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Northeastern Mindanao Colleges

Corner Rizal and Amat St.,

8400, Surigao City



An Undergraduate Thesis Presented to

The Dean and Faculty of the College of Teacher Education
Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Surigao City

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree




JULY 2023
Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Predictors of Self-esteem and Motivation Among the BEED Students of Northeastern

Mindanao Colleges


prepared and submitted by AZIEL MAE G. CALIWAN, ABIGAEL G. CALOOY,
fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of BACHELOR OF ELEMENTARY
EDUCATION has been examined, and is hereby recommended for approval and



APPROVED by the panel of examiners during the pre-oral defense at Northeastern

Mindanao Colleges, Surigao City on July___,2023.


Member Member


ACCEPTED in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Elementary Education.


Dean, College of Teacher Education
Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Predictors of Self-esteem and Motivation Among the BEED Students of Northeastern

Mindanao Colleges




Introduction 1
Framework of the Study 7
Statement of the Problem 11
Hypothesis 12
Significance of the Study 13
Scope and Limitation 14
Definition of Terms 14


Synthesis of the Review 21

Research Design 22
Participants 22
Instrument 23
Data Gathering Procedure 25
Ethical Considerations 25
Data Analysis 25

A. Survey Questionnaire 35

Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Predictors of Self-esteem and Motivation Among the BEED Students of Northeastern

Mindanao Colleges


Distribution of Respondents 23

Likert-Scale 24

1. Demographic Profile of the Respondents 26

Determined the predictors of self-esteem. 27-29

Determined the predictors of the motivation 29-31


1. IPO Model of the Study 10

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Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Predictors of Self-esteem and Motivation Among the BEED Students of Northeastern

Mindanao Colleges




Self-esteem is important for both children and adults. It helps one to hold his/her

head high and feel proud of oneself and what an individual can achieve. It gives courage

to try new things out and the power to believe in oneself (Nilofar Vazir Syeda, Imrana

Raza, 2009). However, having a lack of confidence, self disappointment, self doubt from

time to time is what most of the people experience. There are some circumstances we’re

attacked by low self-esteem that may leads the individual emotionally and socially

harmful. In addition, self-esteem is highly important for mental health; it is considered as

one of the important indicators of emotional states, general adaptability to life-challenges

and resilience to stress during lifetime (Baumeister et al., 2003; Dishman, Hales, Pfeiffer,

Felton, Saunders, Ward, & Pate, 2006; Fox, 1999; 2002a; 2002b).

The researcher choose to study predictors of self-esteem and motivation among

BEED students of Northeastern Mindanao Colleges where though as researchers observed

even in ourselves, the students of Northeastern Mindanao Colleges most especially the 1 st

and 2nd year BEED students which these year level served as a beginning steps in college

where they adjust to the changes, difficulties and observed of how they conquer the

challenges they faced, through their hard works, determination, motivations they have and

the self-esteem they carry to just continue what their already started for in despite of

challenges and difficulties faced in life considering always how their self-esteem bringing
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Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Predictors of Self-esteem and Motivation Among the BEED Students of Northeastern

Mindanao Colleges

will be? What motivates them to confront all of the potential hurdles and problems as they

continue their studies. Researcher predictions, is what the main importance that can affect

the individual most of having either low or high self-esteem and motivation that they bring

that can possibly result beyond the semester and even in the future. Meanwhile, if the

students have those indicators, they will have strong incentives and self-esteem to attain

their goals in the future.

The researcher aims to determine the predictors of self-esteem and motivation

among BEED students of Northeastern Mindanao Colleges. High self-esteem positively

affects person’s initiative and is related to success in different activities, like academic and

professional achievement, and success in sports (Baumeister et al., 2003; Ciarrochi,

Heaven, & Fiona, 2007; Fox, 2000, 2002a; Weinberg & Gold, 2007). Therefore, low level

of self-esteem has implications to behavioral problems and poor school performances.

Aside from this, according to (Rubio 2007) that there is an observable dilemma

experienced by college students when it comes to oral participation (online and face to

face), especially when they trying to express their thought in English language and for

some instances, poor health, being bullied,and lack of support from family and friends.

