungeon
Master to run exciting adventures based in Mulhorand or
similar setting, or as a Player who wants to create a
detailed character who hails from the region.
Chapter 1 explores the extensive history of
Mulhorand, giving an insight into the background, lore
and legend of this mythical land. Included is the
expanded history of the region, and what has occurred in
the years following the Spellplague and Second
Sundering, as well as a comprehensive timeline covering
the past ten thousand years of its history.
Chapter 2 introduces the Mulhorandi; a proud people
who have survived the tumultuous past. We explore their
culture, daily life as well as the many different factions,
old and new, that vie for control of this re-emergent
nation. Each organization is explained in detail with its
hierarchy, motivations and important characters.
Chapter 3 ventures into the different locales and
places of interest across Mulhorand, including the
capital: Skyclave, the Ruins of Skuld, Ghelandeth and the
Land of the Dead to name just a few. Along with a
detailed description of each location, we also describe
the current goings on and what any adventuring party
might find there, including adventure hooks.
Chapter 4 details the multitude of perils that exploring
the desert wilderness of Mulhorand might encompass,
including effects of dehydration, natural hazards and
encounter tables to assist planning desert adventures.


ulhorand. A realm of legend. A land
where history is not just told in stories
For nearly four thousand years, the Imaskar Empire
or recorded in books; it is etched across
reigned supreme over Eastern Faerûn. Yet, as history will
the landscape and carved into the very
always show, no empire is immortal. Assured of their
stone beneath your feet. Every grain of
omnipotence, the Imaskari expansion continued
sand bears testament to the rise and fall
unabated. Smaller nations and kingdoms were brushed
of a dozen empires, and the bones of
aside, their people subjugated or enslaved. This included
god-kings stir in their tombs beneath the desert.
the great Elven city of Myth Arvael, whose destruction
This chapter delves into the extensive history of this
led to the deaths of some twenty-thousand elves,
mythical region, exploring the origins of the Mulani
dwarves and gnomes. In response, an alliance was
people and their subjugation at the hands of the Imaskar
formed in the city of Telthalassia, where the Selutaar
Empire, right up to the present day following the events
High Elf mages began weaving a powerful Ritual of
of the Spellplague and Second Sundering.
Myriad, creating a terrible plague that, in its gruesome

design, would see only humans afflicted.
In -4366 DR, this devastating plague, named the
The Imaskar Empire, whose founding is one of the Silent Death, was unleashed upon Imaskar, virtually
earliest recorded segments of Faerûn’s history, wiping out their invading armies, before reaching the
stretched far across the land; its capital Inupras standing cities of Lower Imaskar. Simultaneously, a blight caused
in the center of what is today the Raurin Desert. crops to fail across the land. Those who survived the
Thousands of years before even the Netherese existed, plague were subject to terrible famine. Entire cities fell
around -8350 DR, the Imaskari dominated Faerûn; their to ruin and close to twenty percent of the entire
empire stretching from the Shining South to the population of Imaskar perished, mostly in the lower
northern wastes of the Great Ice Sea; and from the realms. Not suspecting the elven alliance, the Imaskari
Alamber Sea in the west to the Hordelands in the far east. instead believed the gods had turned against them and
The Imaskari Emperors, god-like beings known as many of their vast city temples were put to the torch
Lord Artificers, raised cities of vast edifice in after no cure could be found. Others believed the bitter
proclamation of their glory. Mastering dimensional rivalry festering between Upper and Lower Imaskar had
magic, they created entire cities in the confines of ignited into a civil conflict. That the plague had
structures that were many times larger within than somehow left their brethren on the surface mostly
without. They also created the ‘Bukhara’ spires – unaffected was regarded with great suspicion.
arrayed towers of polished bronze conduits that housed This event caused the period of Shartra; meaning
networks of dimensional portals. These allowed for the “Darkness” in the Imaskari tongue; and was no doubt
Imaskari Legions to be instantly transported across the death knell of the Imaskar Empire as it was. The
Faerûn wherever they were needed, and none could plague swept through Lower Imaskar like a wave of
stand before their might. death, surviving as its enemies were in no position to
The Empire expanded east into the reaches of Kara- capitalize on its sudden weakness. The Imaskari
Tur and west towards modern day Aglarond. This was civilization stood on the brink of collapse, its military
not just limited to the surface either; entire sections of and industrial might decimated. The harvest had
the Underdark were claimed, subjugating Dwarves, returned, but there were few able-bodied workers to sow
Kobolds and anyone else unfortunate to exist in the path and reap. The current emperor, Lord Artificer Khotan,
of their expansion. Thus, Lower Imaskar was born. looked to the stars for salvation.

Once the Silent Death had run its course, the Imaskar Unbeknownst to any, one of the most powerful beings in
Empire became locked in social and economic decline. the Multiverse had become aware of the malevolent
Khotan needed a way to quickly recover; especially his actions of the Imaskari Artificers. Lord Ao himself, the
legions of slaves who had either perished or escaped Hidden One and creator of all things, seethed at the
during the Shartra, leaving the empire without its ability petulance of these mortals. How dare they breach the
to expand and develop. The emperor turned once again limits of the Realmspace he had created for them?
to the Bukhara spires and built, in secret, a pair of new He summoned the powerful inter-planar being known
dimensional portals. These did not lead to elsewhere in as Ptah, the Opener of the Ways, sending him beyond the
Faerûn, but to other worlds entirely. boundaries of Realmspace to reach the home world of
Gathering his remaining forces, Khotan went through the enslaved Mulan. Once there, he communed with their
the portal to begin an invasion of this new world. Many bereft gods; not only those of Kemet, but the gods of all
armies rose up in defense, but they had no knowledge of those who had been taken by the Imaskari. They were
the arcane arts and so stood little chance. Once the offered a single chance to reunite with their people,
Imaskari Artificers, and even Khotan himself, brought saving them from eternal servitude. This would involve
their devastating sorcery to bear, any resistance was great sacrifice, but with most of their congregation
annihilated in short order. stolen from their world, they had little choice.
The invasion saw a number of different lands
conquered, their peoples enslaved and torn from their THE WAR OF RETRIBUTION
homes. Winding chains of shackled slaves were sent back
In the year -2489 DR the divine barrier was finally
through the portals into the empire; any who resisted
breached. Ptah had enabled the distant gods to take the
were destroyed. One land in particular, a place the locals
form of avatars; manifestations who could pass
called ‘Kemet’ stood out from the others. Here, a vast
unimpeded through the dimensional gates. This power
empire had risen from the desert sands, erecting
came with sacrifice, however; they would be trapped in
incredible structures at the whim of god-kings known as
Toril, unable to return to their home world ever again.
Their power would also be limited, forced to adopt a
The Empire of Kemet took the longest by far to
mortal shell and be reincarnated with each passing.
conquer and subjugate, their fierce desert warriors
Most did not hesitate, flying through the planes on
emboldened by faith in a pantheon of strange gods.
Re’s solar barge Semktet. The pantheons of what would
Eventually they too would fall before the might of
become modern day Mulhorand and Unther landed
Imaskar, and over one-hundred thousand slaves were
together on the peaks of Teyla Shan, now known as the
marched back through the portal to Faerûn. Kemet was
Godswatch mountains and proclaimed the demise of the
left empty; the once glorious empire sinking back into
Imaskar Empire. The Mulan rose up in holy fervor, their
the sands. Furious, the gods of the enslaved peoples
gods walking among them as divine will made manifest.
attempted to follow, but the Imaskar had sealed the
Those Mulan who showed most faithful were rewarded,
portals with powerful wards, preventing any divine
gifted part of the gods’ own power to become Glorious
transcendence into the world of Toril. The people were
Servitors; conduits of the gods’ burning rage.
helpless and alone, doomed to fade from existence.
Imaskari slavers and nobles were slaughtered as the

Mulani rebellion boiled across the land. The remaining
legions and artificers retreated towards Inupras,
Torn from their home world, the people of Kemet were overwhelmed by the uprising. Besieged on all sides, the
marched into eastern Faerûn. This was a green and Imaskari became more and more desperate, bringing
fertile land, with a temperate climate quite unlike the their devastating sorcery to bear. In the bastion of the
desert people of Kemet were used to. It was the empire’s Jorhat Citadel, Artificer Mardava performed a spell so
breadbasket, and they were tasked with working the powerful it not only destroyed the besieging Mulani
land, providing food for distant Imaskari cities they army, but every man, woman and child within Jorhat’s
would likely never see. walls as well.
Though subjugated and brought to Faerûn as slaves, Meanwhile, a host of Imaskari Artificers lured the
as the years passed the people began to settle as best elder evil Pandorym from a distant dimension, hoping to
they could. Farming hubs and markets soon evolved into use it as a deterrent against the Mulan. So powerful was
bustling towns and villages. They would always be this being, the Artificers were forced to separate its mind
subservient to the Imaskari nobles and artificers that and body to pacify it, storing them in the Celestial Nadir
ruled over them from their lofty towers and citadels, but demi plane inside the Palace of the Purple Emperor.
they at least found some identity in the strange land they
now inhabited. Over the next few centuries, the Imaskari
began mixing with this new population, burgeoning
their empire. A name was given to these foreigners
across Faerûn, as well as their mixed-race children: the
For a time, there was relative peace. With little other
choice, the Mulani slaves tolerated their existence under
the Imaskar Domin. Worship of their old gods was
outlawed under pain of death, but their prayers
continued in secret. Groups gathered in forbidden
shrines and temples, hoping and praying they would be
delivered from their existence of servitude. Though they
did not realize, someone was listening.

Within a single year, arguably the greatest empire to
have ever existed across all of Toril was on its knees. The
Mulani uprising was unstoppable, washing across the
land like a tidal wave of vengeance. The Imaskar had
their legions and artificers, but against the surging
Mulani horde and the zealous fury that incited them,
they stood little chance.
By the end of the year -2488 DR, the Imaskar Empire’s
capital Inupras stood as a final bastion of defiance
against the rebellion. The current emperor, Lord
Artificer Yuvaraj refused to accept defeat. Atop his
ancient copper dragon mount, Zaltellorax, he soared out
from the Imperial Palace to meet the Mulani army head
on. Though outnumbered, the remaining Imaskari
defense was made up of the empire’s most elite forces,
including a legion of Yuvaraj’s elite guard and an entire
cadre of Artificers. Yuvaraj wielded two of the
Imaskarcana; artifacts of incredible power that
contained the knowledge and power of the empire’s long
and tumultuous reign.
The battle was cataclysmic. Thousands died with each
passing second as the sorcery of Imaskar met the divine
strength of the Mulani gods. The city of Inupras was
desolated in the carnage, entire districts torn asunder
and tossed into the planar void or simply disintegrated
in a torrent of energy. Finally, Yuvaraj stood alone upon
the crumbling steps of his Imperial palace. The God
Horus, son of Re, stepped forward in challenge, his
incarnated form rippling with power. The two came
together in an eruption of arcane and divine magic,
scouring any surviving life from the city around them.
Malevolent energies ravaged the surrounding lands,
turning the heartlands of the empire into a wasteland; a
vast desert now known as the Raurin.
It was three days before the cyclonic magical dust
storms began to settle around Inupras. The once
magnificent capital of the Imaskar Empire was now little
more than a ruin. The few survivors looked up to the
palace steps to see Horus standing triumphant over the
slain form of Emperor Yuvaraj. Thus ended the Imaskar
Empire in all but name.


The war had been brief, but utterly devastating. In its
wake, much of the empire’s heartlands were
transformed into uninhabitable wasteland. Any
remaining Imaskari had either fled east towards Kara-
Tur or into the cracks and crevasses to take refuge in
their remaining Underdark holds. The surviving Mulan,
once united in their cause, now separated. Led by the
gods who walked among them, they would need to find
somewhere new to settle. Though for the first time in
nearly two millennia, they were a free people.
Those Mulan who had originated from the land of
Kemet travelled West, settling on the eastern shores of
the Alamber Sea. This rich and fertile land would be an
ideal location for a new civilization, and they began to
build. The divine incarnations of the gods Horus, Re,
Osiris, Isis, Geb, Anhur, Thoth, Set, Nephthys, Hathor,
Bes and Sebek worked in unison to establish their
edification in this strange new world. By the year -2135
DR they had completed the creation of Skuld, a new
capital city, from where the incarnation of the God Re
would rule. The name of this new nation was whispered
across Faerûn: Mulhorand.

The God Horus battles Lord Artificer Yuvaraj in Inupras by Alan Subankalov.
Based on the original artwork by Jason Engle.
With the mortal incarnation of the god Re taking his In the year -1961 DR, after six years of bitter conflict,
place on the throne of Skuld, the emergent nation of and little ground gained by either side, the god-kings of
Mulhorand began to thrive. The next few centuries were Mulhorand and Unther agreed to meet at the River of
a period of great prosperity and expansion as the Swords near Sekras and agree the Treaty of the Gods.
Mulhorandi took advantage of the fall of Imaskar to There, they waded, unarmed, into the sacred waters,
claim lands as far south as the Okoth region around the twenty-six gods that had travelled together to Faerûn to
Lake of Salt, east as far as Semphar and north to the land rescue their people, now facing each other as opposites.
that would one day be known as Thay. Alongside Re and Few words were exchanged, but a common
his son Horus who governed Mulhorand from the understanding was shared between them; the war must
capital, each god and their worshippers began to find end. To continue it left both Unther and Mulhorand
their own place in this strange new world: vulnerable, and the Mulan people who had suffered for
Thoth, god of knowledge, established Mulhorand’s so long at risk of being subjugated again. Henceforth, the
second city; Gheldaneth, on the banks of the River of River of Swords would define the boundary between the
Spears. Here, he formed the Arcanum of Magic, a temple two nations. There would be peace, at least for a time.
dedicated to understanding the strange but incredible
forces of arcane and divine magic that existed in Faerûn. THAYD, THEURGIST ADEPT
Osiris, god of the dead, built Mishtan to the southeast Though Imaskar was defeated, the people of Mulhorand
of Skuld, close to the Dragonsword Mountains. This city would soon come to learn that remnants of their power
would eventually become the gateway to the Land of the still remained. Relics of the old empire were left behind,
Dead; the final resting place of Mulhorand’s pharaohs whether buried in the various Imaskari constructs that
and their families across the ages. dotted the land, or in the hands of travelling merchants
Anhur, god of war and weather, built the Blood Keep in that would offer them for a price. There were those
Sultim, from where he marshalled Mulhorand’s armies among the Mulan who began following the Imaskari
against threats within and without. creed, seeking their ancient knowledge and power.
Isis, goddess of love and agriculture, took One such follower was Theurgist Adept Thayd, also
responsibility for the nourishment of Mulhorand’s known as the Last Surviving Apprentice of the Imaskari.
burgeoning empire, becoming the patron of farmers He had become obsessed with seeking the power of
across the land and ensuring a bountiful harvest. Imaskar, gathering ancient relics and scrolls with which
Nepthys, goddess of trade and wealth, took charge of to expand his arcane knowledge. He saw the Mulani
the economy of Mulhorand, advancing the prosperity of people as weak, born to follow their living gods like
the nation through trade deals with neighboring sheep. Others joined his cause and in -1087 DR he led a
countries and implementing a new financial system brutal rebellion against both Mulhorand and Unther, he
complete with banks and coin minting. and his wizard followers infamously clad in red robes.
Set, god of the desert, kept his machinations secret The uprising briefly seized the northern provinces of
from the rest of the other gods. Unlike them, he did not both Mulhorand and Unther, as the wizards brought
act for the good of Mulhorand but for his own ambition. their powerful sorcery to bear. Only when the god-kings
In secret he built numerous secret temples across of both nations committed their divine power in -1081
Mulhorand, from where he and his followers plotted DR, was he finally defeated. Henceforth in Mulhorand,
their nefarious schemes. arcane magic would be strictly regulated to avoid this
Even the lesser deities; Bast, Hathor and Sebek; all happening again. Thayd and his disciples were executed,
began to find their place in the empire, mostly working though before his death he prophesized that Mulhorand
together to further the glory of Mulhorand; though in and Unther would crumble. Unknown to the Mulani
the case of Sebek it was a chance to find new hunting allies, he had begun workings in secret that would see
grounds. It was a time of plenty and pride restored after this fulfilled. In the distant future, a nation would be
nearly two millennia of subjugation at the hands of the born, named in honor of this wizard in red; Thay.
Imaskari. God-kings walked across the empire as living
vessels of divine magnificence. The people rejoiced and
gave praise for their salvation.

This early period of prosperity in Mulhorand continued
for several centuries, the first empire basking in the
glory of its rebirth. But it seemed inevitable that the
Mulhorandi would come into conflict with other powers
across Faerûn. Unexpectedly, the first major conflict
would arise with their former Mulani allies. In -1967 DR,
skirmishes began to break out with the nation of Unther
along the southern shores of the Alamber Sea. Their
common enemy long-gone, the two Mulani nations
came to blows over territory either side of the River of
Swords. Soon, the conflict had escalated into all-out
war, though the Mulhorandi and Untheric gods kept
away from the fray for fear of unleashing a cataclysm.
Instead, both sides recruited a number of different tribes
from the surrounding lands, including the Rashemi, Nar,
Raumviran and Sossrim, to fight as proxies.

At first, nothing was thought of Thayd’s prophecy. The For several years, the war raged on. The gray orcs were
Mulan just considered it the idle threats of a condemned just as powerful combatants as their relatives who
and insane man. By the time of his capture, the already existed across Faerûn, however they possessed a
Theurgist Adept had become so corrupted and twisted by much stronger connection to their God Gruumsh, and
arcane power, that he barely resembled a human and the rest of his pantheon. The orc shamans weaved
was part way through the process into lichdom. incredibly powerful spells, even able to call directly upon
However, the nations of Unther and Mulhorand would the power of their gods to descend onto the battlefield in
soon come to find out it was no idle threat. In secret, avatar form. The Mulhorandi and Untheric pantheons
Thayd had been experimenting with the inter- still had the power of their own avatars, however these
dimensional magic practiced by the Imaskari Lord were still weakened after the battles with Imaskar, so
Artificers. Hidden beneath the northern realms of any confrontation would be at great risk.
Mulhorand, the land that would one day be named Thay Unwilling to engage the main orc army, the forces of
in his honor, the Theurgist had built a portal. Not Mulhorand and Unther fought a constant skirmish,
dissimilar to the one used to link Toril to the home world luring their foe away from major cities but never
of the Mulan people, it was also linked to another world; committing to full scale battle. Despite this, the horde of
though this was quite unlike anything the Imaskari had Gruumsh continued to pillage the land, burning
ever encountered. Dominated by savage gray orcs, this farmland and razing any villages or hamlets they could
world, known as Adzadar, was a brutal realm, its find. With their populace at risk of starvation, a decisive
landscape torn apart by constant tribal war. battle was inevitable. And so, in the year -1071 DR, a
With Thayd’s execution, all knowledge of the portal combined force of Mulhorand, Unther, and the Rashemi,
vanished. For the next five years, life returned to normal Nar and Sossrim auxiliaries marched north to confront
in Mulhorand as the gate lay dormant; but this calm the orc horde on the plains of Thazalhar. The avatars of
would soon be shattered. In -1075 DR over one- the Mulhorandi and Untheric marched with them, no
hundred-thousand gray orcs invaded Faerûn, surging choice but to risk their mortal incarnations to try and
through the portal and out across northern Mulhorand. counter the presence of the orc gods. Without them,
The warring orcs had been united under the banner of there was no chance of victory.
their God Gruumsh; his desire to conquer and destroy The battle was monumental. Devoid of any tactics, the
unifying the various tribes into one colossal horde. Like a one hundred thousand strong horde of orcs surged
living tide of unrestrained brutality and violence, the across the plains to meet the organized rank and file of
orcs surged across the land. What would become the their Mulani foe. The lead elements, riding bestial
Plateau of Thay in modern times was overrun, with any worgs, surged ahead of the rest, smashing into the
villages or towns the orcs reached put to the torch. With phalanxes before the rest of the orc horde arrived on
much of the Mulhorandi armies still based in the south foot. The massed Mulani archers replied, however,
following the war with Unther, there were only minimal slaughtering orcs in their thousands in a constant rain of
garrisons left and these were brushed aside like insects arrows. As expected, the sky above rent apart as the
clinging to the hind of a charging bull. shamans weaved their magic and Gruumsh and the other
Only at Sultim did the orcs meet any kind of dedicated orc avatars waded into the fray. They were met by a full
resistance, as the incarnation of Anhur expertly twenty-five Mulani divine incarnations, for only Set had
organized the city’s defense. The orc army smashed not heeded the call. The titanic clash of gods shook the
against the walls of the Red Keep, but like a rock ground like thunder, the unleashed power tearing great
protruding from an ocean swell, it refused to fall. This fissures through the land. Re led the Mulani forces,
gave the rest of Mulhorand some time to marshal their meeting Gruumsh in single combat.
forces and send to the Rashemi, Nar and Sossrim for aid. When the dust settled many days later, Re and six of
The orcs had also begun to attack Unther’s northern the Untheric gods had been utterly destroyed. The battle
provinces by this time, dragging them into the war. was lost.

The death of Re was a devastating blow, but it was not in For nearly two thousand years, this slow decline
vain. With his dying breath, the god-pharaoh imbued continued. Known as the second empire of Mulhorand, it
the weapons of his kin, an enchantment known as Re’s was in truth a period of consolidation. The pharaonic
Redemption, that would be deadly against the gray orcs incarnations of Horus-Re continued to sit passively on
and their kin. He then devolved his divine powers to his the throne in Skuld, even as more and more of
son Horus, who would henceforth become known as Mulhorand’s northern borders began to shrink. The
Horus-Re, inheriting the domains and power of his Empire of Narfell became more and more aggressive,
father. The battle may have been lost, yet the orcs had culminating in -623 DR when they attempted a full-
been dealt a huge blow. Notably, most of their shamans scale invasion of the mainland from across the Alamber
had been slain, leaving them bereft of their ability to Sea. This was swiftly rebuffed and proved disastrous for
summon avatars of their gods. Many thousands lay dead Narfell, as their rival Raumathar took advantage and
on either side, but the tide had begun to turn. attacked, beginning a war between the two that would
They had once been close allies, but Horus-Re blamed last centuries.
Anhur for their defeat and ultimately for the death of his A further invasion occurred in 202 DR, this time from
father. The weight of leading the Mulhorandi pantheon the southlands, as raiding Arkaiuns from Eltabranar
on his shoulders, the new Lord of the Sun had started to poured into Unther and Mulhorand, laying waste to
become much more of a staunch traditionalist, like his many towns and villages. Known as the War of Claws,
father, opposing Anhur’s desire for expansion and this sudden attack was motivated by the Demon Lord
change. Anhur was wracked by guilt and so took it upon Eltab. He coveted the power of the Mulhorandi
himself to rid the land of the orc menace. The armies of pantheon, knowing they were vulnerable in their mortal
Mulhorand and Unther were much diminished, yet shells. The incarnation of Anhur once again rose to
Anhur continued to harry the remaining orcs forces, his Mulhorand’s defense, arming himself with the
tactical genius outwitting the horde at every turn. The legendary sword Hadryliss, which had centuries earlier
enchanted weapons of his soldiers, blessed with Re’s been used by the Rashemi to defeat Eltab. By 205 DR,
Redemption, were unstoppable. Anhur had defeated Eltab, imprisoning the demon in a
Finally, in -1069 DR, the horde of Gruumsh was Demoncyst beneath Thaymount far to the north.
routed in a decisive flanking attack along the Priador, led Mulhorand and Unther had fought side by side, as they
by the Mulhorandi god of war, Anhur, himself. The had often done throughout history, and in 211 DR, the
location of the Orcgate was discovered and promptly combined force crushed Eltabranar and sent the
destroyed, preventing any more incursions. The remaining Arkaiuns fleeing to the southwest.
surviving gray orcs fled north, scattering into tribes as
any remaining unity fell apart. They still exist in Faerûn THE RISE OF THAY
to this day, dispersed across Thay, the Moonsea and
Other than these two incursions and some contests over
regions further north; bitter infighting preventing them
territory in the north, it was a time of relative peace. This
from returning to their former power.
would not last however, and in 922 DR, Mulhorand paid

A HARD VICTORY the price for its passivity. A sect of powerful wizards had
gathered in secret, defying the arcane laws created after
The war had finally been won, but the impact on Thayd’s rebellion. To them, the Theurgist Adept was a
Mulhorand was unimaginable. Once a burgeoning hero, a martyr who died to overthrow the tyranny of the
empire, the nation was now in economic, social and pharaohs and they clad themselves in red robes in his
military decline. This slow decay would continue over honor. They also knew of Eltab and the location of the
the coming centuries as their northern holdings slowly Demoncyst prison from the War of Claws. The leaders of
began to disappear. The tribes that had been allies this new sect, the Archmage Ythazz Buvaar and Conjurer
during the wars began to settle, eventually forming the Jorgmacdon, tunneled into Thaymount and enslaved the
nations of Rashemen and Damara, and the birth of two Demon Lord to do their bidding. The Red Wizards
new empires: Narfell and Raumathar. Meanwhile, marched on Delhumide, Mulhorand’s provincial capital
Mulhorand’s territories north of the Rauthenflow in the north, sacking and razing it. The Mulhorandi army
started to drift into their own autonomy, which would marched north to meet this rebellion on the plains of
eventually lead to them breaking away into the daughter Thazalhar, where nearly two millennia before they had
nations of Thay, Murghôm and Semphar. marched to meet the gray orcs in the Battle of the Gods.
Much to the chagrin of Anhur, Horusret I, the first This time however, it was a slaughter.
pharaonic incarnation of Horus-Re, refused to take Empowered by Eltab, the wizards were unstoppable,
action against this decline, instead following Re’s desire unleashing waves of devastating sorcery on the
to preserve and safeguard Mulhorand against further Mulhorandi legions. Demons of every kind vomited forth
incursions. Anhur, whose expansionist ideals sought to from the abyss and into the fray, sowing carnage
continue the growth of Mulhorand into a prosperous through the enemy ranks. Even Eltab himself strode
empire, could only watch from his seat in Sultim as its forth, routing the remaining forces of Mulhorand. Three
strength waned. A civil war between the gods erupted in separate incarnations of Horus-Re, were killed during
-1050 DR, as Set murdered Osiris in an attempt to steal this conflict, leaving Thothibistep I, an incarnation of
the seat of the god of death. Isis managed to revive Osiris Thoth, to become the first pharaoh not part of House
whilst Horus-Re hunted down Set, defeating him in Helcaliant. This would last until a suitable heir would
single combat and sending the serpentine god into exile. come of age. Their victory complete, the Red Wizards
During this turmoil, Semphar took the opportunity to claimed all land north of the River of the Dawn as part of
declare independence. their new nation: Thay.
Thus ended the first empire of Mulhorand. Thus ended the second empire of Mulhorand.

Over the next few centuries, Mulhorand and the seceded
nation of Thay took turns to invade each other. First
Mulhorand was defeated in an attack on the River
Thazarim in 976 DR, then a Thayan invasion was
repelled outside Sultim in 1098 DR. The Zulkirs were
more successful in 1280 DR: attacking Mulhorand’s
northern territories and putting Murghôm to the torch.
They came very close to defeating the Mulhorandi army
at Sultim, which would likely have been the death knell
for the whole of Mulhorand. Anhur once again came to
his nation’s aid, marshalling the defense and driving the
Thayans back across the River of Dawn. Despite this,
Anhur and his priests were blamed by the rest of the
pantheon for allowing Murghôm to be ravaged.
The war between the two nations descended into a
bitter stalemate, with neither side willing to risk another
major confrontation. Unbeknownst to either side,
however, something was coming that would make this
conflict pale in insignificance; an era of Toril’s history Pharaoh Horustep III and Kendera Steeldice, Year of the Lost Keep, 1379 DR
that would change everything. During the Year of
Shadows, 1358 DR, Lord Ao once again took a direct
involvement in the events of the mortal realm. Bane and
Myrkul had attempted to steal his Tablets of Fate and, With the Time of Troubles leaving much of Faerûn in
driven to anger, Ao decided to teach a lesson to all the disarray, Horustep III began to seize the opportunity
divines of Faerûn. So obsessed were they with power, Anhur was guiding him towards. Gathering the strength
and so negligent of their mortal followers, he sentenced of the Mulhorandi legions he went on the offensive.
the gods to walk the earth of Toril as mortal Following the volcanic eruption of the Ship of the Gods
incarnations. They would come to learn the error of their in the Alamber Sea, Mulhorand launched an invasion of
ways. Some would not survive the lesson. the Alaor Islands in 1369 DR. Thay was able to retake the
The Mulhorandi pantheon, however, had already been island chain the following year, though much of their
restricted to their avatar forms since their arrival in naval infrastructure in the Alamber would need to be
Toril. Lord Ao decreed that the opposite would apply to rebuilt, preventing any immediate retaliation. During
them and thus the barrier holding the god-kings in their this time, Horustep had become enamored with an
mortal prison was lifted. The incarnations of Horus-Re outsider; Kendera Steeldice; a paladin of Red Knight and
and the rest of the pantheon were able to rejoin their head of the Gold Swords mercenary company. As well as
divine essences in Heliopolis, in the Outer Planes, taking a lover, he saw her as a trusted military advisor, ignoring
their place as true gods in the Great Wheel cosmology. much of the advice of his aides within House Helcaliant.
They would continue to guide and influence their flock, He also enlisted the warrior Brathes; a childhood friend
though from a distance, guiding the Mulhorandi through and servant of Anhur; as his personal bodyguard, further
priests and other selected vessels. strengthening the bridge with the House of Anhur.
Gilgeam, head of the Untheric pantheon, was slain at


the hands of Tiamat during the Godswar, thus the Treaty
of the Gods became invalid. Horustep allowed the war
No longer an incarnation of Horus-Re, Horustep III priests of Anhur and the Gold Swords to lead an invasion
began to rule Mulhorand as a mortal pharaoh. His of Unther in 1371 DR. Caught by surprise and weakened
human characteristics quickly began to show, the chains by internal strife, Unther was devastated by the attack
of divine will cast aside. Unlike Horus-Re, Horustep was and by 1373 DR, Mulhorand had conquered most of the
demanding and domineering, not afraid to make a show mainland, leaving only the city of Messemprar under
of power, or make examples of those beneath him. He siege. Horustep’s empire nearly doubled in size in the
saw himself like the old pharaohs of the land of Kemet space of one year and he basked in his own glory.
and was determined to return the glorious days of the His reign was not without issues; with most of the
first empire to Mulhorand. Horustep still held a strong men away fighting Unther in the west, there was a
connection to Horus-Re but was now free to make his significant shortage of workers back on the mainland.
own decisions and lead as he saw fit. Looking down from Heeding the advice of Kendera, he took action,
Heliopolis, the God Anhur saw in the newly ephemeral abolishing age-old laws to bring equality between the
pharaoh a great opportunity. sexes in Mulhorand. Women would take up any work
With Horus-Re no longer in a direct position of rule, that men could, quickly solving the labor shortage to the
Anhur, the god of war, began contacting and influencing indignation of the elders of House Helcaliant.
Horustep in secret, urging him to act. For too long had After their initial success, progress slowed as the siege
had the pharaohs sat idly as the empire slowly rotted of Messemprar dragged on for nearly six years. Unther’s
away. Where once Mulhorand was an empire to be feared stubborn resistance and aid from Thay frustrated the
across Faerûn, it was now regarded as a toothless old Mulhorandi assault whilst they were attacked in the
dog; lying passively as the world moved on. This time of flank several times by a force of mysterious Aasimar.
unprecedented change was the chance Mulhorand Eventually in 1379 DR Messemprar fell, completing
needed to reclaim its former glory. Horustep saw himself Horustep’s campaign and hold over Unther. Unknown to
as the pharaoh the empire had been waiting for and the pharaoh, however, calamitous events were in
believed he would bring salvation for the gods. motion. The third empire would not last long.

Horustep III reveled in his own magnificence, his The Spellplague reached the Mulhorandi mainland with
dominion over Unther complete. Horus-Re may have left unimaginable ferocity. A swirling maelstrom of wild
the mortal realm, but Horustep had more than earnt the magic engulfed the land, scouring life from its surface
right to rule Mulhorand in his stead. The gods looked and warping the fabric of reality. The once green and
upon him with content and the Mulhorandi people fertile region was reduced to little more than a
worshipped him as if he were still the true essence of the smoldering wasteland. Unending earthquakes tore open
Sun Lord. Other nations became fearful of this rifts like great wounds in the earth and the sun was
burgeoning third empire and diplomats from Chessenta, blotted out by boiling dust clouds. Skuld, Maerlar and a
Aglarond, Rashemen and beyond began to visit Skuld in number of other towns and cities were left as ruins as
attempt to win the pharaoh’s favor. It seemed the the conflagration washed over them. Hundreds of
glorious days of the first empire had returned at last and thousands died or vanished in this calamity, including
nothing could stand in the way of Mulhorand’s rebirth. most of the population of Skuld. Horustep III and many
It was not to last. During the Year of Blue Fire, 1385 of the divine houses; including all of House Helcaliant;
DR, Cyric murdered Mystra with the aid of Shar. The disappeared without trace, leaving Mulhorand in
resulting cataclysm tore the world asunder. Mystra’s disarray. Those lucky enough to survive fled, their home
control of the weave was severed, unleashing a tempest no longer habitable. Others vanished into the swirling
of raw magical energy across Toril. As the weave fell chaos, never to be seen again; presumably transported
apart, many spellcasters across Faerûn either died or away to Abeir or another plane of existence.
went insane and spells of any kind became warped by Even the gods, freed of their mortal chains by Ao,
wild magic. A storm of blue fire tore across eastern could not escape the cataclysm. The entire Mulhorandi
Faerûn, originating in Halruaa then spreading out across pantheon disappeared as the tendrils of the plague
the land. It even found its way into the many planar reached even into Heliopolis. The priests were left in
portals hidden beneath the surface, spreading the plague torment as their gods abandoned them and the people
beyond the boundaries of Toril, most noticeably in the despaired as prayers went unanswered. Nightmarish
distant realm of Abeir, where it began to spread across creatures spawned from the wild magic chaos, lingering
Laerakond. Consumed by the magical conflagration, even after the swirling maelstrom had passed. They
parts of Abeir and Toril began to overlap and merge in a scuttled between the ruined streets and buildings of
catastrophic fulmination. A huge segment of the land of cities like Skuld, preying on any survivors and lairing in
Skelkor in Abeir, crashed through the planar divide and the cracks and crevasses across the land. With no
into Unther in Faerûn. The citadel of Djerad Thymar, warriors left to protect them, the people of Mulhorand
capital of the Dragonborn nation of Tymanchebar came had no choice but to flee. Many travelled west, to
with it, bringing the Dragonborn race to Toril. The Chessenta and beyond, leaving Mulhorand deserted but
resulting impact consumed much of Unther, engulfing for the howling winds and lurking monsters.
Messemprar and killing thousands from Mulhorand and Elsewhere, a people long lost and long forgotten
Unther alike. Other parts of Unther were torn from the began to emerge from the shadows. They saw the
face of Toril and hurled back across the planar divide, Spellplague as an opportunity; the great cataclysm
landing in the Abeir province of Shyr. offered a chance for redemption, and they would take it.

The Spellplague lasted a full ten years, its roiling For the next century, Ususi led High Imaskar into a
eruption of wild magical energy transforming the face of period of progress. Much of Mulhorand’s landscape was
Toril and scouring Mulhorand’s surface beyond now a sun-blasted desert but, keeping close to the rivers
recognition. As the dust settled and the magical and coast where the land was still fertile, she and her
conflagration dissipated, explorers began to emerge people were able to carve out the start of a new Imaskari
from Deep Imaskar; an Imaskari refuge hidden far empire in the ruins of Mulhorand. Unlike the hubristic
beneath the Hordelands. They found their ancestral and tyrannical Lord-Artificers of the old empires, the
lands in the Mulhorand region devastated and mostly Empress decreed that Imaskar would be a fair and free
abandoned; yet after millennia hiding underground and nation. Slavery was outlawed and she immediately set
with the city now under siege, even this desolate her ‘Vengeance Takers’, a unit of elite enforcers who
wilderness was a tempting opportunity. The Underdark policed the population, to task in hunting down
had not been spared by the plague either, and Deep renegade slavers. In making High Imaskar a free nation,
Imaskar had been left surrounded by vile Plaguelands Ususi hoped to win the hearts and minds of those who
where pockets of the wild magic chaos would linger for feared the return of the old empire, proving that the
many years after the Spellplague had ended. The infamous Imaskar of millennia past had changed and
Imaskari would return and reclaim the land that had could live peacefully in this new world. She also set up
been stolen from them. ruling councils of Artificers, Planners and Apprehenders,
whose power was equal to hers to ensure High Imaskar

USUSI MANAALLIN could never return to tyrannical rule. Despite these

measures of good faith, in secret she outlawed the
Ususi Manaallin was an Imaskari artificer who had spent worship of the Mulhorandi gods in, fearing that the
her young life trapped in the confines of Deep Imaskar. pantheon could return at any time and foil the rebirth of
Longing to feel the fresh air of the surface upon her face, Imaskar as a dominant force in Faerûn.
she escaped the city in 1363 DR, cracking the Great Seal Ususi also took a much more amicable approach to
that had kept it hidden for so long. She had also become foreign relations, firstly establishing healthy trade
obsessed with the Celestial Nadir, an artificial demiplane partnerships with the dragonborn of Tymanther and the
crafted by the Imaskari artificers of old and spent much genasi of Akanûl. These two nations had been
of the next decade searching for a way to access it. She transported to Faerûn from Abeir during the Spellplague
joined an adventuring party, travelling the land and and so found common ground with High Imaskar as
other realms searching for a way into the Nadir; in the displaced nations in a strange new world. Ususi also
process however, the ancient entity known as the offered generous trade terms to the northern nations
Pandorym that had long ago been sealed inside was who had won their freedom from Mulhorand; Thay,
awoken and began attempting to free itself. This Murghôm and Semphar. This would limit the risk of
malevolent being immediately began attacking Deep attack from the northern borders and maintain stability
Imaskar with relentless fury, seeking revenge for its in the region. She also kept trade relations with Deep
imprisonment. In 1374 DR, Ususi and a party of fellow Imaskar, though these became increasingly strained
adventurers travelled to the Raurin desert and there over the years as the former bastion of Imaskar looked
found the buried Palace of the Purple Emperor. upon its surface cousin with envy and distrust.
Teleporting inside, they entered the Imperial weapons Not all of Ususi’s neighbors were so cordial, however.
cache where the mind of Pandorym had been Many of the Mulani survivors from Mulhorand and
imprisoned, and then found the gateway to the Celestial Unther were now refugees in Chessenta, which openly
Nadir where its physical form lurked. With the help of opposed the emergence of High Imaskar and the foreign
Qari Manaallin, a mirrored version of Ususi that had invaders from Abeir. No formal war was declared,
been pulled from an alternate timeline by Pandorym’s though Chessentan warriors actively targeted Imaskari
meddling, they managed to defeat the Elder Evil and seal trade caravans and merchant ships in an attempt to limit
it away once more. the new empire’s expansion. In 1478 DR the Empress
Following the Spellplague in 1385 DR, Ususi activated convinced the principality of Murghôm to begin
the arcane mechanisms of the Palace of the Purple mounting counter attacks on Chessenta, promising them
Emperor, transporting it out of the Raurin desert and great wealth and improved trade that included the
through the Celestial Nadir dimension to appear north of legendary Imaskari arcane knowledge. A more insidious
the ruins of Skuld in Mulhorand. The palace was vast, its threat presented itself the next year in 1479 DR, as the
spire looming thousands of feet above the scoured blue dragon Gestaniius, child of Tiamat, invaded High
landscape. It was also a self-contained city, created Imaskar from its lair in the Dragonsword Mountains. It
many thousands of years ago to be the palace of the Lord led an army of Dragonspawn, dune worms from the
Artificers of Imaskar. Each level of the colossal towers Plains of Purple Dust and numerous other minions,
was infused with inter-dimensional magic, making it seeking to conquer the land west of the Dragonswords.
ten times larger within than without, though it was Its motivations were to gain more standing in the
already massive on the outside. This would become the Xorvintal; a game played between dragon kind to prove
seat of Ususi’s new empire, and the return of the their eminence amongst one another. Ususi was saved by
Imaskari to mainland Faerûn. With the Spellplague over, her Dragonborn allies as the Platinum Cadre of Bahamut
many of the citizens of Deep Imaskar abandoned their arrived to defend Skyclave and slay Gestaniius.
Underdark home, escaping the vile Plaguelands that These threats would pale in significance as Empress
surrounded it, and follow Ususi to Mulhorand. High Ususi’s worst fears came to be realized. Now old and
Imaskar was born and Ususi Manaallin was crowned weary, she began looking for a successor to the throne.
empress, the first ruler since the old empire was Unknown to her, however, the gods of Mulhorand were
destroyed nearly four thousand years before. returning and history would repeat itself once more.

In 1482 DR, Lord Ao once again became directly involved
in the affairs of the Realm. Having witnessed the
worldwide instability and merging of Abeir and Toril,
caused by the destruction of the Tablets of Fate and then
the Spellplague, Ao decided to recreate the Tablets in an
attempt to undo the carnage that had been wrought. This
unraveled Abeir and Toril from each other and reverted
some of the colossal changes that had befallen both
worlds over the past century. For Mulhorand, this could
only mean one thing: the return of the gods.
Despite what many thought, Horus-Re and the other
eleven gods had not perished during the Spellplague;
they had instead fallen into a catatonic state. At the same
time, many thousands of Mulhorandi citizens that
vanished during the Spellplague had actually been
transposed to Abeir, including the entirety of House
Helcaliant and the Pharaoh Horustep III himself. They
had spent much of the last century surviving in the
wilderness of Abeir, desperate to reach their vanished
gods and find a way home. Though Horustep and the rest
of his followers were eventually claimed by their
mortality; either by old age or the harsh environment
they had found themselves in; the line of succession was
maintained. Horustep had passed away in 1426 DR,
leaving numerous heirs, who in turn further procreated,
saving the sacred line of Horus-Re from extinction. The
other divine houses did the same, ensuring that when
the gods returned, the strength of each line was The Demigod-Pharaoh Horuskhet I, wearing the ceremonial hawk headdress
preserved. As Ao reforged the Tablets of Fate, and the of Horus-Re. Art by Ed Fox.
worlds of Abeir and Toril were unraveled from each
other, the exiled people were returned to Faerûn, NEZRAM, THE WORLD WALKER
reappearing in the consecrated grounds of the Land of
Nezram was a Mulhorandi wizard of great power who
the Dead, hidden in the foothills of the Dragonsword
was famous for his extra planar travel. Born in the late
fifth century DR in southern Mulhorand, he began
training in the magical arts from a young age, though
HORUSKHET I staying well away from the radical teachings of the Red
With Ao’s will, and hearing the desperate pleas of their Wizards. His studies mainly focused on the arcane
people, the Mulhorandi gods awoke from slumber and tradition of gemstone magic, the method of harnessing
took back their place in Heliopolis. They communed with the innate magical properties of rare gemstones. He also
their surviving temples and priests across Faerûn, each became very interested in interplanar magic, having
choosing a new heir to become the manifestations of discovered the ancient Sarrukh ruins in the depths of
their divine will in the mortal realm. Granted the power Azulduth, Lake of Salt. Nezram was fascinated by the
of demigods, these ‘Chosen’ were tasked to defeat High Sarrukh, who built the first recorded empire in Toril’s
Imaskar and return Mulhorand to its rightful owners. history some thirty-five thousand years ago. Long
Other Chosen had been sent by the native gods of before the rise of humans in Faerûn, they had already
Faerûn into the mortal realms, however in Mulhorand mastered planar travel and had built a vast network of
they were different, recognized by their people as living portals that linked across the outer planes. In 643 DR he
gods, like the incarnations of old. From House left his tower on the banks of the Azulduth and began an
Helcaliant, Horus-Re heralded his true heir as eight-hundred-year journey through the planes in
Horuskhet I, destined to become the new pharaoh of search of the Sarrukh and their ancient secrets. The
Mulhorand. He would lead the uprising against High powerful magics of the Saurian progenitors allowed him
Imaskar and claim back the land for the glory of the to cheat his own mortality, surviving through the ages
gods. He and the other demigods immediately began and growing his power to incredible levels.
summoning the Mulhorandi people that had fled during In 1479 DR Nezram finally returned to Faerûn, having
the Spellplague a century ago, sending word to priests heard of the Spellplague and that Deep Imaskar had
across Faerûn to gather their flock and return home. risen to claim Mulhorand once more from his people. He
Though a separate entity, Horuskhet was bound to the found his tower in ruins and his many descendants,
Horus-Re’s purpose, unlike the previous pharaoh known as Nezramites, scattered or slain. Unknown to
Horustep III who had ruled as a mortal. As a demigod, Nezram, the green dragon Chaathuuladroth had laid
Horuskhet was imbued with great power in order to waste to his home many centuries ago, and the ruins had
enact Horus-Re’s will upon the material plane. He was a been picked clean of all his treasured possessions in the
noble and just ruler, dedicated to bringing Mulhorand years since. He found the surviving Nezramites in their
back from the ruination of the Spellplague and a century new settlement in the deserts east of the Dragonsword
of rule under High Imaskar. Learning from the lessons of mountains, named Nezras in his honor. Reuniting with
the past, he would see Mulhorand restored to its former his kin, he waited for the gods to return, from where he
glory and flourish into the dawn of a new age. and his descendants would join the uprising.

