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Splintered 1st Edition A.J.

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Copyright © 2022 by A.J. Moran

Editor Jenni Gauntt

Cover by Ethric Tales and Edits

All rights reserved.

No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the
publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.
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It felt like a sledgehammer had hit me over the head. Pain exploded
behind my eyes as I blinked them open. My gaze darted from wall to
wall wildly as I looked around the room. My captors had put up an
altar and all the tools for prophecy. But they had the wrong girl. I
didn’t do that kind of stuff, not anymore. I scrambled from the bed
and found my feet. They carried me to the door as my head
throbbed. It didn’t open. I looked at the room they locked me in
again. On the opposite wall, white drapes framing clear glass
billowed out in the breeze. I moved on unsteady feet over to the
windows to take in the garden below. It was too far to jump.
Except for the tables they had the altar set up on, everything else
in this room was white. Virginal white. They had made it for a
princess or sacrifice. It had no personal touches, nothing I could find
as I walked around the room, looking for something to help me
escape. So far, I’d found a half-full tiny tube of something that
looked like one of those little bottles of bubbles couples sometimes
handed out at weddings. Unscrewing it, I pulled the wand out and
touched the viscous liquid. It felt sort of soapy.
Discarding the bottle onto the bed, I continued my search but
came up empty. I’m not sure how bubbles could help me escape, but
besides the stuff on the altar, there was nothing else. I’m not even
sure what they want with me. Glancing back out the window, I
caught sight of a group of scary-looking people in black cloaks
walking toward the building. Fear blossomed in my chest. Were they
coming to the room? Was I out of time?
Moving over to the scrying mirror that rested on the altar, I
gripped the black surface in my hands. I didn’t have time to cleanse
it or cast a circle of protection. The light in the room may stop this
from working, but I’m not entirely sure since I’ve never tried it
during the day. My heart raced in my chest as I focused on the
empty surface of the mirror. I willed something or someone to come
through and help me, even if I was breaking all the rules.
Please, please, please. The words were on repeat in my head. I
tried to block out the noise of creaking stairs as they slowly made
their way to my prison. Then the surface cleared, revealing my
mom. She pointed over my shoulder toward the bed. I glanced back
at the four-poster bed, trying to find what she wanted me to see.
Shaking my head, I looked back at her familiar face. She pursed her
lips and pointed more firmly towards the bed. Was she telling me to
get on it? It didn’t seem like a good idea with unknown men
entering the room.
The doorknob turned almost in slow motion, and I threw myself at
the bed, leaving the mirror in its place. I didn’t know why I was
supposed to be on the bed, but I trusted my mom. An idea bloomed
in my head as my hand landed on the tiny bottle of bubbles I’d
discarded. I quickly twisted the wand out and coated my hands in
the soap as the door swung open. A burly man with a chain hanging
from his belt loop, running to his back pocket, and piercings in every
place there could be, entered first. A tiny older woman followed
closely behind him. Both of them were dressed entirely in black.
Were they in some kind of cult? A cult where you could only be a
member if you wore black? I would hate that cult. I had to have
color in my life.
As the man got closer, I pressed myself back into the thick
mattress. He had a scar running the length of his cheek, and I felt
my terror of him grow roots. I was shaking with it. I didn’t want to
get close to him, nor did I want to let him close enough to touch me.
His hand latched tightly on my bare ankle and tugged me toward
him, across the length of the bed. The comforter bunched beneath
me as he dragged me closer.
As much as I hated the idea, I knew I needed to get closer to him.
Close enough to touch his eyes. I wasn’t sure if I had it in me,
though. I shook with terror, and I could feel my stomach quaking.
My breath came out erratically, and I knew he had said something,
but I couldn’t hear it over the buzz in my ears.
As he pulled me closer, his words still just a buzz, I moved my
hands and pushed my fingers into his eyes. He jerked back as the
soap took his vision, his hands rubbing furiously on his face. His
scream ripped through the space and echoed off the plain white
walls. I flew off the bed and scrambled across the room. Everything
had gone into hyper speed. The older woman said something I
couldn’t quite hear over the constant buzzing in my ears, but I saw
the disappointment on her face as I darted for the door.
I swung the door open to reveal more people gathered in black
cloaks lining the hall. Hoods pulled low over their heads, casting
