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7 SUPPORT Pupil’s Book p.

81, Grammar 1, Activity 3

Past simple: Regular verbs
The past

They dressed up as pirates yesterday. Paul shared his popcorn last night.
They didn’t dress up as tigers. He didn’t share his drink.

3 Team Time Play The chain game. Activity Book, p. 134

I phoned a friend last night. I phoned a friend last night and

I shared ice cream with my sister.

watched carried waited brushed

a film some books for a bus my teeth

shared walked played played listened

a book the dog the piano football to music

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7 SUPPORT Activity Book p.87, Grammar 1, Activities 1–3

1 Read and circle.

At the film festival, I 1 dress / dressed up.

I didn’t 2 paint / painted my face.
In the afternoon, we 3 watch / watched a film.
Then I 4 wait / waited for my mum.
She 5 drop / dropped her ice cream, but
I didn’t 6 laugh / laughed.

2 Look at the pictures and circle.

Emma ice cream

Mia Liam

1 Emma carried / didn’t carry 2 L iam showed / didn’t show

three ice creams. Adam a picture.

Dan Daisy


3 Dan dropped / didn’t drop 4 A

 dam and Daisy looked for /
his hat. didn’t look for Charlie.

3 Write sentences about yesterday. Use the verbs in the box.

watched a film painted a picture didn’t watch a film didn’t paint a picture
played a game listened to music didn’t play a game didn’t listen to music

1 Yesterday, I listened to music          .

2 Yesterday, I .
3 Yesterday, I .

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7 SUPPORT Pupil’s Book p.85, Grammar 2, Activities 4 and 5

Past simple: Wh- questions
The past

Where did Ana go at What did she do? Who did she play with?
the weekend? She played football. She played with her
She went to the park. brother.

play ➔ played visit ➔ visited go ➔ went

4 Talk Partners Play Who am I?

Where did you go last weekend? I went to the park.

Where did you go? Who did you go with? What did you do?
I went to the … I went with my … I…

Bob park brother played football

Sue city centre friend went shopping

Jenny city centre friend watched a film

5 Talk Partners Ask and answer about your weekend.

What did you do at the weekend? I went shopping.

I went shopping. I watched a film. I phoned a friend.

I stayed at home. I cooked a meal. I went to the park.
I visited my friends/family. I played football/video games.

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7 SUPPORT Activity Book p.90, Grammar 2, Activities 2 and 3

2 Look at the picture. Complete the questions and answers.

M a ma
5th ine
n1 xC
Su e R e

z i n g sh ays
Ama turd

Who What Where went went phoned

Who did Ella phone? She Sara.

did they do on Saturday? They shopping.

3 did they go on Sunday? They to the cinema.

3 Answer the questions about your weekend. Circle or write.

1 What did you do at the weekend?

I played video games / football / .

2 Who did you play with?

I played with my friends / brother / sister / .

3 Where did you go on Sunday?

I went to the park / the cinema / .

Lead the Way 3 © Macmillan Education Limited 2022 • Photocopiable 61

7 SUPPORT Pupil’s Book pp.86–87, Read the world, Activities 2 and 3

VIKING Adventure Weekend


Come and have fun with us at the Viking Centre.

• Visit a Viking house.

• Vikings lived in long houses.

• Dress up as a Viking.
• Make a Viking shield.

• Share a Viking meal. fire
• Vikings cooked fish on a fire.

hips are
‘Viking s
• Go on a Viking ship. amazing
• Vikings sailed in long ships.
t re is coo
Vik ing C
‘ The

2 Read and match the questions and answers.
1 W
 hat can you make a fish
Hi Tara, how was at the Viking centre?
your weekend?
2 W
 hat can you cook b Tara
Hi Poppy, it was at the Viking centre?
great! 3 W
 ho went to the Viking c a shield
I went to the centre at the weekend?
Viking centre.
4 What did she do there? d She went on a ship
Cool! Was it fun?
3 Read the advertisement again and circle.
Yes! We cooked 1 Vikings lived in long houses. fact opinion
Viking food and 2 The Viking Centre is cool! fact opinion
I went on a ship.
Viking ships are
But Viking food is

62 Lead the Way 3 © Macmillan Education Limited 2022 • Photocopiable

7 SUPPORT Activity Book p.91, Read the world, Activities 1–3

1 Read and tick ( ) Fact or Opinion.

Fact Opinion
1 Viking food is horrible!

2 You can dress up at the Viking Centre.

3 I think Vikings are scary!

2 Look at the pictures. Write what you can do at the Viking Centre.

sail cook dress up

1 2
You can You can
as a Viking. in a Viking ship.

You can
Viking food.

3 Circle one Fact and one Opinion about a museum in your city.

Fact: The museum is big / small.

Opinion: The museum is amazing / horrible!

Lead the Way 3 © Macmillan Education Limited 2022 • Photocopiable 63

7 SUPPORT Pupil’s Book p.88, Speaking, Activity 4

4 Talk Partners Make new dialogues. Activity Book, p. 141

How was your weekend? It was terrible! Oh, no! What happened?

I painted my face. some pasta

in the river.
I dressed up as a horse. dropped my glasses
then I in the rain.
I played football. kicked a football
on a horse.
I cooked some pasta. my phone

Oh, no! / Really? / That’s awful!

pasta football river paint

glasses horse rain phone

SUPPORT Pupil’s Book p.89, Writing, Activities 2 and 3


2 Read the messages again.

Hi Sami, how was your weekend?
What did Jamie do at the
Hi Jamie, It was good! I played a
weekend? Circle.
video game. a He played a video game.
I didn’t win , but it was fun! b He went to Space World.
Then we cooked a big pizza.
Yummy! How was your weekend? 3 Underline the words with
exclamation marks (!) in
It was amazing!
the text.
I went to Space
World. I dressed up
as an astronaut.
It was cool! Astronaut

Great! See you at school.

64 Lead the Way 3 © Macmillan Education Limited 2022 • Photocopiable

7 SUPPORT Activity Book p.93, Writing

Imagine an amazing weekend. Think and choose.

1 Where did you go? to the cinema / to the beach /

to a festival
2 Who did you go with? with my family / with my friends
3 What did you do? watched a film / went swimming /
dressed up
4 How was it? great! / cool! / fantastic!
5 How did you feel?

Write a reply to Jamie. Use your plan to help you.

Hi, how was your weekend?

Hi Jamie,
My weekend was amazing!

I went 1 with 2 .
I .
It was !

See you soon. 5

 ead and check your work with a friend.

I use past tense verbs (was, went, watched, dressed up).

I use exclamation marks (!).

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