The Mulhorandi uprising began in Gheldaneth in 1485 Following the rebellion, Horuskhet I and his people
DR, as Horuskhet I led his army of exiles up the River of began the slow process of rebuilding their ancestral
Spears. He was joined by Nezram and the Nezramites, homeland. Mulhorand had been scarred irrevocably, yet
who promised to aid against the powerful magic of the its people were indomitable and would not allow the
Imaskari artificers. The crusade grew each day as more events of the past century to determine their future.
and more Mulhorandi refugees arrived to heed the call of Much of the mainland was now a desert, with rolling
their gods, their faith and conviction renewed with sand dunes that stretched for hundreds of miles,
promised salvation. And it was not just Mulani humans reaching the Dragonsword mountains in the east, the
that would answer their new pharaoh’s summons, but border with Thay and Murghôm to the north and the
all those who had been displaced by the Spellplague and Shaar to the far south. The Spellplague had also caused
the occupation of High Imaskar. Humans from all massive tectonic activity in the region with treacherous
different heritages, elves, dwarves, tieflings and many rifts and scraggy, sun-blasted rock peaks emerging as
other humanoid races from across Faerûn began the land writhed in agony. Despite this, there were still
travelling back to fight for their ancestral home. Many of areas of the land that would sustain life. Mulhorand was
these were former slaves, or the descendants of slaves, not the green and verdant realm it once was, yet along
for the gods had returned with a message: Mulhorand the Alamber coastline and the banks of the four rivers
would be reborn a truly free nation, and all would be and was still fertile, and it was here that the nation
welcome to call it home. Gone were the days of would be reborn.
subjugation and enslavement, of hatred and xenophobia; Skuld, the former capital of the Mulhorandi Empire,
whether by Imaskar or the Mulan; and all would be equal was irrecoverable. Its smoldering ruins were thick with
in the eyes of the gods. lingering wild magic from the plague and horrors lurked
Once Horuskhet reached Gheldaneth, the uprising had in every nook and cranny. Despite how important the
become a tidal wave of roaring defiance. It swept into the City of Shadows had been to the first three empires,
city, gathering up those who had been subjugated by Horuskhet would need a new seat from which to rule.
Empress Ususi over the past century. The Imaskari there Thankfully, Empress Ususi and High Imaskar had left a
were caught totally by surprise. The garrison and cadre parting gift which he would reluctantly accept. The
of vengeance-takers employed to keep order in the city Skyclave was a true marvel of creation, unlike any other
were overwhelmed and either put to the sword or sent bastion of civilization in all of Faerûn. Its main tower
fleeing into the desert. Without delay, Horuskhet was a colossal spire of purple, stretching a mile into the
continued north up the coast, gathering momentum, sky; a visible beacon for hundreds of miles. Harnessing
and crushing any Imaskari resistance in his wake. Nine Imaskari dimensional magic, its interior was ten times
of the other demigods marched with him; only those of larger than its outer appearance, each level housing the
Set and Sebek were absent, having vanished shortly after necessary workings of a city. Additional settlements had
arriving back in Faerûn. been constructed around its base, including a large dock
Empress Ususi, on her death bed, remained that fed into the River of Shadows delta and out into the
determined not see her beloved High Imaskar cast aside Alamber. Horuskhet did not trust the Imaskari
so easily. She summoned the Artificers and commanded machinations, yet its value could not be ignored. He
the Imaskari to go forth from Skyclave and defeat this called again upon Nezram who set to work disabling the
uprising. Former slaves and bitter vassals would be no many wards inside. Skyclave was expropriated as the
match for the arcane might of the Imaskari. A lesson new capital of Mulhorand.
would need to be taught to these interlopers, one that Many of the other cities and settlements began to be
would cement the empire of High Imaskar in Faerûn, repopulated as well. Sultim, Mishtan, Neldorild, Rauthil
and Ususi’s legacy, for millennia after her death. and many smaller settlements began to rise from the
Thus, the army of High Imaskar met the Mulhorandi ashes of the Spellplague. Any remaining Imaskari
rebellion in the desert plains north of the Skuld ruins in structures were repurposed; large villas that once
1487 DR. The Imaskari strode forward, confident their housed the noble elite of Empress Ususi’s reign became
magic would obliterate the rabble before them. Yet they home to entire communities of Mulhorandi settlers.
were confounded as their spells failed. At the center of Farms were established along the riverbanks; fishing
the Mulhorandi lines was a wizard whose power eclipsed colonies sprang up along the coast and over the next ten
even the Artificers. Nezram and his descendant years the nation became entirely self-sufficient. Trade
Nezramites countered the incoming magical onslaught, even started to resume with its neighbors; the past
protecting the massed infantry as they surged forward. animosity with the breakaway nations of Murghôm and
Without the power of their artificers, the Imaskari were Semphar forgotten as all nations struggled to recover
left to fend against a surging tide of a hundred thousand from the turmoil that had ravaged much of Faerûn. Even
Mulhorandi, as well as ten demigods of their pantheon. Unther was too busy in its war with Tymanther to seek
The battle became a slaughter. Outmatched, the vengeance for the invasion of Horustep III prior to the
Imaskari forces were routed in swift order. Those that Spellplague. Thay, however, would forever remain a
survived fled back to the Skyclave, only to find their threat to the north.
Empress had passed away during the battle. Now in 1495 DR, Mulhorand has been reborn into an
Horuskhet urged his forces after them, not allowing a era of peace and prosperity, yet many dangers still
moment for the defeated Imaskari to regroup. Reaching remain. The demigods of Set and Sebek continue to lurk
the city-tower, he prepared for a lengthy siege, but was in their hidden lairs, forever planning and plotting
surprised to find the citadel already abandoned, its doors against their brethren. The wastes hide countless secrets
wide. High Imaskar was no more; its remaining populace and forgotten ruins, the treasures and dangers within
using the teleportation magic of surviving artificers to waiting to be uncovered. Imaskar, though beaten, still
flee to distant safeholds. Mulhorand was reborn, survives, waiting for their chance for vengeance. It is a
returned to the rightful rule of the Mulhorandi. land in turmoil, but ripe for adventure…

c. -8350 DR. Imaskari tribes begin to settle a vast, fertile -2135 DR. The nation of Mulhorand is born, as the
plain named “the Raurin”. mortal incarnation of the god Re founds the capital
-7975 DR. The great city of Inupras is founded, city of Skuld on the banks of the River of Shadows.
becoming the center of the Imaskar Empire. Lord c. -2130 DR. Other cities and towns are founded across
Artificer Umyatin becomes the first emperor of Mulhorand by the various gods including Gheldaneth,
Imaskar. Sultim and Mishtan.
-7891 DR. Omanond creates the Imaskarcana, seven -2087 DR. West across the Alamber Sea, the god Enlil
artifacts of immense power in which the empire’s founds the city of Unthalass, establishing the rival
knowledge and magical lore is recorded in for all Mulani nation of Unther.
eternity. -1967 DR. Fighting breaks out between Mulhorand and
-7397 DR. The first Bukhara Spires are created to house Unther over the territories around the River of Swords
interdimensional two-way portals, allowing the on the border of both nations, this escalates into all-
Imaskari to travel vast distances in an instant; across out war by the end of the year.
Faerûn and even to other worlds. -1961 DR. The Treaty of the Gods is agreed between
-6422 DR. Inupras is razed by a devastating Krakentua Mulhorand and Unther as both pantheons meet at the
attack. The resulting turmoil leads Imaskar to split in River of Swords near Sekras, marking the river as the
two, with many of its citizens descending into the new border between the two realms.
Underdark and forming Lower Imaskar. -1500 DR. Mulhorand expands into the Priador, Raurin
-4366 DR. The Silent Death plague decimates the Desert and Plains of Purple Dust. Murghôm is
Imaskar Empire, beginning the Shartra or ‘Darkness’. annexed. This marks the beginning of the First Empire
c. -4370 DR. Lord Artificer Khotan creates a new portal of Mulhorand.
to a world outside the known limits of Realmspace. c. -1500 DR. Unther also expands into the Eastern Shaar
Hundreds of thousands of people, who would become and Wizards’ Reach, beginning its own empire.
known as the ‘Mulan’, are abducted and brought back -1482 DR. Mulhorand conquers the eastern realm of
to the empire as slaves. Many of these come from a Semphar, further expanding its borders.
land known as ‘Kemet’. -1124 DR. The outpost of Semkhrun is founded in
-3920 DR. Lord Artificer Omanond reunites Upper and Semphar, enforcing its hold on the region.
Lower Imaskar, rebuilding the capital in Inupras and -1087 DR. Theurgist Adept Thayd leads his fellow red-
ending the Shartra. robed wizards in a rebellion against Mulhorand and
-2489 DR. Lord Ao summons Ptah to the home world of Unther, briefly seizing the northern provinces of both
the Mulan, guiding the many gods of the enslaved empires over the next five years.
people past the planar barrier to Toril as divine -1081 DR. The rebellion is defeated and Thayd is
incarnations. Twenty-six of them arrive on Re’s solar captured by the Mulhorandi forces. He is executed but
barge atop the peaks of the Godswatch mountains. prophesizes that both empires would soon fall.
-2489 DR. Driven by the arrival of their gods, the Mulani -1075 DR. This prophecy is unleashed as a vast horde of
slave rebellion begins. Imaskar comes under siege gray orcs surge forth from the portal Thayd had
from all sides and its legions are overwhelmed by the hidden in the north. The Orcgate war threatens to
attack. Many towns and cities fall with little destroy Mulhorand as tens of thousands are
resistance. slaughtered. Unther’s north is also attacked.
-2488 DR. Artificer Mardava leads the defense of Jorhat -1073 DR. Sultim holds against the invasion, its defenses
Citadel and unleashes a spell so powerful it kills not marshalled by the incarnation of the god of war,
only the attacking Mulan but every man, woman and Anhur. This gives Mulhorand precious time to regroup
child within its walls. and request aid from the Rashemi, Nar and Sossrim.
-2488 DR. The current emperor, Lord Artificer Yuvaraj, -1071 DR. The forces of Mulhorand and Unther march
summons the Elder Evil Pandorym in an attempt to together to face the orc horde at the Battle of the Gods.
use it as a weapon. He is forced to imprison it in his Many thousands are killed, including six of the
Palace of the Purple Emperor. Untheric pantheon and Re, head of the Mulhorandi
-2488 DR. The final battle takes place as the Mulani pantheon, is slain by the orc god Gruumsh. The allies
forces besiege Inupras. The energy unleashed during are defeated but the orc forces are also crippled
the battle scours the surrounding land, reducing it to beyond recovery.
what is now known as the Raurin Desert. The god -1071 DR. Horus is given the power and domains of his
Horus battles Yuvaraj on the steps of the palace in dead father and becomes Horus-Re. With the aid of
Inupras. Horus is victorious and the emperor’s death Re’s legacy, the orcs begin to be driven back.
marks the end of the Imaskar Empire. -1069 DR. The Orcgate is destroyed as Anhur leads a
-2487 DR. Surviving Imaskari flee across Faerûn to decisive attack along the Priador Coast. The gray orcs
escape the Mulani uprising. Many settle in the far east are routed and flee north into scattered tribes.
enclave of Thakos or the city of Solon. Others seek -1050 DR. Set assassinates Osiris in an attempt to steal
refuge in the Underdark. the domain of death, believing this will allow him to
c. -2485 DR. Their shackles of slavery gone; the replace Horus-Re as the god-king of Mulhorand.
remaining Mulan people begin settling in the lands -1048 DR. Isis resurrects Osiris. Horus-Re defeats Set in
around the Raurin desert. single combat and sends him into exile. Worship of Set
-2481 DR. Lord Ilphemon forms the refuge of Deep is outlawed henceforth.
Imaskar, far beneath Faerûn’s surface, which would -1048 DR. The end of the First Empire of Mulhorand and
become the last major bastion of the Imaskari people. dawn of the Second Empire.
c. -2140 DR. The Mulan originally from the land of -1045 DR. Horusret I is anointed as the first Pharaoh of
Kemet begin travelling west and reach the eastern Mulhorand, beginning a line of succession that would
shores of the Alamber Sea, settling along the coast and place each incarnated heir of Horus-Re on the throne
many rivers of this fertile region. as an ageless god-king.

-946 DR. The Nar Kingdoms unite into a rival empire
named “Narfell” that borders much of Mulhorand’s
northern regions.
-926 DR. Setkhamun, incarnation of Set, murders
Horusret I, attempting to steal the rule of Mulhorand.
-900 DR. The Raumvirans establish the city of
Winterkeep, capital of the Raumathari empire to
Mulhorand’s north east.
-734 DR. Enlil devolves his power in the Untheric
pantheon to Gilgeam and vanishes from the Realms.
This marks the end of the First Empire of Unther.
-700 DR Year of Twelve Gods. Augathra the Mad’s
naming of the Faerûnian Roll of Years begins.
-623 DR Year of Clipped Wings. Narfell makes an
ambitious attack on both Mulhorand and Unther
across the Alamber Sea. This is swiftly rebuffed and
Ramathar takes the opportunity to attack Narfell
whilst its back is turned.
-425 DR Year of Ancestral Voices. Paladins of the
Church of Osiris destroy the settlement of Sekras
which had become a hive of Sebek worshippers.
-339 DR Year of the Sundered Webs. “Karsus’s Folly”
sees the destruction of the Netherese empire and a
magical backlash that is felt across Faerûn. Horustep I
is obliterated by the event.
-160 DR Year of the Stone Giant. The war between
Narfell and Raumathar culminates in a decade-long
cataclysm that leaves both empires in ruins.
Mulhorand nervously defends its northern borders to
defend against summoned demons and worse.
-135 DR Year of Old Beginnings. Mulhorand founds
Kensten (later Bezantur) in Wizards Reach, this would
become the capital of modern day Thay.
-75 DR Year of Leather Shields. An alliance of barbarians
and witches defeats the demon lord Eltab and founds
the nation of Rashemen in the ruins of Raumathar.
1 DR Year of Sunrise. The Dales Compact is agreed
between the elves of Cormanthyr and humans of the
Dales, commencing the Dalereckoning (DR) calendar.
202 DR Year of the Fanged Gauntlet. Mulhorand and
Unther are invaded from the south by Arkaiuns from
Eltabranar who raid and pillage the southern lands.
This is known as the War of Claws.
204 DR Year of the Avarice. The incarnation of Anhur
wielding Hadryliss defeats the demon lord Eltab and
imprisons him in a demoncyst beneath Thaymount.
211 DR Year of Spoiled Splendors. A combined army
from Mulhorand and Unther crushes the remaining
Arkaiuns and drives them from their homeland.
504 DR Year of the Eclipsed Hart. Starting with Teth and
Nethra, then followed by Escalant and Mourktar in the
coming centuries, various cities of Unther begin
secession, threatening civil war across the empire.
602 DR Year of the Glimmering Sea. Nezram, “the
World Walker” is born in southern Mulhorand and
from an early age begins his studies of forgotten
arcane lore.
643 DR Year of the Nesting Harpy. The wizard Nezram
leaves his tower on the shores of the Azulduth to
explore the outer planes.
679 DR Year of the Scarlet Sash. Unther is forced to
recognize the sovereignty of its breakaway provinces,
ending the Second Untheric Empire.
681 DR Year of the Zombie Lords. The ancient green
dragon Chaathuulandroth destroys Nezram’s tower
and slays many of his descendants. The surviving
Nezramites flee north into the Raurin desert.

921 DR Year of the Falling Maeran. Chaathuulandroth Thay, however a series of storms and sahuagin attacks
returns, laying waste to much of Skuld and slaying the decimates the fleet. This begins the “War of Summer
Pharaoh Horuseres II before finally being defeated. Storms” with the sahuagin of Aleaxtis.
922 DR Year of the Spouting Fish. A second Red Wizard 1358 DR Year of Shadows. Lord Ao casts the Faerûnian
rebellion begins as the demon lord Eltab is freed and gods out from the planes to live as mortal incarnations
unleashed on the northern capital Delhumide. The upon Toril, beginning the Time of Troubles. Later, he
forces of Mulhorand are routed at the battle of dissolves the planar barrier allowing the Mulhorandi
Thazalhar and the nation of Thay is born. Three gods to reunite with their divine essences in the outer
separate pharaonic incarnations of Horus-Re are slain planes. Horustep III becomes the first mortal ruler of
during the war with Thay, leaving no suitable Mulhorand as Horus-Re leaves his incarnated form.
descendant. Thothibistep I, incarnation of Thoth, 1363 DR Year of the Wyvern. Ususi Manalin escapes from
takes the throne until a suitable heir comes of age. Deep Imaskar, cracking open the city’s Great Seal.
925 DR Year of the Enchanted Trail. Thothibistep I is 1369 DR Year of the Gauntlet. The island known as the
assassinated by Nezrak with the only known casting of Ship of the Gods explodes in a volcanic eruption,
the Spelldoom. Thothibistep II becomes pharaoh. causing a tidal wave that devastates the Alaor,
929 DR Year of the Flashing Eyes. Akonhorus I resumes Vahaxtyl and Bezantur. Horustep uses the opportunity
Horus-Re’s pharaonic line of succession. Chessenta to briefly capture the Alaor island chain.
secedes from Unther, under the warlord Tchazzar. 1371 DR Year of the Unstrung Harp. Gilgeam is slain by
955 DR Year of the Telltale Candle. The “Orcgates Tiamat during the Godswar. Horustep declares the
Affair” sees the Red Wizards of Thay transport a horde Treaty of the Gods invalid and invades Unther with an
of orcs through portals into southern Faerûn away army of Anhurite war priests and mercenaries. Thus
from the north. Pharaoh Akonhorus I is slain driving begins the Third Empire of Mulhorand.
them away from Mulhorand’s southern borders. 1373 DR Year of Rogue Dragons. In just two years Unther
976 DR Year of the Slaying Spells. The armies of is mostly conquered, though Messemprar still stands,
Mulhorand attempt to invade and reclaim Thay, and Gilgeam is reanimated to aid its defense.
however they are defeated and repelled at the 1374 DR Year of Lightning Storms. Ususi Manalin finds
Thazarim River. the lost Palace of the Purple Emperor in the Raurin
1030 DR Year of the Warlords. A small cabal of eight Red and enters the Celestial Nadir, defeating Pandorym.
Wizards declare themselves the ruling “Zulkirs” of 1379 DR Year of the Lost Keep. Messemprar finally falls,
Thay, beginning a period of civil strife in the region. completing Horustep’s conquest of Unther.
1074 DR Year of the Tightening Fist. The last resistance 1385 DR Year of Blue Fire. Cyric murders Mystra in the
to the Zulkirs is crushed, cementing them as the heavens, shattering the Weave and unleashing the
ruling council of Thay henceforth. Spellplague upon Toril. Mulhorand and Unther are
1098 DR Year of the Rose. The Zulkirs of Thay launch an torn asunder and scoured by the magical
invasion of Mulhorand but are defeated outside Sultim conflagration. Many citizens, including the pharaoh,
and withdraw. Ramenhorus III is slain in the battle. are transported to Abeir as the two worlds overlap.
1183 DR Year of the Grisly Ghosts. Paladins of Osiris 1398 DR Year of the Voyage. Ususi Manalin transports
return to the ruins of Sekras, driving out an the Palace of the Purple Emperor north of the Skuld
infestation of werecrocodiles. ruins. She is crowned empress of High Imaskar as
1248 DR Year of the Cockatrice. Rehorusteb I is killed by many of her kin flee Deep Imaskar to join her. The
sahuagin of Aleaxtis whilst traveling across the palace is renamed Skyclave, capital of the new empire.
Alamber. He is succeeded by Rehorusteb II. 1479 DR Year of the Dark Circle. The blue dragon
1280 DR Year of the Manticore. Thay invades Mulhorand Gestaniius attacks High Imaskar with an army of
again, this time with much greater success, pillaging dragonspawn, but is defeated with the aid of the
Murghôm and almost defeating the Mulhorandi forces dragonborn of Tymanther. Nezram, the World-Walker
at Sultim. Anhur rallies the defense, but his church is returns to Mulhorand.
blamed for the devastation suffered in Murghôm. 1484 DR Year of the Awakened Sleepers. Lord Ao
1311 DR Year of the Fist. Rezim of House Helcaliant is recreates the Tablets of Fate, beginning the Second
appointed Vizier of Mulhorand. He immediately Sundering and unravelling Abeir and Toril. Many of
begins a campaign of persecution against the church the Mulani people who had vanished during the
of Anhur, replacing the Anhurites with Chessentan Spellplague return to Faerûn from Abeir through
mercenaries as the official guards of Mulhorand. planar tears. The Mulhorandi gods also awaken from
1317 DR Year of the Wandering Wyrm. The Plague of their catatonic state.
Dragons spreads across the Inner Sea, devastating 1485 DR Year of the Iron Dwarf’s Vengeance. Horuskhet
Unther, Chessenta and Wizard’s Reach. Mulhorand is becomes demigod Chosen of Horus-Re and leads a
largely spared as Rezim orders its borders closed. rebellion against High Imaskar.
1320 DR Year of the Watching Cold. Seti, incarnation of 1487 DR Year of the Rune Lords Triumphant. Empress
Set, begins a resurgence in worship of the exiled god. Ususi passes away without an heir. High Imaskar is
Set joins the Faerûnian pantheon by the name Zehir. utterly defeated in battle outside the ruins of Skuld.
1350 DR Year of the Morningstar. Seti and the Cult of Set Surviving Imaskari flee, abandoning Skyclave.
secretly take control over the fishing village of Horuskhet I is anointed pharaoh of Mulhorand reborn.
Sampranasz, gaining a base of operations close to 1488 DR Year of Dwarvenkind Reborn. Skyclave is
Skuld. The ‘Fangs of Set’ assassins are founded there. commandeered as the new capital of Mulhorand.
1357 DR Year of the Prince. The Fangs of Set Other cities and settlements across the nation are
assassinate Akonhorus II as part of a plot to weaken resettled, though Skuld remains uninhabitable.
Horus-Re. Horustep III becomes the new pharaoh. 1495 DR Year of the Tyrant’s Pawn (Current year). Some
normality has returned though Mulhorand’s scars will
1358 DR Year of Shadows. Mulhorand sends a fleet of never heal. The dawn of a new age beckons.
ships to attempt to take the Alaor island chain from


he people of modern day Mulhorand are strong, DIVINE RULE

T tempered by generations of turmoil and strife.

This ancient nation has risen and fallen from
eminence time and again through history, its
past littered with glorious triumphs and catastrophic
decline; yet the Mulhorandi refuse to fade into the
Though Mulhorand is now a ‘free nation’, its social
hierarchy remains. As a theocracy, the divine houses and
priesthoods retain their influence, only surpassed by the
pharaoh himself. Members of each royal house can trace
their lineage back through a line of succession to the
annals of history as so many have before. mortal incarnations of their god from the old empires of
Scoured by the Spellplague, the once rich and fertile Mulhorand. Of these, House Helcaliant and the
landscape of Mulhorand is now little more than a desert priesthood of Horus-Re hold ultimate power, with the
wasteland, stripped of life but for the narrow patches current Pharaoh Horuskhet I being a demigod and direct
along the rivers and coastlines, as well as the few oases descendant of the Lord of Sun. Horuskhet rules from
hidden amongst the shifting sands. Despite this, the Skyclave, the new capital of Mulhorand, and House
Mulhorandi survivors have begun to rebuild the nation Helcaliant is responsible for governing across the nation.
after the cataclysm. For those of Mulan descent, the These are the other royal houses:
desert life is in their blood, dating back more than three
• House Tholaunt of Thoth, God of Knowledge, which
thousand years to when their distant ancestors ruled the
regulates the use and teachings of arcane magic.
land of Kemet.
• House Ramathant of Anhur, God of War, which
This chapter looks at the people and culture of
maintains the defense of the realm, including the
Mulhorand, detailing what daily life looks like in this
military and city guard.
mythical realm, as well as the different characters,
• House Osriant of Osiris, God of Death, which presides
professions and personas that make up its population. It
over burials and protects the dead once entombed.
also explores the many different factions that make up
• House Gebthant of Geb, God of the Earth, which
the political and ecclesiastical landscape of Mulhorand,
oversees all industry and construction.
such as the divine houses, temples and cults.
The goddesses do not maintain royal houses as such, but
BRAVE NEW WORLD their temples still observe a line of succession
descending from their god’s mortal incarnation. Like
The Mulhorandi are much changed from those who Horuskhet, the head of each church or house is the
inhabited it during the First, Second and Third Empires. chosen ‘heir’ of their god and has been granted part of
During these eras, Mulhorand was an extremely each god’s power to become a demigod themselves.
xenophobic nation with a social hierarchy based on
• Church of Isis, Goddess of Agriculture, which oversees
Mulani ethnicity and divine house allegiance. Humans
not of Mulani descent were looked down upon and the food production across Mulhorand.
• Church of Nephthys, Goddess of Wealth, which
only non-humans that could be found across the land
were those shackled as slaves. Since the defeat of High regulates Mulhorand’s economy and external trade.
• Church of Hathor, Goddess of Fertility, whose clergy
Imaskar, the gods and Pharaoh Horuskhet I have decreed
that slavery is now abolished, and Mulhorand would now provides help to those that need it, especially the poor.
• Church of Bast, Goddess of Love, whose worshippers
be open and free to all. There are some not happy with
this change, yet the will of the gods cannot be ignored, bring pleasure and festivity to the people.
and so, peoples of varied races have begun to resettle the The outlawed evil gods, Set and Sebek, maintain their
land, many of whom are former slaves or descendants of own succession within cults, though any temples are
slaves themselves. well-hidden, and their affairs kept secret.

The process of government in Mulhorand has remained Religion is everything to the people of Mulhorand. To
much the same since before the Spellplague; House them, the gods are not some abstract concept to offer
Helcaliant is responsible for governing and has been for prayers to in the hope of improving their fortune; they
most of its history. The Pharaoh Horuskhet I is the head are a tangible presence in their daily life. In millennia
of the House and guided by the divine will of Horus-Re past, the gods existed among their people as
himself. He presides and rules from his throne in incarnations, treading the sacred earth of Mulhorand as
Skyclave, though many trivial matters are dealt with by living beings. Now returned to Heliopolis in the Outer
other members of the royal house. Below the pharaoh is Planes, they instead select heirs to become their
the vizier, the most powerful person in Mulhorand not presence in the mortal realm, each granted the power of
descended from a god. They are responsible for a demigod. The Mulhorandi view these demigods as an
governance of the nation when the pharaoh is otherwise extension of the gods and worship the very ground they
engaged and act as their most senior advisor. Like the walk upon. And it is not just the gods and demigods who
pharaoh, the vizier is always a member of House are venerated, but their entire extended families. This
Helcaliant and a senior member of the church, selected derives from ancient tradition that extends back to when
for their service to Horus-Re. The current incumbent of the gods first walked upon Faerûn, siring mortal
the role is Vizier Ozarim Helcaliant, a wizened high progenies to become their incarnations in the mortal
priest who had maintained a temple of Horus-Re in realms. These families became the Royal Houses of
secret beneath the streets of Gheldaneth during the Helcaliant, Tholaunt, Ramathant, Osriant and Gebthant;
reign of High Imaskar. He had been a major influence in the Churches of Isis, Nephthys, Hathor and Bast; as well
guiding Mulhorand’s second city in uprising against the as the forbidden Cults of Set and Sebek. Each bloodline is
Imaskari and Horuskhet had rewarded him with the devoted to their respective god and form their clergy and
position soon after. Stoic and loyal, he has proven a priesthood. Mulhorandi priests all share the essence of
resourceful leader over the past decade and holds the full their patron deity and are sacred themselves; an attack
trust of the pharaoh. Despite this, there are some who on a priest is an attack on their god and punishable by
look upon his position with envy. death. Even beyond theocratic rule, priests are treated
Below the vizier are the precepts; these are local with the utmost respect; ordinary people bow their head
governors and can be found in every town and as they pass and will go out of their way to help, even if
settlement across Mulhorand. They are responsible for from a different church than their own. Indeed, the gods
managing day to day life across the nation, settling place their trust in the priesthood of their church to rule
minor disputes, regulating laws and administering Mulhorand in their stead, only intervening in affairs in
taxes. Unlike the vizier, precepts can be chosen from the the mortal realm when absolutely necessary, preferring
churches of other gods, though they are selected by the to offer guidance from afar.
vizier with the pharaoh’s blessing. There is also a council For the general population, they may choose any of
of precepts in Skyclave, one from each church, who the gods (outside of Set and Sebek whose churches are
support the vizier and pharaoh in overall rule. Each forbidden) to worship at any one time, as long as they do
precept will have the same structure of government; worship. Often, an individual will focus their devotion
however, the by-laws and implementation of rule can towards a single church; for example, they might openly
vary between precepts. worship Nephthys whilst maintaining reverence towards
the other gods. Each person’s faith will also be heavily
JUSTICE influenced by the life they lead; craftsmen will worship
Geb, farmers pray to Isis, warriors venerate Anhur and
The judicial system in Mulhorand is loosely delegated by
so on. Prayers are mandatory, occurring at four times
the vizier and ruling council in Skyclave, but ultimately
each day; upon waking, midday, before supper and
left for each precept to manage locally. These regulate
before going to bed. The first-day of each tenday (Day of
the laws of their own principality, but the actual
the Sun) is commanded as a holy day for all Mulhorandi.
administration of justice is carried out by House Osriant.
Non-essential businesses and shops close for the entire
Priests of Osiris travel between the various cities and
day, and all are required to attend sermons at the many
settlements, acting as judge, jury, and where necessary,
temples across the land.
executioner. This has been tradition in Mulhorand for

thousands of years, ensuring that each case is handled
with total impartiality. Punishments are severe, with
even minor infractions dealt with harshly. For capital The Mulhorandi all share one common belief; death is
crimes, this usually manifests as an execution, designed not the end. They all live their life to the guiding
to be a deterrent to others in their sheer brutality. principle that when they die, they shall ascend to join
Murderers, for example, will be entombed alive with their gods in Heliopolis for all eternity. This belief in the
their victims, their screams muted by stone sarcophagi. afterlife permeates all aspects of life and culture, for to
Even relatively small transgressions such as theft or be granted entrance into Heliopolis, each person must
cursing a priest can be punished with exile; the live their life in accordance with the tenets of their god.
perpetrator stripped of all worldly possessions and This has also caused the Mulhorandi to become
banished into the desert. The worst punishments, somewhat obsessed with death. It is no ending to these
however, are reserved for tomb raiders. For those who people, but a celebration of a journey into paradise. Great
would defile the sanctity of death, the sentence is expense goes into constructing vast tombs and burial
Simikhara, where they are partly mummified, though monuments; especially for those of importance; often
kept alive. They are then entombed, but before being long before they die. Much of daily life in Mulhorand is
buried alive, they are joined by a swarm of flesh-eating spent preparing for this transcendence and the land is
scarab beetles. These will slowly eat them alive, in total covered with great pyramids and monuments, each full
darkness, keeping the unfortunate felon alive for days. of treasure to be taken on into the afterlife.

Mulhorand has changed significantly since the height of Education is freely available in Mulhorand, harking back
the third empire and society has changed with it. A once to the days of the old empires when attendance was
intolerant and ethnocentric people are now mostly mandatory for all citizens. Though it is no longer
welcoming and embracing of outsiders of different races mandated most of the population will go through at least
and backgrounds. Those who were once slaves, or the basic education, though the level will vary wildly and
descendants of slaves, have become valued citizens and often depends on the individual; a politician in House
members of the community, bringing their own heritage Helcaliant will receive a better education than a
and customs into a melting pot of cultural identity. prospector in House Gebthant for example. Aacademic
Despite these changes, much of Mulhorand’s culture has institutions are all run by House Tholaunt, including all
survived, largely due to its theocratic establishment. As a libraries, universities and arcane academies across
nation it has advanced greatly in its abhorrence of Mulhorand. Noble houses and other churches will donate
slavery and tolerance to race, but there is no such significant sums of money to support these institutions
advancement in creed. Worship of gods outside the and receive the gifts of the God of Knowledge.
Mulhorandi pantheon, along with worship of Set and The most closely guarded and heavily controlled
Sebek, is forbidden. Not only that but those who are part academic institutes are those dealing with the arcane.
of the Mulhorandi people are expected to adhere to the Thoth has always sought to advance the cause of magic
customs and traditions of the gods and join in their and science within Mulhorand, expanding knowledge
worship, those who refuse are banished. and understanding of the strange world of Toril the gods
and their people found themselves thrust into. There is

ART great power available for those who can harness it,
however with this power comes great temptation. Twice
Art plays a huge role in Mulhorandi society, from basic through Mulhorand’s long history those who have
carved hieroglyphics on a wall, to magnificent scriptures studied the arcane have become corrupted by it, their
and sculpture adorning the tombs of god-kings; art is desire for knowledge twisting into a thirst for power.
everywhere. The people use it as an expression of Both events nearly resulted in the annihilation of
worship, depicting the glory of the gods all throughout Mulhorand and altered the nation beyond recognition.
the history of the first, second and third empires, and It falls to House Tholaunt to closely regulate
even to ancient history before the coming of Mulhorand knowledge of the arcane and those who study it,
when the pharaohs ruled the land of Kemet. ensuring that no more renegade wizards can threaten
Mulhorandi art is usually carved into or sculpted from the realm. All arcane knowledge, as well as teachings on
the soft sandstone that is common across the land. Inks the subject, are restricted to the Arcanum of Magic in
and dyes made from flowers and berries are then dried Gheldaneth. Students are thoroughly vetted and may
onto the stone to add color. Carvings are flat and two- only practice in the Arcanum confines. Open displays of
dimensional, often covering entire sections of stone arcane magic are forbidden in Mulhorand, and clerics of
such as the interior of buildings. Each piece seeks to tell Thoth enforce this law vigorously.
a story, depicting the gods and pharaohs as incredible The only exception to this are the Nezramites, who
beings that have saved Mulhorand time and again. live on the borders of Mulhorand east of the
Sculpture is equally as grandiose, with huge statues Dragonsword Mountains and are given special
(usually depicting the gods or pharaohs) a common sight permission by the pharaoh to practice the arcane arts in
in the cities and mausoleums. The best artists and their own academy, set up by Nezram himself. House
sculptors are revered as celebrities and often hired by the Tholaunt is highly displeased by this arrangement but
churches and nobility for exorbitant sums. cannot go against the will of the pharaoh.

Despite its strict theocratic nature, Mulhorand has The average diet in Mulhorand is now heavily restricted
always valued the notion of bringing entertainment and by difficulties in food production; no grazing land means
enjoyment to its people. The pharaohs, viziers and most meat must be imported and is only afforded by the
precepts have always understood that without respite wealthy. Despite this, its people make good use of what
and distraction from their daily toil, order would be lost. is available, forming a surprisingly healthy diet. The
The settlements and cities of the land contain a variety most common crops are barley and millet, making bread
of establishments to this end, including taverns, banquet the keystone of most recipes, and the scent of baking is
halls, stadiums, markets and gladiatorial arenas. After a constant in every settlement. Popular grown vegetables
long day of work, streets are packed with those looking include onions, lentils, leeks and radishes; garlic is also
to unwind and revelry is a common sight. used as a seasoning in virtually every meal. Fruits such
Taverns and inns offer a wide selection of exotic as dates, figs, pomegranates, melons and grapes are
drinks, nearly always produced locally such as the readily available and also used to make a variety of
famous Shedeh wine. Prices for drink, food and lodging is alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. Of these, the
generally very reasonable, though if the bartender most common drinks in Mulhorand are Shedeh, a
suspects that a patron is an outsider and not crimson wine that is said to be formed from Hathor’s
Mulhorandi, they will often raise the prices well above own blood, as well as Heqet, a very sweet, thick beer that
what locals are charged. Players attempting to fit in with is highly nutritious and often drunk more than water,
the locals to avoid higher prices must succeed on a DC 15 especially by the poorer classes. Squeezed fruit juices are
Deception check to delude the bartender or innkeeper. also popular, especially with children. For protein, the
dangers of the Alamber make the larger sea fish such as
bass, tuna and swordfish more expensive, so commoners
Shedeh (Red Wine): cup 3 cp/1 sp. rely on the rivers to catch their own supper such as
Shedeh (Red Wine): jug 1 sp/ 3 sp. catfish, eels and mullet.
Heqet (Beer): cup 1 cp/5 cp. The most famously served meal in Mulhorand is
Heqet (Beer): jug 5 cp/2 sp. ta’amia, a falafel of sorts made from fava beans fried
Mead: cup 2 cp/7 cp. with onion, garlic and cumin. It is usually served with
Mead: jug 5 cp/ 2 sp 5 cp. green vegetables and a spiced sauce. Fava beans are also
Fine Wine: glass 2 gp/5 gp. popular at breakfast time, with medames mixing beans
Fine Wine: bottle 8 gp/20 gp. in a stew with garlic, onion and lemon juice. For bread
Meal (Basic): 5 cp/2 sp. dishes, there is kaak, dough rolled into a spiral and
Meal (Decent): 1 sp/3 sp. seasoned with sugar or spice, or aish’baladi, a type of
Meal (Extravagant): 1 gp/4 gp. flatbread that can be served with vegetables or fish, or
even alongside a lentil soup. For the noble classes who
Lodging prices will vary significantly, alongside the
can afford it, meat dishes such as fattah, minced beef and
quality, from inn to inn, though the following offers a
garlic-tomato sauce, or baladi, chicken or mince baked
guide to what prices may be expected per night.
into a pita bread almost like a pie. For deserts, ma’moul
S AMPLE LODGING (LOCAL /OUTSIDER P RICE ): is a shortbread treat, filled with fruit and nuts in a
sugary paste. They can be eaten hot or cold and are very
Poor quality: 1 sp/3 sp.
popular with children. Sweets are also common, made
Decent quality: 5 sp/2 gp.
with tiger nuts or dates, then glazed with honey. Food is
High quality: 2 gp/5 gp.
generally served on pottery dishes, then eaten by hand.
Extravagant quality: 4 gp/10 gp.


Sporting and gladiatorial events are a common spectacle
in Mulhorand, with stadiums and arenas a common
sight. Great games are often held in the major cities,
either to commemorate an event in history or during the
many festivals that occur throughout the year. Physical
prowess is highly regarded amongst the Mulhorandi,
and those who do well in the games are highly regarded.
House Ramathant of Anhur oversees the games and
coordinate the construction of stadiums and arenas, as
well as training athletes and gladiators. It also derives
much of its income from the inevitable gambling that
comes with such spectacle.
Athletics are very popular, with running, wrestling,
charioteering and javelin throwing the most popular
sports, and all are taken very seriously. Mulhorand holds
a friendly rivalry with Chessenta, and teams of athletes
travel between both nations to compete in tournaments.
The nation’s arenas used to be populated with slaves,
however, events are now held only with professional
gladiators. Blood sport is still extremely popular and
those who survive and do well can find their fortune
upon the bloodstained sands of the arena. The greatest
gladiators are revered as heroes across the land.

Festivals are incredibly important to the Mulhorandi, On the first full moon after Greengrass, the Church of
and their calendar is structured around huge events that Hathor begins a fertility festival, celebrating new life and
fill the land with exultation. All the people of the land renewal of nature. Expectant mothers gather and receive
cease their daily life to come together and celebrate. blessings from Hathor, ensuring the health of their
They are usually religious occasions as well, dedicated to unborn babies. Priests of the Nurturing Mother also take
single or multiple gods at once. These are an opportunity this time to gather charity from the wealthy, then travel
for the people not just to enjoy themselves and unwind to the poorer communities to deliver alms.
in the festive revelry, but to give thanks and praise to the
gods. Many of these events are organized by the church
During the summer equinox on Kythorn 20, House
they relate to, though the Church of Bast is usually
Tholaunt begins a twenty-four-hour fasting period to
commissioned to arrange the entertainment and
symbolize their dedication to the teachings of Thoth. Not
logistics. This section goes over the most well-known
a typical festival, it is more a celebration of learning,
festivals and the dates they occur:
where all the students and academics of Mulhorand
DEEP REST come together to meditate and reflect on knowledge
Deep Rest occurs during Midwinter on Hammer 15. gained. Priests of Thoth ritually bathe themselves in ice
Although winter in the sun-blasted land of Mulhorand is water, focusing the purity of their understanding. For
something of a foreign concept, the Church of Osiris this day only, the academies, schools and universities
leads this somber festival to commemorate and allow non-students entry to join in worship of Thoth.
remember the dead. Pilgrimages are made to Mishtan
and the Land of the Dead to pay respects to those who
From Flamerule 30 to Eleasis 1, Midsummer is a huge
have passed on into the afterlife. Priests and paladins of
Osiris also use this festival as a time to resanctify and event in the Mulhorandi calendar. It is a festival of great
bolster the protections and wards on tombs and celebration, where the entire nation comes together in
passionate revelry. Horus-Re, the Lord of the Sun,
mausoleums across Mulhorand.
celebrates this day as the triumph of light over dark, and
TIME OF STORMS all government establishments shut down for the
Running the entirety of the month of Tarsakh, the Time duration of the festival, declaring a public holiday for all.
of Storms festival is held by House Ramathant in On Midsummer’s eve, the Church of Hathor begin their
celebration of Anhur. As raging storms bring the annual Celebration of the Moon, leading a ritualistic dance that
rains, flooding the four rivers of Mulhorand, a grand observes the end of the long day and the rise of the moon
tournament fills the nation’s arenas. Mulhorandi to illuminate the darkness of night. Perhaps the most
warriors seek to gain the favor of the Falcon of War, involved church during the proceedings of Midsummer
competing for glory and the chance to become Champion is that of Bast, whose worshippers instill a notion of
of Anhur. As lightning tears across the sky and great dust romantic hedonism in the festivities, encouraging a
storms roll in from the desert, the people use the games pursuit of pleasure throughout the night. Midsummer is
as a distraction, with gambling a huge source of income often where new lovers meet and affairs blossom into
for House Ramathant’s coffers. betrothals. Many marriages occur during this two-day
period, making the Midsummer festival a celebration of
GREENGRASS love as well as the gods.
Running from Tarsakh 30 to Mirtul 1, the Greengrass
festival is one of the largest and most important in the
At the end of summer, from Eleint 30 to Marpenoth 1,
Mulhorandi calendar. As the Tarsakh floods begin to
the main harvest begins in Mulhorand. The people feast
recede, it marks a period of growth and rebirth across
together to celebrate the bounty of the earth and the air
the land. The tournament of the Time of Storms
is filled with the scents of cooking and the sounds of
concludes with the Sharpening of the Sword, where the
merriment. The Church of Isis leads the festivities, and
tournament winner is declared Champion of Anhur for
all are invited to join in the harvest, filling the grain
the coming year. After this. Attention turns to the fields
stores and larders ready for the drier season ahead.
where the Church of Isis begins their ceremonial
House Osriant also celebrates a more metaphorical
planting, preparing the crop for the year ahead. The
version of the harvest, where priests of Osiris lead
people come together to join in the ceremony, even
somber processions across the land in a ritualized
those who do not normally work in the fields will help
procession of the souls of the dead transcending into
with the sowing of seeds. Children dance in the
Heliopolis. House Ramathant also use this as a time of
floodwaters as festhall marquees are erected in the rural
remembrance for all those who have died in service to
parts of the nation. This festival has become especially
Mulhorand and Anhur, honoring their fallen comrades.
important following the Spellplague; since much of
Mulhorand is now a desert, only the floodplains around FEAST OF THE SILVER COIN
the rivers are suitable and fertile for growth.
Known as the Feast of the Moon elsewhere in Faerûn, the
THE UNWRAPPING Church of Nephthys leads this final festival of the year
A small festival run by House Gebthant on the first day of from Uktar 30 to Nightal 1. All come together to give
Mirtul following Greengrass, the Unwrapping celebrates thanks to Nephthys and the other gods, for what they
the many bounties offered by the earth, giving praise to have and what they shall come to receive. It is a time of
Geb to bless the mining expeditions planned for the year giving gifts and for families to come together in grateful
ahead. It also gives praise to nature for uncovering new reverence for the lives they have. This festival has great
deposits that may be found by prospectors to bring great importance to the Mulhorandi, for they know better than
wealth to Mulhorand. most what it is to lose everything.

The Mulhorandi tongue has been evolving for over three
thousand years, since it was derived from the Mulani
slaves brought to Faerûn by the Imaskar Empire.
Originally known as the Rauric language, it has evolved
between Mulhorand and Unther to resemble two very
different tongues. Mulhorandi is an inflected language
with a variety of verb tenses and cases, allowing the
speaker to construct sentences with alternating
structure. It is slowly spoken and very descriptive, owing
to the religious and ceremonial influence. Most people in
Mulhorand use common for every day conversations,
with the Mulhorandi togue reserved for formal occasions
such as temple sermons. The written form is highly
complex and based on a vast array of hieroglyphs that
imply meaning through a visual display. A simple story
can easily cover an entire building interior, and scribes
and stone carvers will work tirelessly to bring such
works of art to life in temples, tombs and wealthier
homes across the nation. The basic written vocabulary
contains around three thousand hieroglyphs, though the
scribes of House Tholaunt will know many times that
number. For more mundane writing tasks, the celestial
alphabet is used to allow quick notation and translation
from Mulhorandi. Both Thay and the Cult of Set instead
use the infernal alphabet as an insult to Mulhorand.

Mulhorandi dress fashion differs greatly between the Driven by House Tholaunt, Mulhorandi inventors and
classes, with the rarer materials such as silk reserved for
artificers always seek to improve ways of doing things,
wealthier nobility. Royalty and those of high station
whether that is upgrading national infrastructure, new
within the churches wear the khat, an elaborate tooling for industry or even building new armaments for
headdress, as a symbol of their station. Commoners,
the military. Mulhorand of old was one of the most
both men and women, mainly wear long flax linen robes
advanced empires in the early age of Toril, though other
that protect them from the sun, though laborers and nations have now emerged, such as Lantan, who are
other manual workers can often be seen wearing little
much further advanced. Technology has become a
more than a loincloth called a shenti. Colors are usually
matter of some contention in Mulhorand, with a divide
kept to plain white, though those who can afford dyes between traditionalists who are untrusting of invention,
may wear colors associated with their god, such as blue especially arcane, and those who embrace it. Since the
for Thoth, purple for Nephthys or pink/red for Bast.
rebellion of the Red Wizards and subsequent separation
Most people shave their heads due to the presence of
of Thay, anything related to the arcane must be put
lice, though ceremonial wigs are sometimes be worn, through rigorous examination before it can be approved
especially by priests. Virtually everyone, regardless of
for use. The Church of Thoth regulates this, but other
class, will wear a hat or headdress, as the sun in
houses such as Helcaliant add enormous bureaucracy to
Mulhorand is a lethal presence to those left exposed. the process. Much of the artifice left behind by High
Imaskar is still going through this lengthy assessment,
ARCHITECTURE frustrating those who see the immeasurable benefits
To the Mulhorandi, architecture is fundamental to every such technology could bring.
aspect of their culture. From the huge sandstone temples Despite this, advancements are being made all the
and government buildings that dominate city skylines, time. Previously reliant on nightsoil wagons, functional
to the magnificent pyramids marking the tombs of sewer systems have now been implemented in the major
ancient kings, evidence of their incredible craftmanship cities. Paved roads link all settlements together along
can be seen across the nation. Without doubt the most the rivers and coast to keep away from the shifting sands
impressive of these is the Face of the Gods; the tomb of of the desert. Horse-drawn ploughs now harvest the
Horuseres I. Carved into an entire mountain face in the fields where once hundreds would have to toil with the
Dragonswords, it shows the face of the beloved pharaoh. scythe. House Ramathant’s navy combats sahuagin raids
There is an unusual juxtaposition between old and with powerful prow-mounted ballistae on their byblos
new, with much of the extraordinary purple-stone warships. Even in the average home or street, oil lamps
edifice of High Imaskar now repurposed. Nowhere is this are used for lighting rather than torches which
more evident than the new capital, Skyclave; a colossal previously posed a considerable fire risk.
tower-citadel that houses an entire city within its walls. More recently, a group of devour Thoth-worshippers
The Imaskari interdimensional magic also expands known as the Technologists have begun to further their
space inside their structures to be many times larger. research into primitive steam pressure engines. These
For new projects, the Church of Geb oversees the were originally outlawed during the third empire by
construction guilds. Historically, great armies of slaves Horustep III, though so far Horuskhet has allowed
would have been forced to build the great monuments of further investigation into what benefits such a powerful
Mulhorand, this is now performed by paid laborers. invention could bring to Mulhorand.