their features in shadow. A squeal left my lips as I barrelled out of
the room, and my feet carried me down the stairs as I tried to
recover from the shock of them. The opening at the end of the
stairway was like a guiding light, and I burst from the building into
the fresh air. My legs burned as I ran across the green grass of the
garden I had seen from the window. I didn’t hear anyone chase me.
I glanced over my shoulder, looking for those creepy, hooded people,
but luck was on my side, and no one was following me.
Not letting the fact that I wasn’t being pursued slow me down, I
swung back around and immediately slammed into a hard body that
hadn’t been there a moment ago. My ass smacked hard against the
ground, and I wouldn’t be surprised if my tailbone was bruised from
the fall. The air knocked out of me on impact, and I wheezed as I
tried to regain my breath. I moved away from whoever I had
slammed into out of instinct, my arms and legs working together in
sort of a backward crab walk.
I was doomed.
My eyes traveled from the leather boots peeking out from below
the cloak to where his face should be. The hood cast his entire face
in shadow, and I swallowed hard as I felt his eyes I couldn’t see on
me. Even though the cloak covered his body, I could tell his
shoulders were broad, and he looked like he could play football if he
wanted. But that is where my assessment ended. I couldn’t see any
other traits; the black fabric hid everything else from view.
“Juliana Windsor.” His deep voice rolled over me. He knew my
name. How did he know my name? Why did he sound familiar?
My heart raced beneath my ribcage as I remained silent. Caught
entirely in his gaze, I could hear footfalls from behind me, but I
couldn’t move my head to see who or what was approaching. I
stumbled to my feet and backed up a step from him. He towered
over me, and even though I wasn’t short, the top of my head only
reached the bottom of his chin.
“Where am I?”
I wanted to ask, ‘who are you?’ but that didn’t seem as important
as finding out where the hell I was.
He held his palm up, stopping the approaching figures. I swung
my head around and took in at least fifteen more cloaked figures.
Did they need that many to catch me? I should be running.
“Welcome to Brookview Academy for all things magical.” He made
an expansive gesture with his hands, palms up, showing all the
gothic buildings around us. They looked sort of like dorm rooms if a
castle had dorm rooms. Dark and foreboding.
“Uh, I’m not magical, and if I were, I finished high school already.”
He laughed, throwing his head back like I made a joke. The hood
fell from his head and revealed a tumble of dark, unruly curls. His
green eyes sparkled with merriment as he focused back on me. He
had a fine dusting of facial hair that said he hadn’t shaved in a
couple of days. The angle of his jawline could cut glass, and his nose
fit his face perfectly. His bow-shaped lips curved into a genuine smile
as he traced my face with his eyes. He looked a bit older than me.
A voice full of age spoke up from somewhere behind me. I turned
to find the old woman from the room standing there, surrounded by
her henchmen. “You are very magical, Juliana Windsor, but we both
already know that you knew that. Brookview is more like a
University. A sort of requirement for any magical being before we
can release them into the mortal world. You were a late bloomer, so
they didn’t catch on about your abilities until recently. Although
knowing the abilities of your parents, they should have kept a closer
eye on you after their deaths.”
“There has been a mistake. I don’t have abilities of any kind. I’m
not magical.” The beat of my heart made the pulse in my throat
jump. Could she see my lie?
“You’re not magical, but you don’t doubt magic?” The guy with the
green eyes questioned from behind me. He laughed again when I
shot him a look over my shoulder that clearly said, shut up. I may
fear the henchmen surrounding the old lady, but something told me
I didn’t need to fear the guy I collided with.
“If that is true, you are free to go. However, the barrier around the
school keeps untrained witches in, as much as it keeps non-magical
beings out. I have a feeling you are untrained,” the old woman
replied. She held her hands behind her back as she cocked her head
at me.
Not that I was untrained. It was that it was uncontrollable when I
used magic. Would the barrier sense that? My magic hadn’t come
until my mom and dad died, leaving me with my mom’s sister, my
aunt, Judy. Aunt Judy was the least magical person I had ever
Losing my parents, going through puberty, and getting magic, all
at the same time, was pretty horrible, if I’m honest. So, after my
initial obsession with it, when I devoured any books on the subject
and learned everything I could about what I could do, I pushed it
deep inside of me and locked it away. It was dangerous. Burning
down my aunt’s house had only been the tip of the iceberg. I was
lucky that only the house was lost.
“Follow this path to the exit. Oliver, be a dear and show her the
way out,” said the lady.

