02 Exploring The Living World

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Living Science (Second Edition) Unit Test 1 2 Exploring the living world

S1 Science Test
Unit 2 Exploring the living wor ld
Name: ____________________________( ) Time and Marks
Class: ____________________________ Part A: 35 min / 100 marks
Date: ____________________________ Parts A & B: 45 min / 120 marks

1 Attempt ALL questions.
2 Write your answers in the spaces provided on the Answer Sheets.

Part A (Level 1)

A True or false questions (5 marks, 1 mark each)

Study each of the following statements. Write ‘T’ for a true statement and ‘F’ for a false statement on the answer
1 Trees are living things. But they cannot move and excrete.
2 Cactus grows in deserts because it can adapt the hot and dry environment.
3 Bats are birds because they can fly.
4 Crocodiles are amphibians that live in water and on land.
5 Cutting down fewer trees is a way to protect the wildlife.

B Multiple-choice questions (20 marks, 2 marks each)

Choose the correct answer for each of the following questions.

1 Which of the following is not a correct explanation for frog as a living thing?
A Frog can jump.
B Frog can excrete.
C Frog can reproduce.
D Frog can make a sound.

2 The living things in the figures on the right

are classified into fish because both of them
A have fins.
B have scales.
C have backbones.
D live in water.

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Living Science (Second Edition) Unit Test 1 2 Exploring the living world

3 Which of the following statements about the leaves of plants is/are incorrect?
(1) All leaves in the same plant are identical.
(2) Leaves from different plants are different.
(3) Leaves from the same species of plants are identical.
A (1) only.
B (3) only.
C (1) and (2) only.
D (1) and (3) only.

4 Which of the following about the body features of fish and reptiles is correct?
Body feature Fish Reptiles
A Backbone Present Absent
B Hard and dry scales Absent Absent
C Fins Present Absent
D Gills Present Present

5 Which of the following is an invertebrate?


6 Which of the following is not an insect?


7 Which of the following can be classified into the same group?

(1) Dolphin (3) Gold fish
(2) Owl (4) Bat
A (1) and (2) only.
B (1) and (3) only.
C (1) and (4) only.
D (3) and (4) only.

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Living Science (Second Edition) Unit Test 1 2 Exploring the living world

8 A student observed that a living thing has the following characteristics:

(1) with a backbone (2) with feathers (3) cannot fly
Based on the above information, this living thing may be
A a horse.
B a bear.
C a sparrow.
D a chicken.

9 The following are the leaves of four plants.

Which of the following is most suitable for classifying the plants?

A Shape of the leaves
B Size of the leaves
C Length of the leaves
D Pattern of the leaf veins

10 Which of the following is not an endangered animal?

A Giant panda C Hippopotamus
B Cat D Elephant

C Fill in the blanks (20 marks, 2 marks each)

Complete the following sentences.

1 Classification helps us to a an unknown living thing.

2 The distribution of continuous variation can be represented by means of a b .
3 Based on the presence or absence of a backbone, scientists classify animals into two main groups:
c and d . The former are animals that have backbones.
4 The nature home where living things live in is called a e .
5 Living things in nature are inter-dependent on each other to form a stable f .
6 Plants are classified into two main groups: g and h . The former can produce flowers.
7 i in characteristics exist between members of the same species.
8 When all members of a species disappear, the species is said to be j .

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Living Science (Second Edition) Unit Test 1 2 Exploring the living world

D Questions (55 marks)

1 To understand the characteristics of a gold fish, a student has observed it for two days.

a What characteristics of the gold fish can be observed in these two days? (4 marks)

b Another student says that same results can be observed from a rose. Is he correct? Why? (4 marks)

c To which groups of animals and plants do the gold fish and rose belong respectively? Explain.