Over the last decade, the Mulhorandi have begun to With dwindling options for Mulhorand to feed itself, it
adapt to a new world, reclaiming their home from the has been forced to look abroad. The Church of Nephthys
devastation of the Spellplague and the subjugation of has already begun negotiating trade agreements with
High Imaskar. Forced to settle along the rivers and neighboring countries. Chessenta, who accepted most of
coastline, away from the lifeless desert that the Mulhorand’s refugees after the Spellplague, has
Spellplague left inland, the population numbers a maintained good relations, though its division into city
fraction of what it was during the height of the Third states has left some complexity to negotiations. Despite
Empire. The Mulhorandi are no stranger to tragedy, Mulhorand’s invasion of Unther in 1371 DR, there has
however, and adapt they have. been good progress in talks with Gilgeam; his war with
With slavery outlawed, the rebuilding process has Tymanther (who now share Mulhorand’s southwestern
fallen to the regular citizens, with both those who have border) a suitable distraction from past transgressions.
returned to Mulhorand and those who have chosen to Elsewhere, the Dragon Princes of Murghôm to the
make a new life there having to pitch in and work Northeast have been open to trade discussion, though
together. Under the supervision of House Gebthant, the greed of dragons can seldom be trusted.
materials are ferried from the mines, as well as salvaged Relations with Thay in the north remain
from Skuld and other ruins, to rebuild settlements, unsurprisingly antagonistic. An uneasy peace has
homes and businesses. Many High Imaskar structures remained since High Imaskar was deposed, though with
have also been repurposed, not just the tower-citadel of the Zulkir Council embracing the perverse magic of
Skyclave, but the villas and estates of Imaskari nobility lichdom and the dread ruler Szass Tam seeking to
across Mulhorand as well. The strange, purple-hued expand his borders in all directions, it is unlikely this
edifice of Imaskari architecture can be found alongside will last. Mulhorandi eyes also still enviously gaze north
the traditional sandstone construction of Mulhorandi towards their former lands of the Priador Coast and
architecture. Other infrastructure needed rebuilding as beyond, though the forces of Horuskhet are still far too
well; much of the road network that once linked the weak to attempt any invasion. Somewhat thankfully for
various towns and settlements together, along with Mulhorand, Thay has been preoccupied with other
trade routes into other nations, has been swallowed by nations such as Aglarond and Rashemen, as well as civil
the desert. Travelling inland is incredibly dangerous, war with the renegade Zulkirs of the Alaor and Wizard’s
with shifting sand dunes, desert predators and residual Reach to attempt any southward invasions. These
Spellplague storms an ever-present danger. Camel trains conflicts have mostly subsided, however, so the old war
do make the passage, but use desert trails, navigating by may begin to flare up. The priests of Nephthys have at
sun and stars. A new road network has recently been least been able to take advantage of Thay’s many
completed by order of House Gebthant, creating links enemies, arranging trade routes through the Alamber to
between Mulhorand’s settlements and cities by the breakaway nations of the Alaor and Wizard’s reach
following the rivers and coastlines. Most land travel now and onwards to Aglarond and the northern continent.
follows these roads or the waterways themselves, The presence of the sahuagin of Kurrimal makes this
keeping away from the perils of the desert. journey incredibly dangerous, forcing merchants to
travel in large armored convoys for protection.
Agriculture has also presented a significant challenge; IMPORTS & EXPORTS
with much of the land now a barren wasteland. Where Prior to the Spellplague, Mulhorand was a veritable
once there was a bountiful harvest each year, feeding the paradise, with vast plains of fertile farmland and access
nation has now become something of a quandary. to abundant resources of every kind. It exported a variety
Farmland has been established wherever it can, making of goods across Faerûn, filling the coffers of the Vault of
use of the fertile soil in the flood plains either side of the Golden Commerce. It was also entirely self-sufficient,
four main rivers. Farms are arranged back-to-back, not needing to import any natural resources. Now, after
every inch of soil made use of, and channels dug from Mulhorand’s lush landscape has been reduced to a
the river for natural irrigation. There is little space for desert, it has become much more reliant on other
grazing livestock, so most farms concentrate on nations to import essential items like livestock, wood,
producing cereal crops, with meat and dairy foods now paper, wool and even drinking water to support its
an imported delicacy for the rich. The growing of sugar regrowth. Travel has also become much more perilous
and grapes is still commonplace to ensure production of since the Spellplague, even with the construction of a
perhaps the most important sustenance for motivating a new road network along the comparatively safer rivers
nation to rebuild; beer (heqet) and wine (shedeh). and coastlines. This has led to huge increases in
It quickly became apparent to the priestesses of Isis merchant costs for caravans, especially those which
that farming alone would no longer be able to support attempt to travel across the Alamber by boat.
the burgeoning population. More of the burden began to Thankfully, Mulhorand has not been left without
fall on the fishing towns such as Sampranasz and anything to offer in return. The Spellplague tore across
Delgora, though this too was not without difficulty. The the land, opening great canyons and ravines like wounds
new sahuagin empire of Kurrimal, building on the ruins in the earth. However, in doing so it exposed massive ore
of Aleaxtis, had survived the Spellplague era and begun a and mineral repositories. House Gebthant has spent the
new regime of violence in the waters and coastlines of last decade setting up vast mining camps across the
the Alamber. King T’Kalah, the Black Clawed One, Dragonsword and Giant’s Belt mountains, as well as
believes himself an avatar of Sekolah and has increased braving the deserts either side, to bring all manner of
attacks all the way along Mulhorand’s coast, forcing riches to the pharaoh’s table. Iron ore, gold and all
House Ramathant to maintain regular naval patrols into manner of precious gems now flow from Mulhorand,
the Alamber Sea fishing waters. making trade negotiations much more lucrative.

This section will explore each of the churches of Goodness, honor, and order are the natural state, and
Mulhorand, detailing each including their domains, that which leads to evil, treachery, and chaos is by rights
responsibilities, major temples and dogmas. Each unnatural and the enemy. Lead Mulhorand by example,
church is wildly different in the way it is run, how and let your deeds speak your intentions. Goodness and
worship is conducted and the types of people who make harmony come from living within maat rather than
up both the clergy and congregation. The Mulhorandi fighting it. Laws exist to bring prosperity to those under
pantheon is unique in Faerûn as the gods, church and them. The pharaoh and the church rule with Horus-Re’s
people live in constant union; religion is as much a part guidance and set laws as guidelines for honorable action
of daily life as families gathering for mealtimes. Beyond within Mulhorand's tradition. Make no hasty changes or
worship, the churches are each responsible for different decisions, as their consequences are always suspect and
aspects of life, and priests often serve other roles may undermine the steadfast rule of eternity. Protect the
alongside their religious duties. To note: the portfolios weak and avenge all wrongs. Smite traitors with
of some gods have changed since before the Spellplague. righteous vengeance.


Head of the Church: Pharaoh Horuskhet I. Head of the Church: Ramenthoth II.
Symbol: Crowned hawk’s head within a solar circle. Symbol: Ankh resting above an Ibis bird.
Portfolio: The sun, vengeance, rulership and kings. Portfolio: Knowledge, scribes, invention and the arcane.
Alignment: Lawful Good. Alignment: Neutral.
Cleric Domains: Light, Desert, Order. Cleric Domains: Arcana, Knowledge, Order.
Worshippers: Administrators, nobles, politicians. Worshippers: Scribes, wizards, loremasters.

The Church of Horus-Re is known as the Royal House The Church of Thoth is known as House Tholaunt. It is
Helcaliant. It has been responsible for the rule of founded on the principle of advancing knowledge and
Mulhorand since the Orcgate War in -1071 DR when Re wisdom to achieve divine enlightenment. Thoth
was slain by Gruumsh and bestowed all power to his son originally founded Gheldaneth after Mulhorand had
Horus. Up until the Spellplague, House Helcaliant had been freed from the yoke of the Imaskar Empire in -2130
maintained its theocratic rule for over two thousand DR, constructing the Arcanum of Magic which has
years, and now High Imaskar has been deposed, their survived the Spellplague and still stands today as its
sovereignty has been restored. The head of the house is main temple. Ramenthoth II rules the House from
Pharaoh Horuskhet I, who is a direct heir of Horus-Re Gheldaneth having been granted demigod status by
and ruler of Mulhorand. Gifted the power of a demigod, Thoth during the uprising against High Imaskar. The
Horuskhet sits upon the throne in Skyclave. Second to rest of the church is organized in a strict hierarchy, with
the pharaoh is the vizier, currently Ozarim Helcaliant. senior positions obtained as a reward for advances such
Priests of Horus-Re often serve as governors or precepts as scientific breakthrough or new invention, rather than
alongside their religious duties. The church follows via political meandering or birthright.
Horus-Re’s defined principles of maat, which they Most Mulhorandi wizards come from House Tholaunt,
believe is a code of justice, honor, order and or at least follow Thoth as a patron, and many Thothian
righteousness that all things must conform to. clerics also study as wizards to improve understanding
Though the Solarium of Skuld, the main temple of of the arcane. Temples of Thoth, such as the Arcanum,
Horus-Re, was ruined along with Skuld itself during the are used not just as places of worship, but as centers of
Spellplague, great effort has gone into rebuilding the learning. Indeed, of all the churches, House Tholaunt
Solarium within Skyclave. An entire level of the colossal puts the least emphasis on pageantry and ceremony,
tower-city has been dedicated to the Lord of Sun, believing it a waste of valuable time that could be spent
containing the pharaoh’s throne room and residence, in research. The church vehemently opposes Thay and
government chambers and a vast temple. Elsewhere in regulates all arcane practice in Mulhorand fearing any
Mulhorand, temples of Horus-Re often serve as further influence of the renegade wizards.
government buildings alongside their religious purpose. Clerics of Thoth pray for their spells each dawn,
Clerics pray for their spells at midday when the sun is preparing themselves for a new day of learning and
at its zenith. They usually wear and equip themselves discovery. They wear simple robes and little, if any,
with the most practical clothing and gear; preferring armor, preferring to keep well away from the melee
light armor to keep cool with a headdress in the shape of during combat. The favored weapon of Thoth is a mage’s
a hawk. They wield Horus-Re’s favored weapon, a quarterstaff, further emphasizing their inclination
Khopesh with a handle fashioned as an ankh. towards spellcasting over close-quarters fighting.

Learn all you can and help to spread wisdom throughout Protect Mulhorand, for she is your mother. Show bravery
the world. Research and absorb knowledge, protect the and valor in combat and guard your brothers and sisters
secrets of Thoth, and better understand the science of in arms. Protect the people of Mulhorand and the
arcana. Explore new inventions and more efficient ways property of the church of Anhur. Defend your home with
of living, advancing the limits of engineering, the fury of a lioness defending her cubs. Beware Set, for
architecture and magical construction. Protect his spies are everywhere and his actions turn brother
Mulhorand from the traitorous Red Wizards of Thay and upon sister and parent upon child. Defend against the
oppose their nihilism at every opportunity. fierce storms that sweep down from the north, for they
are the work of crimson magic. Carry the glory and
HOUSE RAMATHANT prosperity of Mulhorand forward into this new age.

Head of the Church: Bezanhur Ramathant.

Symbol: Hawk-headed falchion bound with a cord.
Portfolio: War, physical prowess, desert storms. Head of the Church: Gebzalim.
Alignment: Chaotic Good. Symbol: A mountain of earth and stone.
Cleric Domains: War, Tempest. Portfolio: The earth, stone, crafting, building, mining.
Worshippers: Soldiers, guards, gladiators, rangers. Alignment: Neutral.
Cleric Domains: Forge, Nature, Desert.
The Church of Anhur is known as House Ramathant.
Worshippers: Miners, smiths, craftsmen, builders.
Those who follow the General of the Gods are students of
war and devote themselves to the defense and glory of The Church of Geb is known as House Gebthant. It has
Mulhorand. All those who serve in the military follow long been responsible for regulating mining and
Anhur in some regard, for the God of War is who they industry in Mulhorand. Post-Spellplague, Geb has risen
pray to for courage in battle. His is also worshipped by to greater prominence than ever before, especially now
many outside of the military, including athletes and slaves are outlawed. Miners, builders and other
gladiators. Though slavery is abolished, blood sport and craftsmen are in constant demand, and those who serve
other games that test physical prowess are still very the God of the Earth are the ones who must build the
popular, and church often organizes many of its own foundations for a Mulhorand reborn. It is also one of the
events in arenas across Mulhorand. more welcoming to the nation’s new views on outsiders,
The center of House Ramathant is the Blood Fortress welcoming the expertise of dwarves and gnomes into the
in Sultim, originally built by Anhur around -2130 DR church. With much of the land torn asunder, Geb’s
during the founding of Mulhorand. The city has survived portfolio has grown to include the desert, with its vast
the Orcgate war, multiple Thayan invasions and the chasms and rocky crags now covering the landscape of
Spellplague, standing like a pillar of defiance against Mulhorand. Mining expeditions and stone collection
Mulhorand’s enemies. The Blood Fortress has long been from ruins like Skuld are now extremely treacherous,
the military center of the nation, acting as its and prayers to the Father Under the Skies and Sands are
headquarters, training grounds and first line of defense common before heading underground.
against invasion from the north. Elsewhere, temples of House Gebthant is loosely organized, with no central
Anhur serve as fortified garrisons, their menacing place of worship, and temples are usually makeshift,
structures towering over the settlements they inhabit. If built into mine complexes or hidden away in the
the settlement comes under siege, then the temple can industrial sectors of larger cities. Little is offered to
be used to shelter civilians whilst repelling the assault. ornamentation, with temple construction often formed
House Ramathant also organizes and trains the from hewn rock of the earth. Priests of Geb typically
Medjan, the national guard and police force of work in other professions alongside the clergy, leading
Mulhorand. The head of the church, Bezanhur III, acts as prayers before beginning their daily labors. The head of
overall commander of the Mulhorandi military and the the church, Gebzalim I, resides in the forges and mason
Medjan, alongside his religious duties. yards of lower-Skyclave, coordinating construction
Clerics of Anhur are usually trained to be warrior- projects and mining expeditions across Mulhorand.
priests, preferring heavy armor and shields. They train Clerics of Geb are usually honed from a lifetime of
with a wide range of weapons, though the favored labor, clad in armor and wielding well-made weapons.
weapon of Anhur is the falchion, known as the They pray for their spells at midnight, in a process
‘Warhawk’. They pray for their spells at dawn, in known as the Hidden Gift and Bountiful Joy; hiding a
anticipation of battle or to be ready for the drill fields. precious gem or mineral, then dig it up come dawn.

Know the earth. Explore its beauties and reveal its Goodness, honor and order and the natural state, and
hidden secrets but do so in such a way as to highlight that which leads to evil, treachery and chaos is in turn
their fundamental mysteries, not merely to exploit their unnatural and unlawful. You are the protectors of the
monetary value. Protect those who work in the earth and dead; those who have already transitioned to the
punish those who ravish it of its treasures without afterlife and the tombs that carry their mortal shell unto
regard. Become one with the earth, and you will know Heliopolis. You are also the judge for those who wait
Geb, who abides in it. He will lend you the strength of the their turn for a place in paradise, for the judgement of
living rock to defend and protect Mulhorand. Osiris is law and great is his justice when it is even-
handed. Follow the principles of maat and be wary of
HOUSE OSRIANT those who reject it, such as the followers of Set and
Sebek. Deliver the wrath of Osiris unto them.
Head of the Church: Osirius II.

Symbol: White crown over a crook and flail.
Portfolio: Death, afterlife, tombs, judgement, justice.
Alignment: Lawful Good. Head of the Church: Ibisis I.
Cleric Domains: Grave, Order, Death. Symbol: Ankh on a lunar disk.
Worshippers: Judges, executioners, embalmers, Portfolio: Weather, agriculture, love, peace.
undertakers. Alignment: Neutral Good.
Cleric Domains: Peace, Life, Nature, Arcana.
The Church of Osiris is known as House Osriant. It has
Worshippers: Farmers, druids, fishermen.
the dual responsibilities of interring and protecting the
dead, as well as judging the deeds of those still living. The Church of Isis is responsible for overseeing
The God of the Dead demands adherence to the basic Mulhorand’s food production, feeding the nation as best
principles of order and goodness in order to win it can following the desolation of most of the interior
admission into the Offering Fields of Heliopolis. His farmland. The only fertile ground that remains after the
priests either serve as guides of this transition into the Spellplague is the narrow stretches of land either side of
afterlife; leading funeral rites, embalming the dead or Mulhorand’s four rivers. The other main source of food
guarding the tombs that cover Mulhorand’s landscape. is the many fishing villages lining Mulhorand’s coast,
Alternatively, they act as judges of the living, travelling braving the increasingly treacherous waters of the
across the nation to bring justice to wrongdoers. Alamber to bring food to the table. Prior to the
House Osriant is centered in the ancient city of Spellplague, most of the church was made up of Mulani
Mishtan, founded by Osiris in -2130 DR. It stands as the women, many with ties to those descended from Isis.
gateway to the Land of the Dead, a vast necropolis that Most of the farmers and fishermen at this time were
contains the pyramid-tombs and burial sites of made up from Mulhorand’s large slave population. Now,
Mulhorand’s honored dead, including many of the with slavery outlawed, the work falls to ordinary citizens
pharaohs and divine incarnations of the ancient gods. to feed the nation, and a more diverse congregation has
Paladins of Osiris guard this realm with unending found its way to Isis and her nurturing embrace.
vigilance, ensuring the departed can rest undisturbed, Ibisis I, head of the church, resides in the Mystic
their many treasures kept safe from the hands of thieves Cornucopia; a luscious oasis-temple at the tributary of
and tomb raiders. The current head of the church, the River of Spears. Here, the distribution of food across
Osirius II, coordinates the clergy from the Gateway to Mulhorand is organized from the many storehouses and
the Afterworld; a huge temple in the center of Mishtan silos. Priests and priestesses of Isis assist with the
formed of darkened granite and formed in two tending of the farms and fisheries, using weather control
concentric rings of towering pillars. Elsewhere, temples spells to enhance the crops for harvest. Many druids also
of Osiris are usually looming and menacing structures, follow the Bountiful Lady and druidic circles can be
such as the Crypt of Shadows in Jalhoran, serving to found tending the gardens and desert oases. Temples of
remind the populace of the judgement that awaits them. Isis are kept open to the elements and are typically
Clerics of Osiris are usually somber individuals, encompass beautiful gardens and exotic wildlife.
dedicated to the purpose of their god. They dress in plain Clerics of Isis often study arcane magic as well as
white robes signifying the purity of death and shave divine and prefer to keep away from combat where
themselves from head to toe, covering their features possible, preferring to heal and empower their allies.
with headdresses and ornate masks. They pray for their They pray for their spells before the first meal each
spells at dusk, reflecting and passing judgment on the dawn, in preparation for a new day sowing seeds of hope
day’s pursuit of maat (see Horus-Re on page 27). across Mulhorand and beyond.

Cultivate love, affection and peace in the citizens of Accumulate and invest wealth wisely, but do not hold
Mulhorand. Sow the seeds of happiness, family and money above your devotion to the goddess. Protect the
peace wherever you go and provide wise counsel for economy of Mulhorand; for only with trade, commerce
those in need. Use your magic to benefit the people of and the nurturing of its wealth will we return to our
Mulhorand and never to harm them. Feed those who former glory. Trade with other nations, but always
hunger, live as one with nature and rejoice in the coming beware the Red Wizards of Thay, for they are corrupt and
harvest. Mulhorand shall regrow from the dust, as the cannot be trusted. Uphold the institutions of the goddess
crops grow in spring, and you shall be the hand to tend and root out those who would seek to undermine our
its people, nurturing them into the glorious future. holdings, especially the spies of Set.


Head of the Church: Amenephthyst II. Head of the Church: Umunhathor.
Symbol: Golden offering bowl below an Ankh. Symbol: Horned cow’s head inside a lunar disk.
Portfolio: Wealth, trade, economy, coin. Portfolio: Motherhood, music, festivals, fertility, the
Alignment: Chaotic Good. moon, dance, healing.
Cleric Domains: Trickery, Ambition (Amonkhet). Alignment: Neutral Good.
Worshippers: Merchants, banks, tax collectors, rogues. Cleric Domains: Life, Twilight, Peace.
Worshippers: Mothers, bards, entertainers, healers.
The Church of Nephthys is responsible for the economy
of Mulhorand as is structured and run like a business The Church of Hathor is closely linked to that of Isis in
enterprise, encompassing financial institutions, markets the portfolio it encompasses, though much more loosely
and merchant consortiums. Priests and priestesses of organized. Both gods are popular with the common folk
the Avenging Mother spend much of their time engaged of Mulhorand; there is an old saying that Hathor is the
in matters of financial regulation, managing the coffers mother and Isis is the wife. The Nurturing Mother is
of Mulhorand to rebuild its economy in this new era. commonly worshipped in hospitals, orphanages and
They also act as tax collectors, brokers and, where other refuges for the poor and downtrodden, her priests
necessary, bailiffs. With Mulhorand having only recently dedicated to healing the sick and bringing joy to those
emerged from the ashes, they are also involved with re- most in need. The church holds no official temples,
establishing trade relations with neighboring countries. giving its wealth to those in need rather than dwelling in
The head of the church, Amenephthyst II, regulates the trappings of theocratic power like many of the other
the economy of Mulhorand from the Vault of Golden churches. Shrines are kept, but by the worshippers,
Commerce in Neldorild. This structure dominates the freeing the clergy to focus on helping those in need. Even
coastal city skyline, with its looming white marble shape the head of the church, Umunhathor I, holds no fixed
and colonnade front. It is heavily fortified and in its temple abode, travelling with her clergy around
vaults sits much of the wealth of Mulhorand, as well as Mulhorand to deliver help where it is needed. She is a
collections of treasures from across Toril, collected over powerful healer and is revered by the lower born as a
the millennia. Mulhorandi nobility pay the church great miracle worker. The church also provides entertainment
sums to keep their family wealth safe within the vault, for the common folk, organizing many of Mulhorand’s
for its ensorcelled walls have never been breached, not annual festivals. Hathor is closely associated to the
even by the fury of the Spellplague. The attendant moon, and the church follows the waxing and waning of
priests, here and in other temples of Nephthys, also Selûne across the thirty-day lunar cycle. Joyous
work with Osiris in conveying the heirlooms and celebrations occur when it is full, with many of the
treasures of the deceased into their tombs in the Land of festivals planned for this event, such as The Birthing,
the Dead or elsewhere in Mulhorand. They will then which takes place on the first full moon after Greengrass
conjure protective wards around the burial crypt, as well in springtime to symbolize renewal and new life.
as constructing elaborate traps to keep out tomb raiders. Clerics of Hathor pray when the moon is at its zenith,
Adventuring clerics of Nephthys are quite uncommon, whether that is day or night, and will always be aware
with the order preferring to engage in matters of wealth where it is in the sky at any time. It is unusual for
and commerce at home. However, on occasions where followers of the Nurturing Mother to become
the Avenging Mother must send her neophytes into the adventurers, however if the vulnerable are under threat,
wider world, they prefer to keep hidden, often picking up they will not hesitate to take up arms and fight for their
the skills of a rogue. They pray for their spells at noon cause. In battle, they focus on healing and supporting
when the golden sun illuminates all. their allies from afar.

Help all those who are in need, no matter their standing, Head of the Church: Isseth.
for all children of Mulhorand are equal in the eyes of the Symbol: A coiled cobra, waiting to strike.
Nurturing Mother. Provide sustenance for the hungry, Portfolio: Evil, desert drought, destruction, snakes,
healing for the wounded, health for the sick, joy for the betrayal, murder, poison, betrayal.
sorrowful and protection for the endangered. Treat those Alignment: Chaotic Evil.
in need as you would royalty, for all will be deemed equal Cleric Domains: Desert, Arcana, Death, Trickery.
in the paradise gardens of the afterlife. Worshippers: Assassins, criminals, necromancers.

CHURCH OF BAST The Cult of Set is abhorred across Mulhorand, with

worship of the Snake God forbidden under pain of death.
Head of the Church: Basturess.
Set worshippers operate in the shadows, striking out like
Symbol: A cat adorned with jewelry.
a venomous snake to poison the followers of the other
Portfolio: Cats, love, hedonism, sensuality, temptation, gods wherever it can. The most infamous aspect of its
beauty, lust.
clergy is the Fangs of Set, a syndicate of assassins
Alignment: Chaotic Good.
founded by Seti, a former incarnation of Set. Its aim was
Cleric Domains: Life, Twilight, Trickery. to sow chaos across Mulhorand wherever it could,
Worshippers: Lovers, bards, hedonists, courtesans.
disrupting the other gods and delivering Set to the
The worship of Bast has spread further across Faerûn throne. Several pharaohs, viziers and precepts have met
(and beyond) than any of the other Mulhorandi gods. their end to a poisoned blade or worse as the Fangs
Unlike her brethren, the Mother of Cats was eager to strike. The cult also encompasses many thieves’ guilds
explore the new world that had been thrust upon her and across Mulhorand and wider Faerûn, raiding tombs and
the Mulani people. Early on in Mulhorand’s history, she ancient ruins to gather more treasures in Set’s name.
subsumed the portfolio of Felidae, a primitive deity of The cult’s former headquarters were located in
felines, as well as Zandilar, god of passionate love. This Sampranasz in the temple known as the Cavern of the
led her on a pleasure-seeking adventure across Toril, Jackal, but this was abandoned during the reign of High
spreading her hedonistic church to every corner of the Imaskar and lies empty and undiscovered to this day.
land. Unfortunately, this also led Bast to encounter Shar Isseth, the head of the Fangs and demigod of Set, has
who enthralled this curious lesser god under her sway; moved the cult, in secret, far into the depths of the
leading Bast to become known as Sharess across wider desert, claiming the ruins of Maerlar as a new lair. The
Faerûn. Though Sune managed to free her from Shar wasteland created by the Spellplague is well suited to the
during the Time of Troubles, Bast is still commonly Cult of Set, for its many dangers and nightmarish
known as Sharess outside of Mulhorand. inhabitants not only act as a ward against interlopers,
After some decline during these darker years, the but also as a trial for those wishing to join. Only those
influence of Bast in Mulhorand has begun to grow able to survive the treacherous journey to Maerlar will be
recently, spurred by a new attitude to freedom and deemed strong enough to become part of the cult.
tolerance across the nation. The church’s structure is Clerics of Set are malevolent beings, who value power
very casually organized, its priests more concerned with over all else. They will stop at nothing to get what they
spreading love and pleasure than erecting great temples want and achieve greatness in the eyes of Set. Fearing
in Bast’s name. They work with priests of Hathor to persecution, they keep their true identity hidden,
arrange the many festivals and will often be seen at the blending in with the general population. They often
heart of the revelry, spreading the word of Bast not possess the skills of assassins alongside their deadly
through sermon, but with love. magic, striking from the shadows with poisoned blades.
Clerics of Bast are usually beautiful and wear little to They pray for their spells at night, when the shadows
hide this fact. They protect cats as sacred beings and will gather, and snakes stir from their nest.
hunt those who dare to harm them. In battle, they often
utilize charm spells to enthrall their opponents. They DOGMA OF SET
pray for their spells at dusk, the time of love. Serve Set in all that you do, for when he ascends to his
rightful place upon the throne of the world, he shall
DOGMA OF BAST reward those who have served him. Oppose the
Live life to its fullest, seeking pleasure wherever it may machinations of the weaker gods; especially Horus-Re,
be found to ensure fulfilment of yourself and others Osiris and Isis; and assassinate the sheep who follow
around you. Spread the bounty of love so that all may them whenever you can. Spread word of the cult and
join the endless revel and beauty of life. bring others to join our glorious cause.

Head of the Church: Usebek.
Symbol: Werecrocodile with plumed headdress.
Portfolio: Rivers, savagery, swamps, floods, predators.
Alignment: Neutral Evil.
Cleric Domains: Nature, Tempest, War.
Worshippers: Evil druids, werecrocodiles, monsters.

The Cult of Sebek are the second forbidden church in the

Mulhorandi pantheon, though far smaller and less
organized than the Cult of Set. Afflicted by the curse of
lycanthropy, it is mostly made up of werecrocodiles,
though in recent years some other monstrous races have
begun to adopt Sebek as patron. The cult itself is loosely
structured under the rule of Usebek, a demigod
werecrocodile of immeasurable strength.
Previously driven out of their lair in Sekras by paladins
of Osiris, the cult has moved back since the Second
Sundering, using the ruined and flooded city as a lair.
The only temple of Sebek, the River’s Maw, has been
rebuilt. The entire River of Swords is now swarming with
followers of Sebek, putting the river delta settlements of
Kaol and Aina at constant risk of attack. Further inland,
the Okoth swamplands around the Lake of Salt are also
infested, with hunts ranging as far south as Azun and
Buldamar. Citizens of these towns venture out to leave
sacrifices in the swampy wetland shrines, hoping to
appease the cult and keep the hunt from their door.
Clerics of Sebek are usually afflicted with the
lycanthrope curse that affects the bloodline of Sebek,
turning them into werecrocodiles (see page 107). This sees
them shunned by most of Mulhorandi society, so they
mainly keep to their own communities. Clerics of Sebek
are seen more as shamans than traditional priests,
spurring their kind to greater acts of savagery, and in
battle they rely on their werecrocodile form to kill. They
pray for their spells at dusk, ready for the night’s hunt.

Hunt or be hunted. Kill or be killed. Eat or be eaten. You
are the apex predator, whom all fear, or you are nothing
but meat to another. Kill, maim and devour your prey in
the name of Sebek, for only the strongest are worthy in
his eyes.


Thirteen gods originally travelled from Kemet to form
the Mulhorandi pantheon. Of these, Re fell in battle
against Gruumsh during the Orcgate War and his church
merged with his son Horus. The Church of Bes faded not
long after the fall of Imaskar, when its portfolio was
subsumed by the dwarven God Vergadain.

The royal houses and churches form the main factions of Mulhorand has had a troublesome relationship with
Mulhorand, though there are other groups who make up adventurers in the past. Seen by most as glorified tomb
Mulhorand’s sociopolitical landscape. Some are as much raiders, their presence in the nation was barely tolerated
a part of daily life as the churches, whilst others keep to during the First, Second and Third Empires, and
the shadows, their existence a secret. typically adventurers of other races were not permitted
entry at all. Those that were had to hand over all
THE NEZRAMITES weapons and armor to the guard on arrival into any city
and were strictly forbidden from venturing to any of the
Originally sired by the great Archmage Nezram, the
sacred burial sites, including the Land of the Dead.
World Walker, his children went on to found an entire an
entire ethnic subsect of the Mulhorandi known as the Nowadays, Mulhorand is much less strict, and though
Nezramites. Part of Mulhorand but in many ways the adventuring profession is still not officially
recognized, it is at least accepted. Many monstrous
separate, they mostly live in the remote town of Nezras
on the eastern side of the Dragonsword Mountains. creatures still linger from the aftereffects of the
There, they go about their daily life, following in their Spellplague and with the military and guard already
stretched thin, the benefits of outsiders coming to
ancient ancestor’s footsteps in investigating ancient
knowledge, especially the arcane. They are also heavily Mulhorand to help clean up are obvious.
involved in new inventions and arcane research, with a Adventurers are free to come and go, with their
equipment and weapons, as they please, as long as they
focus on gem and interplanar magic, the specialisms of
Nezram. Their arcane practice is tolerated as the abide with the control of the Adventurers Guild, a semi-
pharaoh knows well the value of the archmage and his official organization based in Skyclave. The guild is
tasked with regulating all adventuring expeditions
descendant, much to the indignation of House Tholaunt.
across Mulhorand and must share profits back to the
With all the aid Nezram has given Mulhorand over his
near-millennia of life, most recently against High Vault of Golden Commerce. They are also responsible for
Imaskar, the Pharaoh Horuskhet is also happy to abide ensuring no sacred relics are stolen; anyone caught
attempting to smuggle relics out of the country faces the
this distant community, though rumors of their
investigations into ancient Imaskar magic have begun to death penalty, though the royal houses do incentivize
stir up doubt. Nezram himself has recently returned the guild with handsome rewards for any recovered. On
arrival into Mulhorand, adventurers must register with
from his centuries-long travels across the planes;
though it cannot be known how long he will stay. Since the guild; freelancers manning their own expeditions are
the fall of High Imaskar, he has built a new home as well not permitted and will be arrested if caught. The Land of
the Dead and other burial sites manned by the paladins
as commencing building of a new arcane academy in
Nezras, promising to bring a new age of learning and of Osiris remain off limits, though many such sites have
prosperity to his descendants. been swallowed by the desert and are no longer guarded.
Currently, most of the expeditions being contracted by

IMASKAR the guild seek to venture deeper into Skuld, the City of
Shadows. Ruined by the Spellplague, it is now infested
Defeated in 1487 DR by the Mulhorandi uprising, Empress with deadly creatures and lingering wild magic from the
Ususi and the remnants of the Imaskari fled, disappearing conflagration. Adventurers delve into its streets, fighting
into the shadows from where they had come. Most fled off monsters and salvaging what treasure they can find.
east, into the Raurin; the seat of the Imaskar Empire of Other contracts seek to locate Imaskari constructs
old. Some remained on the surface, suffering a harsh hidden in the desert, abandoned by a defeated High
existence as desert nomads. Others ventured into the Imaskar, and full of artifacts of incredible power.
Underdark, seeking to found a new life beneath the earth
as the ancient Imaskari had done in Deep Imaskar. Their
vengeful eyes would always glare west towards the
despised Mulhorandi who had now twice left their empire Mulhorand is still very strict when it comes to the
in ruins. advancement of technology, though there are many who
The survivors of the High Imaskar uprising activated a wish to see such regulation abolished in favor of making
teleportation circle from within Skyclave, forced to greater use of technology, including taking steps to
abandon the great city-tower to their enemy. They make greater use of arcane magic. Known as the
teleported back to their ancestral home of Deep Imaskar, Technologists, they are separate from House Tholaunt
which had only just begun to recover from the though still follow the teachings of Thoth. Currently,
Spellplague. Forced to seek refuge in the Underdark city, they are resurrecting an abandoned project to use
they vowed that the Mulhorandi and their abominable primitive steam engines in industry, agriculture and
gods would suffer for the destruction they had wrought, many other potential applications.
yet with their forces decimated and leader dead, this was
a daunting proposition. THE TIEFLINGS OF GHELDANETH
Despite this, there are some determined to carry on Over the last decade, a significant community of tieflings
the Empress’s legacy and reclaim the glory of High has emerged in Gheldaneth. They are believed by many
Imaskar. Rumors have begun to circulate about to have been sent by the Mulhorandi gods, appearing in
organized units of Imaskari saboteurs and assassins Mulhorand to aid in the uprising against High Imaskar.
launching raids across Mulhorand, seeking to They have been accepted into Mulhorandi society,
undermine and disrupt workings of their former vassal. though some Mulani purists still view them with
Through all this, a single name has been whispered, a distrust. With a wide range of skills, they have integrated
name that has begun to unite the dispersed factions of with the wider workforce, though their natural affinity
Imaskar to begin a new war against the usurpers. A new for sorcery has led many to join the arcane academies of
Emperor in the making; Lord Artificer Ult’Axion. Thoth or the military as battle wizards.

An Archmage of incredible power, Nezram is one of
This section details some of the most well-known
Mulhorand’s most famous descendants. He is close to
characters currently residing in Mulhorand, with
one thousand years old, yet little of his magically
information on who they are, their current motives,
extended human life has been spent in Mulhorand. His
personality and stat block references in bold in case your
thirst for knowledge and discovery took him on a vast
players encounter these individuals.
journey through the planes many centuries ago, from
which he has only recently returned, aiding Pharaoh
PHARAOH HORUSKHET I Horuskhet I in the reclamation of Mulhorand from
The current pharaoh of Mulhorand, Horuskhet rules High Imaskar (see page 15 for his full history).
from Skyclave where he resides in the Solarium level. As Following the defeat of the Imaskari, Nezram has
a demigod of Horus-Re (use the statistics of a medium- returned to his descendants, the Nezramites, in the
sized Empyrean), he is guided directly by the Lord of remote settlement of Nezras. There, he has nearly
Sun. As Horus-Re’s Chosen, Horuskhet is charged to completed the construction of a colossal new tower to
return the nation to its former glory and ultimately give replace his former home on the shores of Lake Azulduth.
rise to the Fourth Empire of Mulhorand (see page 15 for It is a truly magnificent construct, visible for hundreds
the full history of Horuskhet). of miles in the surrounding desert, and is no doubt
The pharaoh spends much of magically warded to protect against any further
his time in the chambers of unprovoked dragon attack after the attack on
the Solarium in Skyclave, his previous home. Whilst he is
communing with Horus-Re home, he has also begun helping
on matters of import, his descendants in their own
leaving the mundane duties pursuit of knowledge, taking
of rule to his vizier and the time to pass on his
Precept Council. Unlike his extraordinary knowledge to
arrogant and despotic the Nezramites. They act
predecessor Horustep III, almost as his disciples,
Horuskhet is a more gracious blessed to have their ancient
ruler with incredible gifted forefather returned to unite
onto him by the Lord of Sun them. Nezram views the
himself. Those who are lucky Nezramites as his own legacy
enough to speak to him in and is very protective over them
person are often surprised to and his new home in Nezras.
find the pharaoh quite In secret, however, he is
amicable and courteous, already planning a new
though his enemies will meet a venture into the beyond.
very different character. He is Having spent centuries in
currently attempting to uncover search of the fabled sarrukh,
the location of the Cult of Set, he believes he has a lead
knowing well that the Serpent somewhere in the
God will not wait long before Concordant Domain in the
striking again. His gaze does not Outer Planes. Before he
stray from the north for long can begin a new planar
either, as though an uneasy adventure, he will need to
peace remains between Thay and track down his long lost
re-emergent Mulhorand, he knows spellbook; Unique
well this is doubtful to last long, Mageries, which was taken
especially if there is a chance for him to from his old tower. The last
regain the ancestral lands of the Priador sighting of it was in possession of the
and beyond. Nezram, the World Walker half-drow Maeve Starmantle, though he
By Alan Subankalov will certainly offer reward for any more information, or
VIZIER OZARIM HELCALIANT perhaps help in finding it.
As second in command from the pharaoh, the vizier is Nezram is a surprisingly reserved and humble man,
the one of the most powerful positions in government. considering his incredible power as a wizard and the
Any requests to the pharaoh will need approval from the endless knowledge he has accumulated over the
vizier. Ozarim, an aged human Priest of Horus-Re, centuries. Despite this, he values privacy greatly and
proved his worth to Horuskhet during the uprising does not often engage in conversation with those he
against High Imaskar and now assumes the role. Like does not know and trust. He may come across as
Horuskhet, Ozarim resides in the Solarium in Skyclave, somewhat distant or uninterested, unless he is engaged
where he attends to matters of the realm, including in a conversation that is of specific interest to him. These
selecting and leading the Precept Council. Wizened by topics are likely related to the one passion that has taken
years, he is a stoic and well-mannered individual, him across the multiverse: the arcane. He has specialized
though it is clear there is a lot more to him than what in both interplanar and the secrets of gem-enhanced
meets the eye. Above all, he is devoted to Mulhorand and magic. He is unlikely to give this away to just anyone,
its divine patriarch; Horus-Re. He will do anything to though he is dedicated to broadening his intellect
ensure the glory of both is restored, anything else is beyond the normal limits of human comprehension, so a
secondary. Currently he is aiding Horuskhet in the trade of knowledge might tempt him to share teachings
search for the Cult of Set, knowing the danger it poses. beyond his Nezramites.

As head of the Church of Nephthys and Chosen heir of Head of House Gebthant, Gebzalim is a hardy, rough
the Devoted Lady, Amenephthyst is responsible for character who would much rather be in the depths of a
managing the economy of Mulhorand. She is also a mine or hammering at the forge than engaged in any
powerful Diviner Wizard (Monsters of the Multiverse page political or ceremonial meandering. Geb has blessed him
261) and uses magic to aid in her duties. Residing in the with incredible strength and crafting skill (use stats for a
Vault of Golden Commerce in Neldorild, she can usually medium-sized Stone Giant). He has no fixed residence,
be found in trade negotiations or discussing funding instead travelling across Mulhorand to wherever he is
allocation with House Helcaliant officials. Those lucky needed; be it a mining operation or the industrial sectors
enough to earn an appointment in her busy schedule will of Skyclave. Gebzalim values work ethic above all and
meet a lady of incredible intelligence, though one of does not suffer laziness. He is currently focused on a
little warmth or emotion. She can come across quite number of new mining expeditions in the High Plain
terse and direct, utterly dedicated as she is to business, desert where the Spellplague exposed numerous ravines
and will not suffer timewasters. Currently, her focus is thick with veins of gold and iron ore.
on arranging new trade agreements with neighboring
nations and has been travelling across Eastern Faerûn to IBISIS SIAMUT
attend negotiations in person. Ibisis is the head of the Church of Isis and heir of the
Bountiful Lady. She is a powerful Archdruid (Monsters of
BEZANHUR RAMATHANT the Multiverse page 48) and uses her powers to help
Descendant of the God of War himself, Bezanhur is a cultivate and heal Mulhorand’s farmlands, ensuring a
human Warlord (Monsters of the Multiverse page 257) successful annual harvest. Residing in the Mystic
who commands Mulhorand’s military and national Cornucopia on the River of Spears tributary, Ibisis works
guard from the Blood Fortress in Sultim. He was hard to coordinate Mulhorand’s food production, a
instrumental in the brief war with High Imaskar, having vitally important role now much of its once-bountiful
been gifted the strategic brilliance of Anhur in farmland has been reduced to desert. She is a kind
his demigod form. Stern and ill- and caring leader, and the Mulhorandi love
tempered but with the courage of a her dearly.
lion, Bezanhur does not take
kindly to fools or timewasters, OSIRIUS II
though he is fiercely loyal to Osirius is a powerful War Priest
his pharaoh, his country and (Monsters of the Multiverse page
those he considers friends. 254) and is the descendant
He is currently under and heir of Osiris, God of the
command from Horuskhet Dead and the head of House
to shore up the northern Osriant. He resides in
defenses against any Mishtan where the Church of
possible new attack Osiris organizes its vigil over
from Thay, whilst the Land of the Dead and other
driving recruitment into important burial sites across
the army and navy for a Mulhorand. Since the defeat of
potential Mulhorandi High Imaskar, Osirius has
invasion of the Priador. been focused on reclaiming
He also commands and sites that have been lost to the
oversees the Medjan, desert, saving them from tomb
Mulhorand’s national raiders and agents of Set. He is a
guard and police force who noble but somber man, utterly
keep order across the land, committed to his duty in the
run the various prisons and service of Mulhorand. He is
assist the guardians of House untrusting of outsiders, especially
Osriant in their duties protecting the adventurers, always suspecting their
tombs of the dead and delivering true motive is to steal the treasures of the
judgment to the condemned. Ibisis Siamut honored dead.
By Dean Spencer
Blessed with incredible beauty, Basturess is the head of An Archmage of considerable power, Ramenthoth is the
the Church of Bast. She is the Chosen heir of the Lustful descendant heir of Thoth, Lord of Magic. He is the
Mistress and is desired by men and women alike. A free ordained leader of House Tholaunt as well as the head of
spirit, she is incredibly charming and an expert in the Arcanum of Magic in Gheldaneth. He was kept
seduction. As an Enchanter Wizard (Monsters of the prisoner during much of the reign of High Imaskar,
Multiverse page 261: change her Charisma to 20 and add having protested the indecency of their rule over
persuasion/deception as +9 proficient skills) she also Gheldaneth and closing of the Arcanum. Upon his release
possesses magical means of manipulation. Of all the after the city was liberated, Thoth rewarded
Chosen of the gods, Basturess is the one least tied to Ramenthoth’s loyalty in making him his Chosen. He
Mulhorand as, like her patron, she often travels across then joined Nezram in countering the magic of the
the rest of Faerûn and even wider Toril where Bast is Artificers during the Battle of Skuld. Ramenthoth is
more commonly worshipped as Sharess. She can often be incredibly intelligent, with knowledge of the arcane that
found sampling the pleasures and delights of faraway transcends mortality. He specializes in transmutation
lands, spreading the love and joy of Bast to all. magic and occasionally teaches in the Arcanum.

