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BSc Project

CS Department
Project ID: 8M1-P-452-CS
Month Year

Automation of Academic department


Dept. of computer science

Faculty of Computer and Information Systems

Umm Al-Qura University, KSA

This project report is submitted to the Department of computer science at Umm Al-Qura University in
partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science.

Abdulrahman Mohsen Alabdali

Laith Abdulaziz Alzahrani

Marwan abduallah alramadani

Abdulmajed hamed althaqfi

University supervisor(s):
Mohamed nour
Computer scientist department
Intellectual Property Right Declaration

This is to declare that the work under the supervision of Mohamed Nour having title “ Automation of
Academic department activities” carried out in partial fulfillment of the requirements of Bachelor of
Science in is the sole property of the Umm Al Qura University and the respective supervisor and is
protected under the intellectual property right laws and conventions. It can only be considered/ used for
purposes like extension for further enhancement, product development, adoption for
commercial/organizational usage, etc., with the permission of the University and respective supervisor.

This above statement applies to all students and faculty members.

Date: 2/1/2024


Name: Abdulrahman Alabdali Signature: 441009351

Name: Abdulmajed hamed althaqfi Signature: 442002677

Name: Marwan abduallah alrmadani Signature: 441003415

Name: Laith Abdulaziz Alzahrani Signature: 442008648


Name: Mohamed Nour Signature:

Anti-Plagiarism Declaration

This is to declare that the above publication produced under the supervision of Mohamed Nour having
title “Automation of Academic department activities” is the sole contribution of the author(s) and no part
hereof has been reproduced illegally (cut and paste) which can be considered as Plagiarism. All
referenced parts have been used to argue the idea and have been cited properly. I/We will be responsible
and liable for any consequence if violation of this declaration is proven.

Date: 2/1/2024


Name: Abdulrahman Alabdali Signature: 441009351

Name: Abdulmajed hamed althaqfi Signature: 442002677

Name: Marwan abduallah alrmadani Signature: 441003415

Name: Laith Abdulaziz Alzahrani Signature: 442008648

This project aims to automate and organize the curricula of an academic

college department by implementing a database system. The system will
allow the department to enter or select pre-defined templates, and the
system will automatically populate the templates with the required
curriculum information. The system will also provide flexibility for
modifying and changing the curricula as needed, while ensuring access
control restrictions to authorized personnel.
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1 introduction
1.1 Introduction ..........................................................................................
1.2 Problem Domain....................................................................................
1.3 Problem Statement ...............................................................................
1.4 Existing System ………………………………………………………
1.4.1 Existing System Description ……………………………
1.4.2 Problems in The Existing System ……………………….

Chapter 2 – System Analysis

2.1 Overall Description ………………………………………………………
2.1.1 Product Elements………………………………………………..
2.1.1 Product Elements Data………………………………………….
2.2 Functional Requirements ………………………………………………….
2.3 Non-Functional Requirements ……………………………………………..
2.3.1 Usability Requirement…………………………………………...
2.3.2 Performance Requirement………………………………………
2.3.3 Security Requirement……………………………………………
2.3.4 Compatibility Requirement……………………………………..
2.4 Structural Design
2.4.1 Use Case Diagram…………………………………………………
2.4.2 Class Diagram.............................................................................
2.4.3 ERD Diagram………......................................................................
2.5 Proposed System
2.5.1 Aims and Objectives……………………………………………...
2.5.2 Proposed System Features…………………………………………


3.1 Design Constraints…………………………………………
3.1.1 Environment…………………………………………… Hardware Environment…………………………….. Software Environment……………………………….
3.2 Architectural Strategies …………………………………..
3.2.3 Project Management Strategies …………………

1.1 Introduction
In recent decades, the university education sector has undergone a radical shift towards relying on
technology to improve teaching and learning processes. With the rapid advancement in technology, it has
become imperative to implement digital solutions and automation operations to enhance the experience of
Academic Department activities.

1.2 Problem Domain

The problem domain addressed by this project revolves around the challenges faced by computer science
academic departments in efficiently managing and adapting to the complexities of curricula. Currently,
many institutions rely on manual methods or disparate systems, resulting in inefficiencies and potential
errors in keeping up with evolving educational standards.