Furthermore, if we are subjected to verbal and sexual assault, in a violent relationship, and

how we will always be treated by those around us. These reasons may lead to feelings of

isolation not feeling valued, unloved, or unwanted (Guara, 2007) if researchers are

overweight and having trouble losing weight, this may lead to low self-esteem.
Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Predictors of Self-esteem and Motivation Among the BEED Students of Northeastern

Mindanao Colleges

Thus, the researchers will conduct to examined the predictors of self-esteem and

motivation as in order to have a lens of how they’re intended to pursue and continue their

studies since self esteem and motivation are interlinked according to some research

studies. In addition, to questions about self-esteem, researcher will also ought to ask about

their demographics profile and possible factors such as family support, peers, body image,

and social experiences as a way to understand students’ perception of common activities

and other pressures surrounding in college. In regards of the relationship of self-esteem

and motivation, it is necessary in our study to ask predictive questions. And for some

reason, we wanted to examines how other factors are known to relate to self-esteem in

their current year levels.

Framework of the Study

Self-Esteem Theory

High self-esteem equates to the healthy and happy individual, while low self-

esteem equates to the unsatisfied, disconcerted individual. (Flynn, 2003). Furthermore,

Stevenson and Lee (1990) found that parents who feel their children's performances are

determined by their skills participate in their children's school careers less frequently than

parents who believe their children's results are influenced by effort. Miller (1995) explored

the role of parents as supports of their children's academic achievement, indicating that

parental attributions to their children's academic successes are formed early in the

children's school careers.

Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Predictors of Self-esteem and Motivation Among the BEED Students of Northeastern

Mindanao Colleges

Furthermore, according to Kelly and Michela (1980) attribution theory- the study

of perceived causality, suggests that parent and teacher attributes towards their children's

performances have a significant impact on their development, abilities, and capabilities.

As a result, positive signs of parental and teacher encouragement displayed toward their

children have significant positive impacts on their children's successes, and are essential to

enhance and maintain positive growth and levels of academic performance (Bell, Allen,

Hauser, & O'Conner, 1996; Cutrona, Cole, Colangelo, Assouline, & Russell, 1994; Finn &

Rock, 1997; Hoffman & Weiss, 1987; Moss & St. Laurent, 2001; Peng, 1994).

Motivation theory

There’s a possible incentives such as the prospect of rewards and opportunities of

the situation stimulate the motives, needs, wishes, and emotions of a person’s self, which

come to life through generating an action goal (Dweck et al., 2003; Roeser & Peck, 2009).

The self has not played a major role in motivation research for a long time (Weiner, 1990).

This was partly due to Freud’s psychoanalytic theories, which recognized the id rather

than the ego as the motivational driver of behavior. Moreover, behavioristic approaches

that characterized motivation and learning as fully controllable from the outside also

neglected mental constructs such as the self (McCombs, 1991). It was only with the

greater prevalence of cognitive and social-cognitive theories that the self found its way

back to motivational research (Weiner, 1990).

This study will founded on the idea that family, peers, and health circumstances

are indicators of students' self-esteem and motivation. High self-esteem positively affects
Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Predictors of Self-esteem and Motivation Among the BEED Students of Northeastern

Mindanao Colleges

person’s initiative and is related to success in academic. Nevertheless, self-esteem and

motivation among BEED students of Northeastern Mindanao Colleges can improved their

quality of life and having a high self-esteem equates to the healthy, and happy individual.

Therefore, maintaining a good relationship and communicate with family, school, and

peers to have strong self-esteem and to always be motivated to all things in daily life that

we need to accomplish.

The respondents' age is thought to have a substantial impact, which it reflects as to

whether affective or perceived self-esteem and drive are the most common. The gender of

the pupils is taken into account because predictors might have a substantial impact on the

BEED students' self-esteem and drive. The family monthly income could affect the

student’s performances and most especially in terms of financial and support. And also in

terms of number of siblings that influence whether one has high or low self-esteem and

drive in terms of family parental support, encouragement, and trust.

Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Predictors of Self-esteem and Motivation Among the BEED Students of Northeastern

Mindanao Colleges

Profile of the Respondents: Research Statistical

 Sex Method:
 Age  Frequency and
 Year level percent
 Family monthly income  Mean and Standard
 Number of siblings Deviation
Predictors of self-esteem  One-way ANOVA
and motivation:
 Family
 School
 Peer Basis for proposed
 Physical appearance recommendation
 Social experience

Predictors of motivation:
 Intrinsic
 extrinsic

Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of the Study

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Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Predictors of Self-esteem and Motivation Among the BEED Students of Northeastern

Mindanao Colleges

The first box shows the respondents profile which is among BEED students in

Northeastern Mindanao Colleges has classified into: a) age; b) sex; c) year level; d) family

monthly income; e) number of siblings and also shows the Predictors of Self-esteem and

Motivation that are grouped into; a) family; b) school; c) peer; d) physical appearance; e)

social experience; f) intrinsic; g) extrinsic. The second box shows the research statistical

method such as: a) Frequency and percent; b) Mean and Standard deviation; c) One-way

ANOVA; d) Pearson Product Moment Correlation. The third box shows the basis for

proposed recommendation. The arrows between the boxes show the connection of

respondents profile to the statistical method that the researcher used and to the predictors

of self-esteem and motivation among BEED students in Northeastern Mindanao Colleges.

Statement of the Problem

Thus, this research study intends to give constructive solution through analyzing the

Predictors of Self-Esteem and Motivation among BEED students of Northeastern

Mindanao Colleges. Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions:

1.What is the profile of the respondents in terms:

1.1 age;

1.2 sex;

1.3 year level;

1.4 Family monthly income; and

1.5 Number of siblings?

Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Predictors of Self-esteem and Motivation Among the BEED Students of Northeastern

Mindanao Colleges

2. What are the predictors of self-esteem as perceived by student’s respondents in terms

of the following:

2.1 Family support;

2.2 School environment;

2.3 Peers;

2.4 Physical appearance; and

2.5 Social experience?

3. What are the predictors of motivation as perceived to do the following:

3.1 Extrinsic motivation; and

3.2 Intrinsic motivation?

4. Is there significant difference in the perceived predictors of self-esteem and motivation

of BEED students when grouped according to their profile?

5.Based on the findings, what recommendations may be proposed?


At 0.05 level of significance, there is no significant difference between the

Predictors of self-esteem and motivation among BEED Students in Northeastern

Mindanao Colleges when I grouped according to profile variables.

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Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Predictors of Self-esteem and Motivation Among the BEED Students of Northeastern

Mindanao Colleges

Significance of the Study

The findings of the study will contribute and will benefit the following:

Academe. The findings of this study will provide favorable feedback to the college

academe in terms of inviting a person who is an expert on gaining strong self-esteem and

motivation. To retain their positive self-esteem and to stay motivated to accomplish

schoolwork and be one of the school's models for students.

Teachers. The findings of this study will provide enough information to investigate

further strategies and approaches for educating children about good behavior and ways to

increase students' self-esteem so that they are motivated to accomplish schoolwork and

achieve excellent marks.

Students. The success of this study will be beneficial for the students of Northeastern

Mindanao Colleges that they will be inspired and motivated to achieve the things. Since

having high and low self-esteem can somehow affects what motivated are we in doing

things in everyday life that we need to accomplish.

Parents. As one of the indicators of the self-esteem and motivation, the findings of this

study will give them a lens as to what responsibilities as parents to their children and what

their children needs in terms of Physical, financial, and emotional assistance are all


Future Researchers. The findings of the study will make use of the present study as a

springboard for the conduct of studies related to this topic.

Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Predictors of Self-esteem and Motivation Among the BEED Students of Northeastern

Mindanao Colleges

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This research study aims to find out the Predictors of Self-esteem and

Motivation among the BEED Students of Northeastern Mindanao Colleges. And it is

limited in terms of contents, participant, place, and time.

Content. This study aims to determine the predictors of self-esteem and motivation

among BEED students of Northeastern Mindanao Colleges.

Participants. The participant of this study focuses on 1st and 2nd year students of BEED

in Northeastern Mindanao Colleges.

