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What evidence do you have to substantiate that What evidence do you have to substantiate that

the relations between the US and the USSR the relations between the US and the USSR
improved? improved?
1. Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty (1963)
refer to p.145 to p.147 of your textbook

2. Nuclear Non-Proliferation
Treaty/Non-Proliferation of Nuclear
Weapons Treaty (1968)

What evidence do you have to substantiate that the What evidence do you have to substantiate that the
relations between the US and the USSR improved? relations between the US and the USSR improved?

3. The US agreed to sell wheat and oil 1. Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty (1963)
drilling equipment to the Soviet Union. 2. Nuclear Non-Proliferation
4. Nixon and Brezhnev exchanged officials Treaty/Non-Proliferation of Nuclear
visits in the 1970s Weapons Treaty (1968)
5. Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT 5. Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
talks) between 1969 and 1972 (SALT talks) between 1969 and 1972
6. The Helsinki Agreement, 1975 Disarmaments

What evidence do you have to substantiate that the

relations between the US and the USSR improved? Focus of our discussion
3. The US agreed to sell wheat and oil drilling
equipment to the Soviet Union. trade How did the actions taken by the
4. Nixon and Brezhnev exchanged officials
US and the USSR during the
visits in the 1970s diplomacy period of Detente show their
the established method of influencing the decisions and relations improved?
behaviour of foreign governments and peoples through
dialogue, negotiation, and other measures short of war or
6. The Helsinki Agreement, 1975 ?

Background for Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty (1963)

● Scientists in the United States, Great Britain,
and the Soviet Union conducted tests and
Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty (1963)
developed more powerful nuclear weapons.

Not to conduct nuclear tests in outer ● In 1959, radioactive deposits were found in
space, in the atmosphere or under water. wheat and milk in the northern United States.

● As scientists and the public gradually became

aware of the dangers of radioactive fallout,
they began to raise their voices against nuclear
testing. Leaders and diplomats of several
countries sought to address the issue.
Fallout is the radioactive particles that fall to earth as a
Fallout is the radioactive particles that fall to result of a nuclear explosion. Hazardous to health
earth as a result of a nuclear explosion.

Discussion Discussion

Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty How did the event show Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty How did the event show
(1963) their improved relations? (1963) their improved relations?
● Not to conduct nuclear ● Not to conduct nuclear
Willing to communicate, Willing to cooperate
tests in outer space, in the tests in outer space, in
atmosphere or under the atmosphere or under
shared the same concern Agreement reached and
● The origins of the treaty lay in
relations between the US
worldwide public concern over the and the USSR improved.
● The United States, the
danger posed by atmospheric cience/fallout-nuclear-physics
radioactive fallout produced by the
United Kingdom, and
aboveground testing of nuclear the Soviet Union signed
weapons. it.

Discussion Discussion

Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty How did the event show Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty How did the event show
(1963) their improved relations? (1963) their improved relations?
● Not to conduct nuclear ● Not to conduct nuclear
tests in outer space, in nuclear test -> to tests in outer space, in
Why did they agree to do
the atmosphere or under develop nuclear the atmosphere or under so?
water. weapons water. 1. saw the danger of
nuclear test
● The United States, the ● The United States, the
slowed down the
United Kingdom, and United Kingdom, and 2. less fear and suspicion
the Soviet Union signed development of nuclear the Soviet Union signed between countries,
it. weapons it.

Another reason why they were willing to

Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty How did the event show The Cuban Missile Crisis 1962 had shocked
(1963) their improved relations?
● Not to conduct nuclear the superpowers into some agreements to limit
tests in outer space, in 3. feared less that they the use of nuclear arms.
the atmosphere or under were lagging
behind Communication between them -> less
● The United States, the suspicion
United Kingdom, and 4. feared less they
the Soviet Union signed would be attacked
it. Co-operation
by nuclear weapons
Both wanted to
Cuban Missile Crisis 1962 -> on the brink of nuclear war prevent nuclear war
US president John
Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev
F. Kennedy

What evidence do you have to substantiate that the Nuclear Non-Proliferation How did the event show
relations between the US and the USSR improved? Treaty/Non-Proliferation of their improved relations?
Nuclear Weapons Treaty (1968)
1. Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty (1963) ❖ An agreement signed by The treaty was a major
2. Nuclear Non-Proliferation several of the major nuclear success for advocates of
and non-nuclear powers that arms control because it
Treaty/Non-Proliferation of Nuclear pledged their cooperation in set a precedent for
Weapons Treaty (1968) stemming the spread of international
nuclear technology. cooperation between
5. Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
nuclear and
(SALT talks) between 1969 and 1972 ❖ The US, USSR and Britain non-nuclear states to
Disarmaments agreed not to supply any prevent proliferation.
other countries with nuclear
technology A total of 191 States have joined the Treaty,

Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty/Non-Proliferation

of Nuclear Weapons Treaty (1968)
●to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons
and weapons technology,

●to promote cooperation in the peaceful uses

of nuclear energy

●to further the goal of achieving nuclear

disarmament in general and complete U.S. Ambassador Llewellyn E. Thompson, signs nuclear
non-proliferation treaty as Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko
disarmament. watches in Moscow, Russia, on July 1, 1968.

The Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons What evidence do you have to substantiate that the
Treaty in 1968 relations between the US and the USSR improved?

●The Treaty represents the only binding 5. Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
commitment in a multilateral treaty to the (SALT talks) between 1969 and 1972
goal of disarmament by the nuclear-weapon Disarmaments
States. 4. Nixon and Brezhnev exchanged officials
visits in the 1970s diplomacy
the established method of influencing the decisions
less suspicion and fear between and behaviour of foreign governments and peoples
countries through dialogue, negotiation, and other measures
short of war or violence
Recap on 25/3/2024 Discussion
Improved relations between the US and Nixon and Brezhnev
How did the event show their
the Soviet Union during the period of detente exchanged officials visits in
improved relations?
the 1970s
(1969-1979) Nixon’s second visit to Moscow
Evidence: in May 1972, this time as
president, was for a more
1. communication, discussion, cooperation,
conciliatory purpose.
decision During a week of summit
2. trade meetings with Soviet leader
3. disarmament Leonid Brezhnev and other
Soviet officials, the United
e.g. Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty (1963) States and the USSR reached a
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (1968)
The Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT) number of agreements,
SALT 2 1979 not ratified

Nixon and Brezhnev What agreements?
How did the event show their
exchanged officials visits
improved relations?
in the 1970s
❏ communication 1. the Strategic Arms Limitation
between the US and Treaty (SALT)
the USSR
❏ co-operation 2. a joint space flight in 1975
❏ fruitful
❏ constructive
because they reached a
number of agreements

Discussion Discussion
Nixon and Brezhnev Nixon and Brezhnev
How did the event show their How did the event show their
exchanged officials visits exchanged officials visits
improved relations? improved relations?
in the 1970s in the 1970s
On May 26 1972, Nixon ❏ friendly relations
and Brezhnev signed the ❏ communication between
Strategic Arms two countries
Limitation Treaty ❏ diplomacy - discussion
(SALT), the most and negotiation
significant of the agreements reached,

agreements reached during their discussions were

the summit. successful

The background before the SALT was

signed in 1972
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT talks) Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT talks)
1969-1972 1969-1972
Negotiations The Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT)
started in Helsinki, were two rounds of bilateral talks and
Finland, in 1969 corresponding international treaties involving
between the United the United States and the USSR - the Cold War
States and the superpowers - on the issue of armament control.
USSR to limit the
countries' stock of The two rounds of talks and agreements were
nuclear weapons. SALT I and SALT II.

the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT)

❏ Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT),
negotiations between the United States and the
Soviet Union that were aimed at curtailing the
manufacture of strategic missiles capable of
carrying nuclear weapons.
❏ put ceilings on land- and sea-based nuclear
missiles at existing levels
2347 for the USSR
1710 for the United States
were to be further reduced in subsequent

Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT talks) Strategic Arms Treaty I

How did the event show their
1969-1972 (SALT I) (1972) improved relations?
● negotiations between the US
● Although SALT II resulted in an agreement and the Soviet Union that • For the first time
in 1979, the United States chose not to ratify were aimed at curtailing the during the Cold
the treaty in response to the Soviet invasion manufacture of strategic War, the United
missiles capable of carrying States and Soviet
of Afghanistan, which took place later in nuclear weapons. Union had agreed to
limit the number of
● were intended to restrain the nuclear missiles in
arms race in strategic
● The period of Détente came to an end in their arsenals.
(long-range or
1979. intercontinental) ballistic • Both wanted to
missiles armed with nuclear avoid nuclear war

How did the event show their improved relations? Source 3.57 on p.145

❏ They sat together and discussed restriction An American cartoon

of nuclear weapons. published in 1970 showing
the SALT talks between the
❏Communication between them
US and the Soviet Union.
❏Less tension between them, they feared their
enemy Why were they willing to
less. Their enemy was less threatening to work together to restrict the
them, number of nuclear weapons?
Explain your answer with
agreed to limit their nuclear weapons.
reference to the Source and
❏A period of détente using your own knowledge.
Why were they willing to work together to Why were they willing to work together to
restrict the number of nuclear weapons? restrict the number of nuclear weapons?
According to the source Own knowledge
●Both the USA and the USSR spent huge sums
●Thearm race was costing ordinary Russian of money developing powerful missiles
and Americans too much money and causing targeting each other.
them too much suffering.
●Both countries realized that launching a
●Boththe Soviet Union and the United States nuclear missile attack would mean total
were anxious to reduce the costs of arms race
and wanted to bring it under control. destruction of their own country as well.