Umunhathor is the heir descendant of Hathor and head of
the Church of the Nurturing Mother. She is seen by her
Aybtep is the (unofficial) leader of the community of
followers and much of the population as a maternal
Tieflings in Gheldaneth. A tiefling Spy, he arrived with
figure, compassionate and caring for all. As a humble
his people during the reign of High Imaskar and helped
Priest she spends most of her time caring for the sick in
Pharaoh Horuskhet I in defeating Empress Ususi during
Mulhorand’s many hospitals, channeling the power of
the uprising. Now accepted for the most part by the
Hathor to heal the suffering. She is also committed to
Mulhorandi people, Aybtep works hard to maintain
helping the impoverished and takes time visiting the
relations with the royal houses and churches, ensuring
poorest areas of the nation to deliver charity and goodwill.
his people are seen as part of the reemergent nation, not
Always happy to meet anyone on her travels,
a separate entity. He is extremely charismatic and
Umunhathor is a kind and gracious soul who brings
handsome, his charms and wit earning him influence
sunlight wherever she treads. Her focus in recent years
(and lovers) across the political landscape.
has been on establishing orphanages in all the major cities
Unknown to the rest of Mulhorand, there is a more
in Mulhorand, finding a place for those children who lost
sinister reason for the appearance of the Tieflings in
their parents in the war with High Imaskar. Priests of
Gheldaneth. Their true lineage is none other than Set
Hathor run these institutions, relying on charitable
himself, who sired them from members of his cult as
donations from nobles and other churches.
part of a long-term plan to expand his influence. Aybtep
secretly plots with Isseth in Maerlar to aid in the revival
ISSETH of Set as the true ruler of Mulhorand.
Demigod and heir of the Brother of Serpents, Isseth is the
current head of the Cult of Set and a living conduit for the KEL’ANUT RAMERES
evil god’s malevolent schemes. He resides, in secret, in The head of the Adventurer’s Guild, Kel’Anut is a human
the ruined city of Maerlar, deep in the Taranoth desert, female Veteran of Mulani descent with close ties to
where he plots against Pharaoh Horuskhet and the rest of House Helcaliant and the Church of Nephthys. She is a
the Mulhorandi power structure. Set chose Isseth veteran of the uprising against High Imaskar and has led
(see page 94) for his ruthless and determined nature, several expeditions into Skuld herself. Much of the left
trusting his ambition to advance the cause of Set side of her face is horribly burnt and her left eye white
wherever possible. He keeps his identity well hidden from with blindness from the acidic spray of an Ankheg. She
those not in the cult, but any who do meet him encounter now wears the creature’s chitinous hide as ceremonial
a sinister character who will stop at nothing to get what he armor, its insectile head crafted into a shield, though her
wants. own adventuring days are over. She is extremely blunt in
Currently, Isseth is attempting to summon the her manner, though a few rounds of strong drinks can
serpent-god Apep from the Abyss and bind it to Set’s will, often earn her favor.
involving an incredibly complex and nefarious ritual that
may well see one of the most diabolical entities in LORD ARTIFICER ULT’AXION
existence unleashed upon Mulhorand and wider Faerûn After the fall of High Imaskar, no formal heir of Empress
(see page 88). He also he commands the Fangs of Set, a Ususi was ever declared and most thought her death
nefarious brotherhood of assassins who strike out at marked the end of the empire. Yet there were those who
various targets across Mulhorand that have been refused to accept such a conclusion. Among the
marked. Lastly, he keeps in constant communication Imaskari, one did step forward to take the mantle,
with the Tieflings of Gheldaneth, who serve Set in secret, declaring himself the new Lord Artificer and Emperor of
and have infiltrated Mulhorandi society under the High Imaskar. Since then, he has amassed a considerable
leadership of Aybtep Kohl. following; his defeated comrades, as well as new allies
from Deep Imaskar, where many have been weary of the
USEBEK city’s passive rule. Many Imaskari want more than to eke
out their pitiful existence hidden away beneath the earth
Since the return of the Mulhorandi gods after the Second
like rodents. As an Archmage, Ult’Axion wields powerful
Sundering, Usebek (see page 108) has been chosen and
Imaskari magic to rival the lord artificers of the old
blessed by the Lord of Crocodiles to lead the Cult of Sebek
empires. There are also rumors that he has recovered
into a new age. He has taken a lair in the ruined city of
both the First and Fifth Imaskarcana which, if true, is a
Sekras, rebuilding the River’s Maw temple and
dire concern for Mulhorand as the power of such
commencing a new era of fear and suffering for the
artifacts is incredible.
residents of Mulhorand and surrounding lands. A great
He currently resides in the Raurin Desert in the
number of werecrocodiles follow him as a divine leader,
ancient, ruined city of Inupras, the former seat of the
hunting and feasting on Mulhorand’s soft southern
Imaskar Empire. There, he has begun to rebuild and
underbelly. At Sebek’s command, Usebek is currently
amass his forces, envisioning a return to the glorious
attempting to spread the lycan curse further across
days of Imaskari history. Above all else, he wishes to
Mulhorand to reclaim the other three rivers, as well as
annihilate Mulhorand entirely, seeking revenge for their
west into Tymanther and Unther.
insolence and uprising against the people of Imaskar.
As a fearsome werecrocodile himself, Usebek is blessed
Despite his power, Ult’Axion is something of a
with inhuman strength and a cold hatred of the
hubristic and scornful leader, obsessed with revenge and
Mulhorandi who have done wrong by his people for so
glory rather than the realities of rebuilding the Imaskar
long. He often joins the hunts into the villages and towns
Empire. Whilst he remains a very real threat to
close to Sekras, slaughtering their inhabitants before
Mulhorand’s east, it will be some time before he can
slinking back into the river. Usebek knows that these
muster the strength to make any kind of aggressive
attacks will not go unnoticed. The Paladins of Osiris will
move beyond meagre espionage.
return to cleanse Sekras as they did a thousand years
before, but this time Usebek will ensure they are ready.

espite the destruction wrought by the

D Spellplague, Mulhorand remains a land of
unparalleled beauty. The sand dunes that
disappear into its shimmering horizons add a
romantic mystery to this wonderous realm. Its people
are now concentrated along the rivers and coastlines,
Mulhorand is broken up into three main regions that
divide the nation. Prior to the Spellplague, the climate
and wildlife of these regions differed significantly, and
whilst they still possess varied topography, each has
been reduced to a similar desert climate. The Mulhorandi
with irrigated fields, bustling settlements and huge
still refer to these regions however, using them when
cities clinging to the life-giving waterline. Yet the vast
describing directions to a location or even when
deserts that make up its interior are themselves far from
identifying where in Mulhorand they are from.
empty; ruins of both the Mulhorandi and Imaskari
Empires of old litter the wastes, half buried by sand and • The Taranoth is by far the largest of these regions,

full of secrets. encompassing everything north of the River of

This chapter explores the many places of interest that Shadows, as far as the borders with Thay and
cover Mulhorand’s landscape, providing a detailed Murghôm, and east as far as the Dragonsword
description of each location and what might be found Mountains and Plains of Purple Dust. It is also known
there. For Dungeon Masters, the chapter will offer a as ‘the High Plains’, having a much higher topography
guide to what your players may encounter. With than the rest of Mulhorand. Sandstorms frequently
settlements and cities, it will describe a general layout, rage across its vast desert and only the brave or foolish
including any temples, shops or other landmarks, as well dare to cross it; the Road to the Dawn that once
as an idea of population size and what that population traversed it, as well as the inland settlements such as
are mostly engaged in; along with any factions and key Maerlar, are now mostly buried in the dunes.
characters present, and the quests or plot hooks these • The Menesankh encompasses the coastal regions
may offer. With wilderness, ruin or dungeon locations, it south of the River of Shadows, extending in a crescent
will describe what fauna or wildlife may be found there, around the southern shores of the Alamber to meet the
any monsters that inhabit that area (with reference to border with Tymanther at the River of Swords, then as
where their rules are located) as well as any interesting far south as the Okoth. It was once known as ‘the Plain
adventure hooks related to that location. of Life’ due to its verdant and fertile farmland, but
that no longer describes the desert it has become.
Caravans of camel riders are more common here,
crossing between Gheldaneth, Jalhoran and Skyclave
to avoid the lengthy road journey, however many
dangers still lurk in the sand dunes between.
• The Asanibis is by far the smallest of the three
regions, sitting inland away from the Alamber, nestled
at the base of the Dragonswords. Also known as ‘the
Great Vale’ it encompasses a valley that extends to a
wide gap between the towering mountain range. A
great number of settlements are gathered here on the
two tributaries of the River of Spears, as well as the
vast necropolis known as the Land of the Dead.


CITIES its extradimensional capability. Setting his own wards
and deploying powerful gem golems to guard these inner
The Spellplague left most of Mulhorand’s great cities in chambers, he ensured the city would be protected from
ruins, the opulent grandeur of the third empire lost in an saboteurs. Finally, he rendered inert the arcane
unimaginable cataclysm. Even Skuld, once the seat of the apparatus that had originally allowed the Palace of the
god-kings and largest city in all of Faerûn, was Purple Emperor to teleport itself from the Raurin,
devastated, its golden streets and divine monuments ensuring it would not be able to relocate again. Trusting
reduced to rubble or, worse, utterly torn from existence. the wizard’s assessment that the Skyclave was secure,
The other cities; Sultim, Neldorild, Mishtan and Maerlar Horuskhet led his people into the city and made
were also obliterated, with many of their residents residence in the tower’s upper floors, constructing a new
transported across the planes to Abeir. Only Gheldaneth Solarium, throne room and grand temple of Horus-Re.
survived the cataclysm, though much of its population From here, he would rule a new Mulhorand, gazing out
was likewise torn from their homes and cast upon the from his chambers across the Alamber Sea to the west
unforgiving surface of distant Abeir. and endless desert horizons to the north, east and south.
With its cities in ruin and population mostly depleted,
Empress Ususi founded High Imaskar and took control
of the region. The Mulhorandi who did not flee as Population: Approximately 528,000
refugees into neighboring lands were forced to exist Racial diversity: Human (Mulan) 82%, Human (Other)
under Imaskari rule. Ususi founded the new city of 14%, non-human races 4%
Skyclave around the ancient Palace of the Purple Ruler: Horuskhet I, Pharaoh of Mulhorand
Emperor and Gheldaneth was turned into a vassal state. Commerce: Ironworks, forge works, masonry, retail,
Yet Ususi and High Imaskar would reign barely more naval trade, fishing
than a century, with the return of the Mulhorandi gods Imports: Timber, livestock, linen, silk
and Pharaoh Horuskhet I swiftly defeating the Imaskari Exports: Iron, steel, gold, glassware, gems
and reclaiming Mulhorand. The next decade would see
Skyclave is the only city in Faerûn that has a literal top-
the rebuilding of a nation, with many of its former cities
down hierarchy. The working class live mainly in the
being repopulated by the descendants of those who were
Sprawl outside of the tower, overlooked by wealthier
cast out of their homes a century before. Over the next
noble families as the wealth increases with each level of
decade, Sultim, Neldorild and Mishtan regained
the tower traversed. This continues to the upper levels
something of their former glory, House Gebthant
which encompass the reimagined Solarium of Horus-Re
leading the rebuilding efforts. Unfortunately, some
and the chambers of government that rule Mulhorand.
locations were beyond salvation. Skuld, the former
Beyond this, at the very pinnacle of both the Skyclave
capital, was not just devastated by the Spellplague, it had
and Mulhorandi class hierarchy, there is only the private
been utterly corrupted by it. Pockets of wild magic
chambers and throne room of the pharaoh himself. Here,
lingered across it like lesions, spawning monstrosities
the demigod of Horus-Re and divine ruler of Mulhorand
that skittered through the ruins. Instead, Horuskhet
sits in communion with the Lord of the Sun.
claimed Skyclave, abandoned by the Imaskari, as a new
First time visitors to Skyclave can find themselves
capital. The ruins of Maerlar and Mulharahold were
quite overwhelmed when entering the tower, its inside
swallowed by deserts that now cover much of Mulhorand
space being many times larger than the outward
and were also abandoned, or so it was thought.
appearance would suggest. Each floor of the tower is

located inside a permanent extradimensional space,
allowing each floor to be much larger inside than the
Standing like a pillar of purple magnificence, over a mile tower could physically encompass. As an added benefit
high, on the eastern shores of the Alamber sea and to this incredible arcane feat, the air inside is kept cool, a
visible for hundreds of miles in every direction, the welcome refreshment from the hot streets of the Sprawl.
Skyclave is a marvel of technological and magical This extradimensional magic is another legacy of the
construction. Previously known as the Palace of the ancient Imaskari Empire, the secrets of its creation
Purple Emperor, it represents the pinnacle of the remaining a mystery even to Nezram.
Imaskari civilization, dating back close to ten thousand Each of these extradimensional spaces is linked by a
years; a time when artificers of incredible power ruled series of short-range portals, allowing easy travel
over much of Faerûn. Since the fall of High Imaskar and between floors. Such passage is only granted to those
death of Empress Ususi, however, it has been claimed by who are permitted, however; the portals are rigorously
Mulhorand. Pharaoh Horuskhet I hesitantly took the city guarded by the city guard to ensure no trespassers end
after defeating Ususi, declaring a new capital of up on a floor where they do not belong.
Mulhorand, since the former capital, Skuld, had been The inner tower is sheltered from the heat and the
decimated by the Spellplague. Though appropriating sun's ferocity but daylight is allowed to flood the inside
Skyclave was the obvious solution and a great boon, it through a remarkable network of mirrors that spreads
was done so reluctantly, for the Mulhorandi had long light across the thirty-foot ceilings. At night, globes of
learned to despise the artifice and dimensional magic of magical light hover over the streets, resembling the
the Imaskari; it had been used, after all, to enslave them starlit sky as they keep the city illuminated.
in millennia past. Great efforts have been made to redesign the interior
Horuskhet employed Nezram, the World Walker, to in the Mulhorandi style, with many decorations and
ensure the citadel was safe and foil any devious plans of statues to honor the gods, as well as redesigned
Imaskari revenge. The great Mulhorandi wizard first sandstone architecture noticeable on many of the
disabled the many wards and teleportation circles across buildings and streets. Despite this, the Imaskari
the city, cutting off access from Deep Imaskar and any influence is impossible to remove completely, and the
other surviving enclaves. Then, he accessed the intricate vast tower and its purple walls will always stand as
mechanisms and control chambers that gave the tower something of a reminder to their genius.

CITY OVERVIEW Temples of three of the gods can also be located in the
Totally unique in Faerûn, Skyclave forms a city within a Sprawl; the Forge Heart, Temple of Geb, stands at the
colossal tower. Each level houses a vastly different center of Skyclave's industrial sector. It is the
makeup of citizenry, establishments and purpose, from headquarters of House Gebthant, serving more as a
the busy industry of the Sprawl outside the tower, to the center for organizational planning than a place of
government chambers and the pharaoh’s personal worship with little in the way of iconography or
residence located high in the upper spire. Skyclave is a symbolism. Here, the many construction, manufacturing
city of opposites, at once embracing the modern and mining projects across Mulhorand are organized
liberalism of Mulhorand reborn, whilst still clinging to and set in motion. Gebzalim, head of House Gebthant,
the class hierarchy and wealth disparity of the old can sometimes be found here if his input into planning is
empires. Truly vast, many of its one-hundred-and- needed, though he prefers more hands-on involvement
eighty floors are still empty, allowing room for with the work.
expansion as Mulhorand’s population slowly regrows. The Blessed Sanctum is known as the unofficial
Others are reserved for official uses such as those given Temple of Hathor in the city, but was actually set up to
to agriculture; entire fields of rare crops grown by provide a refuge to those in need, and doesn't contain
magical light to support the city. any formal temple grounds. Any money raised or
This section gives a more general overview of what donated to the church goes back to helping the people
can be found in the city: rather than on any lavish decor or iconography. Located
in deep in the Sprawl in the poorest ward nicknamed
THE SPRAWL “the Bits”, it contains a large orphanage, women's
Clustered around the base of the great tower, a dense
refuge and food bank. Priests of Hathor do lead services
conurbation spreads out as far as the shores of the to the Nurturing Mother, but these are informal and
Alamber to the west, and with large walls keeping out
voluntary. It has become the home of the Sisters of the
the desert from the east. Known as the Sprawl, it is
Merciful Mother, a noble order of all-female clerics of
mostly made up of poorer tenement wards, industrial
Hathor who have sworn oaths of pacifism and are wholly
areas, dockyards and bustling street markets. This is the
dedicated to helping those in need.
home of the working class of Mulhorandi society, and
House Ramathant also maintains a strong presence in
around half of the city’s total population live in this
the Sprawl, controlling the large naval dockyards which
urban sprawl surrounding the tower-citadel. The wards
also serve as a Temple to Anhur. The Mulhorandi navy
contain wide variety of industries, including numerous
has become a vital presence in recent years, with an
mason yards, forges and ironworks, as well as a large
increasing need for overseas trade and growing threat of
port that houses a naval base, fishing fleet and one of
sahuagin attacks from the Alamber sea. Merchant
Mulhorand's main hubs for trade imports and exports.
convoys regularly petition the navy for escorts and
continual patrols are needed to ward off the sea devils.
The city guard, known as the Guardians of Skyclave, in
honor of the former Guardians of Skuld, also use the
temple as their main headquarters, though further
barracks can be found across the city. Bezanhur
Ramathant, head of the Church of Anhur, mainly resides
in Sultim, however he regularly attends meetings with
the pharaoh in Skyclave and any other matters of import.

The entrance into the tower proper has been redesigned
to an avenue flanked on each side by towering statues of
the nine Mulhorandi gods (omitting Set and Sebek), each
one crafted from gleaming gold. Once inside, the ground
floor is known as the Bazaar, a vast labyrinth of
interconnecting streets, market squares and merchant
houses. Here, those with coin can find virtually anything
they might need, including the Arcanist’s Emporium, a
sanctioned enchantment and magic item store run by
the Adventurer's Guild and whose services are only
available to those who hold guild membership.
Entertainment venues such as taverns, inns and music
halls are common, and whilst excess and hedonism are
frowned upon in Mulhorandi society, they are not
banned outright, allowing those who know where to look
to find anything they might desire. Unsurprisingly, a
Temple of Bast has been set up here in the Bazaar,
though its location is a secret and only those who receive
a perfumed invitation may attend its ‘services’.
The Bank of the Devoted Lady, an imposing and
heavily guarded Temple of Nephthys is also located here,
controlling the flow of coin through Skyclave whilst
ensuring all taxes are paid correctly and on time. The
Skyclave by Anass Enaji Order of the Golden Coin, a sect of Nephthys priestesses,
Based on the original 4th edition art by Mark Tedin maintain a presence across the Bazaar, working
alongside the guard to catch thieves and collect taxes.

LOWER LEVELS Another former Imaskari venue, The Edge, can be
The next levels of the citadel up to the seventy-first found here; a luxurious enterprise spanning multiple
house much of the city's middle-class populace, with the levels with connecting balconies on the western side of
wealthier households taking apartments on the outer the tower between the eightieth and eighty-fifth floors.
edge with views across the city and beyond. Numerous Once used by the nobles of High Imaskar to sample the
art galleries, theatres and libraries line the picturesque culture and cuisine of the nation it displaced, the
streets, along with indoor parks and pleasure gardens, Mulhorandi nobility have embraced it for their own
many of which have been landscaped to resemble exotic dining. Food and drink from all across Faerûn and
Mulhorand prior to the Spellplague. beyond are served here, at exorbitant prices, alongside
Two temples of the gods are found on these floors; the entertainment from all manner of different cultures,
Library of the Learned is a vast Temple of Thoth on the whilst offering incredible views over the Alamber.
fourth tower level and is open to all across Skyclave. UPPER LEVELS
Whereas the Arcanum of Magic in Gheldaneth is The upper levels are reserved for the government of
dedicated specifically to the study of the arcane, the Mulhorand and is the center of House Helcaliant and the
Library of the Learned focuses on learning in general. Church of Horus-Re. These floors are a bustling hive of
Many priests of House Tholaunt also work as teachers activity, as daily administration of the nation is
and all are welcomed, especially children, to improve performed. Priests of Horus-Re move between the many
their education within the library. Books from all over different floors, discussing political developments and
Faerûn can be found here, many of which were recovered matters of state. The law commission and central courts
from the infamous Imaskari ‘Collectors’ who had of Mulhorand are also located here, with proceedings
scoured the world for such knowledge. jointly held between House Helcaliant and House
The Eternal Rest, Temple of Osiris, is located on the Osriant. Custodial sentences are carried out in the city
ninth level and is a place of remembrance and tribute to prison which can be found outside the eastern wall.
those who have passed on into the afterlife. Whilst the The reconstructed Solarium takes up the entirety of
wealthier nobles and members of the various churches the one-hundred-and-seventy-ninth level in one vast
are more likely to be interred in elaborate tombs such as chamber of gleaming marble. In the center of this room
those in the Land of the Dead, those who cannot afford is a large spinning globe of magical light that represents
such luxury will instead receive a more basic funeral. For the sun, casting a golden glow throughout the space.
the dead in Skyclave, they will be prepared by the clergy Priests clad in white robes and nemes headdresses pace
of House Osriant, and then led in a procession out of the along the marble walkways between immaculate
city and into the desert beyond the walls to the east. fountains and shrines to Horus-Re. Others lead open
Graves are dug in the sand and the dead interred along congregations, speaking the word of the Lord of the Sun
with whatever possessions they had in life that might aid in sermons for those lucky enough to be allowed entry.
them in Heliopolis. Priests of Osiris will also act as During the three daily celebrations of the Greeting of the
judges and, if needed, executioners, for any court Lord, Zenith Aspirant and Girding of the Guard, the
hearings in Skyclave, though the actual courtrooms are Solarium lifts in communal praise as the worshippers
maintained by House Helcaliant on the higher levels. sing praise to their lord.
Some of former Imaskari eating houses can be found THE SPIRETOP
here, though much-changed and under new At the very top of the Skyclave tower, looking out for
management. This includes Ayar’s Table on the twelfth hundreds of miles in every direction, is the Spiretop. As
level, an affluent dining hall which was once famous for the permanent residence of Pharaoh Horuskhet I, it is
mushroom ale and fennel worms, but now specializes in here where the providence of Mulhorand is decided. The
Heqet sweet beer and aish’baladi flatbreads. The pharaoh sits in communion with his patron, considering
iconography of Deep Imaskar has all been removed, what actions to take against the myriad threats,
though its invisible uskura servers remain, gliding across challenges and opportunities that the nation is faced
the hall to provide food and drink to the patrons. with. Very few are permitted into this level of the tower,
MIDDLE LEVELS and the dimensional portal that leads there is hidden and
The tower levels ranging from the seventy-second to the closely guarded. An entire garrison of Claws of the Sun
one-hundred-and-thirty-eighth are home to the city's and the Ankh; champions devoted to Horus-Re, act as
upper-class nobility, most of whom are descendants of royal guard to the pharaoh, and at least twenty are on
the Mulan noble families of the old empires of duty at all times. The Vizier Ozarim Helcaliant is one who
Mulhorand. Exorbitant wealth is on display everywhere is permitted into this level, bringing any matters of vital
here, with beautifully crafted architecture forming the import to the pharaoh's attention and consulting him if
many marble streets, noble villas and extravagant any decisions from him are needed.
boutiques. These floors are carefully guarded to ensure Other than very occasional appearances in the
the ‘wrong’ people are not permitted entry, and anyone Solarium, Horuskhet rarely ever leaves his chambers,
found by the many patrolling guard who does not belong with his decisions delegated out to the Vizier and other
will be quickly returned to the lower levels. Precepts in his government. The chambers themselves
The Gardens of Bounty, Temple of Isis, can be found continue the elaborate decor of the Solarium, though
on the ninety-seventh level, and is an exquisite garden with much more emphasis on luxury and meditative
that is lit by magical daylight to allow the growth of an contemplation. Instead of the gleaming sunlight, a warm
incredible range of flowers, trees and foods from all over golden glow fills the many rooms and corridors. Braziers
Faerun. Many of these are grown as a delicacy to satiate crackle as incense fills the air and a soft melody can be
the wealthiest of Skyclave's citizens, rather than heard from endorsed musicians of House Helcaliant.
providing for the general population, however the Occasionally, the pharaoh does invite guests into his
wealth generated from such fine dining and donations residence, usually his demigod peers such as Bezanhur
from the rich goes a long way to funding many other of House Ramathant whom Horuskhet consults with
agricultural projects across Mulhorand. regularly on military matters.

Skyclave is a hive of opportunity for adventurers, both
within the walls of the city and its great tower, as well as
quests that lead away into the surrounding lands.


Before engaging in any kind of adventuring activity in
Mulhorand, adventurers will need to register with the
guild. Failing to do so is a serious offence, with those
caught without membership being treated as tomb
raiders. There are smaller hubs in each of the major
cities, though the guild headquarters are in the Bazaar in
Skyclave. A large facility, fronted by the Arcanist’s
Emporium adventuring store, adventurers wanting to
join will need to arrange an appointment with Kel’Anut
Rameres (see page 36), the guild leader. She will brief
them on the strict requirements of joining the guild
(see page 33) and, once agreed, produce agreements to
be signed. Once signed up with the guild, adventurers will
be able to access the Arcanist’s Emporium store as well
as the guild’s notice board for upcoming contracts.
These range from quests to find and retrieve particular
relics from lost ruins or dungeons, expeditions to
hostile, unexplored areas of Mulhorand and hunting
down dangerous beasts or brigands that have been
preying on citizens of the nation.
The guild receives requests for aid from numerous
sources, including the royal houses and churches, local
guard forces and regular Mulhorandi citizens. Payment
is made to the guild who then pay out to the adventuring
party on completion. Current contracts include:
• A daring rescue: Abjal Horutep, son of Horatus, a
politician of House Helcaliant, has gone missing in the
desert outside Skyclave. The contract states that Abjal
had fled into the desert, though does not say why. If the
party accepts, they can opt to question Horatus or set
out immediately in search of his son. Horatus will say
he doesn’t know why his son fled the city, though any
DC 14 Insight check will reveal he is lying. Abjal was in
fact caught with his lover, a male elf from the Sprawl
named Kazin. Horatus ordered Kazin’s arrest and when
Abjal fled in protest, contacted the guild rather than the
authorities to avoid disgrace. If the party sets out into
the desert, they will be able to find a single recent trail
heading eastward with a successful DC 12 Survival check.
After two days travel (can use appropriate encounters
for the party’s level) they will find Abjal dead, having
succumbed to the desert heat. They can return his body
for a suitable reward.
• Monster hunting: terrifying creatures of all kinds
inhabit the wilderness of Mulhorand, preying on
smaller settlements and travelers. Chapter 5: Monsters of
Mulhorand, gives suggestions on what types of monsters
can be found, as well as many new monster profiles, to
select an appropriate monster for the party to hunt,
based on their current level. If accepting this contract,
they will then make preparations to venture out of
Skyclave into the desert to hunt the monster. They will
need to track the creature down, identify what it is and
bring proof of its demise back to the guildhall to earn a
reward suitable for the party’s level.
Page 88 describes an adventure hook around the Cult of
Set attempting to summon the god-like being Apep from
his prison in the Abyss. Hartep can approach the party
either when resting up after completing another
adventure. Adjust rewards based on party level,
including gold, magic items and the pharaoh’s favor.

Mulhorand's second city is located on the northern Unlike the magnificent tower-citadel of Skyclave,
banks of the River of Spears, where the mouth empties Gheldaneth is a more traditional Mulhorandi settlement
into the Alamber Sea. Originally founded around -2130 with little to no Imaskari influence. Though it did not
DR by the incarnation of Thoth himself, Gheldaneth has escape the Spellplague entirely unscathed, those
stood for over three-and-a-half thousand years. It was structures that were damaged have been rebuilt as they
one of the few cities to survive the Spellplague mostly were, giving the city an antiquated feel, with many of its
intact, though much of its population was teleported buildings being hundreds if not thousands of years old.
through the planar divide into Abeir. Those that THE ARCANUM OF MAGIC
remained were mostly Mulani humans of the Third The Arcanum is the main temple of Thoth in Mulhorand
Empire, alongside a small community of tieflings; as well as the center of House Tholaunt's ecclesiarchy.
former slaves who declared themselves descendants of Though it is a place of worship, it is also known as the
the Mulhorandi gods. The subsequent reign of High Great University, and forms a vast campus that covers
Imaskar saw the city occupied, with an imposed apostasy much of the northern side of the city. Large towers,
of worship of the Mulhorandi pantheon, but otherwise many of which have only recently been rebuilt, stand
granted self-rule as a vassal city. looking out over the Menesankh desert by the northern
Yet worship continued in secret, with many of the wall, and numerous classrooms, lecture halls and study
population meeting in underground temples to avoid the chambers are formed around open cloisters.
eyes of Imaskari Vengeance-Takers; a secret police force During the first, second and third empires, all those in
who enforced this apostasy. The people defied the the city were mandated to attend the Arcanum, even
Imaskari wherever they could, praying for their gods to slaves. Now there is no such mandate, but students still
return and save them once again from their subjugation, come from all over Mulhorand to receive their education,
as they had done so millennia before, when they Mulan including learning to read and write, as well as teachings
were first brought across the planes to Toril. And, just as on the Mulhorandi history and the gods. There are no
before, their prayers were answered. formal tuition fees, though other churches and families
In 1484 DR the Second Sundering returned the gods of nobility are expected to provide significant donations
and their lost people from Abeir. The citizens of to support the institution. Much of the great university is
Gheldaneth joined Pharaoh Horuskhet I and rose up reserved for students of specific ages to complete their
against the Imaskari who had ruled them for close to a formal education, however there is an extended syllabus
century, slaughtering the vengeance-takers and sending available for older students who wish to improve their
any surviving Imaskari fleeing to Skyclave. Gheldaneth education or specialize in their field.
became the main base of the rebellion as Horuskhet Those students who excel may be offered the chance
pushed north, eventually defeating Empress Ususi's to join the Scribes Guild, an ancient and prestigious
legions and deposing High Imaskar in 1487 DR. order that operates both within the Arcanum and across
With Mulhorand reborn, Gheldaneth could return to wider Mulhorand. They often go on to serve as senior
how it was before the Spellplague, with House Tholaunt administrators within House Helcaliant's government as
ordering the refurbishment and reopening of the Great well as directing architectural or engineering projects
University and Arcanum of Magic. It would not take long alongside House Gebthant. Members of the guild are also
for the city to become a symbol of Mulhorand's progress granted the opportunity to take the entrance exams
into a new era and a place where all are welcome to find required to become fully fledged members of the
edification and enlightenment. Thothian clergy, and some are even selected by the Order
of the Ibis Feather; a fellowship of scriveners who enact
Population: Approximately 124,000 THE WIZARDS’ COLLEGE
Racial diversity: Human (Mulan) 57%, Human (Other) Next to the Arcanum of Magic is another education
19%, Tiefling 16%, Non-Human Races 8% facility, though a much smaller college campus,
Precept: Ramenthoth I, Head of House Tholaunt surrounded by walls and heavily guarded. This is the
Commerce: Fishing, Education, Magical Enchantment wizards college; the only place in Mulhorand (other than
Imports: Timber, livestock, linen Nezras) where study and practice of the arcane arts is
Exports: Books, magical items & scrolls permitted. Following two separate wizard rebellions in
Mulhorand's history, arcane magic is heavily regulated,
Gheldaneth's location is of significant strategic and
with unsanctioned use highly illegal. Those who wish to
economic importance, linking Mulhorand's isolated
learn the ways of the arcane must gain admittance into
south and east to the major coastal cities of its north.
the Wizards’ College and follow the teachings of Thoth.
With travel across the nation's desert interior being
Apart from the Nezramites who have reluctantly been
limited and incredibly dangerous, most travelers coming
granted a unique license to study the teachings of
from Tymanther, Unther and beyond to the south-west,
Nezram in Nezras, all other Mulhorandi wizards are
or the Asanibis region to the east, will reach Gheldaneth
required to study at the college.
as the first major city for hundreds of miles. Its sheltered
position at the mouth of the river also affords it THE EAST WARD
protection from the majority of threats from the Much of Gheldaneth is contained in a singular urban
Alamber, and its large port holds the biggest fishing fleet sprawl that covers the eastern half of the city, slowly
in Mulhorand. Gheldaneth and its surrounding lands are expanding out into the desert. This is where the majority
ruled by Ramenthoth I, demigod descendant of Thoth, of the city's residents live, making their homes in a
who acts as precept. The city is best known for its mixture of architecture dating back to the old empires
institutions of learning, the most prominent being the and newer structures mostly made from sandstone.
Arcanum of Magic and Wizard's College, both of which Apart from various inns, markets and shopping districts,
are run by House Tholaunt. the Outer Sprawl also contains minor temples to Isis and

Nephthys, as well as the entrance to the underground ADVENTURE HOOKS
temple of Horus-Re. Known as the Hope of the Rising Gheldaneth is a unique location for those who seek
Sun, this temple was kept a closely guarded secret adventure, its position on the River of Spears making it
during the reign of High Imaskar, offering the the first major settlement travelers will encounter when
Mulhorandi who remained in Gheldaneth a connection arriving in Mulhorand from the southwest. It is a city
with their vanished gods. The temple remains open to dedicated to learning, and for adventurers versed in
this day, maintained by priests of Horus-Re, though magic, somewhere they can look to broaden their skills.
apertures have been carved through the rock to allow
sunlight into the main chamber. When the sun reaches
its zenith, beams of sunlight fall on the temple altar as When the party arrives in Gheldaneth, they may be
worshipers of Horus-Re gather in congregation. approached by a man named Thotep who asks for their
aid in solving a murder. A few weeks ago, one of the
THE TIEFLING QUARTER teachers at the Arcanum of Magic was found murdered; a
The tiefling community has existed in Gheldaneth since female half-elf named Nulara who had recently become
before the Spellplague, forming there when Mulhorand’s a professor of anthropology and was Thotep’s lover. The
xenophobic restrictions of the early empires were guard had made some attempts at investigation, but
relaxed. Most believe them to be descendants of former after finding no clues, promptly abandoned the case.
slaves, however the truth of their origin is much darker; Thotep feels her mixed heritage means the mostly-
they are minions of Set, born from an infernal pact made Mulani human guard force will not attempt a proper
several centuries ago, and remain in league with Set to investigation, and so has turned to outside aid. He will
this day. Aybtep Kohl (see page 36) leads the community provide a sizable reward of coin (adjust for party level) if
and keeps in secret commune with Isseth in Maerlar. they can bring the murderer to justice.
Under his leadership, the tieflings have done all they can If they agree to help, the party will need to gain entry
to integrate with Mulhorandi society, and it is common to the Arcanum and examine the crime scene; Nulara’s
to see tieflings across every aspect of daily life, from classroom. A DC 12 Investigation Check will find scorch
shopkeepers, to members of the guard, to students at the marks of fire magic, as well as a journal in her desk
university; even becoming members of House Tholaunt. which details a growing concern with the tiefling
The Tiefling Quarter is fairly isolated from the rest of activities in Gheldaneth and her attempts to uncover
the city; whilst the tiefling presence is tolerated, the rest them. She mentions a single name; Sethroz.
of the population continues to regard them with some Travelling to the Tiefling Quarter, the party will need
suspicion and rarely venture into their community. The to track down Sethroz, a female tiefling mage who will
buildings here are some of the oldest in Gheldaneth, and attack if discovered and attempt to kill the party or
Mulhorand as a whole, surviving the worst of the escape. If they manage to defeat or incapacitate her, they
Spellplague and inhabited by the tieflings during the can return to Thotep who will reward the party and
reign of High Imaskar. It is fairly run down, with little thank them before going to notify the guard.
care taken in preserving the architectural history of This can develop into a much larger quest where the
Mulhorand. The tieflings live in tight knit families, party continue Nulara’s investigation into the tieflings
keeping up a façade of peaceful citizens, until it is time to attempt to uncover what they are really up to in
to rise up Set’s name and claim the city as their own. Gheldaneth (see the Summoning hook on page 88).

Mishtan is small but busy riverside town, its streets
Located in the Asanibis region, also known as the Great
echoing with the hammering of mason’s tools. Most of
Vale, Mishtan is on the banks of the southern tributary
its buildings are fairly basic; sandstone tenements and
of the River of Spears. Mishtan is a small city, but one
boarding houses built to accommodate the large influx
with huge cultural significance, and an important
of visitors during the spring months. Only the temple
pilgrimage site for all of Mulhorand. Founded by Osiris
stands out in its center, as well as the great pyramids in
around -2130 DR, it stands as the gateway to the Land of
the distance that mark the Land of the Dead.
the Dead (see page 63), Mulhorand’s most sacred burial
ground. Since then, Mishtan has become the center of THE GATEWAY TO THE AFTERWORLD
House Osriant and worship of Osiris, the Judge of the This imposing structure is the most significant temple of
Dead. The clergy of Osiris works mainly to manage and Osiris in all of Mulhorand and is the seat of House
maintain the nearby burial grounds, guarding the tombs Osriant in Mishtan. It is formed of multiple huge pillars
against thieves, presiding over burial rituals and of polished basalt, arranged in two concentric rings and
overseeing the construction of new tombs and pyramids. interconnected by walkways that lead between
Ruined by the Spellplague, House Osriant has worked neighboring pillars. Each pillar is a large self-contained
tirelessly since to restore Mishtan and the Land of the tower, filled with a multitude of chambers with few
Dead. Following the defeat of High Imaskar, Osirius II, windows, permeating the temple with an eerie gloom.
heir of Osiris, reclaimed the city and now governs from Burning braziers fill the rooms with smoky incense and
the rebuilt Gateway to the Afterworld temple, a huge the hum of priests chanting in meditation can often be
structure in Mishtan’s center. heard reverberating through the darkened stone.
The temple serves a number of purposes, each
GEOGRAPHIC BREAKDOWN dedicated to Osiris. It is a center of administration for
Population: Approximately 7,000 – increasing up to House Osriant; from here all matters of the Church of
80,000 during the spring floods Osiris are administered across the land. This includes the
Racial diversity: Human (Mulan) 73%, Human (Other) assigning of judges who travel to all corners of
21%, Non-Human Races 6% Mulhorand who preside over court hearings and settle
Precept: Osirius II, Head of House Osriant disputes. The clergy also administers burial services
Commerce: Funerary services, tomb & pyramid building, across Mulhorand, including the construction of new
religious services burial sites, in the Land of the Dead or elsewhere.
Imports: Steel, wood, stone, food Finally, it is also the headquarters of the Brotherhood of
Exports: Masonry, stone carving Those Who Smile in the Face of Death, more commonly
known as the Deathgrins, an ancient order of paladins
Mishtan is more of a town than a city for most of the
dedicated to combatting evil, especially undeath,
year, though during the spring season when the River of
wherever it manifests.
Spears floods, it swells in size as pilgrims travel from
Osirius, the head of House Osriant (see page 35),
across Mulhorand to visit the Land of the Dead. The
presides over the temple. He personally oversees the
construction of new tombs often commences at this time
sentencing of any tomb raiders that are caught stealing
as well, with artisans and masons from House Gebthant
from the Land of the Dead. He is renowned for his hatred
erecting the great pyramids and monuments that would
of any who desecrate the sacred tombs, and there is
once have been built by armies of slaves.
usually only one sentence he will pass: death.

Much of Neldorild remains in ruins, its once glorious
On the coast between Skyclave to the north and
streets reduced to rubble and the numerous symbols of
Gheldaneth to the southeast is Neldorild, a city known
its wealth; statues, golden iconography and artwork,
for its extreme wealth and the worship of Nephthys, the
ransacked by looters or destroyed by the Spellplague.
Devoted Lady. Compared to the other cities, it is still
Rebuilding has begun, however, and the Church of
relatively new, having only been built by the Church of
Nephthys is unbowed, knowing the most important part
Nephthys during the third empire, with work
of the city, and its contents; the vault; remains intact.
commencing on the Vault of Golden Commerce during
the Year of the Arch, 1353 DR. The vault dominates the THE VAULT OF GOLDEN COMMERCE
city, acting as both the main temple of Nephthys and At the center of Neldorild stands the mostly rebuilt
Mulhorand's central bank. Money is everything in edifice that forms the Vault of Golden Commerce. The
Neldorild and those without coin are not tolerated. splendor it held prior to the Spellplague has been
Founded as a haven for the wealthy, everything in the recaptured to the finest detail. Its marble staircase leads
city was built with extravagance in mind. Most of its up to a massive colonnade supporting an entablature
original inhabitants were nobility seeking to escape the formed of an architrave, frieze and cornice, each
politics and stresses of Skuld or the other cities, as well emblazoned with hieroglyphics and the iconography of
as the army of slaves that inevitably followed them. Nephthys. Inside, this grandeur continues, with a marble
Indeed, the city was founded on slavery, with the Church antechamber leading to the main hall; a huge dome-
of Nepthys having a dark past in administrating the shaped chamber constructed from white marble and
importation (mainly from Thay) and sale of slaves decorated with golden ornamentation. A large skylight
across the nation, as well as the management of focuses sunlight during the day, casting a heavenly glow
incredibly prosperous papyrus plantations in the nearby across the expanse. Around its circumference, priests of
River of Spears delta. The majority of Neldorild's Nephthys are stationed in a variety of tasks; assisting
extravagant villas, temples and the vault itself were all visitors to the vault with whatever service they might
built from the toil of such industry. need, guarding areas not admissible to the public or
This changed with the Spellplague, which obliterated performing their administrative duties behind desks of
the city and tore the surviving populace from their life of polished wood.
luxury and cast them into the unknown realm of Abeir,
leaving rubble and ruin as the only reminder of their THE OUTER CITY
former affluence. Much of the Vault of Golden Commerce The rest of Neldorild is mostly a ruin, with only a few of
was kept below ground, however, and the Imaskari were the noble manors restored after the Spellplague. Most of
never able to bypass its wards and defenses. the ruins have been picked clean by thieves in the years
When the Mulhorandi retained control of their nation since, though paladins of Nephthys continue to patrol the
from High Imaskar after the Second Sundering, city limits, warding off any further opportunists. Since
Amenepthyst II, heir of Nepthys, immediately set about most of the Mulhorandi nobility have now moved to
rebuilding the vault temple and part of the city around it. Skyclave, the homes that have been restored are mainly
With slavery outlawed, this was now a slow process, occupied by the priesthood of Nepthys and others who
relying on contractors from House Gebthant who were in work within the Vault. Some have been turned into
demand across the nation. Much of the surviving luxury hotels to accommodate nobles visiting the vault;
nobility did not return either, preferring to inhabit the adventurers can stay here though rates are exorbitant.
upper levels of the Skyclave. ADVENTURE HOOKS
Despite this, Neldorild remains an important location
Neldorild is a shadow of the city it once was, though
on Mulhorand's landscape. The Church of Nephthys is
much of it lies in ruins, there is still opportunity for those
still responsible for the economy of the nation and the
who have the right mentality.
city represents its economic prowess, with trade
dignitaries and officials of House Helcaliant often VAULT HEIST
attending the Vault of Golden Commerce to discuss The Vault of Golden Commerce is an attractive target for
matters of finance. Amenepthys is a master negotiator those with a rapacious mindset, though far from an easy
and is relied upon by the pharaoh to return Mulhorand to target. For adventurers seeking to run a heist on the vault,
the economic powerhouse it once was. they will need to prepare extensively to even find a way
inside and once there they will have to contend with all
GEOGRAPHIC BREAKDOWN manner of guardians, traps and other defenses before
they can reach the wealth contained within. When
Population: Approximately 10,000
preparing the Vault Heist, consider the party level when
Racial diversity: Human (Mulan) 76%, Human (Other)
designing what encounters they may face.
17%, Non-Human Races 7%
The vault is made up of three levels, descending below
Precept: Amenepthyst II
ground, with the vault’s contents stored on the third. To
Commerce: Financial services, vault storage
get there, the party must overcome numerous obstacles,
Imports: Stone, food
whilst trying to avoid raising the alarm. With the clergy
Exports: Coin
of Nephthys located nearby, this is likely to mean the
The affluence and prestige Neldorild held prior to the capture and imprisonment. Numerous gemstone golems
Spellplague is much reduced, now closer to a large town (page 95) have also been created to guard the vault and
than the metropolis it once was. Its population is a will attack intruders on sight. You can make use of the
fraction of before, and it resembles more the center of traps section in the Dungeon Master’s Guide to design
the priesthood of the Devoted Lady, as well as a place to suitable traps that the party will be forced to overcome. If
visit for those wishing to access their wealth in the vault. they manage to reach the vault proper, they will be able to
Eventually, once Mulhorand’s economy is restored, it is grab as much treasure as they can carry, though the
possible the city may recover to its former glory. longer they stay, the greater the risk of capture.

Ruined by the Spellplague, much of Sultim had to be
Standing as a bastion of defiance in Mulhorand's remote
rebuilt over the last decade, and there are many
north, Sultim has long stood as the first line of defense
construction projects still in progress. The blood-red
against invasion and it is famed for having never fallen,
stone that the city is famous for is mined from the
despite many attempts over the millennia. It is located
Sunrise Mountains to the north, as House Gebthant
on the coast north of the Rauthenflow River, west of the
continues its tireless work to rebuild Mulhorand.
Ganathwood and south of the border with Thay. Founded
around -2130 DR, Sultim was built by the incarnation of THE OUTER WARD
Anhur to become the headquarters of House Ramathant Surrounding the Blood Fortress and the Naval Dockyard
and the Mulhorandi military. The city is built around the is a well-organized conurbation of paved streets,
imposing structure of the Blood Fortress, an tenement blocks and industrial sectors that make up the
impregnable citadel formed from a deep crimson rest of Sultim. This is where most of the city's
granite. The fortress contains numerous barracks and population live and work, relying on the military and
training grounds which saw the marshaling of legions guard presence to protect them from threats at home
for the first, second and third empires. Its port, the and abroad. The ward is enclosed by a lengthy wall that
largest naval dockyard in the nation, keeps Mulhorand encircles it, preventing unauthorized entry into the city
safe from any attack arriving from the Alamber Sea. and acting as a first line of defense to any attack; though
From his Blood Fortress, Anhur coordinated the first history has proved that it only offers a token resistance
empire's expansion north into the Priador, Murghôm, with the ward having been sacked and many of its
Semphar and beyond, then east into the Raurin, residents slaughtered during both the Orcgate War and
conquering much of Faerûn’s Unapproachable East. Thayan invasion of 1280 DR. Three gates watch the roads
During Thayd's rebellion and the subsequent Orcgate north and south along the coast, as well as east into the
War in -1075 DR, Sultim became the rock against the desert towards Rauthil, and any travelers are questioned
tide, Anhur's strategic brilliance ultimately defeating and inspected before being allowed entry.
both invasions. Almost two-thousand years later, Standing in the shadow of the Blood Fortress, the
another red wizard uprising began, forming the Outer Ward is very much aligned to House Ramathant
breakaway nation of Thay and starting a war that would and the military, with the clamor of hammering
last centuries. Sultim would be tested by two separate smithies and clash of steel from the training grounds
Thayan invasions; firstly in 1098 DR where Thay was audible in every direction. There is little in the way of
defeated outside the city walls and forced to retreat. The hospitality for visitors, though a number of basic inns
second came with much greater success in 1280 DR; and taverns can be found in the center, which are
much of Sultim was sacked by the red wizards, though popular with those on leave from the guard or military,
the Blood Fortress held. Mulhorand nearly fell, though as well as blacksmiths and laborers after a hard day. The
yet again Anhur would come to the defense of his nation, most famous, or perhaps infamous, of these is the
driving the Thayans back across the River of Dawn. Warriors Rest; a large tavern in between the central
With the coming of the Spellplague a century later, barracks and guard outpost in the main square.
Sultim and the Blood Fortress were reduced to ruins, its Competition between the guard and military has led to
population mostly obliterated, cast into planar oblivion the creation of an organized fighting syndicate and
or transported to Abeir. High Imaskar left the city to construction of a fighting pit in the tavern where steam
disappear into the wastes, and only after the Second can be let off and scores settled in bare-knuckle boxing.
Sundering, with the return of the Mulhorandi gods and Gambling is not strictly legal, though with a share of the
their people, would Sultim rise again. The Blood Fortress cut going to House Ramathant, it is usually tolerated.
was rebuilt by order of the new demigod heir of Anhur, Outsiders are permitted to join in the action, though
Bezanhur Ramathant, reorganizing the military and must front their entry with a minimum twenty-five gold
ensuring the city would once again become Mulhorand's pieces a head to receive a share of the prize if they win.
bastion of strength in the north. The war with Thay is Combat and competition is the main form of
currently dormant as both nations focus on other entertainment in Sultim, and in the Outer Ward can be
matters, but such an uneasy peace could end at any time, found the largest arena in Mulhorand; Anhur's Foundry.
especially with the rise of the lich Szass Tam. Here, displays of gladiatorial combat or athletic contest
are a daily occurrence, culminating in the Time of
GEOGRAPHIC BREAKDOWN Storms Festival; a weeklong event in the month of
Tarsakh which celebrates Anhur's arrival with the
Population: Approximately 72,000
annual storms to defeat the enemies of Mulhorand. This
Racial diversity: Human (Mulan) 62%, Human (Other)
is the biggest holiday of the year in Sultim and the arena
24%, Non-Human Races 14%
is packed from dawn until dusk to watch the spectacle.
Precept: Bezanhur I, Head of House Ramathant
Gladiators and athletes are trained by House Ramathant,
Commerce: Smithing, shipbuilding, military training
with many coming from the ranks of the guard or
Imports: Steel, wood, stone, food
military. Those who are successful, and survive long
Exports: Arms and armaments, ships
enough, become celebrities across the nation.
Sultim is incredibly important to Mulhorand, with its There is little in the way of shopping in Sultim, though
strategic position on the northern coast providing those looking for arms or armor will be able to purchase
protection for the more populous south. From here, whatever they are looking for from the smithys present
House Ramathant trains and equips much of the nation's across the city (at a much higher rate than those sold to
army, navy and guard force; though a significant the military or guard). Adventurers can also find work as
garrison is maintained in the city itself to defend from mercenaries in the city; there are many tasks that House
northern threats. With most of the Taranoth region now Ramathant cannot get involved in for political reasons,
reduced to sweltering desert, Sultim also stands as one especially anything located across the border into other
of the only remaining settlements in Mulhorand's north. nations.