Place and Time. This study will be conducted in the city of Surigao this academic year


Definition of Terms

The following terms are operationally defined to guide readers to have clear minds

as to its use and purposes.

Extrinsic Motivation. Extrinsic motivation is a motivation that is driven by external

rewards. These can be tangible, such as money or grades, or intangible, such as praise or

fame. Extrinsically motivated person will continue to perform a task even though it might

not be in and of itself rewarding.

Family Support. It refers to support services often aim to help families improve their lives.

Support may include child support, energy assistance, health insurance, employment, skills

training, counseling services, or military family guidance. With these types of family support

available, you do not have to face your challenges alone.

Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Predictors of Self-esteem and Motivation Among the BEED Students of Northeastern

Mindanao Colleges

Intrinsic Motivation. It include personal growth, relatedness, community feeling, and

self-esteem. A intrinsically motivated person is moved to act for the fun or challenge

entailed rather than because of external products, pressures, or rewards.

Motivation. It refers to student's desire (as reflected in his or her approach, persistence,

and level of interest) regarding academic subjects when the student's competence is judged

against a standard of performance or excellence.

Peers. It refers to someone at your own level where it contribute to more general

perceptions of peer academic support and, in turn, to more positive academic self-efficacy


Physical Appearance. It means the outward appearance of any person, irrespective of

sex, with regard to hair style, beards, manner of dress, weight, height, facial features, or

other aspects of appearance.

Predictors. It is something such as a predictor variable that is used to predict the

occurrence and/or level of another variable, called the outcome variable. A researcher will

measure both variables in a scientific study and then use statistical software to determine if

the predictor variable is associated with the outcome variable.

School Environment. It basically reflects the planning and strategies made by the school

authorities and ways in which they are being implemented. It expected to develop a

positive self concept among students and thus may prove to be beneficial for the outcomes

of education both in terms of quality and better academic achievement.

Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Predictors of Self-esteem and Motivation Among the BEED Students of Northeastern

Mindanao Colleges

Self-esteem. Self-esteem is how we value and perceive ourselves. It's based on our

opinions and beliefs about ourselves, which can feel difficult to change. It is important for

overall student success and to improved mental well-being.

Social Experience. It refers to the knowledge about the social reality, experiences of

performing the methods of activity, experiences of emotional relationships. It required to

develop communication and social skills. In this context, both positive and negative social

experiences are potentially beneficial.

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8400, Surigao City

Predictors of Self-esteem and Motivation Among the BEED Students of Northeastern

Mindanao Colleges



This section presents previous studies, articles, and many other information from

published journal and internet that are related to the study at hand.

Family Support

Family environment has been shown by various researchers to influence

adolescents’ psychological adjustment, problem solving strategies as well as self-

confidence and ability to clear goals. Studies on self-esteem have shown that the way in

which individuals perceive themselves have influence on the adolescent social, academic

and emotional development (Ferro and Boyle, 2014). In a study by Goodman and Pickens

(2001) has shown that those children of divorced parents are unlikely to return to normal

state and that the effect of divorce and family break up has long lasting effect on their self-

esteem. A research findings conducted by Amalu(2017) implies that students from

divorced homes are having serious family conflicts which have affected their family

cohesion and self-esteem and this make them not to adjust well psychologically.

Therefore, these following findings from other related studies tells us that there

we’re factors lead to low self-esteem more over the research shows that participants

family situation such as parents employment and neutral status (for example divorce,

separated,MI chowed or unmarried) as well as birth order do not impact children's self-

esteem. In contrast with the conclusions from Elfhag, et. al (2010) who assert that parental

divorce does not influence children's self-esteem but Kim (2011) believes that divorce
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8400, Surigao City

Predictors of Self-esteem and Motivation Among the BEED Students of Northeastern

Mindanao Colleges

does have a negative impact own children self-esteem he examined the influence of three

different parental divorce stage (pre in after divorce on children's cognitive skills and non-

cognitive traits and found out that negative consequences of parental divorce are most

prominent when parents are in the process of getting divorced compared with children

from intact families children whose parent are in the stage of divorce are more likely to

have problems with anxiety loneliness, low self-esteem and sadness Kim,2011-501).