“Oliver Denmark,” he said as he turned to lead the way out of this

place. “I’m a Guardian of the school.”
“Does your school regularly kidnap people and lock them in
rooms?” I huffed as I tried to keep up with his long steps.
Now that the henchmen had fallen back and I could leave, I didn’t
feel as frantic to escape. I looked around at the gothic buildings
surrounding us, and honestly, they looked like something out of a
Dracula movie. Black, pointed towers reached for the sky. Even in
the bright light of day, it was foreboding. My mom had told stories
about this school. The hidden dangers that lurked in the shadows.
Still, I was curious.
“Is that what they did with you?” He looked down at me; an
eyebrow cocked in question.
I’m glad he left the hood down. All the hoods were kind of creepy.
“That is an understatement. I was running late for work. The Uber I
ordered hadn’t arrived when it said it would. When a car pulled up in
front of my apartment, I just got in it. I remember nothing else.”
“Ah,” he replied, like that explained everything.
That’s it? Just ‘ah’.
“I am probably going to be fired for this. My boss is a dick, and he
will not take the excuse ‘a crazy cult kidnapped me’ as a good
enough reason to miss work.”
“That is assuming you can exit the barrier.” He came to a stop
before gesturing at the space in front of us. He had to be joking.
“This is the exit?” I knew my voice came out sounding like I didn’t
believe him at all, but the space in front of us was nothing but a
continuation of the path we were already on.
“This is the barrier to the real world. If you can walk through it,
Madam Velvet said you are free to go. If you can’t, well, I’ll carry
you back.” He grinned, his voice sounding way too pleased at the
My heart raced. What would it do to me if it knew I didn’t have my
magic under control? I brushed my palms on my jeans before
preparing to step forward. Just walk through, and this nightmare will
be over. It’s as simple as that. Closing my eyes, I took a single step.
When nothing happened, my eyes popped open, and the breath I
had been holding whooshed out. I was free. I could feel the smile
pull at my face.
“Juliana, take another step. You are still within the barrier,” Oliver’s
amused voice fell over me. I shot a look full of disdain at him over
my shoulder.
“Nice knowing you,” I replied and took another step. It felt like I
had stepped into an electric current. My body convulsed like I was
being electrocuted, then I fell backward. Before I hit the ground,
Oliver’s arms closed around me, and I was staring up at his sea-
green eyes as he held me effortlessly. They were the same green of
the ocean out away from land, where even birds didn’t fly. That
perfect blue and green mixture that looked like gems.
“You mean it will be nice getting to know me because it looks like
you are stuck here until you have your magic under control.” Oliver
grinned. I decided right then that he wasn’t very nice after all.

Words invaded my head. I couldn’t catch them as I fought through

the darkness. Something held me under.
You can’t expect- was that Oliver?
She is- An unfamiliar voice.
Just need to test her- was that the old lady?
She holds the information in her head- yet another voice I didn’t
Get close… information… duties… their voices melded together to
the point that I wasn’t able to tell who was saying what anymore.
My head throbbed, and I squinted my eyes open. I was lying on
the white couch in the room I had escaped from earlier. The old
woman stood near the altar and crushed something in the mortar
bowl that carried the scent of mint to me.
The room was empty except for her. I watched, unmoving, as she
held her palm over a pot, and it whistled. Then she picked it up and
poured it into a small cup before adding whatever she had been
crushing with the pestle into the steaming liquid.
“Here, drink this,” she said as she tapped the side of the cup.
I jumped at the sound of her voice. I hadn’t realized she knew I
was awake. Stiffening, I pushed myself into a sitting position as she
moved around the altar toward me.
“If I were just going to poison you, I would have already killed
you, my dear.” She held out the cup, and I automatically reached for
it as she continued to speak. “It is obvious that you could not leave.
I don’t want you to think of yourself as a prisoner. You can go
wherever you please on the grounds. Once you are in full control of
your magic, you’ll be free to pass through the barrier. Now drink
that. It will help your head.”
“You have a funny way of showing that I’m not a prisoner. They
kidnapped me right in front of my home.” I held the hot cup of liquid
between my hands. The calming scent wafted up to me, and I
inhaled slightly to draw more of it into my lungs.
“Juliana, drink.”
I hesitated a moment longer while studying her, then I slowly
brought the cup to my lips and took a tiny sip. An explosion of
flavors filled my mouth, and I looked at the liquid with fresh eyes. I
gripped the cup tighter as I took a long swallow of the warm liquid.
It was amazing. I could drink whatever this was every day, all day
“Easy,” she cautioned as I took another long drink. “It packs a
punch, and you might feel a little high in a moment. It will just relax
I leaned back on the couch, feeling relaxed. It was like all my
fears had disappeared along with the tension in my body. It felt
I watched as Madam Velvet wrung her hands together. “I probably
should have mentioned that.”
A giggle slipped out, and I slapped my palm over my mouth.
Where had that come from? I felt so free. I wanted to dance. The
urge to use my magic filled me. There was a reason just out of
reach of why I don’t use my magic.
“Well, it looks like our talk will have to happen later. Your rooms
are being prepared. You’ll have everything you need.”
“Do I have to wear those horrible cloaks you all walk around in?”
That was a serious concern of mine now that I was stuck here.
“Only staff wear them,” she replied with a smile.
“Whoever made that fashion choice should be shot.” Apparently,
the drink was a truth serum, too.
“Oliver will be along shortly to take you to your rooms. We will talk