THE BLOOD FORTRESS new Empire of Kurrimal becoming more and more
Sultim is dominated by this formidable citadel which prevalent, the navy constantly patrols Mulhorand's
towers over the rest of the city, its crimson walls glowing coastline south to Skyclave and escorts convoys of
in the Taranoth sun. The fortress serves multiple merchant ships on the dangerous route past the Priador,
purposes; its walls and vast array of defenses protecting through the Wizard's Reach west to Aglarond, Chessenta
those within during sieges, whilst also providing a base and beyond. The Alaor Islands, visible to the west from
for mustering and training new recruits for the army, Sultim, are still controlled by Thay, ever since
navy or guard forces, as well as an armory. It is also the Mulhorand's last attempted invasion in 1369 DR. Any
headquarters of House Ramathant, from where voyage that passes too close risks igniting a new conflict.
Bezanhur, demigod descendant of Anhur, rules from the The harbor itself is protected by magical
Blood Fortress, constantly strategizing alongside his enchantment, allowing the defenders to raise an
generals to coordinate troop and ship movement, as well empowered wall of force to prevent any entry, above or
as the allocation of the guard across Mulhorand. below water, into the Naval Dockyard. Any that do make
The fortress is made up of a series of concentric it through before the barrier is raised are easy targets for
curtain walls, perched atop a steep rampart with towers ballistae; from the prow-mounts of moored warships or
at each corner and either side of the main gate. Its many from the Blood Fortress hundreds of feet above.
battlements are continuously manned by a large Outsiders are permitted into the civilian areas of the
garrison, with the internal barracks supporting a full dock, mainly the shipyard district where the shipwrights
cohort of five hundred soldiers with provision for a and sailors on shore leave can be found enjoying some
further five hundred if needed. The main keep stands at relaxation after a hard day's work or long voyage at sea.
the center of the fortress and is protected by a series of The Depths of the Maiden is a rough and ready tavern,
overlapping inner walls and seven obelisk-like towers, famous for its Heqet beer and regular brawls. Passage
each bristling with ballistae. This keep contains can be acquired for those wishing to travel south to
Bezanhur's personal residence and is both the strategic Skyclave or Gheldaneth, or west towards Aglarond,
nerve center of House Ramathant and the central temple Chessenta and the Sea of Fallen Stars.
of Anhur in Mulhorand. This is maintained as a last line
of defense and is a small castle in its own right, manned ADVENTURE HOOKS
by the senior clergy of Anhur; veteran war priests and Sultim is a hard city, born of the military discipline and
glorious servitors of the Falcon of War, more martial prowess of Anhur. Adventurers, and outsiders in
comfortable on the battlefield than leading sermons. general, are looked on with distrust, with the presence of
If the city does come under siege, the Blood Fortress is Thayan spies a constant concern. Any sort of unlawful
quickly secured and its drawbridge raised, leaving any activity is severely punished and citizens of Sultim will
attacker needing to cross a twenty-foot dry moat not hesitate to report outsiders to the guard or military.
between the rampart and the outer wall. From the Yet there is still opportunity in the city, mainly for those
battlements or arrow slits in the walls, archers will who share Anhur’s ideals of strength and courage.
unleash fire down on any attackers attempting to climb THE F OUNDRY OF ANHUR
the rampart or cross the moat, whilst burning pitch The largest arena in Mulhorand, the Foundry of Anhur is
pours down on any that reach the base of the wall. a proving ground for those who seek glory in the eyes of
Meanwhile, the heavy ballistae in the towers focus on the Mulhorandi God of War. Adventurers are welcome to
any siege equipment the enemy can bring to bear, pit themselves in any of the competitions that take place
launching enchanted eight-foot quarrels that can here, and do so by approaching the master of the arena;
penetrate even the thickest of armor up to a half-mile Anhelos, an old, battle-hardened priest of Anhur. He will
away. If an attacker does manage to breach the outer offer a selection of events available:
wall, the inner walls are arranged concentrically, forcing
• Gladiatorial combat is the main event of the arena,
the enemy to navigate a maze of heavily defended kill
with brutal battles drawing huge crowds to witness
zones whilst receiving enfilading and defilading fire.
their favorite champions battle to the death. These
When the outer wall of the fortress was breached by the
take the form of individual duels or group battles,
sorcery of the Thayan Zulkirs during the 1280 DR
often taking the form of famous battles from
invasion, the forces that entered the breach were all cut
down before they could get close to the inner ward to Mulhorand’s history. Magic is not allowed and
take it. The defenders kept the Thayans at bay for several warriors must use weapons from the arena’s arsenal
days before reinforcements finally arrived from the rather than their own; priests of Anhur will use detect
south, routing the Zulkirs with the incarnation of Anhur magic before battle commences to ensure no cheating.
• Monster hunts are another popular spectacle, with
himself leading the counter attack.
The Blood Fortress is heavily guarded and outsiders House Ramathant going to great lengths obtaining
rare and powerful creatures from the desert wastes
are not allowed access without express permission.
There are no inns, taverns or shops within the walls, and beyond to bring back to the arena for blood sport.
only barracks, mess-halls and stockpiles with provisions Adventurers can take on such a challenge, either
individually or as a party, and the restrictions on use
in case of siege. Anyone caught attempting to sneak into
the fortress risks summary execution without trial; of magic are more relaxed. Select a monster from
House Ramathant is far less forgiving of lawbreakers Chapter 6: Monster of Mulhorand suitable for the
party level, adjusting to the combatants.
than the other churches.
THE NAVAL DOCKYARD Athletics are also extremely popular in Sultim and there
are numerous sporting events on display across the
The Blood Fortress overlooks and defends the huge
arena. Adventurers can compete in everything from
harbor, dry-dock and shipyard that makes up the Naval
running, javelin throwing, wrestling and even camel
Dockyard. This is the headquarters of the Mulhorandi racing. Most of these will resemble a contest of athletics
navy, as well as where new ships are wrought and repairs checks against the opposition, though camel racing will
can be made to the fleet. With sahuagin attacks from the need animal handling to succeed.

There are towns, villages and other settlements The seas around Delgora are notorious for their
scattered across Mulhorand, mostly concentrated along dangerous currents as well as raids from the nearby
the Alamber Coast and the four main rivers. Many other sahuagin city of Ik’Talos. Many shipwrecks can be found
smaller settlements once existed inland, however have scattered around this stretch of coastline, many of their
been lost since the Spellplague, either reduced to sun broken hulls visible beneath the waves.
blasted ruins, or swallowed up entirely by shifting sand There is rumor of one such wreck; spread by villagers
dunes. Those that remain reflect the ancient Mulhorandi after a ship’s log was found washed up on the shore; of a
way of life; tightknit communities of god-fearing wealthy merchant ship, laden with treasure and magic
farmers, fishermen and traders, carving out their items. Apparently, the log showed the ship’s route
existence in this harsh new world. between Kaol in Tymanther, traveling north to Skyclave
and keeping to the coast to avoid Ik’Talos.
AINA Adventurers can speak to villagers in Delgora who will
point them in the direction of Emrep, an old fishermen
A small town on the southern shore of the Alamber Sea,
who found the logbook. If the party persuades him well
Aina is well known as a way-stop for those traveling into
enough, he will agree to share it with them, but only if
or out of Mulhorand from Tymanther to the southwest.
they agree to take him on the expedition to find the
Its population of less than three-hundred mainly work
wreck, and give him a share of the spoils. Emrep has a
farmland on the nearby River of Swords delta, though it
fishing boat; an old skiff that is well past its best years.
also moors a number of fishing boats by a small wharf,
The party will need to help sail out into the Alamber to
and a number of other trades operate in the town.
where they might find the wreck and then begin
A temple of Thoth stands as the largest building in
searching for the treasure. They will also need to prepare
Aina, from where Alakin Thelor acts as the current
a way to be able to dive down and investigate each wreck,
precept. The temple doubles as a school for the locals,
using water breathing magic of some kind.
and attendance for children is mandatory. The second
Sahuagin of various types will be attracted to their
largest building is the Guild of Many Crafts, which works
efforts, as well as other sea creatures such as hunter
alongside the temple to teach and regulate various
sharks, giant octopi and even more powerful creatures
crafts, including blacksmithing, weaving and stone
such as dragon turtles and krakens. Design suitable
masonry. For those seeking entertainment or rest, there
encounters for the party’s level, noting that it is possible
is the Silver Scarab, a decent inn run by the fire genasi
for the skiff to be sunk by one of the attacks, leaving the
Femi Bakkar.
party in a precarious position having to swim for shore.
For each shipwreck they investigate roll a d100; on the
GEOGRAPHIC BREAKDOWN roll of a 90-100 they have found the wreck the logbook
Population: Approximately 250 belongs to. If they fail to find it after searching four
Racial diversity: Human (Mulan) 53%, Human (Other) other wrecks, the fifth will automatically be the correct
36%, Non-Human Races 11% one. Provide gold and magic items suitable for the party
Precept: Alakin Thelor, Priest of Thoth level as a reward; if Emrep is still alive, he will expect his
Commerce: Farming, fishing, crafting share of the prize, though he will only be interested in
the gold.
Sean Schnell’s The Restless Ruins is a fantastic short
adventure based in Aina and the surrounding lands and
ideal for a new party of first-level adventurers in
Mulhorand. The party are hired by Alakin Thelor to
investigate a strange tablet that has been dug up from an
ancient ruin excavation to the south of town. The
Restless Ruins is available now on

Sitting on the Alamber Coast just southeast of Neldorild,
Delgora was once the home of Mulhorand’s largest
fishing fleet. Since the Spellplague and the increase of
sahuagin raids along the coast, however, the main fleet
is now based at Gheldaneth, in the much safer natural
harbor provided by the River of Spears Delta. The village
has been rebuilt, though is much smaller than before,
used mainly as a stopping point for travelers and
caravans moving along the coastal trade road between
Gheldaneth and Neldorild. It retains a small number of
fishermen and their boats, though the threat of sahuagin
attack from the Kurrimal empire is ever present.

Population: Approximately 60
Racial diversity: Human (Mulan) 71%, Human (Other)
27%, Non-Human Races 2%
Precept: None
Commerce: Fishing

Once a city that guarded the important Great South Road Sat at the foot of the Dragonsword mountains on the
connecting Maerlar in the north and Surbroar and Ulzel northern tributary of the River of Spears, Klondor is a
in the south, Jhalhoran has been reduced to a minor small town most famous for the huge sphinx monument
town. The desert has swallowed up the Great South Road in its center. Built during the first empire in honor of the
and Maerlar is no more than a ruin. Some travelers do gods, this great statue has stood through the millennia;
continue to risk the treacherous trails, but most now even surviving the Spellplague whilst the rest of the
take the much safer, albeit longer, river or coastal roads. town was laid to ruin. Klondor has mostly been rebuilt
Some of Jhalhoran has been rebuilt since the and now exists as a farming town, the majority of its
devastation wrought by the Spellplague, but most of it residents working the fertile farmland along the River of
either still lies in ruins or has been pulled down to Spears. With much of Mulhorand now a desolate
harvest stone and other building materials. It now wilderness, the river farmlands are vitally important,
resembles something of a shanty town, a home to those serving as a breadbasket to the major cities.
who cannot afford to move to the more prosperous cities The Church of Isis is responsible for organizing and
of Skyclave or Gheldaneth. The town’s main commerce managing the logistical challenge of providing food for
now lies in farming along the River of Shadows and Mulhorand’s populace, and the presence of the Bountiful
cameleering; providing camels for those venturing into Lady is ever-noticeable in Klondor. The Temple of the
the desert. These mounts are the only way to navigate Golden Harvest is found opposite the sphinx monument
the dunes and long trains of camels can often be seen in the center, run by Emithis, priest of Isis and the town
stretching away into the hazy horizon. precept. She coordinates the farming activity along the
Klondor tributary of the river, ensuring the correct quotas
GEOGRAPHIC BREAKDOWN of barley and millet are shipped down river to the Mystic
Population: Approximately 1850 Cornucopia, the main temple of Isis in Mulhorand. From
Racial diversity: Human (Mulan) 41%, Human (Other) there it is sent on Gheldaneth, Neldorild and on up the
40%, Non-Human Races 19% coast to Skyclave.
Precept: Currently vacant
Commerce: Cameleering, farming GEOGRAPHIC BREAKDOWN
Population: Approximately 860
ADVENTURE HOOK Racial diversity: Human (Mulan) 63%, Human (Other)
Adventurers arriving in Jhalhoran may hear rumor of the 31%, Non-Human Races 6%
Lost Eyes of Tassala, a set of extremely valuable Precept: Emithis, High Priest of Isis
sapphires, each the size of a man’s hand. They were Commerce: Farming
stolen from a pyramid in the Taranoth by a notorious
tomb raider known as the Desert Scoundrel. The thief ADVENTURE HOOK
was eventually caught by paladins of Osiris, but had Klondor was attacked centuries ago by an elemental force
hidden his acquired treasure and no manner of magic or known as the Rage of Dust; a cluster of powerful skriaxit
torture would get him to reveal its whereabouts. He was dust elementals (see page 93) formed into one terrifying
sentenced to the Simikhara and buried alive in an storm. This malevolent entity was driven off but there is a
unmarked tomb somewhere in the desert southeast of rumor it has resurfaced in the wake of the Spellplague,
Jhalhoran to suffer an agonizing death. inhabiting the deserts north of Klondor and devouring
Those looking to find the Lost Eyes of Tassala will hapless travelers following the desert route towards
need to first begin an investigation, attempting to find Jhalhoran, it will surely not be long before it strikes the
the Desert Scoundrel’s heist party who have gone to town again. Adventurers may receive a plea for aid from
ground in Jahlhoran. With suitable investigation roles Emithis to save Klondor from doom. Note that this will
and listening to the gossip of the town, they will hear involve a battle with a sandstorm of 8 dust elementals so
mention of the name Kessaro, a Mulani human female they will need to be high level (15+).
spy and apparent accomplice of the heist. Tracking her If the party accepts, they will travel to the town and
down will not be easy, she has taken on a false identity prepare to meet this foe before it can lay waste to Klondor
and lives in hiding somewhere in Jhalhoran. The party and its people. Most of the residents are simple farmers
will need to try and tempt her out of hiding somehow or and cannot help against such a powerful enemy, however
somehow locate her in the town. There are other Emithis is a powerful archdruid (Monsters of the
members of the heist party still around they might also Multiverse page 48) and will aid the party if they ask. She
find, including Rekar the halfling scout, Ihrotep the is a kind and nature-loving Mulani woman, but will gladly
Nezramite mage and Beros, a Rashemi berserker. use her powers to defend her home.
Finding any of these and persuading (or intimidating) Emithis will urge the party to head out to find the
them should lead to Kessaro. elemental menace rather than letting it attack the town.
When they do find her, she will attempt to do If they agree, she will accompany them into the area of
everything she can to escape the party. Only she now desert north of Klondor along the road towards
knows where the gems are located so killing her will Jhalhoran. A violent sandstorm will soon engulf the
likely mean they are lost forever. If they manage to party, forcing them to seek shelter or suffer the effects
capture her, they will need magical means (such as zone (see page 66). When it eventually subsides, they will
of truth) to get her to confess the location; a forgotten notice the surrounding desert covered in a strange black
tomb from the first empire, deep beneath the streets of sand. The elementals will then attack as one, using their
Jhalhoran, its hidden entrance in the ancient sewers. If sandstorm ability in unison to engulf the party. If they
the party manage to find the tomb and bypass its traps, overcome this difficult battle and emerge victorious,
they can recover the sapphires (worth 5000 gp each) and Emithis will thank them (if she survives) and whilst she
either keep them and risk becoming hunted themselves, has little coin, she will offer them an empty home in
or return them to House Osriant for a 1000 gold reward. Klondor as reward.

Named after its founder, the great wizard Nezram, the With Nezram returned and currently residing in his new
World Walker, Nezras is a small town located on the tower in Nezras, there is a unique opportunity for
eastern side of the Dragonsword Mountains. Technically adventure, if one can gain the wizard’s audience.
part of the Raurin desert, not Mulhorand, it is THE WALKING DOOM
nevertheless regarded as a remote extension of the
For the Walking Doom adventure hook (see page 98),
nation. It was founded by Nezram’s descendants, known
Nezram will meet the group on arrival in Nezras,
as the Nezramites, in 1357 DR after they had fled his
assuming they are of suitable level to take on the
original home on the banks of the Lake of Salt. The green
Imaskari. He has become aware of Ult’Axion’s plans and
dragon Chaathuuladroth laid waste to his tower there
has been waiting for allies of suitable power to aid in
and slaughtered many of the Nezramites, forcing the
stopping him. He will invite them to his tower to discuss
survivors to flee north into Mulhorand. Ostracized as
and point them in the direction of Fortress Maskana.
outsiders, they built this remote settlement which has
slowly expanded into the town it is today. PLANAR VOYAGE
Nezras is formed into a circular community, with the Famed for his adventures to other worlds and not one to
rebuilt Nezram’s Tower at its center. The wizard’s new settle in one place for long, Nezram has unsurprisingly
home also doubles as an arcane academy, the only already begun planning his next planar adventure.
tolerated magical school outside of the college in Providing they can gain the wizard’s attention, and his
Gheldaneth. Nearly every resident of the town is trust, a party with suitable talent (level 10 minimum)
involved with the academy in some way, the gift of may be able to persuade the legendary Archtransmuter
arcane intuition passed on by the blood of Nezram. to take them with him on his next adventure. This is an
There is no restriction on the use of magic like the rest of excellent opportunity to make use of the Planescape
Mulhorand either; the people openly practice magic and setting guide; Sigil and the Outlands, using Nezram’s
use it regularly in everyday life. travels as a focal point for a Planescape adventure.
Unlike the rest of Mulhorand, Nezras has not adopted Nezram is still fascinated by the power of the sarrukh
such multicultural tolerance and outsiders, even non- progenitor race, and has spent many of his long years
Nezramite Mulhorandi, are looked on with disdain. following them through the planes. He has heard rumor
Whilst not prevented from entering the town, of a sarrukh civilization somewhere in the Outlands, and
adventurers will not be welcomed. There are no inns or is planning to venture to Sigil to seek information on their
taverns and Nezram’s tower and the academy are off whereabouts from the Lady of Pain herself. Sigil cannot
limits unless invited. Trade is permitted, with a number be accessed by any kind of plane shift magic, so Nezram
of stalls found around the academy, though the must make use of the one portal he knows; at the bottom
Nezramite merchants charge exorbitant fees to outsiders of Azulduth, Lake of Salt.
for their selection of magic items and enchantment Reaching Sigil, Nezram will lead the party through the
services. Even general goods are sold at twice their City of Doors to find the Lady of Pain. They can follow
normal value to those deemed as ‘tourists’. him to join the negotiation or split off to explore the
Those traveling to Nezras will likely fall foul of this in incredible city. After a tense negotiation, the Lady of Pain
hospitality, unless any member of their party has the offers up the last known location of the Okothian
Nezramite background (see page 76), in which case they Sarrukh, as well as a portal to get there, though at a price.
will be welcomed (provided the individual can prove Nezram must first help her by venturing to Mechanus
their heritage and left Nezras previously on good terms). and the realm of Doomcourt to retrieve a stolen amulet
Any character with this background will be able to find from one of the servants of the Doombringer. If Nezram
lodging for them and their companions, and be offered and the party accomplish this, the Lady offers them a
regular prices for trade and services in the town. They route to the Beastlands where the Sarrukh were known
will also stand a much better chance of gaining an to have built an enclave in the Forbidden Plateau.
audience with Nezram, if that is their intent. Traveling through the portal, the party will help
Nezram battle through bioluminescent jungles teeming
GEOGRAPHIC BREAKDOWN with dinosaurs and stranger, more alien creatures. They
Population: Approximately 2650 will eventually find the Sarrukh enclave, though it has
Racial diversity: Human (Mulan) 99%, Human (Other) seemingly been abandoned for some time. Searching the
<1%, Non-Human Races <1% area, the party will be able to find an assortment of
Ruler: Nezram, the World Walker ancient Sarrukh relics, as well as another portal, linking
Commerce: Magic & enchantment services back to Azulduth in Faerûn…

A medium-sized town nestled in the Dragonsword Clinging to the banks of the River Rauthenflow, Rauthil
Mountains, Pe-rethor has become the center of is a small merchant town located on the main route
Mulhorand’s mining industry. Gold and gemstones are leading from Mulhorand into Murghôm and beyond. It
always sought after, and the demand for stone, iron and possesses one of the few bridges that crosses the
other building materials has increased dramatically Rauthenflow; further west the river turns into a raging
following the devastation left by the Spellplague. House torrent as the water tumbles towards the Rainbow Falls.
Gebthant has been tasked with rebuilding Mulhorand Travelers from the south heading towards Sultim must
since High Imaskar was defeated, and the Church of Geb cross at Rauthil before making their way north. This
has claimed much of the town as its base of operations in crossing means caravans and merchant convoys are
the region. Numerous mines have been opened, either commonplace, making their way along the relatively
side of the rocky route known as the Mourning Road that safe riverside road to avoid traveling through the desert.
heads east into the range. Convoys of miners climbing Many merchants stop in Rauthil for respite, as well as
this steep path, as well as carts laden with stone and ore trade in the town’s own thriving market.
coming down, are a common sight throughout the year.
House Gebthant has also established good GEOGRAPHIC BREAKDOWN
relationships with the various gold dwarf settlements Population: Approximately 720
that exist beneath the Dragonswords, making use of Racial diversity: Human (Mulan) 57%, Human (Other)
their mining expertise in return for lucrative trade 32%, Non-Human Races 11%
agreements. These gold dwarves have had a history of Precept: Horthys, Priest of Horus-Re
being mistreated by the Imaskari and were happy to see Commerce: Trade
the return of Mulhorand to the lower plains. A number of
dwarves have even left their mountain holds to find a life SAMPRANASZ
amongst the humans, some even joining the clergy of
Sampranasz is a small fishing village in Mulhorand’s
Geb to fully integrate into human society.
southwest, nestled on the Alamber coast between
GEOGRAPHIC BREAKDOWN Neldorild and Skyclave. Its tragic history has seen it
destroyed and rebuilt four times; first razed to the
Population: Approximately 1490
ground during the Orcgate Wars, flattened twice by
Racial diversity: Human (Mulan) 51%, Human (Other)
tsunamis from the Alamber Sea and then most recently
32%, Dwarves 12%, Non-Human Races 5%
obliterated by the Spellplague. It has now been rebuilt
Precept: Ghebus, Priest of Geb
once more, though as a fraction of the size that it was
Commerce: Mining
prior to the Time of Troubles, when it resembled a town
with a population over three-thousand.
The Dragonswords are named so for a reason; these GEOGRAPHIC BREAKDOWN
mountains have long been the nest of powerful blue
Population: Approximately 90
dragons for centuries. However, as great a danger as
Racial diversity: Human (Mulan) 75%, Human (Other)
these creatures are, there is rumor of an even greater
20%, Non-Human Races 5%
threat in recent years. Adventurers of suitable level (12+)
Precept: None
arriving in Pe-rethor will be petitioned by Ghebus,
Commerce: Fishing
precept of the town. A number of mining convoys have
been obliterated by blue dragons, each with a human ADVENTURE HOOK
rider clad in strange armor. The attacks are swift and Adventurers may hear that the citizens of Sampranasz
well-organized, striking then disappearing before Pe- have been beset by a mysterious menace. Several
rethor’s guard garrison can react. Ghebus will ask the residents have been found turned to stone. If they offer
party to venture into the mountains to try and find to help Ramas, the village elder, the party will need to
where these dragon riders are based and defeat them, investigate and work out what is causing this horror.
offering a lavish reward of gold and gems. Their investigation will uncover Sampranasz’s dark
If they accept, the party will travel along the Mourning past as they find evidence of Set’s influence across the
Road, finding a mine that was recently attacked, the village, with occult symbols etched on walls and an
miners slaughtered. A search inside the mine will find a abundance of snakes slithering through its ancient
lone survivor who managed to get away and hide. He will streets. For many centuries, Sampranasz was the secret
explain that four dragons attacked from the north, each headquarters of the Cult of Set in the temple known as
with a rider that hurled spells at them from above. the Cavern of the Jackal deep beneath its streets.
The party can venture north, deeper into the If they wait for nightfall, they will spot a horrific,
mountains. They will come across a dwarf settlement eight-legged creature emerge from the old ruins and
that has been left to ruin, and if they take time to stalk through the village. If they defeat the basilisk, they
investigate the dragon riders attack again. Use the stats can track down beneath the streets where it came from.
for four blue dragons with type based on party level, and Formed into a natural cavern, the old temple extends far
mage riders. If they are victorious and bring any of the out beneath the Alamber Sea, with tunnels reaching as
riders down, they will find a map showing the location of far as Unther. Venturing down, they will encounter
a lair. It also has writing in a strange language: Imaskari. massive stone colossi with jackal heads that animate as
Heading there, they will find a base of operations where stone golems when the party attempts entry. Inside,
a force of Imaskari have been preparing an army of they will find a nest of a dozen basilisks, as well as
dragon riders, attacking Mulhorand’s mining trade as numerous relics and treasure of the cult that was
the precursor for a bigger invasion. There are three more abandoned here. Clearing the temple, the party can
dragons at the camp, along with three mages and their return to Ramas, for a small reward of coin and the
archmage leader. village’s gratitude.

Located on the Klondor tributary of the River of Spears, Adventurers passing close Surbroar or Ulzel may hear of
Surbroar is one of several small villages in the area. some unusual happenings between these two farming
Mulhorand’s breadbasket, this part of the Asanibis villages and can be approached by a concerned priestess
region is responsible for providing the rest of the nation of Isis from the Mystic Cornucopia; Murisi Asaris. There
with its growing need for food. A temple of Isis, the have been noticeably less farmers working the fields in
Scythe’s Rest, is the only remarkable building in recent months, yet neither village have reported any
Surbroar, with the rest made up of humble sandstone incidents or reasons for why their workforce is
houses. The people here are simple, god-fearing folk, dwindling. The two precepts (also priestesses of Isis)
just happy to return home after a long day’s toil in the continue as if nothing is amiss, with the rest of the farm
fields. Visitors are few and far between, with travelers on laborers working double time to ensure quotas are met.
the river road bypassing the village entirely. If the party wishes to investigate, they can travel to
either location, finding them both pleasant, friendly
GEOGRAPHIC BREAKDOWN villages. The people live simple lives, waking at dawn to
Population: Approximately 360 begin toiling in the riverside fields, then returning at
Racial diversity: Human (Mulan) 62%, Human (Other) dusk to their homes. On the surface, there seems nothing
31%, Non-Human Races 7% untoward about either. The only building of note in
Precept: Ibis Nykara, Priestess of Isis Surbroar or Ulzel are their temples of Isis, impressive
Commerce: Farming buildings that also serve as crop storage. Adventurers
will be welcome to enter the temples, where the clergy
ULZEL who aren’t out in the fields will offer healing services.
Any prying into the reason for the disappearing villagers
Like Surbroar, Ulzel is another river village, located will be met with perplexity, with the clergy or any other
further south on the Mishtan tributary of the River of villager seeming unaware of this. Successful insight
Spears. It too is dedicated to farming and falls under the checks will hint they are hiding the truth.
purview of the Church of the Bountiful Lady. Nearly all of If the party investigates further, they will find
the village’s modest population work in the irrigated numerous empty dwellings, seemingly quite recently
fields along the banks of the river. The priestesses from abandoned. Sneaking into either village at night will
the Bounty of Emerald temple also join, turning the cycle reveal the awful truth, as they come across a ritual in
of crop rotation into a ritualized dedication to Isis. progress. The priestesses of Isis, dressed in full
Ulzel does guard the route into the southern deserts, ceremonial garb, lead a procession of villagers into the
so travelers are more frequent in Ulzel, coming and temple. Inside the congregation gathers, praying for the
going from the Okoth region and beyond to the Shaar. Bountiful Lady to provide the harvest. One of the
GEOGRAPHIC BREAKDOWN villagers will step forward to the altar and the priestess
slices a blade across their throat, sacrificing them in a
Population: Approximately 480 spray of crimson.
Racial diversity: Human (Mulan) 54%, Human (Other) Seeing this, the party will need to decide whether to
37%, Non-Human Races 9% intervene and stop the ceremony. Stopping the macabre
Precept: Abisis Rahos, Priestess of Isis sacrifices will see the precepts replaced and the party
Commerce: Farming rewarded by Murisi with coin suitable for their level.

Mulhorand is one of the oldest, still-surviving nations in Another settlement that once sat on the important trade
all of Faerûn, and it holds numerous ruins of former routes out of Mulhorand, Mulharahold was the nation’s
cities and settlements, some of which date back most eastern town, marking the north-eastern border
thousands of years to the reign of the god-kings. Others with Murghôm. Like Maerlar, it has been left to ruin as
have been more recently created; decimated by the the deserts of Raurin and the Taranoth merged into a sea
Spellplague and swallowed up by the desert in its wake. of sand stretching between horizons. Once popular with
They are now forgotten to all but the dangerous merchants and travelers on their way between
creatures that now inhabit them but represent fantastic Mulhorand and Murghôm, it is now a ruin, its half-
opportunities to adventurers seeking riches and glory. buried houses echoing with the howling desert wind.
The town has been mostly forgotten by the rest of
MAERLAR Mulhorand, with only the whispered tales of passing
Once a great city in the heart of the Taranoth region, camel trains revealing that it still exists at all. They
Maerlar once controlled all of the main trade routes speak of a ruin lost to the sands, the souls of its former
running through Mulhorand, including the thousand- residents who perished in the cataclysm still wandering
mile-long Road to the Dawn. Great merchant caravans the buried streets. It is a place to be avoided, they say,
were once a regular sight, stopping in the city to rest lest the spirits claim you to swell their ranks.
between long journeys across the Unapproachable East.
The Spellplague reduced the city to a smoldering ruin,
like many other settlements across Mulhorand. Unlike An adventurer’s guild contract may be offered to the
other cities, however, there was no rebuilding Maerlar. party requesting they travel to the ruins of Mulharahold
The scorching conflagration reduced the once fertile to retrieve an heirloom from the town’s former temple
Taranoth plains into a desert wasteland, leaving only of Nepthys. This quest can be obtained from any of the
sunbaked rock and shifting sand dunes for hundreds of major cities throughout Mulhorand, all of which have an
miles in every direction. The great trade roads that adventurer’s guildhall, and best suited to parties around
crossed through the city were swallowed, and its elegant levels 10-12. The journey to Mulharahold is perilous;
architecture began to crumble into the desert. further into the desert wilderness than anywhere else in
The city ruins lay empty for over a century, only Mulhorand, almost crossing into the Raurin. Use the
occasionally visited by looters or camel trains brave desert encounter tables on page 70-71, along with any
enough to cross the desert. With the return of the additional suitable monsters from Chapter 6.
Mulhorandi pantheon, however, there was one faction Once the party arrives in Mulharahold, if it is daytime,
for whom this remote, empty ruin would provide the they will find nothing untoward in the town. Dust and
perfect sanctuary. Isseth, the new demigod heir of Set, sand blows around the half-buried ruins but nothing will
formed a resurgence in the cult of the Brother of impede the party from making their way along the
Serpents, seeking to rival Pharaoh Horuskhet I. The streets. At night is a different matter; the rumors of
former hideout of the cult in Sampranasz was no longer ghosts are very much true. Ghosts, wraiths and specters
suitable and so, under guidance of Set, the cult set off will assail the party as soon as night falls; the spirits of
into the desert to claim their new home. From here, they those slain by the Spellplague somehow disturbed from
are able to operate in total secrecy, the desert providing their rest. Reaching the temple, the party will find the
a natural barrier to any would-be interlopers. The source; the once sacred grounds have been placed under
infamous Fangs of Set assassins are free to venture out a necromantic curse, most likely by the servants of the
into wider Mulhorand, eliminating their marks and then Defiler of the Dead, Set himself. They must defeat the
disappearing back into the dunes. mummy lord (the former priest of the temple), which
The ruins are mostly formed of old sandstone arises from its sarcophagus as the party enters, to end
buildings; residences and farmsteads that have the curse and complete the contract. Once the mummy is
crumbled and blackened from the force of the defeated, the rest of the spirits immediately disappear,
conflagration. An ancient temple of Isis stands in the returned at last to their eternal rest.
central square, mostly restored by the cult and
reimagined as a temple of Set. A gruesome altar stands in
front of the main doors, stained crimson with the blood
of previous sacrifices. This is also the residence of Isseth,
where he sits in commune with his lord, plotting the
domination of Mulhorand in Set’s name.

‘The Summoning’ described on page 88 is intended for
high-level parties reaching Maerlar. Lower-level
adventurers, or those passing through, are still likely to
encounter the cult, especially if they start exploring the
seemingly empty ruins. Fangs of Set (see page 94),
assassins and monstrous creatures in the cult’s service
such as giant poisonous snakes and basilisks will strike
out at any party foolish enough to disturb Set’s new
domain. Adventurers will find themselves attacked by
more and more of these servants of the Lord of Carrion
the deeper into Maerlar they go, and will be unable to
rest as they are repeatedly harassed.

The River’s Maw Temple
by Ian Chen


Once a flourishing city in Mulhorand’s south, Sekras sits The return of the werecrocodile spawn of Sebek has not
on the River of Swords where the two tributaries, the gone unnoticed by the royal houses. Teor Anorsiris,
Blue Sword and the Green Sword, join and flow towards current head of the Deathgrins of Osiris, may approach
the Alamber. During the Second Empire of Mulhorand it the party as they travel through any of Mulhorand’s
was a place of technological advancement, and was the major settlements. He will speak to them in confidence,
origin of the khopesh sword. The majority of explaining that the head of House Osriant, Osirius, does
Mulhorand’s salt also came from Sekras, with a complex not trust adventurers, yet he needs their help. The
machine created by priests of Thoth filtering salt in Deathgrins were decimated during the war in Unther and
great quantities from the Green Sword tributary that the Spellplague that followed, and cannot return to
flowed north out of Lake Azulduth. Sekras to clear the infestation. Instead, they would ask of
Yet, for all its prosperity and advancement, this jewel the adventurers to find a way into the ruined city and cut
in Mulhorand’s far south has always held a dark secret. off the head of the beast before it grows out of control. If
By the commencement of the Dalereckoning calendar, they can end the threat posed by Usebek, it is possible
Sekras had become the center of Sebek worship in the rest of the Cult of Sebek will falter.
Mulhorand, and the Lord of Crocodiles blessed his loyal The party, with a recommended level between 12-14,
followers with the gift of lycanthropy. This spread across would need to travel to Sekras making their way south
the city and soon it was infested with werecrocodiles. along the River of Swords. Once there, they will have to
These Sebek-spawn thrived in the aquatic environment battle their way through werecrocodiles, as well as
provided by the sediment-rich River of Swords and soon regular crocodiles and giant crocodiles that are in
began preying on other local settlements in the region, service of Sebek. Much of the ruins are now under water
their hunts ranging as far north as Aina. as the river has started to swallow the city over time,
Unlike the other ruins described in this section, Sekras making it very easy for these reptilian predators to
was destroyed long before the Spellplague. In 1183 DR, an ambush the interlopers.
order of paladins of Osiris known as the Deathgrins, If the party manages to reach the River’s Maw Temple
marched on Sekras with a single objective: annihilate the in the center of Sekras, they will be able to find Usebek
infestation. The paladins struck without mercy, (see page 108), though he will be well prepared for their
delivering the wrath of Osiris upon the vile Sebek- arrival. He and his retinue of werecrocodiles and giant
spawn. None were spared, not even children; the only crocodiles (adjust retinue number based on party level)
survivors those who managed to flee into the river. The will allow the party into the partially-submerged temple
city was put to the torch and left in ruins to remind the unopposed, then launch a devastating ambush whilst
spawn of Sebek should they ever return. In the current they are within Usebek’s lair where adventurers will
age, Sekras remains a ruin, though this has not deterred suffer half movement due to moving through waist-high
the werecrocodiles from returning. Led by Usebek, water. He will use his legendary actions to summon
demigod heir of Sebek, they have rebuilt the River’s Maw crocodiles and attempt to drag weaker adventurers into
temple and resumed their eternal hunt. the water in an attempt to drown them. At any point if it
Adventuring parties that visit Sekras will find an seems like he is losing the fight, Usebek will have no
overgrown ruin, its proximity to the River of Swords qualms about fleeing into the murky River of Swords in
allowing verdant life to flourish in the city streets and an attempt to escape, using his crocodile form if
giving it a feeling of tranquility. This doesn’t last long, necessary. If he does manage to escape, the party will
once their presence is noted by the many werecrocodiles need to hunt him down, or be unable to claim the reward.
(see page 107) infesting it. There remains treasure to be This will be a difficult battle, but if the party are
found here, however, and it is not uncommon to find victorious, they can return to Teor for a significant
adventurers braving the ruins in search of riches, though reward of coin (use the Dungeon Master’s Guide to
few are known to have returned. calculate a suitable reward based on the party’s level).

Known as the City of Shadows, Skuld was once the Adventurer’s Guild expeditions to the ruins of Skuld
capital of Mulhorand’s great empire, a majestic, depart regularly from the guild headquarters in
sprawling metropolis that covered both banks of the Skyclave, as well as the guildhalls in other cities across
River of Shadows where it empties into the Alamber. The Mulhorand. These adventures into the City of Shadows
city was home to the god-kings of old and known as the aim to delve deep into the so-called ‘exclusion zone’, the
oldest inhabited settlement in all of Faerûn. It was famed vast area of the city that is unrecovered and extremely
for having never been conquered, despite multiple perilous. There they will combat the many dangers
attempts; its walls standing strong for nearly four lurking in the shadowy streets, whilst searching for lost
millennia. As history has shown, no city or empire is relics and other sacred treasures to return to their
immortal, and Skuld’s majesty was crushed by a single, former owners. If they accept the contract, the party will
cataclysmic event; the Spellplague. join a larger band of adventurers from the guild; use
The city was hit harder by the conflagration than Chapter 5: Characters of Mulhorand to generate some NPC
anywhere else in Mulhorand and now stands in ruins. adventurers or otherwise use the generator in the
Great swathes of the city were torn apart by explosions Dungeon Master’s Guide (page 89). These expeditions can
of wild magic, ripping entire buildings from their accommodate parties of different levels any party lower
foundations and launching them into the planar void. than level 5 will likely find the city incredibly deadly,
Other areas were transformed by the tempestuous especially if including the star spawn encounter below.
energies, leaving behind pockets of wild magic that On arrival, they will split into two groups to delve into
continue to warp and alter the areas around them to this the ruins; keep the party together in one group with a
day. Even the fabric between planes has been torn open guild guide who knows the general layout of the city. The
in places, allowing strange, alien creatures to spill into other guild adventurers will form a second group and
the city streets, skittering between the shadows. split off in a separate direction. Use Chapter 6, Monsters
Recovering Skuld will be a monumental task, if it is of Mulhorand, to produce suitable encounters for the
even possible at all. Some progress has been made over players’ level as they make their way through the ruined
the last decade, with the Pyramid of Re, the sacred tomb streets of Skuld. The expedition will essentially become a
of the dead God of the Sun, now mostly reclaimed from dungeon crawl, with the party battling through
the foul creatures and malevolent energies that infest monsters and lingering pockets of wild magic.
the city. Work has already begun on restoring this sacred The expedition will culminate with the party coming
monument, as well as some of the temple buildings upon the gory remains of the other adventuring group at
around it. This area also now acts as a staging ground for the entrance of the Vizier’s Palace in the northeast
any further incursions deeper into the city and a mixed district. There is no sign of what killed them. If they
garrison of Paladins of Horus-Re, Osiris and Anhur work decide to go inside, they will be ambushed by a colony of
together to defend its perimeter. star spawn who have inhabited it (adjust the type of
The nation cannot spare the number of soldiers spawn encountered using Monsters of the Multiverse page
required to take back the rest of the city, however. With 227-230). If they survive, the party will find a cache of
some reluctance, the task has fallen instead to outsiders, magical items (select items appropriate to party level)
with the Adventurer’s Guild holding an ongoing contract the spawn had been collecting from across Skuld, as well
to delve into the city, clearing out monsters and as a number of sacred relics and tomes belonging to the
retrieving lost artifacts. Theft is still a major concern and royal houses. The party will need to decide whether to
the guild has strict measures in place to ensure that report their find to the guild or attempt to smuggle them
Skuld’s treasure is returned to Mulhorand. out of Mulhorand without being caught.

Mulhorand is covered by a vast number of ancient Deep in the Dragonsword Mountains, east of Pe-rethor
tombs, ruins and vaults that have become sprawling at the end of the Mourning Road, stands the Dragon
dungeons over the centuries; often forgotten by society Mortuary. This ancient tomb was built in 627 DR as the
but ripe with opportunity for adventurers. Monsters and tomb of the ancient sand dragon Mot-nefer-mose. This
deadly traps lurk within their dark corridors and great wyrm was a somewhat infamous resident of
chambers, providing obstacles in the way of Mulhorand during the second empire, known for
unimaginable treasure. terrorizing the Dragonswords and amassing a great
hoard in his lair beneath Mount Midalheh.
ARROKHAN There is a bedtime story, still told to children to this
Several leagues southeast of Sultim is an ancient day, that Mot was once visited by a wizard, a warrior and
Imaskari ruin that dates back to around -3450 DR, when a scholar. The wizard tried to ensnare the dragon with
the Imaskar Empire was still expanding westward into his magic but was devoured. The warrior tried to slay
Faerûn. Originally, it was built as a subterranean portal him with a magical khopesh, but they too were eaten.
chamber to link back to the bukhara spire portals across Last came the scholar, who did not try to battle the
the greater empire, allowing the Imaskari legions to dragon, but instead asked him a riddle: “What dreams
easily travel great distances. With the Mulani uprising, false, but remains true to itself; what darts like a sparrow in
the defending garrison was overrun and the portals a fickle wind, yet is steady as earth; what bends like dragon
destroyed. For several millennia, Arrokhan was wings, though neither hand nor claw touches it.”
forgotten and left to crumble into ruin. Only during the Mot could not answer the riddle, and devoured the
reign of High Imaskar were the doors to its dark third man in his frustration, yet the riddle would play
chambers opened again, as Empress Ususi began over and over in his mind, tormenting the ancient
building, in secret, a doomsday weapon: the Colossus. dragon. After some years, and driven half mad, he
Arrokhan was abandoned once more with the defeat of travelled to the gates of Skuld and sought an audience
High Imaskar, Empress Ususi not managing to complete with Pharaoh Horuseres II. The dragon begged the
work on it before Pharaoh Horuskhet’s victory. The pharaoh for an answer to the riddle, even offering his
Colossus still dwells deep within, standing in perpetual great treasure hoard, but Horuseres refused,
slumber until the final components can be assembled to condemning Mot for killing the scholar. He only offered
animate it. From there, it will rise out of the desert to that should the dragon dedicate his life to the defense of
destroy the enemies of Imaskar. Thankfully none have Mulhorand, then on his death would a great tomb be
been able to find a method of doing so. Yet. constructed to guard his hoard, and if one should come
The dungeon is very difficult to find, with a small, who might answer the riddle, Mot would finally know
unremarkable tower of Imaskari design marking its peace. The ancient wyrm agreed and became a champion
location above ground, hidden in the rolling dunes of of the nation, defending against several small invasions.
northwest Mulhorand. There is no discernible entrance Finally in 626 DR, Mot’s long years came to an end.
to the tower, with the door only opening to the Horuseres honored his word, and the Dragon Mortuary
command word domin, spoken in ancient Imaskari. This began construction, completing in 627 DR. The great
is to prevent most travelers who stumble across the dragon was carried there and embalmed, then placed
entrance from ever gaining entry. Those who do manage alongside his hoard in a grand sarcophagus. The doors
to gain entry will find a bizarre relic of Imaskari were closed, but not sealed, allowing entry. Many have
architecture, with neatly hewn purple-stone walls, tried to enter and solve the riddle since, but none have
emblazoned with the iconography of the ancient empire. succeeded, with many falling foul of the dungeon.
Adventurers can wander through chambers filled with ADVENTURE HOOK
strange apparatus and tools, with half-finished Adventurers seeking Mot’s treasure will first reach the
creations of no discernible purpose left gathering dust; Mourning Road; a grand avenue that stretches for ten
any experts of Imaskari lore will know these to be the miles, flanked by many lifelike sculptures of sand
ancient workings of the artificers. dragons. At the end of the avenue stands the huge statue
The dungeon will begin to descend through a labyrinth of Mot himself, sculpted from the mountain side, its
of corridors and tunnels, many of which are defended by mouth the entrance into the dungeon. The jaws open
complex traps and constructs such as stone golems and only twice each year; exactly one month before and one
iron golems. Eventually, this will lead into the incredibly month after midsummer, when the sun sits in the right
vast central chamber that once contained the Bukhara position to shine directly into the dragon’s eyes.
Spire Portal but now contains the hulking, silent shape Once inside, the Dragon Mortuary is comprised of six
of the Colossus, standing in the gloom well over one- levels, each composed of great chambers hewn from the
hundred feet tall, its head bowed in slumber. mountain’s rock. Numerous traps provide a test to those
who dare entry, as well as various gemstone golems that
ADVENTURE HOOK were placed by Horuseres and commanded to attack only
The Walking Doom adventure on page 99 culminates in if Mot’s treasure is disturbed, otherwise remaining in
the party traveling to Arrokhan to stop Ult’Axion from eternal slumber. The fifth level is known as the Teeth of
awakening the Colossus, or somehow defeating it if he Ma’at and requires one of pure heart to make a worthy
has already managed to. The door will be open when the sacrifice, proving themselves before the principles of
party reaches the location; Ult’Axion and his followers ma’at. Only then will the entrance to the sixth and final
not sealing it behind them in their rush. level open, where the party will reach Mot’s resting place
Any adventurers who find their way in outside of this and treasure. Answering “reality” will solve the riddle
will find the dormant Colossus, as well as an assortment and grant access to the hoard, a wrong answer will see
of Ult’Axion’s cultists and mages who will be in the the mummified Mot rise up (dracolich using the ancient
middle of working on the huge construct. sand dragon template) and seek to destroy the party.