Another study on the topic by Silborn et al. have stated in this regard that the

function of the family impacts the physical, social, and emotional health of the children. In

fact, what happens within a family and its functions can be a key factor in building

flexibility and reducing the current and future risks associated with adverse events and

condition. Several studies have shown that family environment, family functioning, and

parental patterns affect the physical and mental health of adolescents. Bahreini et al., in

their study on the effect of parental attachment patterns on depression and self-esteem

during adolescence, concluded that low parental care and tight control patterns have a

significant relationship with depression and low self-esteem in adolescent girls. A study

conducted by Walker and Shepherd showed that family problems can be the cause of

educational and training failures, disintegration of social ties, social alienation, and alcohol

and drug abuse. Overall, the results of previous studies suggest that dysfunctional families

are a center in which crime grows, functional families can support and nurture their

children, and any incompetency in the function of the family could adversely affect the

child's norms.
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Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Predictors of Self-esteem and Motivation Among the BEED Students of Northeastern

Mindanao Colleges

School Environment

A research study by (Siddiqui,2017) explains that good school environment is

expected to develop a positive self concept among students and thus may prove to be

beneficial for the outcomes of education both in terms of quality and better academic

achievement. As of one of the result in their findings that Psychologically safe and secure

environment always helps the individual for experimenting the new things and ways to

deal their academic, social and other problems. A healthy school environment is essential

for overall progress of the students. Students’ centre administration, teaching and

organization of co-curricular activities boost the morale of students and help in generating

learning environment. School environment basically reflects the planning and strategies

made by the school authorities and ways in which they are being implemented. Effective

planning covering cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects of the students prove to be

effective and students’ achievements are enhanced.


The findings of the current study confirm prior theory and research indicating that

psychosocial contextual variables—including the quality of peer relationships—can play

an important role in predicting the social, emotional, and academic well-being of college

students (Astin, 1993; Kuh et al., 2005; Pascarella & Terenzini, 2005; Tinto, 1975). At

the same time, the current study extends prior research by examining the mechanisms by

which college students come to feel academically supported by peers and the

consequences of these perceptions for college students’ academic adjustment. In

Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Predictors of Self-esteem and Motivation Among the BEED Students of Northeastern

Mindanao Colleges

particular, the current study provides evidence that college students’ everyday interactions

with peers contribute to more general perceptions of peer academic support and, in turn, to

more positive academic self-efficacy beliefs.(Altermatt, 2016).

Physical Appearance

Body image and self-esteem directly influence one another. When you have

healthy body image, you feel comfortable about your body and know how to care for it.

When someone doesn’t like their body, they may not feel good about themselves or take

care of themselves. (Jessie, 2022). As they grow up, children build a picture or image of

themselves. This image develops through the things that they can or cannot do and by how

other people see them. Poor opinions of our bodies can cause low self-esteem and self-

confidence. An important contribution to the construction of a youth’s body image is the

media. Constantly watching ‘perfect’ bodies can feed youth insecurities over

attractiveness and weight. Studies show that idealized body image contributes to eating

disorders such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia, steroid use, protein supplements (Hogan &

Strasburger, 2008) and even plastic surgery.

Social Experience

Another study on the topic by (Safronova, 2014) explains that social experience is

determined to be the result of cognitive and practical activities of the individual,

manifested in the synthesis of knowledge about the social reality, experiences of

performing the methods of activity, experiences of emotional relationships. For instance, a

Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Predictors of Self-esteem and Motivation Among the BEED Students of Northeastern

Mindanao Colleges

contextual example given by the research study of (Kathryn Walsh,2019) explains that

teenagers home and school life will both affect his self esteem. If his raised in a loving and

nurturing home and has a close-kind group of supportive friends at school, his self-esteem

may be higher than that of a teen who is being raised by critical parents and has few

friends. Being teased or shunned by classmates or criticized by teachers can also damage.

A teenager's self-esteem if he has a physical or mental disability or belongs to the different

race or religion than most of his peers, he may feel embarrassment and shame that can

transform into low of self-esteem.


Motivation has always been connected to academic achievement in schools.