“Tell me about her,” Jacob said. He lounged on the sofa, his cloak
thrown carelessly over the arm. “It blows that I was needed on that
demon case instead.”
How could I describe her? She was like a rainbow come to life—
full of color after a storm, reminding everyone of the light. The black
clouds were still visible in the distance, making the rainbow even
more striking. That was her. Sunlight and storm clouds wrapped in
one tiny package.
“I can almost see the romantic prose running through your brain.”
Jacob kicked at the rug. “Don’t get too lost in her. She’s a student
and off-limits to you.”
“She is off-limits to you too.”
“I’m not considered faculty.” He crossed his arms and grinned.
“None of the students are off-limits.”
“I’m not talking about that,” I said as I lifted a single brow.
“You and I both know that if I lift my curse that I’m free to do
whatever I please.”
I wasn’t sure why his words dug at me as they did. I didn’t even
consider anything with the new girl. Yeah, she was beautiful and
unique, but I knew any kind of relationship with her was against the
rules. Letting that thought in–at all–would go against everything I
stood for as a guardian. Everything my family stood for. I couldn’t let
them down.
“Whatever, Madame Velvet is expecting me. I have to go.” I pulled
on my cloak, then turned towards the door, needing to get as far
away from this conversation as possible.
Jacob didn’t let it drop, though, and he was on his feet, following
me, his cloak thrown over his shoulder. “You’re going to see her. I
can tell. I’m coming too.”
“You can’t,” I sighed as he ignored me and pushed past me down
the hall. He was the biggest pain in my ass ever. They had forced us
to be during our first year here. Now it seemed that even when we
had our own rooms, he was constantly in mine. I wasn’t even sure if
he liked to be around me or if he felt like he had to. We had been
assigned as demon hunter partners after that first year.
“I’ll do my phantom act. They won’t even know I’m with you.
Besides, I have to see her beauty for myself. I need to see if my
memory of her is real.”
I snorted and shook my head. There was no way to change his
mind now. When he went phantom, no one could see him, so I
didn’t have any worries about them noticing him. He had been on
the team that found her. A demon had been attached to her, waiting
to strike. If he hadn’t noticed the demon, she would be dead by
“Fine. But stay that way until we are away from her.” I wasn’t sure
why I didn’t want her to see him, probably because he looks like the
classic villain, like a regular Killian Jones. Dark, brooding looks that
all the girls fell for. He never had to work for a girl’s attention. Maybe
that was why he got cursed. Some jealous ex took their revenge. He
never talked about his curse, so I wasn’t sure. The only thing I was
one hundred percent certain of was that my father owned it.

Entering the administration building, I made my way up to Madame

Velvet’s office and altar room. Jacob had turned phantom the
moment we had stepped through the doors. I wasn’t sure if I could
feel him watching because I knew he was there or if he wasn’t
concealing himself to the full extent of his abilities and trying to get
After a quick knock on the door, it swung open. Madame Velvet
gestured for me to enter the room, so I stepped past her, and my
gaze immediately fell on Juliana Windsor. She was relaxed back on
the sofa, her fingers drumming on her jeans. She must have been
given something to take the sting of the barrier away. No pain
marred her beautiful face.
“Hey, Ollie, I can call you Ollie, right?” She leaned forward, her
curious green eyes catching me like a wave crashing into the sand. I
was helpless to look away. The green hues threaded through them
made me think of spring and fresh, blooming flowers.
I grimaced before forcing my eyes away from her. “It’s just Oliver.”
“That’s boring,” she said, crossing her arms and leaning back. “Is
that your MO? Serious and boring?”
I ignored her jabbing words and faced Madame Velvet. “What
dorms is she staying in?”
“She is going to be in the Risley Hall.” Madame Velvet
I swallowed and rubbed the back of my neck. They filled Risley
Hall with the most powerful witches and warlocks among us. They
reserved it for the best the Academy had. My gaze shifted to Juliana.
They would eat her alive. It was also the dormitory that was closest
to mine.
“Do you have something to say, Oliver?” She walked around the
altar and picked up the scrying mirror. It was a black mirror, only
usable by the strongest divination witches and warlocks. A chill ran
down my spine at that thought. Only Professor Gage Alder knew
how to use that mirror properly. Even though his specialty was fire,
he taught us divination and scrying in his class. Every student on
campus held a certain level of respect for him because he could be
“Don’t you think that Bosley Hall would be better suited for a new
student?” Bosley Hall was where all the new students stayed. They
had added protection from the stronger students that might want to
play games with them.
“Ollie, you’re so serious and sad. You should smile more. You’re
handsome when you smile. I bet girls would drop their panties for
you left and right.” Juliana leaned forward, her gaze locked on me.
Heat rose to my cheeks, and I was sure I blushed under her stare.
She didn’t know the danger for her here. I was part of the
Shadows, the secret society that was formed for the future of magic.
At least, that was how they started. I couldn’t say they were the
same anymore. With the talks of bringing in more power and using
rituals that were banned a long time ago, they were unpredictable.
They could be ruthless and were always looking for fresh blood.
They were also the price I paid for making my dad proud.
Membership had been a requirement of his.
Madame Velvet set the mirror down and clasped her hands behind
her back. “Ms. Windsor comes from a very powerful family. Her
parents may have run from their responsibilities and neglected her
training, but do not doubt that she is powerful. She has natural
talent, and she passed the test with flying colors. Juliana only needs
to learn control. Do you wish to have her placed in Bosley Hall and
become a danger for the other students? Or would it be better for
her to be with students that can hold their own and protect
Juliana blinked over to me and something dangerous lurked in the
depths of her eyes. Then she blinked again, and it was gone. I
wasn’t sure if it was there or I had imagined it. I shook my head,
narrowing my gaze at her. I couldn’t see anything but the rainbow
girl I met.
“I hate to interrupt your super serious meeting, but if I’m stuck
here, I’d like to settle in.” Juliana stood up, her legs wobbling
underneath her. She flinched away from my attempt to steady her. “I
can walk. I don’t know what was in that tea, but I can still walk.”
“She’s right. Oliver, we can continue this discussion later.”
Dismissed, we moved to the door. I held my hand out, ready to
help Juliana, but she stubbornly walked ahead of me. As soon as we
walked out of the building, I could feel Jacob around us. He stayed
invisible as we walked, but he was no longer cloaking himself.
Juliana rubbed her arms as the night breeze flowed around us. The
temperature had dropped significantly with the falling of the sun,
and our breath puffed out in clouds as we walked toward the dorms.
I drew a quick warming spell in the surrounding air, and she
stopped shivering. Her eyes had watched my movement, but I
wasn’t sure she knew what I did.
“How long am I stuck here?” She glanced at me, her gaze clear.
Was the potion Madame Velvet gave her wearing off?
“The barrier keeps you in until you’ve mastered your magic.”
“There has to be another way out of here. I can’t stay here. I
have a life that I need to get back to.” She dropped her chin to her
chest, coming to a stop, her eyes focused on the ground.
I briefly wondered if she had a guy back in the mortal world she
was eager to return to. The file they gave me about her didn’t
mention one, but the intel could be wrong.
“Focus on your magic.” She didn’t want to get out of here the
other way. Joining the secret society was dangerous. They also had
control of you for the rest of your life. If they say jump, you jump. If
they tell you to kill someone, you do it. No questions.
The semblance of a smile spread across her face. It had an edge
to it. “Ollie, you can keep your secrets. I’ll find another way.”