In the southern reaches of the Plains of Purple Dust If the party are travelling here as part of the ‘Walking
stands an ancient bastion known as the Fortress Doom’ adventure (see page 99), Nezram will have told
Maskana. Originally built by the Imaskar empire around them where to find the secret door and succeeding on a
-4600 DR, it was once a great fortress covering an entire DC 12 Investigation check will be enough. Otherwise,
hillside, designed to impose Imaskari authority across they will not know how to gain entry and the DC is
the region. During the Mulani uprising around -2100 DR, increased to 20 for those searching the ruin.
the fortress was levelled and in its place the Mulani Once inside, any party members familiar with
forces built their own, smaller, fort. This would guard Imaskari technology may recognize the change in
against any counter attack, as well as block access to the temperature as extradimensional magic with a
extensive subterranean facility beneath the desert. successful DC 12 Arcana check. Devious traps designed to
Over the millennia, the fortress was abandoned and stop intruders are common through the dungeon,
fell into ruin as the desert winds and purple dust took its including a sliding wall trap where two ends of a corridor
toll. All that remains standing is a single tower, rising up will close and the walls start closing together. A pressure
out of the desert surrounded by crumbling sandstone plate will need to be found along the wall (DC 12
ruins. Unknown to most, however, the Imaskari dungeon Investigation) to avoid being crushed. The dungeon is
beneath remains in immaculate condition, separated also patrolled by numerous helmed horrors, who
from the desert by extradimensional magic. It was immediately attack any intruders who do not bear the
rediscovered in the Year of Wild Magic, 1372 DR, by mark of the Imaskari artificers.
Tyaral who sought to use a powerful Imaskari artifact to Eventually, the corridors will lead to the main
bring back his dead god Bhaal, but was, thankfully, slain laboratory chamber, where the Imaskari Artificers would
by adventurers before he could complete the ritual. have once worked. Strange contraptions and tools are
Access to the dungeon can only be gained via a secret scattered around dusty workbenches. The size of this
door at the base of the tower, hidden under the rubble. chamber appears to only measure around forty feet by
Inside, the architecture changes noticeably, switching forty feet, however walking across it will take much
from crumbling sandstone to the immaculate purple longer, showing its true dimensions to be closer to a
stone commonly used by Imaskar. The temperature will hundred feet. The party will find evidence here of the
also immediately change from the hot desert air outside, battle with Tyaral that happened a century before. Much
to a cool, unchanging temperature inside. The dungeon of the laboratory will have been looted, including the
exists on a single level, with numerous corridors leading chest that once contained the Fifth Imaskarcana, and the
to large chambers, including a barracks with fifty beds, star sapphire to power the Imaskari Colossus (removed
portal chamber and the quarters of the artificers once by Darrok who has escaped through a nearby portal). A
stationed here. Though the facility, close to six- successful DC 15 Investigation check will reveal a hidden
thousand years old, is in immaculate condition, it is cache of powerful (appropriate for party level) scrolls
shrouded in total darkness, the power to its magical and potions in one of the desks.
lamps long-since faded.
The Imaskari artificers once used the facility as a HALLS OF THE IMPRISONED FAITHFUL
research laboratory, performing alchemical and On the eastern of the Dragonsword Mountains from
extradimensional research. Ancient iron shackles along Mulhorand, north of Nezras on the shores of the Lonely
one of the laboratory walls indicate that they may have Lake Oasis, sits a cleverly disguised and warded cave
used live test subjects for some grim purpose. entrance in the side of a rocky hill. This is actually an
entrance to a vast underground cavern, stretching out
far below the lake. The Nezramite wizard Khoresvent,
having been exiled from Nezras over his malefic
experiments, drained the cavern and built a vast
complex in the Year of the Evening Sun, 1303 DR. Here he
performed his arcane experiments and other mechanical
invention, without interruption from his peers.
House Tholaunt were informed of this unsanctioned
development by those Khoresvent had offended in
Nezras, and sent a group of wizards to stop him. A fierce
battle ensued, with the magic unleashed shaking the
cavern’s foundations. Sensing defeat, Khoresvent used
the last of his magic to cast an earthquake spell at the
ceiling, bringing the waters of the Lonely Lake crashing
down, killing himself and the Thothian wizards.
Unbeknownst to any but him, Khoresvent had been
experimenting with dark soul magic, and the wards
around his dungeon prevented the souls of the slain
wizards from reaching Heliopolis and the afterlife. Their
spirits were trapped to wander the submerged cavern for
all eternity, giving this dungeon its tragic name.
Khoresvent was prepared for this eventuality, and had
already ensured his soul would be transferred to a
phylactery; the necromantic ritual to achieve lichdom
already performed. However, with his phylactery and
form submerged and buried, he must wait for an
unwitting victim to come and release him from the Halls.

Rubia lies southwest of Aina, a former settlement lost to
ruin. It contains a Pyramid Temple of Osiris which has
sunk beneath the sand dunes, its treasures lost to time.
For full details of what the party may encounter in Rubia
and its temple dungeon, Sean Schnell’s The Restless
Ruins is available now on

The Sword-Tower of Khopatunme, also known as the
Thiefkiller, is a great tower southeast of Maerlar, deep in
the desert. Those brave enough to cross the Taranoth
often use it as a waypoint; along with the spire of
Skyclave far to the southwest, it is possible to calculate a
relative position whilst traveling through the dunes.
The octagonal tower is formed of solid basalt, with no
windows and rising over four hundred feet to a sharp
point. Four androsphinx statues are placed at each point
of the compass from its base, their basalt faces twisted
in angry warning to those who would dare approach.
A Thothian archmage named Khopantunme created
the tower in the Year of Flying Daggers, 345 DR, during a
terrible famine which caused an outbreak of thieving and
tomb raiding across Mulhorand. The mage decided to
challenge the thieves, building the tower with the aid of
slaves, dwarves from the Dragonswords and even
summoned earth elementals to quarry seven levels
beneath the tower; then filled it with a great hoard of
treasure. He then installed a wide assortment of deadly
traps and powerful wards, designed to ensnare and kill
thieves, who are viewed like vermin by the Mulhorandi.
ADVENTURE HOOK Like mice seeking the cheese, it did not take long for
Any adventurers that hear about the Halls of the thieves to arrive hearing word of the treasure on offer.
Imprisoned Faithful and seek to explore the lost Over the centuries, thousands of attempts have been
dungeon (recommended level 15+) will first need to find made, with most ending in the thieves’ demise; either to
it. Khoresvent made it intentionally hard to find, using the many traps or dangerous denizens within. Some
wards to conceal the entrance and protect from any treasures have been retrieved successfully, including an
divination magic that might locate it. The party will need enchanted golden chariot of incredible value. It is
to search the area around the lake, succeeding on a DC 20 tradition for archmages of Thoth to travel to the tower
Investigation check to locate the entrance. each decade, offering treasure and magic items into the
If they do manage to locate it, they must then contend mouths of the androsphinxes. These are then magically
with a number of magical traps guarding the teleported into the dungeon depths, providing more
entranceway, including glyphs that when passed will temptation for tomb raiders to enter. The Cult of Set has
cast a maze spell on the entire party. Once past this, the also secretly fed the statues scrolls of undead
tunnel descends into the fully submerged cavern; water summoning, adding additional perils to the dungeon.
breathing or similar enchantment will be needed to ADVENTURE HOOK
explore the dungeon. Inside, the party will find Adventurers who wish to brave the Thiefkiller will be
Khoresvent’s laboratory, his apparatus and various confronted by a dungeon of incredible danger. Whilst the
treasures floating in the pitch-black water. Once the main entrance is open to all and safe to enter, beyond
adventurers enter the main laboratory, the six wraiths that virtually every corridor and chamber is filled with
that are the trapped souls of the Thothian wizards will all manner of traps (mechanical and arcane) and
attack, drifting through the water without impediment. dangerous creatures. Use chapter 5 of the Dungeon
After defeating the wraiths, the party may search the Master’s Guide implement suitable dangers as the party
laboratory, with a successful DC 15 Investigation check descends. Monsters include various elementals, golems
revealing Khoresvent’s hidden treasure cache, including as well undead in the lower levels such as mummies,
a number of magical items as well as gems containing mummy lords and ashen husks.
the souls of his experiments. One gem in particular, a The dungeon is made up of the base level, six upper
large crimson ruby the size of a human fist, seems to tower levels and seven underground levels, each with its
glow if it is picked up. At this point, Khoresvent’s lich own assortment of traps and monsters that get
form will awaken from slumber and attack, seeking to progressively more deadly with each level ascended or
free itself from the dungeon at last. descended, along with the treasure which grows
If the party survives this deadly encounter, they are progressively more lucrative. Parties of different levels
free to take the Khoresvent’s treasure and leave (the can attempt this dungeon, however should be a
phylactery will need to be destroyed however, or the lich minimum of level 5 and may need to attempt the more
will return to existence in ten days’ time). dangerous levels at a later date.

Pharaoh Horuseres II ruled Mulhorand for 917 years,
from 4 DR to 921 DR, becoming longest reigning Mulhorand is covered in old tombs and dungeons that are
pharaoh’s in history. As a divine incarnation of Horus- filled to the brim with incredible treasure and magical
Re, he did not age and so led Mulhorand through much artifacts, making it a land of great temptation for those
of its second empire. His reign ended in 921 DR, with a glint of greed in their eye. However, this has led to
however, when he was slain by the green dragon the Mulhorandi becoming extremely precautionary against
Chathuulandroth whilst visiting the Land of the Dead. the menace posed by tomb raiders and thieves. Entire
The nation was placed into mourning for one-hundred orders of paladins exist to protect many of the tombs and
days and work immediately begun on constructing a the treasures they contain, and tomb raiding is viewed as
great tomb, at the time rivalled in scale only by the great amongst the worst crimes someone can commit. Indeed,
pyramid-tomb of Re in Skuld. The tomb was carved from there is a truly horrific punishment reserved for this crime,
an entire side of one of the Dragonsword mountains the Simikhara, (see page 21) used as a deterrent.
located north of Klondor. Whilst technically not located Adventurers should be made very aware that attempting
within the Great Vale, the tomb is still considered one of to steal from the dead is considered sacrilege and comes
the most sacred tombs in the entirety of the Land of the with great risk. They may survive the traps and guardians of
Dead, and so is maintained and protected vigilantly by a tomb only to find themselves awaiting execution.
House Osriant. The tomb has famously never been
breached by thieves and is defended round the clock by
paladins of Osiris and numerous divine wards placed by
priests of Horus-Re.
Though sacking the great Tomb of Horuseres II is
regarded by most as an impossible task, this may make it
all the more of an invitation to those who enjoy a
challenge. For any party wanting to attempt stealing
from the tomb, they will need to make significant
preparations and should be level 10 at minimum.
The tomb is formed of an entrance level and a tomb
level, both of which are patrolled continuously by a
garrison of twenty knights and five priests of Osiris led
by a champion (Monsters of the Multiverse page 74). The
tomb is also guarded by a plethora of traps and twelve
diamond gemstone golems who are programmed to
attack anyone or anything not part of the guard.
If the party can bypass the traps and guardians, there
is a vast sum of treasure in the tomb, however it has
been marked with warding spells, so escaping
Mulhorand with it will be an additional challenge.

Many of Mulhorand’s places of interest, natural and Much of Mulhorand’s northwest coastline is formed of
manmade, have been wiped away by the Spellplague. towering limestone cliffs that rise high over the
Despite this, there are still many wonders beyond the Alamber. The region takes its name from the wild herds
endless sand dunes and rocky crags that now make up of horses that use to roam this part of the Taranoth
the majority of its interior. Beauty remains, for those plains prior to the Spellplague.
who know where to find it. The cliffs are interspersed with sea caves that connect
in labyrinthine tunnels that stretch for miles under the
THE ALAMBER SEA surface. These are often used by smugglers and other
The Alamber is a vast inner sea that dominates criminals to peddle wares into or out of Mulhorand.
Mulhorand’s western border, providing a vital source of
food, trade and transportation throughout its history. It THE DRAGONSWORD MOUNTAINS
connects, via the Wizard’s Reach, to the Sea of Fallen These mountains form a natural barrier between
Stars, allowing Mulhorand to make contact and trade Mulhorand and the Plains of Purple Dust beyond its
with the dozens of nations arrayed along many eastern borders. These peaks, many of which rising over
thousands of miles of coastline. twenty-thousand feet, are considered by the Mulhorandi
Inevitably, with the opportunity generated by this vast as impassable, and most of the mountain range remains
stretch of water, there is great danger as well. This is unexplored. They are also inhabited by a wide range of
posed most noticeably by the vast sahuagin empire of deadly creatures such as blue dragons, sphinxes,
Kurrimal (formerly Aleaxtis), who regularly raid the goblinoids and giant kin, as well as more peaceful
waters along Mulhorand’s coast. Beyond this, and the neighbors in the gold dwarves that inhabit a number of
other monsters that populate the sea’s azure depths, the settlements beneath the mountains, providing trade and
Alamber also presents an avenue of invasion to any services in craftmanship.
enemies, and Mulhorand has had numerous battles with
Thay over the Alaor island chain as both nations look to ADVENTURE HOOK
establish dominance over the naval routes. Adventuring parties seeking to cross the Dragonswords
(despite the best advice of the locals not to) will find a
ADVENTURE HOOK drastically different environment to the desert climate
Adventurers who wish to travel to or from Mulhorand that now dominates Mulhorand’s interior. The soaring
may look to navigate the Alamber Sea to avoid the vast temperatures will quickly subside to cold and equally
stretches of desert that now cover much of the unforgiving conditions as they ascend. Without proper
Unapproachable East. To do so they will need to book mountain clothing and climbing gear there will be no
passage on a ship, though rates are expensive owing to way to survive. Even if they possess such equipment,
the dangers described above. attempting to find a route through this unexplored
Travel along the coastline falls under the protection of region will be incredibly perilous, fraught with
the Mulhorandi navy, however any travel beyond monsters, avalanches and biting cold.
Mulhorand’s waters should be taken with great care. Such a hazardous journey is not without opportunity,
Many merchant ships travel in fleet convoys with their however. A vast network of caves and mine shafts cover
own escorts and keep close to the coast to minimize the the mountain range, many leading deep inside the
danger. There are all manner of monstrous threats mountains or even descending down into the Underdark.
lurking in the Alamber that may provide suitable The dwarven clan settlements in the area do welcome
encounters for a sea-borne journey, see page 87 for trade, though are suspicious of outsiders and only allow
suggestions. visitors into designated trading areas.


Though part of the Okoth region, not Mulhorand, this Straddling northern Mulhorand and western Murghôm,
huge lake has nevertheless played a significant role in this small forest serves as an unofficial border between
Mulhorand’s history. The lake feeds the River of Swords, the two nations. It covers the southern base of the
providing a natural source of salt as it flows north and Sunrise Mountains and stretches as far as the river
joins the tributary at Sekras. It was also famously the Murghol. Formed mostly of willow trees, the forest was
home of Nezram, the World Walker, who built his once a primary source of wood for Mulhorand’s empires.
wizard’s tower on the eastern shore. Yet, the conflagration of the Spellplague has reduced it
Two small settlements, Azun and Buldamar, have to little more than a graveyard of twisted, dead trees,
sprung up in recent centuries around the lake, providing their blackened branches grasping claw-like at the sky.
respite for travelers coming from or going to the Shaar,
Council Hills or Shining South.
Though it is now little more than a wasteland, there are
ADVENTURE HOOK rumors that the Ganathwood holds great opportunity for
The lake’s shore is dotted with ancient Sarrukh and adventurers. It was once home to a village of wood elves
Sauroid ruins, half-buried in salt. These, along with the that shared a heritage with the elves of Yuirwood. They
ruined tower of Nezram, provide a tempting proposition died off in the mid-14th century but there is legend their
to adventurers. Stories are told in Azun and Buldamar of ancestral home contained a large cache of ancient elven
an ancient dwarven mechanism in the Underdark magic and treasure, hidden deep in the forest.
beneath the lake, that once filtered the salt water and Adventurers seeking this treasure must navigate
funneled fresh water through a network of pipes. Many through twig blights, harpies and wyverns that inhabit
adventurers go in search of these ruins, seeking riches the forest. The ruined elven village is located in the
and glory, though often falling foul of the center but guarded by blighted treants that have been
werecrocodiles and other monsters that inhabit the lake. animated by wild magic and attack anyone on sight.

This oasis in the northern reaches of the Plains of Purple Located just north of Nezras in the eastern foothills of
Dust takes its name from the huge dragon skull that the Dragonsword Mountains and the fringes of the Plains
shields it from the harsh winds that frequent the plains. of Purple Dust, this large oasis provides a lifeline to the
It is said to have originated from an ancient blue dragon Nezramites who rely on it for food and water. It is also the
that died there several thousand years ago. only source of natural life for hundreds of miles in every
Travelers stopping for water at the oasis must take direction, with the vast purple plains stretching away to
great care, for the Imaskari laid a powerful enchantment the east and mountainous barrier to the west. There is a
upon it as they retreated from the Mulhorandi uprising. large underwater cavern beneath the lake, see the Halls
Of the six pools that make up the oasis, five are of the Imprisoned Faithful adventure on page 59.
poisoned, with the one safe pool changing randomly
changing each sunrise. Anyone who drinks from one of
the poisoned pools must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution Adventurers stopping to rest at the oasis will likely find
saving throw or take 3 (1d6) poison damage and become themselves confronted by the Nezramites who take great
poisoned. The poisoned creature must repeat the saving care to guard what they see as their territory. These
throw every 24 hours for 4d6 days, taking 3 (1d6) poison descendants of Nezram are suspicious of outsiders and
damage on a failed save. Until this poison ends, the much like when entering Nezras (see page 52), they will
damage the poison deals can’t be healed by any means. not be allowed access without permission and any
hostility or failure to comply will see the swift wrath of
LAND OF THE DEAD the mages and archmages of the town. Earning the favor
of Nezram will avoid such a confrontation and allow
Also referred to as the City of the Dead, this vast
unrestricted access to the oasis.
necropolis dominates much of the Asanibis region,
stretching east from Mishtan and north into the Great THE MYSTIC CORNUCOPIA
Vale. It is almost as old as Mulhorand herself, designated
as the resting place of the honored dead, including the The Mystic Cornucopia is the most prominent temple of
many pharaohs, divine incarnations and mortal Isis in all of Mulhorand, located where the tributaries of
descendants of the gods. Here, great monuments are Klondor and Mishtan join to form the River of Spears.
visible in every direction; pyramids of white stone in Beyond just a place of worship, the temple now is the
rows like jagged teeth; huge statues depicting the gods center of Mulhorand’s agriculture industry, coordinating
in all their grandeur; and the entrances of mausoleums farming and food transport across the entire nation. With
that disappear beneath the sand. Some have begun to most of its inland farmland reduced to a desert
crumble and fade over the millennia, though restoration wasteland, Mulhorand’s four rivers are now integral to
work is continuous to preserve such a vital part of the farming, and feeding the nation is managed from the
nation’s history. New projects commence regularly, as cornucopia.
well, constantly expanding its borders. The pyramids The temple is a huge complex, made up of lush flower
mostly date back to the First Empire, initially with step gardens, flowing streams, serene pools surrounding
pyramids, then later replaced by larger sloped pyramids ornate sculptures and fountains. Priestesses of the
such as the Tomb of Re. During the Second and Third Bountiful Lady constantly work to tend these beautiful
Empires, the trend switched to ornate monuments grounds, their worship taking the form of nurturing
marking the entrance to tombs and mausoleums. cultivation instead of religious ceremony.
House Osriant is responsible for the protection of the Those outside of the Church of Isis are permitted
necropolis and there is a small army of paladins and entry into the main temple grounds (donations are
clerics who preside over it, restricting access to the strongly encouraged), though access to the vast
tombs to prevent tomb robbing and directing the storehouses and grain silos in the western side of the
embalming process and burial ceremonies, made complex is strictly prohibited and guarded by paladins of
possible by the donations of the royal houses, churches the Lady. From here, a constant convoy of wagons and
and nobility; the only people in Mulhorand that can heavily laden boats arrive and depart, delivering produce
afford such a lavish transition into Heliopolis. along the roads and rivers to reach the cities and towns.

This river stretches from the Brightstar lake east of Formed from its two tributaries at Klondor and Mishtan,
Murghôm, flowing west along the northern reaches of this river is by far the busiest in Mulhorand, delivering
the Raurin desert and Plains of Purple Dust to where it food west to Gheldaneth and beyond. The seasonal
empties into the Alamber Sea south of Sultim. Known for floods enrich the surrounding riverbanks, which are
its white-water rapids and dangerous currents, the river heavily irrigated and worked along nearly the entirety of
is only navigable to traffic due to extensive efforts by the its length. The Mystic Cornucopia, temple of Isis,
Mulhorandi (and previously Imaskari). Engineering coordinates the feeding of the nation as well as the huge
projects added canals and cataracts, as well as fortifying number of Mulhorandi farmers who work there.
the banks with stone and removing large boulders to
make it possible for boats to sail along its length. THE RIVER OF SWORDS
At its western limit, the Rauthenflow meets the
This river is formed of two parts; the Lower Sword and
famous Rainbow Falls, also known as the Rauthgor; a
Upper Sword. The Lower Sword consists of two
huge waterfall that sends a constant torrent of water
tributaries, the Blue Sword, which originates in what
down into the Alamber from atop the Cliffs of Leaping
was once Unther but now claimed by the emergent
Horses. These falls make it impossible for ships to enter
nation of Tymanther. This clearwater river then meets
or leave the river via the Alamber and the merchant town
the Green Sword at Sekras, which flows north from
of Rauthil is typically as far west as boats will travel.
Azulduth, the Lake of Salt. The Upper Sword forms in
Much of the traffic derives from Murghôm, whose
Sekras where the two tributaries meet and flows north to
merchants travel to Rauthil to peddle their wares to the
the Alamber. The river serves as a border between
Mulhorandi. Rauthil also once held the only bridge that
Mulhorand and Tymanther but is now mostly
crossed the Rauthenflow along its entire length,
uninhabited other than a few colonies of salt miners and
however since the Spellplague a new bridge has been
the malicious werecrocodiles in Sekras.
constructed over the Rainbow Falls to allow easier
passage to and from Sultim.
THE RIVER OF SHADOWS An ancient monument in the northern foothills of the
Dragonsword Mountains, this peculiar obelisk stands
Originating in the foothills of the Dragonsword over sixty feet tall and is covered in ancient Mulhorandi
mountains, this river flows through the city of Jhalhoran hieroglyphs. Though weathered by the ages, the tale is
and reaches the sea at the ruins of Skuld (the City of mostly legible to those who can understand the archaic
Shadows giving the river its name). Once the most language, and a successful History check (DC 15) by
prosperous river route in Mulhorand, linking the former those who speak Mulhorandi will allow an individual to
capital with Jhalhoran, it is now mostly used to ferry recite the tale. The stone records the epic story of the
produce from the many riverside farms as well as camels Orcgate Wars, raised to commemorate the countless
from Jhalhoran. Its waters do not flow as fast as the lives lost, including those of the Untheric gods as well as
River of Spears or Rauthenflow, but its rocky waters are the Mulhorandi God Re, and describes the heroic victory
treacherous, especially during the flood season. of the Mulani forces over the horde in -1069 DR.

ince the Spellplague, much of Mulhorand's
S interior has been reduced to great stretches of
desert wasteland, formed of hundreds of
leagues of rolling sand dunes, broken only by
the peaks of sun-blasted crags. This is a harsh world,
detrimental to life and without mercy to those who dare
Traveling through the desert wilderness of Mulhorand is
incredibly dangerous; most humanoid races are simply
not designed to survive in such a hostile environment.
Without proper equipment and supplies, adventurers
will quickly succumb to heat exhaustion and
to travel through it. Yet, it is far from empty. All manner
dehydration. This section builds on the Wilderness
of interesting places still exist; from ruined cities half-
Hazards section of the Dungeon Master's Guide (page
buried in sand, forgotten tombs brimming with treasure,
110), with the rules around extreme heat used as the
to luscious oases hidden in the dunes. There is life here,
basis for desert travel.
too, as creatures great and small adapt to the harsh
environment. Many migrated west from the deserts of
the Raurin and Plains of Purple Dust, whereas others are
new inhabitants, spawned by the wild magic The biggest killer in the desert is not a monster or any
conflagration or teleported here from other planes of other natural or unnatural hazard; it is the desert itself.
existence. Adventurers will need to consume at least two gallons of
This chapter offers Dungeon Masters details on what water per day or begin suffering the effects of extreme
to expect when their players dare to venture through the heat. This requires them to succeed on a constitution
desert regions of Mulhorand and beyond, including saving throw every hour, with an escalating DC of 5 for
wilderness hazards like sandstorms, mirages, extreme the first hour, then increasing the DC by one every hour
heat and dehydration. It also includes random encounter thereafter, to avoid receiving one level of exhaustion.
tables to present players with a wide range of monsters Any creatures wearing medium or heavy armor, or heavy
and other perils they may be confronted with during clothing, will suffer disadvantage on the saving throw.
their journey. The deserts of Mulhorand were created by If the party can avoid traveling during the heat of the
the Spellplague, and whilst that cataclysmic event has day, such as by traveling at night, or keeping to shaded
long since passed, there are many lingering effects that or underground areas, the amount of water required
pose an even greater threat than sun, sand and thirst. drops to one gallon per day. However, they will still need
These supernatural energies manifest in areas of intense to succeed on a constitution saving throw at the end of
wild magic that warp and twist reality. Whilst this the day if they only drink half that amount, or fail
chapter will suggest a variety of different supernatural automatically if they have only drunk less than half a
encounters that a party may encounter, there is scope gallon. If they already have at least one level of
for Dungeon Masters to invent their own as well. exhaustion, they take two levels instead. Any levels of
Beyond the deadly desert hazards adventuring parties exhaustion received from dehydration cannot be
might experience, there are plenty of non-perilous removed until the required amount of water is consumed
opportunities they may encounter as well. Perhaps a (as described on page 185 of the Player's Handbook).
hidden oasis, desert cave or half-buried settlement or Oases do exist across the deserts of Mulhorand,
ruin; there is plenty to break up the days and nights of however can be very difficult to find. They will often be
traveling between more defined places of interest such hidden by dunes and if an adventuring party does
as those included in chapter 3. Mulhorand's modern manage to stumble across one, the shifting sands make
climate is much like the Saharan region of northern finding them again incredibly difficult. They can also be
Africa in our own world, and adventures across its desert dangerous themselves with lurking predators, bandits
wilderness can use this as inspiration with a fantastical and even poison making these tropical islands in the
twist! desert less than paradise.

The weather is another dangerous factor to consider Hot air rising from the desert floor causes shimmering
during desert travel. Whilst the norm is dry and hot, with convection currents that can blur and distort terrain
blue skies and still air; this can quickly change as the features to produce optical illusions called mirages. The
desert sand itself is turned into a frenzied storm. These hot convection currents hit cooler air higher up which
sandstorms can roll in at incredible speed, engulfing acts like a mirror, refracting more distant objects to
anyone unlucky enough to be caught in them. Dust and appear much closer. This, especially when combined
sand whirls through the air, blinding, suffocating and with the effects of glare and dehydration, can disorient
abrading those caught within it. travelers, making distances seem shorter than they are
The ferocity of such storms is dependent on the or even obscuring landmarks entirely.
strength of the wind behind it, varying from strong Any desert traveler who witnesses the effect of a
winds whipping up dust to provide a minor mirage and is unsuspecting will need to rely on their
inconvenience, to hurricane force winds turning the Passive Perception (minimum 15) to notice that what
desert into a hellish maelstrom that can bury entire they are seeing may not be as it seems. Those who do
settlements in minutes. The difference in effect on those suspect a mirage can confirm their suspicions by
caught inside it is significant: succeeding on a DC 10 Perception check.
• Dust storm: No damage, movement halved
• Sandstorm: 1d3 bludgeoning damage per round, QUICKSAND
movement halved This deadly hazard is created where sand is saturated by
• Violent sandstorm: 1d3 bludgeoning damage per a water source beneath, creating a thick soupy area
round, speed reduced to 0 feet that’s often indistinguishable from regular sand. This
• Hurricane sandstorm: 1d6 bludgeoning damage per can occur close to water sources such as oases or rivers,
round, speed reduced to 0 feet though can also appear in deeper desert where water is
hidden beneath the sand. Desert travelers may not
During the day, it may be possible to detect when a
sandstorm might be approaching. Usually, they will realize they are in quicksand until it is too late and have
appear as a colossal wall of sand in the distance rolling sunk to their waist. Contrary to the stories told to scare
across the desert like a wave. A successful Perception children away from the desert, it is not possible for
check (DC 15) or Passive Perception above 15 will notice someone to fully sink and drown in quicksand; it is much
the incoming storm and allow a few minutes to try and denser than the form of any creature that might step
find shelter. into it. The real danger of quicksand is its ability to trap
Those caught in a sandstorm will have disadvantage the unwary with surprisingly strong suction and glue-
on all Perception checks. Visibility is greatly reduced and like pulp, condemning them to a slow death from heat,
the entire area of the storm is considered heavily dehydration and exhaustion.
obscured as described in the Player’s Handbook. Worse, Anyone who becomes trapped in quicksand must
those without proper desert clothing and equipment will succeed on a DC 12 Athletics check to escape. Each failure
find themselves asphyxiated by the sand and dust that increases the DC by 1 to a maximum of 20 as their efforts
seeks to clog every orifice. A creature without an to escape only see them sink deeper into the clogging
appropriate mouth cover is considered suffocating as per sand. After three failures, they will also receive one level
the PHB. Attempting to move through the storm is also of exhaustion as their energy begins to wane. Those on
extremely difficult and attempts to do so will often lead the outside can attempt to help with rope or a long pole,
to becoming lost. Survival checks made to discern the giving advantage on the check.
correct path must be made with disadvantage and will
have a much higher DC (see page 69) as desert routes WHIRLWINDS
and tracks are buried in sand. As well as the deadly tornadoes produced by dust
elementals, these whirling vortexes of sand and dust can
occur naturally as well. As the sun-scorched ground heats
the space above it, this causes the air to rise rapidly,
pulling loose sand into a rotating vortex known as a dust
devil. These are impressive sights but rarely dangerous,
with relatively weak wind speeds proving more of a
nuisance. When this hot air collides with the cooler
winds from the Dragonsword Mountains to the east or off
the Alamber from the west, however, much more
monstrous whirlwinds can emerge, some up to a mile in
width. Worse, these powerful tornadoes can become
hidden in the midst of a storm, cloaked behind a wall of
sand. Often, the only sign of the incoming tornado will be
the terrible roar of its two-hundred-mile-an-hour winds,
and that is often too late.
Those unfortunate enough to be caught in the path of
such a whirlwind suffer the effects of a hurricane-force
sandstorm (see opposite). If they come within twenty feet
of the whirlwind they must also succeed on a DC 20
Dexterity saving throw or be sucked into the vortex and
thrown 1d20 x 10 feet through the air in a random
direction (taking bludgeoning damage as described for
falling in the Player’s Handbook).

Alongside the natural desert hazards, there any many When the Spellplague ravaged Faerûn, it rendered the
supernatural hazards that exist in the deserts of barriers between planes brittle and porous, allowing
Mulhorand, many of which were caused by the alien creatures to wander into the prime material.
Spellplague that created them. Where the weave has Worse, large sections of Faerûn were torn away from
been broken and distorted, wild magic continues to spill Toril’s surface and replaced with elements of her sister
into the material plane like water through the hull of a world, Abeir. Some of these planar tears still exist to this
breached ship. This emerges as a wide variety of day, hidden in the depths of Mulhorand’s deserts,
manifestations, most of which are incredibly dangerous spilling out nightmarish monsters and transforming the
to those who encounter them. surrounding area.
If a planar tear is encountered, the party may also
DEAD-MAGIC ZONE encounter denizens native to the plane it links to,
The Spellplague not only introduced areas of intense attempting to cross into Faerûn. When approaching a
wild magic activity, it also created areas of dead magic, tear, roll a d6; on the roll of a 5 or 6 some kind of denizen
which are effectively holes in the weave. These are not of the realm on the other side of the tear is attempting to
visible to the eye, but once entered, magic of any kind come through! You can either select a suitable plane or
ceases to function. Spells cannot be cast, enchanted roll on the following table:
items stop working and any passive magical effects are
instantly dispelled. Constructs that rely on magic for
their existence, such as golems, are immediately d6 Plane Creature Type
rendered inert, and living creatures born of magic such 1 Abeir Various
as dragons would find their inherent magical abilities
(like dragon’s breath) unavailable whilst inside the zone.
2 The Abyss Demons
As the boundaries of each dead-magic zone cannot be 3 The Feywild Fey
seen, it is not possible to know when the zone has been 4 Heliopolis Celestials
exited. Spells do nothing (though spell slots are used as
5 The Nine Hells Devils
normal), magical items do not work and any auras,
summoned creatures or other ongoing magical effects 6 Plane of Dust Elementals
are immediately dispelled.
Use suitable creatures from the Monster Manual or other
sources based on the associated creature type that are
FLAYWIND appropriate for the party’s level. For Abeir, this can be
Natural sandstorms are terrifying enough, but on virtually any creature that could be found in Faerûn,
occasion such a storm can become imbued with wild including former residents of Mulhorand that have
magic energy. Such power can propel the sand to such found their way back after the Spellplague displaced
speed that it strips exposed flesh to the bone in minutes their ancestors more than a century ago.
and even scours solid rock, reducing entire settlements Any party who encounters a planar tear may also pass
to rubble. Fortunately, these horrific storms are fairly through the tear themselves, leaving Faerûn behind.
rare, only occurring where a sandstorm passes through This is incredibly dangerous, not only due to the hostile,
an area of intense wild magic in the desert. alien world they might emerge into, but also because
A flaywind will always have the effect of a hurricane planar tears can disappear as quickly as they appear,
sandstorm (see page 66), however the damage caused leaving the party stranded in another plane of existence.
changes to 2d6 slashing damage per round. Basic shelter
such as sandstone buildings will also offer little
protection against a flaywind, which quickly blow out
windows and doors to reach those inside. Only heavy
cover such as a deep cave or reinforced building with
shuttered windows will provide an escape.

The unimaginable heat of the Spellplague conflagration
fused some areas of the desert sand into plains of
polished glass. Traveling across these plains is highly
treacherous, with the surface slick like ice and dotted
with jagged spikes of broken glass that can pierce
through boot soles with ease. The surface also reflects
the sun’s glare, causing blindness and making it difficult
to spot incoming hazards or find the right path.
Any party who attempts to cross a glass plain will
count as moving through difficult terrain. Additionally,
Perception and Survival checks are made at
disadvantage, and each hour anyone crossing the plain
must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or
become subject to the blinded condition for 1d4 hours.
Each five-foot square of glass has an AC of 13 and 5 hit
points and is vulnerable to bludgeoning and force
damage. When reduced to 0 hit points it will shatter,
revealing unfused sand beneath.

In areas of concentrated wild magic, remnants of the
Spellplague conflagration can ignite and burn across the
desert as they did a century ago. These blue flame storms
are formed of raw magic, unleashed from wounds in the
weave, and burn across the desert like wildfire, their
bright blue flames visible for miles around. Thankfully,
they are short lived, burning with great intensity then
subsiding to leave only scorched sand behind. On rare
occasions, one of these storms threatens to engulf one of
the major settlements of Mulhorand. To avoid such a
catastrophe, mages and priests of Thoth from House
Tholaunt have established an intricate barrier of arcane
wards around the boundaries of each settlement
designed to counter wild magic. If the magical flames
reach the barrier they are immediately dispelled.
Anyone caught in such a conflagration will risk being
consumed in magical fire. The storm moves randomly,
imbued with the chaos of wild magic. Have those caught
in its path roll initiative; the storm moves on initiative
count 10. On its turn roll 1d10 and the storm will move a
number of feet equal to the roll multiplied by 10. On a roll
of 1 the storm does not move and begins to subside,
disappearing after 1d4 rounds. Those engulfed by the
magical blaze suffer escalating damage for each round
they remain within it; 5 fire damage at the start of their
turn for the first round, 10 fire damage for the second
round, 15 for the third, and so on. This damage ignores
any resistance to fire damage, as the inferno burns with
condensed magical energy rather than normal fire. Other
than escaping from the boundaries of the storm, or
waiting for it to fade, a dispel magic, antimagic field or
similar spell or effect will put out the fire in a target area
temporarily, though the storm will re-engulf that area at
the start of the next round if possible.


Where the weave has been damaged or distorted by the
Spellplague, raw energy spills unfettered into the
material plane, causing zones of magical chaos. Any
spells cast inside a wild magic zone can cause
unpredictable and spectacular surges as the weave is
unleashed. These zones can stretch for dozens, if not
hundreds of miles across the desert, growing and
shrinking randomly as the damaged weave distorts.
Like with wild magic storms, these zones
sometimes threaten to envelop Mulhorand’s major
settlements; however, the barrier created by the
arcanists of House Tholaunt to prevent wild
magic storms also act to prevent zones such as
these from crossing settlement borders.
If a spell is cast whilst within a wild magic
zone, roll 1d20; on a roll of a 1, a wild magic
surge is triggered.
Use the wild surge table in the Player’s
Handbook (page 104) to identify what
effect this has. Any time a Wild Magic
Sorcerer casts a spell inside the
zone, this automatically triggers
a wild magic surge.

Navigating the deserts of Mulhorand is no easy task. Crossing the desert is not only incredibly dangerous, it is
Along with the aforementioned desert hazards and also very difficult to find the right path. When every
assortment of deadly monsters detailed in Chapter 6, it horizon looks the same, there is very little to navigate by
is also a mostly empty and barren land with very few and getting lost is very easy. Shifting dunes and regular
landmarks. Rolling dunes stretch like a sea of sand to sandstorms quickly swallow any roads or route markings
every horizon, which themselves shimmer and distort in and the effects of dehydration, heatstroke and mirages
the heat. The desert drags at every footstep, often can quickly disorient and lead astray even the most
slowing travel pace to a crawl. seasoned explorer.
When making Survival checks to find the correct route
SAND WALKING across deserts in or around Mulhorand, a number of
The process of walking long distances through sand factors such as terrain, weather and other hazards
should be considered by the Dungeon Master when
dunes is arduous at best and dangerous at worst. The
effort of dragging tired feet through sand for a full day’s determining the Difficulty Class for the check:
travel is slow and exhausting, made worse by the intense D ESERT SURVIVAL DC S TO A VOID GETTING LOST
heat. The depth of the sand encountered will affect travel
in different ways: Terrain feature or hazard Survival check DC

• Shallow sand is the most common terrain encountered Flat plains 10

when crossing the desert. Up to a foot deep, it presents Low dunes 12
a similar experience to walking through thick snow, High dunes 14
with high, deliberate footfalls needed to progress. Fast
travel is not possible through shallow sand.
Mesas, ravines, canyons or crags 15
• Deep sand mainly occurs between dunes or after Mountainous regions 15
sandstorms recede, where large amounts of loose Unsuspected mirage (see page 66) 18
sand, up to three feet deep, is pulled together by the
Sandstorm 20
wind. Deep sand counts as difficult terrain and can
only be crossed at a slow pace. Other factors will affect the Survival check DC too.
• Sand dunes represent a tempting route away from the
Nearby landmarks (e.g. the spire of Skyclave), or having
deeper sand between them, as well as high ground to a guide, map or an innate ability to navigate desert
see into the distance. However, these dunes also pose environments (such as the Desert Nomad background on
their own danger, collapsing and burying the unwary page 73) will make finding the way easier, or the effects of
beneath tons of sand. Anyone crossing a large dune exhaustion and dehydration making it harder. Use
may trigger a collapse on a d100 roll of 1-10; they must discretion when selecting an appropriate DC.
then succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or be If the party does become lost during travel, consider
buried alive and begin suffocating as per the Player’s what they may encounter as they try to get back on the
Handbook, requiring success on a DC 18 Athletics check right path. You can roll on the encounter tables available
to escape (anyone outside can dig them out). on page 70-71 or select a suitable encounter. The amount
These penalties can be mostly avoided by using an the Survival check was failed by will determine how badly
appropriate desert mount. The Mulhorandi breed camels they are lost and how long it will take to find the correct
for this purpose, their wide hooves perfectly adapted for path, with each point of failure representing one hour. At
walking on sand. Traveling by camel eliminates the the end of this time, they may attempt to succeed on a
penalties for traveling through shallow or deep sand. further Survival check.

The following tables can be used to determine random d20 Encounter
encounters a party may face when crossing the desert.
1 A traveling party of 2d6 priests of Osiris making a
These are arranged according to the combined level of
the party; however, it is worth double checking any
pilgrimage to an ancient temple in the desert
encounter selected is suitable for the current adventure. 2 1d4+1 giant scarab beetles and 1d4+1 swarms of
For each hour spent traveling, check for random scarabs
encounters by rolling a d20 (do not roll if they have had 3 1d4 juvenile dune worms
two random encounters in the past day):
4 A sandstorm heading in the direction of the
• If the party is traveling during the day, an encounter
party (see page 66)
occurs on the roll of 18 or higher on a d20.
• If the party is traveling during the night, an encounter 5 A wild magic zone envelops the party (see page 68)
occurs on the roll of 15 or higher on a d20. 6 2d6 jackalwere bravos and 1 jackalwere deceiver
attacking a desert caravan (see result 1 opposite)
Feel free to roll on the tables or select an encounter that
is appropriate for the adventure. Names highlighted in 7 A half-buried stone obelisk covered in hieroglyphs
bold refer to monsters detailed in either the Monster 8 1d4+1 fangs of set lurking in ambush, sent to
Manual or chapter 6 of this book. These may also provide assassinate one of the party and then escape
appropriate treasure (use the Dungeon Masters Guide).
9 A witch’s hovel containing 1 desert hag and 1
LOW -LEVEL (1-4) RANDOM DESERT ENCOUNTERS enthralled noble who fights to defend her
d20 Encounter 10 A campsite containing 1d4+1 ashen husks inside
1 A desert caravan formed of 2d6 Mulhorandi tents who attack when disturbed
commoners, d6 caravan guards and 3d6 camels 11 A partially buried pyramid, containing the treasure
2 1 giant scarab beetle and 1 swarm of scarabs hoard of 1 criosphinx who attacks if disturbed

3 1d4 thri-kreen searching for a new hive lair in the 12 A dead magic zone envelops the party (see page 67)
deserts of Mulhorand (will only attack if provoked) 13 1 young blue dragon who attacks from the sky with
4 A dust storm heading in the direction of the its lightning breath
party (see page 66) 14 A ruined desert settlement inhabited by 1 lamia
5 A human skeleton half-buried in sand wearing a noble and 1 lamia
silver ring worth 20 gp 15 The party reaches the borders of a glass plain that
6 1d4 jackalweres attacking a desert nomad scout stretches for miles in every direction (see page 67)
riding on a camel 16 1 dust elemental hidden inside a whirlwind
7 A hidden pit of quicksand (see page 66) heading in the direction of the party (see page 66)

8 1-2 fangs of set lurking in ambush, sent to 17 A violent sandstorm heading in the direction of the
assassinate one of the party and then escape party (see page 66)

9 1d4 giant vultures circling in the sky above a 18 1 hieracosphinx that swoops down from the sky
collapsed and dying scout and attempts to carry one of the party away

10 A small desert cave offering shelter but containing 1 19 A desert cave containing a nest of 1 young sand
giant scorpion dragon mother and 1d4+1 wyrmling sand dragons

11 A partially buried pyramid, already looted but 20 A hidden oasis containing 1d4 werecrocodiles who
containing thick webs and 1d4 giant spiders wait in the water ready in ambush

12 A Mulhorandi priest traveling to a nearby

settlement (select their deity or pick at random)
13 1 ghost standing by its mortal remains, awaiting
proper burial to be able to travel to the afterlife
14 A mirage that presents a settlement on the horizon
but leads the party away from their path (page 66)
15 1d4 giant hyenas that begin hunting the party (they
only attack when an opportunity presents)
16 1d6 dust mephits hidden inside a dust devil spell
that moves in the direction of the party
17 A sandstorm heading in the direction of the party
(see page 66)
18 1 young sand dragon buried in the sand who
ambushes from below
19 The entrance to an ancient tomb containing 1
mummy in a sarcophagus
20 A small oasis surrounded by palm trees and totally
hidden in the dunes

d20 Encounter d20 Encounter
1 A desert caravan formed of 4d6 Mulhorandi 1 Pharaoh Horuskhet appears, requesting the party’s
commoners, 3d6 caravan guards and 6d6 camels aid (see the Summoning adventure on page 88)
2 1 androsphinx guarding the entrance to a treasure- 2 The Font of Time (see page 82) in the depths of an
filled tomb including a Claw of Nezram (page 82) ancient tomb, hidden in the desert for millennia
3 1 adult dune worm and 1d4 juvenile dune worms 3 2 adult dune worms who attack from below
4 A violent sandstorm containing a whirlwind 4 A hurricane sandstorm imbued with a flaywind
heading in the direction of the party (see page 66) heading in the direction of the party (see page 67)
5 2 adult brass dragons who don’t attack but are 5 1 adult blue dracolich who rises from the desert
angered by the party entering their territory when the party passes by and disturbs its rest
6 1 lamia noble, 1d4 lamias and 1d4 jackalwere 6 A planar tear appears in the center of a wild magic
deceivers attacking a caravan (see result 1) zone (see page 67-68). Roll for the plane normally
7 A stone obelisk covered in hieroglyphs that if read 7 1d4 hieracopshinxes chasing 1 gynosphinx
aloud in Mulhorandi trigger a glyph of warding spell through the sky above the party
8 2d4 dust elementals hidden inside a whirlwind (see 8 One of the Mulhorandi gods (choose or randomise)
page 66) moving in the direction of the party manifests before the party with a terrible warning
9 A planar tear (see page 67) linking to Abeir from 9 An Imaskari raiding party of 1 archmage and 2d4
which emerges a group of displaced Mulhorandi mages attacking a desert caravan (see 1, opposite)
10 A desert cave that leads down into the underdark 10 A desert cave that leads down into the underdark,
11 An abandoned temple of Thoth, guarded by 1d4 guarded by 1 death tyrant
gemstone golems (select gemstone type) 11 4d6 stone giants migrating across the desert
12 2d6 Muhlorandi priests traveling to a nearby 12 1 lich, a red wizard of Thay, searching for a lost relic
settlement (select their deity or pick at random) belonging to Thayd, the first red wizard (see page 9)
13 A wild magic storm heading in the direction of the 13 A wild magic storm containing a wild magic zone
party (see page 68) heading in the direction of the party (see page 68)
14 A vast glass plain imbued with a dead magic zone 14 The wizard Nezram appears, requesting the party’s
(page 67) with mirages on every horizon (page 66) aid (see the Walking Doom adventure on page 99)
15 1 adult blue dragon with a mage rider who attack 15 1 ancient blue dragon with a mage rider who
from the sky with spells and lightning breath attack from the sky with spells and lightning breath
16 A partially buried pyramid containing a 16 The tomb of an ancient noble containing 1 mummy
sarcophagus with 1 mummy lord inside lord and 1d4 mummys that come alive and attack
17 A hurricane sandstorm heading in the direction of 17 A hurricane sandstorm containing 1d4 whirlwinds
the party (see page 66) heading in the direction of the party (see page 66)
18 1d8 hours of extreme heat (see chapter 5 of the 18 12 hours of extreme heat (see chapter 5 of the
Dungeon Master’s Guide) Dungeon Master’s Guide)
19 A desert cave containing a nest of 1 adult sand 19 A desert cave containing a nest of 1 ancient sand
dragon mother and 1d4+1 wyrmling sand dragons dragon mother and 1d4+1 young sand dragons
20 A large oasis surrounded by palm trees that 20 A large oasis containing a submerged planar
contains the remnants of an abandoned camp tear (see page 67) leading to the Plane of Water


nique and mysterious, Mulhorand offers
players a wide range of options; both for new
characters from this region, or developing
existing characters lured by the promise of
glory and riches. This chapter presents a host
of different backgrounds, class archetypes, spells and
magic items that players can use to establish their
characters in Mulhorand.