Despite the literature’s numerous motivational variables, it has yet to be established which

form of motivation has the greatest effect on performance (Gbollie & Keamu, 2017).

Moreover, Habibah et al. (2011) described that future time perspective, achievement need,

learning goals such as mastery and performance, expectancy values, self-efficacy, and

self-determination were also can contribute to motivation.

Synthesis. The ideas presented by different researchers underscored the variables that

significantly affect the self-esteem and motivation among the BEED competence, family

support, school environment, peers, physical appearance, and social experience. These

studies are relevant to the present study for it will discuss the predictors of self-esteem and

motivation among the BEED students of Northeastern Mindanao Colleges.

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8400, Surigao City

Predictors of Self-esteem and Motivation Among the BEED Students of Northeastern

Mindanao Colleges

Chapter 3


This chapter presents the research design, the respondents of the study, the

research instrument, and the data gathering procedures used in the analysis of the data.

Research Design

This study will employ a descriptive survey method of research to determine the

predictors of self-esteem and motivation. A descriptive research design is appropriate

because of the profile of the respondents in terms of sex, age, family monthly income, and

the number of siblings.

Research Respondents

The respondents of the study will be the 1 st and 2 nd year BEED Students of

Northeastern Mindanao Colleges. Since the population size of the respondents in 1st Year

Level is 25 and the 2nd Year Level is 25, all of them will be the respondents of the study.

The researchers will use a random sampling technique with the application of G-Power to

determine the sample size.

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8400, Surigao City

Predictors of Self-esteem and Motivation Among the BEED Students of Northeastern

Mindanao Colleges

Table 1. Distribution of Respondents

Year Level Enrollees Number of Sample

BEED 1st year 25

BEED 2nd year 25

Total number of Samples 50

Table 1 shows the distribution of respondents which consisted of total of fifty (50) 1st and

2nd year BEED Students in Northeastern Mindanao Colleges.

Research Instrument

This study will utilize a researcher-made questionnaire. It composed of three parts.

Part I will elicit information on the profile of the student respondents. The student

respondent's information will elicit through age, sex, year level, family monthly income,

and the number of siblings. Part II is composed of questions that considered as a tool to

determined the predictors of self-esteem. Part III is composed of questions that considered

as a tool to determined the predictors of motivation. Thus, these questionnaires will be

checked by the validators and advisers to ensure their validity and reliability before

conducting the survey. And to determined the predictors of the self-esteem and

motivation, the statistical range which corresponds to the Likert-Scale., results for both

groups are the following:

Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
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8400, Surigao City

Predictors of Self-esteem and Motivation Among the BEED Students of Northeastern

Mindanao Colleges

Scale Parameter Verbal Interpretation Qualitative


4 3.26-4.00 Strongly Agree Very High

3 2.51-3.25 Agree High

2 1.76-2.50 Disagree Low

1 1.00-1.75 Strongly Disagree Very low

Validity. The researchers will seek permission from the Office of the Dean of College of

Teacher Education (CTE) to conduct the study. The questionnaire will be checked by the

experts in the field of research, teacher education, career and guidance and statistics.

Suggestions will take and the questionnaire will revised. Once approval is granted, a dry-

run will be conducted.

Reliability. The reliability of the research instrument will be established using the dry-run

method. The researchers will select students from BEED 1 st and 2nd year inside the school

of Northeastern Mindanao College to answer the questionnaire.

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Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Predictors of Self-esteem and Motivation Among the BEED Students of Northeastern

Mindanao Colleges

Data Gathering Procedures

The questionnaire will be presented to the panel members for corrections and

suggestions and will be prepared for the validity and reliability of the researcher-made

survey questionnaire. The researchers will ask for a permission to the College of Teacher

Education (CTE) Dean through a letter of request before conducting a survey. Upon

approval, the researchers will personally conduct and retrieve of the questionnaire. The

answers of the respondents will be tallied and computed using appropriate statistical tools

then, results will be analyzed and interpreted.

Ethical Considerations

The study will be carried out with the authorization of the school administration

and the informed consent of the respondents. The researcher must preserve the identity,

responses, and information acquired, as well as treat all data with the strictest

confidentially, and any publishing or disclosure of details must be verified and approved

by the people concerned.