(4 marks)

2 The following show five living things.



a Name the habitats for the living things A, B, C, D and E. (5 marks)

b Make a key in chart form to classify the above five living things. (6 marks)

c Besides the ‘chart’ form, name another form of key. (1 mark)

d Give one advantage for each form of the key mentioned in c. (4 marks)

© Oxford University Press 2005 - 13 -

Living Science (Second Edition) Unit Test 1 2 Exploring the living world

3 The following figures show two examples of endangered species.


a What is endangered species? (2 marks)

b List two reasons related to human why these animals become endangered. (4 marks)

c Write two common body features of these two types of animals. (4 marks)

d Although animal Y lives in water, it is not a fish. Why? (1 mark)

e Give another example of endangered animals. (1 mark)

4 a Give three actions that the government has taken to conserve the environment. (3 marks)
b i What does the ‘3Rs’ principle mean? (3 marks)

ii Give an example of how to follow the 3Rs principle. (2 marks)

c The figure below shows the recycle bins in Hong Kong.

i What are the wastes collected in these bins? (3 marks)

ii How can recycling help to conserve the environment? (4 marks)

- End of Part A -

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Living Science (Second Edition) Unit Test 1 2 Exploring the living world

Part B (Level 2) (20 marks)

Electric Pet
Having an electric pet is a new trend. We can have an electric dog, electric cat, electric mouse, etc.

Read the information about an electric dog below and answer the questions.

Please Bring Me Home!

I am an electric dog. I am cute.

¾ There is a sensor on my head. I give responses when my

owner claps hands or talks.

¾ My legs and mouth can move.

¾ I can bark under certain conditions.

¾ I can express different feelings, e.g. happy, sad, afraid,

angry, etc.

¾ I just need 4 AA batteries to operate.

1 Based on the characteristics of living things, what are the similarities between a real dog and the electric dog?

(4 marks)

2 Is the electric dog a living thing? Explain your answer. (6 marks)

3 Dogs, cats and rabbits are the favourite pets of human.

a To which group of animals with backbones do they belong? (2 marks)

b Give two body features that are used to classify them into the group in a. (2 marks)

4 The figure on the right shows another electric pet ‘Tamagotchi’ (it is a
Japanese word which means ‘an cute egg’). It is famous all over the
world. This electric pet looks like a real chicken. The owner of this pet
has to feed it regularly and play with it. It will grow, sleep and get
sick. What is your opinion about having a Tamagotchi as a pet? List
three advantages and three disadvantages on this issue in the table
given in the answer sheet. (6 marks)

- End of Part B -

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Living Science (Second Edition) Unit Test 1 2 Exploring the living world

S1 Science Test
Unit 2 Exploring the living wor ld
Answer Sheets

Name: ___________________( ) Class: ____________ Marks: ___________

Total: 100% (Part A) / 120% (Parts A & B)

Section A Total
Part A (Level 1) Do not write in
this box

A True or false questions (5 marks, 1 mark each)

1 __________ 2 __________ 3 __________ 4 __________ 5 __________

B Multiple-choice questions (20 marks, 2 marks each) Section B Total

Do not write in
this box

1 __________ 2 __________ 3 __________ 4 __________ 5 __________

6 __________ 7 __________ 8 __________ 9 __________ 10 __________

C Fill in the blanks (20 marks, 2 marks each)

a ______________________ b ______________________ c ______________________

d ______________________ e ______________________ f ______________________ Section C Total

Do not write in
this box
g ______________________ h ______________________ i ______________________

j ______________________

D Questions (55 marks)

1 a ___________________________________________________________________________


b ___________________________________________________________________________



c ___________________________________________________________________________


2 a ___________________________________________________________________________


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Living Science (Second Edition) Unit Test 1 2 Exploring the living world

c ___________________________________________________________________________

d ___________________________________________________________________________


3 a ___________________________________________________________________________

b ___________________________________________________________________________


c ___________________________________________________________________________


d ___________________________________________________________________________

e ___________________________________________________________________________

4 a ___________________________________________________________________________


b i ________________________________________________________________________

ii ________________________________________________________________________

Section D Total
c i ________________________________________________________________________ Do not write in
this box

ii ________________________________________________________________________


© Oxford University Press 2005 - 17 -

Living Science (Second Edition) Unit Test 1 2 Exploring the living world

Part B (Level 2) (20 marks)