Creating characters of Mulhorandi origin allows players
much more freedom in this new era of history. Since
Pharaoh Horuskhet I proclaimed all welcome in his new
Mulhorand, virtually every humanoid race can be found
living here. Adventurers, though by no means trusted,
are also much more welcome than before the Spellplague
and are a common sight, especially close to Skuld and
other ruins. The Adventurers’ Guild tightly regulates the
profession, however, with a responsibility to prevent
trespassing or raiding of sacred tombs.
Some older national traditions do remain, and these
are likely to impact Mulhorandi characters in some way.
For example, worship of the Mulhorandi pantheon is
mandatory, with all citizens expected to partake in
religious festivals and ceremonies. Likewise, open
worship of gods outside this domain, as well as the evil NAMING CONVENTION
gods Set and Sebek, is strictly forbidden. Clerics and
paladins from Mulhorand will almost always be devoted Names are highly important in Mulhorandi culture and a
to one of the Mulhorandi deities. Social hierarchy and person’s name will usually say a lot about their station in
structure are also prominent, with those of the various life as well as where they have come from. Those
churches and houses of the gods above the nobility, who descended from the gods will have names associated to
in turn stand above the masses. Some humans of Mulani their god e.g. Horuskhet. The family names of
origin retain the prejudices of the old empires, viewing Mulhorandi nobility date back thousands of years, to the
themselves as superior to other humans and non- time before the Mulan were taken from Kemet by
humans, despite the pharaoh’s proclamation. Imaskar, and are a symbol of status and power.

Characters hailing from Mulhorand will have varied and The Mulhorandi gods once walked the earth, leading
interesting backgrounds that represent their experiences their people in the form of mortal incarnations. Their
prior to becoming an adventurer. The backgrounds in lineage was sustained by siring of mortal heirs, creating
this chapter work the same as those listed in the Players entire families imbued with their power; these would
Handbook and are selected during character creation. form the royal houses and churches (and cults of Set and
Sebek) of Mulhorand. You are a descendant of one of
DESERT NOMAD these eleven gods, their divine blood
flowing in your veins.
To most, the change in Mulhorand’s climate after the
For most this means
Spellplague was devastating. To others, the desert has
become a way of life and adjusting to its harsh extremes a life devoted to the
is a natural adaptation. You are one such nomad, church of their patron,
whether as a priest or other holy
traveling the great desert and facing its many perils
alongside your trusty camel companion. servant, though not all follow such a
Perhaps you hail from Mulhorand and defined path.
have chosen to make a life in the Skill Proficiencies: Choose 2 from
wilderness rather than among Arcana, History,
the crowded cities and Intimidation, Nature and
settlements like Skyclave Religion
and Gheldaneth, or Languages: Mulhorandi
perhaps you originate Equipment: A set of fine
from the deserts of clothes, a holy symbol of
surrounding lands, your god, and a purse
bringing your survival containing 25 gp.
skills to this newly
formed desert realm. THE PANTHEON
Many nomads are Eleven gods make up the
valued for their ability Mulhorandi pantheon,
to lead expeditions into each with their own
the wastes or to guide distinct portfolio and
caravans across the domains. See the
sands, saving weeks that Churches of Mulhorand
would otherwise be spent navigating section on page 27 for full
the coastal roads. details on each deity. Before choosing Set or Sebek as
Skill Proficiencies: Animal Handling, Survival your ancestor god, note that both are evil deities whose
Languages: Mulhorandi or one other of your choice worship is strictly forbidden in Mulhorand; this is likely
Equipment: A camel with pack saddle and saddlebags, a to affect games in the setting. Consult your DM before
waterskin and a set of traveler’s clothes (suitable for giving your character the divine ancestry of an evil god.
desert travel)
DESERT HOMELAND Your characteristics will vary depending on who you are,
You know the desert of your homeland like the back of though the influence of your blood will inevitably impact
your hand, able to navigate across it by sun, stars or on your persona and who you are today:
landmarks and find what you need to survive. 2d6 Personality Trait
d6 Homeland Desert Region 2 I seek to subvert and influence others around
1 Mulhorand - Asanibis me to do my bidding. (Set)
2 Mulhorand - Menesankh 3 I am happiest when bringing love, merriment
3 Mulhorand - Taranoth and joy to others. (Bast)

4 The Plains of Purple Dust 4 I admire hard work above all else and don’t
suffer idleness in others. (Geb)
5 The Raurin
5 I live my life with discipline and conviction to
6 The Shaar
succeed at everything I do. (Anhur)
6 I always seek to lead by example and follow the
FEATURE: SURVIVOR principles of maat in all I do. (Horus-Re)
Your knowledge of the land has kept you alive where
7 I see nature as a mother and believe the
others would have succumbed; whilst you are traveling
Spellplague was punishment for our sins. (Isis)
in your desert homeland (see above) you gain advantage
on any survival check to find sustenance to keep yourself 8 I prefer the company of books. (Thoth)
alive or find a route through the desert terrain. 9 I am solemn and stern but fiercely loyal. (Osiris)

SUGGESTED CHARACTERISTICS 10 I am always focused on saving money; I do not

abide frivolous spending. (Nephthys)
Desert nomads are often considered outsiders, travelling
alone or in small tribes. You may use the Traits, Ideals, 11 I feel empathy for those who suffer. (Hathor)
Bonds and Flaws suggested for the outlander in the PHB 12 My strength and dominance over others is all
page 136, modifying them if needed to fit your character. that matters. (Sebek)

2d6 Ideal
2 Power. I will strike like a coiled serpent, FEATURE: BLESSED
silencing my enemies to claim victory. (Set) As someone with the blood of the gods themselves, you
3 Joy. The purpose of life is to spread love and are revered by the Mulhorandi people. Your lineage gives
you a position of privilege within society and common
laughter. (Bast)
people will go out of their way to help you. When you
4 Diligence. Hard work and determination shows encounter any member of the church you are descended
how we will be judged in the afterlife. (Geb) from (who is aware of your divine blood) they will
5 Glory. Mulhorand’s victory over its many always do their best to help you with whatever you need,
enemies is paramount above all else. (Anhur) whether that is offering food, suitable lodging or sharing
any knowledge they might have with you. You also gain
6 Order. I will strive to live my life according to
advantage on persuasion checks when encountering any
the principles of maat. (Horus-Re)
common citizens of Mulhorand who are aware of your
7 Cultivate. I seek to cultivate others as I seek to divine blood.
cultivate the land. (Isis)
8 Knowledge. Only by learning can I bring
For those with Set or Sebek as a divine ancestor, the
Mulhorand forward into the future. (Thoth)
above will only apply when in the company of other
9 Rebirth. I must guide the honored dead to the worshippers of these evil gods. Common citizens who
afterlife and guard their rest. (Osiris) become aware of your ancestry will have the opposite
10 Prosperity. Improving our wealth will ensure reaction, chastising you and usually informing the local
the glory of Mulhorand. (Nephthys) guards. If you are caught by any of the guard or military,
you will be arrested and interrogated over your heritage
11 Compassion. I must help those most in need
and your involvement with either cult. However, there
and bring hope where there is despair. (Hathor) are advantages from such infamy; you gain advantage on
12 Consume. Live for the hunt. Slaughter the weak any intimidation checks against any common citizens of
and let them feed my strength. (Sebek) Mulhorand who are aware of your evil ancestry, though
this feature will not impact city guards or clergy of the
2d6 Bond Mulhorandi churches.

2 My daggers and poisons allow me to strike out

at those who would stand against me. (Set)
3 Festivals are where I am most alive. (Bast)
4 My tools are the most important things I own,
without them I have no purpose. (Geb)
5 I would happily die for my comrades. (Anhur)
6 I live to serve the pharaoh. (Horus-Re)
7 I am bound to the land; nature will provide
everything that I need. (Isis)
8 Books contain the knowledge I need. (Thoth)
9 I am sworn to defend an ancestral tomb. (Osiris)
10 Coin brings me happiness, the more coin the
happier I am. (Nephthys)
11 Everything I do is for people in need. (Hathor)
12 The River’s Maw temple is sacred to me. (Sebek)

2d6 Flaw
2 If one of my schemes fails, I will take out my
anger on those around me. (Set)
3 My pursuit of pleasure gets me in trouble. (Bast)
4 I am too obsessed with my craft. (Geb)
5 I can be rash and anger easily. (Anhur)
6 My obsession with maat leaves little time for
anything else in my life. (Horus-Re)
7 I worry about that which I cannot control. (Isis)
8 I struggle to connect with others. (Thoth)
9 I am suspicious of anyone I don’t know. (Osiris)
10 I can be selfish and greedy. (Nephthys)
11 Others take advantage of my altruism. (Hathor)
12 My aggression creates many enemies. (Sebek)

Mulhorand, perhaps more than anywhere else in Faerûn,
1 My journal contains all my notes and drawings
is a place of incredible historical value. This has drawn
on all my discoveries, losing it would ruin me
archaeologists and anthropologists from across Faerûn
to specialize in investigating Mulhorand’s fascinating 2 I am desperate to find the tomb of my ancestors
past. You are one of these so-called Mulhorologists, 3 I hope to build and populate a museum of
dedicating your life to uncovering its ancient secrets. archaeology in Mulhorand
Whether for personal gain or for academic purposes, you
venture out in search of the next great discovery.
4 I don’t go anywhere without my digging tools
5 I am obsessed with the ancient history of Kemet
Skill Proficiencies: History and Investigation
Tool Proficiencies: Artisan’s tools (Archaeology/ 6 My mentor disappeared on an expedition years
Anthropology) ago, I will continue searching for him
Languages: Mulhorandi and Imaskari. 7 I have a rival who I compete with to be the best
Equipment: Your archaeological treasure (see below), a Mulhorologist
set of archaeologist’s tools, a leatherbound journal, a
set of sketching pencils, a bullseye lantern, a shovel, a 8 I believe the treasure I possess is the key to
two-person tent, a set of traveler’s clothes and a discovering a long forgotten Mulhorandi tomb
pouch containing 20 gp.
d6 Flaw
FEATURE: ARCHAEOLOGICAL TREASURE 1 I have a terrible phobia of snakes
During one of your expeditions, you unearthed a relic of
2 I am always stuck in the detail and often fail to
Mulhorand’s ancient past. You are sure it will lead to a
spot the obvious
much greater find; you just need to solve the puzzle and
find it. Speak to your DM so they are aware of what 3 When I’m not on an archaeological dig, I am
archaeological treasure you possess and what it may link impatient and unhappy
to in the game they are planning. 4 I am unable to resist taking any treasure that I
d6 Possessed Treasure find, even if it belongs to someone else
1 A key to a lock of a vault door 5 I prefer the company of dusty history books and
2 A map that shows the location of a forgotten relics; other people irritate me
tomb somewhere in the Taranoth desert 6 If I find a puzzle I can’t sleep until it’s solved
3 An ancient Imaskari puzzle box, almost
impossible to decipher
4 The embellished handle of a khopesh
5 A medallion with a symbol of the dead god Re
6 A ceremonial dagger with a snake-shaped blade

Mulhorologists are individuals who have focused their
work on the history and culture of Mulhorand. Your
characteristics will reflect your specialism:
d6 Personality Trait
1 I love digging to uncover the past
2 I have no issues stealing from the dead
3 I prefer to be in a quiet tomb than any city
4 I will stop at nothing to find my fortune
5 I never throw anything I find away
6 I am more concerned about the past than I am
about the present or future

d6 Ideal
1 Adventure. I live for the thrill of discovery (Any)
2 Preservation. Keeping the history of Mulhorand
preserved is most important (Good)
3 Knowledge. I seek to increase my own
knowledge through archaeology (Any)
4 Danger. The more dangerous the job, the better
the reward (Chaotic)
5 Power. I seek powerful Mulhorandi magic (Evil)
6 Respect. The customs of Mulhorand must be
adhered to at all times (Good)

NEZRAMITE d6 Knowledge Subject
You are a descendant of the famous Mulhorandi wizard 1 Gem magic & golem creation
known as Nezram, the World Walker. Across his 2 The ancient history of Mulhorand and Kemet
magically-extended life, Nezram has sired many
3 Ancient Imaskari magic and lore
children, known as the Nezramites, who have
themselves formed an entire community of his 4 The history and lore of the Sarrukh
descendants. Your ancestors originally populated and 5 Interplanar travel
maintained Nezram's tower on the shores of Lake
6 The power of the Netheril
Azulduth whilst the wizard was away on his interplanar
adventures. After the Green Dragon Chaathuuladroth
attacked and ruined the tower in 681 DR, the survivors SUGGESTED CHARACTERISTICS:
fled north, settling in the Raurin Desert east of the Use the tables for the sage background in the PHB (page
Dragon Sword mountains in a small colony known as 137) as the basis for your traits, ideals, bonds and flaws,
Nezras. Over the centuries, this has developed into a modifying where appropriate to suit your character.
small but vibrant town, still part of Mulhorand but Nezramites can often be quite standoffish and
separated by the mountains and shielded from the worst untrusting of others until they get to know them; many
effects of the Spellplague and the reach of High Imaskar. believe their heritage as descendants of Nezram makes
Here, the Nezramites have formed a tightly knit them superior to others, especially in the arcane arts.
community with everything they need and are very wary Despite this, there are those who, like Nezram, seek to
of any outsiders who may arrive at their door. travel away from the close-knit bubble community that
Not all Nezramites have been content to become part Nezras has become. These Nezramites are likely to have
of this isolated community, however. Perhaps the most more distinct personalities; wider Faerûn broadening
famous (or infamous) descendant was also named their horizons and opening up new possibilities and
Nezras and left the town of his namesake at a young age facets of knowledge.
to broaden his horizons in wider Faerûn. He began a
search for his granduncle Nezram's Tome of Mageries
which led him down a dark path that would see him
become a student of the Lich Lord Laummas and betray
the defenders of Myth Drannor in Cormanthyr.
You, too, will need to decide if your character hails
from Nezras or if they are a Nezramite that has chosen to
venture out into the world in search of more unique
Now that Nezram has returned to Faerûn, it is a time
of great opportunity for you and other Nezramites. The
great wizard has begun building a new tower in the heart
of Nezras, promising to create his own arcane academy
for his Nezramite descendants to make use of. This is
tolerated by House Tholaunt and the pharaoh, though
there have been rumors of investigations into ancient
Imaskar magic that have roused suspicions.
Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, History
Languages: Mulhorandi and one other of your choice
Equipment: A textbook on your chosen knowledge
subject, a bottle of ink, quill and parchment, a set of
common clothes and a pouch containing 10 gp.


With the blood of Nezram in your veins, you have a
natural affinity to understanding the arcane arts and
other such knowledge. Even if you are not a wizard
yourself, you will still possess an excellent aptitude for
learning, either from time spent in Nezras, or from your
experiences travelling the wider world.
Like your great ancestor, you share a thirst for
knowledge, especially the arcane and interplanar travel.
From your studies, you have begun to specialize in a
single area of academic comprehension which will give
you a deepened understanding on anything relating to
that subject. Roll a d4 or choose a pursuit from the
following table. You may consult your knowledge and
understanding of your chosen subject at any time and
your DM will provide you with any relevant information
you have, using their discretion on how much or little
you may know. Additionally, if you are making a skill
check in relation to your chosen subject, you do so with

This section details a number of new class archetypes
that can be used in games set in Mulhorand, or other
similar settings. They follow the same template as class
archetypes in the PHB and are selected at the same class
level, for example a rogue would select the Tomb Raider
archetype at level 3.

Deserts are places in the world where life has failed.
Whether due to environmental decline or magical
catastrophe, huge parts of the world’s surface can be
transformed from a habitable environment to an empty
wasteland, where simply surviving is a grueling struggle.
Here, nature itself works against you, with leagues upon
leagues of impassable terrain; shifting sand dunes,
wind-sharpened crags and canyons that carve through
the earth like the claw marks of gods. Despite this, there
are still some who choose to make a life in such
inhospitable regions. These hardy peoples often rely on
their faith to give them hope in such a desperate world,
for gaining the favor of the gods is crucial to their
chances of survival. Here, priests are venerated as
spiritual leaders, able to interpret the visions of their whatever expedition or homestead they are making. As
gods and divine the path to salvation. adventurers, desert domain clerics bring their expert
In Mulhorand, the land has only recently fallen to survival skills to any party, helping guide or scout where
waste, scoured of life by the Spellplague. Once fertile needed. They can also wield the divine power of their god
lands have been reduced to a desolate wilderness; to manipulate the world around them, creating food or
seemingly endless stretches of ever-shifting dunes and water from nothing, controlling the wind, or even
sunbaked rock. Of the Mulhorandi pantheon, Set is the turning the sand and dust into a weapon.
god most closely associated to the desert and his priests
use the shifting sands and stinging winds to conceal D ESERT D OMAIN S PELLS
their malevolent schemes. The priests of less sinister Class Level Spells
gods also find their way to the desert domain: Anhur,
whose warrior spirit manifests in the desert winds and 1st create or destroy water, absorb elements
sandstorms, Isis, who guides lost souls across the desert 3rd dust devil, pass without trace
to hidden oases, and, of course, Horus-Re, god of the 5th leomund’s tiny hut, wall of sand
sun, who sits above all else, guiding his faithful away
from Set’s darkness and into the light.
7th hallucinatory terrain, stoneskin
Mulhorand is not the only desert in Faerûn or indeed 9th control winds, far step
the wider Planes either. Further East, the great Raurin
desert ranges from the Dragonsword mountains, across
the Plains of Purple Dust to the reaches of Kara-Tur. At 1st level, you gain proficiency with martial weapons.
Once the seat of the great Imaskar Empire, it was
devastated by war in millennia past. Elsewhere, WASTELAND SURVIVALIST
Anauroch once housed the empire of Netheril, but the When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain
Phaerimm wrought its destruction, and it now forms a proficiency in the Survival skill, and you have advantage
continent-sized desert in the north. Calimshan, in the on any Constitution checks against exhaustion from the
far southwest corner of Faerûn, hosts the Calim Desert, effects of dehydration. You also learn the mold earth
formed in the dispute between two powerful Djinn. On cantrip and can affect dust, sand, or ash with this spell,
Mulhorand’s borders sits the Shaar, a vast plain that was in addition to ‘dirt or stone’ as described in the spell’s
also scoured by the Spellplague. Many Faerûnian gods entry (Xanathar’s Guide to Everything page 162-163).
are worshipped in these desolate lands, Lathander,
Istishia and Chauntea to name but a few. Beyond Faerûn, CHANNEL DIVINITY: CYCLONE
deserts will be present on virtually any world. Speak with Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity
your dungeon master about where your character might to turn the desert around you into a swirling cyclone.
hail from and which god they might serve to suit the As an action, you present your holy symbol, and pull
desert domain. the sand, dust, dirt, or ash from the surrounding area to
Clerics of the desert domain can usually be found away create a miniature storm in a sphere around you. This
from the confines of civilization, preferring the serenity sphere is centered on you and is 10 feet tall, has a 15-foot
and peace of the desert. They may have spent much of radius and moves with you when you move. The sphere
their life surviving in these harsh climes and will often blocks line of sight, but not movement, and creatures
have found their connection to a particular god whilst in other than you (including allies) are blinded and must
the wilderness. Caravans and many other nomadic spend 2 feet of movement for every 1 foot moved within
groups that travel or make a home in the desert realms the sphere. This ability lasts for one minute, or until you
are always glad for the presence of a cleric of the desert are incapacitated or die, or use a bonus action to end it.
domain, for this will ensure the gods look favorably on

DESERT STALKER discussing with your Dungeon Master and other players
Starting at 6th level, you master the ability of surviving if you are thinking of playing an evil-aligned character
and moving unseen through desert regions; you gain as this may not be suitable for the adventure or
expertise in the Survival skill and gain advantage on campaign they have in mind.
Stealth checks when in a desert or similar wasteland
The tenets of each Servitor will vary greatly depending
DIVINE STRIKE on the god they serve; however, each will generally share
At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your weapon the following tenets:
strikes with divine energy. Once on each of your turns Serve. My god is everything. I will follow their
when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can command, no matter what is asked, and devote my life
cause the attack to deal an extra 1d8 force damage to the to their service.
target. When you reach 14th level, the extra damage Glory. I will not suffer the enemies of my church to
increases to 2d8. live; I will stop at nothing to defeat them and bring glory
in the name of my divine patron.
CHANNEL DIVINITY: DESERT STORM Dedication. I exist to ensure the divine will of my god
At 17th level, you master control of the desert. You can is realized. I am their chosen champion and through me
use your Channel Divinity to conjure a huge storm of their values and dogma shall manifest.
sand, dust or ash. As an action, you present your holy Sacrifice. I will gladly give up my own life if it is
symbol and center the storm on a point you can see required for the furtherment of my holy cause.
within 120 feet. This storm forms a sphere 60-feet tall
and has a 60-foot-radius, it blocks line of sight and lasts O ATH OF THE G LORIOUS SERVITOR SPELLS
for one minute or until you are incapacitated or die. Class Level Spells
Creatures other than you that begin their turn in the
storm must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw (spell 3rd divine favor, shield of faith
save DC) or take 5d6 slashing damage on a failed save, or 5th prayer of healing, spiritual weapon
half as much on a successful one. They are also 9th crusader's mantle, spirit guardians
considered blinded whilst within the sphere and must
spend 4 feet of movement for every 1 foot moved. 13th divination, guardian of faith
17th commune, reincarnate
In times of desperate need, the gods may call upon their CHANNEL DIVINITY
most devout followers to become exalted champions, When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the
ordained to carry out the tenets of their will. These following Channel Divinity options:
Glorious Servitors swear an oath to uphold the values of Divine Magnificence. You use your Channel Divinity to
their god and are then connected to them, becoming call forth your god to manifest upon the battlefield, their
imbued with a fraction of their divine power. dazzling appearance blinding those who dare
These champions devote their entire stand against you. As an action, you
life to the service of their patron, may choose a creature within
embodying their dogma, whilst 60 feet; they must succeed on
becoming a beacon of hope a Constitution saving throw
for the wider congregation of (spell save DC). On a failed
their church. save, that creature is
Often, Glorious Servitor blinded for 1 minute unless
paladins are called upon in immune. The creature
times of conflict, or when can repeat the saving
the church is threatened throw at the end of each
by a powerful enemy. of its turns. On a
They will lead the success, the blindness
defense (or attack) ends.
against this foe, Glorious Inspiration.
stopping at nothing to As an action, you use
achieve victory in the your Channel Divinity to
name of their god. The invigorate yourself with
first Glorious Servitors the divine energy of your
were created during the god, inspiring yourself
Mulani rebellion of -2489 and allies around you to
DR, when the Mulhorandi greater acts of heroism.
gods selected their most For the next minute, each
faithful followers to become creature of your choice within
Glorious Servitors and lead an 5 feet of you, including you,
uprising against the Imaskar receive the effects of the bless spell
Empire. Other gods across the planes (whenever they make an attack roll
are known to create similar champions, sometimes or saving throw, they may roll a d4 and add the result to
known by a different name. the attack or saving throw.) This effect ends if that
To note, unlike paladins of other oaths, Glorious creature moves more than 5 feet away from you or if you
Servitors are not restricted by alignment, as they always are incapacitated or die. Note: this effect cannot stack
share the alignment of their god. However, it is worth with the effect of the bless spell.

Starting at 7th level, your patron deity grants you the Vast amounts of wealth are buried away in the ancient
ability to transform into the form of their associated tombs and vaults of the long dead. Such treasure often
animal. Once per long rest, you may use an action to lies tantalizingly close to those who still walk the earth
transform, as per the druid Wild Shape feature. You in life, oblivious to the entombed riches left to gather
remain in this form for 1 hour or until you are reduced to dust in lightless crypts. Yet not all are so oblivious. There
0 hit points. Then you will immediately revert to your are thieves of remarkable talent and cunning who make
original form, with any additional damage carrying over a prosperous, if exceedingly dangerous, profession from
into your regular hit point total. You may also transform raiding the treasure hoards of those who no longer need
back into your regular form as a bonus action. All other such wealth. A very specialized set of skills are needed
rules follow the druid wild shape feature from the PHB for such daring larceny; not only to evade the myriad
(page 66-67) unless otherwise stated here. traps, guardians and wards left by the tomb's occupants,
The bestial form you adopt will be dependent on your but also the still-living guardians who have sworn to
patron deity. Below is a table listing the animal forms of defend the resting dead and their possessions.
the Mulhorandi pantheon; if you are using a different There is no place in Faerun with a greater
deity then speak to your Dungeon Master about which concentration of tombs than Mulhorand. Its scorched
animal form would be appropriate. As a guide, each deserts and cities are filled with great pyramids,
deity’s bestial form will always be restricted to the beast mausoleums and vaults that house the god-kings and
type and limited to a challenge rating of no higher than 1 nobility of old. The Mulhorandi believe that after death
(0 if it has a flying speed) to maintain balance. they will join their gods in Heliopolis, bringing with
M ULHORANDI P ANTHEON BESTIAL F ORMS them the possessions and wealth they had in life. This
tradition is fiercely guarded, with House Osriant, the
Deity Bestial Form Church of Osiris, maintaining a vigil over sacred burial
Anhur Lion (PHB p307) sites across Mulhorand. This includes the Land of the
Dead near Mishtan; a sprawling necropolis housing
Bast Panther (PHB p308)
unimaginable treasure. To the Mulhorandi, Tomb
Geb Black Bear (PHB p304) raiding is viewed as the most heinous crime, more so
Hathor Ox (Volo’s Guide to Monsters p207) even than murder, and thus the most brutal punishment
is reserved for those that dare to steal from the dead.
Horus-Re Hawk (PHB p306)
Those caught in the act receive the Simikhara, a brutal
Isis White Dove (Raven PHB p309) punishment that involves partial mummification,
Nephthys Giant Rat (MM p327) followed by the condemned being entombed with a
swarm of scarab beetles that will slowly eat them alive.
Osiris Wolf (PHB p311)
Despite such horrific deterrents, there are still many
Sebek Crocodile (PHB p305) tomb raiders in Mulhorand seeking to earn their fortune,
Set Giant Poisonous Snake (MM p327) both native Mulhorandi and those from elsewhere. These
Thoth Owl (PHB p308) scheming rogues will often scope out a target tomb for
months in advance, carefully planning their heist and
assembling a group of like-minded individuals to aid
EMPOWERED FORM them. They will be found with all manner of equipment
Beginning at 15th level, your shapeshifting abilities have for their purpose; for grisly punishments are not the
been greatly increased as the connection to your god only deterrent to put off thieves. Devious traps, magical
strengthens. You can use your animal form twice per wards and terrifying guardians have to be expected,
long rest and may stay in that form for as long as you though may not be revealed until inside the tomb. It is
wish with no time limit. Additionally, whilst in your not an uncommon sight to find the skeletal remains of
animal form, your attacks count as magical weapons, another thief whilst raiding a tomb; perhaps captured by
and you may cast any spell that does not require material a trapped door and left to starve, obliterated by arcane
components to cast. glyphs or torn to pieces by eternally-patrolling golems.
Macabre sights, but often very useful for the next tomb
AVATAR OF FAITH raider attempting entry, as these remains may show the
At 20th level, you can become the mortal manifestation location of hazards to avoid.
of your god’s will. As an action, you turn into a divine Of course, Mulhorand is not the only place in Faerun,
avatar and gain the following benefits for 1 minute: or any other world or setting, that has tombs ripe for
• You emit an aura of dazzling magnificence in a 30- raiding. Ancient ziggurats lie hidden deep in the jungles
foot-radius sphere; the first time an enemy creature of Chult, sunken ruins cover the bottom of the Sea of
enters the radius or begins its turn there it must Fallen Stars, even great cities such as Waterdeep have
succeed on a Constitution saving throw or become treasure-filled family tombs of nobility. This class
stunned until the end of its next turn (each enemy archetype for the rogue is suitable for most settings and
only needs to attempt the save once) campaigns.

• Creatures attacking you within the 30-foot-radius
have disadvantage on their attack rolls
• You and allies within 30 feet gain advantage on all When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you have
saving throws including death saves become an expert in raiding tombs and other dungeons.
You gain the Dungeon Delver feat from the PHB (Page
This effect ends early if you are incapacitated or die. 166). If you already have this feat (as part of the variant
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you human feature for example), you may select a new feat
finish a long rest. that you meet all prerequisites for.

Starting at 3rd level, you have learned the importance of The great Mulhorandi wizard Nezram, the World Walker,
preparing for dangerous ventures such as raiding tombs. was a pioneer of the ancient and mysterious art of gem
You might scout the area you are going to, gather magic. Indeed, he realized at a young age that the many
information from locals, acquire equipment for the task precious gemstones that litter Faerûn’s subterranean
at hand and generally prepare yourself and your party surface hold much greater value than any bazaar
for the inevitable perils ahead. You may take a full day merchant can appraise. The primordial energy that
(at least twelve hours) and gain an inspiration dice for creates these gleaming stones imbues them with a
you and each member of your party; your preparations modicum of power, which reacts when exposed to the
ensuring your group are ready for the trials ahead. raw magic of the weave. Artificers and wizards of
suitable training can tap into such power, using gems as
ARCANE INSTINCT spell components to augment their existing spells or
At 9th level, you have learned to detect the presence of create entirely new ones. Different gemstones offer
arcane glyphs and writing that often heralds the different magical enhancement, altering and focusing
presence of a magical trap. You gain proficiency with the the weave in unique ways.
Arcana skill (if you already have it, you may choose The spells listed here are creations of Nezram, the
another from the list of skills available to a rogue) and World Walker, originally documented in his spellbook
may check to determine the presence and nature of a Unique Mageries, which was lost to the wizard many
magical trap as if you were a spellcaster. centuries ago. Over time, they have begun to spread
around the various arcane circles of Faerûn, adopted and
PARKOUR ADEPT reimagined by wizards and artificers alike. The following
By 13th level, your lithe, dexterous form can overcome spells are available for artificers and wizards to learn,
any test of strength with graceful flowing movement provided they meet the level requirements and possess
that would rival the mightiest barbarian. Any skill check the expensive components needed to cast:
that requires you to use Athletics (climbing, jumping,
swimming etc.) you may use Acrobatics instead. CREATE GEMSTONE GOLEM
Additionally, you can disengage as part of your 8th level conjuration
movement without needing to use a cunning action. Casting Time: 8 hours (Ritual)
Range: 30 feet
MASTER DUNGEONEER Components: V, M (a single gemstone as noted below,
When you reach 17th level, you have become
which the spell consumes)
unparalleled in your tomb raiding abilities. There is no
vault you can't crack, and no trap gives you pause. You You conjure a powerful golem, created from a single
gain advantage on all Dexterity saving throws and gemstone “heart” that expands through rapid arcane
Dexterity-based skill checks (Acrobatics, Stealth, nucleation to form the desired humanoid shape. Unlike
Thieves' Tools, Initiative etc.). You also gain advantage traditional conjuration magic, the golem is made by
on any Arcana, Investigation and Perception checks chaining an unwilling spirit from the elemental plane of
relating to finding or understanding traps of any kind. earth to this gemstone heart and subjecting it to the will
of the creator. This animated construct will not
unsummon after a certain time and will only disappear if
the vessel is utterly destroyed, allowing gemstone
golems to linger for millennia, guarding the tombs and
pyramids of Mulhorand’s ancient dead.
The process of conjuration and creation takes a full 8
hours and cannot be interrupted, or the spell will be lost
and its components wasted. You must also make a DC 20
Arcana check as the final part of the casting ritual or the
golem creation fails and it immediately becomes hostile.
If made successfully, the golem will obey your
commands and continue to do so until it is reduced to 0
hit points or the elemental spirit within is returned to its
native plane of existence (for example via a Banishment
spell). If the golem is destroyed, its physical form is
reduced to worthless dust, but the original gemstone
used for its heart will remain, allowing a new golem to
be created. The golem is an ally to you and your
companions. In combat, it shares your initiative count,
but takes its turn immediately after yours.
See page 95 for the different gemstone golem stat
blocks available. The type of golem created will depend
on the type of gemstone used as its component, with the
required costs for each as follows:
• Opal Golem: a perfect opal worth at least 500 gp
• Ruby Golem: a perfect ruby worth at least 2000 gp
• Emerald Golem: a perfect emerald worth at least
3000 gp
• Diamond Golem: a perfect diamond worth at least
5000 gp

DIAMOND DOME OF BRILLIANCE The ray has the following effects depending on the
7th level abjuration nature of its target:

Casting Time: 1 action • Any magical trap is immediately dispelled, and any
Range: Self (15-foot-radius sphere) mundane trap is immediately sprung.
Components: V, M (a diamond or diamond dust worth at • Any lingering spells or magical effects e.g. a wall of
least 500 gp, which the spell consumes) force, polymorph or a major image are dispelled.
Duration: 1 minute • Any spells affecting a target such as mage armor or
stoneskin are immediately dispelled (this also includes
Focusing the most powerful gem magic, you emit a
harmful spells such as bane).
brilliant dome of sparkling diamond energy that • Summoned creatures hit by the ray are immediately
encompasses you and a 15-foot-radius sphere around
you for the duration. Enemies within the dome's radius • Creatures that have been created by magic such as
count as being blinded whilst within it, and any ranged
constructs or undead are stunned until your next turn
attacks against your or other allies in the dome are made
as the magic holding them together is rendered inert.
with disadvantage.
NEZRAM'S AMETHYST AURA 3rd level evocation
3rd level abjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 90 feet
Range: Touch
Target: A point you can see within range
Components: V, M (an amethyst or amethyst dust worth
Components: V, M (a crystal or crystal dust worth at
at least 25 gp, which the spell consumes)
least 25 gp, which the spell consumes)
Duration: 1 hour
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
You touch a willing creature. Until the spell ends, the
You manifest a wall of crystal into existence at a point
target is enveloped in an amethyst-purple aura and is
you choose within range. The wall is 6 inches thick and is
immune to poison and disease of any kind. This will not
composed of six 10-foot-by-10-foot panels. Each panel
remove or prevent the effects of any existing poison or
must be contiguous with at least one other panel.
disease before the spell was cast.
If the wall cuts through a creature’s space when it
appears, the creature is pushed to one side of the wall
NEZRAM'S EMERALD ENERGY SHIELD (your choice). If a creature would be surrounded on all
4th level abjuration
sides by the wall (or the wall and another solid surface),
Casting Time: 1 action that creature can make a Dexterity saving throw. On a
Range: Touch success, it can use its reaction to move up to its speed so
Components: V, M (an emerald or emerald dust worth at that it is no longer enclosed by the wall.
least 50 gp, which the spell consumes) The wall can have any shape you wish, though it
Duration: 10 minutes cannot occupy the same space as a creature or object.
The wall must rest on a firm foundation such as earth or
You touch a willing creature that becomes imbued with
stone. It is an object made of crystal that can be damaged
an emerald-green glow and is protected against any
and thus breached. Each panel has AC 12 and 10 hit
mind-altering magic. Until the spell ends, they
points per inch of thickness. Reducing a panel to 0 hit
automatically succeed any charisma, intelligence or
points destroys it and may cause connected panels to
wisdom saving throws versus spells and magical effects.
collapse (DM’s discretion). If you maintain your
NEZRAM'S SAPPHIRE SCREEN OF SHIELDING concentration on this spell for its whole duration, the
5th level abjuration wall becomes permanent and cannot be dispelled.
Otherwise, the wall disappears when the spell ends.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V, M (a sapphire or sapphire dust worth at
least 100 gp, which the spell consumes)
Duration: 10 minutes

You conjure a swirling sapphire-blue sphere of energy

that surrounds you and shields you from physical harm.
Until the spell ends, you gain +5 to your AC and
resistance against nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing
and slashing damage.


6th level abjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet
Components: V, M (a ruby or ruby dust worth at least
200 gp, which the spell consumes)

Using the power of gem magic, you conjure a thin ruby-

red beam that shoots from your fingertips to negate any
hazards that may stand before you.

Wondrous item, artifact
Mulhorand is a land positively teeming with treasure,
magical or otherwise. For the best part of four millennia The Font of Time is a powerful artifact from the ancient
its people and their god-kings have accumulated vast empires of Mulhorand, offering the ability to witness the
treasure troves of gold, jewels and valuable items of all past as if it were reality. According to the musings of
descriptions. The Mulhorandi believe that their Nezram in Unique Mageries, the font would appear at
possessions from life will be brought with them into random in a mirage during a full moon, most often in
Heliopolis, continuing their affluence into the afterlife. the Raurin desert east of the Dragonsword Mountains.
For anyone lucky enough to find it, it allows them to
ANKH OF LIFE gaze into the pearlescent waters and view Mulhorand’s
Wand, artifact (requires attunement by a cleric or paladin) ancient history as if they were actually there. Who
The ankh of life was once wielded by the incarnation of created it and for what purpose remains a mystery, and
the god Re, and is perhaps the most powerful many Mulhorologists have spent their entire life
Mulhorandi relic ever created. It was lost during the searching for it. Unfortunately, with the arrival of the
Orcgate War at the Battle of Thazalhar Plains, as Re fell Spellplague, the Font vanished without trace and there
in single combat with the orc God Gruumsh, and despite have been no accounts of it being seen since.
Curse. Made entirely of crystal, the Font of Time
the efforts of many paladins of Horus-Re and Osiris,
appears out of the desert with sparkling magnificence.
none have been able to recover it.
Made from fossilized wood and roughly formed in the The liquid it holds glows faintly and is bitter to the taste.
shape of an ankh, this ancient artifact does not appear Yet its magnificence hides the font’s true, cursed nature.
Anyone who gazes into the shimmering pool is instantly
powerful. Yet looks are ever deceiving, for the ankh
contains the raw divine power of Re himself, offering the transported back in time to a period in Mulhorand’s
wielder a fragment of the power of a dead god. ancient history. The Dungeon Master will randomly
choose a point in time from the first, second or third
The Ankh of Life holds 5 charges and whilst attuned
you may cast Greater Restoration or Heal (1 charge), Mulhorandi Empire, prior to the Spellplague (can either
Resurrection or Regenerate (2 charges) or Mass Heal or use Chapter 1 of this book which includes a full timeline
or choose a time period that is suitable).
True Resurrection (5 charges).
However, such powerful divine magic is not without Once you have been transported, you will be able to
sacrifice. The Ankh of Life was created to be wielded by a move freely through this era of history, though unable to
interact or interfere with transpiring events in any way.
god; lesser mortals who use it are permanently drained
You will be as ghosts, trapped in time and only able to
both physically and mentally. When casting a spell with
the wand, you are immediately drained by 1d4 hit points witness what the font has chosen to show you. The only
for each charge used in casting that spell. These hit way to escape and return to the present era is to find the
font in that period. It acts as a portal and will allow you
points cannot be recovered in any way other than a Wish
spell. Additionally, you must make a wisdom saving to return to the future where, upon arrival, you will find
throw (DC 15 + the number of charges used to cast the that no time has passed since you left.
spell). If you fail your memory is temporarily erased; you
become totally unaware of who and where you are, what
Weapon (scimitar), rare (requires attunement)
you are doing and why, and who anyone is around you.
This effect lasts 24 hours and cannot be removed in any The khopesh is the traditional weapon of Mulhorand, its
way other than by a Wish spell. striking hooked blade a common sight in its military or
The Ankh of Life regains 1d3 charges each day at dawn. among the clergy of Horus-Re. This one in particular has
been ensorcelled with powerful enchantments by House
CLAW OF NEZRAM Tholaunt, its exquisite blade lined with hieroglyphs.
Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement) You gain a +1 to attack and damage rolls made with
The Claw of Nezram is a powerful and unique magic item this magical longsword. Additionally, once per day, you
may use an action to cast dust devil, which functions as
originally enchanted by the wizard Nezram to assist him
with mundane tasks as well as provide him additional the basic version of the spell (Xanathar’s Guide to
protection in times of danger. Crafted from Alexandrite Everything) without requiring concentration and DC 12
for the saving throw.
crystal and embedded with rubies, it is shaped like a
human hand only with long, diamond claws that are
magically enhanced and razor sharp. There are only five
known copies of the claw scattered across Faerun,
though Nezram may have more in his service and only
the wizard himself knows the true number that exist.
Once attuned, you have telepathic control of the hand
which acts as a sentient being and can be commanded to
perform any functions desired, from mundane tasks
such as item retrieval to attacking or restraining an
enemy in combat. The claw is an ally to you and your
companions. In combat, it shares your initiative count,
but takes its turn immediately after yours.
The Claw of Nezram can attack and be attacked; it has
an AC of 18 and 98 hit points. If it drops to 0 hit points it
is destroyed. It can make two attacks per round at +8 to
hit, dealing 1d6+4 magical slashing damage. It can also
use the spell shocking grasp as an 11th level spellcaster.

Wondrous item, common (requires attunement) Weapon (mace), rare (requires attunement by a cleric or
This traditional Mulhorandi headdress has been imbued
with an enchantment to offer protection from exposure; Holy scepters are often found among the high priests of
a very popular item for those who travel across the harsh the Mulhorandi deities, each one aligned to their specific
desert wasteland of Mulhorand’s interior. god. They are mainly used as an ornamental focus during
Whilst attuned, you always count as benefitting from religious ceremonies, though they are blessed with the
the effects of shade, as detailed in the desert wastes power of their respective god if called for in battle.
section (page 65). You gain a +1 to attack and damage rolls made with the
scepter (mace). Additionally, you can use an action to
RE’S REDEMPTION expend 1 or more of its charges to cast spells using your
Weapon (any melee weapon), rare spell save DC and spellcasting ability modifier. It has 5
charges and regenerates 1d3 charges each day at dawn. If
When the God Re fell in battle with Grrumsh during the
you expend the last charge, roll a d20, on a roll of 1 the
Orcgate War, he blessed the weapons of the Mulani
scepter’s power has faded and it is reduced to a non-
forces with his dying breath. These powerful enchanted
magical mace. The list of spells you can cast with the
weapons granted a considerable advantage to the
scepter is dependent upon the deity that it belongs to:
surviving army, ensuring they would defeat the orc
horde and save Mulhorand from ruin. Over the ages, S CEPTER OF THE G ODS SPELL LIST
these blessed weapons have been scattered across the
land, some buried with their owners, others still used by
Deity Spells (charge cost)
House Ramathant’s military forces today and many Anhur wrathful smite (1 charge), heroism (1
more lost to time. charge), crusader’s mantle (3 charges)
Despite the passing of over two thousand years, Re’s Bast charm person (1 charge), enthral (2
blessing remains intact, offering its wielder a powerful
charges), dominate person (5 charges)
weapon, especially when fighting against orcs of any
kind. You gain a +2 to attack and damage rolls made with Geb earth tremor (1 charge), meld into stone (3
this magic weapon. Additionally, when you hit an attack charges) stone shape (4 charges)
made against an orc of any kind (including half-orcs), Hathor healing word (1 charge), prayer of healing
they take an additional 3d6 radiant damage and must (2 charges), beacon of hope (3 charges)
succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be blinded
Horus-Re command (1 charge), augury (2 charges),
until your next turn.
commune (5 charges)
PHARAOH’S GIFT Isis goodberry (1 charge), plant growth (3
Wondrous item, common charges), aura of vitality (3 charges)
This small sponge, shaped like an ankh, has been Nephthys identify (1 charge), locate object (2
enchanted to provide sustenance. It is a popular gift charges), glyph of warding (3 charges)
across Mulhorand, especially for those who are Osiris detect evil and good (1 charge), gentle
travelling across the desert. repose (2 charges), dispel evil and good (5
Whilst the Pharaoh’s Gift is placed under the tongue, charges)
you receive enough sustenance to avoid needing water
and avoid the effects of dehydration. After 3 days the Sebek inflict wounds (1 charge), cause fear (1
enchantment fades and the item dissolves. charge), water breathing (3 charges)
Set command (1 charge), invisibility (2
SCARAB OF THE SWARM charges), bestow curse (3 charges)
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) Thoth detect magic (1 charge), dispel magic (3
This ornate, golden scarab beetle has been beautifully charges), arcane eye (4 charges)
crafted and inset with precious gems. Holding it in your
hand you can feel a faint vibration, like the buzzing of
tiny wings.
Weapon (shortsword), uncommon
You can use an action to speak a command word and
throw the scarab on the ground within 10 feet of you. This cruel shortsword is the favored weapon of the Fangs
The scarab becomes a swarm of scarabs (page 106) under of Set, a vicious group of assassins led by Isseth, and
your control and acts on its own initiative count. By many a mark has been found slain by what would appear
using a bonus action to speak the command word again, just a minor wound. The dagger’s pommel is curved in
you return the scarab to its normal form in a space the head of a cobra and the dark steel blade constantly
formerly occupied by the swarm. Note that the item will drips with green venom.
remain in whatever space the swarm was last occupying, When you hit a creature with an attack with this
even if it had burrowed underground. weapon, in addition to regular shortsword damage (d6),
On your turn, you can mentally command the swarm if the target must make a DC 11 Constitution saving throw,
it is within 60 feet of you and you aren't incapacitated. taking 3d6 poison damage on a failed save, or half as
You decide what action the swarm takes and where it much damage on a successful one. Additionally, if you
moves during its next turn, or you can issue it a general roll a 20 on the attack roll, the target is poisoned for the
command, such as to attack your enemies or guard a next hour if they fail their save. However, if you roll a 1
location. If the swarm is reduced to 0 hit points, it dies or 2 on the attack, the serpent instead turns on its
and reverts to its item form; which then shatters and is owner; you must make a DC 11 Constitution saving throw
destroyed. If the swarm reverts to item form before or suffer 3d6 poison damage on a failed save, or half as
losing all its hit points, it regains all of them. much damage on a successful one.