1.3 Problem Statement

The manual management of curricula in computer science academic departments
lacks efficiency, introduces potential errors, and hinders collaboration among
faculty members. Existing systems do not adequately address template-based
curricula management and program equivalency. Faculty members encounter
challenges in data entry, modification, and access control. This project aims to
develop a customized database system to automate and organize curricula,
improving efficiency, collaboration, and accessibility while specifically
addressing challenges in template-based curricula management, program
equivalency, data entry, modification, and access control.

1.4 Existing System

We searched for some related ideas, and we did not find many systems or applications that
related to our idea, most of the systems are the same in Saudi universities.

1.4.1 Existing System Description

Curriculum management system of computer science department at Umm Al-Qura University: It is a

system responsible for managing curricula, updating them, updating programs, and anything related to
managing curricula and program.

1.4.2 Problems in The Existing System

The existing knowledge gap is evident in the absence of a dedicated, automated system tailored
to handle the intricate nuances of curriculum management within computer science and computer
engineering departments. Relying on manual methods and disparate systems not only introduces
inefficiencies but also poses the risk of errors, hindering the seamless adaptation to evolving
educational standards.

Curriculum Automation of
management system Academic department
of computer science activities project
program Equivalency Module
Auto Reporting and Export

User Authentication and Access


User Interface for Curricula


System analysis

2.1 Overall Description

Our project talks about curriculars and programs. Before that, we need to understand what the curriculum
is, what the program is, what they contain, and how they approved and where it comes from.

2.1.1 Product Elements

In Saudi universities, the process of approving and continually refining programs and courses is
meticulously overseen by the Education Evaluative Commission, operating within defined roles and
responsibilities. At the core of this process lies the comprehensive documentation encapsulated in
Program Specifications for programs and Course Specifications for individual courses. These documents
serve as foundational blueprints, encompassing essential elements such as Program Identification and
articulation of program goals.

Within the Program Specifications, a meticulous examination of the program's overarching objectives is
conducted. This delineates the intended outcomes and desired educational achievements, involving a
thorough exploration of the curriculum's scope and sequence. This ensures alignment with institutional
standards and broader educational objectives, and it entails a comprehensive overview of the resources
and infrastructure required to support the successful delivery of the program.

Similarly, the Course Specifications provide a granular examination of individual courses within the
program. They outline their unique identifiers, explicit Course Learning Outcomes, and requisite
materials and resources. These specifications serve as a roadmap for instructors, offering guidance on the
design, delivery, and assessment of course content.

Adherence to these meticulously crafted guidelines is paramount, ensuring the attainment of educational
excellence and the fulfillment of institutional objectives.

2.1.2 product Elements Data

A university curriculum is a unit of teaching typically lasting one semester or term, offered by a
specific department within a college or school. Focused on a particular subject area, each
curriculum aims to achieve specific learning outcomes in students.

Key information included in each curriculum encompasses:

 Credit Hours: Each course carries a designated number of credit hours reflecting the
workload and expected student effort.

 Course Type: Courses can be departmental or university-wide, and they may be

mandatory or elective.

 Level/Year: Courses are offered at different levels or years of study based on the program
structure (e.g., undergraduate, graduate).

 Prerequisites & Co-requisites: Some courses may require successful completion of other
courses (prerequisites) or need to be taken simultaneously with others (co-requisites).

 Delivery Format: Courses can be delivered through face-to-face lectures, online formats,
blended approaches, or combinations.

 Learning Outcomes: Each course has clearly defined learning outcomes, specifying the
knowledge, skills, and values students should gain by the end.
A university program refers to a defined pathway of courses and experiences leading to a
particular academic qualification (e.g., bachelor's degree, master's degree).

Program Identification:

 Program Title and Code: Official name and unique identifier for the program.
 Total Credit Hours: Number of credits required to complete the program.
 Award Granted: Degree, diploma, or certificate awarded upon successful completion.
 Major Tracks/Pathways or Specializations: Any sub-categories or focus areas within the
program (if applicable).
 Intermediate Exit Points and Awards: Options for early program completion with
recognized credentials (if available).
 Type of Program: Undergraduate, graduate, professional, etc.
 Program Chair or Coordinator: Name of the individual responsible for the program

2.2 Functional Requirement:

 User Authentication and Access Control:
The system should provide secure user authentication mechanisms to ensure that only authorized
personnel can access and modify curricula data.
Different user roles should be defined, such as administrators, faculty members, and department heads,
with varying levels of access and permissions.