Oliver pushed the door open to my room. It looked like any other
college dorm I had seen in pamphlets when I was in high school. An
extra-long twin bed, dresser, desk and chair, a small bookcase, and a
waste and recycle bin. Home sweet home. Too bad I didn’t have any
of my stuff with me.
I spun in a small circle in the middle of the room, taking in
everything around me. At least I didn’t have to share the small
space. Although, no ensuite bathroom meant sharing a bathroom
with everyone else. I shuddered, my nose wrinkling in disgust. Not
looking forward to that torture.
“It isn’t much.” He shrugged. His cloak hung open, revealing jeans
and a shirt that looked painted on him. Fuck. I was right, add a
smile and panties would drop. Maybe they already did. That thought
made me feel a little uncomfortable, and I pushed it away. I had no
claim on this guy I just met. Damn, girl, settle down.
“I won’t be here long.” I looked around again. “But am I expected
to sleep on the bed with no sheets or anything? Do I get clothes?”
he cleared his throat and blushed, his eyes avoiding the bed. I tilted
my head to study him. He didn’t look like a virgin, but who really
could tell those things. I hopped onto the elevated bed and leaned
against the wall.
I bounced a bit. “I guess I can make this work.” A muscle jumped
in his jaw, and he stared at the wall above my head. I couldn’t tell if
he was trying to be proper or if he actually was a virgin. My gaze
roved over every inch of him. I was pretty sure he wasn’t.
“I’ll grab you some stuff. I’ll be back in a little bit.” He twisted
away and opened the door.
“Want help?” He shut the door firmly behind him without another
word. Guess that answered my question. I hopped off of the bed
and opened the closet. To my horror, they filled it with white blouses
and plaid skirts. A few pairs of shoes, all black in color, lined the
floor. A hanging tower held undergarments. My eyebrows hit my
hairline as I picked one up and checked the size. How did they know
my bra size? At least the undergarments were cute.
A choking sound from somewhere behind me had me spinning on
my heels, but the room was empty. My heart rate skittered in my
chest as my eyes darted from corner to corner. No light came in
through my window, not even light from the moon. Had the moon
been out when we walked here? Had the noise come from outside? I
moved to the window slowly. Peering out into the darkness, I
strained to see the path we had walked along. A shrill scream
escaped me, and I jumped back as something crashed into the
windowpane. Blood smeared down the window as whatever it was
fell to the ground. What the fuck?
My hand gripped the necklace I wore religiously around my throat.
Power pulsed through me, but I pushed it back down. I can’t let it
out. Bad things always happened when I used my magic. I kept my
eyes firmly on the window, waiting for more movement, not that I
could see anything in the blackness, anyway. Didn’t this place
believe in lights outside?
A quick knock at the door startled me, and I almost yelped again.
Pull it together, Juliana. I cracked open the door to find Oliver on the
other side, an arm full of bedding held in his arms. I reached for
some of the blankets and stepped back to let him in.
“These should help. Sorry if they smell musty, I’ve had them in
storage. I have a bigger bed now.”
I glanced down at the blankets in my arms and blinked. These
were his personal blankets? I inhaled, trying to pick up a smell, but
all I smelled was Oliver. He had that fresh ocean scent some guys
liked to wear, but underneath was all leather and sandalwood. The
mixture was a little spicy and refreshing at the same time.
“They are good. Thanks.” I placed the blankets on my dresser
before taking the sheets from him. I climbed atop my bed and
started pulling the fitted sheets over the corners. They were the
expensive kind. I could tell by the silky softness of them beneath my
fingers. After some acrobats of getting the sheet on, I threw myself
back on my covered mattress with a sigh. I forgot how difficult it
was to put a sheet on a loft bed, even if the bed was only about four
feet off the ground.
“Here’s a pillow,” Oliver said. I turned my head towards him. He
had moved closer to me and was about stomach-high to my bed.
Dang, that guy was tall.
I accepted the offered pillow, lifting my head to put it under me. It
smelled like him. “You want to tuck me in too?” I rolled my head
back in his direction.
“Uh—that isn’t really appropriate. I’m a guardian.” He backed up a
couple steps, his eyes wide and an almost panicked expression on
his face.
A laughing huff of air escaped me as I watched him turn three
shades of red. “Calm down, Ollie, I will not force myself and my
womanly charms on you. I was just teasing.”
If he could turn into a tomato, I was sure he would. He averted
his eyes quicker than I could blink.
“What happened to your window?” he asked. His attention pulled
to the blood streaking the windowpane. “Was it like this when we
got here?”
“No. Something crashed into the glass. It was probably a bird or
something distracted by the light.” I pulled my legs under me as I
sat up. A chill ran down my spine as he touched the glass. My
fingers itched for a scrying mirror. Before today I hadn’t touched one
in years.
“Birds do not just run into windows like that.” He turned back
towards me. His smile slipped off his face.
“Well, that one did.” I pointed at the blood as proof.
“In case you forgot, you are at a school full of witches and
warlocks. Your family upset some people when they disappeared.
You could become a target for their anger.” He stepped forward.
“You aren’t safe here. You should stay with me.”
A laugh sprang out of me. “A bit forward of you, don’t you think?”
“I’m serious.”
“I’m realizing that you are serious, a lot. But I’m staying here in
my room, alone, where I have a lock on my door.” I leaned against
the wall and crossed my arms.
“A lock will keep no one out.”
“If you fear for my safety so much, help me leave. I can disappear,
go back to my life.”
“They know where you live. They have watched you. All of your
habits, everything and everyone that you care about, they know all
of that information already. Your only way out is to master your
magic.” He paced my room as his hand pushed through his curly
hair. “If you won’t come to my room, I’ll stay here.”
I hopped down from my bed. “Like hell you will. Oliver, you are
not my savior.” I moved to the door and swung it open. My hand
planted firmly on my hip and a glare on my face, I pointed to the
hallway. “Out.”
Oliver looked between me and the open door and hesitated, as if
he was pushing his magic out. I felt it brush against me before he
pulled it back in. He gave me a sharp nod and then left the room.
“If you need help, I’m on the second floor east corner in the
building across from this one.” He glanced behind me, then turned to
go with a sigh. Part of me wanted to call him back and apologize for
being so rude when he was obviously only trying to help. “I’ll be
here at nine to show you around to your classes.”
After he left, I threw the blankets that smelled like him onto my
bed. Tomorrow I would worry about leaving. For now, I was going to
sleep. Quickly changing into a tank top and shorts, I found I climbed
beneath the layers. I tugged the comforter up to my chin and curled
up onto my side. My eyes drifted to the window again. The tiny hairs
on my arms stood at attention as a warning of danger coursed
through me.
I pushed it away. At the very least, I was safe in this room. I was
sure nothing could get to me, right? I burrowed deeper into the
blankets, finding comfort in Oliver’s scent. A contented sigh left my
lips as a calm washed over me, drowning out the feeling of danger.
As I drifted off, I thought I could see the shadow of a figure leaning
against the wall, watching me.