Wondrous item, artifact (requires attunement) Staff, artifact (requires attunement)
Crafted by the first artificers of Imaskar close to ten In the centuries following the creation of the First
thousand years ago, this crown is a relic of the power of Imaskarcana, six more of these powerful artifacts were
the ancient Imaskar Empire. It was traditionally claimed crafted, for a variety of purposes. Nearly all have been
by each new emperor as a symbol of their supreme lost over the millennia, with several having no historical
authority and bestows upon the wearer the combined record. One that is recorded is the Fifth Imaskarcana, a
knowledge of all previous Lord Artificers who have powerful scepter that was given to the High General of
donned it. The last known owner of the crown was Lord the Imaskari legions. The last known owner was Lord
Artificer Yuvaraj who fell in battle with Horus during the Dimarond, High General of Imaskar during the Mulani
battle of Inupras in -2488 DR. It was believed scattered uprising. He fell in battle against a host of Glorious
and buried in the Raurin wastes since then, though Servitors in -2488 DR and the relic was lost to the newly
rumor abounds that Ult’Axion, declaring himself a new formed Raurin Desert. Lord Artificer Ult’Axion, using the
Lord Artificer of Imaskar, has reclaimed the artifact to First Imaskarcana, is believed to have uncovered the
empower his claim. Fifth Imaskarcana as well.
Regal and extraordinary, the First Imaskarcana is a The Fifth Imaskarcana is a pitted scepter about two
crown wrought from a strange lavender-hued metal, feet long, with a green jewel mounted on its head. The
evident of the master artificers of ancient Imaskar. A haft, pommel and head are elaborately crafted with
large blue-black sapphire approximately three inches in bronze and steel, giving the scepter an aura of imposing
diameter adorns the center of the crown. authority.
Whilst attuned, you gain advantage on saving throws Whilst attuned, you are instilled with the entire
made to resist spells or spell-like effects. In addition, if military knowledge of ancient Imaskar; you have
you succeed on the save, and the spell or spell-like effect advantage on initiative checks and can never be
targets you, it has no effect on you and instead targets surprised (whilst conscious).
the caster, using the slot level, spell save DC, Attack Like its older sibling, the Fifth Imaskarcana is also
bonus, and Spellcasting ability of the caster. sentient, and will also only communicate or respond to
Additionally, the wearer has advantage on any history commands spoken in Roushoum. If you attempt to
checks made regarding the Imaskar communicate or activate its abilities in a language other
The First Imaskarcana is a sentient magic item and than Roushoum you will immediately be targeted by a
one that is beholden to the Imaskari. It will only disintegrate spell (save DC 19).
communicate or respond to commands spoken in If communicated to in Roushoum, the Fifth
Roushoum, the ancient language of Imaskar. When Imaskarcana will not engage in conversation, however it
attuned, if you speak to or command it in any other will respond to direct questions from the attuned wielder
language, you will immediately become the target of a pertaining to the military history of the Imaskar Empire.
feeblemind spell (save DC 20). It also holds 10 charges and recharges 1d4+1 charges
If spoken to in Roushoum, the crown will not engage each day at dawn. These can be used to cast the following
in conversation, however it will answer direct questions spells using your spell save DC and spellcasting ability
(if it knows the answer). Once per day, the wearer may modifier: spiritual weapon or aid (1 charge), crusader’s
use the spell legend lore, though will only get a response mantle or wall of stone (3 charges), arcane gate or
if the person, place or object described is linked to the disintegrate (5 charges) or gate or foresight (10 charges).
ancient history of the Imaskar Empire.


rom its scorched deserts, buried tombs, DRAGONBORN

ruined cities and dragon-infested mountains,
During the Spellplague, a huge section of the
Mulhorand is inhabited by far more than the
Dragonborn realm of Tymanchebar was torn from Abeir
Mulhorandi. Terrifying monsters roam the
and transplanted into Faerûn, south of Unther. This
desert wastes or lurk in the crevasses and
became known as the nation of Tymanther, who
shadows of the land. Many appeared with the
flourished in this new land, despite their war with the
Spellplague, born from the unbridled energies of the
Untherans they had displaced. Some have migrated away
conflagration which devastated this nation a century
from the conflict, including eastward into Mulhorand.
ago. They still linger in places such as the ruins of Skuld,
feeding off pockets of residual wild magic energy, as well
as those foolish enough to cross their path. An
Adventuring Guild has even been set up in Skyclave with Gold dwarves are common across the eastern reaches of
the aim of ridding this blight, encouraging capable Faerûn, and there are a number of cities and settlements
heroes with promises of riches and glory. beneath the Dragonsword and Giant’s Belt Mountains.
This chapter details a number of such creatures that Gold and stone dwarves have also become more and
inhabit Mulhorand, including information on playable more common in Mulhorand since the borders were
races, existing creatures from other sourcebooks and a opened to friendly races by Pharaoh Horuskhet I. Some
wide selection of terrifying new monsters. have joined House Gebthant, earning their fortune in the
These creatures are designed to fit the theme of desert mines or working their craft in the industrial
Mulhorand but most can easily be applied to other sectors of Skyclave.
campaigns or settings. Monsters are presented
alphabetically, including a description of the creature, ELVES
how they fit in the setting and their stat block. Prior to the Spellplague, wood elves inhabited the
Gannathwood in northern Mulhorand, however this
COMMON PLAYABLE RACES small forest was decimated by the conflagration. It is
Described here are the playable races most commonly now a graveyard of dead and twisted willow trees, the
found in Mulhorand, along with details of where they elves who once lived there either dead or departed for
might hail from. This list is not exclusive, and other other lands. Wandering elves of varying subspecies do
races certainly exist for players to choose from, though visit or even make their home in Mulhorand.
they are more likely to originate from elsewhere. Most of
these are races from the PHB; any from elsewhere will GOLIATHS
reference the sourcebook and page number in brackets. To the south east of Mulhorand lies the Fuirgar, Land of
the Stone Giants. Over the centuries, tribes of these
AASIMAR giants began to trade and mingle with other races,
It is thought that the Aasimar (Monsters of the Multiverse creating the giant kin races such as ogres, verbeegs and,
page 7) originated from the lands of Mulhorand and most notably, goliaths (Monsters of the Multiverse page
Unther. The gods lived among their people during the 21). Tribes of these powerful warriors range across the
First, Second and Third Empires, forming entire Furitep and the surrounding mountains, living in the
dynasties with their divine blood. Since then, many have shadow of their stone giant ancestors. Some have begun
left and spread across Faerûn, yet many still belong to to descend from the mountains into human lands,
the royal houses of their lineage. including Mulhorand, seeking adventure and glory.

Like the dwarves, there are numerous svirfneblin and Listed here are creatures that are well known and
rock gnome colonies beneath the Dragonsword and regularly encountered across Mulhorand, though
Giant’s Belt Mountains, and some have begun to venture certainly not exclusive to the area. Most of the names
out into the surrounding lands to trade or find better highlighted in bold refer to creatures available in the
fortune. The Mulhorandi have learned the value of Monster Manual; any from elsewhere will have the book
gnome craftmanship and engineering prowess in the and page number referenced in brackets.
years since.
HALF-ORCS The lingering effects of the Spellplague has led to an
Despite the Orcgate War being nearly two-thousand influx of the nightmare creatures known as aberrations.
years ago, the Mulhorandi still look on orcs, even half- Some, like beholders, gibbering mouthers and mind
orcs, with distrust. Nevertheless, the pharaoh has flayers, already existed in Faerûn and surfaced in
allowed any and all friendly races into Mulhorand and it Mulhorand with the plague, seeking new lairs. More
is not unusual to see half-orcs in its cities and towns; concerning are those that appeared when the cataclysm
some are even part descended from the gray orcs who tore open the fabric between planes, allowing alien
survived the war. beings from the Far Realms passage into Faerûn. Star
spawn (Monsters of the Multiverse page 227) of various
HALFLINGS types have recently been encountered in the ruins of
Until now, halflings have never been common in Skuld, their arrival an ominous portent. Whether these
Mulhorand. None existed among the Mulan before the alien beings have appeared as a byproduct of the
Imaskari enslaved them and brought them to Faerûn, Spellplague, or whether the Elder Evils they are aligned
and the few that did happen to pass through Mulhorand to hold more malevolent plans, is a mystery to all.
were often confused with the children of dwarves. They Regardless, the fact a direct passage has been made from
have become much more common in modern times, the Far Realms into Faerûn is of great concern.
living alongside the ‘tall folk’ as they do in many other
nations across Faerûn. BEASTS
The scorched deserts of Mulhorand are no place for
warm-blooded mammals, but there are plenty of other
By far the most numerous of the races, humans have beasts who thrive in the wastes. Cold-blooded reptiles
dominated Mulhorand and the surrounding lands for such as giant poisonous snakes, giant lizards and
close to ten thousand years. First came the Imaskari, crocodiles prey on travelers who stray too close to their
their empire covering most of eastern Faerûn. After a lairs. They commonly inhabit oases and rivers, waiting
terrible plague, they abducted an entire civilization from in ambush for those desperate to quench their thirst.
a distant world to bolster their dwindling population. Insects and arachnids of all shapes and sizes also thrive
These humans were known as the Mulan and lived as in the arid climate, many of which have grown to
slaves to the Imaskar Empire. After their gods followed enormous proportions or into swarms that will hungrily
them to Toril, they rose up and deposed their overlords. devour any prey they come across. Giant spiders, giant
The Mulani people then settled in the lands around the scorpions and swarms of insects are common across
Raurin, forming two new human empires of Mulhorand Mulhorand, often inhabiting desert caves, ruins and
and Unther. tombs. Giant vultures prowl the skies, scavenging easy
Over the centuries, the Mulan have diverged away into prey and circling above those who seem close to falling
separatist nations including Murghôm, Semphar and foul of the desert’s peril.
Thay. After mingling with natives such as the Turami A number of new monstrous beasts are detailed later
and Tethens, and once Pharaoh Horuskhet I ended the in this chapter, presenting DMs and players with a range
xenophobia that had plagued Mulhorand’s early of natural predators for any wilderness or dungeon
empires, the humans of today’s Mulhorand are a melting encounter in Mulhorand or other desert settings.
pot of different ethnicities. The title of Mulhorandi is
used to describe the people of Mulhorand specifically
and does not refer to any race or ethnicity.

Unlike the other races who arrived in Mulhorand after
the pharaoh’s decree, the tieflings have been present for
much longer, even before the arrival of the Spellplague
or High Imaskar. A large community of tieflings has
been established in the second city of Gheldaneth, where
they have become a part of Mulhorandi society aiding in
the uprising against High Imaskar in 1485 DR. Their
origins are a mystery, though most believe they are
descendants of Thayan slaves who have been cursed by
dark magic. The truth is much more sinister.
Unbeknownst to the rest of Mulhorand, the tieflings are
descendants of the evil god Set, and have infiltrated
society at his command. Aybtep Kohl, the leader of the
tieflings, keeps in constant communication with Isseth,
waiting for the right time for the serpent to strike.

Dragons have been a menace in Mulhorand for Following in the destructive path of the Spellplague,
thousands of years, the nation’s expansive wilderness monstrosities of all kinds began appearing across
and varied landscape providing perfect territory for Mulhorand, lurking in its wilderness and the many ruins
wyrm kind. Perhaps the most notorious of these was the and dungeons covering the land. In the desert,
ancient green dragon Chaathuuladroth who laid waste jackalweres, lamias, manticores and bullettes prowl the
to the tower and home of Nezram, the World Walker, sand dunes and sunblasted crags looking for prey. The
whilst the wizard was traveling the planes. In the time skies are not safe either, as huge rocs soar for miles
since the Spellplague, Mulhorand’s desert landscape is across the desert from their mountain roosts, nothing
most commonly inhabited by blue dragons, including safe from their keen sight. Much fouler monsters lurk in
Gestaniius, an ancient blue dragon that was a thorn in the many dungeons, caves and ruins, such as basilisks,
the side of High Imaskar for many years before the rust monsters, umber hulks and kruthiks (Monsters of
return of the Mulhorandi. Brass dragons are also found the Multiverse page 168).
in the desert, though tend to avoid the local population Not all monstrosities are considered monsters.
unless provoked. Much less common are the sand Sphinxes, such as the androsphinx and gynosphinx are
dragons (see page 102), also known as brown dragons, generally passive towards other races, and even
who lair beneath the sand dunes, waiting for prey to venerated as creatures of the gods by the Muhorandi.
disturb the sand above them. There are tales of these mysterious beings helping those
in need, though their true motives are as mysterious as
ELEMENTALS the riddles they speak.
Following the Spellplague, creatures from the elemental
planes are common where wild magic lingers. Pulled SEA MONSTERS
from their home by the cataclysm, many angry earth The Alamber sea presents its own myriad of dangerous
elementals, air elementals and fire elementals wander creatures, threatening any who would travel from
in these areas of high energy disturbance, unable to Mulhorand’s shores. The most notable of these are the
return to their native plane. Dust elementals (see page sahuagin who, following the destruction of Aleaxtis and
93), somewhere between earth and air, have become arrival of Iakhovas in 1369 DR, have rebuilt their empire
increasingly common as well, swirling across the desert under the dominion of King T’Kalah, the Black Claws, a
wilderness and engulfing anything they come across. powerful sahuagin baron. T’Kalah, the city of the king’s
Other elementally aligned creatures can also be found, namesake, lies west of the Alaor in the Alamber, along
such as dust mephits, steam mephits (from the Lake of with four other settlements that form the new Kurrimal
Salt) and smoke mephits (Ruins of Skuld). Empire. Sahuagin attacks on shipping are common and
there have even been reports of raids in river
settlements. House Ramathant maintains continuous
naval patrols to try and ward off this sea devil threat.
There are also other much larger creatures inhabiting
the Alamber; aboleths, dragon turtles, krakens and
leviathans (Monsters of the Multiverse page 171) have all
been spotted; usually by survivors of ships that have
been dragged down into the depths.

Despite the best efforts of Osiris and House Osriant, the
curse of undeath remains prevalent across Mulhorand.
Necromancy is common, even with the tight regulation
of arcane magic. This mainly stems from the Cult of Set
who use necromancy to further their vile agendas in
service to the Defiler of the Dead. They often desecrate
the honored dead beneath their pyramid tombs,
disturbing their rest and raising them as mummies and
mummy lords. They also use their undead servants for a
wide variety of tasks, including assassination, and have
A dust mephit emerges from a sandstorm been known to direct shadows, specters and wraiths to

By Dean Spencer reach targets their assassins cannot.
The Red Wizards are another influence of undeath in
Southeast of Mulhorand lies the Fuirgar, Land of the the region, with Mulhorand and Thay existing in an
Stone giants. Tribes of the stone giants that give the land uneasy peace since Pharaoh Horuskhet’s return. Under
its name have existed there for millennia, ranging the the leadership of Szass Tam, himself a powerful lich,
Giant’s Belt and Dragonsword mountains as well as the many of the Red Wizards have taken the journey into
barren lowlands between. They generally keep well away undeath and their malevolence is ever present to
from people and are peaceful unless provoked, focusing Mulhorand’s north.
on their pursuit of stonecraft, which they sometimes Szass Tam also commands the Legion of Bone, an
offer in trade with other races. Unlike most of their kin army formed entirely of skeleton warriors and wights,
in Faerûn, the giants here live mostly above ground, led by vampire generals. The peace between Mulhorand
causing their stony skin to have taken a tanned brown and Thay is unlikely to last, and inevitably Horuskhet
color in the powerful sun. Hill giants can be found here will have to face this undead legion and the ungodly
too, though more rarely since the Spellplague. liches that command it.

Perhaps the most terrifying monster in Mulhorandi Though Apep is currently imprisoned for all eternity in
legend is Apep, also known as King of Serpents, the the Wells of Darkness deep within the Abyss, there are
Devourer of Light and by the name Apophis in the many who would seek his release. Set, the Lord of Evil, to
Domains of Dread. He is the living embodiment of evil in whom Apep was originally a servant, is one of these. He
the mythology of Mulhorand and the people pray to believes that releasing Apep from his prison and into
ensure he will never return. He is an ancient demigod, Faerûn will be the catalyst he needs to wrestle power
born of hatred and fire, and consumed with the desire to from the Mulhorandi pantheon, if not annihilate the
annihilate the Mulhorandi gods. other gods entirely. Deep in the northern desert of the
Long ago, before the gods travelled to Faerûn, there Taranoth, in the ruins of Maerlar, a malevolent scheme
was a ferocious battle in the heavens as Apep attempted is in motion. Isseth, chosen heir and demigod of Set, has
to destroy Re’s solar barge. He was once a servant of Set, begun preparation for a ritual that will release Apep’s
however upon realizing that the serpent’s plans of binds and open a portal to the Abyss that will allow the
destruction included the Lord of Evil as well, Set King of Serpents to slither into Mulhorand and taste
ultimately sided with the other gods to defeat Apep. They freedom for the first time in millennia.
banished him to the Wells of Darkness on the seventy- The players will hear a rumor that something is amiss
third level of the Abyss, binding him within the black in Maerlar whilst they are in Skyclave. They will be
pools to prevent his return to the Prime Material Plane. approached by Hartep, an official of House Helcaliant,
He lurks there to this day, coiled in slumber beneath the who will offer the players a significant reward if they can
inky black waters, waiting for the chance to return and travel through the desert to reach Maerlar and uncover
claim his vengeance. what is happening there. The reward should be
And there are some who seek his return. Though there appropriate for the party level and contain gold, magic
is no formalized religion of Apep, there are annihilation items and the pharaoh’s favor.
cults that meet in secrecy, communicating to each other The desert journey will allow encounters with some of
with strange symbols scrawled on walls or in notes. the other unique monsters in this chapter, as well as
These worshippers whisper of a ‘great cleansing’ where other desert hazards notes in chapter 4. Once they arrive
Apep will return in a conflagration of fire and death, in Maerlar, they will quickly find that this is no empty
ridding the world of all apostates and restoring Toril, ruin; the Cult of Set have taken it as their new sanctuary.
and Mulhorand, to a form of purity and sanctitude. They will not be unaware of the players’ arrival either;
If Apep is ever released from his prison and returns to jackalweres, fangs of set (see page 94) and their assassin
the material plane, his physical form will materialize as commanders will strike out from the shadows in an
gargantuan a 100-foot-long serpent, scales glowing attempt to stop the players. If they survive, the players
with abyssal flame. His reptilian eyes gleam with will reach the center of the ruined city, where they will
malevolence and when his jaws open, they reveal find Isseth (page 94) in the middle of performing the
colossal fangs dripping with poison and liquid fire rising ritual to summon Apep.
from his throat. The very air around him distorts and This adventure can be played either at medium level
shimmers from the heat of demonic fire as his massive (10th-12th) where failure to stop the ritual will spell
form winds and slithers across the land. doom for the players and Mulhorand, or alternatively at
In combat, Apep will attempt to scour his enemies high level (18th-20th), where they will do battle with
from existence with his powerful breath weapon and Apep as he emerges from the Abyss. Encounters before
evocation magic. If that fails, he will close the distance they reach the ritual can be adjusted based on the level of
and strike with his poisonous and burning bite, characters, along with the reward. If the players are
swallowing his prey whole or crushing them within his successful in stopping Apep, the pharaoh himself will
constricting form. meet them in Skyclave to give them their reward.

ASHEN HUSK the dead, their shriveled skin dry as parchment. They
wander the desert in search of other living things,
The sun-blasted wastes of Mulhorand’s interior are draining them of the life-giving moisture the husks were
incredibly dangerous for travelers. Beyond the deadly denied in life, condemning their victims to join their
monsters that prowl the shifting dunes, rocky chasms ranks. How many of these cursed undead beings exist is
and forgotten oases, the greatest danger is the desert unknown, but as more unfortunate souls are lost to the
itself. Countless leagues pass without any kind of water desert, the number will only continue to grow.
source and the sun is a relentless menace to any living In combat, ashen husks attempt to grasp and cling on
creature that walks beneath its glare. It is common for to their prey with inhuman strength. The husk’s aura
travelers to fall prey to the sweltering heat and will then siphon moisture until their victim is drained of
dehydration without ever seeing a monster. Those all life. Relatively slow, a single husk can be dealt with by
unfortunate enough to do so in an area where the a fast-moving opponent, however, if they attack in a
necromantic magic lingers have been known to rise from group or catch their prey by surprise, they are deadly.

Relatives of the annis, desert hags are just as barbaric as A desert hag’s twisted obsession with love, especially
their hill-dwelling cousins, though perhaps even more with human men, leaves them more likely than other
cunning and cruel. They prefer wasteland environments hags to birth children, rather than the profane ritual of
where they can be found lairing in sandy ruins or desert devouring a baby to produce a daughter. Children born
caves. They are physically imposing, standing over eight from the union of hag and man in this way are always
feet tall, with sun-weathered yellow skin and wispy grey male and known as hagspawn.
hair, though will rarely reveal their true form to anyone Inheriting their mother’s grotesque appearance, as
they encounter. Instead, they use their powers of illusion well as her cruel and brutal nature, they are usually cast
to disguise themselves as beautiful desert princesses, out from society, living as outsiders, similar to their
luring lost and famished travelers to their doom. Covens namesake. However, they are not bound to the evil of
of hags have been known to combine their magic to their mothers, and some work hard in life to prove
create illusions as large as a desert oasis, tempting entire themselves and throw off the burden of their lineage.
caravans into their grasp.
Desert hags desire human flesh above all else and will HAG COVENS
often make their lair in deserts at the edge of human A desert hag that is part of a coven (see the “Hag
settlements and cities, sowing terror and mistrust to Covens” sidebar in the MM page 176) has a challenge
slowly degrade any civilization. They also possess a rating of 8 (3900 XP). They may also make use of an
perverse sense of romance and enjoy enthralling alternative set of coven spells more themed to the desert
handsome prey, taking them as a plaything until they environment and the desert hag’s cunning nature. The
inevitably grow bored and devour them alive. power of a desert hag is focused on harnessing the

energy of the desert around them and manipulating
reality to trick their prey into falling into their trap. This
spell list includes:
1st level (4 slots): hex, silent image
2nd level (3 slots): dust devil, pass without trace,
3rd level (3 slots): bestow curse, major image
4th level (2 slots): greater invisibility, hallucinatory
5th level (2 slots): dream, seeming
6th level (1 slot): mass suggestion

Note: these spells are an optional alternative to those in

the MM and all other rules there apply as normal.


DUNE WORM Prior to the Spellplague, dune worms were only
Deep in the desert, where there is nothing but sand
encountered in the harsh wastes of the Raurin Desert
visible in every direction, it can seem like the relentless
and the Plains of Purple Dust to the east. With the
sun is the only danger. Yet the slight disturbance of a
change in Mulhorand’s climate they have begun to
footfall upon the shifting sand can bring unwanted
migrate west, terrorizing those who dare to cross the
attention from a terrifying predator that lurks below the
expansive deserts between settlements and cities.
dunes. A relative of the more widely known purple

worm, dune worms make their home in deserts rather
than the underdark bedrock, burrowing through the
sand as easy as a fish through water. Like purple worms, dune worms spawn their eggs in
These worms vary in size from twenty-foot juveniles nurseries. Instead of the underdark, these are usually
to the colossal one-hundred-foot adults that fill the located in dry caves deep beneath the sands. Once laid,
entire horizon when they appear. Unlike their purple the mother abandons the nest, leaving her brood in the
cousins, their hides are mottled yellow and brown and care of whatever other denizens inhabit the nursery.
their mouths bristle with thousands of fangs. Their long Creatures such as giant spiders and cloakers, who have
digestive tracts act like filtration systems, allowing the no interest in the rock-hard eggs, will often act as a
worms to carve a passage through the dunes, disgorging natural defense against anyone seeking to steal them;
waste sand behind them and engulfing prey from below. for their alchemical properties are greatly sought after.

If the relentless heat, dehydration and myriad other
creatures weren’t bad enough, sometimes the desert
itself will come to life, unleashing its fury on those who
dare to wander the wastes. Known as black storms,
skriaxit or dust elementals, they are incarnations that
are formed where the borders of the elemental plane of
air and the positive energy plane overlap. Known as the
quasi-elemental plane of dust, it resembles a vast desert
wasteland, engulfed in an unending sandstorm. On
occasion, such manifestations have been known to cross
into the deserts of the prime material plane, either by
summoning or after some kind of planar anomaly. Like
most elementals, they only exist as part of their native
plane and resent having been forced from their home
into the Prime Material.
In combat, skriaxit turn the desert into a weapon,
whipping sand and dust into a violent whirlwind. They
are similar to air elementals, though they bring the force
of earth to bear on their victims as well. What makes
dust elementals incredibly dangerous is that they are
virtually impossible to spot until it is too late. Often, they
slumber amongst the dunes, lurking unseen below the
sand’s surface. A traveler wandering by, totally
oblivious, will be engulfed by the dust elemental’s
sudden awakening, its shearing sand vortex leaving only
the bones of the unfortunate victim behind.


Skriaxit can be found in the Raurin and now Mulhorand
itself, where remnants of primordial energy still linger
after the Spellplague. Their anger can turn the desert
dunes into a raging storm in seconds, often taking the
form of whirlwinds that turn the sand into a weapon.
Those caught within it are buffeted and blinded by the
maelstrom, exposed skin shredded by fast-moving
particles of sand. It is unknown why these primordial
beings remain here rather than returning to their home
plane, though it is likely the chaos created by the
Spellplague is somehow responsible.

Created by Seti, an incarnation of Set in 1357 DR, the The chosen heir of the Set and a demigod himself, Isseth
Fangs of Set are an order of ancient malevolence, is a being created in the Lord of Evil’s own image. He has
established with the purpose of furthering the ambitions led the Cult of Set into a new era and works tirelessly to
of Set by murdering his many enemies. Its members are ensure the ambitions of his patron are furthered in every
sworn in the service of the Lord of Evil and operate from way possible (see page 36 for more details).
their secret lair in the ruins of Maerlar, deep in the Isseth is a master assassin, and his natural skills are
Taranoth Desert. Each Fang is trained as an assassin, further enhanced with the gifts of Set’s lineage. As a
including the use of deadly poison and a direct descendant of Set, he is blessed as a
variety of weapons. The organization demigod with inhuman abilities. Serpent
is structured in a strict hierarchy venom runs in his veins, giving him
beneath the command of Isseth, total immunity to poison. In
and its ranks include combat, he will always aim to
necromancers, clerics of Set and strike first, delivering a deadly
even spies that have infiltrated alpha strike from the shadows.
the Mulhorandi government. He will never hesitate to
The order’s secrecy is its retreat if the odds are against
greatest weapon, as most him, using his magic or
believe they were wiped out summoning serpents to aid
during the Spellplague. Yet him as allies.
they survived the
conflagration and reign of ISSETH’S LAIR
High Imaskar, lurking in the Abandoning the Cult’s
shadows to await the return headquarters in Sampranasz,
of their patron. Isseth moved its operations to
In combat, the Fangs of Set a much more covert location in
are trained assassins and will the ruined city of Maerlar (see
rarely attack opponents head page 55). The city is overrun
on. Once a mark is identified, with Set’s influence, with deadly
they launch coordinated strikes traps, serpentine monsters and
from ambush, delivering a single, illusion designed to keep intruders
deadly blow, then retreating into the away. Facing Isseth here is a deadly
shadows, like a snake coiling back into its proposition.
lair. If this initial attack doesn’t kill the target, the
lingering poison will usually finish the task. They wield LAIR ACTIONS
vicious serpent blades (see page 83) that constantly drip On initiative count 20 (losing ties), Isseth can take one of
with venom, and attack with crossbows from range. the following lair actions; he can’t take the same lair
To join the Fangs, a prospect must undertake a action twice in a row.
grueling trial to prove their worth to Set, including Darkness. Isseth casts the darkness spell.
crossing the Taranoth Desert alone to reach Maerlar, Serpent Swarm. The earth erupts and a swarm of
undergoing a rigorous gauntlet of traps and finally poisonous snakes emerges to attack those nearby.
surviving the bite of a deadly asp snake. Most new They act immediately and continue to act on the same
recruits die long before earning their serpent blade or initiative in future rounds until destroyed. They obey
the favor of Set. Isseth and will otherwise attack any enemies on sight.

One of the most famous inventions of Nezram, With Nezram’s influence, gemstone golems are
the World Walker, gemstone golems are commonly found in Mulhorand. Their
powerful constructs created by chaining a permanence and pleasing aesthetic make
powerful spirit from the elemental plane them ideal guardians for the tombs of
of earth to a gemstone heart. Through a kings and nobility, watching over the
process of arcane nucleation and ritual resting dead and warding off any tomb
(see the create gemstone golem spell on raiders. They are also used as guardians in
page 80), the golem is formed into the desired the city of Skyclave, ensuring the
humanoid shape, its hardened exterior the complex inner workings of the tower are
same gemstone substance kept well-guarded from any saboteurs.
as its heart. The most common types
are ruby, emerald and diamond, APPEARANCE
though the creation of golems using
Each golem is unique, its
other gemstones have been
multifaceted form reflecting the
attempted with mixed success.
some of the appearance and imagination of
Once created, the golem will
its creator. Some resemble large, armored
remain until its form is utterly
warriors, wielding great weapons and
destroyed (or its spirit banished back
shields. Others mimic archers or wizards,
to its native plane) and is wholly
launching ranged attacks with bolts of made
bound to the will of its creator. In
from sharpened gemstone. The type of
combat they use a variety of weapons
golem does affect the size, with diamond
that are created as part of their form.
golems standing taller than an ogre, right
They attack relentlessly and their
down to the humble opal golem who
hardened exteriors are resistant to most
stands about the size of an average
weapons and spells.

Scarabs are a family of over thirty-thousand different Scarab beetles are revered as sacred in Mulhorand,
species of beetle that vary widely in shape, size and representing the sun, rebirth and the transformation
appearance. Some of these species are known to grow to from death into the afterlife. A symbol or amulet in the
extraordinary size, either evolving naturally or from shape of a scarab would often be placed inside a
powerful magic, and mainly inhabit deserts or warmer sarcophagus upon the heart of the deceased, ensuring
coastal regions. Unlike their smaller, dung-rolling they would be reborn in Heliopolis.
relatives, giant scarabs are usually carnivorous, often Many believe giant scarabs were creatures created by
scavenging on the remains of the dead or even attacking Re many thousands of years ago, due mainly to their
the living when hungry. They dig large tunnel networks natural aversion to undeath. Wherever the dead have
below the sand away from the glare of the sun, using been brought back with foul necromantic magic, giant
tremorsense to detect any prey that may be moving scarabs will often appear to feast on their rotting flesh
above them. and return them to the earth.
Giant scarabs have large wings with thick membranes Scarabs also regularly appear in Mulhorandi artwork
that allow them to fly for short distances, though their and hieroglyphics, and often appear on the carved stone
large bulk and heavy weight prevent them from traveling walls of pyramids and tombs. The scarab hieroglyph
for long or with any grace. translates literally to “resurrection”.

When Empress Ususi died and High Imaskar fell, The colossus, once awoken, is a terrible foe to behold.
unknown to the Mulhorandi, the Imaskari left Towering above the battlefield, its only impulse is to
something behind that would ensure their eventual crush anything and everything beneath its stamping feet
return to dominance. In secret, Ususi had ordered her and mighty fists. It is also empowered by Imaskari
artificers in the fabrication of a construct of incredible sorcery, able to move extradimensionally for short
power. And so they began, deep beneath the Taranoth distances and unleash deadly annihilation beams from
desert, far from civilization. Into their creation, the its eyes that will disintegrate anything its fists cannot
artificers focused nearly ten-thousand years of Imaskari reach. Formed of magically-reinforced stone and metal,
technological and magical supremacy, developing a god- it is also impervious to most minor types of attack; even
like automaton. By 1485 DR and the beginning of the able to absorb elemental damage to repair itself.
second Mulhorandi uprising, the colossus was close to
completion, though missing a number of vital WEAKNESSES
components that would have allowed it to rise from
The Colossus is a doomsday weapon. Once it has risen, it
slumber and destroy the invading forces.
will stop at nothing to destroy everything in its path,
It is known only as the colossus; a titanic construct
friend or foe. It cannot comprehend anything other than
lying dormant somewhere beneath the sands of
to destroy, and if not defeated it would eventually bring
Mulhorand’s northern plains. Its form resembles a
ruin across Toril and beyond. The Colossus does have
massive humanoid, wrought from hardened stone and
one weakness, though discovering it is no easy task. If
numerous metal alloys, including adamantine. Standing
one with the knowledge were able to find a way into its
well over a hundred feet tall and empowered with
insides, they could potentially shut down the power
Imaskari sorcery, it is perhaps the largest construct ever
source. The dimensional magic imbuing it prevents any
made. If any were able to grant it life, it may well spell
attempt to teleport inside, however, so they would need
the doom of Mulhorand.
to climb to the single access at the back of its neck.

One of the Imaskari who did work on the construction The players can then follow Darrok into the fortress (see
was newly declared Lord Artificer Ult’Axion (page 36). He page 59 for details of what they may find inside). The
is well aware of the location of the Colossus, and it ruined Mulhorandi fortress sits on top of a much older
features heavily in his plans to bring vengeance against Imaskari dungeon and they will venture deep beneath
his hated foe. The players will be in any of Mulhorand’s the desert. They will find a portal room which the
major cities when they will find out about some kind of Imaskari have already used to escape with the sapphire.
Imaskari plot happening in the east. They will be told to Without the ability to activate the portal, they will be
travel to Nezras (see page 52), where they will meet forced to return to Nezram and report their findings.
Nezram, the World Walker, who explains Ult’Axion’s The wizard has been able to track down Ult’Axion’s
true intention to find the remaining components needed location in the northwestern Taranoth desert. He will
to bring the colossus to life, including a giant magical teleport the players to Sultim where they can regroup
star sapphire needed to power it. The great wizard bids before setting out. The colossus is located several
them travel to the Fortress Maskana where the sapphire leagues southeast of the city, deep within an ancient
is rumored to be located and stop Ult’Axion. If they Imaskari ruin known as Arrokhan (see page 58).
manage this, Nezram promises a great reward. What happens next will depend on the party’s level; if
The players will venture out into the Plains of Purple they are strong enough to face the Colossus then
Dust, encountering dune worms, dust elementals and Ult’Axion will have finished activating it and it will rise
other desert creatures in this incredibly dangerous up from the desert as they approach. If not, they will find
wasteland. Use rules for traveling in a desert Ult’Axion before he can activate it and a battle will ensue
environment in chapter 4, as this will be a difficult and with him, 1 veteran, 2 mages and 12 cultists. If the party
perilous journey. When they reach the fortress, they will are unable to stop him then the colossus will be
find an Imaskari camp and come under attack if they are activated. If they are struggling then Nezram may
spotted. One of Ult’Axion’s generals, Darrok, has already appear to aid in the fight.
entered in search of the sapphire and the party will need If the players are successful, Nezram rewards them
to descend into the dungeon below. with gold and magic items (amount dependent on level).

Most jackalweres are known only as mindless savages, Jackalwere deceivers and bravos will do anything to
twisted by demonic influence. The more feral avoid engaging in a fair fight. They keep hidden until
jackalweres (as described in the Monster Manual page they are certain they have the advantage over their
193) are known as jackalwere harriers; those without a victims, then launch a devastating ambush. The pack
pack who have been reduced to their base instincts and will often send in feral jackalweres and jackals first as a
act little differently to regular jackals. However, other distraction, letting them weaken their prey before
jackalwere types possess a complex pack structure, with engaging themselves. They then make use of their
a hierarchy based on strength, cunning and those that potent stunning and sleep gazes, keeping their foe
possess favor with the lamias they often serve. incapacitated but alive, dragging them back to their
The leaders of the pack are usually a mated pair of lamia masters. If the fight ever turns against them, they
jackalweres known as deceivers. By far the most will not hesitate to show their cowardly nature and flee.
intelligent of their kind, deceivers lead with ruthless
cunning, setting up ambushes and taking prisoners
where possible to present as gifts to their lamia masters.
Deceivers are even known to possess sorcerous powers,
most likely gifts from their patron Graz’zt.
Below the deceivers in the pack are the bravos,
subordinate warriors and drudges who lack the
intelligence of their leaders but are able to follow
commands unlike the harriers. Bravos bicker and fight
constantly to assert their position in the pack but will
follow the orders of a deceiver without question.

Some in Mulhorand believe that jackalweres are
manifestations of Anubis, the pharaonic pantheon’s
original god of the dead who did not travel to Faerûn on
Re’s solar barge. However, despite both resembling a
half-man, half-jackal, the similarities end there.
Jackalweres are creations of the demon lord Graz’zt who
gifted them as minions to his beloved lamia consorts.
Since the Spellplague, many packs have taken territory
in Mulhorand’s harsh desert environment, serving the
lamias and lamia nobles who reside there. More
recently, they have been encountered as members of the
Cult of Set, the god who is himself sometimes known as
the Father of Jackals. This may perhaps hint at an unholy
alliance between Set and Graz’zt, which would be an ill
omen for the future of Mulhorand.

A jackalwere deceiver
By Ashleiyou Arts

Sometimes mistaken for yuan-ti malisons, these half- Lamias have always existed in the Unapproachable East,
serpentine creatures are in fact more powerful relatives though mainly in the remote deserts of the Raurin. Since
of the common lamia. Like all lamias, nobles are created the Spellplague, many have moved west, the newly
by the demon lord Graz’zt; a reward for his mortal scoured deserts providing an ideal residence. They have
servants who have proven themselves most worthy. found lairs in the numerous ruins covering Mulhorand’s
They are incredibly vain creatures, obsessed with their wilderness, from where they send their minions out to
beauty and spend countless hours hidden away in their capture victims. Nearby settlements will begin noticing
lairs, gazing at their own reflection. their male population begin decreasing once one of these
Like other lamias, they enjoy capturing attractive vile monstrosities takes a lair nearby.
victims alive, often presented to them as gifts by their Lamia nobles are especially malicious neighbors, their
jackalwere minions. They then use magic to enrapture insatiable desires leading to scores of male ‘offerings’
victims, creating an army of dominated slaves. They use disappearing over the course of just a few weeks. Entire
these as a shield in combat, only entering the melee caravans have been known to disappear when passing
themselves as a last resort. Instead, they prefer to keep close to a noble’s lair. Settlements are forced to petition
at range, using powerful enchantment magic to the churches or Adventurers’ Guild for aid as their able-
enrapture further minions to satisfy their many desires. bodied men, even the town guard, are decimated.

Also known as brown or desert dragons, sand dragons Unlike the rest of dragonkind who mysteriously arrived
are natives of the desert wastes, their mottled-umber in Faerûn tens of thousands of years ago, sand dragons
hides blending with the rolling dunes. They are unique were created by the Imaskari artificers in the depths of
among dragonkin in that they are not capable of flight, what is now the Raurin Desert. This genetic
their wings reduced to little more than stunted growths experimentation by those who thought themselves gods
on their backs. They make up for this genetic defect with is believed to be the cause of the deformity in their
an innate ability to burrow through sand and dust, wings. Since then, they have migrated westward,
moving unseen beneath the ground rather than soaring inhabiting the Plains of Purple Dust, the Fuirgar and,
through the skies. This has led sand dragons to become since the Spellplague, Mulhorand itself. They have
much more reclusive than the rest of their kin. Even joined the myriad other dangerous predators that now
when hunting, they move with stealth and cunning inhabit Mulhorand’s sunbaked interior, preying on
rather than swooping from above. They possess webbed caravans and warding off dune worms that tunnel too
feet and hooked claws perfect for digging, as well as long close to their underground lairs.
necks and snouts. Their physiology has also adapted for Born of human creation rather than the dragon gods,
this purpose; they are able to devour and survive for long they are shunned by all others of their kind, especially
periods of time whilst only consuming sand, absorbing the chromatics who view them as despicable mutants to
its mineral nourishment until they can find real food. be exterminated. They live mostly solitary lives, even
Despite their lack of wings, they are still formidable among their own kind, only coming together briefly to
predators, able to sense any movement above their mate. Their only focus is their own survival and the
subterranean lairs, then ambushing from below. They accumulation of treasure to satiate the draconic greed
breathe a cloud of corrosive bile and superheated sand they have inherited.
that reduces anything or anyone it envelops into sludge.
They are also able to use the desert itself as a weapon,
whipping up the sand around them into a
violent maelstrom that scours
flesh to the bone.
Sand dragons despise
their blue relatives, who
compete over desert
territory; though they are
heavily outmatched and
will usually yield rather
than risk being obliterated
by deadly lightning breath.
They reluctantly tolerate brass
dragons, who also prefer the
arid climate of the desert lands,
though they prefer to keep well clear
of both them and the conflict between their
chromatic and metallic kin. They are
neutral creatures, caring only for
themselves and avoid draconic politics.

Sand dragons dwell in lairs beneath the desert sands,
formed from natural caves they have appropriated or
chambers they have dug themselves.

On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the dragon
takes a lair action to cause one of the following effects:

• A cloud of sand and dust fills the air within 120 feet of
the dragon, making the area lightly obscured until
Initiative count 20 on the next round.
• Part of the ceiling collapses above one creature the
dragon can see within 120 feet of it. The creature must
succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take 10
(3d6) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone and
buried. The buried target is restrained and unable to
breathe or stand up. A creature can take an action to
make a DC 10 Strength check, ending the buried state
on a success.

The region containing a legendary sand dragon’s lair is
warped by the dragon’s magic, which creates the
following effect:
• The desert within 10 miles of the dragon’s lair rages
with constant sandstorms, shifting the sand dunes so
the terrain is completely unrecognizable from one day
to the next. Players have disadvantage on any survival
rolls made to navigate the desert in this area.

Sphinxes are generally known as wonderous, mystifying Sphinxes are well known across Mulhorand, and even
creatures who are mostly passive until disturbed or venerated as creatures of the gods. Androsphinxes are
threatened, like the androsphinxes and gynosphinxes sometimes associated as servants of Horus-Re,
described in the Monster Manual. Yet there are other, gynosphinxes of Isis and criosphinxes are known to
lesser-known species of sphinx who are not so serve Nephthys in guarding her great treasure vaults in
acquiescent or tolerant towards other races. Neldorild. Over the millennia, these mysterious beings
have become ingrained into Mulhorandi culture,
HIERACOSPHINX featuring in art, hieroglyphics and religious ceremony.
Perhaps the most notorious of these sub-species is the Unlike the androsphinx and gynosphinx who are
hieracosphinx, its savage and sadistic nature earning it a rarely seen outside their hidden lairs, where they guard
the secrets of the gods across the millennia,
fearsome reputation across the territory it inhabits. They
are extremely predatory and actively hunt warm- hieracosphinxes and criosphinxes can regularly be seen
blooded creatures, especially humans who are their flying high over their desert territory. They scour the
desert for prey, interlopers into their territory or rival
favorite prey. An all-male species, hieracosphinxes
spend much of their time searching for gynosphinx sphinxes, and will not hesitate to swoop down and attack
mates. This explains their low numbers; gynosphinxes anyone passing below. Since the Spellplague, more and
more of these aggressive sub-species of sphinx have
generally detest their feral, nefarious relatives.
Hieracosphinxes are sometimes mistaken for griffons, taken territory in the vast deserts of Mulhorand’s
sharing the head and wings of an eagle; though they lack interior, causing a menace to caravans and travelers
alike. Hieracosphinxes tend to fly down from their lairs
the same front legs, making them easily distinguishable.
in the Dragonsword Mountains, whereas criosphinxes
They are usually found in arid mountainous regions,
soaring out across neighboring deserts in search of prey. take numerous lairs across the Taranoth and
They covet wealth and a hieracosphinx lair is usually full Menesankh, guarding them ferociously. The two species
fight constantly over both territory and the limited
of treasure, scattered alongside the bones of past meals.
In combat they will swoop down on their victims from number of gynosphinx mates.
above, raking viciously with their lion claws and hooked
eagle beaks. Lacking the required intellect or patience of
their relatives, hieracosphinxes don’t cast spells,
preferring to tear their enemies apart in melee. To
compensate for this, they have developed an innate
resistance to magic, allowing them to contend with their
magic-using kin.

Criosphinxes are another lesser species of sphinx that
share the wild nature of the hieracosphinx, though more
intelligent and without the malicious, sadistic nature of
their cousins. They are only interested in their own
survival and prosperity and view other creatures with
disdain. They crave wealth above all else and are known
to extort tolls on travelers for passage through the
territory they inhabit. Criosphinxes are also all-male
and when they aren’t gathering treasure, they can
usually be found searching for a gynosphinx to mate
with, though the fairer species regard them as lesser
beings, mocking them as the ‘sheep’ of the sphinx
family. Only criosphinxes with enough imagination to
come up with an interesting riddle stands a chance of
gaining the favor of a gynosphinx.
With their large ram-like head and colorful plumage
across their wings, criosphinxes are very distinct from
other sphinxes. They are most commonly found in
desert environments where they maintain numerous
lairs in underground caves across their territory, filling
each with caches of jewels and other treasure. They
patrol between each lair constantly, defending them
against any thieves or interlopers.
Like the hieracosphinx, criosphinxes lack the ability to
cast spells, instead charging their opponents with their
powerful horns. Adept fliers, they are even able to
perform these ram attacks midair, striking their foe
before flying away. They defend their territory
vigorously, though will not hesitate to flee if they feel
A criosphinx in its lair
they are outmatched. They share the hieracosphinxes’
By Vyrilien
natural resistance to magic.

Scarabs are normally a placid group of dung-rolling
insects who care only for the droppings of camels and
other animals they can roll back to their underground
nests. Some species, however, have evolved to become a
lot less benign. Forming large swarms, these scarabs
have abandoned dung as their primary source of food
and instead adopted a carnivorous diet. Like ants, as
soon as one scarab finds suitable prey, the rest of the
swarm will appear, often burrowing up through the
desert sand to engulf the unfortunate victim. Their
powerful mandibles then quickly set to work, stripping
flesh to the bone in a matter of seconds. Such is the
voracity of these predator-swarms, often the only thing
left behind once they have finished a meal is a pile of
mangled bones and any metallic jewelry, armor or

Afflicted with a less common curse of lycanthropy, Known as the spawn of Sebek, werecrocodiles have
werecrocodiles are mainly found in river or swamp tormented southern Mulhorand and its people for
regions, sharing the water-dwelling existence of their thousands of years, infesting the wetlands around the
reptilian namesakes. They are vicious predators, hunting River of Swords. They were originally created by Sebek
other animals or humanoids without discrimination. during the latter part of the First Empire to create his
They do not share the brash, fiery tempers of the cult in the city of Sekras. The curse spread inexorably,
mammalian lycanthropes, instead possessing a cold, turning the city into a bastion of Sebek, his clergy
emotionless savagery, driven by hunger and a desire to preying on its people and the surrounding lands. This
consume flesh. lasted until 1183 DR, when an army of House Osriant
In their humanoid form, werecrocodiles are difficult paladins marched on the city and cleansed it of the lycan
to distinguish from their non-lycanthrope counterparts, infestation, leaving Sekras as little more than a ruin. The
though usually tall and lean, with little body hair and surviving werecrocodiles either fled south to Azulduth or
slightly bowed legs. Their faces are often formed with west to Chessenta where they took refuge in the Adder
sharp features, a hard jawline and noticeable overbite. Swamps, founding the settlement of Sebakar.
They become truly monstrous once in their hybrid form, Some werecrocodiles began to return to Sekras, in
growing to hulking seven-foot bipeds with a large secret, throughout the 14th century. Following the
crocodilian head and scaly, muscular humanoid bodies. Spellplague and Sebek’s return, the cult has grown in
They also possess the ability to shapeshift into a true strength under Usebek, rebuilding the River’s Maw
crocodile form, distinguishable by their deep red eyes. Temple in Sekras and resuming their reign of carnage.

107 Usebek, the Smiling Death

by Fredrick Eriksson
Demigod heir of the god Sebek, Usebek is a monster in
every sense of the word. Even in his human form he
stands well over eight feet tall and is a mountain of
muscle. In his hybrid and crocodile forms he is covered
in rock-hard, white-albino reptile scales, distinguishing
him from other werecrocodiles and crocodiles.
Usebek is infused with the cold, primal savagery of his
progenitor and cares only for the hunt and the expansion
of the Cult of Sebek, which he leads from the River’s
Maw in Sekras. Since the return of Sebek after the
Spellplague, he has grown the cult from strength to
strength, feeding on Mulhorand’s weak underbelly in its
southern reaches, and even preying on the new nation of
Tymanther, west of Sekras. An expert hunter, Usebek
can often be found leading raids into nearby settlements
or ambushing travelers crossing the River of Swords,
feasting on the innocent. He knows that it will not be
long before the attention of the Osiris and others returns
to Sekras, but he has vowed to avenge the slaughter of
his kin, and he will be ready for them.
In combat, he prefers to ambush his foe, striking at
them from the water where possible, then using his
incredible strength to overpower and consume. He can
also channel his connection to Sebek, summoning
crocodile allies to aid him in battle.


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