 Template-Based Curriculum Display:

The system should support the creation and management of multiple curriculum templates.
Users should be able to select a template to display the curriculum information in a predefined format,
catering to different stakeholders' needs.
The system should dynamically populate the template with the corresponding curriculum data.

 Curriculum Versioning and History:

The system should maintain a history of changes made to curricula, including the ability to track
modifications, additions, and deletions.
administrators should be able to view and revert to previous versions of a curriculum if needed.

 Search and Retrieval:

The system should provide search capabilities to allow users to find curricula based on specific criteria,
such as program names, course codes, or keywords.
Users should be able to retrieve and view the details of a specific curriculum in a user-friendly manner.

 Reporting and Export:

The system should include reporting capabilities to generate predefined and custom reports on curricula.
Users should be able to export reports in common formats.
 Program Equivalency Module:

Inclusion of a dedicated module for program equivalency evaluations, providing a streamlined process for
assessing and managing program equivalencies.
Users should be able for users to enter the program into the Program Equivalency Module to be
completed with high accuracy.

2.3 Non-Functional Requirement:

quality attributes or quality of service requirements, define the overall attributes or qualities that a system
or product should possess, in our project we will focus on Usability, Performance, Security .

2.3.1 Usability Requirement:

The system should have an intuitive and user-friendly interface, allowing users to easily navigate, enter
data, and perform tasks without extensive training.
The system should provide clear instructions, tooltips, and error messages to guide users in using the
system effectively.

2.3.2 Performance Requirement:

The system should be highly responsive, providing quick response times for data entry, retrieval, and
modification operations or reporting operations.

2.3.3 Security Requirement:

The system should incorporate robust security measures to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and
availability of curricula data.
Access controls should be implemented to ensure that only authorized users can access and modify the

2.3.4 Compatibility Requirement:

The system should be compatible with different operating systems, web browsers, and devices commonly
used by faculty members and administrators.

2.4 Structural Design

In the Structural Design phase, we delve into the architectural components of the system, focusing on
how various elements interact to fulfill the requirements. providing a structural blueprint that guides the
subsequent development stages.

2.4.1 Use Case Diagram Use Case Descriptions

Use case for Evaluate and manage program equivalencies

Actor Curriculum managers
Description This functionality assists Curriculum managers in efficiently determining
course equivalencies between different programs offered by the academic
Data Course ID
Pre-condition The Curriculum manager is logged into the database system.
The database system has access to the necessary data regarding courses and
Output A list of equivalent courses from other programs offered by the institution,
automatically evaluated by the system.

Use case for validate and verify the validity of program equivalencies
Actor Curriculum managers
Description The system reviews the program equivalencies and compares them with
program requirements to verify their correctness and alignment with
institutional policies.
Data Program Equivalencies, Program Requirements
Pre-condition The Curriculum manager is logged into the database system.
The database system has access to the program equivalencies and program
requirements data.
Output The system generates a report of invalid or questionable program
equivalencies for the Curriculum manager to review.
The Curriculum manager can take appropriate actions to rectify or update
the program equivalencies based on the report.

Use case for Auto Generate Report

Actor Lecturer
Description Lecturer generates reports automatically through the system.
Data Date range, specific courses.
Pre-condition Lecturer is logged into the system.
Output Auto-generated report presented for review and download.

Use case for Program and Course Information Management

Actor Lecturer, Commission, Curriculum Managers
Description Lecturers, Commission, and Curriculum Managers manage program and
course information.
Data New courses, program details, faculty assignments.
Pre-condition Actors (Lecturer, Commission, Curriculum Managers) are logged into the
Output Program and course information updated as per the performed actions.

Use case for Manage Information

Actor Curriculum Managers
Description Curriculum Managers manage various types of information within the
Data Program and course information.
Pre-condition Curriculum Manager is logged into the system.
Output Successful management of program and course information, contributing to
overall information management within the system.