Data Analysis

The following statistical tools will be employed:

Frequency and Percentage Count. These tools will be used to summarize the profile of

the respondents.

Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Predictors of Self-esteem and Motivation Among the BEED Students of Northeastern

Mindanao Colleges

Mean and Standard Deviation. These tools will be used to describe the level of

satisfaction of the respondents and their level of motivations.

One-way ANOVA. These tools will be used to determine if there’s a significant

difference in the level of self-esteem of BEED students when group according to their



Baumeister et al., 2003; Dishman, Hales, Pfeiffer, Felton, Saunders, Ward, & Pate, 2006;

Fox, 1999; 2002a; 2002b). Predictors of students’ self-esteem: the importance of

body self-perception and exercise. Retrieved from https://scindeks- Retrieved 2017

Detlef Urhahne & Lisette Wijnia (2023). Theories of Motivation in Education: an

Integrative Framework. Retrieved from Retrieved March
30, 2023.

Dr. Mohd Abid Siddiqui (2017). School Environment and Self Concept as Predictors
of Academic Achievement. Vol. 7 Issue 10 (ISSN: 2249-2496 Impact Factor:
R2017/IJMRA-12413.pdf. Retrieved October 2017.

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Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Predictors of Self-esteem and Motivation Among the BEED Students of Northeastern

Mindanao Colleges

Ellen Rydell Altermatt (2016). Academic Support From Peers as a Predictor of Academic
Self-Efficacy Among College Students. Volume 21 Issue 1, May 2019. Retrieved
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8400, Surigao City

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Mindanao Colleges

Rosenberg, M., & Owens, T. J. (2001). Low self-esteem people: A collective portrait. In
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Shraddha Sharma &Surila Agarwala."(PDF) Self-Esteem and Collective Self-Esteem

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8400, Surigao City

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Mindanao Colleges

Appendix A







Instruction: Fill your personal information below. Put a check on the space provided to

determine your choice. For the item that needs specific answer, kindly write your

information. Your response will be treated as confidential.

Name (Optional): ____________________________

Age: _________

Sex: ___Male ___Female

Year Level: ____

No. of Siblings:_____

Monthly Family Income:

___ below Php5,000

___ Php5,000 – Php15,000
___ Php16,000 – Php25,000
___ Php26,000 – Php35,000
___ Php35,000 and above

Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Predictors of Self-esteem and Motivation Among the BEED Students of Northeastern

Mindanao Colleges

II. Instruction: Check the column that corresponds to your answer.

4 - Strongly Agree (SA)

3 - Agree (A)
2 - Disagree (D)
1 - Strongly Disagree (SD)
Indicators 4 3 2 1

(SA) (A) (D) (SD)

A. Family Support

I am motivated to continue my studies


1) I have a good relationship with my


2) Family is my harbor.

3) Family members feel respect to each


4) My family constantly encourages me to

study well.

B. School Environment

I am motivated to continue my studies 4 3 2 1

because… (SA) (A) (D) (SD)

Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

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Mindanao Colleges

1) I had the opportunity to consolidate my

own knowledge.

2) My teacher helps me improve my

communication skills.

3) The atmosphere is relaxed during the


4) The teachers motivate me as a learner.

5) My ideas and suggestions are used during

classroom discussions.


I am motivated to continue my studies 4 3 2 1

because… (SA) (A) (D) (SD)

1) My friends assisted me to improve my


2) My friends encourage me work hard in


3) Most of my friends are disciplined in

college and at home.

4) I feel connected to this school because of

my friends.

Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Predictors of Self-esteem and Motivation Among the BEED Students of Northeastern

Mindanao Colleges

5) I have friends who care about me.

D. Physical Appearance

I am motivated to continue my studies 4 3 2 1

because… (SA) (A) (D) (SD)

1) I am confident despite my insecurities.

2) I am physically strong and resilient.

3) I am satisfied with myself regardless of

what people say.

4) Most things I do, I do well.

5) I feel valued when someone pays

attention to my appearance.

E. Social Experience

I usually don’t have the confidence


1) I enjoy helping others.