Why were they willing to work together to SALT 2, 1979

restrict the number of nuclear weapons? ● In late 1972, negotiations began for SALT II and
Own knowledge continued for seven years.

● An important point came when the Cuban Missile

Crisis, 1962 nearly drove the two sides to the brink
of war.

● The Soviet and the US presidents began

negotiations even before the period of Détente. United States President Jimmy Carter shakes hands with
First Secretary of the Communist Party Leonid Brezhnev

SALT 2 Delivery Systems

● The treaty basically established numerical
The part of the nuclear weapon that contain the actual
equality between the two nations in terms nuclear device is called warhead. In order for this to
of nuclear weapons delivery systems. function as weapons and to reach the objective to be
necessary any kind of weapon bearer. It is more
common that nuclear weapons are mounted on

Finally on June 18, 1979, in Vienna, Brezhnev and

President Jimmy Carter signed the SALT II treaty.

It also limited the number of MIRV missiles
(missiles with multiple, independent nuclear ● SALT 2 was sent to the Senate to be
ratified, but due to tensions between the
two countries, Carter pushed the treaty

● USA refused to sign due to Soviet

invasion of Afghanistan.
How did it show the changing relations ❏ numerical equality between the two
between the US and the USSR? nations in terms of nuclear weapons
delivery systems
❏ It also limited the number of MIRV missiles
❏ communication and negotiation (missiles with multiple, independent nuclear
between them warheads)

❏ reached agreement ❖ willing to work for peace

❖ not to be stronger than the other
❖ not to be a threat to each other

How did it show the changing relations Summary

between the US and the USSR?
But when the USSR invaded Why were willing to have negotiation on the
restrictions on nuclear weapons?
Afghanistan, the US refused to ratify
SALT 2 because
Fear of nuclear war – huge destruction
★ The US thought that the USSR was
Too much tax money used for nuclear weapons
★ It continued to increase its influence
– a financial burden to both countries
in the world.

Discussion Discussion
Nixon and Brezhnev
How did the event show their
exchanged officials visits
improved relations?
in the 1970s Joint space mission, 1975
Including one that laid the
groundwork for a joint space Three US astronauts and
flight in 1975. two Soviet cosmonauts
met up in space.

There was a symbolic

handshake in space
between the two sides.
Relations did seem to be
on the mend. biDil0
Soviet cosmonauts and American astronauts shake hands in orbit as ❏ On July 17, 1975, the U.S. and the Soviet Union
the two nations' spacecraft dock during the Apollo-Soyuz mission.
docked two spacecraft together in orbit as part of
the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project.
❏ Over the course of two days, NASA astronauts and
Soviet cosmonauts performed a series of scientific
experiments and technology demonstrations.
❏ But the mission’s main purpose was far more
earthly. It was a political demonstration of
❏ For some historians, the Apollo-Soyuz mission
marked the formal end of the space race and the
beginning of an extended era of international
cooperation in space.

How did the event show their improved Cynical response to the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project
● It showed the world that there could be close
co-operation between enemies.

● It was cooperation in an area where there had been

tremendous competition and it seemed to indicate
that there could be even more areas where relations
could improve, such as sport and technology.

● The whole world could see the mission on television

and for many this clearly signaled improvement.

The Helsinki Agreement,

One more evidence to support that their 1975
relations improved
The 35 states attended
The Helsinki Agreement, 1975 the conference at
Helsinki, Finland.

The US, the USSR and

over 30 states
recognized existing
boundaries and agreed
to observe human

The Helsinki How did we know their relations improved?

Trade, technological exchange between the
US and the Soviet Union
The US agreed to sell wheat and oil drilling equipment
to the Soviet Union.
How did we know their relations improved? recognized existing boundaries

improved the living standard of the


enabled the USSR to have further

industrial development

helping the USSR

not worried that the USSR would

surpass the US and threaten the US

recognized existing boundaries

●The borders of European countries were

‘inviolable’. This meant they could not be
altered by force.

●By signing this agreement all countries

accepted the existence of the Soviet bloc in
eastern Europe, including East Germany.

to observe human rights Discussion

How did the event show
Organizations were established to monitor The Helsinki Agreement, their improved relations?
governments and their actions against these The 35 states attended theIt pleased the Soviet Union
principles. conference at Helsinki. because the territorial gains
by the Soviet Union during
The US, the USSR and over the period 1940 to 1945 was
In practice the Soviet bloc governments 30 states recognized accepted
ignored or paid lip service to the human rights existing boundaries and
agreement. agreed to observe human
and the influence of the
Soviet Union in Eastern
Europe was recognized.

How did the event show
The Helsinki Agreement, their improved relations?
The 35 states attended the ●It also pleased the
conference at Helsinki.
USA because she
The US, the USSR and over
thought that the
30 states recognized Soviet Union
existing boundaries and respected human
agreed to observe human
rights which the
USA treasured a lot.

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