Bright light shining through my window woke me from a semi-

peaceful slumber. Of course, I had an east-facing window. The blood
smeared down the window looked brown in the morning light. Gross.
I stretched out, a pop cracking from my back, before I unwrapped
the blankets from my legs and shoved myself upright. My whole
body was sore. I glanced at my watch and sighed in relief. At least I
had over an hour to get ready and had more than enough time to
rinse off before putting clothes on.
I padded over to the closet and swung it open again, examining
the contents in the light of day. A robe hung on the back wall, and I
pulled it free of its hanger. I threw it on over the sleep shorts and
tank top I had found last night in the drawers. It looked like the
dress code here didn’t include jeans. I grabbed a top, skirt, and a
pair of cute boots to take with me to the showers.
The hallway was busier this morning than it had been last night.
Apparently, I’ve been placed on a co-ed floor. Great. A few people
studied me like I was an oddity that appeared before them. Ignoring
the stares, I pushed into the bathroom and found an open shower.
Placing the shampoo and conditioner that was the brand I used at
home on the little shelf in the shower, I turned the water on. Even in
the small space, it felt like I was being watched. It was a feeling I
couldn’t shake. Maybe it was being here, in the one place my
parents had warned me about, that had my hackles raised.
After getting the right temperature, I shed my clothing and
stepped under the spray. The water washed away my unease, and I
relaxed beneath the warm mist.
“New girl, the showers are for all of us.” Someone banged on my
door. Rolling my eyes, I ignored whoever it was and finished washing
my body. If I was going to be trapped in this place, I was going to
take a full shower. Whoever was on the other side of the door could
wait their damn turn.
Shutting off the water, I took my time drying off and putting on
my clothes. The skirt is more like those skater skirts that used to be
popular in high school and definitely didn’t pass the three fingers
rule. Instead of tucking the blouse in, I left the bottom buttons
undone and put a knot in it. I needed some kind of flare. The navy
blue plaid skirt was not enough color for me. I pulled on the boots
and then gathered up my stuff. The girl stood on the other side of
the door, her arms crossed, tapping her foot.
“Took you long enough,” she snarked in irritation. Her shoulder
slammed into mine with an extra spark of magic as she stormed past
me. A muscle twitched under my eye, and even though I had never
wanted to use my magic in retaliation, I debated how much trouble I
could get into if I did. “What are you going to do? They put you in
the wrong dorms, new girl. These dorms are for powerful witches
and warlocks, not witches that can’t even access their magic.”
My fingers curled in on themselves as I glared at her. She let out a
short barbed laugh before shutting the door between us.
“You picked the wrong witch to piss off,” a girl at the sink stated
after the sound of the shower turning on filled the room. “Erica is a
class A bitch.”
I eyed her, my stuff held in my arms. “I don’t plan on being here
She barked out a laugh and met my eyes in the mirror. “I guess
you better get to mastering your magic, because there is no other
way out. Some poor freshman proved that a few months ago.”
“What happened to the freshman?”
“No one knows,” she said with a wink. It did not convince me that
no one knew what happened to someone who had tried to leave.
Unless she was successful and the school covered it up. “Another
unsolicited tip, don’t get too close to Oliver Denmark. He was a
player when he was a student, and I’m sure things haven’t changed.
Him and his friend.”
“Right, uh, thanks,” I replied. Returning to my room, I shut the
door behind me with a sigh. I had to find a way to leave. The girls
seemed catty, and I couldn’t handle that kind of crap in my life.
A scratching on the window caught my attention. A black bird
clawed at the surface, wings flapping frantically, its beady eyes
staring at me. It cawed, and I jumped back. Shit. What the fuck. I
moved to the window and cracked the pane open, pushing it toward
the bird.
“Go away.” I motioned with my hand, not quite brave enough to
put my hand out in the open air with it. The raven backed up before
it swooped towards the ground. I stuck my head out the window to
see it had landed by another raven on the ground next to a dead
bird. The two of them looked up at me like I caused their friend to
fly into my window.
My gaze caught on a guy that paused on the path in front of
them. His blonde hair reflected the morning light. His clothing said
he was a student here and not one of the creepy staff. He said
something, and the two birds flew to him and perched on his
shoulders. He reached up and ran his fingers over one of their
chests, his eyes moving from the dead bird up to me. I backed up,
hoping he didn’t see me and shut the window.
Stepping back into the shadow of my room, I watched as the boy
shook his head and then walked down the path with the two birds
still sitting on his shoulder. Other ravens circled in the sky in his
wake. The other students that passed him didn’t seem concerned
that he had an actual murder of birds following him. Was that
considered normal here? I was so out of my element.
A quick knock drew me out of my thoughts long after the boy had
moved on. I opened the door, and without an invitation, Oliver
stepped into my room. His green eyes traveled around the space,
looking for something. I followed his gaze, but I couldn’t see
anything. He scowled at something behind me even though there
was nothing there, and I snorted in disbelief.
“Uh, good morning?” I asked, my snarkiness on full display. He
focused back on me, a distracted smile on his face.
“Morning,” he said. His voice was full of gravel, like he hadn’t
spoken to anyone else this morning. “Sleep well?”
“Yep, bright eyed and bushy tailed, ready for the day.” I forced
cheer into my voice, and he rolled his eyes. I stopped short of doing
a little dance.
“Let’s get breakfast first. I’ll show you the cafe. Then I’ll show you
your first two classes. After that, you have lunch. I will come by the
cafe to get you after lunch and show you to your afternoon classes.”
“How did you get stuck on new girl duty? Is that a normal thing
Guardians do?” I doubted that the administration would send the
literal guards of the school to escort students around.
He grimaced and glanced away. “I’m following orders. My orders
are to show you around the campus today.” His tongue ran a slow
path between his lips as he looked anywhere but at me. It made me
want to jump up and down and say ‘I’m right here.’
“How did you win that lottery?” He cast a glower back at me as
we walked down the hall. I batted my lashes at him with a
complimentary grin that didn’t reach my eyes.
“Do you always ask this many questions?” he grumbled, irritated
with me already.
“Usually, it only happens when I’m kidnapped and held in a place
against my will,” I said matter-of-factly and shrugged my shoulders.
“It is for your own good,” he retorted. I could swear he ground his
teeth together so forcefully that I could hear them. Oh, he had
buttons to press. I liked to press buttons.
“Right, the whole ‘I know what’s best for you’ thing.” I circled my
hand in the air. My boss had probably already fired me. This
adventure had really ruined my life. When I got back home, I would
have to find a new job, hell I’d probably have to move and go into
some kind of hiding from witches and warlocks so I didn’t get
dragged back here.
We walked in silence until we got to a building that was in the
center of the large campus. He held the door open, and the scent
assaulted my nose with the divine smell of waffles and pancakes. My
stomach growled to remind me I hadn’t eaten yesterday. Being late
for work and getting myself kidnapped didn’t really leave me much
I piled my plate high with yummy carbs, throwing some bacon on
the side for a tiny bit of protein. Oliver raised an eyebrow and eyed
my plate. A half-smile lifted the side of his mouth.
“You like your carbs, huh?” He laughed, the sound so gravely that
it sent a shiver down my spine.
I dropped my tray onto an empty table and ignored him. I didn’t
normally go overboard on the carbs, but I didn’t need to explain
myself to my jailer. He folded his giant body into the seat next to me
at the table. I shot a glance at him from the corner of my eye.
Inhaling, I breathed in his refreshing scent of leather and
sandalwood. It reminded me a little of my dad. A pang of sadness
filtered through me, like it always did when I thought of my parents.
Shaking my head, I eyed his plate of food.
I grimaced and crinkled my nose. “Veggies for breakfast?”
“I have some oatmeal too,” he said, pointing at the bowl of mush
on his tray.
I rolled my eyes and shoved a fork full of heavenly syrup and
waffles into my mouth. A groan accompanied my chewing, and I
took another bite as soon as I could. At least this place had one
thing going for it. Oliver grew still next to me, and I glanced at him.
My eyes widened, and I brushed my fingers across my mouth at
his look. “What? Is there something on my face?”
“Nothing, it’s nothing,” he choked out the words.
The flush crept up my chest to my cheeks and made my mouth
feel like it was full of sand. I was suddenly very thirsty. Ducking my
head, I focused on my food and made no more noises.
We ate in silence before he pushed away from the table, showing
rather than telling me it was time to go. I gave a regretful look at my
half-full plate, then followed him after putting my plate on the
collection tray. Guess it was time to officially start my first day in

Oliver turned on me as soon as Juliana was safe in her first class.

