Fluids 211 Midterm Exam1Solution

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(ME 211: Fluid Mecbanics and Hydraulics, Spring 2009 Exam I

Name: _--=----"""=---'--'=-=--=--.L:.."- _ Score: /1 00 points

There are essentially 20 questions, each worth 5 points. Therefore do not spend excessive time on
anyone question. After the questions there are two pages for additional "vork followed by three
reference pages. Before you turn in, write your name on each page and turn in all pages.

I. A 20 ft long structure is submerged in seawater contains a curved surface on its bottom with a
radius (R) of 3 ft.

L = 20 ft

y = 64.0


Calculate the vertical depth to the center of pressure, hp, for the horizontal force Fr-r • (5 pts)
2,.0 ( ;1 1
. ..


(b) Calculate the resultant vertical force on the bottom of the curved surface (F v). (5 pts)

-i f- 2.0 ') bl.-\ ~

- -
(c) Ca Iculate the resul tant horizontal force on either side of the curved surface (F H)' (5 pts)

....------ Nearlv perfect vacuum

2. A barometer reads 30 inches of mercury
30 in (sg = 13.54) in the atmosphere. What is the
Mercury distance h, in inches, after being placed 30 ft
.. .=­ = below water with specific weight of 62.4 Ib/ft 3?
13.54 (5 pts)


y = 62.4 Ib/ft} 30 ft

::: 'V~, SL{ ~ bZ, 4 " ~


-p - ? W"L+-tfr 4- 1 ~~
~qBq. 2y ~2-
1~72 +- 2-112.1.-\.(

7 ­ ~~
?> 1&t[.2/
i;,G. b
.... -?

b2, C{ ,<.l ~ ,!~\.(



3 A pile of soil completely submerged in water has a specific weight or 135 lb/ft".
Water (shaded)
y = 62.4 Ib/ft·'

-r- L = lOft

3 ft
y = 170.76
Ib/fr' 10ft
The pressure exerted by a 3 ti: tall pile of this soil placed in a 10 ft x 10 ft container is P = y h =
135 Ib/ft" x 3 ti: = 405 Ib/ft c. The total weight of this soil on the bottom of the 10 fi: x lOft
container is W = P x A = 405 Ib/ft C x 10 fi: x 10ft = 40,500 lb.

The soil exists in two parts - solid and water. The solid part has a specific weight of 170.76 Ib/tt}
,1I1d Cl weight of34,322.03 lb. What isn't solid is water, so the weight of the water part (Ww) is
the difference between the total weight and the solid part. Ww = 40,500 Ib - 34,322.03 lb =
6.17797 lb.

(a) What is the buoyant force due to the solid part') (5 pts) -vJV
~.: ~w ~vL,- 7C-( '3 22. () S l J
J1- ;:

:r 02. Lt \' 2-00, qCtS""" ~70, 7b l~

(z.s'-l 7/ 15-32 , lf~

(b) What is the buoyant force due to the water part') (5 pts)
::. :u:>o, q q - t~
~w :tSvlr
_ b2.l{ ~~\'1
b \ 77. C1] \ ~
(c) Wha t is the effecti ve weight 0 f the soIl') (5 pts)
4 A solid object has a specific weight of 135 Ib/ft" and dimensions 10ft x 10ft x 3 ft. What is its
effective weight if it is completely submerged in water? (5 pts)


5. A well-type manometer is shown below. The left column has a diameter of25 mm, the right a
diameter ofS mm. The manometer is filled with mercury with a specific gravity of 13.54. Initially
both columns are in equilibrium under atmospheric pressure and therefore the fluid level in both
columns is the same. Upon application of a pressure PA, the fluid in the left column displaces a
distance 8. The right column remains open to the atmosphere and rises a distance h.
8 111111

I H atm



Sg = 13.54

(a) What is the height rise in the right column, h, in millimeters, as a result of the displacement 8?
(5 pts)

~7 ~ ;;;
- / 8"L J.,

~ .:
- ~ - 2'q,-;~~
(b) Compute p\ in kPa (5 pts)

(~ ~' :: t

6. Provide two example of each type of
I - -, '-:7J.-;,,~r-.-. .J fluid shown. (20 pts)
,,' I

T II /
,, /
,, , 11 r
, IV II. \ .(; z:
, /
, ilL 1("t vet :% c.ec1.-~J M..,/ wJ et ./1 h
,v.~v/d.,(~; ~t"ik~c,dt"~l lh
6. v/y

Movin!! surface
T = '1 (6..v/6..y)

T = shear stress
-"" 11 = dynamic viscosity

Stationarv surface

33 n

-=-_+--_----::.L..-.-_A_---t_---; -2.
Ground sUli'aee

y = 62.4 pel'

B .--.- -- ­ r -j--­
,---------' C

7. Pressurized water tank is as shown with a 2 in pipe connected at 10 t't routed to the surface. The
water level in the tank is at the ground surface and is assumed to be constant. Neglect pipe losses.

(a) What is the velocity of the wT-leaVing the jet at p~nt D'I (5 pt¥J D
9{0~ h 4- 1Yy ~ -r r:l' ~
/ ,. Nl A -/ ~ /Ii )1
'lfp ? r;;;;,~ ~\ -;. \~X--S2,;)c20>'i.0 r
fi b2~LJ
(b) Solve for pressure at point A, B, C, D, and E in psi. (25 pts)
~ ~b,l ~



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