Use case for registration and login

Actor Lecturer, The Commission, Curriculum managers
Description The system allows users to register by entering a username, password,
email, and confirmation from email. It also allows the user to log into the
system using the username and password to use the services.
Data username, password, email, and confirmation from email
Pre-condition non
Output The system stores user data in the database, and can enable application
services after registration

2.4.2 Class Diagram

the class diagram provides a basic overview of the classes involved in managing academic programs and
their curriculums. However, it would be helpful to have more information about the relationships between
the classes in order to fully understand the system.
The class diagram shows the relationships between the classes Program, Course, Curriculum, and several
other classes related to curriculum management.

2.4.3 ERD Diagram

The ERD depicts a database for a the system. It shows the entities involved and how they relate
to each other.

Here's a breakdown of the entities and their relationships:


 Program: Represents the academic programs offered.

 Course: Represents the courses offered within each program.
 Institution: Represents the institutions offering the programs.
 Department: Represents the academic departments within the institution.
 College: Represents the colleges within the institution.
 Learning Resources Facilities: Represents the resources available for student learning.
 Teaching And Assessment: Represents the methods used for teaching and assessing students in
the program.
 Course Quality Evaluation: Represents the process of evaluating the quality of courses
 Student Academic Counseling: Represents the process of academic advising and guidance
provided to students.


 A Program consists of many Courses.

 A Course is offered by Department.
 A Department belongs to one College.
 A College belongs to one Institution.
 A Faculty member teaches Courses in one or more Course Sections.
 Courses are assessed using teaching and Assessment Methods.
 Courses have specific Learning Outcomes.
 Learning Resources Facilities are required by Courses.
 Counseling sessions might address specific courses.

2.5 Proposed System.

Simplify curriculum management with advanced features.

2.5.1 Aims and Objectives

project aims to bridge the gap in inefficient curriculum management by developing a sophisticated
database system. This system will introduce advanced features to:

 Boost efficiency: Streamline processes for creating, updating, and sharing curriculum
information, saving faculty and staff valuable time.
 Improve accessibility and collaboration: Provide authorized users with a user-friendly interface
for easy access and sharing of curriculum data.
 Increase flexibility and adaptability: Facilitate easy curriculum modification based on program
changes or evolving needs.
2.5.2 Proposed System Features.

To achieve these aims, the system will offer:

 User-friendly interfaces: Tailored interfaces for different user roles (administrators, faculty) with
intuitive navigation and data entry processes.
 Robust user access controls: Granular permission settings to ensure data security and restrict
access based on user roles and responsibilities.
 Auto-filling templates: Pre-defined templates for various course types with automated population
using existing data or user selections, minimizing manual effort.
 Course equivalency evaluation module: Evaluate equivalency between courses within or across
programs, simplifying course selection and transfer processes.
 Reporting and analytics: Generate reports on curriculum usage, faculty activity, and other
relevant data for informed decision-making.

3.1 Design Constraints

Design constraints are factors that limit the options available to the system designers. These constraints
may arise from technical limitations, organizational policies, budgetary constraints, or other external

3.1.1 Hardware and Software Environment: Hardware Environment

The hardware requirements for the web application are minimal, as it is designed to be versatile and
platform independent.

The application can run on standard computers or laptops, providing flexibility and accessibility for users.
Given that the application is developed using ASP.NET Core, it ensures compatibility across various
platforms, allowing users to access the system from a diverse range of devices without significant
hardware constraints. Software Environment

Programming Language: The web application is developed using the C# programming language, which is
well-suited for building robust and scalable web applications on the .NET platform.

Database: The web application uses a SQL Server database for storing and managing data.

Version Control: Git is used as the version control system for managing the source code of the web

Operating Systems: The ASP.NET Core framework supports deployment on a wide range of operating
systems, including Windows, Linux, and macOS. This allows the web application to be deployed on
various server environments.

3.2 Architectural Strategies:

3.2.1 Reuse of existing software components

3.2.2 Project Methodology
The complexities of curriculum management demand innovative solutions. That's where the Agile
methodology steps in, offering a flexible and collaborative approach to navigate development and
adaptation. Agile Project Methodology

Agile is an iterative and incremental project management approach that prioritizes continuous
learning and adaptation.

Benefits of Agile for our Project:

 Flexibility and adaptability: Respond effectively to changing needs and
 Enhanced collaboration: Foster continuous communication and feedback
between stakeholders (faculty, administrators).
 Faster time to value: Deliver working features quickly and incrementally.
 Improved quality: Continuously identify and address issues, leading to a more
refined final product.

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