“What the fuck, Jacob!” His hand shot out, and his fist tightened in
my shirt. “You can’t go around spying on people.”
Tugging my shirt from his grasp, I stepped back. I allowed a cocky
grin to spread across my face, then I ran my hands over my shirt to
smooth it back out.
“Ollie, I never said I was a Saint.” I arched my eyebrow, using the
nickname Juliana gave him. “Besides, if I can’t have sex, I have to
do something to satisfy my needs.”
“Not with her,” he growled. A laugh escaped my throat at his
implied threat.
I was a ghost. Well, mostly. My curse made sure I was a ghost
between the sheets, but I could also go phantom with only a
thought. There wasn’t anything he could really do to me.
“Maybe you should thank me for watching over her all night,” I
said. My eyes studied the wall behind him. The ravens belonged to
Alexander Night. If he was taking an interest in the girl, then she
was hiding a lot of power. “The birds returned.”
“What kind of bird was it?”
“Night has taken an interest in the new girl,” Oliver said as he
came to the same conclusion as I had. “She’s only been here a day.
How is that possible?”
“The society has taken an interest in her too. They told me to test
His eyes flew to mine. “Why didn’t you tell me before? I never
would have left her alone with you.”
My tongue poked into my cheek as I eyed him. It wasn’t like I was
going to kill her. Bristling, I rubbed the back of my neck and looked
Oliver was a dick.
“I wouldn’t have put her through the test on her first night here,” I
said. Oliver shook his head and turned away. “What do you want me
to tell the society? It’s not like I can tell them no. They literally own
my soul.”
“I hope she fails.”
“Of course you do. You only like them if they are damsels in
distress. You have a savior complex.” I brushed my hand down my
shirt again to smooth out invisible creases. Then I glanced back up
at him. “It’s true. Don’t deny it.”
“You know better than anyone what the society is capable of,” he
gestured at me, and I looked away. I did.
Flexing my jaw, I stared into the distance. If only I could go back
to that night, but those were pointless thoughts. That time was past,
and there was no way of getting it back.
“When are you testing her?”
I brought my attention back to the present and shrugged. I would
not tell him when I would test her. He would probably fuck the
whole thing up by trying to save her.
“I won’t interfere,” he said as he tugged his fingers through his
hair. I snorted. Yeah, he would. He wouldn’t be able to help himself.
My strides brought me to the hidden door for the society. I
paused, my hand on the knob. “I can’t tell you. But if she passes,
you know what that means, right?”
He clenched his jaw, and a host of emotions crossed his face
before he pulled his hood up. If he was going to wear his emotions
on his face, it was better to be in the shadows while we were in the
lion’s den.
“They banned the ritual for a reason,” he whispered. He was right.
No one needed that much power. Not even the history books taught
that history. It was wiped from the records. Somehow Blake had
found it and brought it to the society. All of them had failed, and
some girls had died. Still, the head of the society continued to push
forward with it.
“It was probably jealousy that got it banned. They paired
someone with another witch or warlock, and it gave them too much
“It doesn’t work like that.” Oliver pushed past me into the building.
Emotion filled his voice. Of course he would know how it worked. His
father was the head of our society. “I don’t think we should keep
putting these girls through this ritual. It isn’t right.”
His voice echoed around us, and I glanced into the shadows. If
someone overheard him, we would both be in serious trouble.
“It also isn’t our decision to make. You know your father rules the
Shadows with an iron grip. Besides, Juliana Windsor comes from the
strongest family of witches. There is no way she will not pass the
test. Everyone knows it. She will go through the ritual. So I suggest
you get your fucking emotions under control before then. If your
father smells blood in the water, he will strike.”
“Someday, I’ll replace him, and I will make everything right,” he
said lowly. A promised threat expanding around us. If only that day
would come sooner rather than later. Maybe then I could be whole
“You have to live until that day, so pull it together,” I snarled.
Poking my tongue into my cheek, I exhaled a long breath, trying to
calm myself. Sometimes being his friend was exhausting. It was
probably his prince charming personality. It clashed with my own
darker personality. Yin and yang, it was probably why we were
paired together. Demon hunters needed to have both the light and
the dark.
The hallway opened into a grand room. They spelled it to look like
an abandoned dorm building from the outside. Keeping any curious
students away with the added spell that made anyone who came
near the doors feel unease. But inside it was grand. Stacks of
shelves lined the walls. Ladders hung on the wall with wheels to
move them across the shelves. Mahogany tables ran in rows the
length of the room, wooden chairs surrounding each one for
studying. Standing desks were scattered along the side of the room,
lights attached to them to aid in reading. And chairs and sofas were
set up if you wanted to relax.
I strode into the room over to one of the shelves lined with books.
The community banned every single book in this room. But without
the spells in some of these books, the demons we hunted would
have killed us. Juliana didn’t realize how close she had come to
death. If we hadn’t pulled her from her life, she wouldn’t be
breathing right now. That is how I had found her. I tracked a demon
right to her door. It was laying in wait for its opportunity to strike.
Probably for the strength of the full moon.
I pulled out the book I was searching for and carried it over to the
desk. Flipping to the spell I needed, I ran my finger down the page.
It looked like I would need to go into the forest for some Angel’s
“Why are you looking up the ritual now?” Oliver leaned closer to
the book. I ignored him and wrote out a list of the stuff I had to get.
He slapped his hand over the page, and I shot him a glare.
“Ollie, I’m a good little soldier that does what they are told,” I
“Who are they putting through the ritual tonight?”
With a sigh, I massaged my temples. After my long night of
watching the girl sleep, I was on a short fuse. Shorter than normal.
“Maybe you should ask your dad. He is the one that told me to get
the stuff ready.” I narrowed my eyes when his hand stayed in place.
Tilting my head to the side, I made eye contact. “Oliver, move your
“Answer my question, you asshole.”
“Some girl that they had me test. Does it matter?” I opened my
mouth to add more but thought better of it and snapped it shut.
“That is how you view these poor girls? They don’t even have
names for you, do they?”
“Lower your voice. We are not alone, and the stone has ears.”
Oliver was beyond caring, and he knocked the book from the
desk. “You used to care,” he hissed before striding away.
I drew a deep breath in before I knelt and picked up the ancient
text. I could feel the stares on me as I laid the book back on the
desk, but I blatantly ignored them. As soon as I finished copying the
list, I shoved it into my pocket. Pulling my hood up over my head, I
made a beeline for the exit. The less I had to talk to others, the
better. Being the errand boy was bad enough. I couldn’t trust myself
to hold my tongue if I had to face another one of these society
members today.
I strode across the open space, headed to the forest. The sooner I
got this completed, the better. We found the girl they were using this
time in the mortal world. She had magic, but I wasn’t sure if it was
the kind of magic they needed. But no one ever listened to me, they
just wanted me to test them. If they survived my test, then they got
to move on to the grand prize of hopefully not dying in a forbidden
The forest welcomed me like an old friend. The sun-dappled
ground was covered in pine cones and underbrush, the fresh smell
of newly grown wildflowers, and wind blowing gently through the
trees, made the leaves sing. It felt like home. I allowed the hood on
the cloak to drop back as I breathed it all in. Here I was free of the
rules they had put on me, And I could pretend like I wasn’t under
their thumb.
After making it deeper into the forest, I found the fallen log I
usually stopped at and perched on top of it. The light was dim
further into the forest, the scent of earth and some decay from
fallen trees stronger here. Birds called out to each other in the
canopy, and small animals ran around without fear. This was a peace
that my soul craved. No matter how false this calm was, I would
hold on to it as long as possible.