2) The people around me appreciate my

academic achievements.

3) I feel that effort that leads to

improvement increases my ability.

4) I feel accepted and valued in the society.

Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Predictors of Self-esteem and Motivation Among the BEED Students of Northeastern

Mindanao Colleges

5) I have a good school environment.

III. Instruction: Check the column that corresponds to your answer. Rate yourself

how motivated you are:

4 - Highly Motivated
3 - Moderate Motivated
2 - Low Motivated
1 - Never
A. Extrinsic Motivation

How motivated are you to perform the 4 3 2 1


1. To go to school/ attend classes.

2. To comply the activities/class


3. To participate during class discussion.

4. To actively cooperate group activities.

5. To listen attentively in class discussion.

B. Intrinsic Motivation

How motivated are you to perform the 4 3 2 1


1. To actively think about improvements of

my school works.

Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Predictors of Self-esteem and Motivation Among the BEED Students of Northeastern

Mindanao Colleges

2. To manage or organize my time in school


3. To gain new/advanced knowledge, I do

study after class.

4. To plan for my school-related works.

5. To study willingly because you feel

fascinated by a topic.

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Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Predictors of Self-esteem and Motivation Among the BEED Students of Northeastern

Mindanao Colleges



NAME : Calooy, Abigael G.

AGE : 20 Yrs. Old

DATE OF BIRTH : December 19, 2002

PLACE OF BIRTH: Mandus Lingig, Surigao Del Sur

ADDRESS : Brgy. Imee Basilisa Dinagat Islands



FATHER’S NAME: Constantino A. Calooy Jr.

MOTHER’S NAME: Marites G. Calooy


ELEMENTARY : Rizal Central Elementary School /2015

HIGH SCHOOL: Rizal National High School /2019

COLLEGES : Northeastern Mindanao Colleges

COURSE : Bachelor of Elementary Education

Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Predictors of Self-esteem and Motivation Among the BEED Students of Northeastern

Mindanao Colleges



NAME : Aziel G. Caliwan

AGE : 20 Yrs. Old

DATE OF BIRTH : September 11, 2002

PLACE OF BIRTH: Brgy. Cawilan, Tagana - An, S.D.N

ADDRESS: Balbutin Street Purok 5 Brgy. Cawilan, Tagana -An, Surigao Del Norte



FATHER’S NAME: Pablito C. Caliwan

MOTHER’S NAME: Marilou G. Caliwan


ELEMENTARY : Cawilan Elementary School / 2015

HIGH SCHOOL: Cawilan National High School/2019

COLLEGE: Northeastern Mindanao Colleges

COURSE : Bachelor of Elementary Education

Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Predictors of Self-esteem and Motivation Among the BEED Students of Northeastern

Mindanao Colleges



NAME : Sheila Mae O. Noguerraza

AGE : 20 Yrs. Old

DATE OF BIRTH : April 10,2003

PLACE OF BIRTH: Sta Fe General Luna, Surigao del Norte

ADDRESS: Sta Fe General Luna, Surigao del Norte



FATHER’S NAME: Junde G. Noguerraza

MOTHER’S NAME: Nergie O. Noguerraza


ELEMENTARY : Sta Fe Elementary School /2015

HIGH SCHOOL:Sta Fe National High school /2019

COLLEGE: Northeastern Mindanao Colleges

COURSE : Bachelor of Elementary Education

Northeastern Mindanao Colleges
Corner Rizal and Amat St.,
8400, Surigao City

Predictors of Self-esteem and Motivation Among the BEED Students of Northeastern

Mindanao Colleges



NAME: Christine Joy P. Ojel

AGE: 20 Yrs. Old

DATE OF BIRTH: January 12, 2003

PLACE OF BIRTH: Brgy. Quezon, Mainit, S.D.N

ADDRESS: Mosende Street Purok Everlasting Brgy. Quezon, Mainit, Surigao Del Norte



FATHER’S NAME: Jerwin Ojel



ELEMENTARY : Mainit Central Elementary School /2015

HIGH SCHOOL: Mainit National High School /2019

COLLEGE: Northeastern Mindanao Colleges

COURSE : Bachelor of Elementary Education


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