Lesson Plan

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Subject: English

Grade Level: Grade 4

Objective: Identify and analyze the elements of dialogue in a story, Practice

expressive reading using dialogue, Write original dialogue that reveals
character traits and advances the plot

Learning within and across curriculum:

- Within:

1) Language Arts - Understanding the power of dialogue in storytelling

2) Social Studies - Analyzing historical speeches and conversations

3) Science - Exploring dialogue in science fiction stories

- Across:

1) Mathematics - Using dialogue to solve word problems

2) Music - Studying lyrics in songs for dialogue inspiration

3) Art - Creating comic strips with dialogue bubbles

Review Motivation:

[Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing]

[Instructional Materials: Pictures, Dialogue Cards]

Engaging Activity 1: Mystery Dialogue Box

Engaging Activity 2: Character Interview Role-Play

Engaging Activity 3: Picture Prompt Dialogue Writing

Activity 1: Dialogue Detective

[Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning]

Materials - Dialogue passages, Character cards

Significance - Understanding the different ways dialogue can be used in a story

Instructions -

1) Analyze the dialogue passages provided

2) Identify the speakers and their character traits

3) Discuss how the dialogue advances the plot


- Correct identification of speakers - 5 pts

- Analysis of character traits - 5 pts

- Explanation of plot advancement - 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) Why is dialogue important in a story?

2) How does dialogue reveal character traits?

3) How can dialogue move the story forward?

Activity 2: Expressive Reading Showcase

[Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning]

Materials - Expressive Reading scripts, Props

Significance - Practicing intonation and expression in dialogue delivery

Instructions -

1) Practice reading the dialogue script with a partner

2) Use props and gestures to enhance your performance

3) Perform the dialogue in front of the class


- Voice intonation and expression - 5 pts

- Use of props and gestures - 5 pts

- Audience engagement - 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) How did using props enhance your performance?

2) Why is it important to vary your voice when reading dialogue?

3) What did you learn about the characters from their dialogue delivery?

Inclusive Activity 3: Creative Dialogue Writing

[Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning]

Materials - None

Significance - Encouraging creativity and storytelling skills

Instructions -

1) Write a dialogue between two characters that reveals their personalities

2) Ensure the dialogue advances the plot in some way

3) Share your dialogue with the class


- Character traits revealed through dialogue - 5 pts

- Dialogue advances the plot - 5 pts

- Creativity and originality - 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) How did you ensure the dialogue revealed character traits?

2) In what ways did your dialogue move the story forward?

3) What feedback did you receive from your classmates about your dialogue?


Activity 1 - Students were able to identify and analyze the elements of dialogue
effectively, showing a good understanding of character traits and plot advancement.

Activity 2 - Students showcased expressive reading skills, with many engaging

performances that effectively conveyed the mood and tone of the dialogue.

Activity 3 - Students demonstrated creativity in writing original dialogue that revealed

character traits and advanced the plot in different ways.


Dialogue in storytelling is a powerful tool that can reveal character traits and advance
the plot. By analyzing the structure and content of dialogue, students can deepen
their understanding of the characters and story progression.

Supporting Material 1: Short story with dialogue excerpts for analysis

Supporting Material 2: Dialogue writing prompts for character development

[Teaching Strategy: Differentiation]

Task 1 - Create a comic strip with dialogue bubbles showcasing a conversation

between two characters.

Task 2 - Write a short play script with dialogue that reveals character traits and
moves the plot forward.


[Teaching Strategy: Discussion]

[Instructional Materials: Rubric, Dialogue Writing Samples]

Question 1 - How can dialogue be used to reveal a character's personality?

Question 2 - Why is it important to consider plot advancement when writing


Question 3 - How does expressive reading enhance the understanding of dialogue?


Question 1 - How would the story change if the dialogue was written differently?

Answer 1 - The characters' motivations and relationships would be portrayed in a

different light, impacting the overall plot development.

Question 2 - Can you rewrite the dialogue to change the tone of the conversation?

Answer 2 - By altering the language and choice of words, the emotional impact of the
dialogue can be modified significantly.

Question 3 - How does the dialogue in a story contribute to the development of

themes? (Creating)

Answer 3 - Dialogue can serve as a vehicle for conveying key themes and
messages, influencing the reader's interpretation of the story.

1) Conduct an interview with a family member or friend and write a dialogue-based

narrative about the experience.

2) Watch a movie or TV show and analyze the dialogue between characters, noting
how it reveals their personalities and advances the plot.

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