I’d made it through my first class of the day, but not without some
snide comments and icy glares from the other students. It wasn’t
too terribly bad, and I could only hope the rest of the day would go
as smoothly.
Oliver met me after class and showed me the way to my second
period of the day. He pointed the way to this one before he spun on
his heels and left me alone.
After glancing back down the hallway with a huff, I stepped
through the doorway and into the classroom. The whiteboard said it
was my worst nightmare come to life. Scrying and drowsing with
Professor Alder. I didn’t do that anymore. Mirrors of various shapes
and sizes lined a long table near the whiteboard, and I recognized a
few of them before I pulled my eyes away. Something inside of me
wanted to reach out and pick one up. It would be so easy to tap into
that energy again.
Averting my eyes, I walked down the aisle and dropped into one
of the few empty seats. I could feel everyone watching me. The new
girl. I hated being the new girl.
At least, no one in this class was throwing glares at me right off
the bat. My gaze traveled over the students, snagging on the guy
that had been outside of my window this morning with the murder
of birds. He was handsome in a nerdy way. Although the air around
him screamed danger, I wasn’t exactly sure why. Brushing off those
feelings, I focused on the board again.
Regardless of my apprehension toward the subject, I rummaged
through my bag and pulled out a notebook. Maybe I could pretend I
didn’t know what I was doing. No one had to know that I knew how
to use the mirrors. I nibbled on my lip as I flipped the book open on
my desk, keeping my head down, my long hair hiding half my face.
The sensation of being stared at drew my eyes up, and I searched
the room for the offender.
My gaze locked on the Professor at the front of the room. He must
be Professor Alder. He held me in an invisible hold, his golden eyes
burning with fire, and I yanked my gaze away, focusing back on the
blank paper on my desk. My heart raced in my chest, and I took
slow breaths to calm it.
What the fuck?
He was intense. I made a mental note to stay away from him. I
looked back up at him through my hair, and his attention was on the
book he was holding. He looked relaxed. Maybe I imagined it. After
a few moments, he closed the book and lifted himself from the chair,
exposing his height. As he called the class to order, I let my eyes
explore him from head to toe. He was one fine looking man. His
golden eyes surveyed the class, landing on me as I eyed his exposed
skin. He had tattoos everywhere, his sleeves rolled up to reveal them
covering his arms. His dark hair was curly and unruly atop his head.
He looked like he didn’t give a fuck what anyone thought of him. A
fine dusting of facial hair gave him that five o’clock shadow that I
absolutely loved. And his body was downright climbable. Damn. He
wasn’t even trying, and I was sure my panties were wet just from
the sight of him. I shifted in my seat, and his eyes snapped at me.
I tried to hold myself still for the rest of the class, only moving
when he put us into groups. His hand brushed my shoulder as he
handed out mirrors to each group, and a bolt of electricity shot
through me. Okay, maybe I’ve been too long without sex. A simple
touch should not be sending tingles of awareness skating through
“By a show of hands, who here has used a mirror before?” A
tittering of laughter spread among the class before he cleared his
throat. “I mean for magical use.”
His gaze surveyed the room for responses. He nodded as if the
small amount of hands that went up were normal.
“Today, you are going to learn the basics. We can do scrying on a
variety of surfaces. It only has to be reflective. So water, dark rocks,
glass, fire, those are all tools for scrying besides the mirror. Most will
only ever see messages, symbols, or images. The strongest will use
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
nerve, peripheral paralysis of (Bell's palsy),









Facial expression,



Muscles and organs affected,



Reactions, electrical, in,



Special senses and sensibility in,





Bleeding and counter-irritation in,



Iodide of potassium,


Mechanical appliances and massages,







spasm, painless,

Facies hysterica,




Family form of tabes dorsalis,


Faradic reactions, significance, in diagnosis of nervous lesions,


Fasting girls,



Fatty heart, in chronic alcoholism,


Febrile insomnia,


Feeding, forced, in neurasthenia,


Feet, condition of, in advanced tabes dorsalis,


in diffuse sclerosis,

Festination in paralysis agitans,


Fever, thermic,


and cerebral anæmia,


Fibrillary contractions in nervous diseases,


Fifth nerve, neuralgias of,

Flexibility, wax-like, in catalepsy,



Fontanels, state of, in chronic hydrocephalus,



in tubercular meningitis,


Frauds of hysterical patients,



Frequency of epileptic attacks,


Friedreich's disease,


Front-tap, in diffuse spinal sclerosis,


Functional nervous diseases, diagnosis of,


Gait in chronic lead-poisoning,


in diffuse sclerosis,


in general paralysis of the insane,


in paralysis agitans,


in spastic spinal paralysis,



in tabes dorsalis,

Galvanic reactions, significance of, in diagnosis of nervous lesions,


Galvanism, use in insanity,


Ganglionic elements, condition of, in abscess of the brain,


Gangrene in vaso-motor neuroses,


Definition, history, and synonyms,

Duration, course, and nature,


Etiology and diagnosis,



of Reynaud's disease,












Massage, rest, and tonics, use,


Opium, use,


Gastric crises in tabes dorsalis,


Disorders, as a cause of epilepsy,




Gastralgia (see



Gelsemium, use, in neuralgia,


in painless facial spasm,


General paralysis of the insane,

Genital organs, disorders of, in chronic alcoholism,


Genito-urinary disorders of the chloral habit,



of the opium habit,



Genius, relations of, to insanity,

Glandular system, atrophy of,


Gliomatous tumors of the brain,


Gold, use of, in hemiplegia,


and sodium chloride, use of, in hysteria,


Gout, relation of, to chronic lead-poisoning,


to hysteria,

Guarana, use, in migraine,


Gummatous brain syphilis,



brain tumors,


Gums, state of, in chronic lead-poisoning,

Gustatory sensory disturbances in nervous diseases,


Gymnastics, value of, in hysteria,



in writers' cramp,


Gynæcological treatment of hysteria,


Habit, influence on causation of alcoholism,


opium, and kindred affections,


Hæmatoma of the dura mater,




Hair, changes in, in progressive unilateral facial atrophy,


Hallucinations in alcoholism,


in cerebral anæmia,






in delirium tremens,



in hystero-epilepsy,

in nervous diseases,



in the opium habit,




Handwriting in general paralysis of the insane,


in paralysis agitans,


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