1 _______________________________________________________________________________


2 _______________________________________________________________________________




3 a ____________________________________________________________________________

b ____________________________________________________________________________


4 Advantages and disadvantages of having Tamagotchi:

Advantages Disadvantages

1) __________________________________ 1) __________________________________

__________________________________ __________________________________

2) __________________________________ 2) __________________________________

__________________________________ __________________________________
Part B Total
Do not write in
this box
3) __________________________________ 3) __________________________________

__________________________________ __________________________________

© Oxford University Press 2005 - 18 -

Living Science (Second Edition) Unit Test 1 2 Exploring the living world

S1 Science Test (Unit 2 Exploring the living world)


Part A (Level 1)
A True or false questions (5%)
1F 2T 3F 4F 5T 1 m each

B Multiple-choice questions (20%)

1D 2A 3D 4C 5C 6B 7C 8D 9A 10 B 2 m each

C Fill in the blanks (20%)

a identify b histogram c vertebrates d invertebrates e habitat
f ecosystem g flowering plants h non-flowering plants i Variations j extinct 2 m each

D Questions (55%)
1 a Movement, eating, excretion and reacting to stimuli. 1 m each
b Incorrect. 1m
Although rose has the characteristics of living things, some of the characteristics such as breathing,
making food, excretion and reacting to stimuli are not easy to observe. 2m
Besides, it takes a longer time to observe growth, reproduction and movement of rose. 1m
c Gold fish is a vertebrate because it has a backbone. 2m
Rose is a flowering plant because it can produce flowers. 2m
2 a A: forest; B: sea; C: desert; D: polar region; E: lake 1 m each
b Use chart form and correct classification. 6m
Living things

Animals Plants
With a backbone Without a backbone

With feathers Without feathers With wings Without wings

c A key in sentence form. 1m
d In chart form, only one feature is focused at a time, steps are clear, and it is easier to make and use. 2m
If the number of features is too large, sentence form is easier to use. 2m
3 a Living thing that is in danger of extinction. 2m
b Humans change / destroy the natural environment. Humans hunt and kill wildlife. 2 m each
c They both have backbones and milk glands. 2 m each
d It is because animal Y does not have scales. 1m
e Tiger / crocodile / giant panda / sea turtle (or other correct answers) 1m

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Living Science (Second Edition) Unit Test 1 2 Exploring the living world

4 a Set up laws to protect endangered species.

Build up many country parks, marine parks and special areas to provide shelters for wildlife.
Educate the public about the protection of wildlife. 1 m each
b i The ‘3Rs’ principle means reduce, reuse and recycle. 1 m each
ii Bring our own bag. (Or other reasonable answer.) 2m
c i Waste paper, aluminium cans and plastic bottles.
ii Reduce the number of trees that need to be cut down. Reduce pollution.
Protect the natural environment and thus stabilize the ecosystem. 1 m each

Part B (Level 2) (20%)

1 Both of them can move and react to stimuli. 2 m each

2 It is not a living thing. 1m
It does not have some common characteristics of living things, like breathing, growth, reproduction,
excretion and eating. 5m
3 a They all are mammals. 2m
b They have milk glands and hair. 1 m each
4 Advantages:
Do not pollute the environment. / Do not disturb others. / Do not need to spend money on food. / Easy to carry.
(any 3) 1 m each
Cannot build up close relationship with owners. / Lack of variety in response. / Cannot reproduce. /
Cannot concentrate on study or work. / Cannot educate the children about the importance of life.
(any 3) 1 m each
(Or other reasonable answers.)

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